
DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z



DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

TEST LISTING # 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids, 24-hour Urine 17-OH Progesterone LCMS5-HIAA Quant., 24 Hour Urine5-HIAA Quant., Random Urine5-Nucleotidase

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

AcetaminophenAcetylsalicylic Acid (as Salicylates)AChR Binding Abs, SerumAChR Blocking Abs, SerumAChR Modulating AntibodiesAcid Fast Bacilli (AFB) Culture, MycobacteriaACTH, PlasmaActin (Smooth Muscle) AntibodyActivated Protein C Resistance Adamts13 Activity with Reflex to Inhibitor Adenovirus Antibody, Serum ADHAerobic Bacterial Culture, RoutineAffirm™ Vaginosis DNA Probe PanelAFP TetraAFP Tumor MarkerAlbumin, Cerebrospinal FluidAlbumin, FluidAlbumin, GlycatedAlbumin, SerumAlcohol, (Ethanol) - ETOHAldolaseAldosterone LCMS, SerumAldosterone, UrineAldosterone/Renin RatioAlkaline PhosphataseAlk Phos IsoenzymeAllergen -(RAST) eachAlpha-1-Antitrypsin, SerumAlpha-1-Antitrypsin, StoolAlpha Subunit (Free)ALT (SGPT)Aluminum, Plasma/SerumAmikacinAmino Acid Profile, Quant., Plasma


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DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

TEST LISTING A ... ContinuedAmino Acid Profile, Quant., Random UrineAminolevulinic Acid (ALA), Urine, 24 hr Amiodarone (Cordarone), SerumAmitriptyline (Elavil), SerumAmmonia, PlasmaAmoeba (E. Histolytica) Antibody Amylase, SerumANA (Anti-antinuclear antibody)Anaerobic CultureAnaplasma Phagocyophilum IgG & IgM Antibodies ANCA (Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody)AndrostenedioneAngiotensin-Converting EnzymeAntiadrenal Antibodies, Quant.Antibody Screen w/reflex IdentificationAntibody TiterAnti-Cardiolipin Antibody ScreenAnti-Centromere B AntibodiesAnti-DNase B Strep AntibodiesAnti-Extractable Nuclear Antigen (Anti- ENA Antibodies)Antigen Typing (per antigen)Anti-Gliadin Antibody ProfileAntiglomerular BM AbAntihistone AntibodiesAnti-Hu Antibodies (Neuronal Nuclear HU ABs)Anti-Mullerian HormoneAnti-Myeloperoxidase Antibody (Anti-MPO) (part of ANCA panel)Anti-Nuclear Ab (ANA)Antipancreatic Islet CellsAntiparietal Cell AntibodyAnti-Sjogrens SSA/SSB Ro/La AntibodyAntistreptolysin O AbAntithrombin III Antigen Antithrombin ActivityAnti-Thyroglobulin Antibody (ATG)Anti-Thyroid Antibody Profile

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Apolipoprotein A1Apolipoprotein BAPTTAPTT Mixing StudiesArginine Vasopressin Hormone (Antidiuretic Hormone) Arsenic, BloodArsenic Exposure Profile, UrineAshkenazi Jewish Mutation Panel, 16 Genes Aspergillus AbAspergillus Antigen, EIA, Serum Aspirin (as Salicylates)AST (SGOT)


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

B pertussis IgG AbB pertussis IgG/A AbB-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)Babesia microti Antibody PanelBabesia Microti DNA, PCRBarbiturates, UrineBartonella Henselae (Cat Scratch) Antibodies, IgG & IgMBartonella Quintana IgG, IgM AntibodiesBasic Metabolic Chemistry PanelBD Affirm™ Vaginosis DNA Probe PanelB-D-Glucans Benzodiazepines, UrineBeta-2 Glycoprotein I Ab, IgGBeta-2 Microglobulin, SerumBeta hcG, QuantitativeBeta-Hydroxybutyric AcidBeta Strep Group A DNA ProbeBile Acids, Fractionated & Total Bile Acids, Total Bilirubin, DirectBilirubin, TotalBilirubin, Total Body FluidBK Quant PCR (Plasma/Serum)BK Quant PCR (Urine)Blood Culture, Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB) Blood Culture (Fungal), Constant Monitoring (Automated)Blood Culture (Routine, Bacterial), Constant Monitoring (Automated)Blood Group & RhBNP, Brain Natriuretic Peptide (see Brain Natriuretic Peptide, BNP)Body Fluid Culture, Sterile Site, BacterialBone Culture, BacterialBorrelia Burgdorferi Ab, IgG, IgM, Immunoblot Brain Natriuretic Peptide, BNPBronchial Culture, Bacterial


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

C- Reactive Protein (CRP)C1 Esterase Inhibitor, FuncC1 Esterase Inhibitor, SerumC3, SerumC4, SerumCA 19-9CA 27.29CA 125Cadmium, BloodCalcitonin, SerumCalcitriol (1,25 di-OH Vit D)CalciumCalcium, Ionized, SerumCalcium, UrineCalcium, Urine 24 - HourCalprotectinCancer Antigen (CA) 15-3Candida Antibodies IgG,IgA,IgMCannabinoid Screen, BloodCannabinoid, urine (THC)Carbamazepine (Tegretol) - totalCarbon Dioxide, CO2Carbon Monoxide, BloodCardio CRPCardiolipin Ab w/reflex IgG, MCarnitine, Total and FreeCarotene, BetaCatecholamines Fractionated, PlasmaCatecholamines, Urine, Fractionated, 24 hrCatecholamines, Urine, Free, RandomCatheter Tip Culture, BacterialCBC w/Diff & PltCBC Without Differential (Hemogram), Whole BloodCCP AntibodiesCD4CD4/CD8


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DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CD57 Short PanelCEACeliac SerologyCell Count w/Diff, FluidCeruloplasminChikungunya Antibodies (IgG, IgM) with Reflex to Titer Chlamydia Pneumoniae(IgG/M) A6Chlamydia PSITTACI IgG/MChlamydia trachomatis Amplified Probe - DNA DetectionChlamydia trachomatis CultureChlamydia trachomatis/GCAmplified Probe - DNA DetectionChlorideChloride, Urine (Random)Chloride, Urine (24-Hour)Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)Cholesterol, TotalCholinesterase, Plasma and RBCChorionic Gonadotrophin, Human (Beta-hCG), Quant.Chromogranin - AChronic UrticariaCitrate, Urine - RandomCitric Acid (Citrate), UrineCK Isoenzymes (CKMB w/index)CK, TotalCLL FISH Panel Clonazepam Clostridium Difficile (CDIF) Toxin, A/B Assay Panel Clozapine (Clozaril)Clorazepate (Tranxene)CMV Quant DNA PCR (Plasma)CMV Quant. DNA PCR (Urine)Cobalt and ChromiumCocaine, UrineCoccidioides AbsCoenzyme Q10, TotalCold Agglutinin Titer, Quant

TEST LISTING C ... Continued

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DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

TEST LISTING C ... ContinuedComplement C1q, QuantitativeComplement C2Complement C3, SerumComplement C4, SerumComplement, Total (CH50) Complete Blood Count (CBC)Comprehensive Drug ScreenComprehensive Metabolic Chemistry PanelCoombs, DirectCoombs, Direct & IndirectCoombs, Indirect (Antibody Screen)Copper, Plasma and RBCCopper, SerumCopper, UrineCord Blood WorkupCortisol (AM)Cortisol (PM)Cortisol, SalivaCortisol StimulationCortisol, Total, SerumCortisol, Urinary FreeCoxsackie Virus Group B AbC-PeptidecPSAC-PSA (complexed) - Free PSA profileC-Reactive Protein, High SensitivityCreatinineCreatinine ClearanceCreatinine, UrineCreatinine, Urine 24-HourCrossmatch, AHG (full)Crossmatch, Immediate spinCryoglobulin, Ql, Serum, RflxCryptosporidium Antigen Rapid EIA, StoolCrystal Id, FluidCrystal Id, Synovial Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

TEST LISTING C ... ContinuedCSF Culture Cyclosporine A Cystine, Quantitative, UrineCytomegalovirus (CMV) Ab, IgGCytomegalovirus (CMV) Ab, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

DAT, Direct Antiglobulin TestD-DimerDehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEAS)Dengue Fever IgG, IgM Antibody Depakene (Valproic Acid) TotalDesipramine, SerumDexamethasone DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) Dialysate (Peritoneal) Culture, BacterialDifferential, WBC, ManualDigoxin (Lanoxin)DihydrotestosteroneDilantin (Phenytoin) - TotalDiphtheria Antitoxoid AbDisopyramideDoxepin Drug Abuse Screen, Meconium 7Drug Screen,Urine (see Urine Drug Screen Tests)


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

E. Chaffeensis - HME (Monocytic)E. Histolytica (Amoeba) Antibody Ear Culture, BacterialEBV Early Antigen Ab Prof, QNENA Ab (Sm/RNP)Endomysial AntibodyEnvironmental CultureEosinophil Count, Nasal SmearEosinophils, AbsoluteEpstein-Barr Ab PanelErythropoietin (EPO), SerumESREstradiol, E2Estradiol, FreeEstriol, SerumEstrogens, Fractionated Estrogen Metabolism AssessmentEstrogens, TotalEstroneEthosuximideEthyl Alcohol - SerumEthyl Alcohol - UrineEthyl Glucoronide Screen with EtG/EtS Confirmation, UrineEye Culture, Bacterial


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Factor II, DNA AnalysisFactor V Leiden MutationFactor VII Activity Factor VIII ActivityFactor VIII Inhibitor Panel Factor IX Activity Factor X Activity Fat, Fecal Quantitative 72-Hour CollectionFecal Fat, QualitativeFecal Leukocytes (Stool for WBC)Fecal Occult Blood, Stool, Diagnostic (Guaiac Method)Fecal Occult Blood, Stool, Screening FOBT (Immunochemical)Fecal Occult Blood, Stool, Screening (Guaiac Method)Fecal Reducing SubstancesFentanyl (Urine)FerritinFibrinogenFlecainide (Tambocor (TM)), SerumFluoroquinolone-Resistant Organism, Culture Folate, SerumFolic Acid (see “Folate, Serum”)Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)Food Allergy ProfileFree K+L Lt Chains, Quant., SerumFree K+L Lt Chains, Quant., UrineFructosamineFungal Antibodies Fungus CultureFungal, Direct SmearFungitell Assay for (1,3)B-D-Glucans, Serum


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

G-6-PD, Quant, Blood and RBCGabapentin (Neurontin), SerumGAD-65 AutoantibodyGaramycin (Gentamicin)Gastric Parietal Cell AntibodyGastrin, SerumGC Amplified Probe - DNA Detection GC/Chlamydia Trachomatis Amplified Probe - DNA DetectionGC Culture ScreenGenital Culture, BacterialGentamicin, Peak/ Trough (see “Garamycin (Gentamicin)”)GGTGiardia Antigen, Rapid EIA, StoolGlucose Challenge, 1-hour (Gestational Diabetes Screen 1 Hour GTT)Glucose, CSFGlucose, FluidGlucose, PlasmaGlucose, SerumGlucose Tolerance, 2-Hour (Non Pregnant)Glucose Tolerance, 3-Hour (Gestational)GlutathioneGram Stain Group B Strep Screen, by PCR Growth Hormone, Human


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

H. pylori Breath TestHaemophilus Influenzae B IgGHaloperidol (Haldol), SerumHaptoglobinHBV Genotype/PrecoreHBV Real - Time PCR, Quant.hCG, QL, SerumhCG, QL, UrinehCG, QN SerumhCG, Tumor, SerumHCV Genotyping Non ReflexHCV RNA, PCR (see Hepatitis C Viral RNA)HDL CholesterolHeavy Metals Panel, Urine, RandomHeavy Metals Profile I, BloodHeavy Metals Profile II, Urine, 24 hourHelicobacter Pylori, IgG, AbsHelicobacter Pylori, IgM AbHelicobacter Pylori, IgM, IgG, IgA AbHelicobacter Pylori, Stool Ag, EIAHematocritHemoglobinHemoglobin A1cHemoglobin & HematocritHemoglobinopathy EvaluationHeparin Anti-XaHep Be AbHep Be AgHeparin Induced Platelet AntibodyHepatitis A Antibody, IgMHepatitis A Antibody, TotalHepatitis A , B & C ProfileHepatitis A Profile Hepatitis B Core Antibody, IgMHepatitis B Core Antibody, Total


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DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Hepatitis B Immune Profile Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBSAb)Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBSAg)Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Neutralization (performed on each positive HBsAg)Hepatitis C AntibodyHepatitis C Viral RNAHepatitis Delta Virus Antibody Hered. Hemochromatosis, DNAHerpes Simplex Virus I/II, IgGHexosaminidase, LeukocytesHGB Frac. ProfileHHV-6 IgG/M Antibodies, Quant.Histamine, PlasmaHistoplasma Abs, Quant., DIDHIV 1/2 Antibody (EIA), SerumHIV-1 RNA (HIV Viral Load)HIV-1 Viral LoadHIV Genosure(R) MGHLA B 27HLA B 5701 TypingHomocysteineHSV 1/2 PCRHSV Culture and TypingHuman Granulocytic Ehrlich-HGEHypersensitivity Pneumonitis

TEST LISTING H ... Continued

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

IFE - See - Immuofixation serum or UrineIgA, SerumIgA, Subclasses (1-2)IgE, TotalIGF-1IGF-BP3IgG Index + Synthesis Rate (Multiple Sclerosis Panel)IgG, SerumIgG, Subclasses(1-4)IgM, SerumImipramine (Tofranil), SerumImmune Complexes, C1q BindingImmunofixation, SerumImmunoglobulin D (IgD) Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Subclass 4Immunoglobulins Profile (IgG, IgA, & IgM) SerumInd Antiplatelet Alloantibody (Platelet AB Profile Esoterix)India Ink Preparation (for Cryptococcus)Influenza A/B Ab, Quant.Influenza (FLU) A/B PCRInsulinInsulin AntibodiesIntrinsic Factor Abs, SerumIodineIronIron, Liver TissueIron & TIBC, w/ Transferrin Calculation, SerumIslet Cell IgG Antibody


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Jo-1 IgG Antibody


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ketone Bodies, SerumKOH Prep


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

L. pneumophila Serogroup 1 Urine AgLactate, BloodLactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH) Isoenzymes Lactose Tolerance, 2-HourLamotrigine (Lamictal), SerumLanoxin (Digoxin)LDHLDH, CSFLDH , FluidLDL Cholesterol, DirectLead, Blood (Adult)Lead, UrineLeflunomide Metabolite (ARAVA)Leptin, SerumLeptospira Antibody, IgM by DOT Blot Levetiracetam (Keppra), SLH, SerumLidocaineLipase, SerumLipoprotein (a)Lithium, SerumLiver Fibrosis, FibroTest-ActiTest PanelLiver Function Panel, SerumLiver-Kidney Microsomal AbLupus Anticoagulant ReflexLuteinizing Hormone (LH)Lyme Antibodies, IgG & IgM (Borrelia Burgdorferi)Lyme PCR, Borrelia Burgdorferi, BloodLyme PCR, Borrelia Burgdorferi, CSF and Synovial FluidLysozyme, Serum


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

MagnesiumMagnesium, RBCMagnesium, UrineMalaria smear, BloodManganese, Plasma and RBC’sMeningitis Encephalitis PanelMercury, BloodMercury, Serum/PlasmaMercury, UrineMetanephrines, Frac, Quant., 24 HourMetanephrines, Frac., Pl. FreeMetanephrines, PheochromocytMetanephrines, Urine - Random Methaqualone, Urine MethotrexateMethylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy MDMA), Urine, QualitativeMethylmalonic Acid, SerumMethylphenidate and Metabolite, Urine MIC/Additional Susceptibility DrugsMicroalbumin, UrineMicroalbumin, Urine 24-HourMicroscopic Exam, UrineMixing Studies ,CoagulationM.M.R. Screen ProfileMolybdenum, BloodMono ScreenMouth Culture, BacterialMRSA Culture, for Surveillance ScreeningMTHFR (Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase, Thermolabile Variant DNA Analysis)Mumps Ab (IgG)Mumps Antibodies, IgMMycophenolic Acid and Metabo.Mycoplasma Pneumoniae CultureMycoplasma Pneumoniae IgG/IgM AbsMyelin Basic Protein, CSF


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

TEST LISTING MMyeloperoxidase Ab (see ANCA Abs)Myocardial Antibodies Myoglobin, Serum Myoglobin, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Nicotine and Metabolite, QuantNicotine Metabolite Screen, Urine Nicotinic Acid (B-3), NiacinNK cellsNorovirus, RT-PCRNortriptyline (Aventyl), SerumNose Culture, BacterialN-Telopeptide, Urine


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

OlanzapineOligoclonal BandingOpiates, UrineOrganic Acid Analysis, UrineOrganism Identification, Plated Isolate Osmolality, FecesOsmolality, SerumOsmolality, UrineOva & Parasites, StoolOxalate, Quant, 24-Hour UrineOxcarbazepine (Trileptal), Serum


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Pancreatic Polypeptide Parasite IdentificationParathyroid Hormone, Intact (IPTH)Parvovirus B19, Human, IgG/IgMPEP, 24 hour urinePEP, SerumPeripheral Blood Smear InterpretationPertussis PCR Panel pH, FluidpH, UrinePhenobarbital, SerumPhenytoin (Dilantin)Phenytoin, FreePhosphate, 24-hour urinePhosphate, Urine RandomPhosphatidyl Serine IgG, IgM, IgA Antibodies PhosphorusPinworm ExaminationPlatelet Antibody, DirectPlatelet Antibody, Indirect Platelet CountPneumococcal Immunity 14 TypePoliovirus (Types 1,3) Antibodies, Neutralization Porphobilinogen, Quant., 24-hour Porphobilinogen, Quant., Random UrinePotassiumPotassium, PlasmaPrealbuminPregabalin (Lyrica)PregnenolonePrimidone (Mysoline)Pro BNP (order as BNP)ProcainamideProcalcitonin Progesterone


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DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Prograf (Tacrolimus)ProinsulinProlactin, SerumProstate Specific Antigen (PSA), Ultra SensitiveProtein C-AntigenProtein C-FunctionalProtein Electrophoresis - 24 UrineProtein Electrophoresis - SerumProtein S-AntigenProtein S-FunctionalProtein, TotalProtein, Total, CSFProtein, Total, FluidProtein, Total, Urine 24-HourProtein, Urine, RandomProthrombin Time: see PTProthrombin Time Mixing Studies (see PT Mixing Studies)Protoporphyrin, FEP/ZPPPSA, Complexed (Free PSA profile)PSA, TotalPT PTH, IntactPTHRP (PTH-RELATED PEPTIDE)PT Mixing StudiesPTTPTT Mixing Studies

TEST LISTING P ... Continued

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Quantiferon TB Gold Plus (QFT Plus)Quetiapine, Serum Quinidine


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

RBCRenin Activity, PlasmaRespiratory Pathogen Panel PCRReticulin Total Antibodies Reticulocyte CountReverse T3Rheumatoid FactorRibosomal P Protein IgG Autoantibodies Rickettsia Rickettsii (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) Anitbodies IgG & IgM Rotavirus Ag, EIARSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) PCRRubella Antibodies IgGRubella Antibodies, IgMRubeola Antibodies, IgMRubeola (Measles) Immunity Screen, IgG


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Salicylate, SerumScabies Mite ExaminationSchistosoma IGG AntibodySedimentation RateSelenium, BloodSerotonin, Serum (5-Hydroxytryptamine)Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, SerumShiga-Toxin AssaySickle Cell ScreenSinus Culture, Bacterial AerobicSirolimus (Rapamune), BloodSjogren’s SS-A & SS-B AbSm/RNP Ab -see- ENA antibodiesSodiumSodium, Urine 24-HourSoluble Liver Antigen Antibodies Somatostatin Specific Gravity, FluidSpecific Gravity, UrineSputum Culture, BacterialSS-A & SS-B: see “Sjogren’s SS-A & SS-B Ab”Stool Culture, Bacterial (Routine) Stool Culture for E. Coli O157:H7 Stool Culture for VibrioStool for WBCs (see Fecal Leukocytes)Streptococcus Pneumoniae IgG Antibodies, 23 SerotypesStrep Pneumoniae, Urinary Antigen, Rapid EIAStrongyloides Ab IgG, ELISA


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

T3, FreeT3, TotalT4, TotalTacrolimus (Prograf)Tay-Sachs Disease Enzyme Analysis (Hexosaminidase)Tay Sachs DNA AnalysisTegretol (Carbamazepine) -TotalTestosterone, FreeTestosterone, Free + Weakly BoundTestosterone, TotalTetanus Antitoxoid IgG AbTHC metabolite (Marijuana)THC ,UrineTheophyllineThroat Full Culture, (All Pathogens)Thyroglobulin Ab (ATG)Thyroglobulin, QuantitativeThyroid Aantibodies (ATG, ATPO)Thyroid Function CascadeThyroid Peroxidase Ab (TPO)Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)Thyroid Stimulating ImmunoglobulinThyrotropin Receptor AbThyroxine-Binding Globulin (TBG)Thyroxine Free, Direct Dialysis Thyroxine, Free (Free T-4)Tick IdentificationTissue (Biopsy) Culture, BacterialTobramycin Random, SerumTopiramate (Topamax), Serum


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DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

TEST LISTING T ... ContinuedTotal Thyroxine (T4)Toxoplasma Abs IgG/IgMTramadol Screen, Urine Transferrin SaturationTreponemal AntibodyTricyclic AntidepressantsTriglyceridesTriiodothyronine (T-3)Troponin ITryptaseTSH: see Thyroid Stimulating Hormonet-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgAToxassure Urine Drug Screen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Urea Clearance, Urine 24 hrUrea Nitrogen, BloodUrea Nitrogen, FluidUrea Nitrogen, UrineUrea Nitrogen, Urine 24-HourUreaplasma/Mycoplasma HominisUric Acid, BloodUric Acid, Joint FluidUric Acid, UrineUric Acid, Urine 24-HourUrinalysis, CompleteUrinalysis, Reflex to CultureUrine CultureUrine Drug ScreenUrine Drug Screen, Individual DrugUrine Drug Screen with Confirmation


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

TEST LISTING VVaginosis DNA Probe PanelValproic Acid (Depakote)Vancomycin, PeakVancomycin, TroughVanillylmandelic Acid, 24-Hour UrineVanillylmandelic Acid, Urine - Random Varicella Zoster Ab, IgG Varicella Zoster Ab, IgMVDRL, CSFViral Culture, GeneralViscosity, SerumVitamin A, SerumVitamin B1 (Thiamine), BloodVitamin B2, Whole BloodVitamin B3, see Nicotinic Acid (B-3), Niacin Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)Vitamin B6Vitamin B12, SerumVitamin B12 & FolateVitamin CVitamin D, 1, 25-DihydroxyVitamin D, 25-HydroxyVitamin E, SerumVitamin K1Volatiles Panelvon Willebrand Factor (vWF) Agvon Willebrand Factor Multi.von Wilebrand Factor ActivityVRE Culture Screen, StoolVZV Ab (IgG), EIA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

TEST LISTING WWBCWBC & DifferentialWet Prep, Vaginal Wound Culture, Abscess, Bacterial Aerobic/ AnaerobicWound Culture, Abscess, Bacterial Aerobic OnlyWound Culture, Cyst, Bacterial Aerobic OnlyWound Culture, Deep Site, Bacterial Aerobic/AnaerobicWound Culture, Deep Site, Bacterial Aerobic OnlyWound Culture, Surface Site, Bacterial Aerobic

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Zika Virus Zinc, PlasmaZinc, RBCZinc, Urine Zonisamide (Zonegran)


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic 17OHCORTCPT Code 83491, 82570 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen 24-hour UrineSpecimen Container Screw-capped plastic urine container Minimum Amount 10 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

17-Hydroxycorticosteroids, 24-hour Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic 17HYDPROGCPT Code 83498 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

17-OH Progesterone LCMS

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic 5HIAACPT Code 83497, 82570 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine 24-hourSpecimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservative Minimum Amount 1 mL aliquotOther Specimen Requirements

Instruct patient to void at 8 AM & discard specimen. Then collect all urine including final specimen voided at end of 24 hour collection period (ie, 8 AM next morning).

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

5-HIAA Quant., 24 Hour Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic 5HIAAOCPT Code 83497 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (random)Specimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservativeMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquotOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

5-HIAA Quant., Random UrineTest Includes: 5-HIAA, Urine Creatinine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic 5NUCCPT Code 83915 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ACETAMINCPT Code 82003 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube (Do NOT use barrier tube)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 10-30 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >100 mg/L


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SALICCPT Code 80196 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 2.0-29.0 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values >30 mg/L

Acetylsalicylic Acid (as Salicylates)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ACRACPT Code 83519 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

AChR Binding Abs, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ACHR BLOCKINGCPT Code 83519 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

AChR Blocking Abs, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ACET MODABCPT Code 83519 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL (Note: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Serum must be separated from cells within 45 minutes of venipuncture.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

AChR Modulating Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AFBCCPT Code 87015, 87206, 87116

if positive add 87150, 87186 or 87143

Department Microbiology& Reference Lab

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time Smear: 1day Culture: 8 weeks

CollectionSpecimen Multiple source typesSpecimen Container Any properly collected clinical specimen. Minimum Amount 2 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site. In patients with clinical findings and chest x-rays compatible with tuberculosis, diagnostic guidelines recommend submission of 3 test samples collected on consecu-tive collection dates and should include one first morning speci-men.

Reference RangesAdult Smear: No acid-fast bacilli noted

Culture: Mycobacterium sp. Not found

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerated

Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) Culture, MycobacteriaTest Includes: Direct Kinyoun smear performed on site, sample forwarded to reference lab for Mycobacterial Culture and Fluorochrome smear

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ACTHCPT Code 82024 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Draw between 7-10 am. Collect into iced lavender top (EDTA) tube. After venipuncture, immediately place tubes on ice. Separate ASAP by centrifugation.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Freeze immediately

ACTH, Plasma

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Actin (Smooth Muscle) AntibodyOrdering Mnemonic SMABCPT Code 83516 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic APCCPT Code 85307 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Light blue 3.2% sodium citrate tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Activated Protein C Resistance

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Adamts13 Activity with Reflex to Inhibitor Ordering Mnemonic ADAMTS13PCPT Code Activity: 85397

Inhibitor: 85335, if performed, at an additional charge

Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Platelet-poor plasmaSpecimen Container Light blue 3.2% sodium citrate tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact LabNote: If ADMATS13 Activity is <=30, ADAMTS inhibitor will be performed at an additional charge

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ADENOCPT Code 86603 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Adenovirus Antibody, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ADHCPT Code 84588 RUO Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tube - 3 tubesMinimum Amount 2.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Centrifuge in a refrigerated centrifuge and separate plasma and

FREEZE IMMEDIATELY. Transfer specimen to plastic transport before freezing.


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ANCCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Multiple source typesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo growth or no significant growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room temp

Aerobic Bacterial Culture, RoutineTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification & susceptibilities for pathogens

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VAGINOSISCPT Code 87480, 87510, 87660 Department Immunology Testing Frequency Mon-Sat Turn Around Time Within 24 hours

CollectionSpecimen Vaginal SwabSpecimen Container Affirm™ VPIII swab collection tubeMinimum Amount Swab in VPIII tubeOther Specimen Requirements

ATTS (ampule) fluid must be added to swab sample to stabilize specimen

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Preserved sample with ATTS fluid stable at room temperature (15-

30C) or refrigerated (2-8C) for up to 72 hours prior to testing

Affirm™ Vaginosis DNA Probe PanelTest Includes: DNA probe for Candida species, Gardnerella vaginalis, Trichomonas vaginalis

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic QUADCPT Code 84702, 82105, 86336,

82677Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Contact lab for required clinical information that must accompany specimen. Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

AFP TetraTest Includes: Contact Lab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AFPTMCPT Code 82105 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 1 mL serum Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 0.0-8.0 ng/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

AFP Tumor Marker

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CSFALBUCPT Code 82042 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Cerebrospinal fluidSpecimen Container Sterile containerMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Albumin, Cerebrospinal Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFALBCPT Code 82042 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Fluid in a sterile plastic tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL body fluid Other Specimen Requirements

Identify type or source of fluid and label appropriately. Do NOT submit fluid specimen in a syringe

Reference RangesNo reference range

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Albumin, Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GLYALBCPT Code 82985 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Albumin, Glycated

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALBCPT Code 82040 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 1 mL serum Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 3.2-5.0 G/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Albumin, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ETOHCPT Code 80320 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 1 mL serum Other Specimen Requirements

Cleanse collection site with non-alcoholic agent before drawing blood

Reference RangesAdult 0-10 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Alcohol, (Ethanol) - ETOH

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALDOCPT Code 82085 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Separate serum immediately after coagulation (30 minutes); not

removing refrigerated specimens from the clot results in aldolase levels 12% to 46% or higher.


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALDOSCPT Code 82088 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Aldosterone LCMS, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALDOU24CPT Code 82088 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine 24 hourSpecimen Container Plastic containerMinimum Amount 0.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Instruct the patient to void at 8 AM and discard the specimen.

Then collect all urine including the final specimen voided at the end of the 24 hour collection period (i.e., 8 AM the next morning) into the plastic container.

Aldosterone, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALDOS RENIN RCPT Code 82088, 84244 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum and PlasmaSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) and 2 Lavender-top (EDTA)

(Lavenders tubes on ice) Minimum Amount 1.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)Serum: Refrigerate Plasma: FREEZE

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Collect blood mid-morning, after the patient has been up (sitting,

standing, or walking) for at least two hours and seated for 5 to 15 minutes. Draw blood into an EDTA tube and SST tube. * Critical Frozen, must be frozen ASAP.

Aldosterone/Renin RatioTest Includes: Aldosterone, Renin, Aldosterone/renin ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALKPCPT Code 84075 Department Chemistry Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum

separator tube (SST)

Minimum Amount 1 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult

42-121 U/L


0 d. - 16 yr. 111 - 384 U/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Alkaline Phosphatase

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALKPBCPT Code 84075 Department Reference Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum

separator tube (SST)

Minimum Amount 0.5 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Send refrigerated in a screw-capped plastic vial

Reference RangesContract Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Alkaline Phosphatase, Bone Specific

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALKISOCPT Code 84075, 84080 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Alk Phos IsoenzymeTest Includes: Alkaline phosphotase, liver fraction, bone fraction, intestinal fraction, placental fraction

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 86003 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency Mon, Thurs Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.1mL serum/allergenOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)Submit with Life Labs Allergy Request Form

Reference RangesAdult <0.05 IU/mL (Negative)

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Allergen -(RAST) eachTest Includes: Individual allergens

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic A1ATCPT Code 82103 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference Ranges90 - 200 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic A1ATRYPFCPT Code 82103 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Stool, FROZENSpecimen Container Aliquot of stool in clean unpreserved stool transport vial. Minimum Amount 1 gramOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Stool

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ASGABACPT Code 82397 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.25 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Alpha Subunit (Free)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALTCPT Code 84460 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL serum Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 10-60 U/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ALUMP (for plasma), ALUMS (for serum)CPT Code 82108 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Aluminum, Plasma/Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AMIKAP (Peak), AMIKAT (Trough), AMIKR (Random)CPT Code 80150 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain Red-Top Tube Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AASPCPT Code 82139 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Green-top (heparin) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge, remove plasma from cells, and FREEZE immediately.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Amino Acid Profile, Quant., PlasmaTest Includes: 53 amino acids

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AASURCPT Code 82139 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (24 hour), FROZENSpecimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservativeMinimum Amount 2 mL aliquotOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Amino Acid Profile, Quant., Random UrineTest Includes: 53 amino acids, urine creatinine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UDALA24HRCPT Code 82135 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen 24 hour urineSpecimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservativeMinimum Amount 1.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Refrain from alcohol consumption 24 hours prior to collection.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA), Urine, 24 hr

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AMIOCPT Code 80299 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Amiodarone (Cordarone), SerumTest Includes: Amiodorone, noramiodorone

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AMINORTRIPCPT Code 80335 Department Referene LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

For therapeutic monitoring, collect specimen immediately prior to next dose unless specified otherwise.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Amitriptyline (Elavil), SerumTest Includes: Nortriptyline

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AMMCPT Code 82140 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA; place specimen on ice immediately Minimum Amount 2 mL plasma Other Specimen Requirements

Separate plasma within 20 minutes and freeze immediately. Keep specimen on ice

Reference RangesAdult 11-35 umol/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ship frozen

Ammonia, Plasma

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic EHISTCPT Code 86753 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Amoeba (E. Histolytica) Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AMYCPT Code 82150 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0-100 U/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >500 U/L

Amylase, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ANACPT Code 86038 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency Mon-Fri Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

ANA (Anti-antinuclear antibody)Test Includes: ANA screen- reflexes to titer and pattern if positive

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ANCCPT Code 87075 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 5-7 days

CollectionSpecimen Multiple source typesSpecimen Container Culture swab in anaerobic transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Specimens not submitted in Anaerobic Transport, culture results may be compromised; Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesAdult No anaerobes noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Anaerobic CultureTest Includes: Anaerobic Culture, Identification

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ANAPLASMACPT Code 86666 x 2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anaplasma Phagocyophilum IgG & IgM Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ANCACPT Code 86021 x2 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

ANCA (Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody) Test Includes: Proteinase-3 (PR3) antibody and myeloperoxidase antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ANDCPT Code 82157 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 0.25 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ACECPT Code 82164 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ADRENACPT Code 86255 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Antiadrenal Antibodies, Quant.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ABSMETHODCPT Code Screen: 86850

ID: 86870Department Blood Bank

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Pink-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mL PlasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate plasma from red cells

Reference RangesAdult

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ambient or Refrigerated

Antibody Screen with Reflex IdentificationTest Includes: Antibody Screen, ID if antibody found

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TITERCPT Code Screen: 86850

ID: 86870 Titer: 86886

Department Blood Bank

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Pink-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 2 mL PlasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate plasma from red cells

Reference Ranges

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ambient or Refrigerated

Antibody TiterTest Includes: Antibody Screen, Antibody ID, Antibody Titer

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ACACPT Code 86147 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.1mL serum/allergenOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-Cardiolipin Antibody ScreenTest Includes: Reflexes to cardiolipin IgG and IgM if positive

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ACENTABCPT Code 86256 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-Centromere B Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DNASEBCPT Code 86215 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-DNase B Strep Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ENACPT Code 86235 x 2 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.4 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-Extractable Nuclear Antigen (Anti- ENA Antibodies) Test Includes: Anti-Smith (Sm) and Anti-RNP Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AGIDCPT Code 86903, unit=86902;

patient=86905, Rh phenotype= 86906

Department Blood Bank

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Pink - top tube with EDTAMinimum Amount 1-6 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate plama from red cells

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Antigen Typing (per antigen)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GLIADCPT Code 83516 x 2 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL SerumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-Gliadin Antibody ProfileTest Includes: Gliadin IgG and IgA antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GBMABCPT Code 83516 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Antiglomerular BM Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HISTABCPT Code 83516 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Antihistone Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HUABCPT Code 83516 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red-Top Tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-Hu Antibodies (Neuronal Nuclear HU ABs)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MULLHORPCPT Code 83520 RUO Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerate

Anti-Mullerian Hormone

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ANCACPT Code Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 1 mL serum Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-Myeloperoxidase Antibody (Anti-MPO) (part of ANCA panel)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ANACPT Code 86038 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency Mon-Fri Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Anti-Nuclear Ab (ANA) Test Includes: ANA screen- reflexes to titer and pattern if positive

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ISLETACPT Code 86341 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Antipancreatic Islet Cells

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PARIETALCPT Code 83516 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Antiparietal Cell Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SJOGCPT Code 86235 x 2 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL SerumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-Sjogrens SSA/SSB Ro/La Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ASOCPT Code 86060 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Antistreptolysin O Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AT3ANTIGEN CPT Code 85301 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Light blue 3.2% sodium citrate tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Antithrombin III Antigen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ATIIICPT Code 85300 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Blue-top (sodium citrate) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Tube must be filled

Antithrombin Activity

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ATGCPT Code 86800 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult <60 U/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody (ATG)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic THYABCPT Code 86800, 86376 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Anti-Thyroid Antibody ProfileTest Includes: Anti-thyroglobulin (ATG) and Anti-thyroid peroxidase (ATPO)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic APOACPT Code 82172 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Apolipoprotein A1

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ABCPT Code 82172 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Apolipoprotein B

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ARSBCPT Code 82175 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Arsenic, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ARSURCPT Code 82175 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (24-hour)Specimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservativeMinimum Amount 3.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Sampling time is the end of the work week for industrial exposure monitoring. Avoid seafood consumption for 48 hours prior to collection.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Arsenic Exposure Profile, Urine, 24 hour

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ASHKENAZI MUTCPT Code 81209, 81200, 81260,

81242, 81251, 81290, 81330, 81255, 81205, 81250, 81400, 81401, 81479, ZB2QM

Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole Blood Specimen Container Lavender Tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Ashkenazi Jewish Mutaiton Panel, 16 Genes

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ASPABCPT Code 86606 x3 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Aspergillus AbTest Includes: A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GALACTOMAN CPT Code 87305 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Aspergillus Antigen, EIA, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SALICCPT Code 80196 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 2.0-29.0 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >100 mg/dL

Aspirin (as Salicylates)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ASTCPT Code 84450 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 10-42 U/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PERTUS IGG CPT Code 86615 x 2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tubeMinimum Amount 0.25 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

B Pertussis IgG Ab, Maid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BPERTIGGAMCPT Code 86615 x 4 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

B Pertussis IgG/IgA AbsTest Includes: B. pertussis IgG, IgA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BNPCPT Code 83880 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container PLASTIC EDTA lavender-top tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Only Collect specimen in Plastic EDTA Lavender Top

Reference RangesAdult <100 pg/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BABGMCPT Code 86753 x 2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Babesia Microti Antibody PanelTest Includes: B. microti IgG, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BABMICCPT Code 87798 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole blood Specimen Container Lavender top tube Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Babesia Microti DNA, PCR

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UBARBCPT Code 80307 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Clean, dry container with no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Barbiturates, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BARTHENSELAECPT Code 86611 x 2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 0.15 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Bartonella Henselae (Cat Scratch) Antibodies, IgG & IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BARTQUINTANACPT Code 86611 x 2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Bartonella Quintana IgG, IgM Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Basic Metabolic Chemistry PanelTest Includes: Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, eGFR, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, CO2, Anion Gap, Calcium

Ordering Mnemonic BMPCPT Code 80048 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Refer to individual tests

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UBENZOCPT Code 80307 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Clean, dry container with no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Benzodiazepines, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic B2GPABCPT Code 86146 x 3 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Beta-2 Glycoprotein I Ab, IgG, IgM, IgA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic B2MCPT Code 82232 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum AmountOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Beta-2 Microglobulin, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic THCGCPT Code 84702 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Time after conception

0.2-1.0 week 5-50 mIU/ml1-2 weeks 50-5002-3 weeks 100-5,0003-4 weeks 500-10,0004-5 weeks 1,000-50,0005-6 weeks 10,000-100,000 6-8 weeks 15,000-200,000 2-3 months 10,000-100,0002nd trimester 1,000-94,0003rd trimester 2,500-90,000

Non-pregnant females: <2.0-5.2Postmenopausal females: <2.0-5.0

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Beta hcG, Quantitative

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BHBCPT Code 82010 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference Ranges0.2 - 2.8 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of


Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Testing Note Not for use as a Test of Cure post- antibiotic treatment, as non-viable Group A will be detected.

Ordering Mnemonic BSGADNACPT Code 87651 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 - 2 days

CollectionSpecimen ThroatSpecimen Container Routine (dual swab) culture transport (Liquid Amies or Liquid

Stuart medium)Minimum Amount dual swab in transport mediumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNegative for Beta Strep Group A (S. pyogenes) DNA not detected

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Transport samples refrigerated (2 - 8°C) or at room temperature

(21 - 27°C)

Beta Strep Group A DNA ProbeTest Includes: Detection of Strep Group A (S. pyogenes) DNA, by NAAT.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Test Includes: Cholic Acid, Deoxycholic Acid, Chenodeoxycholic Acid, Total Bile Acids Ordering Mnemonic BILEACIDSCPT Code 83789 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Overnight fasting is preferred.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Bile Acids, Fractionated & Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BILE ACID TOTALCPT Code 82239 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Patient must fast a minimum of 8 hours prior to collection.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Bile Acids, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DBILCPT Code 82248 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0.0-0.3 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Bilirubin, Direct

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BILTCPT Code 82247 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0.0-1.4 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Bilirubin, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFTBILCPT Code Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Body fluidSpecimen Container Clean, dry container with no additivesMinimum Amount 1 mL fluid Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Separate plasma and freeze if testing will not be performed within

4 hours, otherwise ship ambient

Bilirubin, Total Body Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BKPCRBLDCPT Code 87799 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

FREEZE within 8 hours of collection

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

BK Quant. PCR (Plasma/Serum)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BKPCRURCPT Code 87799 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile urine container, no preservativeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

BK Quant. PCR (Urine)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic AFBBC CPT Code 87116, plus others as

indicated, at addi-tional cost

Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Blood Specimen Container Yellow SPS Tube Minimum AmountOther Specimen Requirements

Draw in morning so it can be sent out same day; Do not use Yellow ACD tubes.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Blood Culture, Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BC (note request for fungal culture)CPT Code 87103 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 30 days

CollectionSpecimen BloodSpecimen Container Bactec vialsMinimum Amount Blood in special enrichment broth, aerobic & anaerobicOther Specimen Requirements

Blood culture collection vials available from the Microbiology department; 1 test order includes set (aerobic & anaerobic) or 1 pediatric vial. Must Specify collection site & collection times on vials.

Reference RangesNo growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Blood Culture (Fungal), Constant Monitoring (Automated)Test Includes: Routine Blood cultures held for 30 days to r/o suspected fungal isolates

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BCCPT Code 87040 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 5 days

CollectionSpecimen BloodSpecimen Container Bactec vials Minimum Amount Blood in special enrichment broth, aerobic & anaerobicOther Specimen Requirements

Blood culture collection vials available from the Microbiology department; 1 test order includes set (aerobic & anaerobic) or 1 pediatric vial. Must Specify collection site & collection times on vials.

Reference RangesNo growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Blood Culture (Routine, Bacterial), Constant Monitoring (Automated)Test Includes: 2 Vial Set Includes: Aerobic/Anaerobic Culture, Identification & Susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PTTYPECPT Code 86900, 86901 Department Blood BankTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Pink - top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mL PlasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate plasma from red cells

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ambient or Refrigerated

Blood Group & RhTest Includes: ABO, Rh(D)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFCCPT Code 87075, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Sterile Body FluidSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount Body fluid specimenOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site (Fluids from Sterile body sites only, other drainage fluids see wound type cultures).

Reference RangesNo growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Body Fluid Culture, Sterile Site, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BONECULTCPT Code 87070, 87075, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 5-7 days

CollectionSpecimen Surgical Bone fragmentSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount Bone BiopsyOther Specimen Requirements

Add sterile saline to keep moist; Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp. Ship STAT for processing.

Bone Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Aerobic & Anaerobic cultures, gram stain, identification & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LYMEWBCPT Code 86617 x 2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 0.5 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Borrelia Burgdorferi Ab, IgG, IgM, Immunoblot

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BNPCPT Code 83519 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container PLASTIC EDTA lavender-top tubesMinimum Amount 1 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Only Collect specimen in Plastic EDTA Lavender Top

Reference RangesAdult <100 pg/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Brain Natriuretic Peptide, BNP

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BRONCCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Bronchial wash, lavage or brushSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount >1 mL washings or lavage, brush sample in 2 mL salineOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo pathogens noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Bronchial Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CRPCPT Code 86140 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference RangesAdult <0.5 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

C- Reactive Protein (CRP)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic C1IFCPT Code 86161 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum FROZENSpecimen Container Red-top tubeMinimum Amount 0.4 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Func.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic C1ECPT Code 86160 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum, FROZENSpecimen Container Red-top tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Separate serum from cells within 30 to 60 minutes after collection

C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic C3CPT Code 86160 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference RangesAdult 88-201 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

C3, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic C4CPT Code 86160 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference RangesAdult 16-47 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

C4, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CA199CPT Code 86301 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CA 19-9

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CA27CPT Code 86300 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CA 27.29

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CA125MCPT Code 86304 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference RangesAdult <35 U/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CA 125

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CADBCPT Code 82300 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube. Submit original tube.Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Sampling time is not critical for industrial exposure monitoring.

Cadmium, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CALCITONINCPT Code 82308 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum, FROZENSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Calcitonin, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VD125CPT Code 82652 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Calcitriol (1,25 di-OH Vit D)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CACPT Code 82310 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Serum should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference RangesAdult 8.5-10.5 mg/dL Pediatric

Age0 d. - 6 d. 6 d. - 2 yr.

7.2 - 12 mg/dL9 - 11

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult

<6 & >13 mg/dL


Age:0 d. - 6 d. 6 d. - 2 yr.

<7 & >12.5 mg/dL<6 & >13


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CAICPT Code 82330 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge and send unopened Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) with vacuum intact. It is critical that vacuum not be disrupted.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Calcium, Ionized, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCARCPT Code 82340 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Clean, dry urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Calcium, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCAL24CPT Code 82340 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 24 Hour urine ContainerMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 50-400 mg/24hr

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Calcium, Urine 24 - Hour

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CALPROTECTINPCPT Code 83993 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Stool collection container Minimum Amount 0.3 gOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CA153PCPT Code 86300 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cancer Antigen (CA) 15-3

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CANDIDAABSCPT Code 86628 x3 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Candida Antibodies IgG, IgA, IgMTest Includes: C. albicans IgG, IgA, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CANNCPT Code 80101 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Two gray-top (sodium fluoride) tubesMinimum Amount 4 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cannabinoid Screen, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UTHCCPT Code 80307 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Urine in clean, dry container with no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL random urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cannabinoid, urine (THC)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TEGCPT Code 80156 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube (Do NOT use barrier tube)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 8.0-12.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >12 mg/L

Carbamazepine (Tegretol) - Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CO2CPT Code 82374 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 21.0-32.0 mEq/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult <15 mEq/L

>40 mEq/L

Carbon Dioxide, CO2

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CARBOXYHGBCPT Code 82375 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tube. Submit original FULL, UNOPENED tube.Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Refrigerate immediately after collection. Do not remove cap.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Carbon Monoxide, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CRPHSCPT Code 86141 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Low <1.0 mg/L

Average 1.0 - 3.0 mg/L High >3.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cardio CRP

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 86147 x 2 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 3 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cardiolipin Ab w/reflex IgG, M Test Includes: Reflexes IgG and IgM if positive

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CARNFRCPT Code 82379 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum, FROZENSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Carnitine, Total and FreeTest Includes: Carnitine total, Carnitine free, esterified/free ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CAROCPT Code 82380 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum, PROTECTED FROM LIGHT Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST); cover tube completely, top

and bottom, with aluminum foil. Minimum Amount 1.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Protect from light. CRITICAL FROZEN.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Carotene, Beta

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CATFPCPT Code 82384 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Pre-chilled NA Hep Green Top Tube Minimum Amount 2.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge and transfer plasma to labeled plastic transport tube. FREEZE immediately (within one hour after collection) at -20ºC.Draw in a pre-chilled green top (sodium heparin) vacutainer and keep on ice. Patient should be relaxed in a supine or upright position before being drawn.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Catecholamines Fractionated, PlasmaTest Includes: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine, and Total Catecholamines

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CATFUCPT Code 82384, 82570 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine 24 hourSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquotOther Specimen Requirements

Instruct patient to void at 8 AM & discard specimen. Then collect all urine including final specimen voided at end of 24 hour collection period (i.e., 8 AM to 8AM).

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Catecholamines, Urine, Fractionated, 24 HourTest Includes: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Creatinine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CATFURDCPT Code 82384, 82570 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (random)Specimen Container Plastic urine cupMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquotOther Specimen Requirements

Send to lab within 4 hours of collection.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Catecholamines, Urine, Free, RandomTest Includes: Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Creatinine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CTIPCULTCPT Code 97070 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Venous catheter tipSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount Distal Tip of intravenous catheterOther Specimen Requirements

Distal tip of intravenous catheter submitted; Note venous catheter type.

Reference RangesNo Growth or No significant growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Catheter Tip Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, identification & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CBCDCPT Code 85025 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender top tube with EDTA as anticoagulant Minimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CBC with Differential & PlateletTest Includes: WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelet count, MPV, Automated differential

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CBCCPT Code 85027 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CBC without Differential (Hemogram), Whole BloodTest Includes: WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelet count, MPV

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CCPABCPT Code 86200 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CCP Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CD4CPT Code 86361 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 3 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Specimen kept at room temp

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Specimen kept at room temp

CD4 Test Includes: WBC, Lymphs absolute and %, CD4 cells absolute and %

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TANDBCELLCPT Code 86360, 86361 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 3 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulant Minimum Amount 1-5 mL whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CD4/CD8 Test Includes: WBC, Lymphs absolute and %, CD4 cells absolute and %, CD3 cells absolute and %, CD8 cells absolute and %, CD19 cells absolute and %, CD4/CD8 ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HNK1CPT Code 86356, 86357 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Yellow ACD-A tube and lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount Tube must be fullOther Specimen Requirements

Maintain specimen at room temperature.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CD57 Short PanelTest Includes: CD57 absolute and %, WBC, Lymphs absolute and %

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CEACPT Code 82378 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0-5.0 ng/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CELIACCPT Code 83516 (x3), 86255,

82784Department Immunology

Testing Frequency 1 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room temp

Celiac Serology Test Includes: Total IgA, Gliadin IgG Ab, Gliadin IgA Ab, Endomysial Ab, Tissue Transglutaminase Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFCCCopiesCPT Code 89051 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tube or lavender-top tube. Minimum Amount 1 mL fluid.Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cell Count w/Diff, Fluid Test Includes: WBC, RBC, differential (if enough cells are present)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CERUCPT Code 82390 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Separate serum from cells within 45 min. of collection.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHIKABSCPT Code 86790 x 2 (Plus 86790

each titer, at addi-tional cost)

Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chikungunya Antibodies (IgG, IgM) with Reflex to Titer

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHLPNABCPT Code 86631, 86632 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chlamydia Pneumoniae (IgG/M) A6Test Includes: C. pneumoniae IgG and IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHLPSABCPT Code 86631, 86632 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chlamydia PSITTACI IgG/MTest Includes: C. psittaci IgG and IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHLAS for swab. CHLAU for urineCPT Code Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Swab or UrineSpecimen Container Females: Endocervical swab in multi-Collect Specimen Collection

Kit or urine in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or a sterile plastic urine container.Males: Urethral swab submitted in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or urine in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or a sterile plastic urine container.

Minimum Amount 4 ml if urine Other Specimen Requirements

If collecting a urine sample, collect the first 15-60mL only of voided urine (first part of stream);Urine may be submitted in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit (follow instructions on package) or in a Yellow top (no additive) Urinalysis Tube or in a sterile plastic urine containerClean catch urine is NOT appropriate for this testing.

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chlamydia trachomatis Amplified Probe - DNA Detection

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHLTRCUL CPT Code 87110 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Swab Specimen Container Viral, Chlamydia, or Mycoplasma culture transport mediumMinimum Amount 1 swabOther Specimen Requirements

Contact Lab if collection instructions are needed. Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chlamydia trachomatis Culture

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHLAS and GCS for swab, CHLAU and GCU for urine samplesCPT Code Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Swab or UrineSpecimen Container Females: Endocervical swab in multi-Collect Specimen Collection

Kit or urine in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or a sterile plastic urine container.Males: Urethral swab submitted in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or urine in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or a sterile plastic urine container.

Minimum Amount 4 mL of urineOther Specimen Requirements

If collecting a urine sample, collect the first 15-60mL only of voided urine (first part of stream);Urine may be submitted in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit (follow instructions on package) or in a Yellow top (no additive) Urinalysis Tube or in a sterile plastic urine containerClean catch urine is NOT appropriate for this testing.

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chlamydia Trachomatis/GC Amplified Probe - DNA DetectionTest Includes: C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CLCPT Code 82435 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult

96-110 mmol/L


0 d. - 12 yr. 95 - 108 mmol/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCLRANCPT Code 82436 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile Urine ContainerMinimum Amount 1ml Random UrineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chloride, Urine (Random)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCL24CPT Code 82436 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Urine container for aliquot of 24 hour urine,Collect urine without

preservative.Minimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 75-200 mEq/24 Hour

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chloride, Urine (24-Hour)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHLORPRCPT Code 80342 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHOLCPT Code 82465 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult <200 optimal

200-239 borderline high >240 high

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cholesterol, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHOLDNCPT Code 82480, 82482 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma AND whole bloodSpecimen Container 2 lavender-top (EDTA) tubes Minimum Amount 0.1 mL plasma and 1 mL whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Separate plasma from cells for one lavender-top tube, only. Place in transport tube and mark “plasma”. Do NOT separate other EDTA tube.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cholinesterase, Plasma and RBCTest Includes: Cholinesterase Plasma and RBC

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic THCGCPT Code 84702 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serum Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Time after conception

0.2-1.0 week 5-50 mIU/ml1-2 weeks 50-5002-3 weeks 100-5,0003-4 weeks 500-10,0004-5 weeks 1,000-50,0005-6 weeks 10,000-100,000 6-8 weeks 15,000-200,000 2-3 months 10,000-100,0002nd trimester 1,000-94,0003rd trimester 2,500-90,000

Non-pregnant females: 1 - 3 mIU/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chorionic Gonadotrophin, Human (Beta-hCG), Quant.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CHRACPT Code 86316 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chromogranin - A

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic URTICARIACPT Code 86352 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)After consulting with their physician, patients taking calcineurin inhibitors should stop their medication for 72 hours prior to draw. Patients taking prednisone should stop their medication for 2 weeks prior to draw.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Chronic Urticaria

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCITRCPT Code 82507 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Random Urine Specimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservative Minimum Amount 5.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Citrate, Urine - Random

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCIT24CPT Code 82507, 82570 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine 24 hourSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 2.5 mL aliquotOther Specimen Requirements

Instruct the patient to void at 8 AM and discard the specimen. Then collect all urine including the final specimen voided at the end of the 24 hour collection period (i.e., 8 AM the next morning.)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Citric Acid (Citrate), Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CK Isoenzymes (CKMB w/index)Test Includes: CK, CKMB, CKMB Index

Ordering Mnemonic CKMBCPT Code 82553 & 82550 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult CK


22 - 269 U/L0.5 - 3.6 ng/mL 0 - 5 RI

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CKCPT Code 82550 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 22-269 U/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CK, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CLLFISHCPT Code Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Green-top (Heparin) tube Minimum Amount 1 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CLL FISH Panel Test Includes: CLL FISH Panel

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CLONAZCPT Code 80346 (G0480) Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CDIFFCPT Code 87324, 87449, reflex

87493 if appropriate Department Microbiology

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount 5g random stool specimen Other Specimen Requirements

Stool specimens are only stable for 1 hour at room temperature or 24 hours if refrigerated.

Reference RangesNegative for Toxigenic C. difficile

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerated

Clostridium Difficile (CDIF) Toxin,A/B Assay Panel Test Includes: Panel includes CDIF EIA Toxin A/B and GDH (C.difficile) antigen, with reflex to CDIF PCR for all indeterminate EIA samples.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CLOZCPT Code 80159 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Lavender top (EDTA) tube Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Clozapine (Clozaril)Test Includes: Clozapine, Norclozapine, Total (cloz + Nor cloz)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CLORAZCPT Code 80346 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST). Minimum Amount 0.4 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Specimen should be collected prior to next dose unless otherwise noted.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Clorazepate (Tranxene)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CMVDNAPCRCPT Code 87497 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Lavender top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CMV Quant. DNA PCR (Plasma)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CMVDNAURCPT Code 87497 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservativeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

CMV Quant. DNA PCR (Urine)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic COBWBCPT Code 82495, 83018 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cobalt and ChromiumTest Includes: Cobalt, Chromium

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCOCCPT Code 80307 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 10 mL Urine, no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cocaine, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic COCCABCPT Code 86635 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Coccidioides Abs

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic C1QICCPT Code 82542 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZEN and PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Green-top (heparin) tube. Cover tube completely, top and

bottom, with aluminum foil. Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Draw blood into chilled green-top tube. Keep unopened vacuum tube on ice before processing. Plasma must be separated from cells within 45 minutes

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Protect from light

Coenzyme Q10, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic COLDCPT Code 86157 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Red-top tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Do not refrigerate prior to centrifugation. Transport to lab immediately to incubate at 37º C while clotting

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions After clotting, separate serum from cells.

Cold Agglutinin Titer, Quant

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic COMC1QCPT Code 86160 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 1 hour

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Complement C1q, Quant.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic C2CPT Code 86160 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Red-top tubeMinimum Amount 0.1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Complement C2

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic C3CPT Code 86160 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL SerumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 88-201 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Complement C3, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic C4CPT Code 86160 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL SerumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 16-47 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Complement C4, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CH50TCPT Code 86162 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum, FROZENSpecimen Container Plain red top tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Allow specimen to clot at room temperature for 60 to 65 minutes. Remove serum after centrifugation, place in plastic transport tube, and FREEZE immediately.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Complement, Total (CH50)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Complete Blood Count (CBC)Test Includes: WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelet count, MPV

Ordering Mnemonic CBCCPT Code 85027 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult Refer to individual tests Pediatric Refer to individual tests

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DOACPT Code 80307(x6) Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 10 mL Urine, no additives. Minimum Amount 10 mL urine.Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Comprehensive Drug Screen Test Includes: Amphetamines Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine metabolite, Opiates & THC metabolite

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CMPCPT Code 80053 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Comprehensive Metabolic Chemistry PanelTest Includes: Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, eGFR, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, CO2, Anion Gap, Calcium, Total protein, Albumin, Total Bilirubin, AST, ALT, Alk phos

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DATCPT Code 86880 Department Blood BankTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Pink top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mL PlasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate plasma from red cells

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ambient or Refrigerated

Coombs, DirectTest Includes: DAT (poly)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DAT & ABSMETHODCPT Code Direct: 86880 In-

direct: 86850Department Blood Bank

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole Blood & PlasmaSpecimen Container Pink-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mL PlasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate plasma from red cells

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ambient or Refrigerated

Coombs, Direct & IndirectTest Includes: DAT (poly), Antibody Screen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ABSMETHODCPT Code 86885 Department Blood BankTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Pink-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mL PlasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate plasma from red cells

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ambient or Refrigerated

Coombs, Indirect (Antibody Screen)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic COPPLCPT Code 82525 x2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Packed RBC and plasmaSpecimen Container Royal-blue (EDTA) tubeMinimum AmountOther Specimen Requirements

Both packed cells and plasma are required. Separate before shipping. Transfer RBC’s and plasma into separate plastic acid washed, trace metal free tubes.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Copper, Plasma and RBCTest Includes: Copper plasma and RBC

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code


Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Dark blue tube, no additive Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Serum must be separated from cells in 45 min. into a metal free container.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Copper, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCOPPCPT Code 82525 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (24-hour)Specimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservativeMinimum Amount 3.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Copper, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CORDCPT Code DAT: 86880

ABO/Rh: 86900, 86901

Department Blood Bank

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Pink-top or Lavender top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate plasma from red cells

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ambient or Refrigerated

Cord Blood WorkupTest Includes: DAT (poly) & ABO/Rh (D) Type

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CORTCPT Code 82533 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)* note time drawnMinimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Separate cells ASAP. Note time drawn

Reference RangesAdult 8 am: 5-23.0 ug/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cortisol (AM)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CORTCPT Code 82533 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)* note time drawnMinimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Separate cells ASAP. Note time drawn

Reference RangesAdult 4 pm: 3-16.0 ug/dl

8 pm: <5.0 ug/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cortisol (PM)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CORTSALCPT Code 82530 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Freshly collected salivaSpecimen Container SalivetteMinimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cortisol, Saliva

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 82533 x2 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container 2 Serum specimens labeled with time intervals drawn in Gold-top

serum separator tube (SST). Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Draw a baseline specimen. Administer Cortrosyn (Cosyntropin) by IM or IV. Draw additional specimens at 30 (low dose test) or 60 (high dose test) minutes after Cortrosyn (Cosyntropin) administration. Separate serum from cells as soon as possible. Mark all tubes with time and date drawn. NOTE: Cortrosyn (Cosyntropin) is not supplied by the laboratory.

Reference RangesAdult High dose test: Normal response at 60 minutes: Increase from

baseline >=20 ug/dLLow Dose Test: Normal response at 30 minutes: Increase from baseline >=18 ug/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cortisol Stimulation Test Includes: Cortisol (baseline and 30 or 60 minute post dose, depending on dosage of Cortrosyn given)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 82533 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Separate cells ASAP

Reference RangesAdult 8 am: 5-23.0 ug/dl

4 pm: 3-16.0 ug/dl 8 pm: <5.0 ug/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cortisol, Total, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCORTF24CPT Code 82530 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine 24 hourSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquotOther Specimen Requirements

Instruct the patient to void at 8 AM and discard the specimen. Then collect all urine including the final specimen voided at the end of the 24-hour collection period (i.e., 8 AM the next morning)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cortisol, Urinary Free

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic COXBPCPT Code 86658 x6 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Coxsackie Virus Group B AbTest Includes: Coxsackie B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 84681 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0.8-3.9 ng/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 84152 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0-3.0 ng/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PSATFCPT Code 84153 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST). Minimum Amount 0.3 mL SerumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

C-PSA (complexed) - Free PSA profile Test Includes: Total PSA, Complexed PSA, Free PSA (calculated), % Free PSA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 86141 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Low <1.0 mg/L

Average 1.0 - 3.0 mg/L High >3.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

C-Reactive Protein, High Sensitivity

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CREATCPT Code 82565 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult

Male: 0.7 - 1.3 mg/dl Female: 0.5 - 1.1


Age:0 d. - 4 yr.4 yr. - 13 yr

0.4 - 0.7 mg/dl0.5 - 1.0

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >12 mg/dL


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 82575 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Urine & SerumSpecimen Container Urine container for aliquot of 24 hour urine & Gold-top serum

separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of well mixed 24 hour urine and 1 mL serum.Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 100-135 mL/min

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Creatinine ClearanceTest Includes: Serum Creatinine, 24 hour Urine Creatinine, Creatinine Clearance

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCREATRCPT Code 82570 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile Urine ContainerMinimum Amount 10 mL UrineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNo reference range

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Creatinine, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UCREA24CPT Code 82570 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Urine container for aliquot of 24 hour urineMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of urineOther Specimen Requirements

10 mL aliquot of well-mixed 24 hour urine with NO preservative.

Reference RangesAdult 800-2000 mg/24 hour

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Creatinine, Urine 24-Hour

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic XMIGGCPT Code 86922 Department Blood BankTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Pink - top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-6 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Crossmatch, AHG (full)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic XMISCPT Code 86920 Department Blood BankTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Pink - top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-6 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Crossmatch, Immediate spin

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CRYOGCPT Code 82595 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Specimen must be kept at 37ºC while clotting for 1 hour. Centrifuge immediately and separate serum from cells and transfer serum into a clean transport tube.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cryoglobulin, Ql, Serum, Rflx

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CRYWCPT Code 87328 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Para-pak collection set or Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount Para-pak O&P collection set or 0.5g fresh unpreserved stoolOther Specimen Requirements

Ova and Parasite collection vials(pink & gray top vials) containing ZN-PVA and 10% Formalin preservative. Alternate Specimens is Fresh unpreserved stool refrigerated less than 48 hours old or frozen.

Reference RangesNegative for Cryptosporidium antigen

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Preserved: Room Temp

Unpreserved: Refrigerate

Cryptosporidium Antigen Rapid EIA, StoolTest Includes: Rapid test for Cryptosporidium antigen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFCRYCPT Code 89060 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Clean, dry containerMinimum Amount 10 mL Body FluidOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNone seen

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Crystal Id, Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFCRYCPT Code 89060 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Synovial FluidSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulant, or clean, dry

containerMinimum Amount 2 mL body fluidOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNone seen

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Crystal Id, Synovial Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CSFCCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 5 days

CollectionSpecimen CSFSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL CSFOther Specimen Requirements

CSF specimen must be aspirated aseptically from the patient and promptly injected into a sterile plastic tube; Transport to lab STAT.

Reference RangesNo growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

CSF Culture Test Includes: Bacterial culture, gram stain, identification & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HLCYCLOCPT Code 80158 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole blood Specimen Container Lavender (EDTA) tube Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cyclosporine A

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CYSTUCPT Code 82131 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (24-hour)Specimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 2.5 mL aliquotOther Specimen Requirements

Instruct the patient to void at 8 AM and discard the specimen. Then collect all the urine, including the final specimen voided at the end of the 24 hour collection period (ie, 8 AM the next morning)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cystine, Quantitative, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 86644 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 7 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Ab, IgG

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 86645 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 7 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Ab, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DATCPT Code 86880 Department Blood BankTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Pink - top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mL PlasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Do NOT separate plasma from red cells

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ambient or Refrigerated

DAT, Direct Antiglobulin Test

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DDIMERCPT Code 85379 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Blue-top tube with Sodium Citrate as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mL plasma Other Specimen Requirements

Sample must be received in lab within 4 hours of draw

Reference RangesAdult <230 ng/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DHEASCPT Code 82627 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serum Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Age Male Female

17-19 97.8-667.5 ug/dL 72.3-550.9 ug/dL20-24 142.6-391.0 94.8-370.725-34 182.7-533.4 53.8-334.6 35-44 84.9-476.1 68.9-301.845-54 71.6-441.2 26-20955-64 (females >55) 33.8-228.8 30.5-122.865-74 25.0-131.2>74 32.8-102.2

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEAS)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DENGUEGMCPT Code 86790 x 2 RUO Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Separate serum from cells within 2 hours of collection

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Dengue Fever IgG, IgM Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VALPCPT Code 80164 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube (Do NOT use barrier tube)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 50.0-100.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >130 mg/L

Depakene (Valproic Acid) Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 80335(G0480) Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Desipramine, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DEXACPT Code 82542 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 1.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Separate serum from cells within 1 hour

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DHEACPT Code 82626 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red Top Tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFCCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 5 days

CollectionSpecimen Peritoneal Dialysate fluidSpecimen Container 2 sterile plain red vacuatainer tubes Minimum Amount Dialysis fluid specimenOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNo growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Dialysate (Peritoneal) Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 85007 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulant Minimum Amount 1-5 mL whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Differential, WBC, Manual Test Includes: WBC, manual differential

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 80162 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube (Do NOT use barrier tube)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 0.5-2.0 ng/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >2 ng/mL

Digoxin (Lanoxin)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DIHYDCPT Code 80327, G6047 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum FROZENSpecimen Container Plain red top tube Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Serum must be separated from cells within 1 hour of venipuncture.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 80185 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube (Do NOT use barrier tube)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 10.0-20.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >25 mg/L

Dilantin (Phenytoin) - Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 86317 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Diphtheria Antitoxoid Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DISOPYCPT Code 80299 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red Top TubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DOXEPNLCPT Code 80335 (G0480) Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red Top Tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Test Includes: Includes: Benzodiazepines (Oxazepam), Cocaine (as Benzoylecgonine and m-Hydroxybenzylecgonine), Opiates (Codeine, Hydrocodone, Morphine, Oxycodone, Hydromorphone), Methadone/EDDP, PCP (Phencyclidine), Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, THC (Cannabis)Ordering Mnemonic MDSCPT Code 80307, 80324, 80346,

80353, 80358, 80361,83992, (G0480), plus 80349 THC confrim.

Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Meconium (blackish material) excreted until milk/formula

based stool (yellow-green) appears Specimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 1 g Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Drug Abuse Screen, Meconium 7

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code

ECHAFGM86666 x 2

Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

E. Chaffeensis - HME (Monocytic)Test Includes: E. Chaffeensis IgG, E. Chaffeensis IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic EARCCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Ear canal, non-woundSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Must Identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo Pathogens noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Ear Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic EBVEAPCPT Code 86663 x2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

EBV Early Antigen Ab Prof, QNTest Includes: EBV early Ag diffuse, EBV early Ag restricted

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 86235 (x 2) Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

ENA Ab (Sm/RNP) Test Includes: Anti-Sm and Anti-RNP

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ENDOMYSIALCPT Code 86255 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency Mon - Fri Turn Around Time 2 day

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 1 mL serum Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Endomysial Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ENVCCPT Code 87070 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Environmental surfaceSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

For infection control purposes only, for post-disinfection assessment.

Reference RangesNo growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Environmental CultureTest Includes: Culture, descriptive identification

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic EOSSCPT Code 89190 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Nasal SmearSpecimen Container Glass slide placed in slide holderMinimum Amount 1 slideOther Specimen Requirements

Air dried smear

Reference RangesAdult None seen

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Eosinophil Count, Nasal Smear

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 85999 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 0 - 0.5 X103/uL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Eosinophils, Absolute

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 86664,86665 (x2) Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Epstein-Barr Ab panel Test Includes: EBV Capsid Antigen, IgG and IgM Antibodies, EBV Nuclear antigen, EBV Early antigen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 82668 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Erythropoietin (EPO), Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 85651 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Black top ESR tube with sodium citrate OR lavender top with EDTAMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Males <50 years old 0-15 mm/Hr

>50 years old 0-20

Females <50 years old 0-20 mm/Hr >50 years old 0-30

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 82670 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Menstruating females (by day in cycle relative to LH peak)

Follicular phase (-12 to -4 days) 19.5 – 144.2 pg/ml Midcycle (-3 to +2 days) 63.9 – 356.7 Luteal phase (+4 to +12 days) 55.8 – 214.2 Post-menopausal Females (untreated) 0 – 118.2

Male 0-39.8 pg/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Estradiol, E2

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FESTRADIOLCPT Code 82670 x 2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 1.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Estradiol, Free

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code


Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tubeMinimum Amount 0.3 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Estriol, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ESTFCPT Code 82671 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Estrogens, Fractionated

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 82679 x2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum, FROZENSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max) FREEZE

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Estrogen Metabolism AssessmentTest Includes: 2-Hydroxyestrone, 16 alpha Hydroxyestrone, 2/16 alpha Hydroxyestrone

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 82672 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1.1 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Estrogens, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ESTRONESCPT Code 82679 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain Red Top TubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ETOHSCPT Code 80168 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red Top Tube Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 82055 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0-10 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Ethyl Alcohol - Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 82055 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 10 mL Urine, no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Ethyl Alcohol - Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ETHYLGLUCCPT Code 80307 screen, plus

80321 (G0480) if con-firmed

Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic urine cup Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Ethyl Glucoronide Screen with EtG/EtS Confirmation, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic EYECULTCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Eye sourceSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Must Identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Eye Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code


Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole blood Specimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Factor II, DNA Analysis

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CPT Code


Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole blood Specimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 3 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Factor V Leiden Mutation

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic F7CPT Code 85230 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Light Blue 3.2% Sodium Citrate Tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Factor VII Activity

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 85240 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Blue-top (sodium citrate) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Factor VIII Activity

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FIXNACT CPT Code 85730, 85732 x 3,

85240, 85335Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Light Blue 3.2% Sodium Citrate Tubes Minimum Amount 3.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

CRITICAL FROZEN. Draw 3 tubes.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Factor VIII Inhibitor Panel

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FA9CPT Code 85250 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Light blue 3.2% Sodium Citrate Tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Factor IX Activity

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic F10CPT Code 85260 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Light blue 3.2% Sodium Citrate Tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Factor X Activity

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FFATCPT Code 82710 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container IATA-approved transport container Minimum AmountOther Specimen Requirements

The patient should be on a diet consisting of 50-150g of fat per day for three days prior to the study. Do not overfill container. If collection exceeds the 500 mL (500 g), use separate containers.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Fat, Fecal Quantitative 72-Hour Collec-tion

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 82705 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Stool (fresh random)Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic vialMinimum Amount 0.5 gOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Do NOT contaminate outside of container; do not overfill


Fecal Fat, Qualitative

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FECWBCCPT Code 89055 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount 1 gram of stool submitted in a leak-proof feces container,

refrigerated 2-8º COther Specimen Requirements

Stool specimens are only stable for 2 hours at room temperature or 24 hours if refrigerated.

Reference RangesNo Polys noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerated

Fecal Leukocytes (Stool for WBC)Test Includes: Wet mount to detect & quantitate WBC

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic OCBLDCPT Code 82272 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Stool specimenSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount Stool specimenOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Fecal Occult Blood, Stool, Diagnostic (Guaiac Method)Test Includes: 1 sample to detect diagnostic presence of blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FOBTCPT Code G0328 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Hemoccult-ICT cardsMinimum Amount Stool specimen OR Hemoccult-ICT patient screening kit Other Specimen Requirements

Patient collection kits (contain 3 cards) available from Microbiology

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Fecal Occult Blood, Stool, Screening FOBT (Immunochemical)Test Includes: 1-3 patient collected cards for colorectal screening

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic OBSPECCPT Code 82270 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Hemoccult-SENSA cardsMinimum Amount Hemoccult-SENSA patient screening kit Other Specimen Requirements

SENSA patient collection cards are NOT distributed by our Lab, but can be tested if submitted. The Microbiology department provides Hemoccult-ICT cards which is a more sensitive method for colorectal screening, with no dietary restrictions

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Fecal Occult Blood, Stool, Screening (Guaiac Method)Test Includes: 1-3 patient collected cards for colorectal screening

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic STRSCPT Code 84377 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Stool (fresh random)Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic vialMinimum Amount 0.5 gOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Fecal Reducing Substances

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UFENTCPT Code 80307 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Fentanyl (Urine)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FERRCPT Code 82728 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Male: 26 - 388 ng/mL

Female: 8 - 252

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FIBCPT Code 85384 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Blue-top tube with Sodium Citrate as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mL plasma Other Specimen Requirements

Sample must be received in lab within 4 hours of draw

Reference Ranges200 - 393 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult

<100 mg/dL


0 d. - 1mo.,1d. <150 mg/dL


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FLECACPT Code 80299 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Red-top tube. Do not use Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Flecainide (Tambocor ™), Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FRGNBSCPT Code 87081, plus 87077 for

identification, and/or 87186 for suscep-tibility, at additional charges

Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Rectal Swab Specimen Container Eswab Minimum AmountOther Specimen Requirements

Collect Mon-Thurs and send refrigerated

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Organism, Culture

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FOLCPT Code 82746 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 2.8 - 17.0 ng/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Folate, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FSHCPT Code 83001 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Females normally menstruating:

Follicular phase 1.1 - 9.6 mIU/ml Midcycle peak 2.3 - 20.9 Luteal phase 0.8 - 7.5

Pregnant 0.0 - 0.9 Postmenopausal 34.4 - 95.8 Contraceptives 1.5 - 16.1 Ovarian failure 11.5 - 91.1

Males: 20 - 69yrs. old 0.9 - 15.0 >70yrs. old 2.8 - 55.5

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FOODCPT Code 86003 (X each item) Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency Mon, Thurs Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.1mL serum/allergenOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Food Allergy ProfileTest Includes: (Life Lab’s Profile): Egg White, Cow’s Milk, Wheat, Corn, Peanut, Soybean, Tomato, Orange, Apple, Chicken

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic KALARATIOCPT Code 83883 x2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Free K+L Lt Chains, Quant., SerumTest Includes: Free Kappa, Free Lambda, Free Kappa/Lambda ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UKAPP CPT Code 83883 x2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (random or 24-hour)Specimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 1.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Free K+L Lt Chains, Quant., UrineTest Includes: Free Kappa, Free Lambda, Free Kappa/Lambda ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FRUCCPT Code 82985 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FUNGABSCPT Code 86635, 86698, 86612,

86606 Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 1 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Fungal Antibodies Test Includes: Coccidioides Ab, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Blastomyces Ab, Aspergillus fumigatus, Histoplasma Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FUNGOCPT Code 87101 or 87102 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 4 Weeks

CollectionSpecimen Multiple source typesSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container or Culture swab, dependent on source.Minimum Amount 0.5 mL fluid, swab from identified source, or enough nail pieces or

skin scrapings to cover head of thumb tack, few pieces of hair.Other Specimen Requirements

Scraping, fluid or swab from any body site. Must Identify source/body site.Please contact Micobiology department in advance for cases of suspected Coccidioides, Histoplasma capsulatum or Blastomyces dermatidides.

Reference RangesNegative for Fungus; For genital, mucosal or diaper rash sites: Negative for yeast

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Fungus CultureTest Includes: Fungal culture, Identification yeast & mold (genital, diaper rash and mucosal sites screened for yeast only)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FSOSCPT Code 87206 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1- 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Multiple source typesSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount 0.5 mL fluid, swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Must Identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo fungal elements noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Fungal, Direct SmearTest Includes: Direct smear to detect yeast & fungal elements (note: direct smear not for hair, nail, skin, these specimens require KOH prep)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DGLUCANCPT Code 87449 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Fungitell Assay for (1,3)B-D-Glucans, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic G6PDCPT Code 82955 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container 1 lavender top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL (1 full Lavender tube)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

G-6-PD, Quant.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GABCPT Code 80171 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube

(SST).Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Gabapentin (Neurontin), Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GAD65CPT Code 83520 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

GAD-65 Autoantibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GENR (Random), GENPK (Peak), GENTR (Trough)CPT Code 80170 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Trough: 0.5-2.0 mg/L

Peak: 5.0-10.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult Trough: >2.0 mg/L

Peak: >25.0 mg/L

Garamycin (Gentamicin)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PARIETAL CPT Code 83516 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerated

Gastric Parietal Cell Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GASTRINCPT Code 82941 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.6 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Overnight fasting required. CRITICAL FROZEN.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Gastrin, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GCS for swab or GCU for urine samplesCPT Code 87590 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Swab or UrineSpecimen Container Females: Endocervical swab in multi-Collect Specimen Collection

Kit or urine in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or a sterile plastic urine container.Males: Urethral swab submitted in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or urine in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or a sterile plastic urine container.

Minimum Amount 4 ml if urineOther Specimen Requirements

If collecting a urine sample, collect the first 15-60mL only of voided urine (first part of stream);Urine may be submitted in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit (follow instructions on package) or in a Yellow top (no additive) Urinalysis Tube or in a sterile plastic urine containerClean catch urine is NOT appropriate for this testing

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

GC Amplified Probe - DNA Detection

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GCS and CHLAS for swab, GCU and CHLAU for urine samplesCPT Code CHLAS/U-87490,

GCS/U-87590Department Immunology

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Swab or UrineSpecimen Container Females: Endocervical swab in multi-Collect Specimen Collection

Kit or urine in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or a sterile plastic urine container.Males: Urethral swab submitted in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or urine in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit or a sterile plastic urine container.

Minimum Amount 4 ml if urineOther Specimen Requirements

If collecting a urine sample, collect the first 15-60mL only of voided urine (first part of stream);Urine may be submitted in multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit (follow instructions on package) or in a Yellow top (no additive) Urinalysis Tube or in a sterile plastic urine containerClean catch urine is NOT appropriate for this testing

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

GC/Chlamydia Trachomatis Amplified Probe - DNA Detection

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GCCULTCPT Code 87081 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Genital sourcesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab in transport mediaOther Specimen Requirements

Must Identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNegative for Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

GC Culture ScreenTest Includes: Culture screen to identify presence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Beta-lactamase testing performed on positive samples and isolate sent to reference lab for seceptibility testing.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GENITALCPT Code 87070 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Non-wound Genital sourcesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Culture swab in transport media; Must Identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo pathogens noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Genital Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, identification of yeast, Beta Strep Group B, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Listeria, Gardnerella vaginalis or other predominant potentially significant pathogens and susceptibility testing when appropriate.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GGTCPT Code 82977 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 7-64 U/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GIARDCPT Code 87329 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Para-pak O&P collection set, containing PVA and formalin preser-

vatives, Cary-Blair, C&S, Stuarts Transport Media or sterile plastic container.

Minimum Amount Para-pak O&P collection set or 0.5g fresh unpreserved stoolOther Specimen Requirements

Formalin and SAF preserved specimens can be stored frozen(< -20°C, refrigerated (2-8°C) are stable for 2 months. Cary-Blair or C&S deluted samples can be stored refrigerated and tested within 2 weeks or frozen and tested within 2 months.Fresh unpreserved samples and samples in Stuarts Transport Media should be tested as soon as possible, as storage for these condi-tions have not been validated.

Reference RangesNegative for Giardia lamblia antigen

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Giardia Antigen, Rapid EIA, StoolTest Includes: Rapid test for Giardia antigen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GLU1CPT Code 82950 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container 1 Grey top tube with Potassium Oxalate as anticoagulant, Sodium

Fluoride as preservative.Minimum Amount 1 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Collect 1 hour specimen. Adult gestational: 50 gm dose oral glucose

Reference RangesAdult <140 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult <40 mg/dL

>400 mg/dL Pediatric

Glucose Challenge, 1-Hour (Gestational Diabetes Screen 1 Hour GTT)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CSFGLUCPT Code 82945 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)Specimen Container Sterile plastic tube or red-top tube (plain) with no additiveMinimum Amount 1 mL (CSF)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 40-80 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Glucose, CSF

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFGLUCPT Code 82945 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tube or red-top tube (plain) with no additiveMinimum Amount 1 mL fluidOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Glucose, Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PGLUCPT Code 82947 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container 1 Grey top tube with Potassium Oxalate as

anticoagulant, Sodium Fluoride as preservativeMinimum Amount 1 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult

70-100 mg/dL


0 d. - 6 d.6 d. - 2 yr.2 yr. - 12 yr.

40 - 90 mg/dL60 - 11070 - 110

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult

<40 & >400 mg/dL


0 d. - 6 d.6 d. - 2 yr.2 yr. - 12 yr.

<40 & >100 mg/dL<50 & >130<40 & >200

Glucose, Plasma

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GLUCPT Code 82947 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Fasting patientCentrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult

70 - 100 mg/dL


0 d. - 6 d.6 d. - 2 yr.2 yr. - 12 yr.

40 - 90 mg/dL60 - 10070 - 100

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult

<40 & >400 mg/dL


0 d. - 6 d.6 d. - 2 yr.2 yr. - 12 yr.

<40 & >130 mg/dL<40 & >140<40 & >200

Glucose, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Glucose Tolerance, 2-Hour (Non Pregnant)Test Includes: Fasting and 2 hour glucoses

Ordering Mnemonic GTTCPT Code 82950, 82952 x2 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Grey top tube with Potassium Oxalate as anticoagulant, Sodium

Fluoride as preservative.Minimum Amount 1 mL plasma for EACH tolerance time intervalOther Specimen Requirements

Collect fasting and 2 hour specimens. Label each specimen appropriately indicating time drawn. Recommended dose for oral glucose tolerance test: Adult non-gestational diabetes: 75 gm Pediatric: 1.75 gm/kg of ideal body weight, maximum of 75 gm

Reference RangesAdult Fasting <100 mg/dL

120 minute <140 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult <40 mg/dL

>400 mg/dL

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Glucose Tolerance, 3-Hour (Gestational)Test Includes: Fasting and 1, 2 & 3 hour glucoses

Ordering Mnemonic GTTGESTCPT Code 82951, 82952 x3 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Grey top tube with Potassium Oxalate as anticoagulant, Sodium

Fluoride as preservative.Minimum Amount 1 mL plasma for EACH tolerance time intervalOther Specimen Requirements

Collect fasting 1, 2 and 3 hour specimens. Label each specimen appropriately indicating time drawn. Recommended dose for oral glucose tolerance test: Adult gestational diabetes: 100 gm

Reference RangesAdult Fasting <95 mg/dL

60 minute <180 mg/dL120 minute <155 mg/dL180 minute <140 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult <40 mg/dL

>400 mg/dL

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GLUTATHIONECPT Code 82978 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container ACD A TubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GSCPT Code 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Multiple source typesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport media or sterile plastic container. Minimum Amount Swab from identified source.Other Specimen Requirements

Must Identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNegative for Polys, Epithelial cells, No organisms noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Gram Stain Test Includes: Direct Smear to detect bacteria, presence of polys (PMNs) and squamous epithelial cells

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GRPBCCPT Code 87150, 87081, 87184

(if sensitivity required)Department Microbiology

Testing Frequency Batched Daily Turn Around Time 1-3 days

CollectionSpecimen Combined Vaginal/Rectal sampleSpecimen Container Routine Bacterial Culture (dual-swab) transport Minimum Amount 2 swabs in TransportOther Specimen Requirements

Not acceptable: culture transports with gel media.Stable up to 6 days refrigerated, or 24 hours at room temperature.

Reference RangesNegative for Beta Strep group B

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Stable up to 6 days Refrigerated, or 24 hours at room temperature.

Group B Strep Screen, by PCRTest Includes: Identification of Beta Streptococcus from Culture broth by PCR; Sensitivity testing performed for patient’s noted penicillin Allergic patients or upon provider request

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GH CPT Code 83003 Department Reference Lab Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold -top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 0.5 minimum Other Specimen Requirements

Patients should fast overnight. Freeze immediately.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Growth Hormone, Human

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BREATHTEKCPT Code 83013 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Breath sample kitSpecimen Container Breath samples pre and post ingestion of Pranactin® from ADULTS

only. One blue sample bag labeled “baseline” and one pink sam-ple bag labeled “postdose”. Kit available at main lab

Minimum Amount 2 breath bagsOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

H. pylori Breath Test

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HFLUCPT Code 86317 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Haemophilus Influenzae B IgG

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HALDOLCPT Code 80173 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red top tube. Do NOT use a gel (barrier) tube. Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Collect sample 11-17 hours after last dose.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Haloperidol (Haldol), Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HAPTOGLOBIN or HAPTCPT Code 83010 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 16-200 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HBVGENOCPT Code 87912 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum AmountOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HBV Genotype/PrecoreTest Includes: HBV genotype, HBV precore mutation

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HBVDNACPT Code 87517 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Lavender top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 2.5 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HBV Real - Time PCR, Quant.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SPREGCPT Code 84703 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

hCG, QL, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HCGUCPT Code 81025 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile container or clean, dry containerMinimum Amount 1 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

First morning specimen

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

hCG, QL, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HCG QUANTCPT Code 84702 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Time after conception

0.2-1.0 week 5-50 mIU/ml1-2 weeks 50-5002-3 weeks 100-5,0003-4 weeks 500-10,0004-5 weeks 1,000-50,0005-6 weeks 10,000-100,000 6-8 weeks 15,000-200,000 2-3 months 10,000-100,0002nd trimester 1,000-94,0003rd trimester 2,500-90,000

Non-pregnant females: <2.0-5.2Postmenopausal females: <2.0-5.0

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

hCG, QN Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HCGTMCPT Code 84702 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0.0-2.4 mIU/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

hCG, Tumor, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HCVRNAGENOCPT Code 87902 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Lavender top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HCV Genotyping Non-Reflex

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HDLCPT Code 83718 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult >40 optimal

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HDL Cholesterol

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HMUCPT Code 82175, 83655, 83825,

82570Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (random)Specimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservativeMinimum Amount 3.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Avoid seafood consumption for 48 hours prior to collection.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Heavy Metals Panel, Urine, RandomTest Includes: Arsenic, lead and mercury

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HMBCPT Code 82175, 83655, 83825 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube; submit original tube.Minimum Amount 2.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Heavy Metals Profile I, BloodTest Includes: Arsenic, lead, mercury

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEMETUCPT Code 82175, 83655, 83825 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (24 hour)Specimen Container Plastic urine container, no preservativeMinimum Amount 5.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Heavy Metals Profile II, Urine, 24 hourTest Includes: Arsenic, lead, mercury

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HPYAG STLCPT Code 86677 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Helicobacter Pylori IgG, Abs

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HPYLIGMCPT Code 86677 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Helicobacter Pylori, IgM Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HPYLABSCPT Code 86677 x3 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Helicobacter Pylori, IgM, IgG, IgA AbTest Includes: H. pylori IgG, IgA, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 87338 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Sterile screw cap vialMinimum Amount 1 g stool, 1 mL liquid stoolOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Helicobacter Pylori Stool Ag, EIA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HCTCPT Code 85014 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL Whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult

Male: 42-54% Female: 35-47

PediatricAge0 - 1d.1 - 6d.6d. - 1mo.,1d.1mo.,1d. - 2yr.2yr - 12yr.

<40 & >65%<38 & >65<30 & >60<24 & >60<20 & >60

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult

<20% & >60%PediatricAge0 - 1d.1 - 6d.6d. - 1mo.,1d.1mo.,1d. - 2yr.2yr - 12yr..

45 - 65%44 - 5734 - 5433 - 3834 - 39


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

HemoglobinOrdering Mnemonic HGBCPT Code 85018 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL Whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Male: 13.5 - 17.5 g/dL

Female: 11.5 - 16.0


Age0 - 1d.1 - 6d.6d. - 1mo.,1d.1mo.,1d. - 2yr.2yr - 12yr.

15.5 - 21 g/dL15.4 - 2012 - 1911 - 1311.7 - 13.7

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult

<6.5 & >20 g/dLPediatric

Age0 - 1d.1 - 6d.6d. - 1mo.,1d.1mo.,1d. - 2yr.2yr - 12yr.

<13 & >20 g/dL<12 & >22<10 & >20<8 & >20<6.5 & >20

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic GLYHA1CCPT Code 83036 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL Whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult <6.5%

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hemoglobin A1c

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Hemoglobin & HematocritTest Includes: Hemoglobin, Hematocrit

Ordering Mnemonic HHCPT Code 85014, 85018 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Refer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Refer to individual tests

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HGBEVALCPT Code 83020 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole blood Specimen Container Lavender EDTA tube Minimum Amount 1 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hemoglobinopathy Evaluation Test Includes: Detects hemoglobin varieants including Hemoglobin S, Hemoglobin C, and others. Quantitates Hemoglobin A2 for thalassemia assessment.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPARINXA CPT Code 85520 Department Reference Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Blood Specimen Container Light Blue 3.2% Sodium Citrate Tube Minimum Amount 1 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Heparin Anti-Xa

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HBEABCPT Code 86707 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.4 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Contact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hep Be Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HBEAGCPT Code 87350 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.6 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Contact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hep Be Ag

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HITCPT Code 86022 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Heparin-Induced Platelet Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPAABMCPT Code 86709 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 1-2 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis A Antibody, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPAABTCPT Code 86708 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 1-2 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis A Antibody, Total Test Includes: Anti-Hepatitis A total (reflexes to Hepatitis A IgM if positive)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPABCPCPT Code 86708, 86709, 87340,

86704, 86803Department Chemistry

Testing Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 1-2 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis A, B & C Profile Test Includes: Hepatitis A Total, Hepatitis B Surface antigen and antibody, Hepatitis B core antibody and Hepatitis C Virus antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HAVCPT Code 86708, 86709 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 1-2 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis A Profile Test Includes: Anti-HAV IgM and Anti-Hepatitis A total (reflexes to Hepatitis A IgM if positive)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPBCIGMCPT Code 86705 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 1-2 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis B Core Antibody, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPBCABCPT Code 86704 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 1-2 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis B Core Antibody, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPBPCPT Code 86704, 86706, 87340 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 1-2 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis B Profile Test Includes: Hepatitis B core antibody, Hepatitis B Surface antigen and antibody,

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPBSABCPT Code 86706 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBSAb)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPBSAGNCPT Code 87340 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBSAg)Test Includes: Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Neutralization performed on each positive HBsAg

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HEPBSAGC (Only orderable by Riverbend Lab)CPT Code 87341 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Neutralization (performed on each positive HBsAg)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HCVS for screen, HCVD for diagnosticCPT Code 87341 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis C Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HCVLOADCPT Code 87522 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 1 week

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container White top PPT tube is preferred.

Lavender (EDTA) tube is acceptable if white tubes are not available

Minimum Amount 2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Store specimens refrigerated if not spun within 6 hours. Specimens must be spun within 24 hours

Reference RangesQuantitative: <12 IU/mL <1.08 log IU/mLQualitative: Not detected

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions See Other Specimen Requirements

Hepatitis C Viral RNATest Includes: HCV RNA quantitative and qualitative

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HDABCPT Code 86692 RUO Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hepatitis Delta Virus Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HGACPT Code 81256 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hered. Hemochromatosis, DNA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HSVIGGCPT Code 86695,86696 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 7 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Herpes Simplex Virus I/II, IgG Test Includes: HSV I IgG, HSV II IgG

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TAYSACHSCPT Code 83080 x 2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Yellow ACD (A or B) tube Minimum Amount 5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Sample will only be accepted Monday - Wednesday

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerated

Hexosaminidase, Leukocytes

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HGBEVALCPT Code 83020 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HGB Frac. ProfileTest Includes: Hemoglobin solubility, Hgb F, Hgb A, Hgb S, Hgb C, Hgb A2, Hgb variant

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HHV6CPT Code 86790 x2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HHV-6 IgG/M Antibodies, Quant.Test Includes: Human herpes virus type 6 IgG and IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HISCPT Code 83088 RUO Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Pre-Chilled Lavender EDTA tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions *Critical Frozen

Histamine, Plasma

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HISTOABCPT Code 86698 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Histoplasma Abs, Quant., DID

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HIV1,2CPT Code 86703 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HIV 1/2 Antibody (EIA), Serum Test Includes: Reflexes to HIV Differentiation test if positive

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HIVLOADCPT Code 87536 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 1 week

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container White top PPT tube is preferred.

Lavender (EDTA) tube is acceptable if white tubes are not available

Minimum Amount 2 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Store specimens refrigerated if not spun within 6 hours. Specimens must be spun within 24 hours

Reference RangesAdult Quantitative: <40 IU/mL

<1.60 log IU/mLQualitative: Not detected

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HIV-1 Viral LoadTest Includes: HIV RNA quantitative and qualitative

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HIV1GENOCPT Code 87900, 87901 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HIV Genosure(R) MGTest Includes: RT Gene Mutations, PR Gene Mutations A minimum viral load of 400 IU/mL is required for testing.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HLAB27AGCPT Code 86812 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 2 mL whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

HLA B 27

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HLA B5701CPT Code 81381 (ZB10D) Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HLA-B 5701 Typing

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HOMOCPT Code 83090 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult <13.9 umol/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HSVDNAPCRCPT Code 87529 x2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or plasmaSpecimen Container Sterile container (CSF) OR lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HSV 1/2 PCRTest Includes: HSV 1 DNA, HSV 2 DNA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HERPESCULCPT Code 87252, 87253 reflex Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SwabSpecimen Container Viral, Chlamydia, or Mycoplasma culture transport mediumMinimum Amount 1 swabOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

HSV Culture and Typing

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HGECPT Code 86666 x2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Human Granulocytic Ehrlich-HGETest Includes: HGE IgG and IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HYPERCPT Code 86001 x 6 RUO,

86606, 86609 x 5Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Hypersensitivity PneumonitisTest Includes: Aspergillus fumigatus, Aurebasidium pullulans IgG, Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula, Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Saccharomonospora viridis, Thermoactinomyces candidus, Thermoactinomyces sacchari, Alternaria alternata IgG, Cladosporium herbarum IgG, Penicillium notatum IgG, Phoma Spp IgG, Trichoderma viride IgG.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGACPT Code 82784 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 61 - 348 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

IgA, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGA SUBCPT Code 82784, 82787 x 2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

IgA, Subclasses (1-2)Test Includes: Total IgA, IgA subclass 1 and 2

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGECPT Code 82785 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0 - 158 IU/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

IgE, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGF1CPT Code 84305 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGFBP3CPT Code 82397 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CSFIGSRNDXCPT Code 82040, 82042,

82784 x2, 83916Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum AND Cerebrospinal fluidSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) and sterile (CSF) containerMinimum Amount 0.5 mL serum AND 0.5 mL CSFOther Specimen Requirements

Test requires both Serum and CSF

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

IgG Index + Synthesis Rate - (Multiple Sclerosis Panel) Test Includes: CSF and Serum IgG, CSF and serum albumin, CSF IgG/Albumin ratio, CSF IgG index, CSF, IgG synthesis rate, CSF/Serum albumin index

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGGCPT Code 82784 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 549 - 1584 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

IgG, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGG SUBCPT Code 82787 x 4 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

IgG, Subclasses (1-4)Test Includes: Total IgG, IgG subclasses 1-4

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGMCPT Code 82784 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 23 - 259 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

IgM, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IMIPCPT Code 80335(G0480) Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST). Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Imipramine (Tofranil), SerumTest Includes: Imipramine, desipramine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IMMCOMC1QCPT Code 86332 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tubeMinimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Let clot for 2 hours before centrifuging. CRITICAL FROZEN.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Immune Complexes, C1q Binding

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IFESCPT Code 86334 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult No monoclonal protein noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Immunofixation, Serum Test Includes: IgG, IgA, IgM, Serum immunofixation

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IFEURINECPT Code 86334 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 5 days/week Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Urine container for aliquot of 24 hour urine OR randomMinimum Amount 25 mL aliquot of well-mixed 24 hour urine OR randomOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult No monoclonal protein noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Immunofixation, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGDCPT Code 82784 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Immunoglobulin D (IgD)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IGGS4CPT Code 82787 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Subclass 4

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IMMUCPT Code 82784 (x 3) Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Immunoglobulins Profile (IgG, IgA, & IgM), Serum Test Includes: IgG, IgA, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PLTABICPT Code 86022 x2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Ind Antiplatelet Alloantibody (Platelet AB Profile Esoterix)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic INDINKCPT Code 87210 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen CSFSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)Other Specimen Requirements

CSF specimen must be aspirated aseptically from the patient and promptly injected into a sterile plastic tube. Transport to lab STAT.

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

India Ink Preparation (for Cryptococcus)Test Includes: Exam for encapsulated yeast in CSF

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic INFLUENZAABCPT Code 86710 x2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Influenza A/B Ab, QuantTest Includes: Influenza A, Ab, Influenza B Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic INFPCRCPT Code 87502 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time Within 24 hours

CollectionSpecimen Nasopharyngeal (NP) fine-tip flocked swabSpecimen Container 3ml Universal Viral Transport media(VTM) Minimum Amount 1 Flocked swab in VTMOther Specimen Requirements

Not acceptable for collection: wooden, cotton or calcium alginate swabs.Do not submit in Remel M4 and M4RT viral transport media not compatible with test method.Specimens must be refrigerated, stable up to 72 hours.

Reference RangesNegative, Indicates Virus not detected

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Specimens must be refrigerated, stable up to 72 hours

Influenza (FLU) A/B PCRTest Includes: Detection of Influenza A and Influenza B

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic INSULINCPT Code 83525 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 3-25 mU/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic INSULABCPT Code 86337 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Insulin Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IFBABCPT Code 86340 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Intrinsic Factor Abs, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IODINECPT Code 83789 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IRONCPT Code 83540 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 50-160 ug/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic IRONLIVCPT Code 83540 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Liver Tissue, FROZENSpecimen Container Metal free vial or polypropylene tubeMinimum Amount 2 mg dried weight of tissueOther Specimen Requirements

Obtain tissue minimum 2.0 cm long. Sample may be sent dry or in formalin, do not place sample in saline solution. Include suspected diagnosis on requistion.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Iron, Liver Tissue

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TIBCCPT Code 83540, 83550 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Iron & TIBC, w/ Transferrin Calculation, Serum Test Includes: Iron, TIBC, Transferrin Saturation (calculated)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ISLETACPT Code 86341 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Islet Cell IgG Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic JO1ABPCPT Code JO1G Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Jo-1 IgG Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 82010 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Ketone Bodies, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic KOHCPT Code 87220 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1-3 days

CollectionSpecimen Nails, skin, hairSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount Enough nail pieces or skin scrapings to cover head of thumb tack,

few pieces of hairOther Specimen Requirements

Hair, skin scrapings or nail clippings submitted in sterile container; Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNegative. No fungal elements noted.

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

KOH PrepTest Includes: Exam for yeast & fungal elements

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LUACPT Code 87449 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile screw cap container or C&S urine grey-top tube.Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesNegative for Legionella pneumophilia Serogroup 1 (presumptive Neagative for L. pneu-mophilia Serogroup 1 infection)

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerate

L. pneumophila Serogroup 1 Urine Ag

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LACCPT Code 83605 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Grey-top tube with Potassium Oxalate as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Keep on ICE at all times.

Reference RangesAdult 0.5 - 2.2 mmol/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Deliver to lab immediately

Critical Values Adult >3 mmol/L

Lactate, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LDHCPT Code 83615 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube

(SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult

120 - 246 U/L


0d. - 1mo.1mo. - 15yr.

225 - 600 U/L120 - 300

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LDISOCPT Code 83625, 83615 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH) Isoenzymes

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LTTCPT Code 82951, 82952 (x5) Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Grey-top tube with sodium fluoride as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1mL each timed specimenOther Specimen Requirements

Submit 1 grey top tube, well-mixed for each tolerance time interval. Collect fasting specimen, then after ingestion of lactose (100gms), collect specimens at 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Label each specimen with time drawn.

Reference RangesAdult An increase of 30 mg/dL is considered normal

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lactose Tolerance, 2-Hour Test Includes: Fasting glucose and glucose collected at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LAMCPT Code 80175 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lamotrigine (Lamictal), Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DIGCPT Code 80162 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Red top tube (DO NOT USE barrier)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 0.5 - 2.0 ng/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >2 ng/mL

Lanoxin (Digoxin)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LDHCPT Code 83615 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult

120 - 246 U/L


0 d. - 1 mo. 225 - 600 U/L 1 mo. - 15 yr. 120 - 300

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LDHCSFCPT Code 83615 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)Specimen Container Sterile body fluid containerMinimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFLDHCPT Code 83615 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL fluid Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

LDH ,Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LDLICPT Code 83721 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult <100 optimal

100-129 near optimal130-159 borderline high160-189 high>190 very high

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

LDL Cholesterol, Direct

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LEADACPT Code 83655 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube; submit original tube.Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Sampling time is not critical for industrial exposure monitoring.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lead, Blood (Adult)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LEADUCPT Code 82570, 83655 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine, random or 24 hourSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 2.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lead, UrineTest Includes: Lead, Creatinine, lead/creatinine ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LEFLUNOMIDECPT Code 82542 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Leflunomide Metabolite (ARAVA)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LEPTINCPT Code 83520 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Leptin, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LEPTOANTICPT Code 86720 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Leptospira Antibody, IgM by DOT Blot

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LEVECPT Code 80177 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Levetiracetam (Keppra), Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LHCPT Code 83002 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Females normally menstruating:

Follicular phase 1.9-12.5 mIU/ml Midcycle peak 8.7-76.3 Luteal phase 0.5-16.9 Pregnant <0.1-1.5Postmenopausal 5.0-52.3Contraceptives 0.7-5.6

Male: 20-69yr: 1.5-9.3 >70yr: 3.1-34.6

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

LH, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LIDOCPT Code 80176 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red Top TubeMinimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LIPCPT Code 83690 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 73 - 393 U/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >1200 U/L

Lipase, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LIPACPT Code 83695 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lipoprotein (a)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LITHCPT Code 80178 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube (Do NOT use barrier tube)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 0.6 - 1.2 mmol/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >1.3 mmol/L Pediatric

Lithium, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FIBROSISCPT Code 82172, 82247, 82977,

83010, 83883, 84460 (or 0001M) ZB26S

Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 2 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Overnight fast preferred

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Liver Fibrosis, FibroTest-ActiTest Panel Test Includes: Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Apolipoprotein A1, Total Bilirubin, Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT), Haptoglobin, Fibrosis Score, Necroinflammat Act Score

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LIVERHFPCPT Code 80076 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Liver Function Panel, Serum Test Includes: Total Protein, Albumin, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Inderect Bilirubin, AST, ALT & Alk Phos

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LKMCPT Code 86376 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Liver-Kidney Microsomal Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LUPUSCPT Code 85613, 85732 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Blue-top (sodium citrate) tubeMinimum Amount 3 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing).Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lupus Anticoagulant ReflexTest Includes: PTT, Dilute Russell’s viper venom test, interpretation

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LHCPT Code 83002 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL SerumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Females normally menstruating:

Follicular phase 1.9-12.5 mIU/ml Midcycle peak 8.7-76.3 Luteal phase 0.5-16.9 Pregnant <0.1-1.5Postmenopausal 5.0-52.3Contraceptives 0.7-5.6

Male: 20-69yr: 1.5-9.3 >70yr: 3.1-34.6

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LYMECPT Code 86618 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL SerumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Negative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lyme Antibodies, IgG & IgM (Borrelia burgdorferi)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LYMEPCRBLOODCPT Code 87476 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender EDTA tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lyme PCR, Borrelia Burgdorferi, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LYMDNAPCRCPT Code 87476 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen CSF or synovial fluidSpecimen Container Sterile screw-cap containerMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Source required

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lyme PCR, Borrelia Burgdorferi (CSF and Synovial Fluid)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic LYSOZYMECPT Code 85549 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.4 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge within 1 hour

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Lysozyme, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MGCPT Code 83735 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 1.9-2.6 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult <1.0 mg/dL

>4.9 mg/dL Pediatric


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RBC MGCPT Code 83735 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Red blood cells (RBC’s)Specimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge tube within 45 minutes of collection and separate plasma from cells. Submit ONLY the RBC’s to the laboratory.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Magnesium, RBC

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic URMGCPT Code 83735, 82570 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine 24 hourSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 2.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Magnesium, Urine with Creatinine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Test Includes: Babesia, Ehrlichia, Malaria speciesOrdering Mnemonic MALSMRCPT Code 87207 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNo parasites seen

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult Parasites present Pediatric Parasites present

Malaria smear, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MGRBCCPT Code 83785 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Packed RBC and plasmaSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 3 mL

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Manganese, Plasma and RBC’sTest Includes: Manganese plasma and RBC

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Test Includes: E. coli, H. influenzae, Listeria monocytogenes, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, CMV, Enterovirus, HSV 1, HSV 2, Human Herpes Virus 6, Varicella zoster, Cryptococcus neoformans/gattii

Ordering Mnemonic MEPANEL CPT Code 87798 x 14 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen CSFSpecimen Container CSF tube Minimum Amount 1 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Meningitis Encephalitis Panel

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MERCBCPT Code 83825 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube; submit original tube.Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mercury, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MERCBCPT Code 83825 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab Contact La

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mercury, Serum/Plasma

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MERCURANDCPT Code 83825 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 7 mL random urine Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mercury, UrineTest Includes: mercury, creatinine, mercury/creatinine ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic METU24CPT Code 83835, 82570 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine 24 hourSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Metanephrines, Frac, Quant., 24 HourTest Includes: Metanephrines, normetanephrines

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic METPCPT Code 83835 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 1.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Draw blood in chilled lavender-top (EDTA) tube. Invert to mix. Centrifuge and transfer plasma to a labeled plastic transport tube. (NOTE: Whole blood sample may be kept refrigerated at 4° C for up to 2 hours before centrifuging.)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Metanephrines, Frac., Pl. FreeTest Includes: Metanephrines, normetanephrines

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 82570, 83835 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (first morning)Specimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 2.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Metanephrines, PheochromocytTest Includes: Metanephrines, normetanephrines, creatinine, metanephrines/creatinine ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic METUCPT Code 83835, 82570 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Random UrineSpecimen Container Screw-capped plastic urine container Minimum Amount 5.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Metanephrines, Urine - Random

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UMETHAQCPT Code 80368 (82492) Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic urine container Minimum Amount 1.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Methaqualone, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic METHOTCPT Code 80299 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Protect from light. Frozen.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MDMAURCPT Code 80359 (G0480) Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic urine container Minimum Amount 2.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy MDMA), Urine, Qualitative

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MMACPT Code 83921 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Methylmalonic Acid, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic METHYLPHECPT Code 80360 (80299) Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic container Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Methylphenidate and Metabolite, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 87181 per drug Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1-3 days

CollectionSpecimen Bacterial isolateSpecimen Container Culture plate or slantMinimum Amount Viable isolateOther Specimen Requirements

Pure subculture of isolate required, Please specify identification of isolate to be tested; Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesSusceptibility interpretation

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

MIC/Additional Susceptibility DrugsTest Includes: Additional requested susceptibility, for CLSI appropriate antibiotics

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RUMACPT Code 82043 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile plastic Urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult random: <30

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Microalbumin, Urine Test Includes: Random urine microalbumin, Creatinine and microalbumin/creatinine ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UMALB24CPT Code 82043 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile plastic 24 hour Urine containerMinimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

10 mL aliquot of urine

Reference RangesAdult 24 hour: <30

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Microalbumin, Urine 24-Hour

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UAMICRO, UMICRO (with reflex culture)CPT Code 81015 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile plastic Urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL urine Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Microscopic Exam, Urine Test Includes: RBC, WBC, Epithelial cells, Crystals, Casts, Bacteria, other signficant findings

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MIX PT or MIX PTTCPT Code PT-85730, PTT-85732 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Blue-top tube with Sodium Citrate as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 2 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mixing Studies ,Coagulation Test Includes: PT or PTT mixing studies (requires Pathology approval)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic See each individual codeCPT Code 86765, 86735, 86762 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time See individual assays

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

M.M.R. Screen Profile Test Includes: Immunity screen for Rubeola, Mumps, Rubella

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MOLYBCPT Code 83018 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Molybdenum, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MONOSCRCPT Code 86308 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mono Screen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 87070 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Mouth, tongueSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from mouthOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo pathogens noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Mouth Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, identification of pathogens

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MRSACPT Code 87081 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen Axilla, groin or naresSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport media.Minimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNegative for MRSA

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

MRSA Culture, for Surveillance ScreeningTest Includes: Culture screen to identify carrier status(not infection) with MRSA (methicillin resistant Staph aureus)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MTHFRCPT Code 81291 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tube Minimum Amount 3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

MTHFR (Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase, Thermolabile Variant DNA Analysis)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MUMPSPCPT Code 86735 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 2 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Positive

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mumps Ab (IgG)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MUMPSMCPT Code 86735 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mumps Antibodies, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MYCPHCPT Code 80180 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mycophenolic Acid and Metabo.Test Includes: Mycophenolic acid, glucuronide

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MYCOCPT Code 87109 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SwabSpecimen Container Viral, Chlamydia, or Mycoplasma culture transport mediumMinimum Amount 1 swabOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Culture

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MYCOGMCPT Code 86738 x2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgG/IgM AbsTest Includes: M. pneumoniae IgG and IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CSFMBPCPT Code 83873 RUO Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen CSF Specimen Container Plastic transport tubeMinimum Amount 0.8 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Myelin Basic Protein, CSF

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 86021 (x2) Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Myeloperoxidase Ab (see ANCA Abs)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MYOABCPT Code 86255, plus 86256 if

titered, at an addi-tional charge

Department Reference Lab

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Myocardial Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MYOCPT Code 83874 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Myoglobin, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MYOGUCPT Code 83874 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (random)Specimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Myoglobin, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic NICLCPT Code 80323 & G0480 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Red-top tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Nicotine and Metabolite, QuantTest Includes: Nicotine, Cotinine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic COTININE, UCPT Code 80307 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic urine container Minimum Amount 5.0 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Nicotine Metabolite Screen, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITAMINB3CPT Code 84591 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Plasma should be separated from cells within 2 hours of venipuncture.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Nicotinic Acid (B-3), Niacin

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic NKCELLCPT Code 86357 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 3 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Keep at room temperature

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ship at room temperature

NK cells Test Includes: WBC, Lymphs absolute and %, CD56 cells absolute and %

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic NOROVIRUSCPT Code 87798 x2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Sterile containerMinimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Norovirus, RT-PCRTest Includes: Norovirus GI, Norovirus GII

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic NORTRICPT Code 80335(G0480) Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Nortriptyline (Aventyl), Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic NOSECCPT Code 87070 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen NoseSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Nasal culture swabOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo pathogens noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Nose Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic NTELCPT Code 82523, 82570 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Collect a second void of morning or an aliquot of a 24 hour urine (no preservative).

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

N-Telopeptide, UrineTest Includes: N-telopeptide, creatinine, N-telopeptide/creatinine ratio

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic OLANZAPINECPT Code 80342 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain Red-Top tube Minimum Amount 2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Oligoclonal BandingOrdering Mnemonic CSOLIGCPT Code 83916 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) AND serum, COLLECTED AT THE SAME

TIME, FROZEN.Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) AND plastic (CSF) tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mL CSF AND 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UOPCPT Code 80307 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 10 mL Urine, no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Opiates, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Organic Acid Analysis, UrineOrdering Mnemonic URORACCPT Code 83919 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen 10 mL Urine (random), FROZENSpecimen Container Plastic urine container (without preservative)Minimum Amount 3 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 87077 or 87106 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1-2 days

CollectionSpecimen Plated organismSpecimen Container Plate or slantMinimum Amount Viable isolateOther Specimen Requirements

Pure subculture of isolate to be tested; Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesIsolate Identification

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Organism Identification, Plated Isolate Test Includes: Identification & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Osmolality, FecesOrdering Mnemonic STOSMOCPT Code 84999 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Random liquid stool Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic container Minimum Amount 0.2 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic OSMOCPT Code 83930 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 280 - 300 mosm/kg H2O

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Osmolality, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UOSMOCPT Code 83935 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile urine containerMinimum Amount 2 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Random urine

Reference RangesAdult 300 - 1300 mosm/kg H2O

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Osmolality, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic OPCPT Code 87177, 87209 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3-5 days

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Para-pak collection vial set containing PVA and formalin fixatives

or Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount Stool specimen submitted in Para-pak collection vial setOther Specimen Requirements

Collection Vials contain PVA and formalin preservatives . Alternate specimen is fresh unpreserved stool, must deliver to Lab within 24 hours of collection. Diagnostic guidelines recommend submitting 3 test samples collected on consecutive collection dates.

Reference RangesNo Ova and Parasites noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Ova & Parasites, StoolTest Includes: Concentration & Stain Exams to detect & Identify fecal parasite

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic OXAL24CPT Code 83945, 82570 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (24 hour)Specimen Container Plastic 24 hour urine containerMinimum Amount 2.5 mL aliquotOther Specimen Requirements

Instruct patient to void at 8 AM (or 8 PM) and discard the specimen. Then collect all urine including final specimen voided at end of the 24 hour collection period.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Oxalate, Quant, 24-Hour Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic OXCARBCPT Code 80183 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube (EDTA) tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separa-

tor tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal), Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PANPOLIPCPT Code 83519 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Lavender EDTA tube Minimum Amount 0.35 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Patient must fast overnight. Keep sample cold until centrifugation. CRITICAL FROZEN.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Pancreatic Polypeptide

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PARASITIDCPT Code 87169 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Suspect worm, mitesSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount 1 suspect parasiteOther Specimen Requirements

Add sterile saline to keep moist.

Reference RangesNo parasite noted.

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Parasite IdentificationTest Includes: Exam to detect & Identify parasitic worms or mites

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PTHCPT Code 83970 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 14-72 pg/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Parathyroid Hormone, Intact (IPTH)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PARVOCPT Code 86747 x2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Parvovirus B19, Human, IgG/IgMTest Includes: Parvovirus IgG and IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UEPCPT Code 82570, 84156, 84166 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency Mon - Fri Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 24 hour urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

PEP, 24 hour urine Test Includes: Urine Total Protein, Urine Electrophoresis

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic EPCPT Code 84155, 84165 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency Mon - Fri Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

PEP, Serum Test Includes: Serum Total Protein, Serum electrophoresis

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MDIFF-ORDEREDCPT Code 85007 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole Blood or slidesSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulant OR 6-8 unstained

smears with most recent CBC results. Minimum Amount 1 slideOther Specimen Requirements

Store and ship at room temperature.

Reference RangesAdult

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Peripheral Blood Smear Interpretation

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BPERTPCRCPT Code 87798 x 3 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Nasopharyngeal Swab (Dacron or Rayon swabs only)Specimen Container Viral Transport Media Minimum AmountOther Specimen Requirements

Specimen source required. Send refrigerated.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Pertussis PCR Panel

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFPHCPT Code 83986 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL fluidOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

pH, Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UPHCPT Code 81003 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 5.0 - 8.0

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

pH, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Phenobarbital, SerumOrdering Mnemonic PHENOCPT Code 80184 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 15 - 40 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >50 mg/L Pediatric

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DILCPT Code 80185 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 10.0 - 20.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >25 mg/L

Phenytoin (Dilantin)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PTNFCPT Code 80186 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 1.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Draw specimen just prior to next dose.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Phenytoin, Free

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UPHOS24CPT Code 84105 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Urine container for aliquot of 24 hour urineMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 500-1200

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Phosphate, 24-hour urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UPHOSRCPT Code 84105 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile plastic containerMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Random urine

Reference Ranges

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Phosphate, Urine Random

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic APHOSSERCPT Code 86148 x 3 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Phosphatidyl Serine IgG, IgM, IgA Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PHOSCPT Code 84100 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult

2.5 - 4.5 mg/dl


0 d. - 4 d.4 d. - 7 d.7 d. - 13 d.13 d. - 2 yr.2 yr. - 5 yr.5 yr. - 8 yr.8 yr. - 12 yr.12 yr. - 16 yr.

5.0 - 7.8 mg/dl5.8 - 9.04.8 - 8.94.2 - 7.03.5 - 6.83.1 - 6.83.0 - 6.02.5 - 5.0

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult

<1.0 mg/dL


0 d. - 13 d.13 d. - on

<1.0, >10 mg/dLsee Adult


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PINCPT Code 87172 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Paddle prep from Anus Specimen Container Pinworm paddleMinimum Amount Pinworm paddle Other Specimen Requirements

Pinworm collection paddles available from Microbiology.

Reference RangesNegative for E. vermicularis (Pinworm eggs)

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Pinworm ExaminationTest Includes: Exam to detect & Identify Pinworm

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PLTABDGCPT Code 86023 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container 2 Lavender-top (EDTA) tubesMinimum Amount 2 full tubesOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Platelet Antibody, Direct

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PLTABINCPT Code 86022 x 5 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red-Top TubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Specimens should be frozen as soon as possible after collection. CRITICAL FROZEN.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Platelet Antibody (Indirect)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PLTCPT Code 85049 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 130-400 X103/µL Pediatric <24 hours 120-400 x103/μL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult <20 x103/µL

>1000 x103/µLPediatric <24 hours

1 - 3 days<100 x103/μL<80 x103/μL

Platelet Count

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PNEUMOPANCPT Code 86317 x14 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.25 mL (NOTE: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Pneumococcal Immunity 14 TypeTest Includes: Pneumococcal antibodies types: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 19, 23, 26, 51, 56, 57, 58

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic POLIOABCPT Code 86382 x 2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Poliovirus (Types 1,3) Antibodies, Neu-tralization

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PORPUCPT Code 84110 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (24-hour), FROZEN and PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 2 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Porphobilinogen, Quant., 24-hour

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PORPHRUCPT Code 84110 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (random), FROZEN and PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 2 mLOther Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Porphobilinogen, Quant., Random Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

PotassiumOrdering Mnemonic KCPT Code 84132 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference Ranges3.5 - 5.5 mEq/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values <3.0 mEq/L>6.0 mEq/L

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Potassium, PlasmaOrdering Mnemonic PLASMAKCPT Code 84132 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Green-top tube with Sodium Heparin as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 2 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges3.5 - 5.5 mEq/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values <3.0 mEq/L>6.0 mEq/L

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PREALCPT Code 84134 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference Ranges18 - 45 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PREGABCPT Code 80366 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Pregabalin (Lyrica)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PRGNCPT Code 84140 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red-Top TubeMinimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Place sample on ice immediately after collection

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PRIMCPT Code 80188 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Primidone (Mysoline)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BNPCPT Code 83880 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Lavender top in plastic tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult <100 pg/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Pro BNP (order as BNP)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PROCNAPACPT Code 80192 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red Top Tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

ProcainamideTest Includes: Metabolite N-acetylprocainamide (NAPA)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PROCALCPT Code 84145 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 0.3 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PROINSCPT Code 84206 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

The specimen should be FROZEN immediately and maintained FROZEN until tested.Patient must fast 12-15 hours before collection.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PROGCPT Code 84144 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Non-pregnant females:

Follicular phase 0.15 - 1.40 ng/ml Luteal phase 3.34 - 25.56 Mid-Luteal 4.44 - 28.03

Post menopausal: 0.73 or less

Pregnant females: First Trimester 11.22 - 90.00 Second Trimester 25.55 - 89.40 Third Trimester 48.40 - 422.50 Male: <0.2 -1.97

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HLTACROCPT Code 80197 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole blood Specimen Container Lavender (EDTA) tube Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Prograf (Tacrolimus)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PROLCPT Code 84146 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Non-pregnant: 2.8-29.2 ng/dl

Postmenopausal: 1.8-20.3Pregnant: 9.7-208.5 Male: 2.4-17.4

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Prolactin, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PSADXCPT Code 84153 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 0.0-4.0 ng/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA),

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PROTCAGCPT Code 85302 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Blue-top (sodium citrate plasma) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Frozen

Protein C-Antigen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PROTC ACTCPT Code 85303 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Blue-top (sodium citrate) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Frozen

Protein C-Functional

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UEPCPT Code 84156, 84166, 82570 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency Mon - Fri Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 24 hour urine containerMinimum Amount 10 ml UrineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Protein Electrophoresis - 24 Urine Test Includes: Urine Total Protein, Urine Electrophoresis

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic EPCPT Code 84165, 84155 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency Mon - Fri Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Protein Electrophoresis - Serum Test Includes: Serum Total Protein, Serum electrophoresis

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PROTSAGCPT Code 85305, 85306 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Blue-top (sodium citrate) tubeMinimum Amount 2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Frozen

Protein S-AntigenTest Includes: Protein S Total and Free

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PROT S ACTCPT Code 85306 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Blue-top (sodium citrate) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Frozen

Protein S-Functional

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TPCPT Code 84155 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 6.0-8.0 G/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Protein, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CSFTPCPT Code 84157 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)Specimen Container Sterile plastic tube or red-top tube (plain) with no additiveMinimum Amount 1 mL (CSF)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges15-45 mg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Protein, Total, CSF

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFTPCPT Code 84157 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tube or red-top tube (plain) with no additiveMinimum Amount 1 mL fluid Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Protein, Total, Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UTP24CPT Code 84155 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Urine container for aliquot of 24 hour urineMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 0 - 150 mg/24 hr

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Protein, Total, Urine 24-Hour

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UTPRCPT Code 84156 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile urine containerMinimum Amount 10 ml random urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Protein, Urine, Random

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code


Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube; submit original tube.Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Protoporphyrin, FEP/ZPPTest Includes: Zinc protoporphyrin, free erythrocyte protoporphyrin

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PSATFCPT Code 84153, 84154 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL SerumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

PSA, Complexed (Free PSA profile) Test Includes: Total PSA, Complexed PSA, Free PSA (calculated), % Free PSA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PSAS for screen, PSAD for diagnosticCPT Code 84153 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0.0-4.0 ng/ml

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

PSA, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

PT (Prothrombin Time)Ordering Mnemonic PTCPT Code 85610 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Blue-top tube with Sodium Citrate as anticoagulantMinimum Amount Tube must be fullOther Specimen Requirements

Tube must be full and well-mixed

Reference Ranges10.6 - 13.9 sec

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values >5.0 INR

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PTHCPT Code 83970 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference Ranges14 - 72 pg/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

PTH, Intact

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PTHRPCPT Code 83519 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Green-top (NaHep) tube Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Separate plasma from cells. Keep at room temperature.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 85610, 85611(x2) Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Blue-top tube with Sodium Citrate as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 2 mL plasmaOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

PT Mixing StudiesTest Includes: PT mixing studies (requires Pathology approval)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PTTCPT Code 85730 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container Blue-top tube with Sodium CitrateMinimum Amount Tube must be fullOther Specimen Requirements

Tube must be full and well-mixed

Reference Ranges24.1-39.3 seconds

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Separate plasma and freeze if testing will not be performed within

4 hours, otherwise ship ambient

Critical Values >99 seconds


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CIRCANPTTCPT Code 85732 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen PlasmaSpecimen Container (2) Blue-top tubes with Sodium Citrate Minimum Amount Tubes must be fullOther Specimen Requirements

Tube must be full and well-mixedRequires Pathology approval

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Separate plasma and freeze if testing will not be performed within

4 hours, otherwise ship ambient

PTT Mixing Studies Test Includes: PTT tests (immediate and incubated)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic QFTPLUSCPT Code 86480 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 3 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Special collection kit required, consists of special QFT Plus grey,

yellow, green and lavender top tubesMinimum Amount 1 mL in each tubeOther Specimen Requirements

Tubes must be shaken 10 times after draw. Send tubes to Immunology Department within 16 hours of draw. Order of draw does not matter for tubes in this kit.

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Maintain tubes at room temperture

Quantiferon TB Gold Plus (QFT Plus)Test Includes: Quantiferon qualitative and quantitative

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic QUETIAPINECPT Code 80342 (80299) Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain Red-Top tube Minimum Amount 0.4 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Quetiapine, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic QUINICPT Code 80194 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain Red Top TubeMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic Part of a panel CPT Code 85041 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood specimenOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult

Male: 4.5 - 5.5 x106/μLFemale: 3.8 - 4.8


Age:0 - 4 days4 - 15 days 15 d. - 2mo.2 - 3 mo.3 - 6 mo.6 mo. - 3 yr.3 - 7 yr.7 - 12 yr.

4.7 - 6.1 x106/μL3.6 - 6.23.0 - 5.42.7 - 4.93.1 - 4.53.7 - 5.33.9 - 5.34.0 - 5.2

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PL RENINCPT Code 84244 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container 2 Lavender-top (EDTA) tubes on iceMinimum Amount 1 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions *Critical Frozen

Renin, Direct

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RDVPCPT Code 87633, 87798, 87486,

87581Department Microbiology

Testing Frequency Daily between 7am-1130pm

Turn Around Time Within 12 hours

CollectionSpecimen Nasopharyngeal (NP) fine-tip flocked swabSpecimen Container 3ml Universal Viral Transport media(VTM) Minimum Amount Flocked swab in VTMOther Specimen Requirements

Not acceptable for collection: wooden, cotton or calcium alginate swabs.Specimens must be refrigerated, Stable up to 72 hours.

Reference RangesNegative, Indicates Virus/Organism not detected

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Specimens must be refrigerated, Stable up to 72 hours

Respiratory Pathogen Panel PCR Test Includes: VIRAL TARGETS: AdenovirusCoronavirus HKU1Coronavirus NL63Coronavirus 229ECoronavirus OC43Human MetapneumovirusHuman Rhinovirus/EnterovirusInfluenza AInfluenza A/H1Influenza A/H3

Influenza A/H1-2009 Influenza B Parainfluenza Virus 1 Parainfluenza Virus 2 Parainfluenza Virus 3 Parainfluenza Virus 4 Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Bacterial Targets:Bordetella pertussisChlamydophila pneumoniaeMycoplasma pneumoniae

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RETICULIN ABCPT Code 86255 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Reticulin Total Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RETICCPT Code 85045 Department Reticulocyte CountTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen 85045Specimen Container Lavender-top tube

with EDTA as anti-coagulant

Minimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood specimen

Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 0.7 - 1.7% Pediatric 0 - 15 days 2.5 - 6.5%

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Reticulocyte Count

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic T3RCPT Code 84482 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 0.6 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Reverse T3

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RHEUFCPT Code 86430 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult <15 IU/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Rheumatoid Factor

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RIBOSOMALPCPT Code 83516 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Ribosomal P Protein IgG Autoantibod-ies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RMSFCPT Code 86757 x 2 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Rickettsia Rickettsii (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) Antibodies, IgG & IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ROTACPT Code 87425 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Empty stool transport vial or screw cap container, sterile no

additivesMinimum Amount 0.5gOther Specimen Requirements

As soon as possible, after onset of disease, preferably 3-5 days after onset. Collection from diapered children can be facilitated by using a disposable diaper “inside out” or by using a “Saran wrap” diaper to capture the next stool specimen.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Rotavirus Ag, EIA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RSVCPT Code 87798 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time Within 24 hours

CollectionSpecimen Nasopharyngeal (NP) fine-tip flocked swabSpecimen Container 3ml BD Universal Viral Transport media(VTM) Minimum Amount Flocked swab in VTMOther Specimen Requirements

Not acceptable for collection: wooden, cotton or calcium alginate swabs; Remel M4 and M4RT viral transport media are not compatible with this test method.Specimens must be refrigerated, stable up to 72 hours.

Reference RangesNegative, Indicates Virus not detected.

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Specimens must be refrigerated, stable up to 72 hours.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) PCRTest Includes: Detection of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RUBGCPT Code 86762 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL SerumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Positive

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Rubella Antibodies, IgG

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RUBELLAMCPT Code 86762 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Rubella Antibodies, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RUBEOABMCPT Code 86765 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Rubeola Antibodies, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MEASLESPCPT Code 86765 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 2 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.4 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Positive

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Rubeola (Measles) Immunity Screen, IgG

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SALICCPT Code 80392 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 2.0-29.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >30 mg/L

Salicylate, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SCABIESCPT Code 87177 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Prepared scabies kit slidesSpecimen Container Taped petri-dish containing prepared slidesMinimum Amount 1 prepared slideOther Specimen Requirements

Skin scraping submitted on clean glass slide. Press specimen between two slides with cellulose tape around all edges; Scabies collection kits available from Microbiology lab; Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesAdult Negative for Scabies

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Scabies Mite ExaminationTest Includes: Exam to detect & Identify Scabies mites

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SCHISCPT Code 86682 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)F

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Schistosoma IGG Antibody

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ESRCPT Code 85651 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Black top ESR tube with sodium citrate OR lavender top with EDTAMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Male

>50 years

Female>50 years

0 - 20 mm/Hr

0 - 30 mm/Hr

Pediatric Male0 - 13 days13 d. - 50 yr.

Female0 - 13 days13 d. - 50 yr.

0 -10 mm/Hr 0 -10 0 -10 mm/Hr0 - 20

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Sedimentation Rate

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SELCPT Code 84255 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube; submit original tube.Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Selenium, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SERSCPT Code 84260 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. Patient should avoid avocados, bananas, eggplant, pineapples, plums, tomatoes, or walnuts for a 48-hour period prior to start of collection.CRITICAL FROZEN

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Serotonin, Serum (5-Hydroxytrypt-amine)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SHBGLOBCPT Code 84270 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.3 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesMale: 8 - 48 Nmol/LFemale: 6 - 112

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SHIGATOXCPT Code 87427 x2, 87015 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container C & S stool transport Minimum Amount 3 mL of stoolOther Specimen Requirements

Transport to Microbiology lab immediately.Para-pak C&S (orange top) stool transport medium contains Cary-Blair preservative.Specimen must be refrigerated.

Reference RangesNegative for shiga-toxins 1 & 2

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Specimen must be refrigerated

Shiga-Toxin AssayTest Includes: Detection of shiga-toxin producing bacteria, including E. coli serogroup O157:H7. Test included with routine Stool Cultures but can be ordered separately for follow-up testing.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SICKCPT Code 85660 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1 - 5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Sickle Cell Screen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic MISCCCPT Code 87070 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Sinus sourceSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport media or Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount Sinus Swab or AspirateOther Specimen Requirements

Note sinus site (i.e. maxillary, frontal, etc.)

Reference RangesNo pathogens noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Sinus Culture, Bacterial AerobicTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RAPCPT Code 80195 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 1.1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Trough: 30 minutes to one hour before the next oral dose

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Sirolimus (Rapamune), Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ASJACPT Code 86235 (x 2) Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Sjogren’s SS-A & SS-B Ab Test Includes: SS-A and SS-B Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RNPNCPT Code 86235 (x 2) Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Sm/RNP Ab -see- ENA antibodies Test Includes: SM and RNP antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic NACPT Code 84295 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 133 - 145 mEq/L Pediatric 0 - 12 yr. 135 - 145 mEq/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult <120 mEq/L

>160Pediatric 0 - 12 yr. <130 mEq/L



DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UNA24CPT Code 84238 & 84300 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 24 hour Urine container, no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of urineOther Specimen Requirements

No preserveative

Reference RangesAdult 40 - 220 mEq/24hr

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Sodium, Urine 24-Hour

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SLACPT Code 83516 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Soluble Liver Antigen Antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic SOMATCPT Code 84307 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Pre-chilled lavender EDTA tubeMinimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFSGCPT Code 84315 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tubeMinimum Amount 2 mL fluidOther Specimen Requirements

Body Fluid

Reference RangesAdult

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Specific Gravity, Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic USPGRCPT Code 81003 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Clean, dry urine container Minimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult Urines: 1.003 – 1.035

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Specific Gravity, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen SputumSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount >1 mL sampleOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source as Sputum and note if collection type other than Expectorated from a deep cough into a sterile container (i.e. Aspirated or ETT).

Reference RangesNo pathogens noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Sputum Culture, BacterialTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic STCCPT Code 87046 x4, 87045 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container C&S stool transport Minimum Amount 3 mL fresh stoolOther Specimen Requirements

Para-pak C&S (orange-top) Stool transport medium contains Cary-Blair preservative.

Reference RangesNegative for Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yersinia and E.coli 0157:H7

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerate

Stool Culture, Bacterial (Routine) Test Includes: Culture includes routine screening for: Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yesinia, E.coli 0157:H7 and Shiga toxin assay.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 87046 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container C&S stool transport Minimum Amount 3 mL fresh stoolOther Specimen Requirements

Para-pak C&S (orange-top) Stool transport medium contains Cary-Blair preservative.

Reference RangesNegative for Ecoli O157:H7

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerate

Stool Culture for E. Coli O157:H7 Test Note: Included in routine Stool Culture

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VIBRIOPLATECPT Code 87046 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen StoolSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container or C&S stool transport Minimum Amount 0.5 g fresh stoolOther Specimen Requirements

Para-pak C&S (orange-top) Stool transport medium contains Cary-Blair preservative.

Reference RangesNegative for Vibrio

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerate

Stool Culture for VibrioTest Includes: Cultured to detect Vibrio species, by special request can be added to Routine stool culture

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Test Includes: Serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9N, 12F, 14, 17F, 19F, 20, 22F, 23F, 6B, 10A, 11A, 7F, 15B, 18C, 19A, 9V, 33F

Ordering Mnemonic STREPP23CPT Code 86317 x 23 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 0.4 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Streptococcus Pneumoniae IgG Anti-bodies, 23 Serotypes

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CPT Code 87449 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container or C & S urine grey-top tube.Minimum Amount 1 mL urine Other Specimen Requirements

Random urine collection

Reference RangesAdult Negative for Strep pneumoniae urinary antigen (Presumptive

negative for pneumococcal pneumonia)

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerate

Strep Pneumoniae, Urinary Antigen, Rapid EIATest Includes: Rapid test to detect Strep pneumoniae antigen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic STRONGYABSCPT Code 86682 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Strongyloides Ab IgG, ELISA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic FT3CPT Code 84481 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 230 - 420 pg/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

T3, Free

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic T3TCPT Code 84480 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 60 - 181ng/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

T3, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic T4TCPT Code 84436 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 4.5 - 10.9 ug/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

T4, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic HLTACROCPT Code 80197 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole blood Specimen Container Lavender (EDTA) tube Minimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Tacrolimus (Prograf)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TAYSACHSCPT Code 83080 x 2 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container 1 Yellow ACD Tube (either A or B) Minimum Amount 5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Only draw Monday - Wednesday

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Refrigerated-

Tay-Sachs Disease Enzyme Analysis (Hexosaminidase)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TAYSACHSMU CPT Code 81255 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container (2)Lavender-top (EDTA) tubesMinimum Amount 3 mL whole bloodOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Tay Sachs DNA Analysis

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CARBCPT Code 80156 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube or serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges8.0 - 12.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values >12 mg/L

Tegretol (Carbamazepine) - Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TESTPRCPT Code 82040, 884270, 84403 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.6 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests for Albumin, Total Testosterone and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

Free Testosterone Male:


18-69 yr.>70 yr.

4.6 - 22.4 ng/dL0.6 - 7.3 ng/dL

0.2 - 0.5 ng/dLBioavailable Testosterone Male:


18-69 yr.>70 yr.

110 - 575 ng/dL15 - 150 ng/dL

0.5 - 8.5 ng/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Testosterone, Free Test Includes: Total Testosterone, free and weakly bound testosterone, Albumin and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TESTPRCPT Code 82040, 884270, 84403 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.6 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests for Albumin, Total Testosterone and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

Free Testosterone Male:


18-69 yr.>70 yr.

4.6 - 22.4 ng/dL0.6 - 7.3 ng/dL

0.2 - 0.5 ng/dLBioavailable Testosterone Male:


18-69 yr.>70 yr.

110 - 575 ng/dL15 - 150 ng/dL

0.5 - 8.5 ng/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Testosterone, Free & Weakly BoundTest Includes: Total Testosterone, free and weakly bound testosterone, Albumin and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TESTCPT Code 84403 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult

Male: 241 - 827 ng/dl Female: 14 - 76


1 - 5 mo.6 - 11 mo.1 - 5 yr.6 - 9 yr.10 - 11yr.12 - 14 yr.15 - 17 yr.

Male:1 - 177 ng/dL2 - 72 - 253 - 305 - 5010 - 572220 - 800

Female:1 - 5 ng/dL2 - 52 - 10 2 - 20 5 - 2510 - 405 - 40

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Testosterone, Total

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TETANCPT Code 86317 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Tetanus Antitoxoid IgG Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UTHCCPT Code 80307 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Clean, dry urine container, no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

No additives

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

THC metabolite (Marijuana)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UTHCCPT Code 80102 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 10 mL Urine, no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

THC ,Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic THEOCPT Code 80198 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube (Do NOT use barrier tube)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges5.0 - 20.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values >20 mg/L


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic THCCPT Code 87070 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen ThroatSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Throat swabOther Specimen Requirements

Specify suspected pathogen.

Reference RangesNo pathogens noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Throat Full Culture, (All Pathogens)Test Includes: Culture, identification of all common throat pathogens, including Strep A

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ATGCPT Code 86800 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference Ranges<60 U/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyroglobulin Ab (ATG)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic THYROG AND ATACPT Code 84432, 86800 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container (2) Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 2 mL, two tubes, 1mL each tubeOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyroglobulin, QuantitativeTest Includes: Thyroglobulin, Antithyroglobulin ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Thyroid Antibodies (ATG, ATPO)Test Includes: Thyroglobulin Ab (ATG) & Thyroid Peroxidase Ab (TPO)

Ordering Mnemonic THYABCPT Code 86376, 86800 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic THYRPCPT Code 84443 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyroid Function Cascade Test Includes: TSH, reflexes FT4 and FT3 if necessary

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TPOCPT Code 86376 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference Ranges<60 U/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyroid Peroxidase Ab (TPO)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TSHCPT Code 84443 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0.40 - 4.00 µIU/mL Pediatric 0 - 24 hr.

1 - 2 d.3 d. - 1 mo.1 mo. - 1 yr.1 - 4 yr.5 - 9 yr.10 - 15yr.

0.00 - 24.90 µIU/mL1.30 - 19.00 1.10 - 10.00 0.80 - 6.30 0.70 - 6.00 0.60 - 5.40 0.50 - 4.90

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TSICPT Code 84445 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TBIICPT Code 83519 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.4 mL (NOTE: This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyrotropin Receptor Ab

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TBGCPT Code 84442 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyroxine-Binding Globulin (TBG)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic T4FDDCPT Code 84439 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Separate serum from cells within 1 hour

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyroxine Free, Direct Dialysis

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic T4FCPT Code 84439 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 0.70 - 1.80 ng/dL Pediatric

Age:0 - 3 days4 - 30 days1mo - 1 yr.1 - 6 yrs.6 - 11 yrs.11 - 16 yrs.

1.16 - 2.95 ng/dL 0.78 - 2.251.00 - 2.171.16 - 1.711.09 - 1.861.16 - 1.71

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Thyroxine, Free (Free T-4)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TICKIDCPT Code 87168 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Suspect TickSpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount 1 suspect tick Other Specimen Requirements

Submit entire tick in 70% alcohol.

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Tick IdentificationTest Includes: Exam to detect & identify Ticks. Ticks will be classified as hard ticks or soft ticks, and hard ticks will be further identified as Ixodes species or notIxodes species.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TISCCPT Code 87070, 87075, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 5-7 days

CollectionSpecimen Tissue biopsySpecimen Container Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount Tissue biopsyOther Specimen Requirements

Transport STAT for processing. Add sterile saline to keep moist, if sample size allows also add piece to Anaerobic Transport. Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo growth, No anaerobes noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Tissue (Biopsy) Culture, Bacterial Test Includes: Aerobic and Anaerobic Culture, gram stain, identification & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TOBRCPT Code 80200 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-stopper tube. Do not use a serum-separator tube.Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Trough sample is drawn immediately prior to the next dose. Peak should be drawn 60 minutes after an I.M. injection, 30 minutes after the end of a 30 minutes I.V. infusion or immediately after 60 minutes infusion.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Tobramycin Random, Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TOPIRAMATECPT Code 80201 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a gel barrier tube.Minimum Amount 0.3 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Topiramate (Topamax), Serum

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic T4TCPT Code 84436 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 4.5 - 10.9 ug/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Total Thyroxine (T4)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TOXOPANCPT Code 86777,86778 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1 day/week Turn Around Time 7 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Toxoplasma Abs IgG/IgM Test Includes: Toxoplasma IgG & IgM antibodies

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UTRAMCPT Code 80307, if positive,

reflexes to 80373 (G0480)

Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Random urine Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic urine container Minimum Amount 7.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Tramadol Screen, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Transferrin Saturation (Calculated)Test Includes: Iron, TIBC, Transferrin Saturation (calculated)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TREPABSCPT Code 86780 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Treponemal AntibodyTest Includes: Treponemal Ab, reflexes to RPR if positive

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TRICCPT Code 80337(G0480) Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red-top tube. Do NOT use a Gold-top serum separator tube (SST).Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Tricyclic AntidepressantsTest Includes: Amitryptyline, Desipramine, Doxepin, Imipramine, Nordoxepin and Nortriptyline. For therapeutic drug monitoring please order test for individ-ual drug.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TRIGCPT Code 84478 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Patient to be fastingCentrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Optimal: <150 mg/dL

Borderline high: 150-199 High: >200

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic T3TCPT Code 84480 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 60 - 181ng/dL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Triiodothyronine (T-3)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TROPCPT Code 84484 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference Ranges<0.04 ng/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult >0.78 ng/mL

Troponin I

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TRYCPT Code 83520 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TIGIGACPT Code 83516 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 1-2days/week Turn Around Time 3-7 days

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesNegative

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic TOXASSURECPT Code 80101(x2), 80154,

82055, 82145, 82520, 82570, 83840, 83925

Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Clean, dry container, no additivesMinimum Amount 30 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Medication list must accompany specimen for evaluation of compliance to be performed

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Toxassure Urine Drug Screen

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BUNCPT Code 84520 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference Ranges0 - 5 days6 days - 2 yr.2 yr. - adult

4 - 15 mg/dL5 - 185 - 25

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values >150 mg/dL

Urea Nitrogen, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFUUNCPT Code 84520 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL fluid Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Urea Nitrogen, Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UUN24CLCPT Code 84545 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Urine and serumSpecimen Container 24 Hour urine Container and 1 Gold-top serum separator tube

(SST)Minimum Amount 10 mL urine and 1 ml serumOther Specimen Requirements

Aliquot of well-mixed 24 hour urineCentrifuge SST specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Urea Clearance, Urine 24 hr Test Includes: Serum BUN, 24 hour Urine Urea Nitrogen, Urea clearance

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UUNRCPT Code 84540 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL random urine Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Urea Nitrogen, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UUN24CPT Code 84540 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container 24 Hour urine ContainerMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 7-16

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Urea Nitrogen, Urine 24-Hour

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 87109 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SwabSpecimen Container Viral, Chlamydia, or Mycoplasma culture transport mediumMinimum Amount 1 swabOther Specimen Requirements

Male: Collect urethral specimen on viral culture, small-tipped swab blue cap. Refrigerate and ship at 4º C. Female: Collect vaginal and urethral specimens with viral culture collection swab blue cap. Refrigerate and ship at 4º C.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma HominisTest Includes: U. urealyticum, M. hominis

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic URICCPT Code 84550 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Male: 3.7-9.2 mg/dl

Female: 3.1-7.8 mg/dl

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Uric Acid, Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic BFURICCPT Code 84560 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen FluidSpecimen Container Sterile plastic tubeMinimum Amount 1 mL joint fluidOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Uric Acid, Joint Fluid

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UURICRCPT Code 84560 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Sterile plastic containerMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Random urine

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Uric Acid, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UURIC24CPT Code 84560 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Urine container for aliquot of 24 hour urineMinimum Amount 10 mL aliquot of urineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 24 hour: 0 - 800

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Uric Acid, Urine 24 Hour

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UACPT Code 81001 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Yellow top (with or without additive) Urinalysis Tube & a grey top or

yellow marble top & a grey top Minimum Amount 10 mL urine Other Specimen Requirements

First morning urine

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests.

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Urinalysis, CompleteTest Includes: Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Specific Gravity, Blood, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite, Leukocyte esterase, RBC, WBC, Epithelial cells, Crystals, Casts, Bacteria, other signficant findings

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic UASCCPT Code 81001 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Yellow top (with or without additive) Urinalysis Tube & a grey top or

yellow marble top & a grey topMinimum Amount 10 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

First morning urine

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests.

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Urinalysis, Reflex to CultureTest Includes: Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Specific Gravity, Blood, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite, Leukocyte esterase,RBC, WBC, Epithelial cells, Crystals, Casts, Bacteria, other signficant findings

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic URCCPT Code 87086

If appropriate 87205Department Microbiology

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 2 days

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container C&S urine gray-top tube or Sterile plastic container Minimum Amount 3 mL urineOther Specimen Requirements

Vacutainer brand urine transport kit contains 5 mL gray-top tube (UTT) with preservative is recommended when urine can not be cultured within 2 hours.Gray-top Urine tubes do not require refrigeration & must be cul-tured within 48 hours of collection.

Reference RangesNo Growth or No significant growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesStability Preserved - Room Temp or Refrigerate <48 hr.

Unpreserved - Room Temp <2 hr. or Refrigerate <24 hr.

Urine CultureTest Includes: Culture, colony count, identification & susceptibilities for significant growth; gram stain included with catheter, surgical or other invasively collected specimens

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic DOACPT Code 80101(x6) Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Clean, dry container, no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL UrineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Urine Drug Screen Test Includes: Amphetamines Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine metabolite, Opiates & THC metabolite

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 80100 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Clean, dry container, no additivesMinimum Amount 10 mL UrineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Urine Drug Screen, Individual Drug

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic PAINUDSCPT Code 80101(x6) Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day for screen

CollectionSpecimen UrineSpecimen Container Clean, dry container, no additivesMinimum Amount 30 mL UrineOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Urine Drug Screen with ConfirmationTest Includes: Amphetamines Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine metabolite, Opiates & THC metabolite. Oxycodone is added to the profile if requested by the ordering location. All positive results are automatically confirmed by GC/MS methodology

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VALPCPT Code 80164 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges50.0 - 100.0 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values >130 mg/L

Valproic Acid (Depakote)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VANPKCPT Code 80202 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges20 - 40 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values >60 mg/L

Vancomycin, Peak

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VANTRCPT Code 80202 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Reference Ranges10-20 mg/L

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values >30 mg/L

Vancomycin, Trough

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VMAU24CPT Code 84585, 82570 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Urine (24 hour)Specimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 10 mL Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Vanillylmandelic Acid, 24 Hour Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VMAURNDCPT Code 84585, 82570 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Random Urine Specimen Container Plastic urine containerMinimum Amount 15 mL Other Specimen Requirements


Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Vanillylmandelic Acid, Urine - Random

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VARZPCPT Code 86787 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Positive

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Varicella Zoster Ab, IgG

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VZMCPT Code 86787 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Red top tube (barrier)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Varicella Zoster Ab, IgM

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CSFVDRLCPT Code 86592 (Qualitative)

86593 (Quantitative), if performed, at an additional charge

Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Cerebrospinal fluidSpecimen Container Sterile tubeMinimum Amount 0.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VIRAL CULTCPT Code 87252, 87253 (addi-

tional testing)Department Reference

Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Swab Specimen Container Viral, Chlamydia, or Mycoplasma culture transport mediumMinimum Amount 1 swabOther Specimen Requirements

Contact lab if collection instructions are needed. Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Viral Culture, General

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VISCCPT Code 85810 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITACPT Code 84590 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum, PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST). Cover transport tube com-

pletely, top and bottom, with aluminum foil. PROTECTED FROM LIGHT

Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Cover transport tube completely, top and bottom, with aluminum


Vitamin A

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITB1CPT Code 84425 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole blood, FROZEN and PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tube; Cover transport tube completely, top

and bottom, with aluminum foil. PROTECTED FROM LIGHTMinimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Cover transport tube completely, top and bottom, with aluminum


Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Blood

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITB2CPT Code 84252 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole blood, FROZEN and PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tube; Cover transport tube completely, top

and bottom, with aluminum foil. PROTECTED FROM LIGHTMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Cover transport tube completely, top and bottom, with aluminum


Vitamin B2

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITAMINB5CPT Code 84591 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITB6CPT Code 84207 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZEN and PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Lavender-top (EDTA) tube. Cover transport tube completely, top

& bottom, with aluminum foil. PROTECTED FROM LIGHTMinimum Amount 1.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Cover transport tube completely, top and bottom, with aluminum


Vitamin B6

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic B12CPT Code 82607 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Overnight fasting is preferred.Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference Ranges250 - 900 pg/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Cover transport tube completely, top and bottom, with aluminum


Vitamin B12

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VBFCPT Code 82607, 82746 Department ChemistryTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Refer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Vitamin B12 & Folate

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITACCPT Code 82180 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Green Lithium Heparin Tube Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Overnight fasting is preferred, and refrain from Vit C intake for 24 hours.Centrifuge as soon as possible after collection. Cover transport tube completely, top and bottom, with aluminum foil. PROTECTED FROM LIGHT. CRITICAL FROZEN.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Cover transport tube completely, top and bottom, with aluminum


Vitamin C

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VD125CPT Code 82652 Department Reference LabTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) Minimum Amount 0.5 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Vitamin D, 1, 25-Dihydroxy

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITAD25CPT Code 82306 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult 30-80 ng/mL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITECPT Code 84446 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum, PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube Minimum Amount 1.2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Patient should fast for 12 hours and abstain from alchol for 24 hours prior to collection. Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)Cover transport tube completely, top and bottom, with aluminum foil. PROTECTED FROM LIGHT *CRITICAL FROZEN

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Cover transport tube completely, top and bottom, with aluminum


Vitamin E

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VITK1CPT Code 84597 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum, FROZEN and PROTECTED FROM LIGHTSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)

Cover transport tube completely, top & bottom, with aluminum foil. PROTECTED FROM LIGHT

Minimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Cover transport tube completely, top & bottom, with aluminum foil. PROTECTED FROM LIGHTPatient should fast overnight for 12 hours and should not consume alcohol for 24 hours prior to blood draw.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Cover transport tube completely, top & bottom, with aluminum


Vitamin K1

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VOLATILESCPT Code 80320 Department Reference Testing Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Whole BloodSpecimen Container Plain red-top tube (Do NOT use barrier tube)Minimum Amount 2 full tubes Other Specimen Requirements

Do NOT spin tubes

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Volatiles Panel Test Includes: Ethylene glycol, Isopropanol, Acetone, Methanol

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VWFAGCPT Code 85246 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Blue-top (sodium citrate) tubeMinimum Amount 2 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Ship frozen

Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Ag

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VWCPT Code 85247 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Blue-top (sodium citrate) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Von Willebrand Factor Multi.

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RISTOCETINCPT Code 85245 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma, FROZENSpecimen Container Blue top (sodium citrate) tubeMinimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Activity

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VRECPT Code 87081 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Stool, rectal Specimen Container Routine culture swab in transport media, Sterile plastic container

or C&S stool transport Minimum Amount Random stool specimenOther Specimen Requirements

Para-pak C&S (orange-top) Stool transport medium contains Cary-Blair preservative.

Reference RangesAdult Negative for VRE

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

VRE Culture Screen, StoolTest Includes: Culture screen to identify carrier status (not infection) with VRE (Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus species)

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic VARZCPT Code 86787 Department ImmunologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen SerumSpecimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST)Minimum Amount 1 mL serumOther Specimen Requirements

Centrifuge specimen within 2 hrs. (4 hrs. max)

Reference RangesAdult Positive

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic WBCCPT Code 85048 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesAdult 4.8 -10.8 x103/μL Pediatric 0 - 3 days

4 - 14 days15 - 30 days1 - 6 months6 mo. - 2 yrs.2 - 6 yrs.

11.1 -24.1 x103/μL8.1 -14.9 x103/μL7.1 -14.7 x103/μL7.2 -16.6 x103/μL7 -13.4 x103/μL4.6 -10 x103/μL

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Critical Values Adult <2 x103/μL

>50 x103/μLPediatric 0 - 3 days

4 days - 2 yrs.

2 yrs. - 12 yrs.

<9 x103/μL>34 x103/μL

<5 x103/μL>34 x103/μL

<2 x103/μL>50 x103/μL


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic WBCDIFFCPT Code 85048, 85999 Department HematologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen Whole bloodSpecimen Container Lavender-top tube with EDTA as anticoagulantMinimum Amount 1-5 mL whole blood Other Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesRefer to individual tests

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

WBC & Differential Test Includes: WBC and differential

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic WETCPT Code 87210,

if appropriate 87808Department Microbiology

Testing Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 1 day

CollectionSpecimen VaginalSpecimen Container Vaginal swab in 0.5 mL salineMinimum Amount Vaginal swab in 0.5 mL salineOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNegative for Yeast, Clue cells, Trichomonas

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Wet Prep, Vaginal Test Includes: Exam for Yeast, Trichomonas, Clue cells, with reflex Trichomonas Antigen if indicated

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ABSANCULTCPT Code 87070, 87075, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 5 days

CollectionSpecimen Abscess drainage or site, multiple source typesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport media & anaerobic transport

swabMinimum Amount 2 Swabs (aerobic & anaerobic) from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Specimens not submitted in Anaerobic Transport, anaerobic culture results may be compromised: Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo growth, No anaerobes noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Wound Culture, Abscess, Bacterial Aerobic/AnaerobicTest Includes: Aerobic & Anaerobic Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering MnemonicCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Abscess drainage or site, multiple source typesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo Growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Wound Culture, Abscess, Bacterial Aerobic OnlyTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic CYSTCCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Cyst drainage or site, multiple source typesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo Growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Wound Culture, Cyst, Bacterial Aerobic OnlyTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic WDCDEEPANCCPT Code 87070, 87075, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 5-7 days

CollectionSpecimen Deep wound, multiple source typesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport media & Anaerobic Transport

swab Minimum Amount 2 Swabs (aerobic & anaerobic)from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Specimens not submitted in Anaerobic Transport, anaerobic culture results may be compromised: Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo growth, No anaerobes noted

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Wound Culture, Deep Site, Bacterial Aerobic/AnaerobicTest Includes: Aerobic & Anaerobic Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic WDCDEEPCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Deep wound, multiple source typesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo Growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Wound Culture, Deep Site, Bacterial Aerobic OnlyTest Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic WDCCPT Code 87070, 87205 Department MicrobiologyTesting Frequency 7 days/week Turn Around Time 3 days

CollectionSpecimen Superficial (surface) wound, multiple source typesSpecimen Container Routine culture swab in transport mediaMinimum Amount Swab from identified sourceOther Specimen Requirements

Must identify source/body site.

Reference RangesNo Growth or No significant growth

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Room Temp

Wound Culture, Surface Site, Bacterial Aerobic Test Includes: Culture, gram stain, identification of pathogens & susceptibilities

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ZIKA CPT Code Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum and Urine Specimen Container Gold-top serum separator tube (SST) and plastic urine container,

no preservative Minimum Amount 1 mL each, serum and urine Other Specimen Requirements

Requires approval from State Epidemiologist prior to testing. Ordering Provider must call the Epidemiologist on call. State order form must be filled out and accompany specimen.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Must be frozen ASAP

Zika Virus Test Includes: Zika virus - appropriate testing determined by State Epidemiologist

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ZINCSCPT Code 84630 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Plasma Specimen Container Royal blue top (with or without EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.6 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Separate plasma from cells within 45 min. of collection and transfer to a certifird metal free transport tube.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions Separate plasma from cells within 45 min. of collection and

transfer to a certified metal free transport tube.

Zinc, Plasma

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic RBCZNCPT Code 84630 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Red blood cells (RBC’s)Specimen Container Royal blue top (EDTA) tubeMinimum Amount 0.125 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Zinc, RBC

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ZINC24CPT Code 84630 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen 24-hour urine Specimen Container Screw-capped plastic container Minimum Amount 1 mLOther Specimen Requirements

Refrigerate during collection

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Zinc, Urine

DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Rev. 8/18LIFE LABORATORIES | 299 Carew Street, Springfield, MA 01104 | 413-748-9500 |

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Ordering Mnemonic ZONICPT Code 80203 Department ReferenceTesting Frequency Contact Lab Turn Around Time Contact Lab

CollectionSpecimen Serum Specimen Container Red top tube. Do NOT use a gel barrier tube. Minimum Amount 0.4 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)Other Specimen Requirements

Separate serum from cells within 45 min. of collection.

Reference RangesContact Lab

Transport to Life LaboratoriesShipping Instructions

Zonisamide (Zonegran)

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