Page 1: tarday, JAPAN SURRENDER - 80th Division · Miss Co. A Club News JAPAN SURRENDER Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in


\'olunw 1, Numbt'r 5 l<' oundt'd and Prirted In Oberstaufen ~~~==~----------------~------~

tarday, A.,..t


Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in­itiotlll' In 'I>Ort•.

\\t•'lc built our,t•ht•s u rero rd 11bich ,fond' hl')ond comport•.

\t Rl'gimt•nt in,Jlt'C'Itorh "~' 11 n lk off "ith the hnron. und in I and E "'' leud them n il in <·our..<' "~'art' tnkin '.

'I hl'n, too, our littlt• paper t'asls !Juilt• a fine rt'Ot•l'hon. and the faults nr our lint• .,orthall IPum ore tuo 'mall for detec tion.

But to mol..e the J>itture perfect. tbe thing \H' IH'Nl " thi~ -

Wt•\ t' gut In bulonC'l' up uur hits. " c'n• j:Ot to hon~ a ".\li" ."

On Wc•clnr,cJoy <'lt'ntng, \ugu't fir,!, tht• lint•,! nnd m<"t ottrtiC'IIH' \ CO Club in the E'l 0 OJlt'll<'tl it~ dour.., to un informal t·>t•nin!' for the• tuff Offil'NS, Cbopluin,, ond ComptUl) (mntnondt'r of the nr .. t u nd 1 hird Bullulions of the Oth Di1 i•inu·, cr.11 1.. :JP'Ith lnfurun . t nnff•t'inl t·nmnwnl Ult rlwurtl l)y un,rnu ... t'llr, W<'rnNI In prophP'} 11 ro'>v futun•.

1 ht• fnlJ011 111 g ('\ <'lllllg \10., OJll'll· in~ ni~ht, nnd nwmht•r ... o f till' :Jrd Buttulion 11 ith rlwir ~I rtf><'' glt·um­"'S' bright)) t·urnt• 111 fonc· to u•lll'r 111 o nt' " Pro 111 llw militun life· nf the c·ombut •uldil'r. lnfortnn­urrlv. pructi('ull~ nil the• mt·mhc·" nf tlu• Fif't Bottalton IH' r<· out 111 tbe bill- und had to dt•lo\ thl'ir fe,tililil' ' until ~UIHI~) . -

rir ... t t'llllll' f' "t' rt' plcu•untly

Prt"sidl'nl Truman ril'ia) OllnOUIIl'I'Oil'Dt night, August t•th, I''<' had oc·cepted und thu~ tout !It'd r·t•lt•brating in Armi~ltl't.' doy il}l!t~;l::i~if!IIJ~::.-..--"' imm"'liatl'lv aFter , mt•uf of thi• C'ensotion oF hu UhUCll he \\l'nt 011 to suy that thf' llatiOII i' 11011 fu< <·d h} an r.merg<'IICY a l!rl'at us thut on D<'l'ember -;, I<Ut. l he rl'('()ll\ ''"1011 of indu try ".n jolt million~ nut nf "nrk, so that b} Christmas 'i.UOII.OOO Ulll'lllployrd may 11(')) Ill• till' figur<·. \\ ithin '"" hour' of the jupum•M• ~urrt•mler, tbrt·<· irnpnrlilnt stq>s \H're put in-to eff t•t·l.

1. Conscriptinn of nwn 26 ond rn er "us li'U ed.

2. Pion~ lll're 't't mtn op<•ratmll "ht'rt'lll :; to :;•/• milium men 11ill h~ rt•turn<'d tn civilian life during tlw tH'>ot }l'.Ur to l!l mnnths.

3. All <·onlrols n11•r munpn'IOI'T llt'rt' n•lintrui,h<•d hy tbe War MunpuiH·r Cun11n1s~inn.

1 hl' M'll~tlinnu l 111'11~ uf the po~t IIH'I.. Jw, umun•d the 11hnlf' 11nrlcl: lwrl', nft<'r almost fnur lnng hitlt'r

\\ lll'n nur C ompn n} nP11 •pnprr I 'urpri,t•d to . find un UIIIH>•phcrl' " o' fir.,t 'truggliu!(" to ltfe a nd ent~rcl ) fo~c·tgn to th<· t' \pt•t·ted. l.tradunll> de\(• lopin~ into the pa per Glt•o mtng l111cn. , purkltng glu-'t''· thut "e 111 the tomJ>nny wont. und Anwri c·un u llno•phc•rc• I en t 'en•rul ft•llo'" <·nnw fo11 ord "itl1 a n unbeltt•l uhlt• n•<~ltly to the nt ­tht• t•ngoging idl'd thut o l'onte' t be c·u"ton. J>rinJ,.., \ll' r<• lltrit•d and run to pitk out n " \li" Compa n' plentifu l. It dtdn ' t toke lou ~ fnr tlw 'A' ". \1 th<• tinw nul much coulil d11tiug room to fill , unci , .,pn·-- ion' bc• dnu(• about it. hut 11011 lht• 'it- of prui't' 11t•n· lu he bt·urd t•H•ry­uorion i' more ;,tuhilin.•d und the ldH·re. It 'II" hurd IU he Ill· ' e thu t plt•o,unt 'uhjt•t·t cun he <·nn,idered. • UC' h n uight duh C'uuld h<• fo und \\ork ha' bt•t•n put 111to the orga n- •o fnr from the guud old ~lll ll'' · iz111g o f. o t·'t on~ now all is Things lwgou to look up in tht• -· J'l'~ liiW'- I fi r I · - • , . ·-~ • . ~· • h

H'llrs nf ""' 11ith Jopan, in u pl'T-·~ .. J~:::s=~~~~~a·~~~=:i~~~ iod of a fe, ... d<ns c·f'rtoirvc'•·nh - ...t]';totlt' I . :ll'"w ,.-?~ llf!t...JI. AA~-c::-,

General Sm the (then lone)) or the Dh h. ion i ~t0\\11 -during I ~pinion~ and unal) '"~ Be t\\ t't'll no\\ an<l ne"t :-murda),\ b .. , l!IH' lorightl'r, 111111' nf our tbc 2.1th o f .\ U!(U•I, l'lldl IIIUII \1ho 'lriJll' Or<' \1<'111)1111! tlwtr 1111~· tu­

h u, u pil'!Ur<' of hi' \1lf<'. '"t•1·t- "urd ... th!• Hul tond Bluo• Hu<>m hc·u r t. nr gt rl fr11•nd. ,Jwuld hut it '' h< •r<• J.:<lll~ )>Tl'\ mk

the , 11 rrc·ntkr rle;> at Ko•.,PI. A German Gt•neral and hi., aide the nt•ar future. on· o n lht• u·ec,, in~t end or General ·m) the·., orderc,. lor) on Page 2 Fir-.t, the atomic hom h . ,


111 u n l'lll('lupl' uud hrtll!! 11 111 E1l I hi' t luh 11.o• orj!.tni11·d \\lth a Pt''-l'n in thr· " \J~rror Huum." rt•prt•,t·nllll\1' from , ... ,.h ( ollljhlll) :\otlung , Jw uld Ia• p u t on tht• I'll· un hund In ,t.trt rill' ),,d ) ro ll ing l f' lnpt' h ut nu t hl" hut I.. nf tht• J)ll'- nntl fnrmul,lft' pl,ons. I he P rt•,i­turt• • bu uld b .. 11 r irwn th<• sn)di<•f' dt·t11 ) ""' pluu·d in tla· <·upuhle nom(', r a nk uutl 'l'rt•d. numl~r-r hunds of Cpl. Lrni•· \ lq!'rs. If,.·, Only ptl' IU rt' ' o f \ nw ru:un gtrl., '"'II kn1111 11 uruutul ll t•tulq uurl••rs mu) lu• (' ll ll'rPd) ltrst <111 d is u prnmot<·r 11 hu rl'u lly

Local 4

1 out of ", uperman" or :·Buck Hug-

N I d E N er~" 11bkh jut ohout 111p('(l off tlw ews a n ews fuce o f the carib lht• <·itit•s uf Hiro~himo und ;\u~usuki and is '" terrifying tbut it produc·<'d ,u)wr­

\II t'll l rll'' mu-t ht• i11 h v :?41K) IHh pl.·nty of !:"· li t· s dning u houf' ou t l11· dull• h.-fun· nwntiont'd. bun!(-IIIJ Joh •" ~'"" ht• ullt',tl'd b) ,\ug u ' t 2:;th. u11d th 1• jndg<·•. niH tlw ~rt·rtl sUll'l'" nf th<• \! lltllrt•. mun f ro m ••ndt p),nnun and ht "1-rl ..., ".:r. lluiJ \lurn•ll of".\!" CnniJiilll), D inl..t•l, II dl d··· "'" nn tiJL• thrl't Ullcl I ~~1. Huh ll.llthnl'r ur •• \hlp", Itt'' I pit tllr<''· In tlu · fnllu 11 111~ "'u•· lwld du11 11 th<· '11 e· pr<••idc•lll'i< '· n f " ) hi' \ltrrnr . :-•·plt•mlu·r l •t. thr 11 luh· ( pl. ]111 I.. :-tutnl'l..l' l.c·•·p, '' p it tur•·~ thut plu«· f~r,t. •e•t 1111d und I• Ill< hful t')e' con i111 ,,,.h. nnd third 11 til Ill' prinh·tl 11 irh tlw Ill IIIII!<'' "'lnrw, on tht• ~irl .... t ho"'t'll.'i t~rt' ,,,•II uutl1•r\\ t\ to fOtll

C'nmponv "A" bud Bn. guurd Fri­du ) u igh't a nd Sn furdu y. The \lt'Utht·r '"" t'u ld, "'' ' und ultogel h ­rr mi,cra hiP. T he• rc•sul t, 110 guard mnun t, no t'"<'i lmt•nt. no t·asu tllltc•s. ''"<·t·pt n ft•ll sn iff<• ), fr um the the g unrd s t h,,t bud 1\ ,tiJ..i n g (lt>>oh.

!'he H cgiu ~t· nt <J I i11•p<'< tiun wu' hl'ld ns ~du•duh·d ~.tlurdu Y morn­illg, "ith tlol' llt·gim<'llt I C. 0. do­ill~,; tl11 · in,Jw<·ti nl!'. C"mpn n y "A" p< r•<II>JI<•I "c•ri· f"il lh dn·--<·d up

llwrt• llrt' Jlrllh for llw nu•n wh mi111ug till' "IIIII III!! 'hots. l'ir ... r

IH II<' 11 Ill rt•u•i1 ,. " Jlll"• tn th•• \ h ic>ru: 't'fClfHf pritt'. II )HI~' In

Po ri : Ullfl th m l prtll', u Pil" tn thP 'lOth J> i1 l'inu rt'•t .tr<'U,

rh i' is u goldl'ft npponuuit) fur u ll nt t·u. I o r h,•,ul,., tlu• fillt' pu" p ritt''• II l!i \1'' I 'll( h fi'IIUII th<• liJl· pnr t u n i t ~ 1u uuuplinu·ul, in n \t'r} t.I II J:i hJt• 1111), tl1 u1 <·t•rlUIII girl thut lll ('Oil'-. 'u llllH h to hun

Su J!~t )UUr pif'IHrt ·'\ in U' "-UUil n' po-sihlt·. Do n't mi•s your lu~ diUnc·t• Ill u•·•·nrn p ll'h 1110 thing:s u l nn t·<' in t lu.· t',t,ir•o..;t ,uuJ mo~.ot plea"" " 11 " > i><>"ihl<•.

Company A To Kempten

On Sundn ) , \u!('u ' l 12. o ur com­pany• wn~ oiNt('(), togt•tht•r 11 ilb " ll" (ompuny oud sc•nt to 1-- l'mpte n to tukt· n>t•r the guard pools 11 hile t he 2nd Bn. llt•nt to tok e ib turn ot the field problem. Out' hundred and 'l'H' n men Wl'nt '' ith Lt. \\ il­liums to curry out the detail ,,hit·h i• mode up muinly o f roud blocl..s. T hey o re to bt• rl'turmng toduy. thl' l t>th .

h111h th<• Hc·d <IIIII hill<' Jl,dl dic)IJS f11r tu)Pill, 1111 JuellnJ: II ~m J)l h,l!u) 11r ''Jurn •e• 1un;· 11lmh 11 'II ulel murh t•> the good old \rn,rll·,u• LltHH,. .. pht rP.

A~ thi ... J.:•u·~ to pr ...... pl.uh nn· h1'111g IlHHit• fol 'PIIIf' ~~,.du, •'lllf t• tuiunu·nt \du·u 11lt mh•·r.., (lr lmth 1\au.dion' ''t il ht• tr"t'••H,d 111 t llt•·r· wirnllPIIt h Y tht· fttulou I >I\ 1 ton 1\und. Oth<;r I'III<'IIUinml'lll, 11~ ut cu ...... ton pt•Jnut .... '"ill lu· dru''" to tht· lutgc•,t •pnl in lht• D11 i''""·


1111 the• Ju liet• " ''~'~' 11 1\ 111'111 ond <J,•,tn. [ o put 11 in to " ft·\1 \\t>rtb. ",\" Cumpnn) 11 IS on tht• bull , "ith tlw rc•su lt th lll 11 '"" tltc hl', l in the Jluttt~ lion . '] ~!' !"l'.'~t· 11c ll' t' d dnrlltl! tht• \\Ur. .\ ( 11111 pan) t'Uil dn it" h nJd, l rtu· 1'\1'11 1111,1 t hut II C

'-'n• nt cu put ion 1roops. ('nl. Lul'l..eit u~l.. t·rl '\nil<· a fe w

qut·,dnns •I'\ to tlw lUIIf llions hc.· r<.~. ond '''l' nll'd rc•ulh illl<•rt•,ll'd in \\hut \\ l' had to •a)'. 'I )Jp I'UII't'n SUS \1,,,, ":\'nl e no ug h rhn11,"

La't \ll'l'k ( omplln) ",\" lost '" n mun· uf ih olfi< ••r, " lw n l .t. l..:llnpp, unci II. s .ol..t•r \\ ('H' (runs­fnrt·d w th e lith Ht•pl u·•·•ne11 t D<·­pot. .\lthou~h tb1·1 t·umt• to " A" Compu n) u ftt·r tlw hu,i lir ie s hue! t•nrlt·d m t•r ht•re, ihl'y •nun udaP.tNI tlu•m,t•h t•s und br·r·ouw " t•ll hl..t•d t h rou;::lw ut th ~; Co mptHI ).

\\ e prt·•e·nt to ) ou ''( luh :>4", ft ·.Jiurin~ m u ... t ( .. t.\lll(•rtuinrncnt. f11•o• bt·Pr, )JCftlllr for ,,Jit•, und th<• ,,.ldt•d onrat'llllll nf ha1 tug nn n f­rH"t·r~ or JIOtl~f'OIIl" prt'\('llt. I ftp ('lath j, ).,, ,,lt·d in the• lull• E . .\1. L t. Bo l..t·r hnd d JUrgt• of tlw 3rd ll ull 11 huh '"" lu·Pn n·dt•roru te d tn P la toon , hut "e """ him n•rr l ittle. giH· o u r dub "ulmo,pht·rl'." us lhc :lrcl ""' hu11ng a rough

time mo untng th~ rootl blo!'l..s. It's \ our d u h unci i t is up to )llll Pfc.'s. 11 11d 1'1 t's. In ma k<• i t o Lt. Knupp hod bt•t•n \1 tlh us only ' uttt'•'· Bn lh I· irs ! und Th ird Bot- u • hurl ltmt' whtn ht• \IUS put on tu h nu ' urr rep r<''t'n l<•d J...t's rua l..c dl' tueht•d s<•rvt<·e dj,churgi ug the Cnmpu n y "A' ito s lu r nwmhc r. pe rsonnrl o r t lw s ... th C<·rmon

llw ~: rand 0 <•ni n, of "Cluh 54 .. Army. Wlwn lw returned. he \\OS ·~ ~l'l for J-ri1f.1 y, ~ugusl 171h, ol put 111 <' hungc of the 4th Platoon . 7-:10 p . m .. ) u,tin~ until midmght. l \Yc art' bOrry tu 'et• thl'm ll'III'C, cnll'rtutnml'nt 11tll indndt• I h c and \\e hope thll 11lwn•n •r lhey " llo mpt•r l• lnnr Show" 011d it's five go, they "ill fiml tll('ir llt'W ussign -piN·<• bond . nwnts to their li i11g.

For furlht•r infnrrnnfion, set' Pfc. Au ri'\Oir u nd ~ood lu l'l.. from the Huy Rubbllt in runm 121. Any sug- offi<'<'rs nnd c•ntirc c·nlistcd pNson-gP<ot tons \1 ill be upprt•ciotcd. nel of (.ompony "A."

By gt. Jack A. eurl..s

An increasing numht•r of ml'n of Able Company ore <'nJo~ing the benefits of thl' Army Edurution Program. Sgt. llurry C. Coopt'r left last WPdut•sduy for Englund, unci 1111 eight "t•l'k course in Depurt­m<•nt Store \lonng<'llll'nl Pf<·. Hob­t'rt 1\.ir<·hgcssnN ond p, I. 1 fl'rberl W. Da1·is IC'ft o n Soturdll) morning for Frcising. Cermmty. Tht•y ore ~oing to an .\ griC'u ltura l C'nllcge to '>Indy c·our'''' in ,\ griculturt•, that lust for l'igb t llet•ks. Pfc. Robert .\lno r<• left on August 7th to nttend o 11111 ll(•t•ks t·ouf'e in Photogrophy a t tht• '10th Dh i'ion • ij!'nul Com­pa n) . Pfc. Wm. Spct•r i; now ot­l<"nding a signu l repair course at the sunH' st·houl. Se1 e u o ther men nf the Company, Sgt. A lbt·rt Mt•h. ­ner. Pf<o. Edd y Pnhnnll'cr, Pfc. ) nmes Co", Pfc. George Lynn, Pfr. lloski ll ' kat\'g~. Pfr. lk nnic Lo11 t•ku u nd Pfc. E rnest Mu) t•r left lost Tucoday for the ))i, ;,ion Signal C ompany, and ore tul..i11g a four 11 eeks c·ot~r•e in Radio Rt' J>air.

nt•ss o nd on,i<•ly ut bnnw. 111 tht• same time thot it rob<·d till' hnpt"• o f greatly shortening tlw lenjrth of the '""· Nl',l, onl) on<' do:> ufh·r this tremendous Ill' II'· c·umt• \Htrd thnt the o1·iel lnlon hud t•nlt•n·d into the 11ar o~tninst "tht•''~' nmurai" imnwdintl'l) 'mushtng

into Mo~ehuriu \lith ;o t·rul'l.. dili­sinns of thl' Far Eu,tern Rt•d Army. Ln~tly, and dirN·tly <!u<• to tlw <'0111-hint'd e ffel'l of thl' hr~l 1\Hl homh­shell•, the tbrillin~ ne11 ~ n,f orl111~l Pt'ace negotiation•. of Jupdn' n•,ttlt­tws to sur render.

The Jopanes(' nttuo ll) slnrtl'd their agn•..-inn in Chino 1~ ) t·ur' ago in 1'131. Afte~ on II!H' r·n ~·u!n­poign against the tll -t"r'; 'PI"'c ( h.m e'!~, }apun Sll('(·t•('(fc.,t Ill Olllll'"'llg MondJUrio. Tht•:> •loppt•d fnr a short time, m<•an11hil e huilding up their \lOr modtine for tlw Ill''! thrust. Pll'nt y of "~'rap iron "us pouring info their mt'lting pol from American steel Firm., dunng tl11• phose despite the ~olwr IIHrllings of many so-colll•d ''radi<'u)," thut someday the stt'l' l \\atdd he 'hut bac l.. at us in thl' form of hulll'ls.

In 1937 the mn<'hinl' ugu111 rullt'd .\blc Compa ny bus the best re ­

presenta tion in the Battalion for men ollendi ug various sthook Thl' reason for this con lw uttributed lo the fin e 110rk of nur Compon) T and E Officer~. Lts. 1-.une. Palombi ond llonniba l. and u lso o f Sgt. Thornton, the 1 and E '\'o n-Com. The;e _1;entlemon . ho1 t• pu;lwd the I nnd E progrum 111 A bit• ( nmpany. a nd to , ho" for 11. \\t' huH' mnrc opplieot io ns turned in thon any other Compony. Lel'b l.. t'cp up the fine work.

into Chinn. and thi' "ur " ' " t·on­tinurd up to thl' prf''t'nt du,. PliTt of rbe history must indud•• hc•r joining the "Ronw-Bt•rlin: I nk\1> Axis" "hich wo~ to 'l't fusrt'l rul•• up over the fou r t·orner-. of th<· earth. ond fino II) on Ot'ct•mlwr •. 1941 , ~>bile her p<•o<c l'n,oy' 1\nr-


usu nud ;\umuro 'H'rt• b<n• i11g lo" to ' ee'y of Stoll' lloll in Wushmg-fon. 11 hen 'he set )nose h.t'r '"lr muchine on Pearl Ilurbor. \ <·s. thuf wa the beginning or tht• (•Jld. for the Lnited !\;ations proH•d tu be the strongest militury nnd ind ust­rial combination the• \\Orld hns :>t•t Lt. Willinms ce),•brnlt•d his hirth­

da) , on Augu>f 6. Wt• undt•rstu lld he bod a big c·nk e bul..t•d. (llnpe il s<•en. \IUS good und ht•lpcd 'upplt•ml'nl The jopone~e (>N>pl<' hiiH' ll('(ln that ' porlun diet "e ull undt•rgo) duped. But lot us n~>l t~ink that thry St•riously. mnn y huppy rt•lttrn•. con not ll'~rn to )1\e .'" tht• 11orld Li<•utenoni. and mo} your surt·N•d- us good nc1ghbors. It ts nut 11 'l!lt"S· ing btrlhchlys all find our country I lion of roc·t>. juponl'~r-AmerK'an und the \\Orld nt pcnc·e. troops ho 1·l' bct'n heroic Itt a ll times.

Page 2: tarday, JAPAN SURRENDER - 80th Division · Miss Co. A Club News JAPAN SURRENDER Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in

'fh<' ~tTHROR - ..\hi<' Ht•fl<'ctions • ' alurday, Au~ust 1 , l!)¥)

Atomic Bomb and the Future ( 8~ P!r. Eddie Pe'>ell I 0 m p a n y A VS Kassel

Tht• impnl't of llw homh that wrought thP dt'stntl'tion nf of llll' .Japatl!'sl' l'ity liii'O)<hima has madl' ih><'lf fl'lt all owr lht> glolw's surfaC'I' with an l'ffpct that is soht•nnl{ and lt•rTifv 11Jc d·•,, 1111r "• ' I) I 1 1 1 · u. 1. tt•r ~uud.1\ ., \prd tng. <'up l' t•vt•t·yw tl'rt' gra~p t tc fig tting impli<·ations of thi~ t. '""''· ''"' 1111 rJ1 ~ !"'!. ,.11111111. rur unhl'li<'vnhlt> dt•strudivl' )JOWl'!', that more tlrnn tlll'rPI V ;111 tht· <II>Uf!hho)' ,\ 1 "'""'"'1. t•fft•rtivl' wt•apon l'or lltl' s h011t•ni n g of tltl' wur· agnin~t .J:ipan hut hduro· tlw '''""' lt¥hl '""' I'SI' fal'isb, 1t t·ontnin)< within itsl'lf Uri' putl'ntiality of d"· ;;;;~~·~~~t"'t'i,',. ",',~~~'! '/;·~~:; .. ~::~' 1 ~~;~,•;.': moli~hing 1.;\'1.;1n TlliNCl, all tl11• physrt•nl IIWIII't' of thi' '" "luth th•· "" .. r '"'' "'"'''"") l':tdh. hud purli<'ipn1t'tl Ht"P lht·•r l.wdiiiJ:

011 l1uh B1·adt \Hj!ll!iil of JtJ~ l <iloomv philo~opht•rs ha\'t' long )II'Ptli!'!t•d !hnl 1111111 would 1111 • ~pprnu 1 h 'i ""'' th1· 11rwul

1'\l'Jltually l'l'l'lltt• Ow 111\'llllS of' his U\\11 dt·strudton, a!lll lhl' h.clllc uf l..:n•-··1 ' " ''"'' tllol( "'" :-;udtlt•n ~·nwrgpm··· of' tid~ 111'\\' I'PYUiu!iuuan· fun'<' lt-lltls IJl'\Cr '"' lur~ul IJ h) '"" c (trl•d ht•a''Y wpi_ghl to !lu• truth of suc·h lorhmltrtl' .. · (lur n ulttra l hut lcra•• '"''" ''"' """'"1"1 111 t I . \ • ( 4Hilpilll) J he ( 4•IIIIU111) ·,.. •·nr l'll<'Y '" to stand in ;1\\'t' of' thi,.. unnatural tlt'\Pioplltl'lll . '"'"~'h ,. 8, ra~ ,..,101, """""' hut

to slrnkt• IIlii' lwnd" r .. arfulh'. to 1'1111 awa\ frlllll II,. \\hnlt• '""' modt• 1111 I lnel!ll' 10 "'"'I mtll stiuus idt•a. Oc· IH'rhaps,' fatalj,.,til·all~· 'tn hrut•t• 11111 t-h ,. tl111 limn'""" n lou~l.t r. for~~ tlay \\ hidt WI', in OUt' ,0 1\'P<tkly human lu•m·t uf!' );,.(nrc tlu• 11.1 Ill u! l.o ocl fin 1l lu"·•• '!'rlfl\\ n wuuld sonwtinll' rai,..t• ilsl'll' 111 out Jlr<''t'lll't 11f h urruukr<'<l 1' \pnl ~ ••tlh tl < 1.·hao,.,, h 1• ·krll'sS. But lht• thin." has In Ill' f;u·c•d , ;tntl (II'I'IWI>s cnhll' J;UtrJ•un ' duclwg llu• ( 11111

I I I :". rn •• udmg (.J,'Itt_•ri uul hr .. , nllrt.: tl WOII 1 1(' •.,,,.t to t•xaminl' it t•an•l'ully, uhjt•t•ltvl'l) as bc·fit• •tofl, lhc ull~tc•r a111l •urn vf \lth

"-l:==:-;UlHI lh!:I'S <)~ !ht• spt•t•it•:; that tlll'UIM'h't'S t'l'l'llll'l] it. ( ollliJ>lHI) h.uJ ' \\II <OllfBj,"< 1111tl 'ulor thlll •·n ttl lt tl11 tn tu "'" d0\\11

Startling as it i~, tho• ~UC('t'ss of lh!• Ill'\\' (J()JIIh hn:- hct•n i11 .. ,.,. of 1hr· I• turt· !'''~'" ,,f the no l<trrprist• to nH.'n of ~rtl'nC<', <'Yl'tl lo !lwughtful l,tvmc ·n. Ju ,tory of rhc· :l th In ·"'''>· l~\'l'l' sint·•• <•xpPrmirwnt:; with atomil' Jll>WPI' W<'J'l' fir .- ! l.l'gun lhrnn~th C.-~ ure<·s of Jn!oru~<•· 111 the• lnltl'r part of !Itt• 19th ('t•ntury it was known that 1111• """ " hud lwt l<·urm·d d"'t nr

\ f1 '\'i of fht Grrmnn pri .. on er.. tn"-l'n in the hi,loric hattie uf f\n .... t•l. 'omt"' ,,r flu• (~. J; , .. tnntl tuntf·mplntin~ lh<- t'ro"d<-d IUtrucl~ ·. Ch ilinn" in tht• Sfal(~., \\ uu ld toiH• iu the bomb danto,c-e lou. but lhnJ', ju•( old ,(ulf lu the ln!nnlr) 111 011.

. . f I l . I I II I tlai~ JhHII l flu- (,~t nHtll!to. hu(l plullfll•d dtsintPgntliOII 0 ntom~ I'I'SU {('( Ill un k' 1('\"11 1 (' l'.\}1 °"11liiS. tlu·>r '"'! tlitd! •lantl fu pr<oted • I h·· Jllltl .. r dll hdllll· thut """' Jt Wa~ ,.jmpJy a lllllllt•r· OJ' g<•lting Pnough a (OII I' lngl'tiH•r In lh1•Jt ll'ar lint'> 1f ('UIIIIllltn118llnll, plulnnu '•"'' a hOiid ~ptH:t' lnrgc t•nongh; hert•tofOI'l' Uw ('\.J>f'rittH·nt:-, h;ul ,,JJich \\I'IC JJt•iu l'U1 to rthbuu., ln rt J:I!iH·rt·d Ill Jn\ rnitul ''II"' "lwu lwt•n ~·onfitwd to pntf'lit·ally iu,·i,ihlt· qnanttti<·:;, nr· ratiH'I' tl1<• •JWitrh•·~cl, 1 the 4th \nn .. rc;l "t' ""'' lll11 '"'1t "fl "" th l' ldt

I · f l>n '''"" ~n ht· 1t ''a' rhnt til' suiC" 11( 11w roud lt·lldlh,t nllo llw (silll'(' tlturn~ of coun•t• an' invi::--i J}t') qunnfltu•:-. 0 no :-. JHH'(.I Ct·rmtln .. !.t UJH. h d lht·lr UIO"'( ,, .. (II\ of J\ao; .. (•l Ill llu· "i't' hour ... of or dimt'lbiOil~ whal<'\'t•r. 'l'lte ahilitv lu hurrt•·~" a o!<KJ lh. "'"' ton•w·rt ~~~ • '"'" tlu· .\I,,. .I tlw m"'"'"~ .. r \\"'' Jnd. lh· "''"' body as lilt• H'l'llC of moh•t·nlar and ;tlnmH' tl isin!Pgration j, \rmi<·> hod tr1 d<·fl "" <•"''""" lo•tl I" l.t. llu111u MI. ""''" ull hdl Uu• l'Xplana.tion of why eitil's likt' ~al{iti'Hki; t•cut no\\ ht• "'otl. ltrt•lt·~ lm•'' ami tlu· C'u .. uinl! ht~ult

f I J \rJ II I I n I . u .Jiaon c·arrft•(l tlh· pro\t d 10 lu, .. UJH• or rlw \\Hr .. I • wipl'd nl'f tl11• fal'<' 0 t ll' l':ll't 1 . tal WI tapp .. n \~·It'll '"'"::· .. (r'} .. ,.~ "~' thut 1 011 11 _ tk· '"' had 111 (,1·rmon). lk11tu• ;I ho1111J lht' ~i:.W llf a h}O(.'k bllS(I'I" is ll~o'tJ (' llfi ht• illtag'lllc'(J. t•·r«ll«< k unci , 1. dill!' the• (,~'IIIBII' 1111k, \\l'rt' IOIIllll fr UJl the tllold Xatinns tltt' ;;izt• of franr·e, c·ontilll•nts, will dil' nf on t• hlo\\'. n·t·li 11~ 111 dt•l• 1 o11 '"""' four "''" l11funtn '" " 'l.""'''h '""

I I I I . II I I I ' t I I I I . I I r I lUll\ IIIJr' (11\Htfd .. U"i un tht> lull :If)() .t\ nd "'"' I ( I'Yl' opmcnt Ill" Ill a pro )It " I ~ a l'l'111 y )('I'll ll>(nril l a)S, 0 \\ OS '"'~ .. I II' \ ''"'' Ill !runt uf u,. I be· fir,, unci n.•at"lu•rl :111'1 snrpa!--0!-i<'d. dt·t·HhOJr fuuor~ 11 tht.· hr,·.tluq.; up ,.t·t·Hrul ... (phul .. wo"- C'tl\4'r in rtw

llw ltn.JI Gc rmo rt''L'ltunn• fo\.ltok 10 tlw lt·ft uf lilt' r11ud und • Thl' di'YPiopnwnt of llt'\\' rnt·ans of t!c•slnH'!ion .is. t•lt"l'l) Arml 1 to 4 't'' lnnj; ""' "' till' tlu· tlurd •qu.lll at·ru·• tht• ~ulh 111

ti I to tltl' "tory of tiH' dc'YI'IO{IIIH'Ilt of man IIIIIISI'JI , 11. Ita~ a mc·m••ror, or ull tht• 1111'11 ""II '"" "''"" •tad •. Wt• "''"' "'"'' all in !0~ }tisl()l'\ .• \ s is the Cil~l' flOW, tOO, lht'll' JlU\\l'l' lor Ill !runt ltnl' otdo I at 1\:.o,,t•l , the• till' huJc., \>h<•n the Wlk' <·.omt•

llll"('r\' IIIII I dt•alh has <ll\\'11)'>< ()('I'll pul'tJ)' ('OillJH'Il- lor~,rc·sl tn llk 11\ nnfu< tutonff I'll ) uruUntl Ill !Juc·k uf U• und Opt'lll'<l -::::::=~~~!W,-:"'~<:.·~·:IJI.I.!U~t . 1., f,., •l :., )! c ,J...,.. ,.l,i,.l! JO.!Uj...J lt•Cr )II (,t·JIIHI!ll. ll ""' thtn thHI ~ •\Jl.J.l> .111ci f:.<R~~,.J i.A<•<o~uJ.,

,.. ~..ti" · "• Y llH ~,l f ' ~ ·-,Tfl! freflil'l'"'t1l r ucf tnr·n ol the ll'\' ,,jtt1 m~nhillt' ~uu fin•. l\'( in tht• way rnnn progrl'ss, to ht•al and It• l'reatP a Ill' I lt•t· r;,., llulloliou "th hutooko . '"''"· 11111•111.11 up "" the eu1•my In! """ matl'rial lil't•. 'l'hus, lht• gn•nt jump l'rom thr l~t•avy cluh ""'''• ri llt·>. curb~•·'· Jll>tnb. IJiuth- klll<-rl rlw """' of tlwm ""''"' ""'> to tlw stone ax :md lnt1•r· to lhl' l'l'\'Oiulionar\' how 1111tl tii'I'U\\' lflr ~tuns anti mortnr' • topped tht· lct\t·d fll(' tonk, k<'P' rom1nff up

· .· I I · It' · po..tnl(~r 'J>t.'arhea'1t·d louuu·r.l ltud~ uu·d cJo\\Jl fhr roud for 1hl' f!rt•uh·r wrought tn(•r·fi'n~lllg'ly hPavy dt\a! l~ .an< CH!"UU It':-. Ill wur- J he Ul•(•flnlpanyin,.:- lnfurHr) ,,('rt' Jl<lr t nr tht mo rning. I \\U .. u hunlu-fan• hctW<'I'll tnk~·s nnd otlwr pnrntltV(' groups, hut also I'll - tnmplt•telv tlestrO\l'd und ""' Tl~t·r ku mnn Jll tb~ 1101~ "'"' fin•d ''"''Y ahl,•d nwn to fight off rnurh slrongt•t· animab \\ hid1 llll't•att•n- '""k' "ithdrt" iuul ldt ''"' <'< t) hu111oku round I llluld !(l'l Ill)

~I thrir l'Xl~lt•nn• to I.Junt fur mon• SU('('('Ssfnlh ancl Ill< u fur n 'Ill fer hu \ II. I he (,t•rmon hunt!, (Ill, hut " Jll't lCJllh·u '" ' ' 'fl · 1 1 1' 1 At lnl<~nlrv that re.,aJDrd 10 tht• til) hurq dorm un ''"'" ""> a hlflr rl'!iUit, to t:>at and lr\'(' h<'.tll'r. lis . nt'W )()In) ( ,.,., roy~. ll<o<'ll c·ontioued to "''"' fot•rc..l y I mad<·"'" "'"hut tht•) pru>rd Ill

''hut '""'f \\1' tuuld "'f'(•. \lu<hint• F"" bulll·t ... "'J-.WIIt·rrcl l!lld nppl'd lltlo u .. und \OU could hc-ur own .. <·rt·ttnung urut f!rn.tni ng in u.-rr1bl~

lwtn. I .. ,mli'hm\ mndt• 11 intQ u ttl~ .. r.u·k dru1nuj:t' dllt h in rht· mid­

dle• or the· fi..!d "'""!< "ith 'I hornhm. Dot . "''t lua·ll. ontl Htllt'r t:U).. ~\ud t·H•f\ Ull(t Jn U "f11Jt· 0 .,.Ju•JI \\UUid

'-( n· nH·r our IU"ud .. ami hullt·t' 1rar riJtlu tbruu,:h rhr hu~ '- tnc·k. \\ t• mttd• · .. fc,r a IJrt•nkrhroulth 111 our l•n•· .. a .. ~1011 n .. darlrw .... (:.~lfut• lwt .au...,t• il loolr·cl hnd •• oil duranf: rht• dtt ~ I "'wid rtJI"'<' my lu·.ul t·u·n mu e in o "half' n nd all I t·oulc·l "t•t• \H·re aho't .. C1a nt I igt·r~ rnurtn~ up ond Uuwn thP rnud lh rf thr) o" ned tht· pluu ... J,ut·r "r found our rhat rhcrf" ''t•n• m<"n of our companY in b.on"l.:' 'l.. liul• up thr road /inplf n t tlll'm, but frtJrn \\ ht•rr \\f.' 'H~rt~ w£' t oult.ln' t 'rt' uu\· hvu.,t.·~ and il i ~oo , t·r> mild to .. Q) thot we feh j.,ofutt'd."

On \pril 3rd u bmod HlO'f'lllt'lll of rhr t'IWm} pu!-thoo~ in rh<' (II ) ll't•lf took plot·(• uud tho! left tbt• fort "" but >Urround~d. .\ strunK ddt'JI"'I'l' """' orgnmz<"d for .tot~curil~ pUrJ>cl~'"' for rhc ntl!hl.

Prl'-'flnt'r"" hod fu\(·u takf'n nml Pfr. llw ~arlll · tinw \\'l' !war H'tc•ntt~ls tt-~hng of 11 wonclt•rful wodcl uuul the>. "Nc ""'"\'letcl) tlt-mur- "" u•nil 11n tho,•· Ti~t·r tnnJ..,, II'<· of tlu• f uht n• wlwn• "grl'at fat'IOI'Il''> an• hl•nlt•d II\• II plant ultzed h) w1t·n-e uru lt•q, nlll' and u•c·d tl11· hole•, " " "NC "' "' " IIH· siZl' <Jf fl tl'll'JlhOlll' booth," 1111 ('I'll of smokl•l(•,;s- <·itil's, o.f mnchine gun fire h) our """P'· jumpiiiJ< orr pin<" for thr 10\'ll 10

II tl Jh ~· h h l(t'l 1n10 th(.• hou .. P .. mro .... 1hP

Pt'"'"t'O ~·H·~ rlw follcu' 10g tlt· .. c: rip­twn o f "hat tonk pith t' in lhC' (·nwrgt·m·) C J>.:

e lotht•» win•d to product• l'Ornfortnhlt• !t•mpl'raltll'<'"• :t lis . ,. '"' rou<a•l '"t 1 1' ••nt•m) road "hi<h ''"' 8 <nler phu·r· "'·'"'' through llll' u~l' ancl cxh•nsion of l111• ,.111111' th<'Ot'it•s that "} '"" I~Jlc ·'i''""'\ und•~''r~~'": urull•·"· ""' rlroppcn~ '" a hulr OJh'l~ah' tht• Htt;tni<• bomb. 'rhen fhl'. inVC'Jltion Of thP run. of i~r~~·r~J-.f~~r~ onn::l: \II~::~ to"o '!IIIIJ.!t' htO tlt~inn rJo-.t• ror t·om furr . ~1 '

"'ju ... t a fct•r nudna,dat - It \\iJ"-' a lu,: dark. dnmp tt·llt~r and I 1. h:nnt· "d" 'PrU\\It•d c1n tbc• fltl(lt .... trulll· tn,r LH 1he dt·lutlt.•d mop u f lht• rll) lit.• l1t1tl t•oll••(f nu• tu r,lll ttl rhr cA ptnrt•d 1\ riinh und tr\ to fihd our thf' lot·illlflll unci .. ,rt·n.:rh of tlu•tr ddt·nt t•~ nf rlu• t'll) rlu•n· 'H'rt' fnP vf lltl'lll. Hll t·Hgt·r to toiL hut .. mrwho'' '' Jwu u c JJnt• to Uc-~ IRi l ~it tht.•)' f.!rt'\\ o Jilllt• dHII ancf 'n!(U(', \ llcth· prt' ... ..,Urf• lo,,...._.,.rtt rh~·m up ond ,,t• .. ruru•tl jUJIIIDff X'o; un Hw ulltp for thP ,:ft·nu· .. pHh thrv mt•nuont·tl. Out' 111 JMr­ru·ulur rrw, t·mpllo ... rll•d. u J.:hHII Uunkt•r JU'-1 Ulll"'ldt.• uf rht· park "''""u l on \dolph llult-r "'lrd'-"t•. nw nrullc•r) oh'"t~nc•r frum rht"

:ll<th ~ . 0 tulcl II' tlu "'''' da~ rhut tht· infurnhtiHUI \\U .. thr mu .. r ,u·u~rutt.• hr hud ht~d ull tlurw~ the \\dr .• \II thP h1,r ~uno,; uf tbt• D1d-

lirl'lll' lll" IIJ,'It'kl'tl a (l'l'IIH'IIdOUS ll'tlJl Ill tlu• dulli"lll" Ol lllt'a.ns \\ilhlll 0 ft'\\ tmh•' 11! J..:u-.c·l 11'1·11. 1111'11 \\l'fl' ll'ff (II hnl<l th~ huk•• "' " 1 Jtlcl t:uH·r the, mt·n u., tht·~ ran for of dt•~-otr·uction. It gave• to llll' ll tn•nwndous powc•r hy t' 1111111- . Thi' ''h"'" ;, •"". d<'"·rilll'd II > fill''""'"'· l.t ""'"'· '"~ < o . .,1" atilll{ IIH• lll'I'I'SI-olty of al.'lual clnse ph>·s i•:\nl ('ontnt·l \\ilh the• '>t:t. Julcu Curuu m l11• """ """'" """ '" 111 "'"Co'!'"''' u11d <hn•t·kd \ ' tdunizl'd ohjt•cts. "Till' grrat l'qualt Zl'l' g-tl\'(' to lhP wt•:>k, " 1\t· '"'r<' mo i11tc "" th•· . roncl "' '" ''" hou•<'' IIH• :-. lrt:nath to ('Olll(lll'l' OJ' at tlw lt•;tsl hnltlt• on 1'\' t'll lt•tms tm•ant' ""''''' "' truck- nl "r'""k') .,~, Gnmu 'llllk<• uf tlll' orlllll'r)

. ... • . t t' . ' I I . I I t! "'"'" "'' #(01 our first'"'"'" " Ul r II •. with tht- ~trung. 'l'lai:-; latter 111h•rpn• :1 10n IS\\ 1' ~· Y li~£\C n ,q~ 'H'rr- f!clt ing 11t~'a. 1\ <'nupll· oft0" .•. " ";' · •• hour.,''" \\(•rt• pinnt•d it tl'IL~ only n "mall purl of thr story. ,.~·, "!"'""" up un '" frJom ur '"[ 1 for

1 'j' '>robuhh """'" •till '"' 'I"~H· t11('UIIS of hnttlf' havP ('Oiltinunll) Jll'Ogn·s~l·d thrOUJ.{h ~j·~d~('~/(.:,~~~~; ~"'~"l~i'l~~~~ ~:'~,l:~~h ~,~;~,:



1t 1 l1UI If ·u Lard not 1~:-.''~ ~("tt'ntlfil' ('1~)pavor, hut tht' battlerl', t1u• Jlll'll \\Ito do , ~h(' ,\

10!4 0j1p0.,1tt' ~n:,. hal"'tnd .. -. uttf•1' thf fli.Pil;r.~) fi~~·.r 0 nu~);:.l£' 1

,;;1; fi~th!ill" un1J d\'ill" huv!' l'~~{'ntially rNuaint>d till' ~~11111'. f Itt• tht• 'it<' n! the ruud. alt•r tholf\ll ht•) 1


1, ~,.~ 1•1Jnllin" 10 on "'

p " • ~t . • I . t f . . .. of ('011 Cl . • rl ' n .. klt1111" ,.,. H'UIU'' . e . ht!!lor·y uf rnmlc•rn SOI'Il'ty Is tl II,.. ory o \Hils. \\Uts ' - " < ruoon "' mole on h .,. '"'"'L""''" lull thq <hd ht•lp '" Ill our

U'•st ur dt·fPU'-'' ' H'"Uinst a•rrp:-o~ion, of plunch•t·. Alwny:-. \\ :II'. r(nrnhliiCJ~l,, ""," ,,.){l,l ,,'"•~',.,,,,11 buf' ... , .. ltlon., '-0 that \\( .. n•uld ,firt· nhur q1 • ' · l" ,.... - 1 I · J · t 11 · . P\\ fl' \\1 tou mtlr 1 \Jr "·• • ,.... 1 b •I rrpu ... c 1 t.' Prl•ttv phr:t!-Ol':-o tu tlw contnu·y, tiH' nlP3f111lJ( w un( J H IN .tt t.Ju .. k "'• "l·rt· r~n·d on h>.!.''t'tlJUin"- u•t' I eC~~:. the" dut wu

pow"r tlw dl'~in• to OWII and control 111111'<' of land, !H•oph• ,m.lll urms and fer<· o·ompcll<·d, wJ n>uu,••·r,",',',',",.,. >Durin" ib<' """"' ' - · I' ~ tOJ'"ht k • ·1t ~ nt.·ttr n muc.t '' 'r- r- h. and ruw nwt<•rmb hy ~-omall clomtnant grnn J!s. ,orm I,... "' ,. ""' r '" n "' • '".· ~~~~~~· uf ""' mn•t unl<~rtuuu"' ' '"P

to t'<llltJUI'r th<· t•ntirP prt•-Chri~ttnn wnrld 111 ordt•r to hnYt' 1 ht• motu (,,. mun """'~ ";, "·' 111·11 c•cl. llcunml'l•l r ('d .\J.t>.t: tll'l<, th, lit! It• 1111•11 cticl till' fi)!hltng, ll~l'd till' >-(lt'lii'S aut! '"I'Jlnrl<·d b) tl 'l"""mul<' Ji· .1., ,. '"'iC'tii,iturrJ 1>) tu• ••·rm~n:

.. ,on rnduthn~ tht.• hi,: !44f, \H'rr tt•rOt•tf 10 Ull lhut J)UIOI :•

1 t • • • t I I I ll JlOWP I' IIJ!t'r tonk-. uml llrnmrt·tl \(' I( I • rill I (urtunntt•h tht•lr cnpto~ "' rt tht• howR und nnow~. \\hil l' I II' nug tty u~sUilll'l II' . '" uf "hl<h 'lr!¥'lclcrl'<lh nt uur ~.Jh·cl nnd n (, . ., hour- lolll'r thn Jo'Pudnl tinlt'~< t<UW l'lutllf.(<'>' in till' W<'II}JOih hnt !111• <·luu·ut·lc•r C'umpun). 1 h<· e~·tn) hac! ,k.JI!ull) '"'"' hlwruh·d " of till' ronHi<•t wu" tlu• ~nllll'. Lonb and hnrons fmt)!ht . fur clt•plu}l'd tht•tr urpwr in -ud1 •, , ""~ 1,1,. hi p, .. ,,.11• •• ,.,".""" w thr

parct•la of lund throuuh it all lhl' sl'l'fl' lHiling, linng ll llllltal thor '""t •.J!'.'In>)1<•cl "ur .\n,ll · ,:•,:•h m·•·•·;"" "" "' fullll"' · • t:"" dlld I on 1-X .. ..,fro)t•r ... uppor ':' II . 1 1 ·• T. ,1~r IJnl

CO!'iTJ~l En O!'lri P\0£ c lt•ft rhc Infantr)f "tth pnu: llfd ) "' \\ lwn I ""ft'' t_u- 11~ .. lf.:r • u:

'11M< MIRROR - Abk> R4'f lt>etlonll Prt• ... e& OIMntAf•• a. ..... ,. IIJ •••bf'N •' (•o•P••t- -' · 11111111 •• ,....,. .. _. .... '""••II tile ...... a .. to• or <•••P••r o•·

_..,.,hi U.- H. WIUI_.. ...... c:a=:::-::::: ;~-.... BTAJI'II' ,._ . -lieU. e..:-::~·L ....... ·-·· . ...,.,....

:~-... JI"~IL.::;.]IL;;;:: t=..CW::: .t=. =~~-·

tht, ir hart' haud" w 4jtop tJH' atu~fl I r,•nwndtt•r ~~rnmK tc, F.d. I':~~~;J~ ""hit·h thrf'ntt-rwd tht• dt.·~lrlu:llon tUHI "''1) wg. 1 but m_u!i,l h~ I t I ur till' (-'llhrp l!to.l Uuriultun " lhut'!l Ut·~llfr tt')WCd 111. I "'rtnt'n l'hl'Y :,(OpJH:•d it I <- lun· lntc•r os It rumbl('d by I ('(.lUI t r: inulwn nf tht• . "hlt·h four olht~r .. rulllllfl' olong rtl( I f >t· h ·lt tll('lr tunkr. ~ro horth J1111d 1t und n tjukk. douhiP 1Uk(' .lit ufwr ""hit.h lt•d \101( rh«> uHnmiOtt~t~ I.)Rtnttnff on tht.d 110, \\ ltft 8 ~tttrf('(l fht• ( hlll~ . rUU~Hil l( I Upd r~(' hrHkt•n. "A do" n IHY •plllf". I hn"'l lu((.~<' 1

h I t h ' r• tl llt·•ntt• t~wl... I hf' ompun) ~rt I" ¥ ~~ "f~•mt·d IH a.tup uud ,J_t•" ly. fu~Jn-.. ,..:;:'':,f th~ · tlu·m \\ 1th ,, .. t') ' '"'- 1 hc111 . '' 1 ~f~ ')[·- C. 0 lt•ut-d I ht, r.tnl .. 'lfflppt-t am u~. our. . J· .,;..·~ tln thr 1urrt"f'" ,·almiJ··

'r llood Joh of j'' I turned '"" •rd• "'· II•· I ( omeany for i uk ,. loo~, In u mulll'f of "'('('(mdtit. lack. •ro ~ h 1 thf'l dirt ao•l duv~ fur

Pk Harry •• "" 1

On tin• uwrninf{ uf .\J)rH -4111 lhf' tlltuc 1.. \\ uo,; n• .. um~l. h J)rugrc· .... ~·tl frwo hou .. c~ to bnU!ot' till thP moun clt·ft•nu• ''a' rc•u<. ht•tl ~uul h~ tht·n th1.• t·llt'lll\ pU"''IIUII"' "l'fC~ (~11Uplt·ti'• h !,Urruuntf<'t.l uruJ nfrt·r u It'" hour ... ur ... IU~f:lllg II our. llw cum· Dllllltlunt c•f rllt' ,rarri"-'(111, \\ ub '" "' uult• rnmt· uur undt•r n crut t' anti u"'kt·d fur ~urrf•nciC'r tt·rtn"-.

.. \ .. PI<.'. Pt''"('ll "u"' lht• ultt"'rpre· tPr t·LJ ih·d lr~ Gt"n. ~rn ) tlu•, he· 1(1\t'" u K•H•d ut·cou nt n f tb<> proc.i>t"diiiJ!l u .. follu""'

··snmc- h1g brft'"' "sntt-d. a c,.,., . man ;pt·ulau,r mon 111 • lu,r hurry .._, 1 "'u .. t•uiiN up 10 thit Dlt'C'IIAI p htf't• . . • \ Cal, )Hlrt"CJ ar1 Gfooc-ral und h1,.: uitlt'. u l)o'plral lloll) •ood 1,. Itt• ~ ~faJur •flt'f''"- f'tllcf <>yes. ,.rraight a-. o statute - '"'""' ••aad·

t'ONTISI Jm Ol\1 P.lUS I

Page 3: tarday, JAPAN SURRENDER - 80th Division · Miss Co. A Club News JAPAN SURRENDER Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in

atunlay, Au~u~t IN, 194-'i T ht MIRROR -· Able Refleet lOIUI

Meet Lieutenant Hanniba11p I a t 0 0 n N e w

Our ''"'' IIIII (' nrric t•r. I I Dnnald Hie hurd ll•llllllh.ol. l11,ol, from <.lou < '''lt·r. \(,,"·• "hu lo i, !IH It odu 1:

fo,lllll.!' poll nu d11· \duu111 '""'' lit•, Ill loi' tl\1 It fit ld, I' llllllf: Ill' Ill

hh hunu•tn\\ u'" rt'fHIIdllnll. fur ht• hu-. JH0\~'11 h1m't-lf to "''"t '''r~ tt~p uhlc· lc ottln u11 rho· fic·ld uud ill l(ur-

On \ul!u•l Ill, IQ~..!. 11 lulc• ,foil .olll·ndon!( Ho,lon I 111\t ' r"t~. lu• c·n-"''"d '"'" the· I' H. ( . lie· <ild "''' rt•port to .u Ill<' do111 rhnu;:lo. 11111ol I l'iuu.on I'<, 1'1~ '!: for ir 111" 11111 unlol llot'll do.ol l 111 It• ..., 111 dc·t·uwd II lll't i'"''·H~ IO "'l•lll l,tklllg' llH'll

from dH· Lllh .. u·d II•·"'"'' ("'I''· l!,• look hi' lt.c,i<· lrltlllillg f111111

I ..lorunn to "''Jlft·mhc•r of th.ol \t',lr, do\\ rt Ul ( ,uup \\ IH ,•r {rd .

I• rom lh< rt' Ill'"'" '<'Ill 10 d11· t:hh .\ orlwrm• D11 '''"" '" """ h lw ",,, ,a .. ,i•'nt·d fur •• liuJe ht•trt•r dJ&-tO u \I 1 llur11o~ lh 11 !line• h t: n·c ,.;,,.,) .1 '"'ll t .or111 tl •c·t of I .loti r \\111,, lu "''Jll< mloc·r. 1 11~+ lu •lpj>IH'd fuc ( J. ( '> cotf olf )olllll If\ _!",, Ill~ j !11 lt'f t'l\ t d hh lliiiiiUI''II II Ill du

......_r>P' I ·oMP \ Y Jlf .\I>QUA RTE RS I I I I h · han• I{ODI' to Oivi ion for radio

",\ " for >t•in~t t re w ro I' ,. <·l'rmg •t·hool. Pf~. McFaddao and Cutshall

l llllt•d "!Hft''

lie· ,,., '·Ill fur ""'"""' duh on I .. hrll.rn lh, 1'1~~ . \l.ordo ,)I h. prut'­lilt'h lwfun· hP h,td linw fu rlot!ol.. u( ''hut ''ll' J!'UIIlC' on . ht' juuu--d "\' ( IIIII/HIII\ oiiHI \\ ,,_ lt•.tdlll!( d11• '\'l'UIId p diUtJII Jllfn ht~rtlt•,.

lit• lo.o- in (u, fl""''''inn I ht• :ioht•r '-.t.or fur do,torol(tll,fwd 'l'r­' "" i11 tl11 f,ut• of tlw t'llt'fll' al Lrfurr. lie lo·d foo, pl<!ltlltll uno-~'' fi,.lf! Ill d11• fIt<' u( I'Jil'lll\ firt • fo rt'dt II tht• \\fiOd ... Oil tht' Ullf'""" h

,f '"'' n rlo.or nH~rnin~: .nul hold I ht~t ''.t'u't hi .. wo .. l uufur~t.'llt~hl(• IIIOIIH'III 111 llllnh,ol !lot~oq;h. B.~tl.. tol 1\ ,_.,.( "hc·n d11· IIJ:t'l, load lin • ( etltlJhtU\ pHIIIl'rJ do\\Jl , \'t d' lfl

Jai-. np1u1o11 thP luugt''1 tlu t'l' hour ... .. r I"' l1fc·.

lu n ;ttrd .. 1n }u .... pu""l-\\ttr pluu-., lw h.l'n 1 '""do in~: ch•lu1111' st•t l" \f'l. lit · thoul..-. ~rnl•.ol•h dout 'lllct'

>;('(lion nt thl' c·ompllll)' gam<·~? n ' ~ E.H' Wonder H: , .. hun· cnterrd the ho11pital and Pfc'L

I 5 \fu1 ruphilipo,, " (,n•c .... to us, 'I urrwr, Garrt•t and Forgione are Lt \\ollwm' " " ~ wurrit'd ohout htl'• bN•n hu,ing nny lurk with tht• 00 I>Norht•d Service. If this keep

dut' offin'r' ,dwn oil the olh<'r bont' ' hl' rC uo ·outhuft>llt up Sgt. Il<•lrdf(n will bt> e&lling out offil't'r' 111 th<; c·olllPnny Wt•re alert- Pre. Hnbhitl's promio,t·~ for the fht' fl'hn~t plutoon. "d ""' ''"f'k . "Pft-. ( lub" "ill ull turn out to be All tbc bo)·~ wl'rt' really sorry to

1 t Jlunnibu l '""' hopp)' oboul truet '~'e Lt. joe Knapp lt•nvc, we bad lol'in~ ult'ncd. huppu>r wht·n he 11 11s p, t. Pirouuli's wui,tlinl' is I'"X- juo,t begun to kn<~w and ,like each ",nuttloc•cJ." und ' 11Il huppit•r In he I>OIHiin g h et'llti'•C of tl~t • tll<'rOhlllld- othc•r, but 1t ,t'l'm' wl' ve never l'hu,t'll "' on umj)Jf!' for the 2nd Ollll' Fl of d10" " c'n• gl'l tin~t no11 ? bl't' ll ublc to ket'J> o Lieutenant Bn Field Problt•u · Pfc. llnrr "ill e1t•r bl'at T 3 ,,hl'n 1c ry long. Surely we uren't that

hi '>gt. Dinkc•l' critiral censor- it tonu•o, to fi,hing? hut!. •h1p 11ill pll'- 11 <'t'rlu ln t·urtonn 1 ~ M<· ullnuj!h kllll"' ho" nnd If u c·C'rlain Tc<h .• !fl. doesn't ,, hodo '" bt•tll!l' ~ubmoliC'd lh1., "h) Ius ue11 nrcknunw i~ "!the(' IC'u\e a u·rtain Pft·. nlnne «•~t•ry ''eel..' Pft'. Pt•.,s<.'n\ roving patrols in the lll l(ht "hen '>l!id Pfc. "i~bc~ to

~gi. fhornlon ''t il "in the ping- ones~ hull 11 1ll co11 rinu t· to he sui'- o,lccp thcr<.' is going to be a brg pun!{ 10urnumt' nl lo~ Company "A," C<'"ful? hra11 I. und then go un 111 lught•r '> UC'<·t•-. c~1 Quite a fC'" of the ft•llnws fo in

Pic-. !lmfl!llll' is c nj nying illl' fnl'f F IR T PLATOON for sport<.. 'I ht• rc llrl' Pf<··~. )if'k-dwt lu··, rno"rng ull formutions. 1 h<.' 1 If'>( ,_ gC'ff ing huck to nor- 01e r, Burden. and BonnC'r ulo~-~::::;;...,. lc·gn ll) ? noal s rrPngth UA'toin . T '>1(1. Mdlum : th • gt. ~f11drc ll and Lt'sli w


)'f1 " I ,., ·• O'Qu inn 1dll palt'nl Jll~t rc•turrwd from Purr, "hen• he pluy bo,.\• hall. und "<> 11;. 1.,y

I hh llll'lhnd of lc •u tni11g (;,•rmun o,pt•n t tllrt'l' \\Oildcrful dny,. A'U}s you '<'<' uru.::•rl fo.J: • ...,_:~"""'-~1 110 huol..-. Jll'f u ludd('r nnd some E"•rvonl' " 8 " comc lllong on the ore Sgt. 0-.en, Pfc ~. ,( hnUPJl'· PO'"'holol)' or 0 CJUilk !'lid of the \qJr \loon•.

Pfc·. ~lond ) has ouislwd n cer!uin 1 he C''\<'ilmcnl hu' dol'd do11 n soml'- It -.C'cm-. the pluloon pleu fur jUUIIrt• ulhum of U \~l':'l<•r trip "hut now, hut \\C o,t!ll l'UII' t !(l't pucl..ugco, frolll home i., lwginnrng thron!(h the Alp., on Ski ? I Bdl Morlrll (() ('QlllC doll n. o~f the to puy orr. bC'OU('OUp bo'\('S holt'

J>fc funl! •llu "11! ulwu) be sut·- chundlt'c rs,-lhc} suy JO} .., mf<l'\- bet•n t'Omin g. ,.,."fod oblninonl( I ght bulh'>. 11 nstC'- l<'lll rng. Pfc. Rob rh i~ lt'r)' cli-.oppoinlt•tl fhlfH'r hn,l..c·r-. de for uo, ? Pk Bud C'rorrord hns Iuken over 01 er tht' t'onc·e llutioll nf hi, po~s to

l'ft John-on \li ll ho\ C' I( 011)' thr dull!'' or tlw lihrurllln. \\hilt:> Thionlllle, but \\bO \\Olllclll' t bt•. ,.,,,ft•r 1w,, llout ull the suppl) the orginu l is cnJO)'i ll g h11n .,e lf 011 I , c•en: " II. V." llornherg<•r pn•,t·nt-t:roup 1, nn tlul\ lltllin? n nic·<' ~<' l<'n duy pu~' Sgt. Gorciu ing hi' 1ie11'> on the uc11s.

I :; Spanlwl..t• ' ill t'l' l'r tirt' of ~ays that's JUs t plai n dcluol dodg- Pfc's. Bonner ond Bluct..burn art• fi,J11n):'i mg. strll crying, "Oh 11IH'r<•l Oh "here• I

T;; \ltl\ t'r 111 ll vcr get 11 , lorcd ':>gt. Dcolrlrri's squad hos .tol..c•n is my litfle dog gon!' ... of t.ln"iu·~ llu• bu~ lc us the ft• llo" "l 11 t.urn 111 lift'. Jo<' ;~0 ) ~ 1 ~<')11 .. hold ome of the fe llo"" who t' lidcnt -an• nf lll'.lfltll( 11' lht•lr fo rmatwns ut 1"" ' 0 .•n- ly intend 10 improve tlwrl' fratt• r-

' . st!'ud o f the t~Slllll plut·e. Phy~o C'al nitin~ ability by attending tht• ( pl. l'fnltl( "oi l C\ er c·hangt• truullnl( rs 11 ouderful u the mt•n k G 1 ~ Swt'

hi, "w hl'<k "irh the \\OIIlt'll nt on li ,. IH duty suy t'',c•e ly crmarlt j c a"t's u r ·., j>( .'· 1 I•' 1 " · orn >ergcr one 11mcrsou uru t: '· 11 111 ~ I undc•rsta nd I he C. o lorll' l com- Ardwmbult und Moore. Pft \lurpll\ mucle out 0 .1.. artt•r mc·11 ted on the nkc bunth of pf G · 1 k r

111·d-1 hc·!'l.. ""'"rduv nl"hr > I I . 139 B , 1 t c. arret IS oo lllg or 'PIIr.-" · . . "'nrc s 1n room - O) " 111 0 ing partner, can an)'OIH' help hwo?

rr. ()r lu h.orl II . good flnll' Ill c·ut thr<>tlt bunch. ll l''s j(Oiag out for the Ccnnpnny l'.orr-. ,.,,,.., 1111ly doose 1110 mn11t>~ If .,0 me oue doesn't come out bo,ing team. It·" d,,, ~ 1 1 ,,·irh some "''"" 11 e ore A'oing to Thr~e noi) l\on-Conh will be

I ~ \fc Kt·t" r >Cht've' hi' hds comm11 u murdc•r or somt•llullg. <,orry "bt'n th<' Pre·,, (.lub opeus c r.IH·cl rht• jt•rry t'cu i>Ons IIC' lwei just rc•membcr- it could huppen I this wct'k, 11 0 11 't thev. In rnrn rn '~'' urcl cuou~h? to )OU. ·

T'f1 . lf.trtllcon. ·1•1· 's rh,lln-1\,trl SE; O fD PLATOO A GOD 'Ei\D ill' h IIIJl \\Ill t· • r ('l'oi'C' !H'IIlf' II

, ul , <1""'1 11111 , fr!'it•nt ,,ur!-t•r ofl~rduy night und t'H'r) night B~ Pfc. Bill Chandler, 3rd P la toon 11 hl uoall ron11t! as usual "A" Compuny \10~ 11<'11

Know You r Enlisted Men .., ~gl. 11. rr1s " ill <'H r ""J"Y an) rt'IHI'~cntcd of the i\CO Clnh. Sc1-

future JOb mort· ilo .tn the out· IH• erul lur11e tublc~ \\ t're pulled to­lo , lu n· 111 ont lllof<'n' gt•tlwr for the purpo~c of (•onsum-

1 1 ) 11 !-ch t'\Ct' '"1..', n night ing ukoholic hcH·rug<' . .,ff lo r<~l 11l1t·r hl· r- rhruugh 111 fht• c·onsunu•r<, " "rc a follo11s:

A blt•ssed thing for an' mon to ha11• j, one soul 1dw lw nut tru<of utterly.

Who knolls the he'S( and \1 oc-t or him

I "~:1 lll'flll<'r. ,, '"·II "-""'' rJ un• 111 u \ ' ( ntnp tn n11dd IIHI"'l' fn,llt Jht;:-t in 4111\IHIC;._ lit'\''

papt'r if dot• f,H h '"'" '" 111.dh I.. noll 11 . ( .orl h '"' uld IIJ,Ifl Ill the nurfi1. in fut 1 he c·ilmt• to ' \ · ( n. l)(·forp I Pllllf'''t'f" m.tiH'U\f ,.. Jtlfl lw , rt·m,lillt'tl 11ith hi, l·lf'l l'larnou .._,, t•r ..,,nc t '.

"llt•p" Plflt•red llo<' 11r11n )111) 2. 19-1.2 and 'inc 1 luo' pro\ ,.;1 hiuN·If u 'uldit•r in noun) 11 u} '· C.ul 11 or k ('(j for Pt nn. n ... truad "' " t·iulo.lll nnd plu "' 111 !C" fto<·k. In hi, ulcl jnh ond tu Ill '< ,:1rl frit•tul. llann,do, II ho' lu•c·n 11 aiti11g thn•c• lull ;:'

lh• II"''' h 111' T '>~,:L Blun·wl.., S 'i~t. (Honwo) 1 r h llnrris, S ~t. Terreri, S ~gt. Stam-

.'\nd lo1cs him in spite of ull h is fau lh.

l ;; \\ • 11 1< rf. 'uu 1!"1 ~1 ' 1111' ' 1' <'' batwh, S.rt. Lot t.." ood. - .. ,. lt•she.

for "'" l'lc ( lnh lol..<· the t11 o lw " "' " \'tho will ~peak. the honc<o( truth tu him, r0111111 ,, h• 11 11 ,. r. r,r cun~t• lot•rl'? "rL Olol'er, gr. ~titdwll. Sgt.

'1\t>tH·k<. und pl. Muuth. l'fc I H < lll'o ''ill c·1 t:r < unw nut

o( )l!ollll~ 'Ill 1, lois Tl'lllrlt frttlll "1((. l.oci..\IOOd 11p011 heilll( inll'r-\ ''"'I'd, In nwmh<•r., of tlw sC't'Ond

I' rl' .end lllo~ lrt• is 1,., pong " 111 11luronn, ·t'on<·c•rnttl<' hi' .,, .cltt)

'While• rhe ,,·orld flatter' him In his fun· und laughs nt him behoncl loi ~ but'k.

,r -· In Ill I h• r,.,, pia. ' ... JliOh!C'IliO,, <I~ lllllpll'l' \IIIlo 1.1. Jlun-f' f '\, '' h• 11 • kn"'' ' 1 lo.ot lo do nihul. lot• rcplo!'d, und I quoit'. ""ii'\ 11 all lu• lollle, IIO\\ tlont 1111"1 <iu), 11 ithnut ''>onja' ", unquote.

'I 1hl' nffo" r hnH I• rt ' 1 ~" ar<· I Pft. 0 II. Sullurd rt'turncd rl'-h •Ut hr

1 c·t:nth frunl the '»~th GC'n~ro l Jlo,-

l'f llr1 <hdl ~>ill t·Hr lttOTn pital .iu \lunodo uftt'r 1110 IIC<'ks of r. 11 ruomlinn" lltl'.rn• Ill< "' tlottu ,. .. ,~, "hd<' !lwn• he '-U\1 Jlul l\l r-

11'1 '' ll..11o,r. In f) rt• mod h1~ or< hP,tru. ulso the 1''<. I rllut,on "ill c•\ cr gt 1 up t.~ llnh I fupt• Shu'' · We ore ~: t ad lo

loot•• If on th<' Ill rnu ;r' l'<'l' Ost·ur back. a' he• is u hig ht·lp l'ft I nlt-cln 111!l c" r rnct t !11 , Ito thc• 2nd plutoon ,ofrhull fl•am. 1 1 I ''he'll it ( rues to hue IoiilS' l'f J<'n,t·n hkt·~ his Joh of l>t'lllf.\'

tlu '' ltnlt '' 1rt' "-t·,uun 1,1r the uHll-


\\ t'UJinns, \\ c·eps nnd \~ O<'

1 • 111 l.nol..s n< if ,,C'·rr lo,ing nil our l'f< ltcoglc·r t'\lll't '' to <.ern lu' h<t)'-. l'fc's, Lyun, Gu•o, and ' kaggs

\\ ho "ill govr no t'oun,c• l and r<'­proof in the doy or pro .. pt•rity and 'elf C'Ont't'ot.

But "ho \\Ill comfnrl nnd t'nro ur­ugc him in the day or drffifull~ und sorro11.

\\'hen the '' oriel leu 1es him olo rw In fi t: ht hi' 011 n b<tfrlC' us lw mu) .

If Ill• hu'i h11d the goud fort llll<' to "in sut·h 11 fr~<•nd . lPt hl!ll cl••1n h imo,plf on her fnH>•, r .. tlter doan Jo,c IIC'r. lie mu st hnJ><'

,\11 things, end ure ull thing-.. ruthPr thon lost' IIH' most pn•c·iuu• uf ull I' Urlhl) pO~SC'SSIOLl'.

A lo ' ing "if!'.

T; H E A 8 A G I FI~h(:n. ·~~:: C~~~~~ Club 11o"

I I 1 • \ Or;:'UIIIIt'd "ithi11 til(> First unci "'""''"our llo;:-~" t.ol;iu~: MOYIE PLEASEf 11lurd Balwlions. Compan) "A" Jtu,

ols f11,1 :-lrell·h I nc! \UIIII us i1 Dc·.ar Ed!tor: . !dread) th, htghest p<'rt·cntngt• of lool..' urc•nrHJ on lho · "'"hi it has I rom utformut1on gn thrred from JU!'mht•r,hips in thC' i\CO (tub. It • nlt'll'cl It had c·c•11 plunnt·d to mc.mbrrs of . th~ (om,pnn) 11h,o l 11 nuld lw nite for 11 , In hu11• that ll llllnlloH<' ih lwg 1111111! l.o .. l ,,c•t·l.. ho1·1' '"''11 rh~ potlu~c. \ on 1~ n f reu>rd ill our P. l". C. C' luh. If )OU lout !he• nlnrnd.tnt ( r lliU(t'rwl '('Ill 1 :~\ (' fOC'\('r. slu rnng Gcra ldlllC' cure to join ~l'l' Pk. Ruhbi ll Co.

"11~ ho11 Ill' n•• go·11i11.: ,(,. orl 111 liiJtl dol''k o u1uil.ohl,• 'fllll't' hllgeruld 1d11t'h played ut our lot·n l llqts ' ' nf our st .. n. It ""' on J "'"en 7. "'Hit· 11 inopu:-si h • In c·urq I hat r>usf theurcr ret't'ndy \It' find that " IQ~'j 1ho11 ( "rl left 111 , dt',lrtoc·fl \t' ulc.1 nut \\ orr! of noourh 111'11:- 1\U' ot \\II 1111 e;'pllonal l) good sho11 lof•• 1n 1Jo,. 1.10. tu lu•l(in :10 "'"' rc•cpurc·d In mukt• II k11u11n 11ithin und 11nndl'r if ot "ould ht' possible uf 11111, 1r111111 ,. lofc in t11 , fuuu 11,. thl' '"IIIJhlll) urod tho' ''""!.. llt'\1• for the'ial cnit'e OrriC't•rs to 1t,11 Io,11 1.. 111 il<'atlillf.!. l'u. \\ 1, nwall ~l'ct·f\ ''" rht• f1rs t offu111~ for its ha1 C' the film returned here for o 101 do.ll 111, ''"'·kt·cl !!:ln-. ufll·r ln!loatllllo 'N'Ond showing for the men of the .·-• l,o". I hi, t·nlumu is nlt'nch·d to pro-~ First Boflalion ~>ho 11 e re 111 the

'Ill!•) '"'rt' <'Ill (II} of c·uur't'. , '"" 11 11 nwmla r' of thP rnni JHIII) field 11 1 the 11mc. 'II, p" "·" the f,!'tood llllldllt'l llll'd- \lflh !Ill ourlt·t f r •Ill~ n·quests, ITnrry )o hn~on

ul, lhl' I· I (J 11hlmn ""h four '"'" unnoUIH'I'IIlt'Uh, nd gripes. If Compun)· "A" has bCt'Onlt' morl' l'olrlll'd SlUr,, till' J'urplo• IJ1•,or1 11ili1 then• Is somt•tlun~ )Ill! hUH' to suy. lhon JU~I anlllht'r l int• ('OlllJ>U ily. 2 du,lt•r,, 11ud u !(rarod r1f 7~ hPrt• ")'OUr 0 i>ll0fln.nll) to 'II)' ir . It hu~ through tb" paper at'quirNI l10111h, w,. nr lht• l'ir-t Plutuun Ju;! 11 rllt' .. UI~l }01 r lll'lll und !~bel II \Uite thor rt'll<'hc•s the highe .. t of a lOll!( ,, llh " llq>" urc· S\H'lliin' 1111( II , \ Bug Ill ('U c of the Edotor. o rrit·<'r-. ....Ill('(' multc•r prin ll'd i .. tl 1 g 1 'nur num<• 111ll h u"'ll nnless )OUirt'ud hi ghl•r ht•!Hlquurtcrs tht•re i'

II• otH·r '''' 1'11 pmuh t·1cn tho \\l' rt'<JUI'' I otht•rlli,c. nffc·rc•d lwr the chuntl' for t· ,·ery-

kHull 111' "''' u gouol 1111111. The Lditor oue to o, pcnk. uud to be hea rd.

In I""' llt•ek-. the n<''"PliPCr t'rt'w hu-. hc<'n having a grt'ul dt•nl of difficully in rNtdin~t the 'P<'lling of numcs ,t• nt 111 in the llt'l'kly materia l. We " nuld ret[lll'Sf thnt more curt' lw tukC'u in rh<' future to get the IHimt•s ~pellcd torrc•ctly und clt'nrl) . If tho'-t' <•nleriug mnl­t:>ri.ll 11ill print rlw nwn's 1Hl01<'' iu blnl'k lcllcr s, the diffirully 11 ill he rC'ud ol ) 01 erc·oml'. The nc•<•d fur thi., cure is npporl'nt. A mi"P<'IINI 11011)(' I II s ligbl to tlH' J><'rSO!l fw­ing coHsidt>rcd.

Page 4: tarday, JAPAN SURRENDER - 80th Division · Miss Co. A Club News JAPAN SURRENDER Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in

The MIRROR - Allie Relleetloaa


Pf~. Fr-H A. Ro(llrr

Tht•r(" ore lx-uut·nUJ,~ ur p rtu· tit-t• ~o me' to report on tht"i "t•t•k ond ...,(• wtend to f't'H•r tlwru 0"" tum­pl<"ldy a~ J>O"-otil•lt'. Sinct• lht•) nr(' J)nH'tin• g-tunt''i, " c'll l(•t it go ut thut. Our pulit·) u~ bOtlfl uot the IC'ugut•., "tl8rl '\ill hl.' to puhli~h lilt' ..,t·lwduh.· of "A" C'ompuny'o.; gunu:., ror tht• ('Olllillg UlOIIth . Ulld IU !" b O\~ tht· ... wnchn g:, iu ull nf tht•au ot tlu· time '' t• go ro prt•' .


Fll'lll Ba. J"(• ttiU Cu. A Co. I) lin. lltJ. (u. 13 Co. C




w L

' 0 :1 t ~

., 0 :1 0 3


Pet. 1000 ilO j()()

000 000

I nm durin11 a ba•krtball same aad i ht• •aid Jhat 110mt' arran~ta 1 hod bt'<'n mudt•. More about lUI

a• ..,0 n u I h·arn the whole otory.

To•~•-Foothall II•·•~ ore tht' fi•f' rulf"• for IPaJDt'

competitio n in tuurb-football :

1. Eight man t<·aln. ~. All tt•um playf"ra eliJible to

rt•t·(•i\'l' JlU"'"«•~.

liH'" I hf'\, rhc• "'('rf... the:- future ol hf'r mnmmol .... ~~~1('(1 a mun too. wrunfr, \H'rt' IWI }t' l rret•l~ C'll· 1 h P " \ ·• bomh r tp" hloc~~ ur C'll)

tru .. lt'd tn clo alu• fi,rhtiutr "hifh ,lr\'t' l '- lht• utof»ll' luHnb l'\OJ)()· " u... It'd ln tht' lt•tu liu~ lund- rnu• .. tllll''- Tlw '' t'n(>OII"' nf the• fu­., , .. m•r-. tht•m ... .-h c•... I hr moclf'rn turc prohuhl) "ill ht• a hit~ tu np t•rn . du• 1u1..,t ft'" hundred )t' ... U Jhlrt alll' <"llllrt .. Nlrth. tt•ur tt'UUd('r ll,.fH' rt"c_l I ll th<' l(rt~u.t idt•n Of f)c- tbt• UtlllO.,pht•r('. JJH• bruin of !nUll mm ru(' • th ot th<• <·nmu1011 uwn. foHJ u<·hu' ' t• ... 1orrlaug thinKS w 11h lh<' Jo,~h ,,hn hnc.l ht"('ll hought the t•ll' ltlt'nl~ thut 'urruuud th.

Hll d -.old ur nttudl ('tl to tht' loud I hut ... untl' brUIU j, ropub lt• or \~Oil · \\llh 110 lhnu~llt or Ull) -.urh thint:t tlcrful. prudut li\e lln ng:,. It c:n·uu· ... lt"i "H1~hl'l" •.• ,.,t· rt• on un ()\t'll ligltl out of dur~lll'"'~• \~urrnth. C'UI·

lt·vt•l "tlh the ru•h. tht• po,~l'rful lun•. at mo~t·.., cft.,<CJ' ('rlt'S thul t•on 11H'orc:-fi<·nlh. uJ..,o tlu.• t•ru orr('\ - nrld u huntlrctl \ t•ar' ~o thl" "pnu olnltOitllr) i..H h auu•m('ut Ill ... ucn('(·, o f COC'h ltfe. w 'mu"f' or ('{H.h or A ping pong tourn iiH'Jit j'{ ohout nnd "''''"""' "' llll'UII' of Litt1nJ'. lht•,t• ""'' o "'""tt•rful . nt•ulllt', to j:<'t under ""~· I hcrt· 111tl h<• If rwrft•t lt•d frn·urm uud c·onnon plt:.•a ... uruhlt• tl11ng. {lu futt th('rt• j.., u -.uaglc-, und tf,,uhll•.., lt'OIH tu rt'-

Cunthclntc< fo r ('ompun)' "A 's'' Hlllc) hull h .'U III to d utc ure tl!'l fol­ltJ\,., :

3. On<' (t) h a nd tout•h a ny place. 4. kO }urd fi~ld 1'1 and 20 to JO. 5. Eac- h t<•um "ill furnish oue of·

riciul "' lmt•,nu:w. nud (''\pJ(,..I\f' u-. llll'lllh nr ~illlllf!· pruttll'nlh 110 Inuit 10 flw ('\('Ulllltl l J'rf' "'l'll( t•m h (OOIJ)UU)'. oud tht• Ct~rloltlh. 11<1\\ ll \\t'U~ OIUII \\ll"' ll"'<'"i u r nt~h ... , u·nufit' finch II~ .. ). wurnment , .. ill ... Ulrt aht• lOth or <'<run I 1<1 " ,, ..... ~ mun. hut "hut I hu1 brain ••nuht~' mun w tl11nk. \ugu't. I he ,,.hulul<• "ill lw pu,h·c. l '""""~ Ill(' bn ~ir u't."' of tht•-.r lit''' to rt·t~ .. on . . . But al lw.., nul )t•l un th(• bulh•un hoord Lc•f-.; 1;('1 \\l'.JJ)OII't 1 \luinl) ror wol~ o r \\ dr. hlllJ.dll u~ ht)\\ 10 "' (' \\tlh u ur· unolltf'r fir-.t in Buuolwn ('C)ItlJ)C11-rtH' fl('\\ \\dr" rt'"'tthin,.:- rrolll llu.· .. dq• ... , ho\\ lrl r• ~IHI for our 0\\H IIC)II. Humor hu it rhut tht• \\IIHH' r"'i t! rtl\~lh ond tl\talru•s ur ~r('O( ('0 111 ~ 1!"'. ·pllrp(l .. t''• ' llw \\OIItlt•r ... \\ (' ,..,u ploy. fu r Ht•~t. dHIIIII)iOII"thll)'. ~~~·~;<ul. IIHiu,triUI JllliH'" 11;<11 t rt•Oll'' 1 h<• ~lvr<<HI' lll<lt hiiH' ' thnt tlll'n l""'lbl ) Di>~,IOII um '" 1111 ur> ,:~rltl

1.(nrk .:~:"""'• .. <11! u~t· r tilt' hgblt·n. r<·dll(l' t,dwr un·. w_rnt·t~ th~ tncldt•r.

lu Jh.ttur,l ',,0ulnnu· ... lund.., ru h 1111U un t' JH' III' bt·C·111"'t• du·'i · .( llll"'t,

l(t. , \ ndrt•<. ht P lutoun: Pft'. Gryt'('"'~i • .!ud Plutoon : P fc.·.'s Gur­(' IU , llu"'~ill"i, 1\~r~~mun and SO\~C'r"i. 1111 frolll tht• 3rd Plutoon: Sgt. ()"en, 1'1<-. Burd,•n und l'ft•. \lour<·, 4 th Plotunn; und l. t \\ 111111111> und Sgt. I hor111011 of ( o. lh•ndquurtcro;.

\\ t•dn(·-.duy·.., ~U IIl (' .... tth Compon) ·c· ,, u ... o ... uup. Cmnpony 'A' "on tlu· fir,t thO !!UIIl£'"'. thus o third

1 ht• gumc "·ht'dnlf'd hNW<-'<'n Bn. llq. nnd Company " ,\" o n Wedne• · doy u ftf'rnoon hod to he c•o nc·~llt'd ht·c·uu~t· of th<" , .. ~utht~rmnn. Sint'f> 1hot \\ ll~ IIIC' final pr~;u·tt<·<' gamr ,d~t•duh•d fu r our ( om1>any, "''II he "'otnrhng IC'lt~Ul' c()mpctition '' i1hout nuy knu~ ledge of "hut our teuro nw do. ~tuu• the- fuotbttU. lt·u~ut• <lo<H.,n' t "'otOrl a' '-loon u~ rlw odn·ro;, aht.." or~-tanii'£'r~ mn} 'J(hl"dull~ u rt•,.. mort· prnoit(' gurm.~ ....

..,.,. 1 •• ,, ,·.tlth. llw rornwr ... , ... ,,. unt•mplcl\JJil'lll ... \n unht lt ' ahh dllcl Jtl('t t' of fit")d prOJ)t' rl) \hi"' llh.'ttlh tlf t'\.lrll~ I Ill f.\' llU \\t'r l't pt·r· nu,., t1 frt·t• ''or~t·r or t ru fl .. Uiull fl'tll'd . . und ,.., 11'l'( fu r JHirpu .. , .... n l(rt' OI, JlrO(rr ..... h<' ehnnjl!(' . . of ... prl'udan~ dc•otth. ) ('"'· i(.., 11 H ' P

lu11 fu, rt•lt•uou-.lllp w tltt• n• ... t of hupp) fo1rt thut ~~t· lw~u dn· (,t·r hi~ "tH'H't\ \\ d.., uot {-!rt'uth dtHc·r 111<~11"1 lo 1t. hu l 11!) tl ... ntl fu t I tluu c·nt. li t• ~1111 hud n hurd IHIIC' oh· !Itt• ... tull' of dw \\odd ,., "'iUt h 1hnt l ltillill~ lht' C' ,."''-'lllllt) .. u( lift•, ht.' II \Hi" lll't't'-.'otlf\ \ \Hir u( du• fu ... aill ,.,d., fonaplt•u•h ... uhJt'U for lUH' ,,til ,,, ... ,nt) ruH nul)' th i..• hi !< Jj,t'fifuuu J In fht• \\hllll" o f lht• fi~hlt•r-. , tlu• pour li\ai i Uih, It \\JI J (UIUIIH'rU.d lh JlO \~t·tfll l hJII)t'"'"' (;lh.t• f'\('nfllllll-': hilh II. J Jat• <tt l lite· lllil'"'i uni·mplu,uu·ut . tla- IUI .. t' r~ rult.lltiiK c'uu· ... ' 'hu Hhl"t' profit .... tlutl rt• ... u(l., \\ht•n 0\\IH'r"' dO"'l' \\ItO hlrt' Ulld JJ•I) du• "Jgt•.., o f do\\ II flw1r f +.H IOrU"' IJt• ..,IIIJ du.J hriJiiunt 111\t'lltnr .... lOO. dw ft, hlllll-!' dtHI d' Ill!! 111 '~ .ar. lin· \\lull 1-. tht• ft- ..... on 111 ht• dru'' Jt "J

dchuuct·cl \\t'tiJmn-. unh ..,llltt'l'tkd Jt j ..... unpk. 11111 111 pr,utltt' \('r\

ill h.tlflllt:' off IIH'It ot l ll 'Pl'l'cflt'r h~trd to n·~din.'. \\ ~lr.., lllll"'t )w rotH' .• \ _ \\t·ll quott·cl Gt'rlllUII p o li· ... IUJ)pt'd. J ht• c·.w-.t·.., of \\Ur mu ... l IIC;d -mtlllcH' f'\.)H'rt mHt' ... ,aid, da ... 1ppc·ar, ur ).(· dum• II"•'' ,,nh \\ tlr . .. the• lOIIflllfldiiOil ur polltit-. I hP IJhiJOril~. th•· pldlll JU'Oplt·

h~ otltt·r mrn n... •· ( 14tU"t'\\lll h..t\t' ut·,t·r l'rnfttu·d f rom, ht~H' lllt'.llll ht ·r•· tltdl "lu·n rul111.; IH''t"r ,,ault·d '""· t 1 Jt,., · ," ht·•·n .c-roup-. '' ulun nuuon ... '.w nut "'t'l- tul~c·d. dri\ t'll inln "'II lwlu•' lll g' In tJp dit•Jr ( OIJI<''h fur IIIIJU'ri•.JI..,IIt )fnh•r .... nl .. llldrt ~ .... ,\ 1Jpoft·oll"', !Jut P0 '~.1 ·r thoufh lt· ··,,._.rll.tnH·nt- thi-. b(•f",Hhl' JH'\t'r clul dtt·' · tht• un 'hanm· ... tht•\ n· .. urt 1u ''or~ 1 ,,lift lht• , .. urkt•r.., uf nm ll<JIIou Ju·op t' n•.t ll~ rult• lht'lll'''"' ' .. toll• rtHICt·tl lH:·IIII't lht• \\orkf•r-. u( 4111 · lrul tlw t·conollllt JW\\l'r. tht• poll J tH.If l!'U\f'fiiiiH'III 11[ lfH'Ir tOIJIIU\-.),

....,,._ _ _.",.....' u·r .. lll~tJtl 111 ,, _,UL!'ht fnr po\H'r \\ ro 1110 .,( h:urJ from t11 on. l4•r flif • ,,, fit uT ut --,. r:i~ I ll«' (UI~ · of IUIIIOfh, - o r tlu· liHplc·-. \'ollfllll du• lhlltOII., \\h~t·h \\C'IJfth nf l!llllii'S,;j J,, J"f't ~, ll,"": .., • .,(f•d

l•rolu from IIIP nult·omc· of llu• ,(

110tf.,lu·d. (""tallct· tlw rulaug chquc• Hllt·Jt· .. t ... 11\ll"'t ' ' c t to lw 11 pl.•t•·tl

0[ \ tt ll und )dJMIII'"~l' ,, .. r laad .. In tomplt·tt tkmw 1.J11c rnlt• polt

"otdcl· tmpo .. t·fl .. J,,,c·q upon uc.tlh .uul •·tunnniH alh. luu·rrw .til dn· ,\f,

1f1J il \\ll"' lnqH'rotht• llolhd rt (;I! lor• .. mu ... r lw (ho~ro~t u•r­

th ot "'' tl t' ... l rc,, thc·m- but tlu· .. ,.,.fl ... IJ'(·cJ b' fru:1•tl .. )np 1111~1 "r ou• flf dH \,IICifllt t \\t'ft fH'\ t•r till .ft•..,,. .!'rOIIIJ of hPIH'"'I Cllt II fn1 Ullttllic I

tlw -.r ru .. dt· (o r ,., uuumw pt•latit ,,I \t d(ltlltiH' lo tt hw\ t• ~~~~ h P"'"t·rl. \n r ..... ,.ntwl r.u t ol out runcl foud iuuus '' 1 I ft, r,.u ~~t hatu·rlv t r n \\,H,

1.., th

11 tilt' pt·oplt• of 111, h\ tho .. c ,.,IJo !-.l,tlld t11 ) .... ,. t•·rttl11

·· ,,uwln~ .... tt .... uHt·r t·\trt·llll' I& ani JH..•\\l' "lw hu•• tl (, tr lht .. JIIp .ami Jlll'l'f\, ll..-WI I h· II("Oplt• phllll pt'ioplt tlu l0\\1 r d) ·s o( 1 u

11u e c~flt r \\

11rJd \\ ar II\ nl But onh t:o' • rnttll 111 of 1 d ln

111 nll .. ••n fur IJI,Jil\ )l lr"' llw tfu .. l' lo\\t r t I .., .. t \\til ''' rk

, .• utd... ,1ud nloll"(H•llt.., tlo , t'f\ uul fi ht ,,.. 1 a 1 .. , tin ,,,.JJ. ho\\t ,, r • • U .. t_ of lltHICll I t.lllb' wd "', .. ,

llw di ... cu ..... ,un ... ,till" ~o hale ..,trU\ttl off lu Jt!Uc·· lhlfllltf .. hut not 1+•ulh . I· ,.. 1 1 II• d tn~•·llH r ~ctf'lltt' !t .. <unlinuull~ IUIDl' up

\\llh Ullld/111 Ill\\ dt .. IH\t II'. IIH

hul!t-1 dul "'' ' ''llh .un\ ft..1r of


vs Kassel A

f()\11\l LU l'lt0\1 P\(,L

'' uh Cf·ut't;d '-~Ill\ du• (lhl'll ( ni•JJII'I of d11• l>n '"'IIIJI _ llw 111 ht In fun tht) ltncl '' lflkfl 1 ltUt lo ,..t I tht• tllll!.!llt"~ out uf '"''II uul olio\\ till m 111 put up u dt lt'IH t • n c urthn•• lfl tht• ht·SI :\ /I rlllt•, of ( tr pit~

• n·nwwlu-r ltutlt, \\ ar-...n,.

. lin •·•rth t 1 1 "t It\ up tlw Jut., II \'I ,.., ht (,J l II l Iii< (( I.

111 fi fur 1 J I.

I lfl ' Y 'JIIH I X C, I .. \\hu cnuldu 1


I t·nlll}; rdtl. tht '"'' •H\III r!' cllld IIIUfll•·r In

of thP < '' dt.tll P"l'nl.tiiHII' '"'' u .. I t.tlkt·d '' Hh tlu·111 tht'\ '' u111·d ll,nH 10 tlunk 11 o\t·r , th•' ... wl. I h•• Ct·JH·rul ~, ,,, . d1+ 111 out• h,df huur

.trra ••n h rl lw1· tt \\c \\1 ,,. lllh\'11 tl ''"" c!ln"'

P'"l lo r4'1 lllll"flllt' SU)IIt'V. h,ll ft \\U 'I

)!nllfl to ~1111\\ 1h ll rlw han!! \\.ts 11\l'f, but \\I ' I •In lit'\ t•r rntJ.:I'I tJH' lllf'll of o ur ( oulp.tll) '' l10 ... uti lu) nu dwt f11'id

to dt·t ult· tn .. urn·mlt·r. ntltt·n, ,..,,. tlw urullt·n \\otdd /'nur 111. \ t tht• t·ud of tht· 'J1t't dit·c tiiiH' . uud

GRIN AND BEAR IT 11..1\t' ~or lw.1rd o f tlw fut \\OIIH'II

,., ho ', ... tlt:d u ... )Ill) ~ urd on tlw \\ , .... , c·oi.l"'t ~ ~lw lwn t tH Pr to lit'

lu:r 'hot·'-trlllJ.:. unci J,c·fun• ,he

ffHIItl ... rn.l.l l:ltH·n up du·' bro"-.P n ltultlt o [ c humpu,:tH• 0\t'; IJpr ~lt·rn ttncl lautu: lwd lu:r.

Thl' lhtttlt ·..,hip \\U.., ill port uud ''"'ltor.., ,,,·n· httnl;! ... )m,.,n uround. llw ~uuiP ''fl"' t·\htlntln;.: u hruu/t' tul,lt·t on tlw dt·t t.-..

(,uiclt·: " \nd lu ·rt• h ,,Jwrc• uur J'UIJUII! l.tjltUIII fl'il."

\1·r""" Old I 11l) · Wt·l l. nu hfHHit:r I nt•.tr h u ippt·cl uu till' dumu thing Ill } .. ,.fr.'

I h<• f('"' loyal .\ " ('()lnJH\11 \ "'JWC'· uut ))('lllg ltt~ct..'"''ur}. Thl' &ton•s (ti(Or.., \\ ho ftU\t' ..,Pl'JI n uf h•lUH .!1 fo 14 011d 21 IU t) imlitOf(' hOh pia) lt~(.· t(Uil(' proud or tlwm ,, . ., t'li'Y lht• \I(.'IOr) \\U,, I ht•r(' \\'0~ llllJ)O"'"llJfe 10 t('IJ ,., ho lfw fir ..,f fht• "'0Ull' lulk of ( mupuuy "(;" r('JiC'\. u re. for nil ffi(>lllb(•r"' of the -.ctuotl IIIIo{ ( 'cuupu u y "D .. un dte n•ud

t 11 hiO<·k, lhut do\, '" uudoubtf•tlly P U) ' ' CfUU Y "r-11. I• or ('\Umph•, tht•)" d1dn' t haH; tht•Jr b(•st tcu m on :"'\ ~~1. :-.c·u nt•r r..turnt•d from alit' tht.• nno r. Ill'\' llump<"r "h0" fur u ft·'~ hou r ... ,,..,it on l'hur~;Ciu) t ' \ l'll lll g und l~itll('t ··n·· Company didn't hu'e

W t• lut\ t'n't (i,tt•d th<' concl idutr< for thi' 'port 'inti' \ H' piO)'('(I only mu· gam(• ond ltl thP t imf' mo!:tt of dw pluyc•rs ''ere 1'pr<"''cd '' into ... ,~r\1('(•.

JI(U\ed U 0uhhy !!O illC of hull for lfu•1r Jw..,f WHitt t!itlwr, or c l"'(' \\(' II_., , t '\l'U though "''' l thl. 'J fit• or- lllll'tt hUH' U prt'tt) fair boll cluh. fll·l'r-. ha\£' o prdn fair quinh.•t und I hursd,J) u fu•ruoun 'H' trilltlllt"'d .tn• pr('(t \ ('Oc ~, Lt. ( uluhu u frorn IIH•rn tt to 0 (u "...,kuuking"/ u nd

FLASII - Ju't under the wir<' tomC''; nc·"' of t h t.· pm;t lea gut• 'dwdult' lfl thb >po rt. Our only gume of this ,.,t•t• l is Yledn('"otla\­Augu't tilth with Company " 1\.." • • I)" Company· ilncl L t. \\ illuun-. .21 . to ~- (,Hthcriu~ n total o four

rro111 (IU r., firC th ('if lu•..,t pJU\t'r'. \ (llllh Ill (\\ 0 gU tH('~ i s n ' t tOO hof. Our U'ctlll l't o


101a-. w pl~t) du.•m. \ l ' n une do"(' I O ..... ~un~mg-" tht•m

hut \\Ill ha ' <' tu ,,u1t unol lt•il.,:m· 1t1 tlu· .. c·t·mHI gu rru·. fo r\\(' ~<·Or<'cl

t·umpt:tnaon. Ot•c·dll"'t~ tht•rt• un• 110 Hlltt• Jmml -. lwrorl' 1hey monag{'(l to npt·n dutt·"i o n tht .. ...,< IH"dult•. hrt.•u"'- tlw ttc.

'I Ius l ~ll!(ut' " goinJ' to be run n~ un t•lunlllation tonrtuq, \\ h C" rl'hy u tt·nm mu ... t lot...c ,,.,o ~nmE'~ befo re bt' lllg t'illlliiiOICd.

l"ut• .. dtt\ n 1ght our w~110 nwt Bu. 1

\I IIH' 'tart of Fricluy \ gumt• llt• •. ulquu rlt.'r~ i n u f!'UIUt' hhiC'h '"llh ( o rnpnn) " I)" \ lfiOry <tC'<' IIlC'tl moy lt'r) likt-1 ) proll' lu lw duuhtful, fnr h ul f the lt·a m lwd to tbt• UUt:tu nding On(' uf lht• ..,,.,l,.Uil. Ill' ..,('(t•t.·tt•t.l frUill tfW ~!)('( tator:, dut• \t uu u nw

111 tht• c•uttrP !!llmt• dnl tu I u ud LPro~rum uh ... ~.·utt·t~ .... IJ o ,, •

t·1tlu·r ttou m ho\l' u t · omllhtlldau~o: 4''_t'r. _ du•y rt•ull~ clld a ""<'II JOb. kud . • wd ut t he <•nd of tht· rt·J!uJ 11 \\lfllllnf.! tht• fir..,t ~umt· 21·1:i. 13} linn .!oiiiH' Iii<' ... <.~He' \\ t.h tu·d up 111 tlw "'ldrt uf the ..,t•tond f.!HIIIl' l\\0 ..!.J ~JJ . In tl. ,~ t H''rttml• mor(' n•l!'ulur"' urrnl.·d ~o ,., c ft-•l t fH'riOtf ollr t£'Ull rt·,dh ..,fto\q•tJ it ... c·onri<1t•Jlt u( \ it' IOf) . fi 0 \\{0

\ (•r, OUr ... ti JH ·tlont~ h) ul<lln~ dtt· nppun· utturk duJn't < Itt·~ -.n "<' lo't th t.· t•Ht!O ,un ·lt--..., 'hdt• ''t' s~.~nk. t\\O st•tond ttttmc 13·21. In the fhircl f~t· ld gonJ.., Ulld h .. o rmds to rnuk_p und d t•<·idllt~ J;U IIH' ·'' (' 'Hirt<'tl () til

tht• r111ul ..,, urt' 3J 10 .,!:) , 1 hl '\\ kin~ ''11ft n nou r"h. plilllg' Up {'IIOUf:t h ''•t'il lu ~ h ,,Jth 1.3 poinl-.. illld "'n"t'r"" of H lt·.ul lo ('UU""t lmmc to 11 21-13 '' h thl' ' lu~ ... hot" 111 th«' o\t·ruuw 1r111111ph, lhu"' ''irwin,: t''n out nf pcnud. But it mu-.t IH" PntJlhUt..,il('d thrt•t• \\ t~ '"''n'n I "IJ to our u~uu l tb tt 1t \u.ts tt'ttiD pl,l) thut \\Oil tht• furm, hut if thnt's t I(' pour('"'' ,.,._,..

tiJlt. do, tht·J_(' \H>II 't ht• Uti) ('OIIIp iOIIll~ from tlu~ <"Orue:r.

S~:t. Shop''" o f the 3rd Platoon ~ ~ tn c bor!'<' of the wom. If )ou hu'e tlll} {' \)>l'rll·UN· in thh, ~port. ph•u ... t• C'ontuu him, for ot the pn'­..,,•nt mom(\.ut no wam hus hcen -.p)t•t t£'d. \\ ht•tht•r ,.,c wiu. lose. or clru'' 111 \Vt•clut•t..,doy's game. \H'

,.,nut w put th<" hl'"it tt~um from \bl<• on tlw fit·ltl .


.\ . t•ull h n<, be~n i"ued to all com -

I>UIIH'< fu~ hcr"•r;,. ' I hus for. A hie tOt, ~uhmttiC'd h'o uonws:

Pfc-. l" i nt<ll h y Vic-encio from the :Jrd Plu toon , "ho ... c \H~igh t is 127 II> .... li e hu'-1 hud P\pt•riC"ncc in nma­tt•ur bo\111~. At Cump h.ohl<'r, Cu i. h <' mu't hu1~ bt·~n 0. K .. for hP rt•<·<•nt.•d 11 ~-duy pn;; for l11;, bo"-

""t.'t.:Uh ..... dwu~h ull our lf'Uill'

It tl ~1 poor d.n tlu.., '' l't'"- \\I'll Jl,ur~da' nisdH · ' ' u .. 1lu· ho~,kt•lhnli It •IllS lo.HIIIII('. \\ t'l>l.t\t'd ( 11. " I)

\ hhout!h tJJi.., ,.,<•t'k•.., ~;umt·-. ,,t·n~ 111~ ... uc·t·<•,..,t ..... prut ll(t OIH'"'· the f(''U ih clr(' hrlflg Pft-. '-,c•uhorn Gurr('lt. W<'ight 165. h.llldt·d lit to Ht·~timt·nt ""' b(• from dw 4th Plutoun ho~ ju&t b{'en II_ frum u-. IH omu th(·m t · ... pt•uulh <·tan' 1nc (•d thnt tw should JOin Lh~ 'IIIC l" tlu·~ lttrllt'd uut d .. tlu·v c.IJJ ... ll'dt_u. I h• hu..,n'1 hnd too muc·h (' \.-ud nutlun~ \\t·nt t Jt' "·1\ ll hu ...

1 oth,·r ~liiUt'"· I Itt· p.t .. .:ln~ "'n_ ... u r I)C.Or uml HlfPIIIph for fu-ld

•I " \\('rt• \\tl\ ocr. Lu k ur 'Cl·

ur!HI 11 I h'Uill\HHk """' thl' (IH·If r I lur Ill Ju ... illj! 2.l In 17. Lt·t\ ht• th 1 kfnl It .,.,,1 Jll"'l u prcH ltn·

ltlf for !Ia a... .. J)t'< 1.11ur ft•t>l!-o. c·uta · lui• 111 '"' Hak• · ( olllJhUI\ "I)'' lh IH'"\.1 IIIII(' \\ (' lllt'C'I

C ''•lpdu~ ··.\ '"" lh1d I!U\trd dut~ 1 n.J,t, lliJ.dlt, 'or o!ttpCIII) ''( "' \\t'lt'

"dl "'/U•rl"' tu ~ utt a huH h nur !o st Hl I u• ~<~ nw in ord t·r lh.Jt our pll\t'I"S tould gt·t to tlw tourt tft, r fuu ... tun:: \IH·ir l't rc·lt·if uu ~und. \ s it \\U'. '"-' c·ould ouh •t t fiH· of our fir.,t ..,trin~ w~wllu·r.

..., ...,!!I \lilt lwiJ \\ U.., ~j:l of tlw tlttrd 1nd toulc\n't lt•aq• hi"i pu ... t

J'f,. \1, rt'Cl'IH·d nrclt•r ... from tlu.: dut tur twl to pill} hPc·au .. t• of ... unH' iruui.IP \\ll h hJ"' ft·(·t . ( OfllJltllt)

( h.ul ut lt·a"'t t :; pl u ~ t·r:-. 111 llltl ·

[orin ~wtf \H' hod Olll) l\\0 'llb~ti· lent·.., '~ ho h.t\l' not plu~c·d ttl Ull\

nf the• ,!.tmt·.... !h•nu• tht• uudook ''•'' notu- t(J bd~tht. 'iu ,., hc~t duJ ''' do"' \\ (' rc• .. t' 10 -.uprt'ntl' )u•q:llt-. .11ul pl~l)t·d p('r f<'uh ull tht' \\U\

1hrou~h. 'llll'rt. ,, ll..,jl•t tl hud pu ... ·'-i 111 llw \\ ho lt• gu~c. and IIH· lu.t .... kt·t ... t·f· tm·d w he• tq foot in d iunwtt•r fur nw-.t ~f tluJ 'hot.., '<'t•nu·d to drop an \\ uhoua toudun~ tht' rim. ""~"t·rs \\lh hi~l~ sc·orl• r ''it h . <·i~hl potnto.;. Oh )<':s 1 h C' finu l "c·ort' 11 " ' < n. A-~o. Co. < t~ . 1 ht'rt' \\ihn•t u "in~lc oul tmnmllh•d In <' ltht·r t<•um 111 h<• fi"t hnlf. u111l 't· r y ft·'' in th<• !'JC<·ond .

111~:h '!·ur••r f< the 11ct•l.. in th<• ll.uwlu.!n 11 0• It \ul.(lhun o f . th <' Offtu·r ' quinw '' nh 6.2 JHHnh. \\ IHH '' Ia·. a 1 ofP"1onul! ~ t•'r<' \\d~tlllll: him to look out rur "~\ " < !'· '• Uu,., kin~ ,~H>, "ith f\,o "ofr'' m~tu ., <·o mc in "':toud \\lth 37.


!:>uftbnll pl'rlf'lll·t• Ill th~ rint:. but hi' op· IHJJU'Ilh ht•ttPr bt>,, un·. for be'b

lut · ... <),,, · .., ,._mw lwt\\('f'll Co".\ " .uul Cu. ·'n .,., ,, ... H'n uniutt.·n: ... un~ to 'Htldl. Dut· to ..:pC'u~al "'il hoo f~. dt-ttld-.. t'tc .• our tt·~nn had to h(• uu,.:uwntt·d hy rn.ttt) Ut''" plu~cr ... \\ (• ~t~l off to U t UJllltlU IH.Jt n g f('Ud

t•urh lfl till' ;.!tllllt'. UIH.I frolll tll(•rt• on \\l' J."""' "'-' Ill throu,!dl dw nw-11011'. '' tnut ng h) the ~u re mur~in or 1.! In u. I t '~ lwttt•r to kP('P u u r 'JH't·d und (• udur~ln<c:' for lt•af!tH' ,:urn<· .... thnugh. t'""IH'< iolly tlw mil ­ht'H Uullar ~•rm or !"'!Htllhuugh. ou r tH t' JHlt lu·r \ ft·on'' hal!', w <'' r l'

lt··lrlllllg tht' (·.tpuhdiut .. s of uiOn) of ou r UnknOh II ..,tur.., ror futon· 'u_h..,lllllliou-. in un) tri,j., ''h ida rtllf.: ltt nrt ... t•. 1 tu ... ;.., 'nmt•thinJ! thut \\t' h , l\(' nt' \l'r had till' opportUtlll\ tn dn. ~

flu• (!'dill<' '' ht•thdt.•<l for \\ •·<lnp,. <1." lwtlll't'n , .. nncl lln llcr hud tu ht· tun< t"llc·tl hc·c·uu ... t' of ru111 1>111' tu n full 'dll·dul<·. tht're "111 lu· 110 opportun il~ 10 piJ) tht.., f.\"8 Utl' dt 11 lott•r<'. \\ lnd1 bnng• up tht' qut•,tlou I Ln t ' uu~ arrtHI I{('~ uu·nh h<•t•n nutdt' for po,tpoued lc·u(-!'llt' ~ttuH•., w h<' pln)t:d tlrr _ a! 1t lutl'r duh.·~ ff nor. ~ometlnu~ ... hould hl' doll(', nr ('l't' n pt•rh~rl "'<' I · HJ) for !!illlH'S in ull o utdoor ''""" 11 ill h1• • rwi lrd . It " o uld ht• ! hl'ttt'r lu huH' it "'t tl~d ln•fun• <11111·

pltunl~ :-.turt pouring in.

l'ndo)'s go nH' ll<'t\,cen .\ nnd I) tht• lu't pruttll·e o n<• ul,o hod

to ht· •·u llcd off hc·c-au'(' o f rtnn. LPI 'i hop<' thP \\t'ulht•rmn n i, n llttll• ))(' ltPr to ll"'i 11l'\.l \\ {'ek. \..!It'll

tlw h •n!ru<' 'torts up.

P. s . I lllt' llliiiiH'd tllf' \""tpOIII'd· !(IIIII<' (t""'ti u n to Lt. Col uhun (tht' Buttol10n Recreation offit•<'r) to 1he

ru,.r~t·d und plt•n1' fn ..,t.

IJ', pln111 10 '<'<' that "" need rnon~ nH•n nut fo~ ho'\inf! or {')sc '""(' thl• upporl nlll1) o f coming in fi~.,, w ntH' mort.• sport. Hl•rnember. tt' nu t 100 luu.• tu "'ign up. Alho tlwrt• ,,dJ he- trutning ghC' n befor~ > n u t' IIH' r tht• rua g. 4\uyo n<' inrer­'''l!'d ;hun ld rontttt·t Lt.' Polombi­lf ~w "" sull "idt II'. \Vc' H .. ' been lusmJ! our_ offi('l·r., ... o rupidly lotc ly t hut uoth111g "'<'t'llh to bt> c-Prtui n Ull) mort•.


Jlu ,J..~ tholl

Duh• l <·um' Tim!'-

\ u!( I~ \ "I 2000 t<J .\ " " .:!000 .!.! \ "I 2000 .!I ,\ I ' I [q. (3) 2000

\ o ll<')-bull

Dah• l t•nnh rime Au!{. t-l A ,.., L J;;o()

t ~ .\ " ).. t;;o() 21 A "I t~OO 27 A " llq. (3) 1:i00


Ontc Teom"' Time Field

Aug. t3 A I S M 1400 2

" ~\ ' !) L. lll30 2 t" .\ " 1\. 1400 2 19 A "I 1400 2 2 1 A " l lq (3) t400 2 !l ·' 1, orr (3J t&3o 2 2b A '' D 1400 2 ,- A 1 , orr ( t ) tii30 ~· 2 29 A \S c 1400 I

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