
Tech 101

Chapter 8

Manufacturing Development


Chapter 8 Roadmap

• Concurrency of Development Phases

• Integration of Multiple disciplines into the Development Process

• Design for Manufacturing• Manufacturing Process

Layout• Product Configuration• Development versus


• Certification of Manufacturing Personnel

• Procurement and Parts Configuration

• Certification of Vendors• Information Retention and

Record Keeping• Forecasting• Cycle time Management• Synchronization



The development of the product is not only limited

to the design of the product; it must also include

the development of the manufacturing system. The

Efficiency of the manufacturing system is a

measure of how well the organization can

capitalize on the new product development. It is, in

fact, the means by which the company harvests

the investment it makes.


ABSTRACT continued . . .

This chapter outlines several perspectives

on manufacturing development, ranging

from design engineering to supplier

involvement. These items must be

integrated into the new product development



Concurrency Of Development Phases

1. Manufacturing—the Forgotten Development?• Manufacturing development is an integral part of

the new product development process.• Often, a development occurs in a manufacturing

vacuum, with the result that the new product might suffer lower than expected gross margin, or worse yet, might fail to capitalize on the market opportunity entirely.


1- Manufacturing—the Forgotten Development? Continued . . .

• An enterprise cannot add on, factor in at a later date, or ignore the manufacturing process and still reap the rewards of the product investment.

• Manufacturing must be an integral process developed as part of the product.

• When factoring design to cost, the manufactur-ing element represents a significant portion of the direct and indirect costs associated with the product.

• Failure to address the issue properly results in a non-optimized situation.


2. Manufacturing as Part of the Product Development Process

• The importance of integrating the manufacturing process into the product development process cannot be overstated.

• There are tradeoffs between design and manufacturing that must be reconciled as part of the development project, rather than in production, where cost usually increases.

• The manufacturing process must be designed while the product is being designed, and both design phases must be concurrent.


2. Manufacturing as Part of the Product Development Process continued . . .

• Manufacturing does not drive the product design solely, nor does development drive the design in a vacuum of other processes. All processes must work concurrently to optimize the solution offered to the marketplace.


3. Outline The Deliverables

• Design engineering has deliverables to mark the completion of certain steps in the design process; the manufacturing system should be developed in a like manner.

• One can think of the correlation between these two elements as illustrated in Figure 8-1.

• Each sub-element of the product design should be a factor in the manufacturing system setup.


3. Outline The Deliverables continued . . .

• In this way, a manufacturing system can be designed and laid out to manufacture effectively, with synchronization and gathering appropriate supporting data for management reporting.

• The manufacturing system involves more than putting assemblies together.

• It is a critical feedback loop in the process of bringing the product to the customer.

• Along with the feedback loop is the need for objective data to evaluate performance and effect corrective action.


4. Laying Out The Manufacturing Line

• As the product is being developed, the layout of the product line manufacturing should be completed.

• If the product is comprised of subassemblies, then each subassembly feeder line should be laid out and optimized.

• The manufacturing line should function in a synchronized fashion, with all elements operating on a common time base.


5. Integrating the Supplier Element

• The supplier element is a key factor in facilitating the manufacturing process.

• The supplier is a partner in the process. As the product and the manufacturing process are designed, the third step is to bring in the suppliers as an integral part of manufacturing.


5. Integrating the Supplier Element continue . . .

• The suppliers can assist in the development effort by introducing new

• manufacturing concepts to the organization.

• Suppliers have the benefit of involvement with other manufacturers and can be a key linkage to state-of-the-art ideas.


Integration of Multiple Disciplines into theDevelopment Process

1. Diagram flow of multiple disciplines

• The development of a new product is an interdisciplinary process.

• All aspects of the organization should be represented in the program.

• The aspects include development, quality, purchasing,

• sales and marketing, finance, and manufacturing.


2. Give And Take Between Manufacturing And Development

• Part of the integration process between the design-engineering group and the manufacturing group lies in the give and take between them. Figure 8-2.

• Significant progress toward cost reduction and improved quality can be made by design engineering “assuming” responsibility for the reduction of manufacturing problems by virtue of design.


4. Design For Manufacturability: It Starts And Ends With Design

• Up until this point, the focus of new product development has been from the perspectives of design, functionality, and cost.

• The focus must now be broadened to include manufacturability.

• The ease of manufacturing a product does not originate in manufacturing, nor can it be accomplished by the addition of capital equipment after the design process has been completed.

• Ease of manufacturing must be integral to the program. Furthermore, there are several basic tenets that comprise a manufacturable product.


5. Manufacturing Can’t Fix What Development Doesn’t Provide For

• In many cases, the organization has high expectations of manufacturing; however, manufacturing cannot repair or create what development has not provided for in the new product design.

• Development ultimately must have the vision of how the product is configured and assembled.


7*. Manufacturing as a Competitive Weapon

• With a product diligently integrated into manufacturing and an effective sales channel, manufacturing can be a formidable competitive weapon.

• Certain segments can be defended to the point of locking out competition forever.

• The strength your company gains causes your competitors to become weaker not only in a relative but also in an absolute sense.

• * # 6 omitted


Design For Manufacturing

At this point in the discussion, it is a good

idea to review the basic tenets of design for

manufacturability. The following text outlines

a list of desirable attributes of a product

design to facilitate manufacturing.


1. Philosophy

• The basic philosophy behind design for manufacture is to design, arrange, and position elements to go together in a preferentially compatible manner.

• This means that parts go together with minimal effort, force, fitting, and fastening.

• It takes advantage of natural forces such as gravity and accommodates the use of fixturing and tooling to speed the process while ensuring an acceptable level of quality.


2. Minimization of Parts

• One of the easiest ways to accomplish a design for manufacture is to reduce the raw number of parts.

• This is accomplished integrating functionality within a more highly engineered and tooled part. By combining functionality and features in these parts, the sheer number of them can be reduced.

• A reduction in parts count helps reduce inventory, space, work in progress, and potential scrap.

• Also, it reduces the per-unit consumption of materials and supplies.


3. Use Modular Design

• A modular design reduces manufacturing costs by allowing the use of subassemblies.

• It allows the organization of feeder lines in manufacturing and adds quality checks and controllability earlier in the assembly process.

• The use of known goods and certified subassemblies in final production results in a faster final assembly as well as improved first-pass yield.


4. Take Advantage of Gravity

• As the assembly process is laid out, parts and subassemblies should “drop” into place and be secured by integral fasteners wherever possible.

• Taking advantage of gravity in this manner reduces the time required to manufacture the product and reduces the amount of human intervention and repositioning.

• It also can pave the way toward automated assembly.


5. Reduce Variability

• The design of the product should have reduced variability in parts.

• This means that if two parts or subassemblies are alike or nearly alike in producing different versions of the product, the designer should consider reducing the variability and designing one part or subassembly that will accomplish both functions.


5. Reduce Variability continued . . .

• This tactic reduces inventory levels and also improves throughput by preventing the presence of the “wrong part only” in inventory.

• A reduction in highly similar parts also improves quality and eventually contributes to reduced cost, as quantities of identical parts are increased.


6. Provide Easy Access

• Easy access to critical or important components is both a serviceability issue and an assembly issue.

• Access to such components increases the availability of equipment by reducing the mean time for repair. It also reduces manufacturing time by allowing free movement within the subassembly.

• Providing for easy access does not necessarily cause an increased amount of product real estate if the design is handled correctly. Creative and diligent use of product real estate can be a contributing factor to these access issues.


7. Eliminate Fasteners

• Fasteners are an age-old means for assembling parts and assemblies.

• Although they are convenient and relatively low in cost and allow a certain amount of flexibility, they add labor cost, contribute to repetitive motion illness, and increase the likelihood of assembly mistakes.

• Their use generally requires additional procedures and tooling to ensure proper torque of components.

• A part or assembly that can have a built-in fastener results in a reduction of mistakes, improvement in quality, and reduced hazard among the workforce.


8. Increase Part Symmetry

• Not necessarily a requirement for manufacturability, the use of symmetry can reduce certain costs when secondary operations are required.

• For example, machining a certain assembly can be made easier by the use of symmetry, reducing setup time and fixture placement on subsequent operations.

• Symmetry also has certain advantages where material handling is concerned.

• Fixtures for handling can be consolidated, and additional flexibility can be created.


9. Ease of Part Handling

• The issues of material handling and part placement do not need to be limited to the consideration of symmetry alone.

• They can extend to all parts and assemblies in a product.

• Ease of part handling contributes to lower cost of material movement tooling, better quality due to reduced mishaps, and a more laminar process flow.

• The parts should be designed for ease of alignment and ease in maintaining location.

• They should fit into their locations easily without the use of alignment, locating, and tightening operations.


10. Design Parts with Vendors

• Become proactive in seeking the assistance of vendors in designing product parts.

• They have the knowledge of the state of the art in part design, materials, processes, and trade secret knowledge.

• The proprietary nature of the part can be preserved while still taking advantage of vendors’ expertise.


11. Create Processes to Eliminate Errors

• Reduce dependence on the workforce to operate as “craftsmen” by designing the parts and the processes of assembling those parts to eliminate errors in assembly.

• It is futile to attempt to inspect quality into a product after the manufacturing operation is completed.

• Splitting up the inspection process and placing it at the level of individual operations only mitigates the amount of waste; it does not prevent errors completely.

• The prevention of errors and subsequent waste must be systemic, not subject to human diligence.


12. Refine Processes to Reduce Per-unit Resource Consumption

• The processes of design and manufacturing must strive to reduce material consumption for each part consumed.

• If glue is used to join parts, how can the parts be designed to “snap” together and hold rather than relying on glue, the temperature at application, the cleanliness

• of the parts, the receipt of the correct glue product in the receiving department, and the human craftsmanship required to spread the glue and join the parts?

• Clearly, there are many savings in cost and improvements in quality that can be gained from this philosophy of design and manufacturing.


13. Create a Process to Build and Ship Rapidly Rather Than Storing Inventory

• “Make sure we always have enough parts and materials to build the products.”

• Although the goal of meeting shipments and customer commitments is a noble one, the focus should be not on laying inventory in reserve but rather on designing manufacturing process that are rapid in terms of throughput.

• By focusing on throughput, inventory is reduced, work in process can be reduced, and the labor dollars “sitting” in inventory waiting to be consumed are eliminated. The clear directive here: Focus on rapid manufacturing throughput, not exclusively on inventory.


14. Create a Mindset of Minimization Through the Manufacturing Pipeline

• The product team should develop a philosophy of having manufacturing endeavor to pull the product through the process in a “stingy” manner from the perspective of materials and labor.

• This is to be accomplished not by degrading quality but rather by striving for the minimum material requirements while still achieving the quality measurable and customer satisfaction.

• Often, the product progresses through manufacturing with labor being thrown at it, accumulating costs and variability.


Manufacturing, Process, Layout

1. The solution depends on the product• There is no single optimized solution to an

effective manufacturing system for all product lines.

• Each product line within the organization might require its own optimized solution.

• The general layout for a product comprised of discrete parts, however, can be represented as in Figure 8-3.

• The example in Figure 8-3 consists of five stations of different operations. These are denoted as Operation #1 through Operation #5.


Manufacturing, Process, Layout continued . . .

• There are parts bins that feed each of the stations and the personnel at each station to assemble the parts into assemblies.

• There are separate feeder lines, staffed by personnel who feed parts to the major line.

• All of these items must be coordinated and synchronized.

• With proper synchronization and layout, this short line can produce product and keep track of manufacturing data.


2. Review Industry Practices

When setting up a manufacturing line for a product, it isoften helpful to gather data about other products that mightbe similar in terms of both configuration and assemblymethods.Do the necessary detective work to get detailed informationabout the following:A. Processes• Determine the type of process capability the competitors

have. • How do they control their processes, and what are the

measurements for each process used? • Then design a manufacturing system that can exceed

these numbers if possible.


2. Review Industry Practices continued . . .

• B. Yields

• What are the expected and controllable yields used in industry today?

• Are these numbers achievable in your environment?

• Determine why or why not, and effect corrective action.


2. Review Industry Practices continued . . .

C. Cost structures• Find out what the typical cost structures

are for the type of assembly and construction techniques used or anticipated.

• What is a typical labor percentage for this type of construction?

• It might be preferable to focus on a newer or more radical approach to optimize profit.


2. Review Industry Practices continued . . .

D. Manufacturing throughput

• Determine the manufacturing throughput available for similar processes and products in industry today.

• Is this the best that can be hoped and planned for in your situation?

• Are you in a position to increase capacity easily?

• Is there a plan to increase incrementally?


2. Review Industry Practices continued . . .

E. Indirect support issues• What is the indirect support required to

produce the volumes anticipated? F. Product life cycle• How rapidly will the product life cycle turn

from version to version? • When will market needs demand a

complete new platform? • What is the window of opportunity to

secure planned profit?


2. Review Industry Practices continued . . .

G. Redesign frequency

• Do products of this type require constant redesign attention as they are manufactured?

• Do they have a high sensitivity to purchasing, supplier, and variability issues that require constant product maintenance, or are they stable in nature?



• Quality is the measure of how repeatably the organization can produce parts or product that meet the requirements specified in the drawings and specifications.

• Clearly, the degree to which these match will alleviate long-term problems in using a part.

• If the production quality varies widely, there could be problems.


E. Reliability

• Reliability is a measure of how long the part will meet it specifications.

• This must be correlated to the company’s claims for product reliability and life.


F. Commonality

• This is a measure of how specialized the part is.

• If it is a highly engineered part, you will be subject to the limitations of the suppliers in quality and delivery.

• If common parts are used, there is more flexibility of the product line over the longer term and of the ability of the organization to support it.


Ease of use

• Does the part require special handling or procedures that the organization must put in place?

• Can non-skilled or semiskilled personnel handle the part?

• Try to specify parts that don’t require special handling, as these affect manufacturing, service, repair, especially when these latter functions are offsite.

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