Page 1: Tawhid in the Media Perspective (Malaysian Context)

UNGS 2030“Tawhid in the media perspective

(Malaysian context)”

Group Name: Siswi

Group Members:

1. Siti Umairah Binti Mohamed Radzwan (1125702)2. Rabiatul Adawiyah Binti Shaharom (1127284)3. Nur Fazlina Binti Zulhalim (1125056)4. Siti Nur Asiah Binti Rahim (1123296)

Page 2: Tawhid in the Media Perspective (Malaysian Context)


1. Introduction: What is the meaning of Tawhid and media?2. Unsettled problem: Entertainment in Muslim media.3. Hukm' (Lawful or forbidden) of media4. Developing Media for dakwah strategy - Practical solutions

5. Role of media- In spreading of Islam.- In correcting the images of Islam.

6. Mass media in Malaysia- Suggestion in shaping the media into Islamic way.

7. Conclusion8. Reference

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First and foremost, before we going deeper, we must know what is the meaning of the topic. The topic is “Tawhid in the Media Perspective (Malaysian Context).

Most of people know what the meaning of tawhid is. Tawhid is an act of affirming Allah to be Absolutely One and singular and there is nothing and begin similar, equal or comparable Him. (Oneness of God) It’s is shown in the above versus:

Thy Lord has decreed you shall not serve and worship any but Him. “(al-Isra', 17:23)"0 mankind! Fear your Lord, Who created you of a single soul. " (an- Nisa', 4:1)

Now, what the meaning of media is? Media can be categorized in many types such as:Mass media: the collection of all media technologies.Broadcast media: transmit their information electronically and comprise Print media: physical object as a means of sending their information (e.g. newspaper, magazine)Internet media: able to achieve mass media status in its own right. (e.g. email, websites, blogging, Internet and television)

There have many of media have being present in this new era. It’s depends on used how to used that technology. The advantage of something us depends on how we used that this, whether in good ways or vice verses and how we want to apply tawhid in the media perspective? This question will be answer sooner.

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When we talk about media, most of us will think about entertainment because the easiest ways to promote something by using media and it’s costless. The problem is, is there a place for entertainment in Islam? How we want to apply Tawhid in the entertainment? Common belief among some quarter of Muslims, especially those who are committed to religious practices, that entertainment is a “forbidden” which they can only participate in and enjoy with some measure of guilt.

That is why Yusuf al-Qaradawi (1985), a leading contemporary Muslim jurist have to argue that, “Islam does not require of Muslims that their speech should consist entirely of pious utterances, that their silence should be a meditation, that they should listen to nothing except the recitation of the Qur’an, nor that they should spend all their leisure time in the mosque. Rather, it recognises that Allah has created human beings with needs and desires, so that, as they need to eat and drink, they also need to relax, and enjoy themselves”.

The main theme being propagated throughout the Muslim world is the concept of ad-din, a comprehensive of life. Islam is teaches that the religion is not separate but integral to every aspect in Muslim’s life. So, it has to be admitted that the worst problem of establishing Islamic media is to face different opinion among the scholar on entertainment’s issues. It has unsettled problem among them.

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Like has been said before, there have many argument among the scholar about the lawful of the media. Whether it is allowed or not? Some observer found that most of the entertainment has been dominated by western culture which is some of it give bad impact to Muslim’s life while Muslim entertainment is virtually non-existence, except on a small scale.

Moral decadence portrayed by ‘artist’ as major player of this industry, particularly on mass media and communication media is a sphere strongly attacked by Islamists. Many metaphors such as “evil” and “satan’s instruments” are sometimes used to describe the role and the behaviours of entertainers. Their personalities and attitude doesn’t suite with Islam perspective. For example in Malaysia, it was reported in a newspaper that some Muslim artists ate in public during the day in the month of Ramadhan and even drink alcohol publicly. Therefore it will give bad expression on the eye of the public about the entertainer with regard to such negative behaviours.

The moral and attitude of the entertainers must be changed so that the entertainment can be part of ways for Muslim to do dakwah by shows the best role to the world. Many critics suggested that artists should build up their moral (maruah), and avoid being manipulated by any company whose aim is solely profit (Ismail Hj Ibrahim 1993;Noritah Sulaiman 1993)

How media (entertainment) have given influence to Muslim nowadays?

The movie industry in the Muslim world is poor and week compared to Hollywood. In fact Bollywood is becoming more popular in some parts of the world as opposed to Malaysia films

In Malaysia, Islamic entertainment is concerning on the establishment of nashid (religious) songs. This method is the best way to approach those who reluctant to go to masjid for hear a ceramah. The songs that have moral value on it can give good impact to their listener. The lyrics in the nashid songs have many Islamic moral values which are good to being applied in our daily life and this is the best way to approach teenager to know about Islam, their religious. Zarie Ahmad, leader of Raihan “What we wish for is to make our intention is to disseminate the message of da’wah (propagation) through the establishment of nashid groups” (Jamilah Aini Mohd. Rafiei 1998)

This is shows that media can be used to spread about Islam if we have good intention. Very thing we do is depending on our intention, so that the hukm of the media is depends on the intention. In the next subtopic we will discuss what the role of Islamic media is in the globalization era.

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In this digital technology era, internet-based communications has been developed as the

latest state of the art of communications technology. In addition to the old media like

newspaper, magazines, radio and television stations, this internet-based social media such

as Facebook and Twitter, dubbed as new media has become new player and new centre of

power. It enabled almost everyone to be content provider that can publish their ideas

directly, thus threatening the old established professional ones.

The new emerging media has grown rapidly and has influenced in the ideological,

political, social and economic fields throughout the world. They also prompted

democratization process, forcing the downfalls of long-serving authoritarian rulers similar to

what happen in the Middle East now. This has given us a lesson: technology and democracy

are closely related an unstoppable. These two have great influences on way of

communication between people. Technology helps to deliver messages more easily while

democracy enabled people to express their thought and opinion freely. More sophisticated

technology will make easier communication freedom of expression as result of democracy

will produces more ideas. Less technology and democracy will decrease the ideas produce

and also resulting in bad communications.

By realizing this fact, as a must, Muslim need to mastering the digital technology and

promoting democracy that gives more freedom of expression. But, one must remember that

too much freedom exercised by media, particularly the social media will give negative

impacts as shown by moral decadence of younger generations.

Dakwah is propagating noble Islamic values and appeals for Taqwa, complete

obedience to Allah, by means of doing goodness and avoiding wrongdoings based on al-

Quran and Sunnah. It is an act of mass communications thus journalism and mass media

play significant role. It is proven that in this era, the most effective way of dakwah is through

the mass media. The technology used and level of predominant democracy by freedom of

the press will give effect to the quantity, quality and impacts of dakwah.

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The new emerging non certified preachers who deliver their messages through new

media has given challenge to the old established, professional and authoritative preachers

as dakwah key players. In the presence of multi-players of communications, dakwah is

facing ever rising challenges of balancing modernity due to technology and democracy and

morality based on al-Quran and sunnah.

To answer those challenges, the old established, professional and authoritative

preachers should use the new media as the medium to broadcast their messages and

become the new content providers. In the use of old and new media, the content providers

should implement the four excellent characters of Prophet Muhammad which is: siddiq or

implementing truth, tabligh or disseminating truth in an educational way, amanah or

reliable, trustworthy and accountable, also fathonah or with wisdom or wisely.

Prophet Muhammad has combined both his words and deeds in his dakwah. He did

what he said. It must be admitted that nowadays, many leaders, preachers and media

professionals have not yet apply this thing. Too many words, less action or even worse, their

actions are contradictory to what they said. They can give examples but can’t transform

themselves to be examples. An example that we can see is corruption which are


Practicing the four excellent characters of Prophet Muhammad in mass media and

content providers is vital now. Basic fundamental for applying this is love, emanating from

Allah, the supreme love himself. Thus, the people who applying this will show dignity,

devotion, tolerance, mutual understanding, mutual respect, nonviolence and tender loving

care in their reports, features and commentaries.

In order to obtain optimal results from practicing the four excellent characters of

Prophet Muhammad, there are some conditions prevail. There must be freedom of

expression, no oppression by whosoever, government and religious authorities as well as

the media owners. Freedom prevails only in democratic society and will only result in the

presence of independence or objectivity which is to reveal truth. It is truth that everyone

would like to see. But it is not just for the sake of truth. It must be dedicated to justice and

fairness. Truth must be the basis for social justice. It is social justice that will produce

prosperity, economic and social well beings which in turn will yield to peace. It is peace of

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mind that everyone is seeking for. But, it must be not just personal, local, and national

peace. It must be dedicated to global peace where humanity based on universal noble

values could flourish, getting along with Islamic principles, which are rahmatan lil alamin or

mercy for all mankind.

Practical Solutions

Journalism is the practice of collecting, processing, editing and disseminating

information. A very important role was played by journalism and mass media in mass

communication including dakwah. How the journalist processed and transform the

messages into information from the leaders, preachers, ulama’, scholars and other resource

persons will affect the communication effectiveness of the messages to the followers,

readers, audience, listeners and public. In order to deliver their messages effectively at

large, the content providers should be friendly with journalist and their media.

Information is produce by combining ideological, political, economic, social and

cultural values and its interests by its provider which is mass media. Thus, information is not

value-free and not-interest free and will depends on the provider’s values and interests,

who may have also listened to and accommodated the values and interests of the readers,

listeners and viewers, advertisers – mostly for commercial media, audience’s response

including supports, complaints and or protests. So, the content providers should involve

themselves in the production of information.

Messages or contents and means of dissemination which is technology are believed

to be equally importance. However, it has been proven that the messages is more important

compared to the means. This is because of messages contained intellectual, emotional and

spiritual capabilities of human being, which make it unique and in some cases even

mysterious and unexplainable. Whereas technology can be more easily produced,

reproduced, copied or in other words pirated, adopted and adapted. Therefore, Muslim

should be the content providers by providing their own version and control the messages


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Unlimited opportunities has been given to everyone to be a content providers with

emergence of the new media, which include internet-based multimedia such as mobile

phone, Facebook, Twitter, iPhone and iPad. Journalist including reporters, contributors and

editors are the most important players in content production. Mass media has become

rulers of the societal life worldwide since its emergence, moreover in the present digital era

where internet-based social media are preoccupying and dictating our modern lives,

especially for the younger generation. Hence, Muslim should provide and deploy more

professional content providers for both old and new media through education or training.

By realizing the most important role of content providers, it is a must to cultivate

noble values through continuous systematic lifelong education, including dakwah. For

Muslim journalist, the best way is to adopting the four excellent characters of Prophet

Muhammad. Those excellent characters should be including in the curriculum structure of

our schools of communications and journalistic training centres.

The birth of citizen journalists or citizen content providers has been prompted by the

invention of internet, mobile phone and iPhone. Digital technology has helped speeding up

the spreading of as well as democratizing information. With emergence of digital

communication technology, a serious challenge has been posed to those regarded as old

media to compete with the new media. Technology has shaped and shifted media form,

appearance and way of presenting information. The owner of old media should develop

their news organizations into convergent multi-media, offering three in one services which

are text, audio and video in order to keep up with the technological development.

Judging by its legal status, there are now state or government media, private or

commercial media, and personal or social media. He first two are run by bureaucrats and

professionals, while the third is free, run by individuals as citizens content providers,

adopting citizen journalism. Serious challenges have been posed to state or government-

controlled media by commercial and more over by social media. State or government media

is left far behind by private or commercial media and even more by social media in speed of

distribution and style of presentation mainly due to lack of freedom of expression and

bureaucratic procedures. For this reason, good corporate governance should be applied.

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Although many big news organizations run by professional journalist often quote

personal or social media as initial source or clue of information, it is admitted that social

media mostly lack in accuracy. Of course in some particular cases, especially in reporting

local disasters, citizen journalists are much faster than the so-called professionals hired by

news organizations. But, due to lack of professionalism, citizen content providers often face

difficulties in feeding readers with constant, timely news. To overcome this, citizen

journalists should be involved in the training programme.

Combination of dakwah, namely with words – written and spoken on Islamic

teachings, funds and concrete empowerment programs should be carry out. Noted ulama’

or Muslim scholars and preachers will write and speak in the media and directly to the

audience through regular gatherings as well pioneers and social volunteers to help the poor

in the urban slums and less developed, isolated rural areas with concrete, benefitting

actions. Three things must be altogether: words, funds and deeds.

There must be synergy of professionalism, organized content providers and citizen

journalists in order to achieved success for dakwah. Cooperation, competition, instead of

confrontation is the keywords. This principle is called as Triple C and also valid in dealing

with international, secular, commercial news organizations and citizen contents providers.

Unnecessary frictions and confrontation must be avoided.

In order for the content providers including preachers to success in the digital era,

methods or arts of presentation should be actual, personal, fashionable, interactive dialogue

– instead of monologue and imposing indoctrination, informing so people will know,

educating so people will understand, entertaining so people are at ease, relaxed and

relieved, enlightening so people are spiritually peaceful and also empowering to enable

people to actualize their respective potentials for their happiness.

Digital technology, internet-based content providers give more opportunities and

advantages rather than adversaries and disadvantages. The bigger the challenges we face,

the bigger the opportunities we have. There is always a room for optimism and innovation.

Old and new forces should unite with dignity for devotion to Allah through concrete actions

dedicated to establish a peaceful and more prosperous world for the benefit of human

beings and all creatures.

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As we know, media is another type of communication where new converts were initially exposed to Islam. Books, academic works, printed journal and other print media really contribute in enhancing people knowledge in Islam. However, some just accidentally carrying this purpose by inducing a beginning spark.

For example, a controversial novel The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie which was published in 1988 in United Kingdom had created such a huge uproar in Islamic World. In 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling all brave Muslim to kill Rushdie and those who associated with the publication of The Satanic Verses.

Rushdie then, despite facing numerous attempted assassination, his novel which was among best sellers of the year, had encouraged many non-Muslims to buy it, along with the Qur’an and other books about Islam. This incident then, increased people knowledge in Islam, and some of them too, converted.


In correcting the images of Islam, various measures had been taken. Mass media absolutely carry the best method in installing and executing the right images of Islam into non-Muslims minds, especially those in the West, where the term of Islam often being related to terrorism, racism, fundamentalist and so on.

Hence, The Malaysian Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in association with the Cordoba Institute conducted the two-day international conference at Kuala Lumpur from 9-10 June 2010 and discussed the theme "The Muslim World and the West: Bridging The Gap, From Definition to Action".

Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, a diplomat and currently the Secretary-General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) said that “I believe that the media can be a dominant and effective partner in the bridging process by rejecting the proponents of hatred and intolerance totally.”

He then, at the end of his speech, in reducing the gap, proposed 10 methods. His sixth method then, related to media, suggested that media should play their role “to avoid parochialism” and then the space for intercultural dialogue should be prepared. He also encouraged “joint projects of broadcasts, newspapers, magazines and websites by journalist from different cultural backgrounds”

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In Malaysia, the role of media as a medium to spread Islam is being used well to benefit its society where Muslims are slim major. There are also two channel of television, Astro Oasis and TV Al-Hijrah which their programmes mainly concentrate on upgrading Muslims knowledge in Islam as well as inducing into non-Muslims minds the truth about Islam.

I could vividly recalled one of my friends during my National Services program, a program which are compulsory for selected teenager aged 18 years old, soon after they had completed their SPM level. She’s an Indian, a normal Indian girl who loves to watch this one Indonesian drama in TV9 during evening which coincidentally had Islamic theme installed in it.

She proudly said that she also could memorize some of sayings in Islam. She said from her observation in that drama, “Alhamdulillah” were used after something good happened, “Masha-Allah” and “Astaghfirullah” were used if something terrible happen and “Bismillah” were used before eating.

It’s true that comparing our knowledge and that Indian girl knowledge, those sayings are not necessarily need to be said in those occasions. However, the impact we have here, media in Malaysia truly can grasp the power to spread Islam into the lives of non-Muslims. If that Indian girl was truly could be influenced by just random drama, imagine if we, as a Muslims really take this chance to spread Islam in a proper programmes conducted by those who alim.

Alhamdullilah, this imagination already made into reality. For example the reality programme, “Imam Muda” (Young Imam) is a first reality program in world searching for talent of becoming Imam among Muslims youngsters which contradict with the norm of reality programs today that focus on singing talent, dancing or fashion design.

The participants in this program were majorly admired by not only Muslimah but also Chinese women and also Indian women in Malaysia. This programme also got International recognition as according to the Malaysian Insider it were reported in details in daily basis by media in German and Switzerland.

Running from Monday to Wednesday at 9.30 pm, 30 Minit Ustaz Don (30 Minutes Ustaz Don) is a show hosted by Ustaz Don Danial Bin Don Biyajid or known as Ustaz Don. This program, discuss the ‘Fiqh’ in Monday and Tuesday, guiding on how to pray and teaching cleanliness in Islam in details and proper way which some might outlook the importance of these two things in daily life as a Muslim.

While, the rest of two days remaining, he guides the correct way to pronounce and recite Quran. Audience also can grab the opportunity correcting their recitations by directly calls the studio during its live recordings.

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This show received very welcoming and positive feedbacks from all over the Malaysia as the medium used by Ustaz Don is really fathomable by various aged of people, bet it from a kid in his kindergarten or by an old lady. The method he used is also very user friendly, like a teacher teaching his student; a very interactive approach different from certain types of religious programs that feature talk shows that go on and on and audience also tend to get bored.


These are several suggestions that will be a positive challenge for media in Malaysia today for providing a better way of Propagation and Progression of Islam. Firstly, expert among the Islamic activist should be born or used, the one who have the ability to attract the society attention to get close and understand Islam more.

For example, nowadays, Malaysian youngsters really adore Ustaz Azhar Idrus, an Islamic speaker. His videos in Youtube giving talk in various places and mosques also are shared every day in Facebook, and part of his speech sometimes was quoted; being made into facebook’s statuses or simply being put into pictures with beautiful scenery behind.

Next, a proper web site that can attract many users, especially young generations should be established. Thus, a more up to date, precise and useful information about Islam can be directly accessed anytime or anywhere. These suggestions actually acquire high commitment and of course high budget, but they shouldn’t be a great obstacle.

This is because, with Facebook or Twitter, one organization or any joined association can simply open an account that is news-portal like which always being update with attractive information about Islam, clearing the misunderstanding, and also not to forget, reminding the Muslims.

Media also should be used as a medium to spread new and planned outdoor activities that can benefit our Ummah. Activities that are carried out should adhere to the Law Of Islam, charity like activities and always maintain Adaab In Islam.

Then, as media being used a tool to spread information, one must consistent in the truth of information he spread by avoiding Fitnah, insulting any individual, excessive entertainment or humor and so on.

Adab in Islam should be regularly spread as a reminder so that the media users are educated with Islamic Culture that values excellent Adaab. Hence, by implanting suggestions above effectively, all threats and attacks on Islam can be counteract more and in control.

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In conclusion, using media a tool or wasilah for Islamic message is the comprehensive way of dakwah. They should be serving as a good source (da’i) of information about Islam. They should create their own search engines, providers, satellites, blogs or websites with an excellent performance and attractive information. The information should include all aspects of Islamic messages. The hukm of the media is depends on:

1) Protagonist point of view



i) hadith riwayat bukhari, vol 5, book 58:268

ii) al-bukahri, vol 2, book 15:70

2) Antagonist point of view



i) Verse 15-61, al-najm

ii) Verse 64, al-isra'

“And incite [to senselessness] whoever you can among them with your voice and assault them with your horses and foot soldiers and become a partner in their wealth and their children and promise them." But Satan does not promise them except delusion.”

iii) Verse 6, luqman

“And of the people is he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment”

So that, of we used media for a good intention insyaAllah it’ll give benefits to our self and to the Ummah.

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- : Essence of Tawhid: Denial of Servitude but to God


-: ARTICLE : The Role of Islamic media in the Globalization Era, by Andi Faisal Bakti, The Faculty of Communication Studied, Pancasila University Jakarta.


-: Mohd Ghaouse Nasuruddin 1992. The Malay Tradisional Music. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

-: al-Qadaradawi, Yusof, 1985. The lawful and the prohibited in Islam. Terj. Kamal el-Helbawy et. Al Washington: American Trust Prublication.



-: Silverstone, Roger (1999). Why Study the Media? London: Sage.



-: Quran Translation, Yusuf Ali.

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