
Building and Pest Inspection Melbourne

Strata Inspection Report

A Strata Inspection Report Melbourne in which all the financial contents of the building are mentioned that are examined by the experts.

All the aspects from building corporate, management to maintenance issues are mentioned.

This report plays a very important role in whole building inspection process.

All the strategically decisions are taken after considering the report.

This Report is an Answer for all the Financial Doubts for Building, Following are the Questions to be asked from Reports

Who owes the property?

What are the general levies for the building?

What is the general time interval for levies?

Any special levies are to be paid?

Does the building comply with all the safety measures such as fire requirements and Work Health & Safety Obligations and another requirement if essential?

Building Inspections

Building inspection Services Melbourne we have experts who have numerous numbers to experience in the inspection field.

Building inspection is our main forte. You might not know many facts about your building which only inspection finds out.

We conduct a flawless inspection within a short span of time, making you more confident about your own building, property or home.

Address 414/365 Little Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Contact no : 03 9039 5093

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