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Team Lead Item # Description Projected



Update as of March 10, 2019

3-PMO Craig 1-


LEA Portal rollout 2019-03 E-File Texas – Currently working to complete the deployment of the Prosecutor API which will manage the receipt

of file stamped copies for storage within TSP and Defense Portal. (In progress)

EDR Gateway – Certification testing for the EDR gateway is pending schedule confirmation from DPS. (Still


Received the patch build for Prosecutor to address the issue with generation and attachment of criminal complaint

documents. This release is currently in QA testing. Will be deployed to production once sign-off has been received

from the DA’s Office. (Pending)

The Prosecutor and Portal applications were expected to be transitioned totally into production support by IT

Applications Support no later than 2/15/19, however the Program Engineer’s availability to perform the required

training has been significantly hampered due to re-structuring the TPMG in light of the decision to shutter the Court

project. Efforts to complete this transition will resume once the staffing item has been addressed. (In progress)

The Staffing request for support of EDR, E-File and Bond Portal development was approved by

Commissioners court in the amount of 80 hours per month (40 for BA/Trainer and 40 for Solutions

Architect). Team is working now to re-engage and will provide additional updates during week of 3/11/19.

3-PMO Peju 1-


Criminal Courts

Case Management




TBD The Commissioners Court on 3/5/19 approved the assessment of the TechShare.Courts Project by the engagement

of Alvarez and Marsal, LLC (A&M). (In progress)

Met with the District Clerk and her Staff on 3/7/19 and scheduled to meet with the County Clerk on 3/11/19 on the

updated and proposed Scope of Services to confirm that the scope is accurate and complete. (In progress)

Currently networking with the County Purchasing Office and the Civil DA’s Office to recommend to the

Commissioners Court an RFP solicitation to acquire and deploy a CCCMS. (In progress)

Depending on the outcome from the items above, plan to proceed with the RFP solicitation for acquiring and

deploying a CCCMS. (Pending)

3-PMO Mark





Jail Management

System upgrade

2019-10 (for

the delivery of

Release #2 for

Go Live)

Governance Planning

Attachment A has been updated. The Dallas County Jail PM has provided feedback. A meeting is being scheduled

with CUC during week of 3/11/19 to review feedback. Next steps include a cross-County meeting to work out

final changes to be included. Attachment A is to be presented to the Stakeholder Committee for approval during

the month of March 2019.

The Release 1 development plan has been re-cast with a delivery now scheduled for the end of July 2019 and still

within the approved budget. Release 2 is forecasted to be complete by the end of October 2019.

RFI for round management and inmate tracking – The County Sheriff and her Command Staff have

participated in one demo and another vendor is scheduled for early March 2019. Working to build out the

requirements for the next stage of procurement. (Pending)

Project Execution

The last finalized sprint delivered over 290 story points. We are in the process of testing this build (see Resource

Concern below). The current sprint is scheduled to deliver 294 story points, per the development plan.

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Continue to be engaged on the cross-team activities around the new Magistrate / Pre-Trial process.

Continue to be engaged on the shaping sessions on the Bond Portal requirements and definitions.

The existing Report analysis has been completed with the next steps involving the review and analysis of each

report for need. A Staff resource to execute this work has not yet been approved or on-boarded. (In progress)

The planning work for integration definition has started. Have drafted job descriptions and identified existing

performing TPMG team members who can be utilized.


Resources – The Jail project was originally briefed and approved with a number of positions which have not yet

been filled while awaiting project progress. We cannot meet the testing, requirements gathering and project

schedule without the additional resources added.

Timeline – The timeline has now been updated to be based on the scope of the application development and the

planned velocity. There are still a number of Component areas yet to be fully defined which could increase the


Development Prioritization - Items are being driven into the development queue with the change. Scope of the

requested items from both Counties must be actively managed.\

3-PMO Todd 1-


JP Courts CMS



PAUSE Based upon recent direction from the Commissioners Court and the County Administrator, the JP Project has now

been formally placed on hold.

3-PMO Craig 1-



Indigent Defense

System rollout

2019-06 (for

the ID portion) Accomplishments

Completed the first draft of the Ready for Magistration Research Integration. This is now in the TS Developers

hands for bringing into the Magistrate Portal.

Several of the customization items have been set to “In Acceptance”. Preparing to begin testing these items and

provide feedback. These items will also be included as review items in upcoming shaping sessions.

The configuration of the ID financial data has begun. Fee schedules have been laid out and provided to the ID

Product Owners for validation before loading into the application.

Conducted the follow-up with the County Auditor’s Office and was able to mitigate the majority of the “heavy

lifting” items which would have resulted in a Change Order. Once approved, the report changes and other minor

modifications will be keyed into JIRA, assessed and prioritized.

The first Judicial Committee Meeting was held with no members of the committee present. The ID Product Owners

are taking the key decision items to the Judges this week to get a vote on the process changes proposed and other

key items requiring Judicial input. Also, as a follow-up to this there is a TIDC call on 3/5 to discuss a specific

requirement that is causing some consternation. Based on the ID Product Owners’ concerns, the Attorney Kickoffs

have been postponed until they can review and get buy-in from the Judges.

Spent time in the Jail with the Magistrate Clerks and Magistrate Judge to observe their process, both the paper flow

as well as the Magistrate Hearing. One new document was uncovered during this process and has been included for


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Active Tasks

The TIDC grant funding extension request has been signed by the County Judge and submitted to and

approved by the TIDC. The new funding expiration date is now 6/30/19.

Continuing to work with the appropriate business groups to finalize requirements and document as required for


Continuing to work through configuration and reviews with the business groups. This will be a large portion of the

upcoming shaping sessions as well.

The Testing and Training Plan drafts are in review with updates being added. These will be kept current

accordingly throughout the remainder of the project.

The Conversion Team is actively working through mappings, business rules and mapping validations to get the

mappings wrapped up and completed.

Continue to monitor sprints closely to ensure that items are being assigned and worked and that any issues are

raised appropriately. Ensuring the County Team members know who their counterparts are on the TS side to ensure

open and direct lines of communication for all development items.

Contract negotiations with Noble are proceeding. Next steps are to get the redlined items to Noble this week as well

as finalizing the total number of users and the County’s acceptance criteria/requirements. From there we will be

moving through their implementation process of task assignments and due dates.


A timely decision on some specific and unique ID process peculiarities are pending. (Ex. “How will first

appearance appointments be handled?”, “What will be the process for getting attorneys activated on the attorney

wheels?”, “What will be the process for the 48-Hour Bail Review Hearings?”, “What system will be used to

support the process?” and “How will offenders be placed onto an open Magistrate hearing session in the Magistrate

Portal?”) These are expected to be answered out of the Judicial meetings and discussions which are ongoing.

We are still operating without a District Criminal Courts Manager, who will be a co-Product Owner with the

County Criminal Courts Manager. As of the ID Kickoff Meeting, Cristina O’Neil will be our PoC until the District

Criminal Courts Manager position is filled. Again, this is part of the discussion topics with the Judges.

3-PMO Nathan 1-



DCIM Direction TBD

Per the CIO’s directive to the IT Applications Chief to develop a long-range plan and recommendation for

replacing the DCIM platform, pending the concurrence of the Dallas County Sheriff and the Commissioners

Court’s approval, met with Chief Foster and other DCSO Staff on 3/6/19 to review the background for this and to

discuss the pending payment of the CY2018 maintenance bill.

The DCSO has placed the integrated and web-based rollouts on hold for now while the CJIS compliance

remediation work is underway. (Expect to re-start this effort after the Phase II CJIS compliance efforts are

substantially completed.)

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2-Apps Richard 1-





TBD Microsoft has completed the assessment of the current LIMS v4 application and has provided recommendations in

for modifications to the application in order to extend the useful life of the platform until a suitable replacement is

identified for it. The recommendations are currently under review so as to confirm the next steps. (In progress)



Nathan 1-


IT Security &



2019-09 The County Compliance Committee met on Tuesday, 2/26/19.

Note the completion of the Elections Security assessment by Cyber Defenses. County IT is to assist the County

Elections Office with the remediation activities to address the applicable items noted by 9/30/19. (In progress)

Per the Court’s approval of the engagement of the Optiv Security Solutions to conduct a County-wide information

security risk assessment against the proposed NIST 800-53 framework, note the assessment is underway and we expect

the findings to be delivered in April 2019. (In progress)

3-PMO Shirley 1-



Jail Camera

Expansion Project

TBD Notification was received on 3/1/19 that the old equipment had been removed by the IT Desktop Support Team to

permit server delivery. Delivery of the new surveillance server will be scheduled with the camera vendor. The IT

Network Team will assist with connection of the server. (In progress)

A quote has been submitted to the DCSO by Prism Electric for the electric and conduit work required to install the

North Tower jail pod cabling and cameras. The procurement path is being reviewed through County Purchasing

and County Facilities. (In progress)

2-Apps Kim I. 1-





TBD Per discussions with the County Auditor’s Office and Oracle on the availability of the new version of the application,

placing this on hold until the new version is available from Oracle. Also, will be considering the Cloud version of the

application due to the Oracle “sun-setting” the on-premise version of the application after version 11.2. (Pending)

3-PMO Sabrina 1-



HEAT System


2019-03 Change Management Module configuration is still underway. Continue with documenting Policy, Procedures,

Workflows, system configurations and processes.

The Master Incident feature release is scheduled for 3/8/19.

2-Apps Gary 1-


Web Content


System (CMS)

TBD Item %

Completed Note

Web Design – HHS 99% Estimated GO LIVE by the week of 3/11/19

Web Design – District 1 100% Go Live was on 02.25.19

Web Design – CCC 11 85% Submitted new design and awaiting feedback/additional information

Web Design – Tax 0%

Web Design – Sheriffs Print Shop

100% Go Live was on 03.04.19

Web Design – Sheriff 4%

Web Design – RWPC 2%

Facilities – GA Cafeteria Site 1%

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2-Apps Janice 1-






TBD Component Status % Complete

1. Supply Inventory Active 96%

2. Voter Registration Pending

3. WRWI Pending

4. Historical Active 69%

2-Apps Richard 1-



911 CAD (et. al)

Systems upgrades

TBD The IT Applications Chief is in the process of finalizing the draft of the MOU for subsequent presentation to the

principles at the County and City for consideration of approval. (In progress)

2-Apps Richard 1-




Court Agenda


System Transition

2019-04 Training scheduled by the County Clerk’s Office on the BoardDocs iCompass application in March 2019 with the

first class on 3/11/19. (In progress)

County Clerk projects that the new system will go live on 4/16/19.

3-PMO Stephanie 1-



CSS Application

implementation for


TBD 3/1/19 – CSS provided a status update which included the following: 1) Finished importing “Court Assignment” data

and 2) Testing population of widget in application.

3/5/19 – Requested Dallas County provide AIS and TRN information for “Court Assignment” & “Court Setting”

CSS has stated the March 9th, 2019 Go-Live date for Pre-Trial has changed and they are now anticipating the training

and Go-Live to take place in April 2019. (CSS will confirm dates for both milestones)

3-Apps Kim I. 1-






2019-04 Task Item Complete Status Notes:

5. Workflow Development 75%

6. QA Testing 0%

7. User Acceptance Testing 0%

8. Deploy to production 0% Scheduled Completion Date: 4/29/2019

Items #1 - #4 have been completed.

3-PMO Sabrina 1-



Queuing System


TBD Mr. Ames, the County Tax Assessor, intends to roll out the system to the North Dallas Tax Office by July/August

2019. North Dallas Tax Office Quote has been sent for a funding code. (Pending)

The District and County Clerks have noted their interest in possibly deploying the system once it is fully

implemented in the County Tax Office. (Pending)

3-PMO Sabrina 1-



Voting System

RFP and ePoll

Book RFP rollouts

2019-06 Meetings to review & configure Process Work Flows continues. The Vendor was onsite the week of 3/4/19 for

system configuration and training and to assist with the planning to conduct a Mock Election during the period

3/18/19 – 3/20/19. (In progress)

Per the Voting System RFP solicitation process, the Vendor submitted an updated BAFO on 02/26/19. Anticipate

briefing the Court with an Award Recommendation by 03/19/19, pending contract negotiations.

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3-PMO Shirley 1-






2019-07 Assessment of a second PACT training location remains in progress. Determination that client computers meet the

Noble application system requirements has been completed. The network environment may not suffice the Noble

trainer’s needs for use of the external training environment. The trainer is being contacted on this item. (In


Training has been scheduled from 4/30/19 – 7/26/19.

3-PMO Stephanie 1-





Lab Upgrade

TBD The Commissioners Court approved the RFP release on 2/19/19 and the proposed Pre-bid Conference is scheduled for

3/12/19. (In progress)

3-PMO Tamica 1-




Waitlist Opening

2019-03 The waitlist opened online at noon on 3/7/19 and scheduled to close at 11:59 PM on 3/8/19. The Housing

Department noted that as of 8 am on 3/8/19, there were 10,100 applications submitted.

3-PMO Peju 1-





Project – Phase I

with Records





Per guidance from the County Administrator Mr. Martin at the Records Building Relocation Planning Meeting on

2/26/19, have initiated this Project to implement document digitization as part of the relocation process. ACA Mr.

Hikel has been appointed as the County Executive Sponsor for the Project, Ms. Peju Ajunwon as the IT Senior Project

Manager and Todd Alberts and Raison Thompson as the Senior Business Analysts. This Phase has to be completed

before the Departments’ relocation into the Building and is considered the one of the prelude events to the County-

wide “Paperless” Initiative.

1-Ops Shane 2-





2019-05 Moving forward with plans to migrate the contract for these ASEoD circuits to the State DIR Agreement so that they

are under contract and thus obviate the negotiations on establishing a direct contract with AT&T. Have reviewed the

past non-contract charges to confirm the amount which will be paid to bring the accounts current and have submitted a

briefing for 3/19/19 to the Commissioners Court for approval to pay these charges.

1-Ops Shane 2-



eFax Rollout 2019-03 Documentation being updated by the IT Operations Team to include the out-bound eFaxing from any desktop in the

instructions before they are officially published. (Pending)

1-Ops Shane 2-



IT Infrastructure



2019-09 PC Replacements Phase III (County-wide) – Currently working with County Purchasing to gather quotes for

presentation to the Commissioners Court, tentatively projected for 4/2/19. In the interim, have two of the IT

Desktop Support Technicians deploying replacement PCs.

PC Replacement (Phase V – DCSO MDCs) – The preponderance of items have been completed and currently are

approximately 91% complete with deployment/rollout of the new configuration to the Patrol Fleet. Projected to be

completed on 3/22/19.

Office 365 / Exchange Online preparation work – Pending items resolved and County IT’s email accounts have

been migrated to O-365 as the first phase of migrating all of the email accounts to the O-365 platform.

Windows Server OS v2016 Upgrade - Two change management items are in progress regarding the the OS

upgrades of the Domain Controllers followed by the Forest. Expected completion date was 3/3/2019, however, the

changes are being delayed pending the completion of the County Elections Office completing the current round of

elections. (Pending)

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Windows SQL Database v2016 Upgrade for the Civil Courts environment – Stages #1 - #3 are completed,

Stage #4 is 50% complete and the upgrade is to be completed by 6/30/19.

Network – Working on removing public Internet traffic to a separate circuit. Contract with FiberLight is in the

process of being reviewed. (In progress)

Nutanix – Order for redundant Civil – Infrastructure for Carrolton site has been made. Delivery and Installation

anticipated in Mid-March 2019. Infrastructure failover capabilities will require network changes to facilitate

resiliency. (In progress)

Video Conference System - Video Magistration system quote and statement of work have been received and

reviewed internally. Currently planning to place on the Court Agenda for 4/2/19.

Network Closet UPS – Per the proposals received for upgrading the network closet UPS platforms, expect to

submit a corresponding briefing to the Commissioners Court on 4/2/19.

L1TF Exploit - Per the meeting of the CIO, CISO and IT Operations Chief in February 2019, the IT Operations

Chief is drafting a brief with a recommendation to the Court Executives for 4/16/19. (In progress)

County System Compliance: MFA – In order to obviate using personal cell phones to fully implement this functionality, County IT is in the

process of acquiring through the County procurement process several of “beta” physical tokens items for testing

with the on-hand Microsoft InTune product. Also briefing the Commissioners Court on 3/19/19 to request approval

to engage Integration Partners to assist with the preliminary configuration of the system to use the tokens. (In


Mobile Device Management – The proposed MDM Policy for personal devices has been reviewed by the IT

Operations Chief and the CISO. The CIO is now in the process of reviewing it before it is sent to the Civil DA’s

Office. (Pending)

Network Closets – o In the process of standing up a new wireless network to support only these locks and will have a special account

required to access as well as limit the connectivity to the vendor site supporting the authentication. Once this

new wireless network has been fully established, we will proceed with the fully functional rollout. (Pending)

Cisco Switch Replacement – Currently confirming infrastructure for replacement in this fiscal year. (In progress)

2-Apps Tamica 2-



KRONOS upgrade 2019-04 The installation for the clocks at Frank Crowley has begun. The environment for the upgrades are in review with the

vendor. Training sessions are in progress for the core team.

1-Ops Shane 2-





2019-03 Networked with the DCSO and the State DPS Office to research and resolve a DPS network router issue

impacting the DCSO’s and the DA’s Office’s OpenFox applications access.

Per the Presidio network consultant’s recommendations, the IT Network Team continues with implementing their

recommended network changes for data network optimization. (In progress)

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Networking with NEMO-Q, the queuing system vendor, to assist them as needed in addressing a system issue with

their platform. (Still monitoring for now)

2-Apps Richard 2-





Mobility Suite


TBD In light of the 2-Factor Authentication needed for the CJIS compliance effort, moving forward with the implementation

of the InTune module of the EMS as part of the Phase II efforts. Per the Court’s approval, Integration Partners has been

engaged to assist with the deployment. (Still in progress)

1-Ops Shane 2-



Mass Notification 2019-03 The system has been configured and the broadcast for the County Staff to start signing up on the new system

was sent out on 3/8/19. Once the sign-up process has been completed, we plan to retire the existing Everbridge


2-Apps Janice 2-




Magistrate Hearing




(Just keeping

on the list until

3/12/19 to brief

to the ITEGC)

All IT Tasks related to the Dave’s Lawsuit and the New Jail Process (associated with Robust Hearings) have been

completed as of 2/21/19.

2-Apps Demond 2-



OnBase Document


System Rollout

TBD (NEW) Currently underway with the County HR Office and with the County Tax Office. More detailed updates to be provided

with the next update.

2-Apps Richard 3-Plans-


Enterprise GIS


TBD County IT Applications is to provide the plan details to County Public Works for their review and comment prior to

briefing the plan to the Commissioners Court. (Pending)

Per the February 2019 meeting with Mr. Hugh Miller, the new City CIO, in the process of finalizing the draft of the

MOU for the County’s use of the City’s GIS Portal to submit as part of the GIS briefing to the Commissioners

Court. (In progress)



Vic 3-Plans-


MTF budget audit

and structuring

2019-05 Note that County Purchasing submitted the proposed RFP to and received approval by the Court to release the RFP for

bid on 12/4/18. Follow-up in progress with the County Purchasing Office on the RFP schedule. (Pending)








Training &


2019-10 In concert with the County OHSEM, planning to engage the Texas A&M University Cybersecurity Division

(TEEX) to assist in the planning to conduct a cybersecurity tabletop exercise for the County Senior Leadership for

the October 2019 Cybersecurity Awareness Month activities. The planning meeting with TEEX to define the scope

for the exercise will take place on Wednesday, 4/10/19 at Panoramic Circle. (In progress)



Vic 4-


Vacancies N/A Welcomed onboard Ms. Gayle Davis as the IT Telecommunications Manager on 2/25/19.

Noted that Mr. Lester Lewis, the former Clark County-NV Deputy CIO, has accepted the offer to fill the IT

Network & Server Manager position with the scheduled first day in the Office being 3/25/19.

Will continue to move forward with activities to fill the other vacancies (i.e., Senior Voice Engineer [approved by

the Court on 10/2/18], IT Senior Network Engineer (x2), IT Network Engineer, the IT Senior Security Analyst, the

IT Senior Server Administrator and the IT VoIP Technician). (In progress)

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The Security team has identified a suitable replacement for the IT Senior Security Analyst position and hope to

extend an offer in late March 2019 after all requirements and background checks are satisfied. (In progress)



Vic 4-


Staff Recognition

and Development

N/A Nominated Shrihari Sathaye, the IT Lead Senior Oracle Database Applications Developer for the County IT

Employee of the Month of February 2019 and he was recognized by the Commissioners Court at their

Meeting on 3/5/19.

Roy Frederick and Lary Young of IT Operations were recognized by Resolution at the Commissioners Court

on 3/5/19 for their many years of service (i.e., 48 years and 38 years, respectively) to the County.

Acknowledged the County Anniversaries of the following County IT Team members during the month of

March 2019:

Terry Clark, IT Senior Business Analyst (14th) - 8 years

Dang Dinh, IT Senior Systems Analyst (28th) – 8 years

Sabrina Roberts, IT Senior Project Manager (26th) - 7 years

Traci Newbill, IT Senior Oracle Systems Administrator (28th)- 6 years

Alex Garcia, IT Server Administrator (20th) – 2 years

Mehrshad Ashja, IT Senior Systems Analyst (5th) – 1 year (as full-time)

ADA Chong Choe was invited to and attended the IT Leadership Team Meeting on 3/7/19 to provide legal

insights and answer questions on the contract/agreement/SOW development and legal review process.

Per Terry Clark recently attending a “Managing Multiple Projects” Conference, she presented the

highlights from the Conference to the rest of the IT PMO on 3/6/19.



Vic 4-


IT Organizational


2019-09 The IT Senior Financial Analyst has started the CIO-directed financial review of IT expenses in advance of

preparing for the FY19-20 IT Budget submission in CY2019. (In progress)

Have initiated efforts to prepare the FY2019-20 MTF Budget proposal. (In progress with the IT Senior Financial

Analyst meeting with the IT Assistant Chiefs in March 2019.)

In discussions with the County Administrator’s Office on an IT organizational change for the IT Security Team,

proposing that the three IT Operations Team members who were assigned full time to the IT Infrastructure

Compliance Team be permanently reassigned to the IT Security Team and that their positions be reclassified as part

of the IT Network Security function. (In progress)

Have initiated the update of the IT Strategic Plan for FY2020 – 2024 for presentation to the Commissioners Court

for consideration and approval as part of the FY2020 Budget development process. Expect to emphasize a total

digital transformation for County operations coupled with secure and compliant technologies and including

leveraging to a much greater degree Cloud-based systems, workflow automation, business analytics and mobile

technologies for greater service delivery throughout the County as an enterprise. (In progress)

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