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MANIPULATION THERAPY FOR TENNIS ELBOW:- The manipulative manuever is thrust technique. In that affected forearm was placed in prone position,by gripping scaphoid bone between thumb and index finger,wrist was moved dorsally at the same time scaphoid bone was manipulated ventrally.{The grip was strengthened with the other hand by placing thumb and index finger on top of them},and this part of maneuver was repeated for 15 times. This procedure was repeated about 20 times, alternated by extension of wrist against resistance,and duration of intervention was 15-20 minutes,given for 2/wk wid max of 9 intervention session over the 6 week,it has been tried on patient, only for 2 weeks,and result was awesome.

????? How manipulation of wrist can treat TE??????No Doubt this technique works………..Do try it in ur patients… But can anyone tell me d reason behind it?????

Prasant Gupta BPt Final Year

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