



25th February 2020

Term 1 Week 5 Today we have enjoyed the fun and celebration of eating pancakes together, as a school, for Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday, also known as Mardi Gras (french for Fat Tuesday), is traditionally a day of celebration, food, fun and games - the feasting before the fasting.

What is it about pancakes? It is something that most people seem to love, or love the idea of? A bit like chocolate. Pancakes and chocolate bookend the season of Lent for Christians. They both represent richness, sweetness & joy.

Lent begins tomorrow on Ash Wednesday – a period of 40 days leading up to Easter when we focus on the enormity of love and sacrifice Jesus showed for us through his suffering and death on the cross. Lent is a time when Christians reflect on the fact that we are all sinners – ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We are all human and we all fail. We all need forgiveness and we believe that this forgiveness, new life and hope come through Jesus.

Fasting is a way of showing we are sorry, a way of reflecting. Whether you give something up for Lent (like chocolate, beer or fish on Fridays), or take up a habit like praying or reading the bible more, giving to a charity etc. the idea is for that practise to bring you into a fuller understanding and appreciation of Jesus love and sacrifice.

One of my favourite bible verses, and my prayer today is from Ephesians 3:18-19

… may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

May God bless and keep you all through this time of reflection before the Joy of Easter Sunday.

God’s love for you is rich and sweet – like pancakes and chocolate.

Yours in Christ,

Leonie Sheffield

Wednesday February 26

Ash Wednesday

Year 7 Aquatics Day - Barmera

Friday February 28

Worship - 2:30pm in the LIFE Centre

Saturday February 29

Loxton Mardi Gras

Monday March 2

Prayer and Catch-up - 2:15pm in the LIFE Centre

Friday March 6


Assembly - 2:30pm in the LIFE Centre

Monday March 9

Adelaide Cup Public Holiday

Wednesday March 11 - Friday March 13

Year 5/6 Camp

Pancakes and Chocolate


Dear Families

Clarity, coherence and school improvement are

what we working towards through our partnership

with Literacy Coach, Ms JoAnne Dooner.

JoAnne spent all of last week here at LLS, educating,

guiding and teaching our staff and students. Our

staff professional learning day was spent engaging in

cognitive science, specifically Cognitive Load Theory,

Schema Theory, Retrieval Theory and Barak

Rosenshine’s Principles of Effective Instruction. Time

was also spent exploring in detail the 10 components

of writing and helping teaching staff prepare for

when they are teaching children to ‘Write to inform’.

From a Principal perspective, listening to the

professional dialogue and conversations between

staff and seeing staff so engaged and keen to apply,

refine and question what they were learning was so


On Tuesday afternoon, the Leadership Team (Trish

Wright, Leonie Sheffield and myself) met with JoAnne

to discuss key questions and considerations. As a

team we mapped out what the next visit (Term 2)

would entail, what professional learning we need

staff to engage in, what professional learning

leadership staff need to undertake to ‘stay ahead of

the game’ and what structures do we need to put in

place to support leadership and staff.

On Tuesday evening, we held an information session

for new families to LLS. This session started with me

outlining the journey we have been on as a school in

light of the findings and recommendations from the

QELi School Review in 2018 and how we got to the

point of engaging a literacy coach. JoAnne then

highlighted the importance of being literate, the

components of literacy, how parents can support the

school and their child at home and spoke about her

role here at LLS.

During the school day between Tuesday and Friday,

JoAnne and Trish spent most of their time teaching

staff and students. They modelled lessons for

teachers, observed lessons being taught by the class

teacher, gave feedback to staff and looked at the

types of questions being asked of students. JoAnne

also gave feedback and direction to Trish on the

feedback she was giving to teaching staff.

The work that we are undertaking is helping us to

develop clarity on what we teach, why we teach the

From the Principal

way we are teaching and how we teach. It is helping us to

build coherence in practice and language, which is so

important for students and staff. It is helping build capacity

of our teaching. All of this leads to school improvement,

which is what we all are striving for.

I want to share some feedback from JoAnne that should

make you feel very reassured about the school you have

chosen for your children. I think this feedback carries a lot

of weight, given Jo has worked across the globe with

thousands of teachers and many thousands of children.

JoAnne said:

a) You have some of the best teaching staff I have seen


b) This week I saw some of the best lessons I have ever


c) I can’t believe how far your staff have come in such a

short amount of time

d) You have a lovely school here

e) I would send my own children here and recommend the

school to anyone

f) You have very lucky children

Isn’t this some great feedback to hear!

School Card

The School Card scheme is administered by the Department

for Education and Child Development (DECD) for fulltime

students of low-income families.

School card applications can be submitted by families who

have a combined annual income of up to

$57,000. Applications opened in January, and the discount

of $250 per student will only be applied to accounts once

the approval has been granted by DECD.

If you would like any further information or an application

form, please speak to Sarah in the office.


From the Principal

Gras on Saturday morning. Those joining in are

encouraged to dress up in an ‘Olympic’ themed outfit.

Thank you to our Mardi Gras committee and staff at

school for their hard work in organising the float and

communication to families.

Details regarding the parade can be found on the next


Special Birthday

We extend a big Happy Birthday to Pastor Jason, who

next week celebrates a special milestone. Wishing you

every blessing on your 40th Pastor Jason!

Bus Notifications

A reminder to all families who utilise our bus service to

notify the driver or the school should you not be using

the service on a particular day. This helps ensure that

our buses can leave on time and that other families are

not impacted.

School Board

Nominations are currently being sought for people

interested in joining the School Board. For more

information, please contact outgoing Chairperson, Mrs

Rebecca Arnold on 0429 841 350 ASAP.

Take care, Brad

Student Illness

There are currently a couple of bugs and viruses going

around. Please keep your children home from school if

they are not well, as sending them to school increases

the chances of other children and staff becoming unwell.

Leadership Professional Learning

On Sunday, the Leadership Team are going on a

Professional Learning Trip to the Cairns Diocese for three

days, where we will be visiting three schools, Our Lady

Help of Christians (OLHOC), St Joseph’s Cairns and Holy

Cross. The three schools we are visiting have all been

carefully selected, each with a distinct purpose.

OLHOC – OLHOC use the same approach to teaching

literacy that we do. JoAnne Dooner has consulted there

for 4 years. We are spending Monday and Tuesday at

OLHOC with their leadership team and curriculum

leaders. In our time there we will be exploring amongst

other things:

Their use of data walls

PLC structures

Teacher programs

The Instructional Leader role

Unaided writing

Interventions for students


Reading in Reception

Building staff and leadership capacity

Timetabling matters

Staff induction

Feedback St Joseph’s – We will be visiting St Joseph’s on

Wednesday morning. There we will spend time with

their leadership team, learning about St Joseph’s Way,

their school-wide positive relationships framework and

how this underpins all of their policies and practices. We

will also tour the school, looking at their learning spaces

and how they enable teacher collaboration.

Holy Cross – We are travelling to Holy Cross on

Wednesday afternoon. At Holy Cross, we will be learning

about inclusion, diversity, social and emotional learning

and their Sensory Room/Garden.

Mardi Gras

Over 100 children, siblings and parents have indicated

they are going to be a part of our float for the Mardi


Mardi Gras Information


(Held fortnightly)

Friday March 6

2:30 pm in the Life Centre.


(Worship services are normally held alternate fortnights to assembly)


Friday February 28


This week we are praying for: -

Jamie Doecke

Tilly Drake

Grace Eatts

Harry Eatts

Jada Ebert

Lara Ebert

Claire Ellbourn

and Mrs. Renee Fielke Reception FS Teacher

Prayer or care requests can be for-warded by email to:-

Brad - [email protected]


St Peter’s Lutheran Church

March 1 8:30 am HC


March 8 8:30 am

10:30am HC

Concordia Lutheran Church

March 1 10.00am

March 8 10.00am HC

The annual ‘Loxton Mardi Gras’ is this Saturday. We have over 110

people participating, which is fantastic! Our theme is the ‘Olympics’.

We are asking participants to dress as an athlete from an Olympic


Details about the day:

1. Students are to meet on Drabsch Street by 10:30am. We are

generally positioned close to the Loxton Primary School, but

look for our school bus.

2. Students can bring a labelled water bottle with them as the

weather may be warm.

3. Please apply sunscreen before you arrive.

4. Please pick your child up from in front of Asian Feast, after the

parade. (This is the new pick up point)

We look forward to seeing you Saturday morning. Aussie, Aussie,

Aussie, oi, oi, oi

LLS Teachers – Joanne, Leonie B, Renee, Karl, Sonya and Leanne

LLS Captains – Mack, Bailey, Claire and Hunter


Please ensure that you advise the school office or Bus Driver of any

changes or additions to your child’s bus travel arrangements. This will

enable our end of day bus procedures to run more efficiently.,


Please be advised that due to student free days across Loxton Public

Schools on 6/3/2020 and 5/6/2020, there will be no DECD school

buses in service on those days

Apologies for any inconvenience caused, but you will need to make

alternate arrangements on these days.


Attention: Parents of bus children who are approved to travel on

Department Buses.

The Government of South Australia allows families who live more than

5kms from their closest bus stop to make a claim for car travel to their

bus stop. If you think you may qualify for this and do not already

claim, forms are available at the front office.

Bus News


School Chaplain News

UNIFORM SHOP OPENING TIMES Fridays - 3:10 pm to 3.30 pm Uniform order forms can be obtained from the school office or downloaded from our website BUSINESS MANAGER HOURS Not available Wednesday’s LLL SCHOOL BANKING Every Tuesday CANTEEN OPEN DAYS Wednesday’s and Friday’s

Friday Special

Feb. 28th


Hot dog plain/tom/bbq

sauce - $3.00

Hot dog w/sauce &

cheese - $3.50

Parenting can be a tough job, but you are not alone and

there’s support available. Parentline is a confidential

telephone service providing support for parents.

For the cost of a local call you can:

be listened to by a qualified counsellor tune into your needs as a parent (in addition to your

child’s) determine strategies for making change obtain information and resources about children and

parenting access over-the-phone training in parenting skills gain a clearer understanding of you family dynamics

Parent Helpline South Australia

1300 364 100

24 hours a day, seven days a week

Amy Harvey School Chaplain



Prayer and Catch-up Group


On Monday the 17th we had 13 students compete in a number of races at the Riverland school sport swimming carnival. We competed very well across multiple heats of the freestyle, backstroke and breastroke.

Our 4x50m freestyle relay team, led by our Year 7 students, also swam well placing 6th out of 13 schools. Congratulations to Cruise Goodhand who came 3rd overall in the 10 year old boys backstroke.

A big thanks to all the parents that provided transport for the students. Well done LLS on a good start to the school sport calendar!

Tyler Wagner

Physical Education Teacher


1. On Monday, during our student free day, the staff spent the day learning about 1 of the 3

types of writing; writing to persuade. JoAnne walked us through the many parts of

teaching writing to persuade, including how to write to a specific audience, the text

structure we need to learn, the persuasive devices we need to use and the vast amount

of vocabulary that can assist in persuading a reader.

2. Lesson observations are always a part of developing best practice in our teachers.

JoAnne and I undertook observations in writing and morning routine lessons and then

gave specific and constructive feedback to the teachers involved.

3. Demonstration lesson were given by JoAnne in many classrooms including writing in the

year 1, 1/2 and year 7 classes and phonics lessons in year 1 and 1/2. These

demonstration lessons allow our teachers to see best practises and research based

strategies that allow our students to obtain the best possible learning available.

4. The parent information session on Tuesday night proved a huge success, with the many

new parents attending obtaining the chance to become more informed about our

approach here at LLS and learn strategies to assist their child’s learning at home.

5. On Wednesday after school the staff were able to further their professional development

at our staff meeting, by delving deeper into Barak Rosenshine’s 10 Principles of

Instruction. (see the accompanying handout or the website below): https:// We did this in order to

understand exactly how children learn and the best strategies to use to assist them in

remembering this information. This is called retrieval and is based on 3 evidence based

research projects carried out with many students and teachers, over a number of years.

We look forward to following up all of the areas mentioned above by continuing our

demonstration and observations of lessons, running more parent meetings and developing

staff capacity through professional development and coaching. I will also continue to pass

important information on to parents, through our newsletter, explaining each of the 10

Principles of Instruction in greater detail.

Until then, I invite you to come in and have a conversation with me if you would like any

further information. It really is an exciting time to be amongst the wonderful Loxton

Lutheran School community!

Tricia Wright – Instructional Leader

LITERACY AT ITS BEST: A reflection on our week from JoAnne Dooner’s Visit






Mardi Gras Honouring the CFS

On Mardi Gras Parade day we are going to give special honour to the CFS.

A variety of fire trucks and vehicles, from surrounding districts and far away stations, varying from modern to antique, will be spaced within the parade giving onlookers the chance to cheer and clap as they go by, especially those with lights flashing and sirens blazing.

Throughout the day we will be given random opportunities to donate to the CFS Volunteer Association, which supports the fire fighters, especially those in crises of any sort.

After the parade some of the CFS vehicles will be parked in East Terrace and opportunities will be given to anyone to have a photo with a Firie, in or by one of the vehicles, in exchange for a gold coin offering.

The Mardi Gras Appreciation Service on the Sunday morning at 8.30 will also honour the CFS. Guest speakers will tell their own personal story of fire devastation in the Adelaide hills. Local volunteers will also be honoured at this service and everyone is invited to attend.





Loxton Lutheran School 6 Luther Road Loxton SA 5333 Phone: (08) 8584 7496 Email: [email protected]

Principal: Mr Brad Williams

School Board Chairperson: Mrs Rebecca Arnold

Website:- Facebook

Loxton Lutheran School 6 Luther Road Loxton SA 5333 Phone: (08) 8584 7496 Email: [email protected]

Principal: Mr Brad Williams

School Board Chairperson: Mrs Rebecca Arnold

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