  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Technical Report


  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module




    What is Report

    Types of Report

    Importance of Technical Report

    Types of Technical Report

    Elements of Technical Report Layout, Presentation and style of writing

    Structure of Technical Report

    Writing Standards

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Introduction The intention of this presentation is to provide

    you with enough information to produce a highquality report.

    A report is a form of communication and without

    the knowledge to produce a good report you will

    be hampered (in weak position) in your

    endeavours (try hard to do) to succeed in your

    future careers.

    Whether you are self-employed or an employee it

    will be necessary for you to communicate with

    colleagues and others in a clear, concise, and

    professional manner.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    What is Report

    A report is a means of communication that hasbeen written for a specific purpose and is

    aimed at a specific audience.

    It is more structured than an essay and ispresented in a way that enables it to be read


    Structure and styles of writing for report willbe discussed in detail later on in this


  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Types of Report There are many different types of report each of which

    has a different format, writing style and emphasis oraccent.

    For example, there are laboratory reports, which

    generally describe an experiment that has been


    Under the umbrella term of Technical Reports there are

    for example Seminar reports, Industrial training reports,

    synopsis report, Project/ Thesis report, feasibilityreports, proposals, and business plans etc.

    Regardless of the type of report common sense should

    prevail and you need to adapt your writing to suit your

    potential audience and the specified requirements.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Types of Report Technicalbackground report

    This is the most frequently written type of technicalreport. It provides detail about a particular topic.

    Instruction Leaflets and Manuals

    These may take the form of a user manual for anappliance or a procedure to be followed in particular

    circumstances, such as fire alarm procedures. They

    may be short (in the form of a small insert includedwith a product) to large volumes with detailed

    instructions for setting up production lines.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Types of Report Feasibility Report

    This type of report is the result of an investigation into

    a particular project or idea to determine its feasibility.

    The report will contains findings such as whether the

    project is technically possible and feasible (i.e.,practical).

    Primary Research Report

    Primary research is the term used to describeexperiments and surveys. In this type of report you

    extend the laboratory report by explaining the

    background to the experiment, your methodology and

    the facilities.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Types of Report

    Technical Specifications (Data sheet)

    This report details a new product design and

    gives information appertaining to the product

    construction, the materials used and the

    product itself including its functions, features,

    operation, and potential market.

    A specification is not a flowing piece of

    writing; it tends to be fragmented with lists

    and tables replacing sentences.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Types of Report


    Some proposals, such as a bid in the real world

    i.e., for the Millennium Dome or the National

    Lottery are extremely lengthy. Nevertheless, as a

    student you may be asked to write a short proposal

    as an assessed piece of coursework.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Types of Report

    Business ProspectusThis form of report is a proposal that may

    detail plans for starting a business venture or

    extending an already established business.It will contain information about the proposed

    business and provide details about the market

    place, anticipated share of the market, otherestablished businesses who you may be

    competing with for a market share, financial

    issues etc.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Importance of Technical Report

    A technical report is not something that is only

    written by engineers and scientists. Technical writing is a form of technical

    communication. It is a style of writing used in

    fields as diverse as computerhardware and software, engineering, chemistry,

    aerospace industry, robotics, finance, consumer

    electronics, and biotechnology. It is a report that may be written about any field

    of specialised knowledge.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Importance of Technical Report

    You may need to produce several small reports

    during the course of B. Tech. study as part of

    group assignments, training report etc.

    A larger report will be required to describe

    your final year project.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Types of Technical writing

    Journal paper


    Dissertation Project Report

    Seminar Report

    Synopsis Practical report

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Elements of a Technical Report

    TitleAbstract (Executive Summary)


    Theory and AnalysisExperimental Procedures

    Results and Discussion




  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Writing Style


    Unfortunately, there arent any shortcuts forwriting.

    The best way to learn how to write great

    documentation is to first learn how towrite(anything).

    There are some important differences between

    technical documentation and your averagewriting style, but a solid foundation of good

    written communication skills is an

    irreplaceable prerequisite.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Writing Style

    Writing English isnt any different than

    writing code: the more you do it, the better

    you get.

    Sure, there are different rules for fiction andnon-fiction, literary criticism and technical

    documentation, etc.

    The important aspects dont change,though: good writing is clear, concise, and

    communicates ideas effectively.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Writing Style Most importantly: dont let style stop you.

    In a moment Im going to start covering the rulesand suggestions of good grammar and style.

    Its easy to get caught up in wanting your writing

    style to be perfect from the first words you setdown.

    It doest work that way.

    While youre writing, turn off the inner criticandjust write. You can turn the critic back on

    when you proofread and edit later, but the

    important part is to just do it.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Writing Style


    Yes, you do need to use correct grammar.Grammar conventions exist to help us clearly

    communicate our thoughts without ambiguity or


    While grammar rules are (fairly) set in stone,

    theres any number of ways of formalizing style.Style guides tell you when to spell out numbers

    and when to write them as digits, where to use

    dashes, how to cite sources etc.

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Writing Style

    Of course, careful breaking of the rules turns

    good writing intogreatwriting.More Lively Writing (usually preferred)

    First Person plural, Active Voice, Past/Present


    More Formal Writing

    Third Person, Passive Voice, Past/Present


    Never use slang (informal words or


  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Present Tense

    Person Singular Plural

    First Person I am called We are called

    Second Person You are called You are called

    Third Person He, she, it is calls They are called

    Past Tense

    Person Singular Plural

    First Person I was called We were called

    Second Person You were called You were calledThird Person He, she, it was called They were called

    Future Tense

    Person Singular Plural

    First Person I shall be called We shall be calledSecond Person You will be called You will be called

    Third Person He, she, it will be called They will be called

    Present Perfect Tense

    Person Singular PluralFirst Person I have been called We have been called

    A ti V i P i V i

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Active Voice, Passive VoiceThere are two special forms for verbs called voice:

    Active voice

    Passive voice

    The active voice is the "normal" voice. This is

    the voice that we use most of the time. You areprobably already familiar with the active voice.

    In the active voice, the object receives the action

    of the verb:

    active subject verb object


    Cats eat fish.

    Acti e Voice Passi e Voice

  • 8/2/2019 Technical Report TSEP Module


    Active Voice, Passive Voice

    The passive voice is less usual. In the passive

    voice, the subject receives the action of the verb:

    passive subject Verb object

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