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Teacher Example of a Multi-Genre Research Project Slide 2 Slide 3 Where I Am From: Pre-Note In this piece I want to explore some free verse poetry. I also want a strong introduction to the project itself. My plan is to look at the history of Tibets invasion, along with the death statistics, and write it out as if an actual Tibetan child was telling it. I want the project to be personal, and almost first person, so Im hoping this is a great kick off. Invasion of Tibet. Tibet Online. 24 November 2009. Web. Slide 4 I am from a grandfather in Chamdo who fought the Peoples Liberation Army in 1950. I am from 5,000 soldiers who lay buried in an empty Chamdo field. I am from soldiers who were sent home defeated with dirty money thrown at them. I am from a father who rose up in 1959. I am from a people who saw their Dalai Lama forced into exile. I am from 1.2 million Tibetans who disappeared under the new government. Socialism was my bottle feed. Red was my morning, afternoon, and night. Mandarin was the first sound off my tongue. I am from 1,148,000 drops of blood. I am from 2,430 monasteries left in ruin. I am from four Tibetans killed per day. Lies were my bedtime stories. Secrets were my best friends. Silent lips were my only hope. I am from a tortured mother. I am from a village forgotten. I am from lost hopes. I am from lost dreams. I am from death at birth. Slide 5 Where I am From: Post-Note After having this piece go through workshop and a feather circle, Im really glad to know how hard it hit. Including actual number statistics turned out to be a good idea. I like having the text centered and creating a downward triangle shape because it wraps everything up into one final thought, which is powerful, but also devastating. Writing this first piece got me fired up to do the rest of this project, and I definitely think Im putting it first before the essay. Slide 6 Letter: Pre-Note I want the letter to be very personal. I need to really get into the mind and heart of a Tibetan child. The letter should be informative without being preachy. I want it to education, but not sound too much like propaganda. I want to make people aware of the crisis going on in Tibet. The reason I want to write as a child is because children are usually able to write from the heart more than adults, and their words can be far more moving. Michelle Boorstein. God in Government. The Washington Post, 7 October 2009. Web. VoA News. Web. Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Letter: Post-Note I feel really good about this letter. Writing small was important. I dont think I preached, but gave the facts while putting my heart into it. Ill admit it got a little rough while actually doing the research. My emotions got to me now and then, but I think that also helped. Theres just as much of me in this letter as the character. I think if I really were going to write a letter to the president, it would be very close to this. I really think Rinzen will touch people. He even touched me, and Im the one who made him up. Slide 11 Circular: Pre-Note The circular needs to be more political than emotional, like the letter was. I really want to achieve a sort of underground resistance feel with this piece. Speaking against the Chinese government is dangerous in Tibet, but the natives still fight and Im sure they communicate however they can. This piece needs to be about something big, something that would fuel their fire to fight back. I also want whoever reads it to get an idea of how outrageously China rules over Tibet. News&Media. Web. ANI. China secretly executes four Tibetan protesters for role in Lhasa riots. WORLD, 23 October 2009. Web. Slide 12 Slide 13 Circular: Post-Note At first it was a little too much like a wanted poster. After putting it through a workshop, I was told the original version was too fancy. An underground published flyer wouldnt have the borders or intricate detail I had involved. Which I agreed was true. I revised the piece and am much happier with how it turned out. Simpler really is better sometimes. I really like the font and textures I used which I feel makes the piece look more authentic. Slide 14 News Radio Script: Pre-Note This time I want something more straightforward. I want to keep the political feel of the circular, but also explore other ways Tibetans get news about whats going on in their country. When I saw this video, I really wanted to use it, but I didnt know how. Thats when I remembered mentioning the family radio in my letter piece. I decided to run with that and create a radio script. I want it to be raw information that people can just take in and really think about. gerritos. Chinese Execute Tibetans. YouTube, 16 October 16 2009. Web. Slide 15 Title: Chinese kills Tibetans on pilgrimage to see Dalai Lama Time: 15 minutes Date: October 16, 2006 Production Note: Speak in a serious and informative tone = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ANNOUNCER: On September 30, a group of 43 Tibetans have recently revealed the details of their terrifying flight to Nepal. While on a pilgrimage to see the Dalai Lama, they were met with deadly gunfire from Chinese border guards. A number of Tibetans in the group were killed and several dozen were also taken into custody. Romanian witnesses have said that at least one person was killed and at least one other was wounded by gunfire near the Himalayan pass at Nangpa La in the Mount Everest region. Other witnesses have set the death toll higher with their statements. We are waiting for official confirmation. Meanwhile, another 36 or 37 Tibetans were detained. Originally, the group numbered around 80 Tibetans when they began their journey out of Chinese-controlled Tibet on September 30. Only 41 of the asylum-seekers and two escorts arrived in Kathmandu on Oct. 10. One man was brave enough to give us some details, though he will remain unnamed for his safety. He said: "When the Chinese fired at us, I was so tense and frightened. It is still difficult for me to explain what happened. It was so tense and confusing that I just thought of staying alive and escaping. I couldn't think of anything else or help the others. I think the Chinese fired for about 15 minutes. I felt bullets whizzing past my ears. In fact I felt about five bullets pass by me and luckily they missed me. I was so frightened that I crawled in the snow using my hands and feet. The snow was about knee-deep." Another Tibetan, who hid in the mountains for two nights before crossing into Nepal, said: "I saw a small child... There was another young boy who was shot in the foot and an old man. They were detained in the area until late afternoon and then the Chinese police took them away. Those who escaped later saw the body of the nun who was killed. She was Kalsang Namtso, 17 years old from Ngachu Dri-ru county. They gave a local yak herder 100 yuan and asked him to take body away but we heard that he didn't do it. So we don't know what happened later." Our contacts at Radio Free Asia in the Tibetan branch informed us that s Western climber, along with two others in his groupd, witnessed the incident. They had been contacted by the Chinese Embassy in Nepal and asked to attend a meeting there. These witnesses have since left and gone home without visiting the Chinese Embassy. Stay strong, brothers and sisters. Our liberation will come. Slide 16 News Radio Script: Post-Note I actually realized as I was starting to write this piece that I didnt know what a radio script looked like. Researching the format was really easy and I found it rather interesting. I hadnt realized that sound effects were included in a radio script, or titles, times, and clients. Obviously I didnt use some of these in my radio script, but they didnt really apply. It was interesting getting to create one of these. Setting it apart from the circular was a bit hard, but I think I managed pretty well. I decided the circular was more bits and pieces of information presented in short sentences just trying to get the basics in, but a radio script could go more in depth with quotes and details. Slide 17 Visual: Pre-Note I want the visual to capture all the elements of the Tibetan crisis. This includes the oppression, the killing, the religious war, China, and Tibet itself. I really think photos are going to work better than a drawing since seeing the real thing can have a greater impact on the individual. I want to lean more toward a collage type piece so I can get all the elements in, but how Im going to do it, Im not quite sure yet. Tibet Beauty. Web. Flag of Tibet. Web. Chinese Flag. Web. Slide 18 Slide 19 Visual: Post-Note Going for a collage was a great idea. Finding the right photos was the hard part. Getting ones that were big enough is difficult since so many photos are posted to the internet in small formats. I finally got my hands on what I wanted, though. Putting the red Chinese flag in the sky really sets the tone for the impending destruction theyll bring to Tibet. The Tibetan flag laid over the ground identifies the land itself. Call me crazy, but I had a fun time in Photoshop putting all the blood spatters on the temple, which is an actual Tibetan temple. Of course, I think viewers will grasp how much blood has been shed thanks to my efforts. Slide 20

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