  • 7/31/2019 TBS 6 UserGuide Web 2 (p13-18)



    Chapter 1 IntroductionToon Boom Studio is a multi-technique, vector-based animation software that you can use for all your projects. It is adynamic and exciting software with leading edge features based on industry proven technology. Toon Boom Studiois also ideal for learning animation.

    Toon Boom Studio allows you to produce at least five different styles of animation:

    Traditional Animation Traditional Digit al Animation Cut-out Animation Stop-motion Animation Rotoscoping

    The following chapters will give a greater insight into how Toon Boom Studio works and what you can do t o producesome g reat animation:

    Starting Your Project, on page 17 Discovering the Interface, on page 43 Drawing and Design, on p age 65 Adding Colours, on page 103 Importing Artwork, on page 139 Layers and Timing, on page 173 Traditional Digit al Animation, on page 209 Creating a Cut-out Puppet , on page 231 Bones, on page 249 Animating a Puppet , on page 279 Sound and Lip-sync, on page 301 Stop -motion Animation, on page 323 Scene Setup , on p age 335 Enhancing With Effects, on page 389 Exporting Your Project, on page 407

  • 7/31/2019 TBS 6 UserGuide Web 2 (p13-18)



    Toon Boom Studio User Guide

    With Stud io you can animate t radit ionally in the same way you used to when you drew on paper. Tradit ional animationmethods can be used with Toon Boom Studio, from drawing your rough animation(the skeleton of your animation), tocleaning it up, tracing solid and clean lines over the rough to get closed zones, and then inking it .

    For example, to animate a walk-cycle, you start with the torso movements and the legs. Head, arms and clothes areadded later, during the secondary phase.

    You can also work in a tradit ional fashion but animate digitally. Tradit ional dig ital animation, also known as hand-drawnanimation, is the process of drawing every frame of an animation.

    With Toon Boom Studios extensive set of tools, you are able to create animated puppets from your drawings orphotographs. This technique is known as cut-out animation because of the way you move cut-out pieces aroundinstead of drawing.

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    Chapter 1: Introduction


    The Toon Boom Studio cut-out p uppet principle is very similar to cutting up a character drawn on a sheet of paperand assembling the pieces using little brass fasteners. You create a drawing for each of your character's body partsand attach them in the Timeline view. Then, you can articulate the character and animate it by giving it a slightlydifferent pose on each frame.

    Toon Boom Stud io has a stop-mot ion feature, it s intuitive and easy to use image capture wind ow allows you to set-upand capture all your images. Stop-motion animation has been around since animators first realized that all it took wasto nudge a clay figure, puppet or ob ject and take a series of snapshots to produce the illusion of motion. In this digitalage, the process has only become easier and more fun as it is now possible to mix in 2D animation.

    It is as easy as plugging in your recording device, be it a digital camera, video camera or webcam, fixing the focus inthe software, keying out the background and taking t he snapshots.

    Toon Boom Studio also has a rotoscoping feature for those of you who want t o experiment or p roduce realisticmovement in your characters.

    This animation technique requires the animator to trace over each frame of a live-action movie, by doing this you canobt ain some very realistic movement . This Rotoscoping technique was invented by Max Fleischer in 1915 and involvedprojecting a movie frame-by-frame onto a opt ically correct g lass surface. The animator would then t race over t hecharacter projected on the glass to produce a cel. The equipment used in this process is called a Rotoscope. Todaythe Rotoscope has been replaced by the computer. Toon Boom Studios Rotoscoping feature allows you to import avideo clip and t race over it d irectly in the software.

  • 7/31/2019 TBS 6 UserGuide Web 2 (p13-18)



    Toon Boom Studio User Guide

    DocumentationIn addition to this user guide, there are other useful documents available. Learn how to use Toon Boom Studio withour easy-to-use documentation package:

    Integrated HelpIn Toon Boom Stud io, select Help > Toon Boom Studio Help to open the help system in your d efaultbrowser.

    Context-Sensitive Help (Tooltips)

    To get a short description of a menu command or toolbar but ton, Context-Sensitive Help (Tooltips)

    To get a short descript ion of a menu command or toolbar button, select Help > Whats This and click onthe item. A tooltip pop-up window opens with the description of the item you clicked on.

    Documentation and additional tutorials for Toon Boom Studio are available on the Web via the Toon Boom websitesHow To section.

    Select Help > Toon Boom on t he Web to open t he Toon Boom website in your default Web browser.

    Toon Boom St udio - How To?Toon Booms How To tools, available at, help you to broaden your Toon Boom Studio andgeneral animating skills. Choose from basic to advanced tools to take your animation know-how to the next level. Youcan also open the How To page from Toon Boom Studio:

    Select Help > Toon Boom on t he Web to open t he Toon Boom website in your default Web browser.

    Workout Series

    The Toon Boom Animation Workout Series is a dedicated program of exercises designed t o help you develop t he skills

    and techniques necessary to get the most out of Toon Boom Studio.

    Video Lessons

    The Toon Boom Studio Training Video is the perfect way to get first-hand instructions on how to use the software.Nearly one-hour long, these Training Videos cover all aspects of the user interface, content creation, artwork import,animation techniques (traditional and keyframe), scene planning and special effects.

  • 7/31/2019 TBS 6 UserGuide Web 2 (p13-18)


  • 7/31/2019 TBS 6 UserGuide Web 2 (p13-18)


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