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Task 5

Research into existing music video’s (past students work)

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Good video’s.

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Video 1

The first music which I think was a success was a video from Shenfield High School in Essex. The

group did a song by Mac Miller called Frick Park Market. Mac Miller is a young British rap artist. The group who have done this music video has managed to pull off a successful video by using actors with a age similar to Mac Miller but also the urban/suburbia areas which fits in with Mac

Millers style.

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The video as a whole was made by using quite high tec. gadgets which in the end did pay off for

example they used various different lenses (Canon 18-55mm kit lens, Tamrom 80-210mm lens, Samyang 8mm fisheye lens) which all had different purposes within the video making the quality of the video better but also making the video appear more realistic to an actual music


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There is also use of montage editing in the video. There is plenty of shots which don’t have a meaning in the video but somehow they do give a background to the song. An example of this is with the cows. The cows

come up often in the video but they have no relevance to the song. I think the use of having montage editing is to show the personality of the

characters. Personally I think that they have done this because they aren’t supposed to be near the cows show it shows a rebellion side same with the

firework scene, it has no relevance but it shows rebellion. The video has credits at the beginning and the end. The colors of blue and white suit the song and audience because rap tends to be a more male genre of music.

The credits appear in time with the music too which gives it a more professional look. They have also put the name of the song at the start and end of the music video as well as making a record label also consisting of

the same colors of blue and white.

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The editing is important in this song because of the pace of the song the editing should match it’s fast tempo. In this

video there are plenty of shots and plenty of editing techniques such as jump cuts are used often in the video. An example of a successful jump cut in the video is 2.13 – 2.15

the jumpiness matches the jumpiness of the song. The video also uses slow motion as well as a rewind technique which both work together which gives the video a sort of future

feeling as if after that point of editing you can only go forward within the video. An example of the slow motion

rewind effect is 2:16 – 2:18


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The sound for this music video at the start they don’t go directly into the music video they start of with like a

scene with the lead singer slapping hands with his friend sat down on the bench. Here you can hear the diegetic sounds of the road, the wind and the trees. This is all effective because it gives us as the audience an idea what type of video this is going to be and where the music video will be held mostly which is outside. The

music as a whole goes in time with the clips being played which is effective because it makes it look a lot

more professional.

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Mise en Scene

The lighting in this music video uses mostly natural lighting because a lot of it is set outside when they are inside the house when the singer is in bed there is a scene where they use a normal ceiling light. The costume of the three boys are round about the same. They all come across as quite fashionable.

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Camera Shots

The camera shots for this music video have loads of different shots all working in different ways. The most popular shot they used is long shots and mid shots. The long shot is the most popular one and I think it was used to show the locations, actions of the singer but also to show costume change. The

mid shot was used to show the miming of the lyrics which looked effective because it was like the lyrics

were being sung to us as the audience.

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This video doesn’t have a storyline but the lyrics and the visuals do connect with each other. The group that has done this has also included the start of the song which is more of a intro than part of the actual song. They have

used humor in a way which does link in with the song such as in the song it goes “you cockroach” and the visuals show the ‘lead singer’ with his tongue out trying to lick a spider which isn’t a cockroach but because you only see that clip for a short second you can’t tell the difference. The video is mostly lyrically and visually connected which I think works for this video having a bit of humor so the audience doesn’t get bored watching the lyrics being

shown out to them when this song is pretty self explanatory. Also the locations chosen fit in with the song. The young boys riding around in their cars, messing around and going to skate parks are all typical of young boys

and especially this kind of audience who listen to rap music.

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Video 2

The second video I am going to analyze is a music video from Luton sixth form college. The group did a song by Justin

Timberlake and Timberland called What You Got (oh no). Obviously Justin Timberlake was in Nsync then moved onto

doing solo work and Timberland collaborates with many different artists. Both men are in their 30’s so their video will

reflect their lifestyle. The group who have done this music video has managed to pull off a successful video by doing

similar actions which they think people of Justin and Timberlands age would get up to but also they have also taken

influence in other videos in the same genre to create their video which has worked in their favour.

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The video as a whole was made by using a blue screen. A blue screen is a special effect which involves layer two video compositions on top of each other to create one whole video. The use of blue screen in this

video was effective because it they didn’t overcomplicate their video by using different

backgrounds, they used a plain black screen which in the end does work with the genre of music the group

chose. Also another effect the group has used is a grey pattern around the ‘singer’ as he moves and

sings the pattern fits around him which looks effective.

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The editing is important in this song because of the pace of the song the editing should match it’s fast tempo. In this video the video has long takes rather than

short takes compared to the Mac Miller video but it of editing techniques of this video makes the video look like the shots are shorter takes. A edit which is used

a lot in this video is a in out motion. This in out motion has a part where it is extremely successful and that is 2:00 when the singer and the girl are doing a

grinding movement. The editing does the in out technique which creates a thrusting movement. Another edit which is used a lot in this video is a close up

on the background dancer then a quick zoom out to the foreground dancer with the background dancer still in frame this again creates movement in the video

but also it allows the take of the video to be long rather than taking lots of shots. An example of this is 2.06 – 2.12. Another editing is the credits at the

beginning making the video realistic.

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The sound in this video has two different sound effects one being the song added on top and the other at the

start the sound of talking. The sound of the talking crowd at the beginning of the video gives an

atmosphere but also it adds to the scenario/narrative of the video. After researching into the song I found

out that the start of the song doesn’t have the talking which the group has added. Because the sound has

been so successfully and worked with the song it made it believable that the talking was in the song.

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Mise En Scene

The lighting is hard to tell in this video because the colour has been changed to black and white. I think the black and white gives the

video a new feel to it but also makes the video look crisp and clean. I think the black and white coloured has been inspired by other videos

from the same genre of music such as the music video for My Love also by Justin Timberlake. The costume of this video you can see that

everyone in the video is wearing black or white clothing which suggests that the actors had a strict clothing to be worn but also that the group knew they wanted their video to be in black and white. The

lead singers are wearing similar clothing with the smart looking costume making us aware that they are the main characters in this

music video.

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Camera shots The camera shots used in this music video has a

large variety of shots from close up shots to show the girls eyes looking seductive as if she is drawing us in to medium close up of the ‘lead singers’ face and the dancer in the background to extreme long shots two show the two boys singing next to each other. The different camera shots are important because it’s a way to show us what is happening

and a way to make us understand the video and the narrative.

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The narrative of this music video is a club sort of scene and the two boys playing Justin Timberlake and

Timberland notice a girl, this is very generic for this type of music genre with the scene at a club and a girl. I think the video has a whole is trying to hint that they want to take the girl home with them. The video isn’t actually

visually set in a club but you get the vibe/feeling that this is the feel for the video they wanted their audience to have. They have done this by the use of sound at the

start of the video with the sounds of music and talking in the background.

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Video 3

The last good music video I analyzed was by a group who did a song by The Pretty Reckless called Zombie. The

group who did this music video got an A grade for their work. The Pretty Reckless is American rock band with

female lead singer Taylor Momsen. I think what makes this music video successful was that the group used a

strong narrative but they also used a female actress to portray the story which is good because the lead singer

of The Pretty Reckless is female and the song is written in first person so it would make sense to have a female

actress portraying Taylor Momsen.

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To make this video the person who made it used a good quality camera which in the end did pay

off because there were scenes in the video when using a handheld camera was effective and the

camera didn’t unfocused the shot which as good but also the scenes where the person who was filming went to focus the camera to unfocus is

looked good, this is something which with a low quality camera wouldn’t have been achieved.

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The editing in this song I think is used to a minimal but it’s been used in an effective way. For instance a really effective edit the

video has, is when the girl looks in the mirror the reflection in the mirror is a different video image and it’s different to what the girl

is doing which links to the zombie song because zombies have two sides to them. Another effect is the disorientated edit which

is used a lot in this music video the disoriented effect gives an insane sort of look to it. A particularly good use of this is when

the room is dark and there is lights flashing on her body but there’s a red tint in the light which again refers to the blood.

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In this music video there is no diegetic sounds it’s just the non diegetic sounds of the music track

being played on top of the clips. The song does fit in with the timing of the clips such as the drums

will have a solo and the clips will match the same amount of time. Also another thing I noticed

which in comparison to the other two videos I have analyzed, this one doesn’t have an intro of some sort, it goes straight into the music video.

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Mise En Scene

The location for this music video is set both outside and inside. The outside scenes are both in rural and urban areas such as the beginning of the music video

the girl is seen waking up in a field area and the rest of the urban areas is along streets with houses or churches near them. The inside scenes are in a house,

parts of the house which are shown mostly are the bathroom and kitchen, as a whole the locations give a journey like feel to it as she is always moving/going

somewhere. The costume at the start of the music video was mostly black which links in with the stereotypical rock music means black but also the actress also

has piercings another stereotype for people who listen to rock music. The costume changes into pajamas which indicates a time and day within the music video. The lighting in the music video for the outside shots mostly use natural

lighting whereas the lighting in the house shots are used by artificial lighting from the ceiling light but when we see her in a dark room with a red tint to the light

barely seeing her I think that the lighting used in that scene was a torch.

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Camera Shots The camera shots used in this music video has a lot of difference shots

all having a different purpose. The opening shots are close ups of the girl showing us that she is our main character but it also makes us as the audience question why she has red on her face. When she is walking through streets the camera switches between mid shot and long shot which both show her looking around wherever she is looking but also

they are seen by using a handheld camera giving it an edgy/rough look. When the girl vomits the camera uses fast pace editing of close up to mid shot this scene is significant to the video because it explains why

she has blood on her face. When she is looking into the mirror over the shoulder shots are used so we can what she sees. There is continuity

when the girl is swallowing pills to stop her from vomiting blood which uses close up to mid shot just like when she was vomitting. Close up of

the blood and the pills in the sink to emphasize how many pills she took to stop her from vomitting. The ending shot closes with a close up of the girl in the bath after she has been in a blood bath which then fades out

and becomes blurry.

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Narrative I think the narrative for this music video is that the girl is

a zombie by night but by day she isn’t and she doesn’t know she’s a zombie so when she wakes up the next day in places she doesn’t know and when she is vomitting up

blood from perhaps her victims from the night before, that’s when she becomes confused and wonders why she

is vomitting blood. The way this music video has been shot makes it seem like we are going on the journey with her to find out why she is vomitting blood. After looking

at the lyrics for the song I think that the lyrics were unclear so I think that the makers of this music video

have done really well to think of a story line which would help us understand the song.

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Bad videos

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Video 1


This video is a song by The Saturdays called Had it with today. The Saturdays are an all girl British pop

group. The Saturdays are young adult women so the song will reflect what problems they will be going

through at their age. The Saturdays are also a fashionable girl group so I would expect to see that in

their video.

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The narrative of this music video is a girl has been dumped and she is having a hard time at school, I think. The narrative is very unclear in this music video

because there are scenes which make you question why they have decided to film that? Which to me suggests that they started filming random things to fill

up time an example of this was pan shots of trees. There was no reason to have trees but they decided to film these. The acting as well wasn’t great

either as the actress started laughing at one point where a serious scene was happening but also I think she should have learnt the song more because her

miming wasn’t on time again making it look unprofessional. The mise en scene of this music video I didn’t think was thought out very well. The locations for

the music video was obvious at a school or outside the school which was really obvious and it made the video not look very professional. The costume for the music video wasn’t right especially for the artists who wrote the songs which are said to be the sexiest British girl band. The lighting was roughly the same

which could have been improved by experimenting with different times of the day or using artificial lighting. The camera shots were explored but they

weren’t used effectively so I think that needed improving on. The editing was quite poor and made the video look unprofessional as if the software they

used wasn’t of good quality.

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Video 2

This video is a song by a band called Fountains of Wayne and the song is called ‘Stacy's mom’. Fountains

of Wayne are an American boy band who’s first hit single was Stacy’s Mom. The video for this song I would expect to see a girl playing Stacy and someone playing

her mum. The lyrics mostly refer to her house so I would also expect to see it to be at a house location

but also a boy or boys admiring Stacy’s mum.

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The narrative of this music video is a group of boys who by the look of it are stalking a girl around who is a similar age as them which makes me think that the girl they are stalking is Stacy’s mum. The narrative is okay, it’s not amazing but it does describe the meaning of the song. The mise en scene of this music video I didn’t think was thought out very well. The locations for the music video was

obvious at a school which looked very professional. The costume for the music video was good for the ‘band’ but not good for the person playing Stacy’s mum

who is supposed to be a sexy mum when what the girl playing Stacys mum wasn’t wearing sexy clothes. The props for the music video was very minimal

which didn’t work for when the band were playing all together because the band didn’t have any instruments so they were air playing instruments which made the quality of the video look poor and not thought out. Another thing is there was a green screen behind them which is designed to do background changes but it wasn’t being used for that it was used more as a backdrop but also the

camera was so zoomed out that you could see around green screen such as the books on the side which makes the video look like the group didn’t thought out their video. The camera shots weren’t explored a lot and were mostly long shots

and mid shots, I think the group should have tried out more different types of shots. The video as a whole there wasn’t much editing besides the slow motion during the car washing scene, I think this is something which the group should

have thought about more.

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Video 3

This video is a song by a band called The Offspring and the song is called ‘Pretty Fly for a White Guy’. The Offspring are an American boy band who’s have been around since 1984

but Pretty Fly for a White Guy is their most popular and well known song. The video for this song I would expect to see a male playing the white guy because the song is written from a males point of view. I would also expect the music video to

be funny because the song isn’t a serious song, it’s quite a jokey song.

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The narrative of this music video is a about a boy who is nerdy and trying to get people to like him. The narrative isn’t the best purely because the song chosen is quite hard to show the meaning of the song in a way to still make the song

funny but also make the narrative just as funny. The mise en scene was throughout okay what I did like though was the start when the guitarist was walking down the corridor playing guitar because I thought that was really

effective. The part with the studio like effect worked because bands sometimes put videos of them recording in their music videos.

The costume for the music video wasn’t the best for the ‘band’ because the music which the group chose was by a punk rock band but the costumes they wore didn’t fit in with the punk rock genre especially the lead singer who wore trackies in the video which is something not typical or realistic of a punk rock

band. The outfit for the guy who was the nerd did look good though. The acting for this video I thought was really poor. The band scenes the whole band didn’t look confident which made the video look unprofessional and the part with the nerdy guy going through the crowd looked really try hard making it look like the video wasn’t a serious media video. The camera shots used for the music video I don’t believe were explored loads which I think could have been improved on by using different and more interesting shots. The editing was very basic and

didn’t experiment with different techniques.

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