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    “But when the proper time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born subject to [the regulations of] the Law.” - Galatians 4:4 (AMPC)

    “AndtheWord(Christ)becameflesh(human,incarnate)andtabernacled(fixedHistentofflesh,lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begottenSonreceivesfromHisFather,fullofgrace(favor,loving-kindness)andtruth.” - John 1:14 (AMPC)

    Timing―is it everything or is it―never a perfect time for anything.

    Time is not seen or felt, only experienced, lived.

    God’s Word says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “Toeverythingthereisaseason,andatimeforeverymatterorpurposeunderHeaven.”

    To Habakkuk in 2:3 (AMPC) He said, “Forthevisionisyetforanappointedtimeandithastenstotheend [fulfillment]...”

    Appointed time, perfect time, right time, fullness of time.

    In the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son…

    This is the greatest statement on time in man’s history.

    “Fullness” means “the exact time, the full preparation, a full measure or abundance with emphasis on completeness.”

    It means “the time predetermined by the will of God, the Father, from eternity past.

    Three reasons:

    1) Rome had brought peace and a world class road system.

    2) The Greeks provided a world class language.

    3) Jews proclaimed the One-God religion with Messianic hope.

    At the heart of the Christmas message is the powerful truth of God pursuing each of us.

    When we could not go to where He was, He came to us.

    God intervenes, He intrudes on His world.

    His life is bracketed by two impossibilities―a virgin’s womb and an empty tomb.

    He entered our world through a door marked “no entrance” and left through a door marked “no exit.”

    Unexpected and unwelcomed, He came as the “Divine Intruder.”

    He came as a “turnaround specialist”―He specializes in impossible cases.

    Then as now, He has come to “turn things around.”

    He identifies with us―“One born of a woman, born under the law.”

    TALK IT OVERTALK IT OVERWhen Heaven Came to Earth When Heaven Came to Earth

    December 19-20, 2020December 19-20, 2020

  • theChurch Maumee3000 Strayer Road, MaumeeSaturday 6:00pSunday 9:00a, 11:00a

    theChurch Fremont1105 County Rd. 41, FremontSunday 10:00a

    If our nation ever needed a “turn around,” it is now.

    Notice how He enters.

    …As a humble servant.

    Jesus is the only person born who chose the family to be born into.He chose an unknown carpenter’s family from a place called Nazareth.

    John 1:46 (AMPC) – “…Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

    His parents were so poor they could not afford a lamb to offer as a sacrifice to God.

    He chose His birthplace―a cattle feed-box in a little, insignificant town called Bethlehem.

    Notice His family lineage found in Matthew 1:3-6, where four women are named.

    The first one, Tamar, had a son after she committed adultery with her father-in-law, Judah.

    The second one, Rahab, was a well-known prostitute in Jericho. She protected the Israelite spies.

    The third one, Ruth, was a descendant of Moab, who was born as a result of Lot committing incest with His own daughter.

    The fourth one was Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba, with whom David committed adultery.

    Why did Jesus choose such a shameful family lineage to come through?

    So that He could identify with Adam’s fallen race―namely, you and me.

    He became one with the least and lowest in the social strata. He came below all that He might be the servant of all.

    Then He chose a fairly unimpressive profession―that of a carpenter.He chose no title―not Pastor…Jesus, not Apostle…Jesus, not Prophet…Jesus. He called Himself, Son of Man.

    Until Bethlehem, time was empty, full of disappointments, deceptions and hardship.

    Its purpose was never fulfilled; it passed and passed and passed in endless monotonous duration.

    Suddenly God invaded time with Jesus and filled it with His love, affirmation, and acceptance.

    Time was infused with hope, joy, Heaven. Heaven came to Earth, Jesus redeemed time.

    Until He came, time would not be redeemed. “To redeem” means to locate, to fill with opportunity, to ransom, to rescue from loss; “to buy back.”

    He came to purchase us, to buy us back from sin’s slavery, to redeem our purpose, to restore us, to cause us to hope, to rejoice, to be made new.

    Jesus came from Heaven to Earth, so that you and I could go from Earth to Heaven.

    Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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