
22/20 movies 7/6 1900-1980 TU: Though better known as an actor, in 1949 this man published the definitive translations of Hans Christian Andersen's work into English. His role opposite the Dionne quintuplets in *The Country Doctor* led to him starring for decades on the *Dr. Christian* radio series; other memorable parts include Shirley Temple's grandfather in *Heidi* and the antagonist whose body ends up handcuffed to McTeague in Death Valley in Erich von Stroheim's *Greed*. More notably, he helped found the Motion Picture Relief Fund and is remembered through an award most recently given to Jerry Lewis. FTP, name this namesake of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' "Humanitarian Award." ANS: Jean _Hersholt_ TU: Supporting characters in this film include the pretty Yvonne, who is rejected by the hero, as well as a pickpocket who warns about "vultures." Sydney Greenstreet plays the owner of the Blue Parrot, and Marcel Dalio appears as a croupier who exposes one character's hypocrisy by handing him his winnings, after a stirring performance of "Le Marseillaise." The protagonist states, "I stick my neck out for nobody," but in the end he shoots Major Strasser, leading Louis Renault to round up "the usual suspects" while French Resistance leader Victor Laszlo escapes with his true love, Ilsa. Featuring Dooley Wilson's immortal rendition of "As Time Goes By," this is, FTP, what Hollywood classic starring Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart? ANS: *_Casablanca_* TU: One member of this family played *The Wire*'s Augustus Polk; another wrote the novel that became *The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming*. The most famous appeared as alcoholic Stebbins in *Foreign Correspondent* and starred in a series including the Oscar-winning short *How to Sleep*. His grandson wrote several books, then adapted them into movies: One cast Nick Nolte and Jacqueline Bisset as a honeymooning couple in Bermuda who find treasure, while another pits Hooper, Quint, and Sheriff Brody against a man-eating shark. He also had a small role opposite Campbell Scott and Jennifer Beals as his grandfather in *Mrs. Parker and Vicious Circle*. FTP, give the surname shared by *The Deep* and *Jaws* author Peter and Algonquin Round Table wit Robert. ANS: _Benchley_ TU: This character thinks it's "too gruesome" to be Thursday and would give up smoking for Jose. Described by O.J. Berman as a "real phony," she flirts with Rusty Trawler, then shouts "Timber!" when Mag Wildwood drunkenly collapses. She worries that her face is too green to go to Sing Sing, where she passes messages to Sally Tomato, and complains about the "mean reds." She steals masks with a man she refers to as "Fred," after her dead brother's name, and fears being put in a cage. Paul Varjak discovers that she is really Lulamae Barnes and proclaims his love as she searches for Cat in the rain. FTP, identify this fictional singer of "Moon River" created by Truman Capote and portrayed by Audrey Hepburn in *Breakfast at Tiffany's*. ANS: _Holly_ _Golightly_ (or _Lulamae_ _Barnes_ ) (accept any underlined name) TU: One character in this film runs the Beck and Call messenger service; another is a baseball fan who gives a man the nickname "Baltimore;" yet another handles the Rice Pops ad campaign and runs ideas up the flagpole to see if anyone salutes; and two more have the last names "McArdle" and "Davis." At the end, one shouts "Rotten kids! You work your life out!" and still another has backs turned on him after a racist diatribe. Key questions include whether a woman needs glasses, how long it took an

elderly man to get to a window, and how easy it is to find a $6 knife like the one that killed the boy's father. Eventually Henry Fonda persuades the others to vote "not guilty" in, FTP, what 1957 Sidney Lumet drama that takes place entirely in a jury room? ANS: *_12 Angry Men_* TU: In one of this director's films, married lawyer Anthony Keane falls in love with an accused poisoner; in another, Prof. Armstrong defects to East Germany; in another, Captain Wiles, Ivy Gately, and Jennifer all think they have killed the title character. In addition to making *The Paradine Case*, *Torn Curtain*, and *The Trouble with Harry*, he cast one actress as a compulsive thief and as a woman targeted at Bodega Bay. More famous works see Scottie persuade Judy to replace Madeleine after she falls from a bell tower, Roger mistaken for Kaplan and forced to flee across a cornfield, and Marion steal from her boss, only to end up at the Bates Motel. Don't shower close to, FTP, what helmer of *Marnie*, *The Birds*, *Vertigo*, *North by Northwest*, and *Psycho*? ANS: Alfred _Hitchcock_ TU: Bruce Lee choreographed this actress' fight with Nancy Kwan at the climax of the Dean Martin-starring spy spoof *The Wrecking Crew*. She and Vittorio Gassman both pursued a fortune in an adaptation of *The Twelve Chairs*, and she appeared as the witch Odile in *Eye of the Devil* and beach bunny Malibu in *Don't Make Waves*. A more substantial role came as suicidal actress Jennifer North, while her future husband directed her as an innkeeper's daughter whom Alfred and Professor Abronsius fail to save from Count von Krolock, and gave her a small cameo as a guest at a party thrown by the pregnant Rosemary Woodhouse. FTP, name this co-star of *Valley of the Dolls* and *The Fearless Vampire Killers* better known as the Manson-murdered wife of Roman Polanski. ANS: Sharon _Tate_ B: He invented multiple espionage devices used by the Soviets, while his musical innovation was popularized in Hollywood by Miklos Rozsa. FTPE: PART: Name this subject of a 1994 doc subtitled "An Electronic Odyssey," whose namesake instrument, played without physical contact, has become synonymous with science fiction soundtracks. ANS: Leon _Theremin_ PART: One of the earliest uses of the theremin was in the 1931 Soviet film *Alone*, scored by this composer a decade before his Leningrad Symphony. PART: Dmitri _Shostakovich_ PART: More recently, the theremin was used in Howard Shore's score for a 1994 Tim Burton biopic of this famously untalented director of *Plan 9 from Outer Space*. ANS: Edward D. _Wood_, Jr. B: Among other exploits, this man managed Panamanian boxer Al Brown, with whom he had a homosexual relationship. FTPE: PART: Name this French polymath who served as cinematographer on Jean Genet's erotic prison film *A Song of Love* and directed the "Orphic Trilogy" of *Blood of a Poet*, *Orpheus*, and *Testament of Orpheus*. He frequently worked with muse/lover Jean Marais. ANS: Jean _Cocteau_ PART: Cocteau cast Josette Day and Marais as the title characters of this 1946 fantasy masterpiece. Like the 1991 Disney animated film based on the same story, it features enchanted servants; however, there's no villain named Gaston. ANS: *La _Belle et al Bete_* or *_Beauty and the Beast_* PART: Speaking of French intellectuals, this writer got an Oscar nod for 1953's *Les Orgueilleux*, in which Michele Morgan plays a French tourist who aids a doctor during

a meningitis epidemic in Mexico and learns that Hell is not, in fact, other people. ANS: Jean-Paul _Sartre_ B: It's not just Banksy! FTPE, name these other non-filmmakers nominated for the Best Documentary Feature Oscar. PART: A recent Oscar for the expose of Japanese dolphin fishing *The Cove* went to this ex-paramour of Michelle Pfeiffer, who played Indian scientist Ben Jabituya (or Ben Jahrvi) in 2 *Short Circuit* films. ANS: Fisher _Stevens_ PART: *The Other Half of the Sky*, about the elimination of gender roles in Maoist China, was co-directed by this sister of Warren Beatty who played the title prostitutes *Irma la Douce* and *Sweet Charity* and a suicidal elevator operator in *The Apartment*, as well as matriarchs in *Steel Magnolias* and *Terms of Endearment*. ANS: Shirley _Maclaine_ PART: A 1974 doc about her former piano teacher, Antonia Brico, earned a nod for this folk singer, best known for covering Joni Mitchell's "Chelsea Morning" and "Both Sides Now" and Stephen Sondheim's "Send in the Clowns." ANS: Judy _Collins_ B: Based on Erich Kastner's *Lottie and Lisa*, the two Disney versions of this film launched the careers of Hayley Mills in 1961 and Lindsay Lohan in 1998. FTPE: PART: Give the title shared by those comedies about identical twin girls with opposing personalities who meet at summer camp and trade places to reunite their mom and dad. ANS: *The _Parent Trap_* PART: *Lottie and Lisa* was also made into the 1953 British comedy *Twice Upon a Time*, directed by this man. He had earlier worked with Billy Wilder on the screenplay of another Kastner adaptation, the 1931 German classic *Emil and the Detectives*, but is best known for a fruitful creative partnership with Michael Powell. ANS: Emeric _Pressburger_ PART: Despite being hated by the Nazis, Kastner was tapped to script a Reichsponsored epic about this German nobleman and teller of tall tales, who was much later played by John Neville in a 1988 Terry Gilliam fantasy. ANS: Baron (von) _Munchhausen_ B: By definition, an "alcoholic" drinks alone, so married couples can't be alcoholics, right? FTPE: PART: Nick and Nora Charles, the Dashiell Hammett-created detectives who imbibed like fishes whilst engaging in sexy banter, were first depicted by William Powell and Myrna Loy in this 1934 mystery-comedy. ANS: *The _Thin Man_* PART: Remembered for its Henry Mancini theme song, this 1962 drama starred Jack Lemmon as a PR man who gets his teetotaling wife, played by Lee Remick, hooked on booze. ANS: *_Days of Wine and Roses_* PART: A Gen-Y spin on *Days of Wine and Roses*, the Sundance favorite *Successful Alcoholics* stars this actress, who played Janis Ian in *Mean Girls*, Marlena in *Cloverfield*, and April in *Hot Tub Time Machine* in addition to TV roles on *The Class* and *Party Down*. ANS: Lizzy _Caplan_ B: D.W. Griffith wasn't the only Hollywood filmmaker to portray East Asians positively. FTPE: PART: Philip Ahn, son of the legendary Korean patriot Dosan, starred as an American government agent in the groundbreaking *Daughter of Shanghai*, opposite this

actress whose roles in *The Thief of Bagdad* and *Shanghai Express* made her the first Asian American Hollywood star. ANS: Anna May _Wong_ PART: This 1957 Marlon Brando vehicle won Oscars for Red Buttons and Miyoshi Umeki as an interracial couple driven to suicide. The title has a different meaning in the movie than in the original James Michener novel, which ends with Major Gruver saying "goodbye" to his Japanese lover. ANS: *_Sayonara_* PART: This EGOT-winning composer helped portray Asians and Asian Americans sympathetically in *Flower Drum Song*, *South Pacific*, and *The King and I*, all written in collaboration with Oscar Hammerstein II. ANS: Richard _Rodgers_ 7/6 1980-2000 TU: This granddaughter of Newbery-winning Cuban American author Paula Fox was cast by Alex Cox as the pregnant Velma, who is driven over a cliff, in *Straight to Hell*, after a small role in *Sid and Nancy*. She played Big Pink in *Basquiat*, a waitress in *Feeling Minnesota*, and the wife of a kidnapper in *Trapped*, but is better known for depicting two real-life spouses. One is shown wrestling her husband, though in reality they made *My Breakfast with Blassie* together; the other is a former stripper who drowns in a bath after contracting AIDS, inspiring her husband to triumph over Jerry Falwell in front of the Supreme Court. FTP, name this star of Milos Forman's biopics *Man on the Moon* and *The People vs. Larry Flynt* and, oh yeah, widow of Kurt Cobain. ANS: Courtney _Love_ TU: Onscreen, this actor shot Harrison Ford in *Regarding Henry* and Al Pacino in *Carlito's Way*. Other roles include a Miami con artist targeted by both the Scottish mob and hunter Gustav Shank and the hijacker of Dead Reckoning who threatens to destroy Fiddler's Green in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. In addition to those parts in *The Pest* and *Land of the Dead* and heroic Navy SEAL Captain Rat, who kills terrorist Nagi Hassan in *Executive Decision*, he portrayed the clownish demon Violator in *Spawn*, drag queen Chi-Chi Rodriguez in *To Wong Foo*, and Luigi in *Super Mario Bros.* FTP, name this Latino thespian who worked with Baz Luhrmann as Tybalt in *Romeo and Juliet* and Toulouse-Lautrec in *Moulin Rouge!*. ANS: John _Leguizamo_ TU: This given name links an Irish girl who believes that her brother was raised by selkies in John Sayles' *The Legend of Roan Inish* and a sexy evil redhead in the James Bond entry *Thunderball*. Kristin Scott Thomas has twice played characters with this name; she and newlywed husband Hugh Grant are lured by sadomasochists Mimi and Oscar in *Bitter Moon*, while she loses Hugh Grant to her friend Carrie in *Four Weddings and a Funeral*. Cyd Charisse portrayed a woman of this name for whom Gene Kelly agrees to remain in *Brigadoon* forever, and a more recent possessor is the cousin of King Arthur and princess of Far, Far Away once cursed to be a human during the day. FTP, give this name re-popularized by a Cameron Diaz-voiced ogress in *Shrek*. ANS: _Fiona_ TU: This actor played a real-life teenager known as the "Woo Woo Kid" for seducing older women in *In the Mood*. In one early role, his friend Kenneth shouts at him, "You shit on my house!" and he pays Cindy to be his girlfriend; in another, his monkey is responsible for an Ebola-like epidemic. In addition to *Can't Buy Me Love*, *Outbreak*, and Detective Kincaid in *Scream 3*, more recent parts came as the husband of an

inner-city English teacher played by Hilary Swank, the son of a snooty mayor played by Candice Bergen who loses his fiancee when she returns to her Southern home state, and a single dad who encounters fairy-tale princess Giselle. FTP, name this star of *Freedom Writers*, *Sweet Home Alabama*, and *Enchanted* who is McDreamy. ANS: Patrick _Dempsey_ TU: The love interest in this movie describes the hero as "very attractive, and a little bit sad." Frank Oz appears as both Miss Piggy in a dream sequence and Mr. Collins from the American embassy, while Rik Mayall can be glimpsed playing chess at the Slaughtered Lamb pub, where the protagonists see a pentagram and are warned to stay on the road and off the moors. The main character steals balloons from a little boy after waking up naked and tries to get arrested by calling out, "Queen Elizabeth is a man! Prince Charles is a [slur for homosexuals]!" Near the end, six people he killed and his dead best friend try to talk him into suicide. Rick Baker's makeup effects are the main attraction of, FTP, what 1981 John Landis horror classic starring David Naughton as a lycanthropic tourist? ANS: *An _American Werewolf in London_* TU: This director made *Caged Heat* and *Crazy Mama* for Roger Corman. Other films by him focus on a straitlaced banker taken to a high school reunion by the wild Lulu and a gas-station owner who allegedly inherited millions. Jimmy Carter, Spaulding Gray, and David Byrne are spotlighted in his nonfiction work; he also unnecessarily remade *Charade* and *The Manchurian Candidate*. In better movies by him, Andrew Beckett fights unfair dismissal due to AIDS, Kym disrupts her sister's wedding, and Clarice catches Buffalo Bill while Hannibal has an old friend for dinner. FTP, name this helmer of *Something Wild*, *Melvin and Howard*, *Stop Making Sense*, *Philadelphia*, *Rachel Getting Married*, and *The Silence of the Lambs*. ANS: Jonathan _Demme_ TU: The only connection to the short story this movie is named for is a monologue about Maj. Dexter Smythe, while a sequence in which Magda is swindled out of a Faberge egg at Sotheby's was taken from "Property of a Lady." Supporting characters include Bianca, who helps after the hero is caught impersonating Col. Toro, a driver played by tennis star Vijay Amritraj, the hulking Gobinda, and knife-throwing twins Mischka and Grischka. The protagonist dresses as a clown to defuse a nuclear bomb at a US air force base in West Germany after Gen. Orlov is shot, and in the end the title figure's gang of girl smugglers defeats the forces of Kamal Khan. Set largely in India, this is, FTP, what 1983 Roger Moore-starring James Bond adventure with Maud Adams as a lover of cephalopods? ANS: *_Octopussy_* B: In a review of *The Square*, A.O. Scott wrote that recently deceased character actor Bill Hunter "should be declared an Australian national treasure." FTPE: PART: Hunter gives a stirring speech before the doomed final charge in this 1981 Peter Weir epic about a failed WW1 campaign that starred a young Mel Gibson. ANS: *_Gallipoli_* PART: Hunter played the conniving president of the Australian Dancing Federation in this 1992 romantic comedy directed by Baz Luhrmann. ANS: *_Strictly Ballroom_* PART: Hunter probably reached his biggest audience with a small role as the voice of the dentist who keeps the titular clownfish in his office in this 2003 Pixar hit. ANS: *_Finding Nemo_* B: There's something about Osric. FTPE, name these actors who played the foppish courtier in *Hamlet*.

PART: Kenneth Branagh cast this comedian as Osric; his previous serious roles include a doctor based on Oliver Sacks in *Awakenings* and therapist Sean Maguire in *Good Will Hunting*. ANS: Robin _Williams_ PART: Laurence Olivier's *Hamlet* gave the role to this future horror icon, who starred opposite Christopher Lee numerous times, often for Hammer Studios. He also played Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes, and *Star Wars*' Grand Moff Tarkin. ANS: Peter _Cushing_ PART: Shortly before his death, this cult director of *Eating Raoul* and *Death Race 2000* made a cameo as Osric in Michael Almereyda's *Hamlet 2000*. ANS: Paul _Bartel_ B: She played Lucille Ball's granddaughter in the short-lived sitcom *Life with Lucy*, as well as a girl who helps two boys reach "Video Armageddon." FTPE: PART: Name this former child actress who co-starred in the shamelessly Nintendopromoting *The Wizard*, which climaxes with an autistic kid finding a Warp Whistle in *Super Mario Bros. 3*. She is better known as the indie frontwoman of Rilo Kiley. ANS: Jenny _Lewis_ PART: Lewis played the daughter of ditzy SoCal housewife Phyllis Nefler, who takes Wilderness Girls camping in a hotel, in this 1989 Shelley Long vehicle that marked the film debuts of Carla Gugino and Tori Spelling. ANS: *_Troop Beverly Hills_* PART: In *Foxfire*, Lewis was a wallflower who comes out of her shell by threatening to castrate a lecherous teacher after meeting a "bad girl" played by this future Oscar winner for *Girl, Interrupted* and portrayer of Lara Croft. ANS: Angelina _Jolie_ B: For many major directors, what clicked in the '70s and '90s just didn't seem to work in the '80s. FTPE: PART: This man's unappreciated '80s output includes the deranged fanboy saga *The King of Comedy*, the *Hustler* sequel *The Color of Money*, and the great urban black comedy *After Hours*, none of which were as successful as his later gangster flicks *Goodfellas* and *The Departed*. ANS: Martin _Scorsese_ PART: The '80s saw this man have minor success with the Nixon monologue *Secret Honor* and the political docudrama *Tanner '88* and huge flops like the musical *Popeye* and the *National Lampoon* adaptation *O.C. and Stiggs*, before a '90s comeback with the blistering Hollywood satire *The Player* and the Raymond Carverinspired *Short Cuts*. ANS: Robert _Altman_ PART: This man wandered from the thriller genre with the Mob comedy *Wise Guys*, the Vietnam drama *Casualties of War*, and the sprawling satire *The Bonfire of the Vanities*, but 1996's *Mission: Impossible* revived his career. ANS: Brian _De Palma_ B: FTPE, name these obscure Steven Spielberg films. PART: A remake of 1943's *A Guy Named Joe*, this saga of aerial firefighters starred Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter, and John Goodman and marked the final film appearance of Audrey Hepburn. ANS: *_Always_* PART: Ben Stiller got the idea for *Tropic Thunder* while shooting a small part in this Tom Stoppard-scripted WW2 film about a schoolboy separated from his parents in Shanghai, based on the childhood of novelist J.G. Ballard. It starred a young Christian Bale. ANS: *_Empire of the Sun_*

PART: Bob Zemeckis and Bob Gale scripted this all-star ensemble comedy about panic in the week after the Pearl Harbor attack, featuring then-popular *SNL* stars John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. Hint: It's named for the year in which it takes place. ANS: *_1941_* B: 1994 marked the year in which Tim Allen simultaneously had the #1 movie, the #1 TV show, and the #1 book in the country. Thankfully, other people did stuff too. FTPE: PART: This comic actor had a banner year, appearing as the idiotic Lloyd Christmas, best friend of the slightly less idiotic Harry; timid banker Stanley Ipkiss, who finds an artifact that unleashes his wild side; and reprising his role as a finder of stolen animals. ANS: Jim _Carrey_ PART: At the other end of the spectrum, this Polish filmmaker completed his pretentious yet sublime "Three Colors" trilogy with *White* and *Red*. ANS: Krzysztof _Kieslowski_ PART: The Best Documentary Oscar went to *Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision*, inexplicably overlooking this long but engrossing Steve James feature about high school basketballers William Gates and Arthur Agee. ANS: *_Hoop Dreams_* 7/6 2000-present TU: One actress with this last name was the president's kidnapped daughter in *Spartan* and naive Mary Lane in *Reefer Madness*. Another junk-punches a man and shouts "You know why!" at the end of *What Happens in Vegas* and played Alec Baldwin's young girlfriend in *It's Complicated*. A third appears as flirty anchorwoman Susan Ortega in *Bruce Almighty*. Characters played by the most famous one include a girl who stabs her roommate for talking too much in *Scream 4*, a tourist pursued by several suitors after stealing some coins from a fountain, and the star of *Crime Scene: Scene of the Crime* who dumps the naked composer of a *Dracula* musical. FTP, give the shared surname of Lake, Catherine, and *When in Rome* and *Forgetting Sarah Marshall*'s Kristen. ANS: _Bell_ (accept "Lake Bell," "Catherine Bell," or "Kristen Bell") TU: In this movie, a photocopy of shapely buttocks in the office of the fence Donenfeld leads to a deduction of who has the Blood of Heracles, and the director cameos as decapitated Officer Liebowitz. Stana Katic appears as earnest cop Morgenstern, who uses a bazooka at the climax, and Louis Lombardi portrays an army of henchmen whose names all end with "OS." The hero evades the Angel of Death, Lorelei, and is aided by sexy French belly dancer Plaster of Paris, as well as Commissioner Dolan and his surgeon daughter Ellen. As children, Denny Colt and Sand Saref are driven apart when the police shoot her uncle, but they reunite as adults to defeat Silken Floss and The Octopus, played by Scarlett Johansson and a Nazi regalia-bedecked Samuel L. Jackson. FTP, name this 2008 Frank Miller-helmed adaptation of the cult superhero comic strip by Will Eisner. ANS: *The _Spirit_* TU: In one of this director's films, the title character meets his love interest Gina and his rival Curtis at the Hotel Adriano. In another, the title figure rescues Lastelle while exploring the Toxic Jungle and tries to destroy a Giant Warrior before it can be used by Tolmekia. He made a film about a 13-year-old witch and her cat Jiji, as well as one in which Lupin III faces off against the Count of Cagliostro. More famous protagonists include a girl raised by wolves who saves the Forest Spirit and the people of Iron Town, as well as a child whose parents are turned into pigs, forcing her to work for Yubaba in a bathhouse until she frees Haku. FTP, name this creator of San and Chihiro, the director of *Porco Rosso*, *Nausicaa*, *Kiki's Delivery Service*, *Princess Mononoke*,

and *Spirited Away*. ANS: Hayao _Miyazaki_ TU: This actress and Kat Dennings appeared as the daughters cared for by the title nanny in *Big Momma's House 2*, and she voiced the younger version of Miley Cyrus' character in *Bolt*. She then played a character who describes school as an "intellectual wasteland" and helps Greg while working on the newspaper, as well as the younger sister who supports Tom Hansen through a breakup. More notably, she was ruthless Kaylee Hooper on *30 Rock*; Abby, who aids Owen in dealing with bullies in New Mexico and is Thomas' undead ward; and a vigilante battling Frank D'Amico who survives being shot by Red Mist due to her training by Big Daddy. FTP, name this costar of *Diary of a Wimpy Kid*, *(500) Days of Summer*, *Let Me In*, and *Kick-Ass*. ANS: Chloe Grace _Moretz_ TU: Grandson of the director of *Pillow Talk*, this actor played a boy who divorces his parents in *Gregory K* and the younger version of a protagonist in *A River Runs Through It*. In one film, he is a gay hustler who meets a former Little League teammate obsessed with aliens and discovers that they were both molested by their coach; in another, he crosses paths with *femme fatale* Laura and drug dealer The Pin while investigating his ex-girlfriend's disappearance. First noticed as a kid who miraculously helps his favorite baseball team in *Angels in the Outfield*, he was excellent in a recent blockbuster as a suit-clad badass who fights in a zero-gravity hallway. FTP, name this star of *Mysterious Skin*, *Brick*, and *Inception*. ANS: Joseph _Gordon-Levitt_ TU: This actress played a hippie who travels to Portugal to unravel the mystery of her sister's suicide in *The Invisible Circus* and portrayed radical activist Sarah Weinstock in *The '60s*. Granddaughter of a president of Yale and daughter of a *Sports Illustrated* swimsuit issue cover model, she starred in the undeveloped pilot *Mr. & Mrs. Smith* and had a deleted cameo acting opposite the title figure in *Win a Date with Tad Hamilton*; other roles include a Naval instructor in *Annapolis*, lesbian criminal mastermind Lucy Diamond, mean girl and newspaper editor Delilah, and skilled driver Mia, who is revealed to be pregnant with Paul Walker's child in a 2011 sequel. FTP, name this co-star of *D.E.B.S.*, *The Faculty,* and the *Fast/Furious* franchise. ANS: Jordana _Brewster_ TU: One key figure in this movie goes to San Francisco for a bar mitzvah despite claiming that he never vacations. Another character remarks that someone is playing fetch with her kids, and after she calls a man a "'roided out freak with a ... clipboard" he says that he hopes to see a Black midget. The female lead, whose bosses are named Jack and Jill and played by Alan Tudyk and Kristen Wiig, sets the plot in motion by saying "Just do it already!" Adam Scott and Ken Jeong appear as a nurse and doctor in the climactic scene. The protagonist's friend sneaks out late at night to play fantasy baseball, while he devotes himself to making a *Mr. Skin*-like website after Alison refuses to get a "shmashmortion." A pot-smoking loser impregnates an entertainment reporter in, FTP, what 2007 Judd Apatow comedy starring Katherine Heigl and Seth Rogen? ANS: *_Knocked Up_* B: Hollywood often takes inspiration from foreign films. FTPE: PART: Penelope Cruz played essentially the same role in Alejandro Amenabar's excellent *Open Your Eyes* and its remake, this 2001 Cameron Crowe sci-fi drama starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. ANS: *_Vanilla Sky_*

PART: Maura Tierney appears as an Alaskan hotel owner comforting Will Dormer, an edgy cop who accidentally shoots his partner, in this 2002 Christopher Nolan film based on the 1997 Norwegian thriller of the same name. ANS: *_Insomnia_* PART: Adapted from a super-obscure 1981 Bulgarian film called *Yo Ho Ho*, this visually sumptuous 2006 drama directed by Tarsem stars Lee Pace as a bed-ridden stuntman who regales a young girl with a fantasy adventure while trying to commit suicide. ANS: *The _Fall_* B: We know you were watching Queen Amidala in the *Star Wars* prequels, but how closely were you paying attention to her ladies in waiting? FTPE: PART: The queen is initially impersonated by this actress, whose resemblance to Natalie Portman is often noted. She soon broke through with *Bend It Like Beckham* and became an A-list star as Elizabeth Swann in the *Pirates of the Caribbean* franchise. ANS: Keira _Knightley_ PART: Another of Amidala's servants was played by this woman, who gave an awful performance as Mary Corleone in her father's *The Godfather: Part III* and thence moved behind the camera, winning an Oscar for *Lost in Translation*. ANS: Sofia _Coppola_ PART: Shifting now to Episode 2, another lady in waiting was this Australian star of Danny Boyle's *Sunshine*, *28 Weeks Later*, and the recent comedy *Bridesmaids* who plays Ellen Parsons on *Damages*. ANS: Rose _Byrne_ B: FTPE, answer these linked questions. PART: Seth Rogen claims that *Zoolander* is the favorite film of this reclusive *auteur*, whose *The Tree of Life* recently won the Palme d'Or at Cannes. ANS: Terrence _Malick_ PART: Malick's 2005 epic *The New World* cast German-born Quecha/Swiss actress Q'orianka Kilcher as this Powhatan princess. This character had previously been voiced by Irene Bedard in a 1996 Disney animated musical. ANS: _Pocahontas_ PART: Kilcher is the cousin of this woman, whose only prominent movie role came in Ang Lee's Civil War drama *Ride with the Devil*. She also played dowdy office worker Karen in a Funny or Die video. ANS: _Jewel_ Kilcher B: FTPE, answer these questions about works inspired by Jacques Tati. PART: This Oscar-nominated 2010 animated film in which a magician meets a young girl named Alice was based on Tati's unproduced screenplay. It shares its title with a 2006 Edward Norton-starring drama about Eisenheim's conflict with Prince Leopold. ANS: *The _Illusionist_* PART: In *Gosford Park*, this "quite interesting" British comedian played a police inspector who dressed identically to Tati's famous character, Monsieur Hulot. He also had the title role in *Wilde* and co-starred with his friends Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson as Peter in *Peter's Friends*. ANS: Stephen _Fry_ PART: Portrayed by Geoffrey Rush in a 2004 biopic, this man played Indian actor Hrundi V. Bakshi in Blake Edwards' 1968 comedy *The Party*, which blatantly ripped off the restaurant scene in Tati's masterpiece *Play Time*. ANS: Peter _Sellers_ B: FTPE, name these recent films with plots that bear an uncomfortable resemblance to

the plots of older movies. PART: It's not *Rear Window*, but confined teen Kale Brecht does come to suspect his neighbor of murder in this 2007 thriller. ANS: *_Disturbia_* PART: It's not *My Favorite Year*, but a schlubby peon is assigned to corral an alcoholic celebrity known for womanizing and carousing in this 2010 comedy starring Jonah Hill and Russell Brand. ANS: *_Get Him to the Greek_* PART: In this 2011 film, Rebecca Evans ingratiates herself with Sara Matthews - and yes, they are both single white females. ANS: *The _Roommate_* B: FTPE, answer these questions about heiresses who choose to actually do something with their lives. (Are you listening, Paris Hilton?) PART: Through her company Annapurna Pictures, Oracle heiress Megan Ellison produced this 2010 Coen Brothers remake starring Jeff Bridges as one-eyed marshal Rooster Cogburn. ANS: *_True Grit_* PART: Heiress to the New York Giants on her father's side and the Pittsburgh Steelers on her mother's, this *A Nightmare on Elm Street* star spun a small role as Mark Zuckerberg's ex in *The Social Network* into the plum part of Lisbeth Salander. ANS: Rooney _Mara_ PART: Although she wrote for *McSweeney's* and appeared in the Derrick Comedy feature *Mystery Team* and the recent *Bridesmaids*, this scion of a St. Louis banking family will always be known as "Blowjob Girl" on the Internet. She also plays sweet receptionist Erin on *The Office*. ANS: Ellie _Kemper_ 1/2 whatever TU: This profession titles a 1966 Disney production featuring a young Jenny Agutter as the Danish girl Ingrid. One character with this vocation is Suzy Bannion, who uncovers a coven of witches while studying near the Black Forest. Leslie Browne was Oscarnominated as one in a film about her mother Deedee's relationship with Emma. One is forced to choose between composer Julian Craster and impresario Boris Lermontov; more recent practitioners include Elise in *The Adjustment Bureau* and Daisy in *The Curious Case of Benjamin Button*, and a controversy arose when Sarah Lane claimed to have done this job in a film about Nina Sayers having a breakdown and fantasizing about the wild Lily, played by Mila Kunis. FTP, *Suspiria*, *The Turning Point*, *The Red Shoes*, and *Black Swan* center on what kind of performer? ANS: _ballerina_ or _ballet dancer_ (prompt on "dancer") B: Answer these related questions FTPE. PART: This hilarious 1961 Billy Wilder-directed farce set in Berlin stars James Cagney as a Coca-Cola executive who must retrieve his pregnant daughter's lazy Communist boyfriend from behind the Iron Curtain, where he is being tortured with the song "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini." ANS: *_One, Two, Three_* PART: The's are a Japanese girl band that can be seen and heard performing "Woo Hoo" barefoot in the House of Blue Leaves before a fight with the Crazy 88 breaks out in "Volume 1" of this Quentin Tarantino epic. ANS: *_Kill Bill_: Vol. 1* PART: Rob Marshall's star-studded musical *Nine*, about a director struggling to complete a film while surrounded by real and imagined beautiful women, is adapted from this autobiographical Federico Fellini masterpiece.

ANS: *_8 1/2_* [eight and a half] B: FTPE, name these unlikely dancers. PART: This Oscar winner did an acrobatic striptease to "Let's Misbehave" as the pimp Tom in *Pennies from Heaven*, but his dancing talents lay mostly untapped until he played the protagonist's milquetoast father in *Hairspray* and appeared in Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice" video. ANS: Christopher _Walken_ PART: This man starred on Broadway in *Promises, Promises* and as Billy Flynn in *Chicago*, but he was typecast as a bad-ass cop after Sidney Lumet's *Prince of the City*, most notably portraying Lennie Briscoe on *Law & Order* for 12 seasons. ANS: Jerry _Orbach_ PART: The woman surprisingly never trained as a martial artist, instead studying at London's Royal Academy of Dance and winning the Miss Malaysia title before embarking on a career that saw her as Bond girl Wai Lin in *Tomorrow Never Dies* and mentor to Ziyi Zhang in *Memoirs of a Geisha* and *Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon*. ANS: Michelle _Yeoh_ 6/5 MISC TU: Along with avocados, macadamias, and blueberries, this is one of only four major fruits and nuts domesticated in the 20th century. Hayward Wright developed the most common kind, and almost all of them belong to the Hayward, Chico, or Saanichton 12 cultivars, though the EnzaRed and gold varieties have been recently developed. First transported from China by schoolteacher Isabel Fraser, this food was known as yang tao and later as the Chinese gooseberry or melonette before difficulties with the US market forced a change to its current name. In recent years, growers have banded together under the trademarked moniker Zespri and offer a less hairy version that can be eaten whole, but it is more commonly associated with a flightless bird. FTP, name this national fruit of New Zealand. ANS: _kiwi_fruit TU: This woman won $500 on a 2002 episode of *Lingo* and had a bit part in the 1991 thriller *Ricochet*. She was the basis for the character of Alison Poole in Bret Easton Ellis' *Glamorama* and Jay McInerney's *The Story of My Life*. As a child, she was a champion equestrian until her father allegedly killed her horse as part of a widespread insurance scheme that resulted in the murder of candy heiress Helen Brach. She denounced a 2010 *GQ* photo spread of herself as "repulsive"; this was the end result of events that began with her 2006 decision to produce YouTube videos, leading to a 2007 *National Enquirer* report that she was having the child of Andrew Young, which turned out to be a lie. FTP, name this mistress whose pregnancy destroyed the presidential aspirations of Young's boss, John Edwards. ANS: Rielle _Hunter_ or Lisa Jo _Druck_ or any combination of those names TU: This series spun off the cartoons *The Rasslin' Match* and *The Lion Tamer* and the film *Check and Double Check*, while the animated TV series *Calvin and the Colonel* was an attempted revival by its creators, Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll. Memorable plotlines involved Ruby Taylor's pneumonia, the murder of Jack Dixon, and the courtship of Madame Queen, and the Lord's Prayer was explained to Ardabella in a famous Christmas episode. Stories often revolved around the Fresh Air Taxi Company or the Mystic Knights of the Sea lodge, and George "Kingfish" Stevens frequently tried to rope the protagonists into get-rich-quick schemes. Running from 1928 to 1960 and made into a TV series shut down due to NAACP protests, this is, FTP, what massively popular and controversial radio serial/sitcom about two African Americans?

ANS: *_Amos 'n' Andy_* TU: In one storyline, this character releases a virus called The Clench, made with the Wheel of Plagues. In another, he is killed by the daughter he abandoned in a Nazi concentration camp, Nyssa Raatko. Still another sees him imprisoned as "Terry Gene Kase" after transferring into the body of his albino son, Dusan. Also in his family are his father, The Sensei, and his rebellious grandson Damian Wayne, while the murder of his wife Sora inspired him to take revenge as "The Demon's Head." Jason Todd was resurrected by his most famous daughter, Talia, using a Lazarus Pit. FTP, name this founder of the League of Assassins and ancient enemy of Batman with an Arabic name. ANS: _Ra's al Ghul_ TU: These characters helped keep Prince Djaro on the throne of Varania and tangled with French art thief Hugenay. Introduced in *The Secret of Terror Castle*, they are led by a former child actor known as "Baby Fatso" who uses nicknames like "Records," and they communicate through chalked question marks. Recurring figures in their Robert Arthur-created series include Bavarian brothers Hans and Konrad, Uncle Titus and Aunt Matilda, Chief Reynolds of Rocky Beach, nemesis E. Skinner Norris, and chauffeur Worthington. Red Gate Rover and Green Gate One were secret entrances to the salvage yard where an abandoned trailer serves as their headquarters. Their later adventures were "introduced" by fictional author Hector Sebastian. FTP, what detective agency was comprised of teenagers Pete Crenshaw, Bob Andrews, and Jupiter Jones? ANS: *The _Three Investigators_* TU: One character from this series, Dr. Spencer Gilman, was named Neutrogena's actual Employee of the Month and given a corporate email address. The protagonists, who include siblings Jonas and Emma Wharton and Sarah and Taylor Ganatiempo, formed the "Teen Angst Adventure Gang," while the main villains, The Order of Denderah, are trying to prolong their lives by using the Lullaby Project, the Wyman Foundation, and the religious cult Hymn of One to find "trait positive" girls. Produced by EQAL along with spin-offs *N1ckola* and *KateModern*, it first attracted attention through viral videos by Bree Avery, later revealed to be actress Jessica Rose. FTP, identify this interactive web series posted on the eponymous teenager's YouTube channel. ANS: _lonelygirl15_ B: FTPE, answer these questions about a frequently-censored word. PART: This first James Bond novel ends with the phrase, "The bitch is dead now." Those words did not appear in the 1954 TV version or the 1967 film version, and while they can be heard in the 2006 film, its last lines are instead the familiar "The name's Bond James Bond." ANS: *_Casino Royale_* PART: This famed Ben Hecht-Charles MacArthur play ends with Walter Burns saying, "The son of a bitch stole my watch!" That line was deleted from the 1931 film and the gender-switched 1940 remake *His Girl Friday*, but it appears in the 1974 Billy Wilder version starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. ANS: *The _Front Page_* PART: This Patrick Dennis novel and the Jerome Lawrence-Robert E. Lee play based on it contain the line "Life is a banquet and most poor sons of bitches are starving to death!", but Rosalind Russell's immortal delivery in the 1958 film changes the offending phrase to "suckers." ANS: *_Auntie Mame_* (do not accept "Mame") B: FTPE, name these graphic novels with a personal bent. PART: Divided into "My Father Bleeds History" and "And Here My Troubles Began," this

Pulitzer-winning work alternates between Vladek's experiences in Europe before and during the Holocaust and his postwar life in Rego Park, as related to his son, the cartoonist Art Spiegelman. Oh, and it depicts all Germans as cats. ANS: *_Maus_* PART: This autobiographical account of growing up female in Iran during and after the Islamic Revolution was written and drawn by Marjane Satrapi. It is titled after the ancient capital of the Persian Empire. ANS: *_Persepolis_* PART: Separated into "The Super," "The Street Singer," "Cookalein," and the title story, this Will Eisner work chronicles childhood in a 1930s Bronx tenement. It pioneered the use of the term "graphic novel." ANS: *A _Contract with God_, and Other Tenement Stories* B: FTPE, name these female stand-up comedians. PART: Known for her memoir *The Bedwetter* and her one-woman show *Jesus Is Magic*, and for a rendition of "The Aristocrats" claiming that Joe Franklin raped her, this cutesy Jewish comedienne dueted with Matt Damon on a song about cheating on her then-boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel. ANS: Sarah _Silverman_ PART: Inexplicably, two sitcoms created by this woman are on the Fall 2011 network schedule; CBS will air *Two Broke Girls*, starring Beth Behrs and Kat Dennings, while NBC picked up her personal vehicle *Whitney*. ANS: Whitney _Cummings_ PART: This blonde, neurotic Minnesotan with an amazing facility for accents can be heard on the album *Unwanted Thoughts Syndrome* or seen in TV commercials for Target. ANS: Maria _Bamford_ B: FTPE, name these CNBC financial prognosticators, not all of whom are hated by Jon Stewart. PART: A graduate of Harvard Law School and star hedge-fund manager, this co-founder of has been seen on *Arrested Development* and in *Iron Man* hosting his CNBC show, *Mad Money*. ANS: Jim _Cramer_ PART: Known for a love of puns, this *eminence grise* of financial TV moved to CNBC in 2002 after being unceremoniously fired from the namesake *Wall $treet Week* program he had hosted on PBS since 1970. ANS: Louis _Rukeyser_ PART: CNN recently hired away from CNBC this pretty brunette, who co-anchored *Squawk on the Street* with the late Mark Haines and hosted *Street Signs* until May 2011. ANS: Erin _Burnett_ B: FTPE, name these people whose criticism could be read in the New York *Times*. PART: Once known as the "Butcher of Broadway," this ex-theater critic has shifted to the op-ed page, where his outspoken views on the Bush administration's handling of the Iraq War led to his book *The Greatest Story Ever Sold*. ANS: Frank _Rich_ PART: Daughter of a Yale mathematician known for his namesake fixed point theorem, this Japanese American literary critic has on occasion reviewed in the voice of Austin Powers, Elle Woods, or Holden Caulfield. ANS: Michiko _Kakutani_ PART: One of the greatest ever works of sports criticism is this man's "Federer As Religious Experience," published in the *Times* in 2006. He is better known for essays like "Consider the Lobster," short story collections like *Brief Interviews with Hideous

Men*, and novels like *Infinite Jest*. ANS: David Foster _Wallace_

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