
Tamils in Jaffna demand justice for loved ones disappeared by Sri Lankan state21 February 2015

"Why does justice fail us..." reads poster.

Tamils protested in Jaffna on Saturday calling on the international community to find those disappeared by the Sri Lankan state and ensure those in custody are released.

"God of Justice open your eyes" reads poster. Photograph Mayurapriyan

"World! Don't you have eyes...?" reads poster

"Military, leave!" reads poster.
Photograph Mayurapriyan

Starting at 9.45am am local time by Jaffna central bus stand, relatives of the missing, together with politicians from the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and the Tamil National People's Front (TNPF) marched via Hospital Street and Saththira Junction before heading towards the site of the massacre at the World Tamil Research Conference in 1974.

Photograph Mayurapriyan

Holding photographs of their missing children and loved ones, Tamils carried banners reading: "We want international investigation into mass graves", "Are Tamils lifeless things to disappear?", "Zeid ask OISL to investigate Tamil genocide!", "World! Do you not have eyes?".

In a statement of visceral resentment, one poster satirised two Southern detention facilities notorious for the endemic use of sexual violence and torture against Tamil detainees: "Are Boosa and Welikada Tamils' sacred sites?"

Photographs Mayurapriyan

The TNA MP Suresh Premachandran, the TNPF politician, S Kajendran, the TNA Northern Provincial Councillor Ananthy Sasitharan were among those who joined the demonstrators.

The protest is the latest in a wave of demonstrations across the North-East against the enforced disappearances and ongoing detention of Tamils.

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Tamil mothers demand new Sri Lanka govt returns missing children(02 Feb 2015)

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