  • 7/25/2019 Teacher's Notes - Lab Chapter 1 - Intro to Solaris



    1 Introduction to Solaris

    1.1 Introduction to the Solaris OSThe Solaris operating system was developed by Sun Microsystems in 199. The Sun!Sversion "# based on $SD# was succeeded by a new version called Solaris # which was based

    on %&I' System (. Internally# the new version was still called Sun!S version ).* but it wasmar+eted as Solaris # and the previous Sun!S v.".1 was renamed as Solaris 1.The ,irst

    Solaris 1* version -Sun!S ).1* was released in January **) . There were occasionalupdates# with the latest stable release being Solaris 1* /0* -as o, !ctober **.

    The development o, the Solaris !S ,ocused on the ,ollowing +ey areas1

    2eliability 3 development in ,ault and error detection# isolation and recovery# and

    service management combined with a strictly en,orced rigorous set o, standards ,orintegrating new code into Solaris !S.

    4er,ormance and scalability 3 %nsurpassed ability to run a wide variety o, wor+loads on

    systems ranging ,rom uniprocessor des+tops and rac+ systems to high5endmultiprocessor systems.

    Manageability 3 Tools and applications to handle the day5to5day administration and

    management o, Solaris systems.

    !bservability 3 6ernel ,eatures combined with user so,tware to monitor and analy7e the

    behavior and per,ormance o, applications and the Solaris +ernel.

    2esource Management 3 Management o, available hardware resources to e,,ectively

    meet per,ormance re8uirements# enabling a variety o, wor+loads to run within a Solaris


    1.2 Introduction to Solaris 10

    This chapter discusses the ,eatures o, the latest release o, the Solaris operating system.

    4redictive sel,5healing 3 Solaris 1* combines the Solaris ault Manager and the Solaris

    Service Manager # which is able to act when a hardware or so,tware ,ault occurs. Thereare ,acilities ,or event detection and isolation. !nce a ,ault has been detected# adynamic deactivation o, the a,,ected components can be done.

    Service Management ramewor+ 3 The SM provides an organi7ed set o, commands

    that help in the starting# stopping and restarting o, system services.

    Solaris :ones 3 ;llows ,or the creation and management o, virtual computers co5


  • 7/25/2019 Teacher's Notes - Lab Chapter 1 - Intro to Solaris



    4hysical Memory =ontrol 3 users can limit how much physical memory a process can


    Dynamic Tracing acility 3 ;llows ,or users to probe the behavior o, applications and the

    +ernel as they run without having to modi,y any code.

    4rocess 2ights Management 3 allows an administrator to assign speci,ic rights tospeci,ic users# not >ust the all5or5nothing rights o, the administrator against a regular


    &etwor+ per,ormance 3 signi,icant improvement on T=40I4 networ+ing has been

    implemented in Solaris 1*# with emphasis on increasing throughput and e,,iciency.

  • 7/25/2019 Teacher's Notes - Lab Chapter 1 - Intro to Solaris



    2esource management 3 2esource management handles the allocation o, system

    resources such as memory# I0!# and =4% time. This module tries to ma

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