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Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing theory

1) Forming Task

a. Define current state and strategyb. Identify information needed

Team Building c. Define teamd. Determine individual rolese. Develop trust and communicationf. Develop norms

Leader role: Encourage and maintain open communication. Help the team develop and follow team norms. Help the team focus on the task. Deal constructively with conflict.

Recorder role: Keep a record of team meetings. Maintain a record of team assignments Maintain a record of the team's work.

Team norms: How do we support each other? What do we do when we have problems? What are my responsibilities to the team?

2) Storminga. realize that the task is more difficult than they imagined; b. have fluctuations in attitude about chances of success; c. may be resistant to the task; and, d. have poor collaboration.

Storming diagnosis: Do we have common goals and objectives? Do we agree on roles and responsibilities? Do our task, communication, and decision systems work? Do we have adequate interpersonal skills?

Negotiating conflits: Separate problem issues from people issues. Be soft on people, hard on problem. Look for underlying needs, goals of each party rather than specific solutions.

Adressing the problem: State your views in clear non-judgmental language. Clarify the core issues. Listen carefully to each person’s point of view. Check understanding by restating the core issues.


Form Storm Norm Perform!

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3) NormingDuring this stage members accept:

a. their team; b. team rules and procedures;c. their roles in the team; and,d. the individuality of fellow members.

Team members realize that they are not going to crash-and-burn and start helping each other.Behaviors:

Competitive relationships become more cooperative. There is a willingness to confront issues and solve problems. Teams develop the ability to express criticism constructively. There is a sense of team spirit.

4) PerformingTeam members have:

gained insight into personal and team processes; a better understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses; gained the ability to prevent or work through group conflict and resolve differences; and, developed a close attachment to the team.

TEAM management

Track the aspects we cover during the LCP track and read the related document!

Tools: Teamdays! time devoted just for the team! The agenda should be comprised of working

and entertainment activities that are balanced. It’s a good time for a deep analysis and review of your work, plan’s fulfillment, main achievments to celebrate and hard moment to LEARN from! Analyse to use your learnings further. Give feedback. Don’t forget to review your personal development as a team and each team member. Share. Make photos! And ENJOY!

Common rules review! It will be easy to maintain the rules you agreed upon from the very beginging! You can also add smth in the range of rules of your team but only if you commonly agreed upon that. Better to put your rules to the visible place and follow them of course.


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Weekly meetings! Define 3 main priorities of individuals for the week (according to their operational plan) and check if these activities were done. Discuss the support needed and meetings to be carried out. Make sure they happen. Advise: during long discussions use “talking piece” for teh first time until active listening becomes a habit.

Individual meetings. 1) Can be carried out at the beginging of the term with each member. Aims: how each member sees the team current state. What are the people the person is most easy to communicate with. What are the people the person is not that easy at the moment. What are the people the person can learn smth from. What is the main goal of the year for the person. What can be the “positive challenge” for the person during upcoming year. 2) Should be carried out once a month in order to make you understand with the use of deep profound discussion what is happening in the FA, what ar ethe bottlenecks and sourses for success. What are the interconnections with other FA you have to insure. 3) Can happen when you feel the nesessety =)

Monthly analysis meetings. Only common discussions of past-performance, current state and future steps will make you vision becom true. Unless all the discussions about synergy and interconnections would become useless if you remember about that only at the beginging. Act TOGETHER as an EB team! All the problems in each FA concern all the other FA!

AIESEC way deep discussions. We frequently organize it for LC members but skip for ourselves unfortunately.

Surprises. Use your fantazy. Create the positive culture of giving. Encourage other people to do that as well but not only to receive.

Books/ materials. Support your EB with useful materials. Create an active-learning culture of your EB team!

Alumni/experts. Use the resourses of people that have a great experience/ knowledge in the area.

Challenges. Try to see the positive side of every situation. Use all challenges as a source for unity and common direction. After overcoming each challenge discuss your success and learning you got. As for any mistakes use it as a source of learning rather than blaming anyone or punishing.

Coffe-talks. Recognition for EB members. Also dont forget to praise each other (how- should be

agreed within your team at the beginging). Feedback. At the beginging of the term discuss the nessecety of feedback, its usage and

the form people are comfortable to receive feedback. (Read about feedback in a more detailed way further)

Here is some space for your comments:

Besides being a LEADER and a MANAGER OF a TEAM LCP is being a COACH of team members as well!


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Managing : Planning, organising, and coordinating long-range and day-to-day activities Leading : Creating a powerful and compelling vision that connects the people involved,

and motivates them to make this vision a reality Coaching : Bringing out the best in each other so that we are continuously accomplishing

our goals and growing together

“Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand”.

We remember10%-15% of what we hear 15%-30% of what we hear and see 30%-35% of what we say 50%-75% of what we do 75+% through true involvement

First, we have to earn the right to offer feedback before we start coaching.


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Positive and Constructive feedback is different and each with their specific challenges to whom it is giving.

Positive Feedback: Constructive Feedback:

“Catch people doing something right” Identifies and reinforces behaviours that should be continued

Not “negative”, seen as an opportunityPoints out behaviours that need to changeUses “how to” language Looks for opportunities to improve on current behaviour

“I’d like to receive positive feedback when I…” Exceed performance standards - Assist others in meeting their standard- Volunteer for a difficult or unpopular job- Consistently perform well for a long period of time- Offer suggestions on ways to improve procedures or product quality- Make an effort to improve

“I’d like to receive constructive feedback when I…”- Am not performing as well as usual- Cannot find a way to improve my performance- Am unsure about what to do next- Experience failure or disappointment- Am out of my comfort zone

There is a simple process to follow when giving feedback for it to be effective from both points of view

Step 1 Collect observations:– concentrate on collecting facts and focus on specific occurrence– establish the right environment to give feedback

Step 2 Give feedback:– Invite self-analysis with open questions– share facts– discuss your interpretation of the facts– start with the positive – support everything with examples– give suggestions for improved behaviour or action– agree next steps

Step 3 Follow-up:– review next steps– monitor future behaviour– continue to give feedback where appropriate

Key success factors of successful constructive feedback:- Is being given as an honest attempt to help both the individual and the company- Is based on two way dialogue- Is as a result of agreeing what the problem is - Focuses on behaviour or performance and not personality- Concludes with action plans


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When feedback is received and acted upon, the coaching relationship can begin

The original meaning of “to Coach” was to “to convey a valued person to where they want to be”.

Coaching is appropriate when wanting to...

• Develop the individual

• Encourage people to work to their limits

• Develop teamwork

• Express confidence and support

• Provide recognition, credit, or reassurance

• Train or educate the individual

This is your opportunity to help your team member to achieve their maximum potential


Be aware that your coaching starts with a

potential tension between the goal of the team (and your goals!?)

and the goal of the individual

The aim of the coach has to leave a coachee without any necessity to have it any more.

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Role of LCP in a team developmentYou are responsible for empowering, supporting and executing the development of your team members!Please, answer the following questions:

How do you assess your last team experience?

What kind of activities you have had as a team to develop yourself?

What was the role of team leader in this experience?

Development planHow many of you have development plan?How many of you have clear goals (personal and professional) and action plan to achieve them?

How to build development plan? Please answer the following questions:Who am I?

What do I need?

What is the GAP?

How can I fill the GAP?

Who can support me?

Use David Pollay’s template quarterly that will help you with personal goal-setting and review of personal goals and development! Find it in related documents!


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