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what is a team?

A group of people linked together for a common purpose, goal, or task

A team is not simply a group of people

Teamwork is the joint action of team members to achieve a task or goal

How teams meet their goals:

Focusing on their strengths and weaknesses

Improvement by collaborating member’s skill sets

Groups Teams

Members work independently and often are not working towards the same goal.

Members work interdependently and work toward both personal and team goals.

Members focus mostly on themselves because they are not involved in the planning of the group’s goals and objectives.

Members feel a sense of ownership for their role in the group because they helped create the goals.

Members are given tasks or told what their duty is and suggestions are rarely welcomed.

Members collaborate together and use their talent and experience to meet goals.

Members are very cautious about what they say and are afraid to ask questions.

Members base their success on trust and encourage all members to express their varying opinions, views, and questions.

Groups vs Teams

interdependent teams

Everyone needs to work together to accomplish anything significant

Success of the individual=success of the team

A team is only as strong as the weakest member

stages of team growth

a. Forming

b. Storming

c. Norming

d. Performing

e. Warming

formingthe polite stage

What you can do

Get to know the people on your team

Help establish a collaborative and grounded environment

Set goals and objectives

Define roles and responsibilities


Build trust

If you are confused, ask your team leader or manager for clarification

Team structure is identified and members get to know each other

Members tend to be polite and cautious toward each other

“Normal” team behavior is considered and established

stormingthe chaos stage

What you can do

Try to understand different viewpoints without taking the conflict personally

Know that conflict is normal and can be productive; look for solutions that both parties can agree on

Refrain from blaming or pointing fingers

Use problem-solving and consensus-building methods

The most difficult team growth stage

Authority is challenged

Arguments may occur as team members feel free to disagree and offer personal opinions

normingthe stabilizing stage

What you can do

Revise procedures and ground rules as necessary

Remember conflict resolution skills and, when possible, compromise to reach an agreement

Share decision-making and problem solving

Listen to understand

Ask for and give feedback

Celebrate individual and team successes

The team is accepted and differences are reconciled

Team spirit begins to build again

Members listen better and accept new ideas

Significant progress is made

performingthe productive stage

What you can do

Continue to cooperate and use conflict management skills

Continue to give consideration to others and their responsibilities

Measure accomplishments against goals and timeframes

Stay focused on both the end goal and how far the team has come

Look for new ideas and ways to improve

Continue to celebrate successes

Team satisfaction and loyalty are high

Members are open and trusting

Cooperation and consideration help increase the quality and quantity of work

Individuals are more focused on working as a team rather than individual issues

warmingthe peak of synergy

What you can do

Summarize the project and all the work that was done

Give each member the opportunity to share their experience

Encourage members to stay in touch and to continue to share information and ideas

Synergy is reached when things work together to create an outcome that is greater than the individual parts

Relationships between team members become closer; a sense of family is developed

Work becomes fun and challenging

characteristics of effective teams

the foundation

Clear goal

Avoid “fuzzy” statements

Results-driven structure

Must be productive and able to set own goals

External support and encouragement

Praise works just as well motivating teams as it does individuals

Principled leadership

Lead with integrity

characteristics of effective teams

the people

Competent members

Sound level of knowledge

Unified commitment

Directing efforts toward a common goal

Collaborative climate

Honest, open, consistent, and respectful behavior

High standards understood by all

Members must know what is expected individually and collectively

keys to successful teams

a. Partnership

b. Communication

c. Dedication


The ability to work together

Each partner acts as part of the whole

If any part is missing, the task is not complete

It is not whole

communication The act of exchanging thoughts, messages, or information





Sending, giving, or exchanging information or ideas


The consideration and commitment given to make the team successful

Following through on responsibilities

Maintaining a positive attitude

Considering other’s needs

Coming together is a beginning.Keeping together is progress.Working together is success.

Henry Ford

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins


Michael Jordan

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