
Teaching is a noble profession. The teacher is a respected person. In ancient India the teacher had a place of respect next to ones mother and father. In those days, men of wisdom with unlimited knowledge were teachers. Students used to go in search of such teachers to get educated. Guru as the teachers were then called was very much respected by society. Guru enjoyed a lot of respect even with the king of the land. Education was then limited to a few.

In courser of time, education was democratized. Education was open for all irrespective of caste, class, creed or place of birth. There arose a need for many schools and also for many teachers. We have now all kinds of teachers teaching from pre-primary level to the university level. Among all teachers, who is an ideal teacher? All teachers may not be ideal teachers. However, there are many ideal teachers even today. They are a class of their own.

An ideal teacher to be so called should possess a few special abilities. The students love their teacher as their hero. They would like to follow every word that the teacher says and every action that he does. The influence of such a teacher on the students is so much that whatever he says is considered as truth, and whatever he does is considered to be perfect.

An ideal teacher should, therefore, have a good personality and abundant knowledge. He should know the psychology of students and also their individual problems. Knowledge is ever growing and so an ideal teacher should always prepare his lesions before he enters the class.

An ideal teacher is confident in his class. His voice is clear. What he says should have clarity. If he has knowledge of allied subjects, it would also help him to teach better. He is punctual, neatly dressed and disciplined. His character is perfect and spotless.

An ideal teacher should consider himself as a parent to his students. Every student is to be looked after with affection. He should pay attention to a backward student as he does to a bright one. An ideal teacher joins his students in co-curricular and extra curricular activities too. He plays with them, sings with them and is always friendly. The students consider an ideal teacher a friend, philosopher and guide.

An ideal teacher is also sociable. His dealings with other teachers and parents are always cordial. He is happy and also makes others happy.

Teaching is a professional job. It requires technical knowledge of teaching. An ideal teacher is well trained for his job and is scientific in teaching and evaluation.

An ideal teacher is devoted to his work. Only those with an aptitude for teaching would prove to be ideal teacher. It is said that a nations future is shaped in its classrooms, and the man who shapes it is the teacher. A school teacher is said to be worth a thousand preachers.

An ideal teacher gets credit and respect for himself, for his school and for his country. Ideal teachers are honored in our country with national awards and State awards on the Teachers Day.

The ideal teacher

A good teacher is not one who is educated, it is the person who has a lot of experience and knows how to communicate with students. Also he or she must know how to guide and support them during this journey. This is critical to help students make good choices and prepare them for a good future.

As a refugee student, I would like my teacher to tell me different attitudes which determine the nature of our lives. I am studying in India alone. It is far away from my homeland and my parents. Sometimes I feel that I am not able to do anything in my life. I have to tell myself, "You have to be completely independent." At school or in society, I always studied very hard. Most of the time, I learned to be self-reliant and I have to encourage myself, "I am lucky although I left my family and my homeland. There are so many people who take care of me like my parents." The teachers teach me that people who want to be happy must help other people to be happy; people who want to live well, must help others live well. A teacher is the person who develops students' learning, growth and dependency on each other. The experience is much more important than learning to recognize each country on the map or knowing how to sing a song. Life isn't just writing in a book, if we don't experience it we won't know it clearly.

A teacher must teach and let students know, that the only kind of discipline that works is selfdiscipline; discipline to do your best, discipline to do your home work and listen to a teacher's teaching carefully, discipline to divide your time wisely, discipline to do your duty. Without our parent's and teacher's to warn and scold us, students who have very good self discipline are more successful than students who don't have good self-discipline, who just do what her or his teacher tells them to do.

The teacher can give us a chance to be a part of a group that offers lots of positive reinforcement. It is really healthy for the students when the teacher shows us how to depend on them less and less. After that we can do everything independently and totally confidently.

If the students don't have a hope and a goal, they will have so many negative influences from other students. That's why I hope that my teachers will always communicate well with me. One of the best things they can do for me is to encourage me, help me to discover what really makes me tick and make it possible for me to follow my dream.

At some point, I want my teacher to walk around the school and say "Hi" to everyone. mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.William Arthur WardThe best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself. ~Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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