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Instruction: Use singular or plural verb and singular or plural subjects to complete the table below.





NAME : __________________________________________

DATE & DAY : _____________________________________



Instruction: Use singular or plural verb and singular or plural subjects to complete the table below.

Singular Verb/Singular SubjectPlural Verb.Plural Subject

1) A chair is usually made of wood.

2) Haris and Wafiy were absent last Friday.

3) That boy has a big blue toy car.

Instruction : Rewrite the sentences below using apostrophe to show possessions.

4) The tools of the carpenter ________________________________________________

5) The bag of the student ___________________________________________________

6) The wings of the birds ___________________________________________________

Instruction :Make sentences using the cues below to show possessions.

7) cover - book __________________________________________________________

8) roof - house __________________________________________________________

9) blade - knife __________________________________________________________

Instruction : Form nouns from the words given below.


10) Collect (verb)

11) Dark (adjective)

12) Act (verb)

Instruction : Complete the sentences below using SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE.

13) Look at the moon. It ________ (shine) brightly tonight.

14) Please listen. I ______ (be) talking to you now

15) They _______ (be) the new group from The Philippines called The 4th Power.

16) This diamond _______ real. It __________ (glitter).

Instruction : Complete the sentences below using PRESENT PERFECT TENSE.

17) I am very full now. I _________________ (eat) four pieces of pizza and some lasagna.

18) This bottles are clean. He _________________ (wash) them before he went home.

19) My little brother is very tired. He _______________(sleep) for five hours.

Instruction : Make simple sentences using SIMPLE PAST TENSE.

20) Spray : ___________________________________________________________

21) Fold : ____________________________________________________________

22) Divide : __________________________________________________________

23) Switch : __________________________________________________________

Instruction : Complete the sentences below using SIMPLE PAST TENSE AND PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE.

24) When I ______________(arrive), Sara ___________________ (cook) for dinner.

25) When Adam _____________ (rush) into our room, we _________________ (listen) to the radio.

26) When I __________(see) Carrey, he _________________ (play) the piano.

27) You are a student at AMC College currently taking up Conversational English Course. Give two suggestions to the management of the college on how to maintain the cleanliness of the college surroundings. Use the tenses and vocabulary you have learned in the previous lessons.







Instruction: Read the paragraph below. Answer the questions with True or False.

My name is Kemal and i live in Turkey. I am a coach driver. I take groups of tourists to visit palaces, castles, markets, and places like that. I sometimes take people from Turkey to other countries in Europe, too. I am in Istanbul today with a group visitors from Korea. They are visiting the Topkapi Palace. At the moment, i am having a break because they are looking round the palace with a tour guide. I am having a drink and reading the newspaper. I enjoy my job. I got to go to a lot places and i meet people from other countries. I am away from home a lot, so i only see my family and friends at the weekends.

(Students Workbook, English For Life, Oxford (Elementary), Unit 35)

StatementsTrue / False

28) Kemal is a tour guide working in Europe.

29) Kemal is driver for tourists coach.

30) He brings group of people to visit places in Korea.

31) He brings people from Turkey to visit Europe countries.

32) He does not like his job.

33) He is seldom away from home

34) He is usually not home on weekdays.


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