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'Tell Me About Yourself' I can summarize who I am in three words. The quotation I live my life by is. My personal philosophy is. People who know me best say that I’m…My passion is…If Hollywood made a move about my life, it would be called…The compliment people give me most frequently is… "What is your greatest strength?" Honesty




Passionate About Work


Cool Mind

Knowing I'm Not Perfect

Motivated By Criticism

Identifying Problems I pride myself on. When I'm working on a project, I don't want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.

Determination (as in seeing a project through to the end or in finding a solution to a problem) Quick learner Problem solver Flexibility Good at seeing the big picture even when dealing with the details Good at details, but also know how to see the big picture

My greatest strength is my ability to focus on the job at hand. I'm not easily distracted from the big picture.

One of my greatest strengths is my ability to manage my time well. I am able to effectively anticipate the time needed for a project, and complete on time or ahead of schedule.

My greatest strength is my ability to effectively delegate appropriate tasks to my team. I identify the strengths of the people on my team, and help them to utilize them to make the whole team work more efficiently.

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have had trouble in the past with planning and prioritization.

what is your weakness I am too much of a perfectionist

“Sometimes I can be a bit too honest when I provide feedback to coworkers. My personality is naturally very straightforward and to the point, and most of my colleagues really value that, but I have learned that there are times on the job when more diplomacy is required.

have had trouble in the past with planning and prioritization.

“Are you a team player?” Being able to work well with others Being non-judgmental and professional Listening Being a likeable person Being empathetic Accepting others’ opinions and views Respect Sharing knowledge Providing feedback in a professional manner Positive attitude Communication skills

A team environment is efficient and productive, which I understand and appreciate. I have the ability to compromise, be respectful of others, and be a good listener as a team member. I can be a leader, when necessary, but can also be an equal player on the team if the job calls for it.”

I certainly very much enjoy working with others; I’m outgoing, I enjoy the team spirit and I’m understanding of the needs of others. I’m good at helping the team to see the bigger picture – to see the wood from the trees – helping them to focus on what really matters rather than getting bogged down in irrelevant detail. I’m also good at helping the team to spot flaws in our approach – and potential problems and pitfalls. I believe I have strong communication skills and, while I don’t yet have experience in a leadership role, I do have a talent for liaising between different team members and resolving any disputes which may arise. Conflict between different team members is rarely very productive and is normally best avoided.

Why should I hire you? You should hire me because Im the best person for the job. I realize that there are likely other candidates who also have the ability to do this job. Yet I bring an additional quality that makes

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me the best person for the job--my passion for excellence. I am passionately committed to producing truly world class results.

Sir, I am fresher and a fresher is like a wet clay, you can give me any shape as you desire. Experienced person will solve any problem by the same way before he do it. But as a fresher my curiosity can find thousand of way to solve the problem. I believe that ability is nothing without any opportunity. So opportunity give a chance to prove ourselves. As a fresher I need a platform that would offer a good opportunity to explore my skills, prove myself and my working ability and get to learn whole new things.I assure that I will give my best for growth of your company. Thank you sir.

I believe I am the one you are looking for. I am a hard and fast learner, which will expedite the training period and I am an extremely motivated individual who pays attention to detail. I always make sure my work is complete and accurate. I am also an ambitious person and I desire to be among the best in my field and I want the best for your company.

Whatever the problems come I always take them as challenge not as problem and it gives me a confidence to fight with it until I am not going to win

Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How was it resolved? Yes, I have had conflicts in the past. Never major ones, but there have been disagreements that needed to be resolved. I've found that when conflict occurs, it helps to fully understand the other persons perspective, so I take time to listen to their point of view, then I seek to work out a collaborative solution.

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Why Do You Want This Job? This job is a good fit for what I've been interested in throughout my career. It offers a nice mix of short- and long-term activities. My short-term achievements keep me cranked up and the long-term accomplishments make me feel like a billion bucks. It contains the challenge to keep me on my toes. That's the kind of job I like to anticipate every morning. Your company has a good reputation and strong team. In this environment, I can combine my knowledge and experience well. I can challenge myself and reach my goal. This is the job where I can justify my knowledge and experience. I believe this job would further enhance my confidence and as well as to render my service for the company's benefit.

The company’s good reputation and its successful strategies and values make everyone want to work for such a company. This job in such a stable company offers long-term career development and this is what I am looking for. I would be proud to work for a company with such a long history of leadership in the industry.

I would like to pursue my career here for as long as I have the opportunity to. I would like to remain employed here for as long as my services are needed.

How Do You Evaluate Success? I evaluate success in different ways. At work, it is meeting the goals set by my supervisors and my fellow workers. It is my understanding, from talking to other employees, that the GGR company is recognized for not only rewarding success, but giving employees opportunity to grow as well. After work, I enjoy playing softball, so success on the field is catching the winning pop-up." For me, success is about doing my job well. I want to be recognized as someone who always does their best and tries their hardest to make my goals." To me, success is when I am performing well and satisfied with my position, knowing that my work is adding value to my company but also to my overall life and the lives of other people. I evaluate success based on not only my work, but the work of my team. In order for me to be considered successful, the team needs to achieve both our individual and our team goals. How do you handle stress and pressure? I find it exhilarating to be in a dynamic environment where the pressure is on. Well I will say that I can handle stress by expecting it already. When it comes I'm ready and when it doesn't, I celebrate. It is important to wear a smile when stress is approaching. It's weird though, but it is important to find a solution for yourself first before making a solution to the problem. A smile is imperative because it will give you a boost and help you to face pressure and stress. I react to situations, rather than to stress. That way, the situation is handled and doesn't become stressful. I Think working in a under pressure is an art to show your best in a very stressful situation thus it boost your self confidence and give you the chance to know your self. Pressure will teaches to manage things. Pressure would feel as PRESSURE if we don't know how to get out of it so working under pressure is a learning and I enjoy learning new things so I'm open to work under pressure which will just enhance my pressure handling skills. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?

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leadership and vision.

What makes you angry? Generally, I am a calm person. But, I do get angry in different situations like when someone lies, and when someone hurts me without a reason. But I have found a way to deal with my anger I give that person a smile and forget the incident altogether. Anger is one word less than Danger. Anger is that punishment which you give yourself for the mistake done by some another person. I control myself by counting in reverse order Anger is a human behavior, anyone can get angry, its just how you control it and deal with it, and I think I am good in that. When one tries to take advantage of someone's helplessness.

How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

Sir/Madam, I am continue to work for your company as long as think that my presence is beneficial for the company as well as for me. But actually I come here for making long term relationship with your company so that I can become the part of the success of your company. everybody is hungry for grow & exposure

Explain how would be an asset to this organization? Sir, I believe in for every organization success the pillar stone is dedication, smartness, punctuality and hard work of an employer. I believe in the principle that organization growth means self growth. During successive journey with organization, we exposed to different aspects of life. I know that I have all qualities to assist my organization for his growth and give my best assistance towards my organization.

Are you willing to relocate or travel? You generally build a comfort zone working around known persons and known environment. When put out of the comfort zone your abilities are put to test. And there's where its advantages lie. Because you get to be around new people, learn new culture, new practices. At the end of the day it helps in development of the personality. Earning money is not important, earning satisfaction is more important. Money makes our life comfortable whereas satisfaction makes our life happy and living happy life cannot be bought or sell it can only be gained.

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What You'll Do

When you join Chevron's Health, Environment and Safety (HES) team, you'll receive general business training, technical training, and mentoring through our Horizons early career development program. You'll typically spend your first five years in a variety of positions to refine and extend your expertise and knowledge of the health, environment and safety issues related to our business.

Responsibilities vary depending on the position, but in general, as an occupational health and safety professional, you'll:

Advise on safety and industrial hygiene regulatory requirements and best practices. Develop safety procedures and guidelines. Conduct safety inspections and audits. Conduct exposure assessments and monitoring. Evaluate and address ergonomic risks. Advise on strategies to improve safety and health performance. Design and deliver safety and industrial hygiene courses. Work to ensure compliance.

As an environmental professional, you'll:

Advise on environmental regulatory requirements and best practices. Work with regulatory agencies to obtain permits. Develop environmental procedures and guidelines. Conduct emissions modeling for air, waste or water. Perform studies to estimate and reduce emissions. Implement waste management programs. Assess and manage environmental, social and health impacts. Assess control technology. Remediate contaminated sites. Work to ensure compliance.

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