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Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs: past simple, past continuous, past perfect:1. One summer afternoon in New York in 1875, while his wife _______________PREPARE dinner, Mr. Levi Gamin

_____________LEAVE his house to buy some tobacco. He _________never ___________RETURN. Sixty years later in1935, The New York Times _____________PRINT a story about a man ‘dressed in strange old-fashioned clothes ’ who ______________STEP in front of a car while crossing Times Square. He ______________DIE instantly. The dead man ______________CARRY no identification and there was nothing in his pocket except some old bank notes from the year 1875. The police ______________HAVE no idea who the man was or why he _______________WEAR such strange clothes, until a police officer ________________DECIDE to check the missing persons file for 1875. In the file was a description of Mr. Gamin which matched the description of the dead man exactly. It was then that the questions ________________BEGIN. Why __________Mr. Gamin ____________DISAPPEAR in 1875? How __________he suddenly ___________TURN UP in Times Square in 1935? Where _____________BE he for the past sixty years and why ___________his appearance ____________NOT CHANGE? ___________Mr. Gamin really _____________VANISH into thin air or ____________something unknown ____________TAKE him into another dimension?

2. My sister and I _________never_________BE to Sweden before so we _____________LOOK forward to our trip. We ___________CATCH the train from London to the ferry terminal at Harwich, but while we _____________WALK towards the ferry, we ______________HEAR that it ______________NOT ARRIVE from Sweden yet because a bad storm _____________BLOW UP during the morning. The ferry finally ______________ARRIVE at midnight after we _____________SPEND eight hours playing cards and drinking coffee.

Complete the conversation with the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs:Mum: Hi, Joe. ___________you _________HAVE a good day?Joe: It was OK. I can smell onions.Mum: Yes, I ____________MAKE hamburgers. They’re nearly ready.Joe: Great. I’m hungry. I ____________NOT HAVE anything to eat since breakfast.Mum: _________Jenny__________DECIDE to come for supper or not?Joe: I don’t know. I ___________TRY to phone her all afternoon, but her line __________BE engaged.Mum: No problem. I ___________MAKE enough food for six. Anyway, I’m not very hungry.Joe: Why?Mum: Because I _________EAT bits and pieces from the fridge all day!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs:1. If I ____________WIN the lottery, I _________never_________WORK again.2. If Helen __________WIN a million pounds, she _____________GIVE some to charity.3. It _____________BE amazing if Brad ______________PASS his driving test the first time.4. It ____________NOT SURPRISE me if Brazil _____________WIN the World Cup.5. I _____________BUILD more schools if I _____________BE Prime Minister.6. If they ____________OFFER me a job, I _____________TAKE it straightaway.7. If I _____________GO to live in the USA, I ______________NOT WANT to live in Los Angeles.8. Surely she ______________NOT GO out with him unless she ______________LIKE him!


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