Page 1: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Dear Parents/Caregivers, As you would be aware this week our Year 3 and Year 5 students undertook NAPLAN testing. These tests provide a snapshot of learning progress. NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. It is one of a number of assessments that teachers use to monitor learning progress. While we will not know the results until August, I was most impressed with the participation of our students. There were students using strategies to confirm their answers such as: re-reading, writing notes and chunking their tasks. I also loved seeing students editing and checking over their work once they had completed the tests. These are strategies that are important in our commitment to lifelong learning. I am particularly grateful to Mrs Mischelle Devitt, Miss Stephanie Knott, Mr Troy Giess and Mrs Sue Williams in preparing students for NAPLAN Online. All students approached this new platform with confidence and this was a reflection of the work undertaken before testing. With every good wish, Kim

Mother’s Day Thank you to the Year 3 parents for organising a fabulous breakfast to celebrate the mothers, grandmothers and aunties in our school! What a delightful celebration of the amazing women in our school community. Thank you to the organising team and thank you to families in our school who supported this event through your donations. Cross Country Congratulations to the HSS Cross Country Team! Once again, I was so impressed with the extraordinary efforts of every student in the team. We had some amazing results! The Intermediate boys finished in first place. Overall our girls and boys finished in second place! Thank you to the parents and teachers who supported the training during Term 1 at New Farm Park.

A big special thanks to the Dads who helped out in tuckshop last week and to the mums who offer this great service every week.

Page 2: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Trivia Night Can you help with donations for our Trivia Night? This is a great night of fun for the grown-ups in our school community! We will advertise your business and acknowledge your support in our school newsletter and at the event. Please send an email to: [email protected] if you are in a position to make a donation. Lego Club Lego Club is off to a great start! It’s so exciting to see the collaboration and excitement during the creation of various structures. My highlight today was a group of boys constructing a camera and wanting to pretend to take a selfie! Very cool! Liliana T Congratulations to Liliana T. (MS) successfully auditioned and was selected into the Ballet Theatre of Queensland. Liliana will dance in the companies’ production of Swan Lake at QPAC in January 2020! Election Day BBQ Thank you to those parents who have already volunteered to help out. We are still needing a few more helpers. Please register via the following link if you could help out for a few hours on Saturday.



23 Yr 2 Class Mass, 9am

24 Second Hand Uniform

Stall, from 7.30am

30 Yr 1 Class Mass, 9am



Whole School Cathedral


12 School Board Meeting

P & F Meeting, 7pm

15 P & F Trivia Night


Zone 6 Athletics

26 Orange Sky Laundry Day

28 Last Day of Term 2

Page 3: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Sunday Gospel Reflection - Jesus the Good Shepherd.

The liturgies of the last two Sundays have led us to reflect upon the apostles’ coming to faith on the Risen Lord. As they

shared this faith with the first generation of Christians, the image of Jesus as ‘shepherd and guardian’ of God’s people (1

Peter 2:25) established itself in Christian awareness.

One of the Church’s first representations of the Saviour portrayed him as a youthful shepherd with a sheep on his shoulders

- no doubt indicating that when they heard the parable of the lost sheep, the first Christians instinctively identified the

shepherd of the parable with the Risen Lord.

The image has a long pre-history. In Old Testament times, the peoples of the Middle East, had an old tradition that spoke

of a king as ‘shepherd’ of his people. Though these ancient rulers were all too often exploiters of their subjects, this

remarkable ideal of humble service lived on in the peoples’ traditions. In old Israel, something remarkable occurred when

this image was associated with the God of the covenant, the champion of the oppressed - who rebuked the nation’s rulers

through his prophet.

Against this background, the New Testament passages that speak of Jesus as ‘shepherd’ take on a new depth of meaning –

a meaning that is fully expressed in the short gospel reading from John.

How should we live out our faith in the Risen Lord? Let us learn from the first generation of Christians who did so by

owning him as their ‘Good Shepherd’ – by ‘listening to his voice’ as they pondered all that the great truths of faith offered

them, and by living in the hope he brought to the world as he ‘led them to springs of living water’. (Ways to Pray 2018)

Mother’s Day

Last Friday we celebrated with our Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunties and all the special women in our lives. Thank you to

the organisers of the breakfast, it was absolutely beautiful. Thank you to Mrs Rogers (Grace MS) and Mrs Fernandez

(Grandmother Isaac MS) for being a part of our Liturgy.

Thank you to Year 4 for leading Mass today so prayerfully. We congratulate and wish Fr Joseph all the best today as he

celebrates 65 years as a Priest. We’re very blessed to have him as part of our Holy Spirit community.

Have a great week,

God Bless, Sue Williams, AP-RE

Invito’ – From the AP-RE

Page 4: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Student of the Week AWARDS

PREP S Finn C Concentrating hard on tasks during English Groups. Keep it up Finn! Pippa R Listening to instructions and giving your best effort in gymnastics PREP H Hugh K Being able to resolve conflict in a positive and respectful way. Bianca C For putting in an amazing effort with your handwriting this week. YEAR 1S George V Demonstrating expected behaviours when on the move. Loma B Working persistently on challenging tasks. YEAR 1H Oliver W Your focus and determination in guided reading. Great work! Ava S Your positive attitude towards all Learning Areas and trying your best YEAR 2H Libby C Your kindness and enthusiasm for learning which brings joy to class. Oliver G Your effort and enthusiasm when participating in guided reading. YEAR 2S Jack K Always striving to complete your best work in class. Keep it up! Phoenix B Setting an outstanding example of behaviour. YEAR 3S Skye S Discussing qualities of a good friend through your art and writing. Isaac M The growth mindset you demonstrated during the recent assessment YEAR 3H Murphy V Helping those around you in our Monday maths circle. Grace K Facing all challenges head on. You show enthusiasm and persistence YEAR 4S Nico V For your efforts when writing adverb start sentences. Hamish G For making the correct choices, both in and out of the classroom. YEAR 4H Charlotte S Being an enthusiastic student who always has positive attitude. Hamish CC Improvement in demonstrating the expected behaviours. YEAR MSH

Audrey M Consistently respecting the right for your classmates to learn.

Cia C Always showing respect to your teachers.


Oscar C Demonstrating teamwork in PE.


Wed Ordering: Michelle Asplin Wed Prep: Sorkunde Gogenola /Lou Lou Boghossian

Shop Order: Renae Davie Sushi Pick up: Laura Butler

Friday Label: Kim Freeman Duty Leader: Clare Wilkinson


Kate L'Estrange, Maria Patorniti, Gloria Pena, Rita Chebib, Tanya Venzke Turner, Siobhan Bickle

FRIDAY 24 MAY 2019

Wed Ordering: Maria Ganim Wed Prep: Sorkunde Gogenola /Lou Lou Boghossian

Shop Order: Sasha Murphy Sushi Pick up: Shannon Schweizer

Friday Label: Elizabeth Kelso Duty Leader: Gloria Pena


Leanne Farinola , Carmel Muscillo, Beata Szolnokine, Nicole de Pasquale, Rebecca Venables

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We need your donations forraffle and auction prizes.

From holidays andweekends away to

adventure and sporting experiences, dining, beauty

and much more.   


[email protected] 0409 611 990





Page 6: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Last year we launched the Holy Spirit Wishing Tree to help our school grow in line with our community. Previous support has enabled the school to expand to a two stream school by building extra classrooms.

The funds raised through the Holy Spirit Wishing Tree will be used to update and renovate spaces for our 21st century learners. It will allow us to provide for future generations to join the Holy Spirit family to learn and "to know what is right".

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and contributions will go directly to the School Building Fund.

The Wishing Tree has been assembled in the Undercover Area and is being filled with donation leaves.

How you can help…Donors can help us achieve our goals by purchasing a leaf or leaves on the tree to acknowledge their connection to the school as either a past, current or future member of the broad school community. Each leaf can be engraved with the name of your child or family members who have attended the school, or your family name.



Since the doors first opened in 1930, Holy Spirit School New Farm has provided a Catholic education to thousands of children. The cranes on the skyline are a visual reminder that more and more people are choosing to live, work and play in our community.

Holy Spirit School exists due to the support it receives from its ‘family’. This family includes past, current and future students. It also includes those members of our local community – families and businesses – who have provided years of support through their time, resources and funds.

to k



hat is right

Holy Spirit SchoolN E W F A R M

Page 7: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

This is a long term project and donations will continue to be accepted as long as space permits on the wishing tree installation. The placement of the leaves will be random and at the discretion of the artist.

We hope you will join us in building a wishing tree that truly reflects our past, present and future as we continue to learn and grow.


Kim Davis Holy Spirit School Principal

Nicole Cronk Chair, Holy Spirit School Board

Jennifer Rosengren P&F President

I would like to contribute to the Holy Spirit Wishing Tree…


Name: ..................................................................................................

Child’s Name and Class (if applicable):.................................................

Business/Organisation name (if applicable): ..........................................

Tax deductible receipt in the name of: .................................................

Quantity Amount Total

I would like to purchase the following leaf/leaves @ $150 per leaf


Voluntary additional donation amount


Sample leaves (for illustration purposes only)

Character details are as follows:

Leaf Text on the leaf (with up to 30 characters including spaces)

eg. T h e J o n e s F a m i l y






Name: ..................................................................................................

Tax deductible receipt in the name of: .................................................

Quantity Amount Total

Major Donor – bronze / small plaque $500

Major Donor – silver / medium plaque $1,000

Major Donor – gold / large plaque $3,000

Voluntary additional donation amount


Business names to be engraved are as follows:

Plaque Text on the leaf (max 30 characters including spaces)

eg. O u r B u s i n e s s N a m e


Bank transfer details: Holy Spirit School Building Fund Account BSB 064786 Account No 517480105Include your name in the reference

Max Johnson Year 5 2016

Lily JonesPrep 2015 Charles Family Year 4


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FRIDAY 24 MAY 2019





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‘When I say ‘read aloud’ to your child, I don’t want it to

sound like medicine, I want it to sound like chocolate.’

Mem Fox

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‘The fire of literacy is created by the emotional sparks between a

child, a book and the person reading. It isn’t achieved by the book

alone, nor by the child alone, nor by the adult who’s reading

aloud. It’s the relationship winding between all three, bringing

them together in easy harmony.’

Mem Fox

Page 13: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Reading to your child is without a doubt the most important thing

you can do to help your child learn to read.

Children learn to read by:



people in

their lives


being read

to every




as readers

and having

a go.

Page 14: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Ways to help to build confidence and develop comprehension……….

• Talk to your child. Oral language is essential for Literacy development.

• Read to your child every day!

• Make sure the reading experience is enjoyable for everyone.

• Listening to them read their home reader is only a small part of the story.

• Make connections/build prior knowledge/predict what will happen next. Help

them makes links to the story.

• Look at the cover. Notice the images, title, author. Point these out. Talk

about other books by this author or illustrator.

• Flick through the text and make predictions. Ask questions like ‘What do you

think this story might be about?’

• Read the story to them, all the way through to build familiarity. Enjoy the

book. Read with expression to engage the child. Have fun. Use funny voices.

• Find any words that might be unfamiliar or tricky. Talk about the word as you

read it together. Remember, reading is about meaning. Don’t spend a lot of

time trying to ‘sound out the word’. Look at the beginning sound and ask the

child what they think the word might be from the context of the story. Tell

them the word if they don’t know.

• Ask questions to engage them in conversation. Don’t interrogate!

Page 15: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Reading with the child – some strategies to try

• Encourage your child to join in with different parts, depending on the

complexity of the text.

• You can read some parts (modelling); they can read other parts.

• If the text is a bit difficult, you could try the technique of ‘Model,

Choral and Independent’.

o You read the page

o You both read the page.

o The child reads the page themselves.

o Build up so that the child is read up to 3 or 4 pages by


Reading by the child

This will need to be a text that the child can manage. If it’s too difficult,

read the text to the child. It is essential that the experience is enjoyable

for everyone.

Rereading the same text over a number of nights is a good thing. It helps

develops confidence, fluency, sight words and vocabulary. We call this

‘becoming familiar’ and it is an essential part of learning to read.

Supporting reluctant readers

How do we engage and encourage them to read?

o Read. Simple first step! If we're going to encourage children to

read, we need to do it too.

▪ Read for pleasure

▪ Read to gather information

▪ Read instructions

▪ Read to connect with others

o Share your reading experiences. Share with your family, friends

and children. Tell them what you've been reading, what you've

gained or learned from these books and tell them what books

or authors you recommend.

o Socialize around reading. Family story time, Join a book clubs or

a reading groups.

Page 16: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

o Take a field trip. This is another way to make reading social and

exciting. Visit your local library, a university library or a


‘It's not about checking out or buying books. It's about being

surrounded by thousands of books, touching their gorgeous

pages, seeing the world of possibility in print, salivating over

what there is to know and explore.’

o Beyond books - Reading material comes in many different

shapes and sizes, some of which may be more accessible to a

new reader. Video games, magazines, and comics all provide

opportunities for reading practice. Other suggestions include

playing board games that involve written instructions, writing

to a friend or turning on the closed captioning on your

television. To illustrate the practical side of reading, have your

child help you with the grocery list, or leave reminder notes for

your child to discover throughout the day.

o Listen to audio books. While you're not developing decoding or

fluency skills, you are acquiring vocabulary, applying

comprehension strategies, and enjoying stories or accruing


o Listen to authors read their own books. Kids can be greatly

impacted from hearing an author. Many authors are on

YouTube reading their own books.

o Make connections between reading and hobbies e.g. sporting

magazines, gardening magazines, books about their heroes,

travel books, Science books and so on ….

Links to rich literature that you can share with your child

Page 17: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019


List of suitable books for children

The Premier’s Reading Challenge Queensland Children’s Book Council of Australia National Library of Australia – Australian Literature, Children’s Literature

Page 18: Term 2, Week 4, 16 May 2019

Holy Spirit School New Farm is fundraising

with Entertainment! Your support really helps our fundraising, so we’re thrilled to let you know about special bonus

Early Bird Entertainment Membership Offers for loyal supporters.


"The Entertainment Membership is great value. With lots of instant savings. It more than outweighs the price. There is

something for everyone – casual and fine dining, adventure and family activities. I couldn't live without it. Plus, I get to

support a good cause.” – Zana B.


Holy Spirit School New Farm Monique Heck 0733582344

[email protected]

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