
tapping the apocalypse healing with intention!julie henderson, 2014


When I presented the medicinal oil to people and explained what we are studying and aiming to do collectively in our class is to address how we would respond in the event of a crisis or if we were to find ourselves in an apocalyptic landscape. It is a given that maintaining a positive, optimistic outlook is likely to aid us in our long-term survival regardless of what level of adversity we face. This project attempts to combine an important skill, which is knowing how to heal oneself naturally with what Nature provides, with the power of our consciousness to determine our success, strength, and overall capacity for withstanding the hurricanes of change. !

THE SHTF… NOW WHAT?!!Be aware of what resources you have at your disposal. !In the event of a power outage that lasts for several days, of scarcity of resources, !looting, etc. what can you stock up on in the way of dried goods, canned foods, !sanitary supplies, pure water or some water purification and filtration !system, buckets (interchangeable as storage bins and toilets) and !so on in order to be prepared to ride it out. !!What kind of landscape are you living in? !Would you be prepared to toil the land you’re standing on !once you reach safe ground? !Would you know how to cultivate it, look after crops, !and shield your yield not only to look after yourself and !your loved ones but possibly others who are desperately !in need of shelter and sustenance? !!Knowing how to create remedies, healing oils and tinctures, poultices, !quick-fix solutions for cardiovascular, respiratory, sinus, inflammatory, !and any other diseases or body pangs could determine whether or not !you survive. Combine this reality with your ability to maintain a !positive outlook despite whatever odds you come up against, and !you’ve got a decent measure of your capacity for braving it. !

MEDICINAL OILS!!!!!!!!!Just about any potent herb can be combined with oil to create a nature healing remedy. Infusions do not have to be heated for oil to absorb the healing and regenerative properties of the herbs. Educating oneself on the basic herbs that can save your life in a time of crisis will help you understand better which ones to forage for or to avoid, which ones to gather and store, and which to disregard or simply leave to Mother Nature without disturbing them.


• Garlic has been used medicinally for at least 5,000 years of recorded history.!• In an Egyptian tomb from 3200 BC, miniature ceramic figurines in the shape of garlic bulbs were included in a

trove inside a tomb.!• In papyrus scrolls from 1500 BC, garlic is said to remedy at least 22 different ailments that include heart

disease, “stamina,” and tumors. !• During World War I and II, garlic stepped up and provided people with a buffer against the plague when

penicillin ran out. It was especially successful at warding off infection.!• Back in the day in 17th century England, garlic was considered a “party foul” in instances of courtship. Men and women who were jonesing for each other were not permitted to take garlic in any form. !

• The early to mid-20 century because of the unpleasant smell it left behind.  It wasn’t until the 1920’s that Americans began to embrace this flavorful and healthy bulb. !

• Crushed garlic has been shown to kill 23 types of bacteria including listeria, E.coli, Cryptococcus meningitis, Candida albican, salmonella and staphylococcus.  !

• Heated garlic has been shown to lower serum cholesterol by preventing clotting in the arteries.!• Vitamins in garlic, such as A, B, and C, stimulate the body to fight carcinogens and get rid of toxins, and may

even aid in preventing certain types of cancer, such as stomach cancer. !• Garlic's sulfur compounds can regulate blood sugar metabolism, stimulate and detoxify the liver, and stimulate

the blood circulation and the nervous system. !!• SOURCE:


"Since the human body is over seventy percent water and since sound travels five times more efficiently through water than through air, sound frequency stimulation directly into the body is a highly efficient means for total body stimulation, especially at the cellular level. Direct stimulation of living cellular tissue using sound frequency vibration has shown marked cellular metabolism and therefore a possible mobilization of a cellular healing response" ~ Jeffrey Thompson, Director of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research at The California Institute for Human Science. Thompson calls his technique "Sonic Induction Therapy" and "biotuning" and he has had excellent results in the treatment of dyslexia, attention deficit disorders, and certain learning disabilities.!

Sound and music can help you develop your own intuitions which, in turn, can help you with your own healing. The human capacity for intuition and its effects on the body, on relationships, and on one's environment is not grounded on the occult or esoterica, but rather in hard scientific investigation by some of the great minds of physics and philosophy. Every human molecule has a particular corresponding musical frequency; and masses of particles behave and maneuver among themselves as if they were musical notes on the chromatic scale." ~ Joel Sternheimer, from his article, "The Music of the Elementary Particles"!

MAKIN’ MOLECULES PRETTY WITH HEALIN’ DITTIESIn Professor Masuro Emoto’s work, The Hidden Messages in Water, he reveals studies that prove the power of directed thoughts and feelings to inform and imprint our physical reality. By infusing water samples with written or spoken messages and music, Emoto was able to observe how water takes on the expression associated with the energy or vibration of the respective message, code, or sound it absorbed. Negative words, images, or harsh music produced asymmetries in the water crystals, while positive, beautiful music and messages actually produced geometrically symmetric and aesthetically pleasing crystalline structures to reflect harmony and balance. !!The radical argument that this supports suggests that we are intentionally creating our environment, our consciousness, and our world constantly. The more mindfully we approach the process of creating, preserving, and transforming ourselves and our environment, the more we reclaim our power to heal the planet and save our humanity from destruction no matter what the odds.


Every illness produces specific and  characteristic frequencies. These frequencies can be accurately measured and by applying the converse sound frequencies, they restored to their normal range. In this way, your health is brought back into balance. :: ::!!

According to the law of physics, everything vibrates: the chair you’re sitting in, the food you eat, the rocks and trees. Each part of our bodies has its own natural resonance, and vibrational medicine is based on the idea that disease is a result of those natural resonances getting out of tune – whether due to stress, illness or environmental factors... Sound therapy works more gently – but just as powerfully – to return the body’s own vibrations to their natural states. :: Karen Olson :: !

SOUND HEALING ATUNEMENTS1 The 23rd Psalm (Dedicated to my Mother) Bobby McFerrin

2 396 Hz: Liberating Guilt & Fear 3 Gayatri Mantra Deva Premal

4 Ave Maria Marian Anderson & Franz Rupp 5 Shamanic Chants, Whistles, and Chirps Stuart Wilde 6 417 Hz: Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change

7 Pure 42Hz Sine Wave Gamma 8 Beato es Virgo Maria Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, U.K.

9 Prayers by Queen Kunti Karnamrita 10 528 Hz Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)


Hz Frequencies and their respective capabilities when applied:!!

396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear!417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change!528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)!

639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships!741 Hz – Expression/Solutions


Hindu Prayer: Gayatri Mantra!!O M B h u r - B h u v a h - S v a h . T a t s a v i t u r v a r e n y a m b h a r g o d e v a s v a d h i m a h i . D h i y o y o n a h p r a c h o d a y a t !!We meditate on the glory of the Creator; Who has created the Universe; Who is worthy of Worship;Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;Who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorance;May He enlighten our Intellect


• 30-60 minutes!

• 1 Qt. Extra Virgin Olive Oil!

• Sprigs of Rosemary, Sage, Lavender, or Thyme!

• 1 lbs peeled garlic cloves!

• Mason jar for storing !

• Incense and candles!

• Good tunes or frequencies to attune the infused oil!

• A soul, an open mind, and positive healing intentions


WE ARE NATURE AND SHE IS US!nature is what wins in the end. :: abby adams ::


!you may drive out !

nature with a pitchfork,!yet she will ever hurry back over your foolish contempt.!

epistles, 1:10:24 - horace - 65-8 b.c.e. !


Mother Nature provides us with everything that we need to create, preserve, and transform. We are her: natural, organic, and wild. Just as she casts off what no longer serves her when she needs to renew herself, we can heal ourselves, heal the environment, and survive no matter what odds we face. The quality of our consciousness, and our capacity for survival and adaptability, is predicated upon our alignment with nature, not with technology. When we enter into the Earth’s natural rhythms, enhance our lives and our thoughts with her frequencies, and intentionally direct our energy towards higher vibrations, we restore ourselves to a symmetry that will always survive.!!

Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. We did not weave the web of life, we are merely strands in it.

Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves.” ― Chief Seattle


Not only is another world possible, she is here. !On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing. !

:: Arundhati Roy ::

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