  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    How toscratch build a Tau DX 6 RemoraDrone FighterObjective: To build a Remora facsimile from left over bitz materials and odd materials.


    I am not trying to reproduce the FW Remora.

    I am NOT including steps such as file edges, smooth, sand, etc. unless they are unique.

    I always use glue then place greenstuff to ensure a bond. So when you see greenstuffthat includes the application of glue prior to its placement.

    I am not including the seeker missles.


    1x Tau Gun Drone Sprue (you will use the body and the underbody but will not use thepulse carbines and antenna)

    1x large flying base (60mm diameter base) I used 60mm bases I had left over fromanother project and my preference is to use large flaying bases. You are free to use anysize

    1x targeting array from a Crisis battlesuit model

    2x burst cannons I used crisis battlesuit BCs as these are look the proper scale to a gundrone. If you use larger BCs (say from a Devilfish), they may look too big for the gundrone and you may have to use the body displayed in the advanced section (see end ofguide).

    Plasticard for wings I used 1/16 or 2mm thick card

    1x rectangular plasticard tube 0.125x0.25 (1/8 by ) 1x square plasticard tube 0.25x0.25 (1/4)

    1x circular plasticard tube 0.156 Dia. (3/32)

    green stuff

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Step 1: Wings

    Draw the wings on a plasticardsee pattern and dimensions below. Dimensions:

    RED = Each wing is in a 30mm x 40mm box.

    GREEN =20mm FUSHIA = 25mm

    PURPLE = 10mm

    Step 2: Sensor Array

    Cut your Targeting Array in half. Optional: Trim outside edges off for a flat front surface.

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Step 3: Engine Intake

    Use rectangular tube, cutting a 10mm section i.e. each Remora gets one. Then mark a slantededge (30-60-90 degree triangle) and cut one side to be angled.

    Step 4: Body Assembly (underside, sensors, and engine intake)

    Attach the under-body armature. Then cut off a small section (in front) for placement of sensor

    array. Place small bit of greenstuff. Glue. Place modified target array from step 2. Place moregreenstuff behind placed TA enough to allow engine intake from step 3 to sit level with TA.Then stuff engine intake with something (I used foam) enough to fill most, but NOT ALL, of thecavity. This last step is to reduce the amount of greenstuff youll have to use in step 10. Youcould skip it and fill the engine intake completely with greenstuff if you want.

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Step 5: Burst Cannons

    Glue BC on to side of engine intakes.

    Step 6: Wing Assembly - indents

    Mark the armor plating indents on wings. Then create the indents. I use a dremel, but they canbe cut with a razor-knife.

    Step 7: Wing Assembly Rotation Armature

    The FW model allows the wings to be rotated up and downwe are replicating look not function.Cut the circular tube to match the width of the wings25mm for mine (FUSHIA). Then glue thecircular tube to the edge of the wing.

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Step 8: Wing Assembly Attach to body

    Your Remora body should look like below. Place a small roll of greenstuff on wing as shown.Glue to remora body next to BC. One per side. Note angle of wing placement.

    Step 9: Body and Wing Assembly

    Picture below is what you should see

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Step 10: Engine Intake completion

    Fill engine intake with greenstuff. Smooth. Create intake vanes with horizontal sculpts. Also fillthe front holes in the circular tubes.

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Step 11: Rear Engine Assembly

    Cut two 15mm sections from the rectangular tubeeach Remora will use two. Then cut two10mm sections from the rectangular tubeeach Remora will use two. So you will have a total offour pieces. Mark each 10mm piece as shown i.e. create an angled piece. Then glue that angled

    piece on top of the 15mm piece. Fill front hole with greenstuff.

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Step 12: Attach Rear Engines to Body

    Attach a small roll of greenstuff on each rear engine as shown. Place each rear engine on insideof BC as shownnote the fin part goes up.

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Step 13: Completed Remora

    Images of completed Remoras attached to large flying bases. I purposely differed some of thewing angles to add variety to the squadron.

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Scale Comparison:

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  • 8/13/2019 Tau Remora Scratch Built


    Advanced Technique more true to FW model:

    Originally I tried to match the drone size to FWFW drone body is close to the diameter of asmall flying base rather than the smaller gun drone diameter. Here is my prototype. I choose notto continue with this because it is a lot more work i.e. cut small flying base, cut plastic curve from

    soda bottle, glue TA and plastic curve onto modified small flying base, and greenstuff. Then youhave to add in the armor indents with a dremel in a circular fashion (not done on prototype) on thesmall flying base and fashion a larger underbodyfor me using the gun drone was enough.

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