Download - Task 11 - Q5


How did you attract/address your audience for your media product?

The three ways I attracted/addressed my audience are:

• I pitched my magazine to the public

• I got feedback from my colleagues on my magazine

• I implemented any improvements/changes that I have been given on my magazine from the feedback.

Magazine Proposal

For task 6, I created a magazine proposal/pitch to try and sell my magazine to the public but also to receive some feedback on what I am doing right and also what I am doing wrong.

I had created this magazine on PowerPoint and I included the title of my magazine, the fonts that I may be using in my magazine, the colour scheme etc.

This was all presented by me to the class and this was recorded on a camera so that I could keep a record on the feedback to use to improve my work later on.


After I had presented my magazine to the class, I left some time so that they could ask questions about my magazine and also so that they could tell me what they think about my magazine.

Some of the things that were said during the feedback time after my presentation was a question on what gender the magazine was aimed at which was male and female. The next part of the feedback was that the audience gave me their thoughts and some said that they like my mast head and that it is very attractive and stands out.

At the final part of the feedback the audience told me what I could do to improve my magazine. Some of what was said was things like try to have models that are from both genders, have a consistent house style throughout the magazine to make it look professional etc.

Improvements/Changes I made

From the feedback of my magazine I have took what has been said in my feedback to action and made the improvements/changes that was mentioned on my magazine proposal.

Some of the changes I made was the house style of my magazine as before I had chose a colour scheme that was said to be aimed too much at females rather than males and this was a issue I had to solve as my magazine was aimed at both genders.

Another change I made was the main image on the front cover. It was said that the image was not of a high quality which made it less professional and also the image was not suitable as it doesn't match the genre of the magazine.



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