Page 1: Term 3 Week 10 16 September 2015 POPCORN · Term 3 Week 10 16 September 2015 nurturing God-given potential POPCORN From the Head of College Prince Of Peace Communications Observations

Term 3 Week 10 16 September 2015

nurturing God-given potential

POPCORN From the Head of College

Prince Of Peace Communications Observations Reminders and News


Junior Campus

Senior Campus

Whole College

Uniform Shop



Devotion / Church

Diary Dates

Extra Curricular


As Term 3 comes to a close, I reflect upon what has been an incredibly

busy term. The Senior Secondary students have been busy with their

exams as they start to think about life after school. As part of the QCS

testing period, the Year 12 students met at our outside chapel space

and prepared for the 2 days of testing. Understandably during this

stressful time our students experienced nerves and worry about their

future, being nervous is understandable but worry is the real enemy. I

find worry to be a very unhelpful emotion, it can often be like a rocking

chair as it is always in motion but you are never getting anywhere. In

Luke 12:25, Jesus said “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour

to his life”.

As our students enter into Term 4, there will be many academic

challenges and that is inevitably going to cause our students to worry.

But during these times I ask students to have the courage to trust in

themselves, trust in your preparation

and your own God-given abilities. As

we journey through life there are

things that do not go the way we

would like or even expect, but we

must have the courage to continue on

and as Aristotle said “You will never do

anything in this world without


We are all part of something bigger and we must have faith in the fact

that God has a plan for us all that is filled with optimism and joy.

Jeremiah 29:11 states “For I know the plans I have for you, declares

the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you

hope and a future.”

I wish you all a safe, restful school holiday period and I look forward to

seeing you next term, refreshed and ready for the new challenges the

term will bring. I leave you with one of my favourite quotes from

Winston Churchill

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue

that counts”.

Mr Philip Hulland Head of College

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Grandparents Day - 2015

This Friday the staff and students of Prince of Peace Lutheran College welcome their

Grandparents to our Junior and Senior Campuses. We look forward to treating our

Grandparents to a wonderful Musical Concert in the Chapel followed by some opportunities

to visit the students, their grandchildren in the classrooms. The Concert will begin at

8:40am and will feature the Junior and Senior Choirs, Recorder Ensemble, Honours Choir

and our Prep students. Morning Tea will be available from 10:15am both in the Year ½

Undercover Area and in the Prep Area.

As this is a very special day on our school calendar we ask that all students wear their

formal school uniform on this day in recognition of the special visitors we will be

welcoming. There will be no Interschool Sport Practice this Friday afternoon due to

Grandparents Day and Closing Chapel.

Closing Chapel

All parents and carers are invited to join us as we finish Term 3 with Closing Worship.

Chapel will begin at 2:00pm.

Swimming – Term 4

All students from Years 1-6 will be participating in block swimming lessons starting in Week

2, Term 4. Please refer to the email sent on behalf of the College this morning.

Year 3 Camp

Last Thursday and Friday saw our first overnight and off-campus Year 3 camp, and what a

great success it was! We all ventured off to the YMCA Camp North Pine, located within the

historical village of Old Petrie Town on the North Pine River. Our students tried their hands

at new and exciting activities like, damper-making in the traditional bake-house, initiative

team-building games and exploring schooling and life in the early last century of Australia.

We were very proud of the resilience and willingness of our young students as they spent

the night away from home with their peers. Much a gleeful giggle could be heard as the

lights went out!

Enormous thanks must go to the following groups of people: our Year 3 teachers and

support staff for all of their work in planning this adventure and their love of our students;

also the amazing parents that came and worked tirelessly and with great enthusiasm to

ensure we all had a great couple of days and the staff of YMCA Camp North Pine. Special

thanks must go to Mrs Jenell Molkentin who quietly works behind the scenes of all of our

camps to ensure our students have a wonderful time.

Allergy Awareness

Within our community, there is an increasing trend for children to have severe and often life

threatening reactions, otherwise known as anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock, to a number

of allergens. The most common of these tend to involve foods containing peanuts, nuts,

eggs, dairy products or seafood. However, whilst these reactions have often resulted from

ingestion of the food, there are more children now who can be affected by touching

something that has had traces of the allergen left on it, or even simply by the smell of the

food. This trend is also being witnessed at Prince of Peace where we currently have a

number of students throughout the school requiring an Epi-pen, a supply of epinephrine

(adrenaline), to be kept close at hand at all times in case an anaphylactic reaction occurs.

Unfortunately, it is never known when an anaphylactic reaction will result. The same

circumstances may create a mild reaction one day, but anaphylactic shock the next.

Continued over….

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As a school community, we are concerned about the wellbeing and safety of all of our

students, so we are bringing this to your attention and request that careful consideration be

given to the food you might pack each day for morning tea and lunch.

What we ask is that all parents please have a conversation with their child about the

following items:

Not sharing their food with their friends at school

How to carefully dispose of rubbish

Hygiene matters – such as washing our hands carefully after eating

Good behaviours when eating such as not throwing or flicking our foods around, or

leaving them on the ground We thank you for your support and understanding of this decision as we seek to make

Prince of Peace a safe place for all.

Prep-Year Two Athletics Carnival

Last Friday saw our annual Prep-Year 2 Athletics Carnival. Organised and hosted by Mr Brad

Wooding, our students participated in a wonderful day of friendly competition, including

high jump, throwing activities and of course our pinnacle event the sprints. We would like to

extend a very warm thank you to Mr Wooding for his organisation and efforts and to our

Year 6 students and their teachers who assisted with the running of the day.

Important Information Relating to Class Placements for 2016

Most families across the school are aware of the cautious stance taken when inviting class

placement requests from families. I have children of my own and understand how lovely it

is for them to be placed with their ―nearest and dearest friends, or a preferred teacher that

their sibling may have had. I also realise how important it is for them to grow as individuals

and not be reliant on others for their academic and social successes. I encourage all

families, as we close the 2015 school year, to allow their children to grow spiritually,

emotionally, academically, and socially as they transition to their new class. I strongly

encourage parents to have faith in the judgments and insights that our staff have into

individual students and their school persona. I have the highest regard for the insights that

our teachers offer into the placement of students into the appropriate class for the following

year. I also have the highest regard for the quality and competency of each of our teaching

staff in their professional capacity as educators, and as such do not accept requests for

individual teachers. As you can appreciate, staff movement is also inevitable, and therefore

often such requests become redundant or once aligned with other parent requests, can

cancel each other out.

All students have unique gifts and needs. There are a few instances where-by the College

will seek input from particular families to ensure the most beneficial class placement for

individual students. This will be occurring in the coming 3-4 weeks. If you believe there is

an important consideration (that sits outside of friendship requests and teacher requests)

that needs to be taken into account when placing your child for 2016, please submit this

request in writing to the attention of Mrs Katrina Valencia. Such requests will be considered,

however, understandably, no guarantees can be assured. Please ensure that these requests

are submitted by Friday 16th October, 2015. Thank you for your assistance in ensuring the

complex process of class placements for the 2016 school year is attended to in a most

equitable, professional and integral manner.

Katrina Valencia Head of Campus P-6

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Guiding Principles

As we approach the end of Term 3, we have much for which

we can be grateful. There have been many examples of our

guiding principles:

Excellence through honour – the way our Year 12 students

approached the QCS test and their final pieces of assessment, our students who have trialled at the Regional and District Athletics, our first Prince of Peace Senior

Campus debating team, our students who have presented worship, our students who have demonstrated strength of

character with their behaviour, attitude and effort.

Learning with Purpose – our Year 9 Enterprise Education class who had a small business at Pop In, our Year 9

Ubuntu class who are learning to work as a team as they develop their drumming skills, our Year 7 students who

have built gliders, our 11 students as they approached

service learning.

Growth through challenge – all our students who have

made progress this term, our Year 8 students who are developing their circus skills in readiness for the Musical,

our Year 10 students as they have grown as they have engaged with One Note or as they have considered their future subject choices, and our students who participated in

40hr Famine and raised $3000.

Home Economics

Over the holidays, our Home Economics facility will be started. The bulk of the work will be

completed during the break. We are very excited about the commencement of this project,

and look forward to checking out the progress in Term 4.

Australian Lutheran World Service Tour

Six Year 11 students (Hannah Yarnold, Laura Wilton, Jasmine McLeod, Jak Spiers, Nicholas

Telfer and Jonathan Southward) and one staff member, Mr John Low head off to Cambodia

as part of a Australian Lutheran World Service, Service Learning Tour. The Prince of Peace

group will join together with students from other Lutheran Schools to work with

communities in Kampong Chhnang and Aoral. This is the first time that Prince of Peace

students have engaged in an international service project. The students have spent the last

couple of months preparing for their visit. We wish them God’s richest blessings and safe


Well done Riley

We wish Riley Stent all the best as he travels to Japan to represent

Queensland as member of 15years Football team. This is a wonderful

opportunity for Riley to demonstrate excellence through honour and growth

through challenge.

Holiday Break

Thank you to our dedicated staff, for all their efforts this term. We wish them a well-

deserved break. We affirm our students for the way they have approached the challenges of

Term 3. You make us so proud. Thank you also to all our parents for their continued

support. We look forward to Term 4 and all the opportunities for continued growth and


Michelle Nisbet Head of Campus 7-12

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Dear Lord, Watch over our College community during the holiday break. Keep them safe in

your watchful gaze. May the holidays be a time for relaxation and recharging. Bless our

school community as we celebrate our holidays. We make this prayer through

Jesus our guardian. Amen.


As part of the Year 9 Ubuntu course the classes have an opportunity to visit local Aged

Care Facilities. 9.1 visited Bellevue Care Centre and 9.2 visited Burnie Brae Respite Centre.

The visits have given the students a chance to chat to the residents about their teenage

years and get an idea of a lifestyle from the past which has aided them with their Lifestyle

assignment. It also has given us an opportunity to play some games with them. The

residents and students have really enjoyed playing games such as Uno, Jenga, Connect

Four, Master Mind, Snakes and Ladders and Dominoes. On our next visit we plan to

entertain the residents with some musical numbers.

Norman Russell Year 9 Coordinator

Senior Worship Band leads Junior Campus Chapel

Last Friday, some of the students from Years 7 -12 were able to help lead Worship at the

Junior campus. The Senior Worship Band and a group of dancers introduced us to the new

‘Prince of Peace’ song. Later, the Chapel was filled with love as the Junior Campus students

enjoyed keeping balloons afloat throughout the song, ‘Testify to Love.’

Spring High Tea / Cricket

What a lovely way to finish a busy week –a game of cricket and a sausage sizzle or at a

High Tea with punch, an awesome variety of cakes and treats and fantastic coffee or a

combination of both. This is what our some of our College families from Years 5 – 12

enjoyed last Friday afternoon on the Senior Campus. It was terrific to be able to take some

time out of our busy lives and spend quality time together – even if some of the kids chose

to spend it with each other!

Have a happy and safe break – see you in Term 4.

Libby Farmer Head of Pastoral Care and Welfare (7-12)

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Junior Choir

Congratulations to the Junior Choir who performed so beautifully at “Sing 4 Joy” recently at Genesis

Christian College.

Grandparents Day

The Choirs and Recorder ensemble will be presenting items at the beginning of Grandparents Day this


Instrumental lessons

There are a small number of vacancies on all instruments, especially piano. There are also a number

of school instruments available for hire at very reduced rates. Please email me to obtain details.

Please remember it is a courtesy to contact your child’s tutor if your child is away from school for any


Sherree Cudney Junior Campus Music [email protected]

New addition to the music department The Junior Campus music department recently welcomed a new

arrival in the shape of a beautiful, full-sized cello.

Josh McGill from 5F and his mother Jo approached Mrs Cudney

after a choir event to ask if the music department would be

interested in acquiring a cello. Josh’s mother Jo confirmed that the

family wanted to donate the cello to Prince of Peace.

“Mum plays a lot of musical instruments, but she hasn’t had time

to play the cello lately. She decided she would give it to the school

so it would be played and maybe someone new would get the

chance to give the cello a try,” said Josh.

Junior Campus Music Teacher Mrs Sherree Cudney said “This is an

exciting addition for us, and one that opens up many possibilities

about what we can do in the music department in the future.”

“On behalf of the music department and the Junior School, we

would like to say a very big thank you to the McGill family,” said

Mrs Cudney.

TERM 4: 6 October- 4 December

Week Date Activity Students Required

3 20 October Recital Night All students undertaking private lessons at PoP and

auditioned performers to perform solo or duo

4 29 October Gala Concert Contemporary Ensembles 1 & 2, Choir, Concert Band,

String Ensemble, Wind Quintet and Percussion Ensemble

7 21 November Year 12 Graduation

Service String Ensemble & Choir

8 27 November Thanksgiving Service String Ensemble & Choir


TERM 4 LESSONS AND ENSEMBLES commence back Week 1 Term 4. Please check your emails

over the school holidays for a timetable from your child’s tutor. If you are unsure of your lesson time

for Week 1, please contact me [email protected].

TERM 4 CONCERT CALENDAR is listed below. Please have these important dates in your diary and

advise as soon as possible of any complications. [email protected]

Cassandra Croucher Senior Campus Music

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Interhouse Netball

Laver are our inaugural netball champions as they stormed to victory in the grand final last week. A

gallant Fraser outfit just couldn’t get the goals they needed to claim the crown. Bradman finished in

third place after a very even tussle with Jackson in the plate final play off.

Overall, Fraser have a 2 point lead in the standings (15pts) over Laver (13). Jackson hold 3rd place

presently (12pts) with Bradman a single point further back (11). With the final two events to be held

in Term 4 (Enduro Chess and Handball), any house can still take the grand prize.

P-2 Athletics Carnival

Our youngest athletes took to the oval on Friday and covered themselves in glory. As they putted,

sprinted, tugged and jumped their way around the oval they not only acquired a healthy glow and

heavy legs, but stickers and/or ribbons as reward for the wonderful efforts they put in.

A huge thank you goes to all the parents who supported us so willingly, to the teachers and aides

who marshalled their troops so well and to the fantastic Year 6 helpers who gave of their time to

support, encourage and coordinate activities.

Well done and thank you to all.

Interschool Sport

Interschool sport begins the first Friday of next term with our cricket, touch, futsal, volleyball and

gymnastics teams heading to various points to compete against other school teams from our district.

Most teams will wear a specific school sports shirt which will be distributed in time for the first game.

All support and/or assistance most welcome, please contact Mr Wooding at

[email protected] for more details.

Brad Wooding Junior Campus HPE Teacher

Junior Campus Netball

The 'PopStars' began their competitive netball

journey recently. They are competing in the

Queensland Catholic Netball Association's Junior

competition playing at Downey Park. The students

representing the college are: Anya, Madisyn, Lara R,

Lara W, Charlotte, Tatjana, Jasmine, Elsie and Jodie.

The first match was a tough one but they still had

lots of fun. Thanks to our cheer squad led by Emma,

Lincoln & Mitchyl.

Susan Hird Teacher Aide


Senior PoP Netball team

The Pop10 netball team comprising of Geremy, Riley,

Olivia, Caitlin, Alexandra, Hannah, Eve, Hayley and

Jessica are playing in the Queensland Catholic Netball

Competition at Downey Park on Wednesday nights.

Susan Hird Teacher Aide

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Size 8-11 Socks: for weekend wear - discontinued Size 8-11 Royal Blue stripe school socks are

selling at $2/pair.

Fridge-to-Go lunch bags: Keep your child’s lunches cool for 8 hours! The Lunch Bags include a full

size chiller panel, come in 2 sizes, and 5 different colours. These lunch bags are great quality and

last on average 3 to 4 years. Spare chiller panels are also available for convenience, so you can

always have a cold one on hand.

POP Umbrellas: Golf size umbrellas, handy to keep in the car for rainy days, are available for $25.

Junior: Out of Stock – XS and M Hats – due November, available from Lowes Chermside in the


Second Hand Blog: It is free to advertise your school items, dance and formal wear, sport and

instrumental items on our blog – link is on the Uniform page of the

College website. Reminder to sellers to please advise me if your items have sold to avoid

unnecessary interruptions to you, and inconvenience to buyers.

Wendy McMahon Uniform Shop Convenor Return to index

Operation Christmas Child

This year, Prince of Peace Lutheran College will again be

supporting Samaritans Purse and their Operation Christmas

Child appeal. It is hoped that 370,000 shoeboxes will be

donated and then delivered to 9 countries this year. For

many of these recipients, it will be the first gift that they have

ever received! Click on the link to find out the specifics of

what’s involved in packing a shoebox, and then maybe have a

family chat and decide whether you’d like to be involved in this brilliant activity. Completed shoeboxes

will be delivered to Samaritans Purse in October, so there is plenty of time to get involved. If you have

any questions or suggestions, please email Vickie Stead at [email protected] Thank you

for being part of this powerful partnership!

Woolworths Earn and Learn

The Woolworths Earn & Learn program has now concluded.

We ask that any remaining stickers you may have be taken to

either campus reception. We will be collecting until the end

of this week.

Hockey Award

Congratulations to Taylen Houslip on receiving the Junior Boys

President’s Trophy Award at the Kedron Wavell Services Hockey Club.

Taylen has shown his support for the club on numerous occasions

throughout the year including; assisting with coaching at the Hook in2

Hockey program; helping out the U7s Team with umpiring and coaching;

and helping out at the Bunnings BBQ. Taylen has continued to show his

enthusiasm and love of the sport throughout 2015 being a vital member

of his team and has spent the year listening and improving his game. He also represented Brisbane

this year at the State Championships. Taylen is seen as an important member of the Kedron Wavel

Services Hocky Club and his enthusiasm and commitment should be celebrated.

Grant Carlson 7-12 Sport Coordinator

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Are you on the move?

As Prince of Peace is a K-12 school, enrolment at Prince of

Peace from one year level to next happens automatically

until your child graduates from Year 12. To assist us with

our planning, and ensure you are not charged for Term 1,

2016 school fees, please let us know if your child is

leaving the College at the end of the year by Tuesday 6th

October 2015.

You can notify the College by sending a letter or email to:

Head of College, Phil Hulland via [email protected]

Senior Campus – Michelle Nisbet via [email protected]

Junior Campus – Katrina Valencia via [email protected]

Enrolments – Donna Cook via [email protected]

For enquiries, please contact Donna Cook on 3872 5710.

Is your brother or sister coming to POP next year?

Under our Sibling Policy, siblings of all current students are automatically accepted into the

College. However, they do still need to be enrolled. If you haven’t enrolled your younger

children for entry in 2016 or beyond, please contact Donna Cook, Marketing and Enrolments

Manager, on 3872 5710 or via email on [email protected] for an Application

Form. You can also print it off from our website and send to Reception with your application fee

of $110 for one child or $175 for two more.

Return to index

Drama enrolments are now open!

If you have been wondering, now is the time

to give drama a try. Hannah's classes are

creative, challenging and fun! Group classes

and individual sessions are at the Senior

Campus on Tuesdays and the Junior Campus

on Thursdays and Fridays.

Trials are available. For more

information or to enrol contact

Hannah on 0407 688 569.

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“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all

your strength…'Love your neighbour as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

Mark 12:28-31

The news has been swamped with sobering images of desperate and destroyed human lives these

past weeks. On the world stage we sit back and watch as millions of forcibly displaced people take

extreme measures and even risk their lives in the hope of a safe and secure future. Closer to home

the spotlight has been on the spate of lives lost and destroyed by acts of violence.

While the easy response is to sit back and watch the political game play out, perhaps call this leader

or that a fool, or commend those who agree with our idea of how best to manage these situations,

the inescapable fact of Christian living is that we have been called to a love in action. In a society

where we often don’t even know the names of our closest physical neighbours, our mindset seems

to be to retreat to the safety of our own homes and let someone else deal with it. And yet, with the

increase in domestic violence and fractured families, it seems that for some of us of our homes are

not that safe haven either.

What does love in action look like for you? Can you make a difference in your home today, in your

community today, in the world today through what you choose to say and do? My prayer for today is

that God’s people everywhere will be consumed by an awareness of God’s love and faithfulness to

them and that this love may consequently spill over into action so that Christians everywhere will be

known as those who use their lives to make a difference.

Margaret Muller Chaplain

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Message: The Parables of Jesus “Seedy” (Matthew 13:1-32)

6pm Remix

CHURCH NOTICES: Next Prayer Gathering: Wed 7 October 7pm in the church. All welcome.

“When nobody around you seems to measure up, it’s time to change

your yard stick.”

(Bill Lemley)


Date Claimer

POP Fundraising Concert featuring ZAMAR & Friends Sunday 11 Oct 2pm in the

church with a range of popular and classical music. Ticket Price includes afternoon

tea: Adults Single $20, Couple $30, Families with school age children $40. For

more information contact Anneliese 0431 681 932.

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Prince of Peace Lutheran College

[email protected]

Junior School (P-6)

P: 07 3872 5700

Middle & Senior School

P: 07 3872 5600

Student absences:

[email protected]

Junior Campus: 07 3872 5700

Senior Campus: 07 3872 5656

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

P: 07 3872 5757 (Tues-Fri)

[email protected]

17 Sept Junior Yr 5 Night of the Notables Classrooms

18 Sept Jnr/Snr Grandparents Day

18 Sept Junior Junior Campus 2pm Closing Worship Chapel

18 Sept Senior Senior Campus 2:15pmClosing Worship R4/R5

18 Sept Jnr/Snr Last day of Term 3

5 Oct Jnr/Snr Labour Day Public Holiday

6 Oct Jnr/Snr First Day of Term 4

7-8 Oct Senior SC Parent / Teacher / Student Conferences

12 Oct Senior Music Supporters Group Meeting R5

14 Oct Jnr/Snr Auxiliary Meeting Junior Campus Kitchen

15 Oct Meals 4 you cooking day

16 Oct Junior Year 2 sleepover

19 Oct Meals 4 you meeting Everton Park Hotel

20 Oct Senior Recital Night

21 Oct Friends of the library meeting

23 Oct Junior 2G Chapel Chapel

24 Oct Junior 2016 Prep Orientation Morning Prep classrooms

24 Oct Junior Prep - Y6 Disco Chapel

27 Oct Junior Special Morning Tea

Further information on any of the activities listed below can be found on the College website

Calendar of Events.

What’s Coming Up at Prince of Peace


POPup night + market

Would you like to have a market stall at this year’s

POPup night + market?

Date: Friday, 6 November from 6pm

Venue: Student Forecourt, Senior Campus

Please contact [email protected] for further information.

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Extra Curricular Activities









Term 3 Week 10

North and South Brisbane September/October

2015 School Holiday Cartooning Program.

Click here for more information.

Junior Indoor Netball

Friday Afternoons/Evenings. We don’t play

during school holidays. Only $7 per player per

week. Play indoors rain, hail or shine.

Nominate a team or as an individual. Umpire,

scoring and timing all provided. First round to

commence on the 9th October 2015.

All games played at Inside Sportz, Gympie

Road, Strathpine (Same complex as Uptiles &

Lollipops). Great stepping stone into Indoor

Junior State Titles.

Nominate now at For

further inquiries ring 3205 5644 or email

[email protected]

Are you a parent of a child

with type 1 diabetes?

Every day thousands of

Australian children suffer the

effects of type 1 diabetes,

and families struggle with

illness management and children’s behavioural

and emotional adjustment.

Positive Parenting for Healthy Living is an

adaptation of the successful Triple P - Positive

Parenting Program, offering practical ideas and

support for parents of children with type 1

diabetes. This innovative group program is

designed to help parents manage their child’s

illness, assist children in coping with their illness

and emotions, and prevent and manage difficult

child behaviour.

Over the next few months and for a limited time

only, parents of 2-10 year old children with type

1 diabetes are able to access Positive Parenting

for Healthy Living Triple P free of charge as part

of a University of Queensland research project.

Contact Dr Amy Mitchell on (07) 3346 1202 or

email [email protected] or visit for more


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Extra Curricular Activities Continued









Term 3 Week 10

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