  • 1.

2. Technology in Education

  • Facilitatinglearning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.
  • Educational Technology includes, but is not limited to, software, hardware, as well as Internet applications and activities.
  • chatsPodcasts websites MP3 playersIWBs
  • CD-ROMsSkypewikis DVDs m-learning
  • SecondLifeBlogsIPods Concordancers
  • webquestsePortfoliosSocial Bookmarking

3. What do we mean by success?

  • Mainstream Integration of Technology in Education
  • Students equipped with future oriented skills


  • Educational Policy: Reforms & National Projects
  • National Standards: Exams, National Curriculum
  • Factor for Success:Technology bringing Changerelevant to Educational Context


  • Stakeholders

6. Students : Digital Natives

  • We have reached the point where our students are no longer the ones that our systems were designed for, and that our teachers were trained to teach.
  • MarcPrensky
  • Open Letter to Obama Administration

7. 8. Students: Digital Natives

  • Factors for success:
  • Technology
  • forms essential 21st century skills
  • develops independent learners
  • appeals to kids and young adults: is motivating and cool

9. Teacher: the Key Change Agent

  • Transformation of Teaching with Technology
  • BUT
  • Teachers: Digital immigrants
  • Teachers Resistance
  • Teachers have reasons:
  • E.glack of time / overloaded

10. Barriers for Integrating Technology: Teachers Opinions

  • Learning TechnologiesForum
  • Forum on using IWBs
  • Teachers
  • Lack of skills and confidence
  • Lack of training
  • Resistance from superiors
  • No extra pay for this work
  • Technical problems
  • Adding Technology to old methods of teaching

11. Overcoming Barriers: Factors for Success

  • Technology should be USER-FRIENDLY
  • Trainings: Skills, Confidence, Change attitudes and Practices
  • Complete Solutions: technically and methodologically
  • Creating Teachers Networks ( CoPs)

12. Head TeachersSchool Administrations

  • Decision makers
  • Raising their awareness
  • Convincing superiors involves describing benefits of technology in economic terms, e.g. helping teachers work more effectively, good for marketing and school image Nik Peachey
  • Factor for Success:Head Teachers and School Administrations have vision and supportTechnologyIntegration

13. Leaders: personalities, institutions, communities

  • Influential people and organizations - innovators
  • Factor for Success:Leaders should be involved in introducing Technology in Education

14. LEAsMinistry of Education

  • Support is a guarantee for quick mainstreaming of technology
  • Financing
  • New Teacher Appraisal Systems
  • Factors for success: Vision and Support

15. Parents

  • Range of attitudes to Technology
  • Ignorance about the benefits of
  • technologies:
  • - experience of being a learner
  • - worries about health issues
  • Mass media: negative coverage
  • Factors for success:
  • Raising parents awareness of the benefits of Technologyfor learning;
  • Mass Media on our side (positive image)

16. Businesses

  • Factor for success:Businesses are involved via social corporate responsibility programmes
  • Publishers
  • Factor for success:co-operation with publishers to make Technology mainstream

17. Manufacturers of learning technology products

  • cutting edge products
  • easily upgradable products
  • consider interests of all other stakeholders and get regular feedback from them

18. Factors for Success

  • Cutting edge products relevant to the Educational context
  • Teachers are ready to integrate technology (trained, networks created)
  • User-friendly technology and complete solutions
  • Support from Head Teachers, Schools administrations, LEAs , Ministry of Education

19. Factors for Success

  • Leaders and Mass Media involved
  • Awareness of benefits of introducing technologies
  • Mainstreaming
  • (Publishers, Ministries of Education)

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