  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


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    It's Ofcial! We're adopting!May 8,2010


    Mark and I have been praying about adopting hi dren "or a oup e o"

    year# no$. %hy& It'# #o di( u t to put into $ord#! )ometime# I don't

    rea y kno$ $here the urge to adopt began. It'# ike I "ee that

    E*E+,THI- in my i"e ed up to thi# point. Ho$ do you e/p ain a i"etime

    o" od'# $ork in your heart in one b og entry&

    I gue## it'# be#t to #tart $ith the beginning. From the time I $a# itt e0 I

    remember "ee ing a heavy burden "or in u#ti e# in the $or d. )eeing

    peop e $ho are hungry0 the "a e# o" home e## hi dren0 or

    the deva#tation o" poverty bother# me. I an't #hake it. There i#

    #omething in me that $i not et go o" a au#e0 no matter ho$ di( u t or

    omp i ated it may be.

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    The A"ri an 3hi dren'# 3hoir arrived at my hur h in traditiona A"ri an

    attire o" roya b ue patterned $ith vibrant o or#. I had never #een an

    A"ri an in per#on mu h e## othing that ooked ike a traditiona

    Ethiopian habe#ha 4emi#. I $a# enamored by their beauty and A"ri an

    dia e t and even more intrigued to hear them #ing "or u#. A itt e boy

    aught my attention "rom the beginning. He $a# #ma 0 5 or 6 year# o d. I

    ou dn't imagine $hat he $a# thinking and "ee ing0 a# he $a# in the 7nited

    )tate# "or the 8r#t time. 9id he mi## hi# parent#& 9id he mi## hi# # hoo &

    %hen $ou d he 8nd the time to make up hi# home$ork& I ou dn't

    under#tand $hy a boy #o young $ou d be a o$ed to trave around the

    $or d $ithout hi# "ami y. My parent# $ou d never et me ride my bike

    a ro## the bu#y #treet behind our hou#e0 mu h e## trave the g obe a one!

    It $a#n't ong be"ore the on ert began. The mu#i $a# ive y! The

    hi dren apped0 #mi ed0 and #ang $ith a their heart#. It $a# a beauti"u

    i" #ome$hat di# ordant a ophony o" drum#0 #tomp#0 and voi e# rying

    out prai#e# to od. I had never heard #u h #inging0 but I $anted to #ing

    a ong! The itt e boy $ho aught my attention "rom the beginning $a#

    p a ed "ront and enter on the #tage. Hi# "a e $a# turned heaven$ard a#

    he #ang0 : ori"y Thy -ame: in broken Eng i#h. To$ard the end o" the

    on ert0 the itt e boy approa hed the mi rophone. I eaned "or$ard in

    anti ipation a# he began to #hare hi# #tory. He #aid hi# Eng i#h name $a#

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    year>o d mind to

    gra#p. Hi# parent# had re ent y died and he had no one to take are o"

    him. He ived on the #treet# o" A"ri a hungry and home e##.

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    ompa##ion had gro$n in me #in e then. %hen I read # ripture ike0 :I $i

    not eave you a# orphan#0 I $i ome to you...: I an't get

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    That is so awesome. You have an ama ing heart, and the child !ou adopt

    will "e so richl! "lessed. # co worker of mine adopted from $thiopia a

    couple of !ears ago. Trent and 9ana

    Gby :venture: did you rea y mean : ourney:& @on and Anna

    Adoption Miracles A "#A$%!May &,2010

    Mark and I didn't di# u## having hi dren mu h $hen $e $ere dating. It

    rare y ame up0 and $hen it did0 $e agreed to $ait A O- time be"ore

    trying to have hi dren. %e $ere #o young $hen $e got married 22 and

    2;J0 $e moved to a ne$ ity -e$ Or ean#J0 #tarted ne$ areer#0 oined a

    ne$ hur h0 et . It $a# too mu h to ad u#t to right a$ay0 and kid# did not

    8t into the mi/. T$o year# a"ter our $edding Hurri ane Katrina hit -e$

    Or ean#. An entire y ne$ #et o" ir um#tan e# aro#e "rom po#t Katrina

    a"termath. Our "o u# $a# on rebui ding our hur h and our ity0

    #upporting our #ome$hat traumati?ed youth group0 and rebui ding

    re ation#hip#. there u#t ha#n't been a moment unti re ent y to think

    about e/panding our "ami y.

    Mean$hi e0 many o" my "riend# began having babie# and announ ing the

    #tart o" a ne$ pha#e o" i"e. I 4ue#tioned my#e " during thi# time andP a g e | 6

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    a#ked od to revea to me $hy I did not have a de#ire at the time to have

    bio ogi a hi dren. 9uring my prayer time0 I "e t a pea e about not having

    thi# de#ire0 but $hen I $a# $ith my pregnant "riend#0 I thought that maybe

    #omething $a# $rong $ith me! )ometime about t$o year# ago0 I "e t a

    #trong urge to adopt hi dren during a $omen'# on"eren e. I an't

    remember e/a t y $hat it $ "a t0 I don't think it $a# anything

    prompted by man that impre##ed my heart to adopt. The "o u# o" the

    on"eren e $a# not on adoption0 and I rea y an't boi it do$n to any one

    thing that in uen ed my heart'# de#ire to adopt that day. The on y $ay to

    e/p ain the de#ire I had $a# by the prompting o" the Ho y )pirit. I ame

    home "rom the on"eren e and e/ ited y announ ed to Mark that I "e t

    a ed to adopt! I u#t kne$ that he $a# going to be thri ed $ith the $ord I

    "e t I'd heard "rom od. A"ter a 0 he pray# dai y and read# the $ord0 #o o"

    our#e he $ou d under#tand my de#ire to adopt! Mu h to my #urpri#e and

    di#appointment0 Mark $a# taken aba k by my de#ire to adopt and un#ure

    about the po##ibi ity. I "e t a 4uiet $hi#per te me to not #ay another $ord

    about it and #imp y pray "or him. Mark i# a god y man0 and I kne$ I ou d

    tru#t od to bring Mark to the #ame on u#ion that I had ome to i" it $a#

    right "or u# to adopt.

    A year ater0 #omething in#ide me urged me to bring up adoption again. I

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    $a# #ho ked to hear Mark #ay0 :Thi# i# de8nite y a part o" our "ami y p an.

    There i# no doubt $e $i adoptD it'# u#t a matter o" $hen and ho$ $e $i

    adopt.: od had done hi# mira u ou# $ork in Mark'# heart and I had done

    nothing but pray! It'# ama?ing $hat od an do $hen $e et him! -o$

    Mark i# #o pa##ionate about adoption that it an on y be e/p ained by

    od'# $ork in hi# heart. It i# #o good to kno$ that $e don't have to

    hange peop e and "or e them to #ee thing# our $ay... od i# in the

    bu#ine## o" hanging heart# and he doe# it per"e t y!

    On e Mark and I de ided to adopt0 there $a# a #ma Mark $ou d #ay

    :huge:J ob#ta e in our $ay...FI-A-3I- A9OPTIO-. To adopt a hi d

    internationa y0 one ou d e/pe t to pay bet$een N2=K and N6=K

    depending on the ountry. Thi# i# not the kind o" money that $e have

    ying around0 obviou# y. %e began to pray about od providing the money

    i" $e $ere #uppo#ed to adopt. %e kno$ that a thing# be ong to od0 and

    i" He $anted u# to bring home a baby "rom another ountry0 He $a# going

    to have to provide a $ay. About t$o month# into praying about thi#0 od

    gave u# #evera monetary b e##ing# that are O-3E I- A IFETIME kind o"

    #ituation#B a per"orman e bonu#0 an in rea#e in #a arie#0 a itt e here0 a

    itt e there.

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    approved and in rea#ed a ta/ re"und to adoptive "ami ie# "rom N12K to

    N1;K! Thi# #ea ed the dea . od had granted u# "avor and un"athomab e

    monetary b e##ing# that an on y be e/p ained by Hi# "aith"u ne## to u#.

    In Mar h0 Mark and I app ied $ith Ameri a %or d Adoption Agen y to

    be ome adoptive parent# to an Ethiopian hi d. %e $ere dra$n to Ethiopia

    be au#e o" the va#t need there. There are 5.6 mi ion orphan# in Ethiopia

    due to Ma aria0 AI9)0 and poverty. Mo#t o" the#e orphan# ive in

    in#titution# or on the #treet#. They are ma nouri#hed0 neg e ted0 and too

    mu h "or the government to are "or on it# o$n. Thi# ri#i# au#e# many

    hi dren to ive their ive# a one0 begging "or "ood0 #he ter0 and other ba#i


    %e re4ue#ted a =>L month o d baby boy #J. %e ou d end up $ith t$o

    #ib ing#0 ou#in#0 or u#t one boy depending on the avai abi ity $hen $e

    re eive our re"erra .

    %e $ere a epted into A%AA'# program at the beginning o" Apri and

    began initia paper$ork and Home )tudy meeting#. %e re eived the

    o( ia 9o##ier do ument# that $i go to Ethiopia on Thur#day0 Apri 2 th

    and announ ed our adoption Monday0 May ;rd.

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    Mark and I are urrent y o e ting paper$ork0 #u h a# origina birth

    erti8 ate#0 marriage erti8 ate#0 ba kground he k#0 immigration

    earan e0 pa##port photo#0 et . Thi# an be a # o$ pro e## and it

    #ometime# re4uire# u# to do additiona paper$ork depending on our

    #ituation. )o you an be

    praying that our

    paper$ork $i be

    a eptab e and omp eted

    in a time y manner

    hope"u y ear y @uneJ.

    Thank you #o mu h "or

    praying "or u# and #ending u# note# o" en ouragement. It'# #o a$e#ome

    to have #u h #upportive "riend# and "ami y! Here'# a pi ture o" the ourna

    Mark got me to $rite etter# and prayer# to our "uture adopted hi d

    hi drenJ. I#n't he the be#t! ,ou an't te in thi# pi ture0 but a o" the

    ontinent# are out ined in reddi#h bro$n e/ ept "or A"ri a $hi h i# out ined

    in b a k. I think it# a #ign. BJ

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    GHi "riend! I'm #o e/ ited "or you guy#! I an't $ait to hear a about it. ,our

    hi d i# going to be #o b e##ed to be a part o" your "ami y. I ove you Q an't

    $ait to meet your ne$ itt e one. ori

    aper(or)!May 10, 2010

    Our 8r#t pie e o" paper$ork arrived

    today!!! Mark'# birth erti8 ate "rom

    I inoi# $in# the "a#te#t arriva time

    a$ard. %ay to go I inoi#! Te/a#...$hat

    in the $or d&&&& Ho$ ou d you et

    them outdo u# ike that&&&

    Paper$ork i# part o" my ob de# ription

    a# a pub i midd e # hoo tea her. I do

    it A the time! I a mo#t thrive on

    #eeing ho$ "a#t I an do it. I# that #i k0

    or $hat& ,ou $ant a gro$th p an& I' give you a gro$th p an!

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    i# e/hi arating. There'# a #en#e o" progre##ion and a hievement $hen you

    #ee paper moving in Edu ation. A# I grade paper#0 I #top periodi a y to

    ount ho$ many I have e"t0 ook at the o k0 and time my#e ". %ith ea h

    #ta k o" paper#0 I am more e( ient and time y. %onder"u .

    Adoption paper$ork0 $hi e M73H # o$er0 i# a #o e/hi arating. %ith ea h

    #ignature on a ine0 ea h demand "or a notary0 and ea h time 7P) ring#

    my doorbe 0 I get o#er and o#er to #eeing my hi d! I ome home

    every day no$ and he k the mai 8r#t thing. I then open my emai

    a ount# to he k "or any update# "rom my Fami y 3oordinator or onta t

    "rom my Home )tudy per#on. %hen there are no update#0 or very "e$0 I

    then #pend the ne/t hour or t$o reading update# on the A%AA ,ahoo

    roup about peop e a over the ountry re eiving re"erra #0 getting ourt

    date#0 trave ing to pi k up their hi d. -ot to mention the ount e## b og#

    that I read o" Ethiopian adoptive "ami ie# $ho have re eived their hi dren.

    I am o( ia y ob#e##ed. It'# no onger :O39 tenden ie#:0 it'# erti8ab e.

    %hi e ob#e##ion over the internet0 paper$ork0 and any adoption media I

    an 8nd i# not ne e##ari y hea thy0 I do $onder i" thi# i# $hat od "ee #

    $hen he'# pur#uing u#. I don't think $e have any idea $hat goe# on

    behind the # ene#. %e go through the #ame dai y ritua # b inded to the

    #piritua $or d around u#. )ometime# $e "orget that od i# even there.

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    %e have no idea that he are# about our #ituation or that he even e/i#t#.

    Mean$hi e0 od i# ining up a the ne e##ary item# unti $e are o( ia y

    Hi#. Our baby ha# no idea $ho $e are or $hat $e are doing to bring him

    home0 and it'# the #ame "or u#. I" $e had any idea $hat od $a# doing to

    bring u# home0 $e $ou d be 8 ed $ith oy and anti ipation o" our

    home oming day.

    Today0 one o" my #tudent# #aid...:)o...he i#n't even born yet&: %o$. ,ea0 I

    gue## our hi d i#n't even born yet. )in e $e re4ue#ted a baby =>L

    month# o d0 he may not even be on eived. ,et every day0 A day0 he i#

    a I an think about. od #aid in I#aiah 5 0 :

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    %i &im"re!, !ou don't know me. ('m a high school friend of )ark's. )!

    dad sent me !our "log tonight. #nd wow* +o e cited to see this news and

    read a"out !our journe! thus far. -e are also passionate a"out adoption

    and have discussed $thiopia at times. ut honestl! ( don't know where

    we'll end up ne t. -e'll see where /od takes us. ( love 0nding other

    families similar to m! own. +o ( am thrilled to "e reading as !ou "ring

    these "a"ies home* Me odie

    %ait a minute.... Mark'# not native Te/an&&&&& @7)T kidding! B>J ove y'a !

    > aura

    $r *isitsMay 12,2010

    )o apparent y T< i# #omething you have to get te#ted "or be"ore you

    omp ete your 9o##ier. -o big dea 0 un e## you have no idea $hat T< i#! I

    go to the 9r. today to get a :phy#i a :. I'm thinking #ight0 hearing0 re e/

    e/am#0 you kno$& I#n't that $hat a phy#i a i#& I get there and they te

    me I have to get b ood $ork. < ood $ork i# -O P+O< EM "or me. I've had

    to get b ood $ork #o mu h thi# year that I te THEM $hat vein to poke

    the#e day#. %hat I don't ike i# 7-ERPE3TE9 poke#0 and that'# $hat they

    did to me today. For a T< te#t you don't get poked in a vein0 but in your

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    "orearm. I don't kno$ $hy thi# make# me $in e a# I $rite. It'# not ike

    I've never #een a need e0 but I gue## I've a $ay# kno$n $here the need e

    i# going! I $a# tota y #tre##ed out a# the 9o tor random y #tu k me in the

    arm. I u#t thought I'd $arn anyone reading thi# that might be on#idering

    adoption. P+EPA+E FO+ THE T< TE)T.

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    I've had 2 T< te#t# in my i"e. I had to do it "or #ub#titute tea hing and then

    again "or "u >time tea hing. For #ome rea#on0 it'# u#t #tre##"u be au#e

    you have to $ait 2 day# or #omething "or them to re he k you "or re#u t#. I

    mean0 I kno$ I don't have T

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    Our a#e $orker ame in the hou#e0 took a brie" tour to #ee the room#0

    ommented on ho$ great our "urniture $a#0 and then #at do$n to ta k. I

    a mo#t b urted out0 :%AIT! 9I9-'T ,O7 %A-T TO )EE O7+ FOO9&&: %hen

    the :good ange : tapped on my #hou der and reminded me that I an't ri#k

    ooking :p#y hoti : $ith a #o ia $orker in our hou#e #eeing i" $e' be 8t


    In a #eriou#ne##0 it ended up being a bree?e. %e "e t very om"ortab e

    and ta ked $ith our a#e $orker "or 2 1S2 hour# about a kind# o" topi #

    re ated to adoption. It $a# a great onver#ation0 and I $a# en ouraged

    and energi?ed $hen #he e"t. It $a# ear0 I had no need to $orry about

    the hou#e0 e#pe ia y the "ood in it.

    Our home #tudy $i be omp ete #hort y. %e are #ti $aiting on a TERA)

    birth erti8 ate and marriage i en#e. od ove 'em.J And $e need to

    8na i?e our 8nan ia #tatement0 re eive proo" o" medi a and i"e

    in#uran e0 and get everything notari?ed. On e that i# done0 $e are ready

    to #end oC our do##ier to Ameri a %or d!

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    $hooohooo! a mo#t omp eted home #tudy!! g ad to hear you guy# are

    di#ea#e "ree. $he$. oh0 and you are hi ariou# by the $ay. @on and Anna

    yay! you're getting o#er!! good a on not a#king the ady i" #he $anted

    to #ee your "ood.. ou d've been $eird! praying "or ya +a he

    A$e#ome ne$#! I am rea y e/ ited "or you guy#. I have a "e$ "riend# $ho

    are on the #ame ourney a# you. *ery e/ iting #tuC! I $i ontinue praying

    a# you get o#er and o#er to meeting the ne$e#t

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    -O A that u#t adopted dome#ti a y. Their #tory i# #o in#piring0 and their

    a to dome#ti adoption i# undoubted. There are #o many rea#on# $hy

    hi dren #hou d be adopted "rom one'# o$n ountry. A# a 7krainian pa#tor

    I heard #peak re ent y #aid0 :,ou an't take a o" our hi dren! There

    $ou d be many prob em# "or u# i" a o" our hi dren $ere adopted by

    Ameri an#.: Hi# point in #aying thi# $a# that hi# ountry hi# in the midd e

    o" a tran#"ormation. 3hur h member# a over the 7kraine are #en#ing

    od'# a to are "or orphan# in their ountry. The orphan popu ation ha#

    gone "rom ;==0=== to ;=0=== in the a#t 6 year# be au#e 7krainian peop e

    pop. appro/. 56 mi .J are taking are o" 7kranian orphan#. Thi# a o$#

    them to rai#e up a ne$ generation o" 7krainian# to be re#pon#ib e iti?en#0

    and ompa##ionate peop e to$ard "uture orphan# in the ountry. On y an

    orphan an true y kno$ ho$ to mini#ter to another orphan in need. The

    7kraine i# deve oping an army o" orphan# that $i pay it "or$ard to "uture

    generation#. There i# #omething to be #aid "or thi#. I think it i# vita that

    Ameri an iti?en# are "or Ameri an orphan# in the #ame $ay. Ameri a

    ha# a popu ation o" appro/imate y 0 million There are appro/imate y

    12 ,000 hi dren in "o#ter are. I" the 7kraine an #hrink a arger number

    o" orphan# by = $ith a popu ation o" 56 mi ion0 Ameri a an de8nite y

    p a e 12;0=== hi dren in permanent home# $ith a popu ation o" ;=

    mi ion! %e #hou d rai#e up a generation o" ompa##ionate hi dren that

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    ove other# the $ay that they have been oved. Thi# $i on y happen i"

    Ameri an peop e $i provide permanent "ami ie# "or "o#ter are hi dren.

    The need i# great in Ameri a0 but $e don't o"ten #ee the need g aring at

    u#0 a# an orphanage bui ding $ou d a# you drive to $ork in the 7kraine.

    Many o" the#e hi dren are in "o#ter are home#0 $hi h provide# a

    temporary #o ution0 but they u timate y need "orever "ami ie#.

    On the other hand0 there are many ountrie#0 #u h a# Ethiopia0 $here their

    iti?en# are dying o" HI* and Ma aria. 3hi dren are orphaned by di#ea#e

    and poverty. Parent# are unab e to are "or their o$n hi dren0 mu h

    e## the hi dren o" neighbor#. It i# a ri#i# #ituation there. 5.6 mi ion

    orphan# 8 orphanage# in Ethiopia. Thi# i# on y O-E ountry o" many in

    A"ri a have the #ame p ight. +$anda ha# 1 mi ion orphan# be au#e o"

    $ar0 di#ea#e0 and "amine. The number o" orphan# in A"ri a i# a prob em

    that re4uire# g oba attention.

    +e ent y0 I #hared a pa##ion I have $ith our home #tudy $orker. %hen #he

    a#ked u# ho$ $e $ou d keep the u ture o" Ethiopia a ive in our home0 I

    to d her that I hope to rai#e a #on that ove# hi# ountry #o mu h he $ant#

    to go ba k there to mini#ter to other# $ho need od'# ove. )he gave a

    beauti"u rep y0 :I don't #ee ho$ it ou d be any other $ay. %ith your

    heart# #o impa##ioned about Ethiopia and your de#ire "or orphan# to kno$

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    the ove o" od and a "orever "ami y0 your hi d $i have no other hoi e

    than go ba k to hi# ountry.: Then #he uttered $ord# that #eemed a mo#t

    propheti . :I have #een a ot o" peop e $ho adopt hi dren "rom variou#

    ountrie#0 but the one# $ho adopt "rom Ethiopia are diCerent. There i#

    #omething diCerent about them...they are pa##ionate about a purpo#e.

    Imagine the#e parent# rai#ing Ethiopian hi dren to ove Ethiopia and hear

    the a ing o" od to he p their ountry. ,ou ou d have an entire

    generation o" Ethiopian adoptee# $ho $i ing y return to their ountry and

    hange their ountry'# "uture.: %o$. That'# e/a t y the pa##ion o" my

    heart. A# mu h a# it $ou d hurt to #ee my baby gro$ up and eave me0 I

    kno$ that od i# hi# inheritan e and hi# de#tiny i# $ith Him. I $ant my

    hi d to be $herever od i# $orking0 even i" it mean# being a $or d apart.

    In the debate over $hether to adopt 9ome#ti a y or Internationa y0 there

    i# no 4ue#tion about the bottom ineB

    :Father to the "ather e##0 de"ender o" $ido$# U thi# i# od0 $ho#e

    d$e ing i# ho y. od p a e# the one y in "ami ie#.:

    1salms 234562

    %e $ere made to ove od and ove peop e. Our a ing i# ear > :Father

    the "ather e##.: %hat your ro e i# in that no one an kno$ but od.

    %hether adopting dome#ti a y or internationa y the need i# great0 our

    P a g e | 2=

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    P a g e | 21

    mi##ion i# ear0 our time i# #hort0 and ive# are at #take. earn to do good.

    )eek u#ti e. He p the oppre##ed. 9e"end the au#e o" orphan#. Fight "or

    the right# o" $ido$#.

    (saiah 7478

    )peak up "or tho#e $ho annot #peak "or them#e ve#D en#ure u#ti e "or

    tho#e being ru#hed. ,e#0 #peak up "or the poor and he p e##0 and #ee that

    they get u#ti e.

    1rover"s 97436:


    I de8nite y agree that both are ERT+EME , important but I think $e dont

    #ee it A+I- at u# here be au#e the nationa and #tate government do a

    +EAT ob at keeping it hidden! BJ O*E reading about everything going

    on...)O ER3ITE9 "or you guy#! The A brittonV#

    I inked to your oCee thing on my b og. I rea h peop e you might not...#o

    maybe od an b e## you that $ay! Mi he e

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 22

    Wort3 "eadingMay 20, 2011

    My good "riend0 Anna0 and mi##ion# mini#ter at my hur h I'm proud to

    #ayJ0 po#ted thi# a#t night on her b og. It i# #o time y $ith the a#t entry I

    po#ted. I $ou d ove "or y'a to read her per#pe tive on Ameri an orphan#

    and $ido$#. )ee the entry

    hereB httpBSSthepa mer# ourney.b og#pot. omS2=1=S=6S"un tiona >orphan#>$ido$#.htm .

    reat b ogging0 Anna!

    Casey and Mary 4et3 ic)er

    May 21, 2010

    3a#ey and Mary

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    P a g e | 2;

    %o$. A ot ha# happened #in e I po#ted a#t.

    ) hoo ended on May 2Lth $ith kid# and May 2 th "or tea her#. Mark and

    I e ebrated at the 3ourt o" T$o )i#ter# on +oya )t. in the Fren h Wuarter.

    The ourtyard $a# beauti"u 0 and $e a?i y #at "or three hour# #amp ing

    -e$ Or ean# be#t ui#ineB amba aya0 turt e #oup0 #hrimp etouCee0 roa#t

    bee" and gravy0 gar i ma#hed potatoe#0 oy#ter dre##ing0 ra$8#h

    dre##ing0 bread pudding0 pra ine #au e0 homemade vani a i e ream0 et .

    It i# an ama?ing p a e to go to get a omp ete ta#te o" -O A in one #top.

    Mark and I #pent the re#t o" the $eekend ooking at "urniture0 hoping to

    get a Memoria 9ay dea . %hen you kno$ #omeone i# e/pe ting a baby0

    the natura thought i# to think0 :They $ere ooking "or baby "urniture!: Oh

    no. -ot u#. %e have $aited year# to get our bedroom "urniture0 and by

    P a g e | 2;

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    P a g e | 25

    go y $e're getting it be"ore the baby

    ome#. I kno$ that our prioritie# $i be

    entire y #hi"ted to the need# o" our baby

    $hen he ome#0 #o the time i# no$. %e

    have been u#ing o d "urniture Mark'# dad

    gave u# $hen $e got married0 and it

    $a#n't de#igned to a#t very ong. %e

    have pro ra#tinated ong enough0 #o on

    Monday $e bought a bedroom #uit. Here

    i# the #et $e got. 7n"ortunate y0 the

    $indo$# in thi# pi ture $ere not in uded.

    )in e it $a# raining a day )unday0 Mark

    and I $ent to the ibrary and pi ked up #ome book#S9*9'# on A"ri a. The

    @eCer#on Pari#h ibrary i# pretty

    ama?ing. I have to admit...the be#t book# on Ethiopia are pi ture book#

    "rom the hi dren'# #e tion.

    %e pi ked up a 9*9 a ed E/pedition A"ri a $hi h $a# origina y aired on

    the Hi#tory 3hanne . I" you're ever in the mood "or a 6 hour 4ue#t through

    A"ri a0 thi# i# the 9*9 "or you.

    P a g e | 25

    Dr. David Livingstone

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    P a g e | 26

    The premi#e o" the 8 m i# 5 modern>day e/p orer# ourney through

    Tan?ania a ong the #ame route that )ir H.M. )tan ey took in #ear h "or 9r.

    9avid iving#tone. To re ap the #tory brie y0 iving#tone $a# be#t kno$n

    "or being a mi##ionarySe/p orer $ho #ear hed "or the #our e o" the -i e

    +iver. 9uring hi# time in A"ri a0 he deve oped a deep ove "or the peop e0

    and a i"e>a tering pa##ion to $ork a# an anti># avery ru#ader. 9uring hi#

    time in A"ri a0 he be ame #o enthra ed $ith 8nding the #our e o" the -i e0

    that hi# ontemporarie# and the media in ondon began to rumor hi#

    death. Eager to attra t the pub i #pot ight0 young reporter H.M. )tan ey

    #et# out to :8nd: iving#tone. It i# tru y remarkab e ho$ )tan ey made it

    a the $ay a ro## Tan?ania. The rugged terrain0 #$amp#0 ro odi e#0

    rhino#0 ion#0 and hyena# are no #ma ob#ta e0 mu h e## the di#ea#e#

    that aimed many o" hi# porter#B ma aria and dy#entery. A#toni#hing y0

    the man make# it to iving#tone $here he #uppo#ed y utter# the "amou#

    phra#e0 :9r. iving#tone0 I pre#ume&:

    The entire time I $at hed the trek o" the#e modern>day e/p orer# a# they

    "ought di#ea#e0 e/hau#tion0 rain0 mud0 and $i d i"e0 I $ondered0 :%H, I-

    THE %O+ 9 A+E THE, -OT TAKI- A 3Ahour dirtine##& It

    P a g e | 26

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    P a g e | 2L

    beat# me.

    %hat I did get though0 $a# )tan ey'# determination to meet 9r.

    iving#tone. A#ide "rom the "a t that :8nding: thi# great

    e/p orerSmi##ionary $ou d make him Europe'# mo#t "amou# reporter0 I

    have to be ieve that #omething in#ide o" )tan ey onged to under#tand a

    man that $ou d ri#k hi# "ame in ondon0 hi# om"ort0 and hi# i"e "or a

    peop e $ho ived in "ear o" being #o d into # avery. ondon ou dn't 8nd

    iving#tone be au#e iving#tone didn't $ant to be :"ound:. To iving#tone0

    hi# home $a# among a peop e that he kne$ he $a# a ed by od to

    #erve...A"ri a.

    )tan ey $a# eager to ump into the rat ra e. Hi# idea o" a meaning"u i"e

    invo ved ri#king hi# i"e to be in the tab oid#. day ro k #tar#0 )tan ey kne$ that thi# $a# hi# han e at

    "ame. +i#k hi# i"e0 he did0 but $hat i# the man kno$n "or& Four $ord#B

    :9r. iving#tone0 I pre#ume.: Ironi a y0 the mo#t "amou# thing he i#

    kno$n "or #aying doe#n't even point to himD it honor# iving#tone! It'# no

    $onder. )tan ey $a# a vio ent0 #e 8#h man. He $a# bruta to hi# porter#

    $ho trave ed a ro## A"ri a $ith him. He e"t a "e o$ e/p orer to die o"

    ma aria u#t out#ide hi# de#tination. And "or $hat& A temporary "ame that

    e"t him a king depth in our hi#tory book#. On the ontrary0 iving#tone

    did not #eek the prai#e o" man. In "a t0 he $a# probab y de#pi#ed and

    P a g e | 2L

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    P a g e | 2

    #hunned by mo#t o" the $hite men he en ountered in A"ri a. He $ou d

    have oppo#ed them be au#e they $ou d have been there to apture hi#

    peop e. In#tead o" #eeking "ame and approva "rom ondon0 he dedi ated

    him#e " to giving peop e a voi e $ho had no right#. To iving#tone0

    pro aiming "reedom "or the aptive# I#aiah L1B1J $a# a au#e he took

    itera y and the $or d i# better "or it. iving#tone under#tood that :$hen

    you o#e your i"e "or 3hri#t'# #ake0 you 8nd it.: Matthe$ 1=B; J

    I $onder $hat it $ou d ook ike i" "o o$er# o" 3hri#t took od'# $ord

    itera y. %hat $ou d happen to our ive#& %ou d $e o#e them& And $hat

    i" $e did& 9oe#n't od'# $ord #ay $e $ou d 8nd i"e in Him& %hat are $e

    #o a"raid o"&

    iving#tone'# #tory i# one I $i ontinue to te be au#e $hen I ook at hi#

    i"e0 I #ee a man $ho rea y :got it.: Thi# i# $hat it mean# to ive... :I

    @e#u#J have ome that you might have i"e and have it to the "u e#t.: @ohn


    W3y #t3iopia , 2010

    +ead thi# %a#hington Po#t arti e $ritten by a od p a e# the one y in "ami ie#D he #et# the pri#oner# "ree

    P a g e | 2

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    P a g e | 2

    and give# them oy. # or hed


    1salm 7 248 > %ho e/e ute# u#ti e "or the oppre##edD %ho give# "ood to

    the hungry. The O+9 #et# the pri#oner# "ree.

    W3at's in a 6ame 2 , 2010

    -ame# are very important to me. I gue## gro$ing up $ith an unu#ua

    name au#ed me to "ee the impa t name# an have on a per#on. For

    year#0 I had no idea $hat my name meant. 3imbrey i# -E*E+ de8ned or

    e/p ained $hen I ook it upD ho$ever0 there $a# a #hop in

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 2

    happen#. %hat having a name ike 3imbrey ha# made me are about i#

    the importan e o" name# them#e ve# and ho$ mu h a part o" your identity

    the be ome.

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | ;=

    an imagine the impa t o" hanging your name i# "ar more invo ved that

    $e might think at 8r#t g an e.

    @e#u#' en ounter $ith )au on the road to 9ama# u# omp ete y hanged

    hi# i"e. )au $a# phy#i a y b inded "or a time0 emotiona y traumati?ed

    I'm #ureJ0 and #piritua y0 he $a# never the #ame again. There i# no

    greater hange o" heart than the one $e #ee in )au 0 turned Pau . )au

    $a# ravenou# "or the b ood o" 3hri#tian men and $omen0 and he thought

    that he $a# u#ti8ed in hi# au#e. A"ter a 0 he $a# a @e$0 and a

    very piou# one at that. He thought he $a# doing od a "avor by

    e/terminating 3hri#tian#. %hen he en ountered od that day0 od

    hanged a hate"u heart into a pa##ionate ove "or peop e every$here to

    kno$ 3hri#t. In the #ame $ay0 $e $ho have been hanged by od through

    a re ation#hip $ith @e#u# 3hri#t0 have been given a ne$ heart. %hen od

    met u# on our road o" de#tru tion0 he demon#trated Hi# ove and po$er by

    making u# a ne$ reation. My name may not be hanged in the itera

    #en#e0 but I kno$ I $i never be the #ame again.

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    P a g e | ;1

    ne$ name0 :a epted:0 : oved:0 :va ued:0 :b e##ed:. ike our #torie# o"

    adoption into 3hri#t'# "ami y0 our #on'# #tory $i "orevermore be marked by

    re k e## ove and devotion.

    It i# "or thi# rea#on0 that Mark and I have #ear hed and di# u##ed name#

    that re e t our #on'# ne$ ive a# an adopted #on. %e ove uni4ue name#

    be au#e $e kno$ our #on i# #pe ia and uni4ue to od. %e a #o kno$ that

    od i# $ith him even no$ $hen $e an't be $ith him. %e kno$ that od

    re# ue# the $eak and He never eave# any o" u# a# orphan#0 but He ome#

    to u# in our di#tre##. There"ore0 Mark and I have de ided that

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | ;2


    I rea y ike that name. And even more0 I ike $hat it mean#. ,our #on i#

    a ready #o b e##ed! P.). I a #o ike the ne$ b og ook!J Mi he e

    I ove that name! Xane i# my grand"ather0 un e and ou#in'# name0 but i

    don't u#a y hear it any$here e #e. )hane and @enny

    reat name0 ove it!! -ever thanked you "or an#$ering my 4ue#tion0 #orry0

    it ha# been ra?y ra?y moving. ,our in#ight and kno$ edge $a# mu h

    appre iated0 #o thank you.

    ove the name. itt e amb

    I ove it! Our itt e one $i be Xoe! Kri#ty


    ,ou $on't be ieve thi#. A"ter my po#t about name# I met a gir on "a ebook

    named )imbry. -ot on y that0 but #he $a# named a"ter #omeone her mom

    $ent to high # hoo $ith ike I $a#. -ot on y that0 but #he $ent to TERA)

    AQM ike me. -ot on y that0 but #he ma ored in Eng i#h ike I did. -ot on y

    that0 but #he took edu ation a##e# too. -ot on y that0 but $e had the

    #ame pro"e##or#. -ot on y that0 but #he i# "rom the Hou#ton area.

    P a g e | ;2

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    P a g e | ;;

    ETTI- %EI+9 ,ET&&&&& Turn# out0 the gir I $a# named a"ter i# mo#t

    ike y the gir #he $a# named a"ter be au#e both our parent# $ent to high

    # hoo in Abi ene. %hoa. I'm "reaked out. THI) I) A%E)OME.

    +"I#6$-! 17, 2010

    THE+E I) A-OTHE+ A9OPTI*E FAMI , I- -E% O+ EA-)!!!! ,EA! The

    @ean#onne#! Anna0 I hope your reading thi#. %e are not a one! HO A AT

    7) i" you are adopting in -O A!

    Here'# my ne$ "riend0 Kri#ty'#0 b ogB

    httpBSS ean#onneadoption.b og#pot. omS

    +at3er to t3e +at3erless 22, 2010

    On )unday0 our hur h e ebrated Father'# 9ay0 a# did mo#t hur he# in

    the 7nited )tate#. I ove Father'# 9ay. I have #u h a $onder"u 9ad $ho

    a $ay# #ho$ed me ho$ mu h he oved me. My dad i# "unny0 #o iab e0

    #en#itive0 and a >around great. I $i#h everyone had a dad ike my dad.

    I rea i?e that many peop e don't have the apabi ity to e ebrate onP a g e | ;;

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | ;5

    Father'# 9ay. Maybe they don't have a dad0 or maybe there dad i# ab#ent.

    Even $or#e0 maybe 9ad i# hurt"u and abu#ive.

    Thi# Father'# 9ay I rea i?ed more than ever that Father'# 9ay0 ike E*E+,

    day0 i# a about Him0 our Heaven y Father. %e e ebrate Him $hen $e

    e ebrate the ove that our earth y dad'# have #ho$n u# be au#e it i# He

    $ho empo$er# that ove. ike$i#e $e e ebrate Him though $e have no

    earth y "ather be au#e He i# the on y one that an provide0 ove and are

    "or u# per"e t y any$ay. I ove that od a # Him#e " our Father. I think o"

    a o" the hi dren $ho have never kno$n a Father0 $ho are orphaned0

    abandoned0 or neg e ted $hether phy#i a y or #piritua y. He kne$ that in

    i"e0 $e $ou d be vu nerab e and one y $ithout "ather#0 #o in Hi# ove0 He

    de ided to be the

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    P a g e | ;6

    I may be behind in reading but $hen you adopt i# he a ne$born& Or $i he

    be a todd er& A i#on

    aper(or) is nearing an end! %#A! , 2010

    a#t Friday0 Mark and I headed to

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | ;L

    In order "or the #tate to erti"y our paper#0 they have to be #igned in "ront

    o" a notary.... %here better to 8nd a notary than your o a gro ery #tore&

    Fina y ba k at the right ).O.). o( e...

    )o it turn# out A i# very e( ient about getting the do ument# erti8ed0

    and I re ommend that anyone adopting internationa y "rom A u#t take it


  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | ;

    93is is .st t3e toddler room , 2010

    I #a$ thi# on a b og that I "o o$ and I ou dn't he p but po#t it here.

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | ;

    %ithout a "ami y0 $here $i the hi dren in thi# video be in the ne/t 1=>2=

    year# $hen they age out o" their ountry'# #y#tem& %i they be tra( ked

    by $ork and #e/ trade predator#& %i they ive on the #treet# and #tea

    "rom o a market#& %i they be dead "rom di#ea#e and hunger& et'# be

    rea ...they $on't have money to go to the 7niver#ity0 trave abroad0 get

    $e >paying ob#. The rea ity i#...$ithout peop e a epting the ha enge o"

    adoption by "aith0 the#e hi dren are on a "a#t>tra k to de#tru tion. %e

    have a #hort $indo$ o" opportunity $hi e the#e orphanage# prote t the#e

    hi dren phy#i a y0 to get them into oving home# $here they an make

    #omething o" them#e ve#. The time to adopt i# no$.


    great $ord and ha enge0 3imbrey! ove "o o$ing your ourney! itt e


    t3 Anni/ersary "e;ections 2&, 2010

    P a g e | ;

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    P a g e | ;

    Mark and I e ebrated our th anniver#ary on Monday0 @u y 2Lth. %e #pent

    the $eekend in Orange "ree $ater#0 and g i#tening #and. The o ean i# one o" od'#

    mo#t ama?ing reation#. There i# another $or d iving be o$ the hori?on o"

    b ueSgreen $ater# that $e kno$ #o itt e about. The po$er o" the urrent

    a# it pu # you deeper into the gu " i# #tart ing. ,et0 it# #ound i# one o" the

    mo#t re a/ing0 a ming reverberation# kno$n to man. The #ound remind#

    me o" 9on Piper'# de# ription o" ange '# $ing# in hi# a ount o" :< )inutes

    in %eaven, Ga beauti"u 0 ho y me ody $ith a aden e that #eemed never to

    #top. Hebre$# 1B #ay#0 :In #peaking o" the ange # he #ay#0 'He make#

    hi# ange # $ind#0 hi# #ervant# ame# o" 8re.': I imagine the #ound to be

    ike that o" $ave# ra#hing on the bea h in a on#tant rhythm and $ith the

    inten#ity o" -iagara Fa #. Ange # aren't the $impy upid# $e've made

    them out to be. They're $arrior#0 amba##ador#0 and me##enger#!

    P a g e | ;

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 5=

    In the mid#t o" omp ete de ight and beauty0 I ou d not he p but think o"

    our itt e Xane0 and the mi ion# o" hi dren $ho have never #een the

    o ean0 e/perien ed the po$er o" the $ater0 and "e t the #a ty #p a#h o" the

    $ave#. My heart hurt# "or hi dren $ho do not have the opportunity to

    e/perien e #u h magni8 en e. Even more di# on erting i# the "a t that

    e/perien e# #u h a# the#e are rare y even a thought to a hi d $ho ha# no

    time "or #u h u/ury and ei#ure.

    Monumenta i##ue#0 #u h a#

    poverty0 di#ea#e0 hunger0 and

    home e##ne## are barrier# to #u h

    dream# and thieve# o" one'#

    inno en e. Many hi dren bet$een

    the age# o" L and 1= are parent#0

    provider#0 and aretaker# to baby

    brother# and #i#ter#. Their ob#&

    # avery0

    "or ed abor... i"e i# about #urviva 0 and thi# kind o" #urviva i# di#ma at

    be#t. %ho $i #ee them& %ho $i re# ue them& %ho $i re#tore their

    inno en e&

    P a g e | 5=

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    P a g e | 51

    I#aiah 6 B1 > :I have #een hi# $ay#0 but I $i hea himD I $i guide him

    and restore om"ort to him0:

    @eremiah ;=B1 > :

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 52

    unmentionab e di#ea#e: and 8red "rom hi# ob& %a# he out> a#ted by

    #o iety and e"t to die a pain"u death in de#titution on a o d dirt oor&

    %hat happened to her& 9id #he a #o at h the di#ea#e& %a# #he raped

    by deranged and de8 ed men $ho took advantage o" a vu nerab e $oman&

    Ho$ doe# #he eat $hen her "ami y ha# been o#tra i?ed be au#e o"

    di#ea#e& I $onder $hat #he i# thinking no$...kno$ing #he $i never be

    ab e to provide "or Xane0 and oving him enough to et him go. 9oe# #he

    pray "or him& 9oe# #he beg od "or a 3hri#tian "ami y to rai#e him $ith

    ove and opportunity& 9oe# #he kno$ that od i# an#$ering her prayer#&

    In an idea $or d0 Xane'# birth>mother $ou d re eive the hea th are #he

    need#0 eat hea thi y every day0 and ive a ong0 produ tive i"e. )he $ou d

    ove her #on0 #end him oC to # hoo $ith a ki## everyday0 and tu k him in

    to bed ea h night. %hi e I kno$ I $i ove Xane $ith my $ho e heart0 he

    $i one day ong "or hi# birth>mother0 and $onder about her u#t a# I am

    today. Together $e $i grieve the in#urmountab e o## he $i e/perien e

    and the in u#ti e# o" a "a en $or d. %e $i ry0 a out to od0 ho d ea h

    other o#e0 and re#t in the hope o" one day #eeing her again in a p a e

    $here there $i be no more death0 no more rying0 no more pain. And a#

    He a $ay# doe#0 od $i 8 u# $ith Hi# une/p ainab e pea e0 unti that day

    $hen Xane0 hi# birth>mother0 and I $i #tand on Heaven'# #hore# hand>in>

    P a g e | 52

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    P a g e | 5;

    hand0 engu "ed in the beauti"u thunder o" ange # $ing#. Ephe#ian# 2B15 >

    :For He Him#e " i# our pea e...:


    3imbrey0 your po#t i# u#t beauti"u . It brought tear# to my eye#. I $i pray

    "or you and your hu#band a# you go through the adoption pro e##. od

    b e##!

    Ab#o ute y beauti"u ! A i#on

    4iometrics 1, 2010

    Mark and I re eived a etter in the mai ye#terday $ith an appointment

    time "or our immigration 8ngerprint#. %e're #o thank"u to have heard

    ba k "rom 7)3I)0 but the appointment time i# Monday0 Augu#t 2;rd at

    B== a.m. It'# pra ti a y impo##ib e "or u# to make thi# appointment0 and

    they rea y don't a#k you $hen a good time $ou d be "or you. %ith # hoo

    #tarting on Augu#t 12th0 I u#t annot #ee taking oC a day o" $ork that

    #oon! It'# time to #et up routine# and pro edure# $ith my #tudent#0 and

    every minute matter#.

    %e a#k you a to pray $ith u# about thi# appointment time. %e are

    p anning to go to the o( e tomorro$ around 5B== p.m. and beg to get

    P a g e | 5;

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    P a g e | 55

    them ear ier. %e $ou d ove "or there to be ne/t to no one there and "or

    them to $i ing y 8ngerprint u# rea y 4ui k y0 #o $e an #end oC our

    do##ier be"ore # hoo #tart#. I kno$ it i# a ot to a#k0 but it'# hard to #ee

    right no$ ho$ $e $i be ab e to get our 8ngerprint# done in a time y

    manner un e## od grant# u# "avor $ith them tomorro$.

    P ea#e pray that they $i be a ommodating and under#tanding.


    I u#t "ound your b og and am thri ed "or you a# you begin thi# ourney.

    od i# #o big! I an't $ait to #ee ho$ od'# #tory un"o d# here. E y#e

    $e' be praying! )tephoberhoC

    %i do! Mi he e

    Immigration 2, 2010

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    Thank you a "or your prayer# "or Mark and I a# $e attempted to get our

    immigration 8ngerprint#. %e $ent at about 5B== p.m. and the o( e $a#

    a ready o#ed. %e ooked on ine be"ore oming to #ee i" they had o( e

    hour# and there $ere none i#ted. Obviou# y0 there are no o( e hour# on

    the door either. Mark didD ho$ever0 8nd o( e hour# on another door $ith

    a random a ronym on it and they #aid >2B;=0 #o $e're a##uming the#e

    hour# app y "or the 7)3I) o( e a# $e .

    Intere#ting y0 od an#$ered your prayer# in a $ay $e did not e/pe t.

    Having an hour o" on entrated thinking time in the ar a# I #at on I>1= in

    tra( to get to thi# o( e turned out to be the :an#$er: I needed. I

    rea i?ed that my # hoo # hedu e i# #u h that I do not

    have #tudent# unti B2= a.m. From B1= > B2=0 I am

    doing variou# :tea her: dutie#0 ike ha $ay monitoring0

    team meeting0 et . There"ore0 the Augu#t 2;rd

    appointment at B== a.m. might $ork out. I $i have to

    mi## my team meeting0 but I $on't "ee ike I'm etting

    do$n my #tudent# and my ne$ partner tea her! Hug#0

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    P a g e | 5L

    rea y on#idering the timing o" our Augu#t 2;rd appointment. It $i

    probab y mean that our 9o##ier $i be in Ethiopia in the midd e to end o"

    )eptember. I" $ait time "or a re"erra mat h $ith a hi dJ goe# a# it ha#

    been going re ent y0 that $i put u# getting our re"erra in Mar h0 trave ing

    "or ourt at the end o" Apri po##ib y0 and pi king up Xane at the end o"

    MaySear y @une. For a tea her0 thi# $ou d be per"e t timing!

    I kno$ that od'# timing i# per"e t0 and He'# a ready $orking thi# thing

    out. Thank# "or praying "or u#. itt e did $e kno$0 your prayer# $ou d

    hange 7)0 not our ir um#tan e#. od i# "aith"u to do that0 i#n't He&


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    P a g e | 5

    It $a# going pretty #mooth y. I $a# e/ ited y #ho$ing oC my brother $ho

    i# proud y #erving in the 7nited )tate# Army0 my mom $ho a #o ove#

    $orking $ith midd e # hoo #tudent# : u#t ike them0: my dad $ho i# the

    :#$eete#t0 mo#t #in ere0 and "unnie#t per#on I kno$0: my be#t "riend and

    hu#band $hom I ove to :hang out $ith0: and my t$o dog# $ho are a#

    mu h o" a me## a# they ook in the pi ture#. Their eye# $ere $ide $ith

    intere#t0 grin# on their "a e# #ho$ed their amu#ement0 and their po#ture

    en ouraged me to ontinue. I ipped to the ne/t # ide $here I revea ed

    that one "ami y member $a# mi##ing0 and I e/p ained our adoption o" Xane

    that i# urrent y in pro e##. On the # ide0 I had a beauti"u Ethiopian ag0 a

    de adent pi ture o" moi#t Ethiopian oCee bean#0 t$o pi ture# o" the

    aptio 0 Addi# Ababa0 and a arge outine o" A"ri a in the midd e. I don't

    kno$ $hat the hi dren $ere thinking $hen I to d them $e $ere adopting0

    but I do kno$ that many o" their "a e# $ere e/ ited and #urpri#ed and

    other# $ere on"u#ed and perp e/ed. I've never #een #u h a ontra#t o"

    emotion#! One even a#ked0 :%i he be b a k&: It'# a great 4ue#tion! One

    that many $ou dn't kno$ to a#k be au#e they might a##ume that be au#e

    Xane'# "rom A"ri a he $ou d be very dark. I tried to an#$er a# be#t a# I

    ou d $ith :Hi# #kin o or ou d range "rom ightStan #kinned to very dark

    #kinned. There are many diCerent peop e in Ethiopia and u ture# "rom the

    midd e ea#t0 Ita y0 and Ea#t A"ri a merge to make up thi# ountry.: There

    P a g e | 5

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    P a g e | 5

    $a# an intere#ting hu#h a ro## the room0 and hone#t y0 I don't kno$ $hat

    to make o" it. I don't kno$ i" I #hou d make anything o" it at a 0 and I try

    not to in my mind.

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    P a g e | 5

    There i# radian e0 gratitude0 and pea e. I don't kno$ $hat o or he $i

    be0 but I kno$ He $i be beauti"u and there $i be no one e #e in a the

    $or d ike him. I kno$ he $i be "ear"u y and $onder"u y madeD knit

    together by the hand# o" od. I kno$ I $i be o#t "or $ord# and yet #o "u

    o" thing# I $ant to #ay to him. Hi# o or $i be vibrant and He $i be

    made in od'# image.

    %hen I imagine Heaven0 I imagine there are o or# I've never #een be"ore.

    Pau #aid that $e no$ #ee through a g a## dim y0 but then $e #ha #ee

    "a e to "a e. %hat $e think o" a# b ue on earth $i have no #emb an e to

    the radiant #hade# o" b ue $e $i #ee $hen our eye# are unvei ed.

    ike$i#e0 the o or# o" our #kin $i radiate $ith g ory inde# ribab e. I

    imagine a #ea o" peop e $ho #hine $ith the ight o" 3hri#t and the beauty

    o" ri h bro$n#0 tan#0 b a k#0 red#0 and ye o$# that have never been

    per eived by mankind. %hat humanity ha# made into a divi#ive

    and vo ati e phy#i a attribute that ha# au#ed hatred and $ar#0 od i#

    making into a g oriou# and ever a#ting Kingdom that re e t# Hi# nature

    and Hi# beauty.

    I $ant #o bad y "or peop e to kno$ ho$ o or>b e##ed $e are on thi# #ide o"

    Heaven. I $i#h human# ou d ove one another and rea y under#tand

    od'# ove "or u#. %hat $ou d $e do and ho$ $ou d $e treat peop e i" $e

    P a g e | 5

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    P a g e | 6=

    rea y embra ed them a# our brother# and #i#ter#& Ho$ $ou d our hi dren

    re#pond to our e/amp e& Ho$ $ou d "uture generation# embody the a

    o" the reat 3ommi##ion& Maybe adoption $ou dn't be #u h a perp e/ing

    thing to our hi dren a"ter a .


    %onder"u thought# and attitude. It i# #o #ad that $e #ee o or a# divi#ive

    here. I kno$ you $i be great parent# o" any #hade od hoo#e# to #end

    you. Mu#i Mi er

    It'# "unny0 but I haven't ever thought o" Xane a# a : o or.: I've u#t been #o

    e/ ited Q thri ed at the idea o" you Q Mark be oming parent#0 and your

    parent# be oming grandparent#. ,ou $ou d think $ith granddaughter# I

    $ou dn't be #o ready "or another one to ome a ong0 but ne$ baby "everhere!! od'# b e##ing# ome in every #hape0 #i?e0 o or and type. I "or one

    am grate"u "or that. And eager y a$aiting your ne$ one!! Tri ia

    $o$ mi## imbrey. i read your b og during a a##0 and i hope the pro"e##or

    didn't #ee me rying. #o pre iou#!! %i iam and er , 2010

    P a g e | 6=

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    P a g e | 61

    I have been putting oC a ne$ entry and rationa i?ing my pro ra#tination

    "or day# no$. %hi e pro ra#tination i# never a good idea0 there are many

    good rea#on# "or my de ay in $riting thi# entry.

    9op 9en:

    1=. Footba #ea#on #tarted.

    . ) hoo i# keeping me very bu#y.

    . I've been p anning a brida un heon "or my #$eet ou#in0 Amber'#

    $edding on )eptember 6th.

    . )ometime#0 I "ee ike being a?y and u#t $at hing T*.

    L. The di#he# are over o$ing out o" my #ink and need to be $a#hed.

    6. I've been reading #ome great adoption book#0 Adopted "or i"e by

    +u##e Moore and There i# -o Me %ithout ,ou by Me i##a Faye reen

    5. I've been reading ount e## update# on our adoption ,ahoo roup.

    ;. Adoption b og>#ta king i# very time on#uming.

    2. I an't #tand b og# that u#t 3OMP AI- and I don't $ant to be :that

    b ogger.:

    1. I'm tired o" ta king about adoption paper$ork and that'# about a there

    i# to ta k about right no$.

    P a g e | 61

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    P a g e | 62

    )o...$ith that #aid0 here i# the mo#t mundane po#t I hope to ever $rite0

    $ritten entire y out o" my o$n per#ona gui t over pro ra#tinating "or #o

    ong. I mu#t break "ree. Here goe#...

    Monday0 Augu#t 2;rd Mark'# birthdayJ0 Mark and I headed to the o a

    7)3I) o( e to be 8ngerprinted "or our

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    P a g e | 65

    :Mark made hi# appointment...: I #ti don't kno$ $hat that mean#

    be au#e $hen I a ed ba k at 5B== on %ed. a"ternoon0 the voi emai #aid

    the o( e $a# o#ed "or a government ho iday. -o need to ook up and re>

    read0 "o k#. ,ou're right. It $a# %E9-E)9A,. I thought abor 9ay $a#

    Monday&&&& I gue## the government got oC Thur#day0 Friday0 )aturday0

    )unday0 and Monday. %o$! %hy don't I $ork "or 7)3I)&&&

    Today i# Tue#day0 )eptember th0 the day a"ter abor 9ay. %hen I a ed

    the o( e today0 the voi emai #aid0 :I on y return a # bet$een 1= am and

    11 am.: At thi# point0 Mark and I $ere aughing out oud. Thi# ha# got to

    be the "unnie#t $ork # hedu e I've ever heard o"! A# o" no$0 $e #ti have

    not tou hed ba#e $ith 7)3I) to #ee $hat $a# meant by :9id Mark make

    hi# appointment&: 7)3I) #aga to be ontinued...


    Thank# "or the update. I have been $ondering ho$ the 8nger printing

    appt. $ent. I hope # hoo i# going $e ! And remember0 there are other#

    praying too! Mi he e

    ,ou are a mo#t there!!! ,ippee!! itt e amb

    o( to -a/e A i?eP a g e | 65

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    P a g e | 66

    -eptem>er &, 2010

    httpBSSvimeo. omS# ionkaSethiopianorphan#

    Ethiopian Orphan# "rom )imon ) ionka on *imeo.

    It'# hot. )o hot I an't bear to move "or "ear that I might #tart #$eating.

    The #un'# beating do$n at about 1== degree# and the heat inde/ ha#

    been rea hing up to 11=. To add to the heat0 -e$ Or ean# i# privi eged to

    be #urrounded by #teaming mar#he#0 reek#0 and ana # $ho#e $ater#

    evaporate into the b a?ing hot air au#ing u# a to bare y be ab e to

    breath. The Mi##i##ippi +iver ook# ike #omething out o" a horror 8 m.

    )team and "og move my#teriou# y a ro## the $ater ike gho#t# hoking

    re#ident# $ith it'# thi k moi#t on#i#ten y.

    About the on y thing I $ant to do the#e day# i# ump in a poo "u o" i e

    and en oy the re"re#hing "ee ing o" "ree?ing to death. I" on y the 1 5='#

    in#u ation in my $a # $ou d ontain the air onditioning that ha# been

    on#tant y o$ing out o" vent# in my home 25S ! There have been many

    day# I've thought o" buying a ne$ hou#e $ith beauti"u doub e>paned

    $indo$# that a tua y #ea $hen they o#e0 updated in#u ation that 8 #

    the $a # $ith prote tion "rom out#ide e ement#0 and a venti ation #y#tem

    that keep# our atti oo . I've thought about a overed de k out ba k

    P a g e | 66

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    P a g e | 6L

    #urrounding an underground poo $ith hi y $ater# and a re a/ing ro k

    "ountain. Add to that an outdoor i e ma hine0 o d drink#0 and a poo ra"t0

    and I'd have it made.

    )i/ month# ago0 I $ou d have #tarted #aving "or e/a t y tho#e thing#.

    :%hy #hou dn't I have $hat many0 i" not mo#t0 home# in Ameri a have&:

    :It'# hot0 I $ork hard0 I make money0 I de#erve the#e thing#.: : i"e i# too

    #hort to not en oy it!: :I' "ee e## #tre##ed and more om"ortab e $ith

    #ome p a e to re a/.: The e/p anation# and rationa i?ation# I reated "or

    #pending money $ere ount e##. A"tera 0 they are a ba#ed in #ome #ort

    o" truth...a #e "> entered truth.

    I be ieve it'# the#e #o a ed :truth#: that keep many o" u# #e ">ab#orbed0

    di##ati#8ed0 and depre##ed. The :truth: i# there i# nothing on earth that

    $i #ati#"y our deepe#t need#. A eCort# to de>#tre##0 de>to/i"y0 de>brie"0

    de>$hatever are "uti e i" there i# nothing better0 nob er0 $i#er to rep a e it.

    The T+7TH i#0 the on y thing that #ati#8e# u# i# kno$ing od and making

    Him kno$n throughout the $or d.

    In adoption0 I have "ound that there i# nothing o#er to od'# heart. @u#t

    a# od ha# adopted u# a# heir# o" Hi# promi#e0 given u# "u right# a# #on#0

    and b e##ed u# $ith a g oriou# inheritan e0 Mark and I are no$ in turn

    oCering a re e tion o" od'# adoption o" u# to a baby boy in Ethiopia.

    I'm a#hamed I ever thought o" #pending my money0 my time0 my

    P a g e | 6L

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    P a g e | 6

    re#our e# on anything e## than a human i"e. Ho$ mu h $e have in

    Ameri a! ,et $e are ontent to $rite he k# to haritie# to avoid getting

    our :hand# dirty.: There i# no amount o" money #ave# ive#. od #ave#

    ive#. And he u#e# Hi# peop e to bring #a vation to the :end# o" the earth.:

    One o" the $ay# He doe# that i# through 3hri#tian men and $omen

    adopting hi dren a# #on# and daughter# $ho have the "u right# and "u

    inheritan e o" bio ogi a hi dren.

    I am be#ide my#e " $hen I think o" the rea ity o" ir um#tan e# in thi#

    video. I an't go on. I "ee ike rumb ing to the oor in angui#h. I $i

    never be the #ame. -o di# om"ort and no #a ri8 e i# too di( u t i" it

    mean# the re# ue o" the#e hi dren. :For our ight and momentary

    troub e# are a hieving "or u# an eterna g ory that "ar out$eigh# them a .:

    2 3orinthian# 5B1

    -tal)ing-eptem>er 1 , 2010

    I'm be oming a mai #ta ker. ,e#0 that $a# M>A>I> 0 not M>A> >E. %e're

    e/pe ting our I>1 1H "orm# ImmigrationJ to ome in the mai ...$e think.

    %e got a a "rom 7)3I) $ith a 4ue#tion about Mark :making hi#

    appointment: and I a ed her ba k to eave her a me##age that :ye#0 he

    did 'make hi# appointment.': I did not hear ba k about $hat thi# mean# or

    P a g e | 6

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    P a g e | 6

    i" "urther di# u##ion $a# needed. I even brought my phone to $ork to

    re eive the a bet$een 1= and 11 a.m. the on y hour# #he return# a #.J

    I have not heard one $ord ba k "rom 7)3I) about thi# voi e me##age I

    got t$o $eek# ago. For day# I thought #he had 8gured out the an#$er to

    her 4ue#tion and #he didn't need me anymore. I u#t 8gured I $ou d #ee

    the "orm# in the mai in the ne/t oup e o" day#. A"ter a $eek o" he king

    the mai bo/ and not 8nding it there0 I'm #tarting to have doubt#. %hat i"

    #he put me at the end o" a big ong i#t o" :peop e to a ba k bet$een 1=

    and 11 a.m.: be au#e I "ai ed to an#$er her a & I" that'# the a#e0 I $on't

    be hearing "rom her "or 4uite a $hi e I'm #ure. Thi# $ou d "urther de ay

    our #ending o" our do##ier to Ethiopia0 and in turn0 de ay our re"erra "or

    our $aiting itt e boy0 $hi h $ou d de ay our ourt date to make the itt e

    boy our#0 and then de ay our trave date $here $e bring our itt e boy

    home. )o thi# i# rea y -O

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    P a g e | 6

    ro##ing her path to en ourage her to hoo#e i"e and hea th "or her baby.

    There i# an orphanage that i# making room "or another baby among the

    do?en# o" rib# in their baby room. There i# a vo unteer that i# donating

    more "ormu a to the orphanage #o the baby an be "ed and ared "or.

    There i# an agen y that i# preparing to advo ate "or our "ami y. There i# a

    udge $ho need# a heart 8 ed $ith ompa##ion. And there i# a "ami y $ho

    need# to under#tand od'# $i#dom and ove. -o p an i# ever #tanding #ti

    in od'# Kingdom. There are thou#and# o" moment# that mu#t happen in

    the ive# o" hundred# o" peop e be"ore Xane i# ready to ome home. Even

    i" $e an't #ee any movement0 there i# a $ay# a tion going on in the

    Heaven y rea m#. I" any o" the#e moment# are mi##ed0 the p an "ai #...and

    od promi#e# Hi# p an# -E*E+ "ai . I'm #o g ad that I an re#t in that.

    There i# nothing going on right no$ that i#n't part o" the greater pi ture. I

    an and I $i $ait "or the ord. Hi# timing i# A %A,) per"e t.

    +I6A % #"#!-eptem>er 18, 2010

    I am #o e/ ited I ou d ry. %e u#t re eived our I>1 1H in the mai today!

    %e $i be #ending our do##ier to A%AA on Monday. Hope"u y $e $i

    have our do##ier in Ethiopia by Friday!!!! ,EA!

    P a g e | 6

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    P a g e | L=


    yay!! ongratu ation#!! %i iam and I $aited 15 $eek# "or

    that magi pie e o" paper and ried $hen it arrived. I get you. Mi##y

    @in)o's 9rip!-eptem>er 1&, 2010

    Today $e opied a o" our do##ier do ument# three time#0 put them in

    order and prepared "or tomorro$'# mai ing! Mark $i take the do##ier to

    FedE/ at am and it $i be oC to *irginia to be approved by Ameri a

    %or d. I an't $ait to get the a that $e are 8na y 9TE 9o##ier to


    +ight no$0 the $ait "or a ma e in"ant i# appro/imate y 5>L month#. %e

    hope to re eive a re"erra "or Xane by February0 trave "or our 3ourt date in

    Mar hSApri 0 and go pi k him up in Apri SMay. It'# #o e/ iting!

    P a g e | L=

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    P a g e | L1

    Fir#t $e doub e he ked rea y I don't remember ho$ many time# I've

    he kedJ a the paper$ork at home.

    P a g e | L1

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    P a g e | L2

    Then $e headed to our o a Kinko'#SFedE/ O( e.

    P a g e | L2

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | L;

    P a g e | L;

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | L5

    Thi# i# Mark do umenting ho$ mu h

    money the opie# are o#ting u#. He

    i# a *E+, tru#ty a ountant! BJ

    putting a the opie# in order...

    getting a itt e over$he med at the

    amount o" paper$ork...

    P a g e | L5

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    P a g e | L6

    getting o#er to

    the 8ni#h ine....

    P a g e | L6

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    P a g e | LL

    My :baby bump!

    Man y :baby on the $ay: po#e.

    P a g e | LL

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    P a g e | L

    P a g e | L

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    P a g e | L

    It'# o( ia . I'm going to be an ehmyay0 :mama!:


    Hahahaha.... O*E the baby bump pi ! 3ongratu ation#0 mama and dad!

    ove the do umentation0 #o "un that Xane $i ook at a the#e pi ture#

    #omeday...#oon!! > itt e amb

    ove the ne$ b og ook! 3an't $ait to earn more about0 and eventua y

    meet0 our itt e od>#on! > aura and

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    P a g e | L

    )O e/ iting!! I remember my trip to FedE/ ike it $a# ye#terday0 he king

    and trip e he king that everything $a# orre t. I ove the :baby bump: by

    the $ay! 3ongrat#! > I $a# u#t u ky to get a photo o"

    it going in the FedE/ bo/ > it $ent in there at the #peed o" ight!! 3ongrat#!

    > Tra y

    ,ou are adorab e 3imbrey and I ove your baby bump! ,ou and Mark are

    going to be ama?ing parent# to itt e Xane. B>J 3ongratu ation#! >

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    P a g e | =

    )uper ute #hirt and ongrat# on being on your $ay! BJ Ke y

    $9# &B2 B10

    -eptem>er 21, 2010

    Mark and I re eived an emai today "rom our Fami y 3oordinator $ith A%AA

    that our do##ier ha# been approved. It $i be #ent to Ethiopia on

    )eptember 25th0 thi# Friday! ,EA!


    HA E 7@AH!!!! )u h e/ iting ne$#. %e' keep praying "or Xane!!! >

    Mi he e

    %OO HOO!!!! 3ongratu ation#! )u h a H7 E #tep o#er! En oy the "ree>

    "rom>paper$ork "ee ing! od b e## you in the $aiting!> 9ebb

    i u#t "ound your b og through another. i am #o e/ ited "or you to be 9TE!

    ho$ a$e#ome! $e are an a$aa "ami y a #o0 $e u#t #$it hed "rom r$anda

    and a tua y #tarted at the #ame time you did BJ praying your re"erra

    ome# 4ui k y. > 9u#tin and Megan

    $eli/ered!Octo>er , 2010

    P a g e | =

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    The emba##y approved our re4ue#t "or a *i#a A-9...

    Our do##ier $a# de ivered to Addi# Ababa on )eptember ;=th! %e're

    ro ing!

    )ep ;=0 2=1= ;B== PM


    KI+KO) )73IT,0 A99I) A

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    PA+I) F+

    )ep 2 0 2=1= 5B52 AM

    In tran#it

    PA+I) F+

    )ep 2 0 2=1= B1 PM

    9eparted FedE/ o ation

    PA+I) F+

    )ep 2 0 2=1= B12 PM

    Arrived at FedE/ o ation

    PA+I) F+

    )ep 2 0 2=1= 12B5= AM

    Arrived at FedE/ o ation

    PA+I) F+

    )ep 2 0 2=1= 12B2 AM

    At o a FedE/ "a i ity

    PA+I) F+

    )ep 2 0 2=1= 11B;L PM

    In tran#it

    F+A-KF7+T 9E

    )ep 2 0 2=1= B=2 PM

    9eparted FedE/ o ation

    P a g e | 2

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    P a g e | ;

    KOE - 9E

    )ep 2 0 2=1= 5B;; PM

    Arrived at FedE/ o ation

    KOE - 9E

    )ep 2 0 2=1= ;B65 AM

    9eparted FedE/ o ation

    -E%A+K0 -@

    )ep 2 0 2=1= 1B62 AM

    In tran#it

    -E%A+K0 -@

    )ep 260 2=1= B22 AM

    9eparted FedE/ o ation

    -E%A+K0 -@

    )ep 260 2=1= B26 AM

    Arrived at FedE/ o ation

    -E%A+K0 -@

    )ep 250 2=1= B2; PM

    e"t FedE/ origin "a i ity

    HE+-9O-0 *A

    )ep 250 2=1= 5B1 PM

    Pi ked up

    P a g e | ;

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    HE+-9O-0 *A

    )ep 250 2=1= 2B16 PM

    )hipment in"ormation #ent to FedE/

    Many o? yo. 3a/e >een as)ing a>o.t ne t steps ?or .s, so 3ere's

    an appro imate timeline:

    %e $ait "or ;>L month# to get $ord "rom Ameri a %or d that $e

    have been mat hed $ith a itt e boy =>12 month# or t$in boy# =>12


    Ameri a %or d #end# u# a :re"erra : omp ete $ith a pi ture o" the

    hi d0 ba kground in"ormation0 et .

    %e $ait "or 5>L $eek# "or Ameri a %or d to #et u# up $ith a ourt

    date in Ethiopia.

    %e trave to Ethiopia to te#ti"y be"ore ourt that $e $i bring up

    the itt e boy #J to be hea thy and happy.

    %e ome home and $ait "or 5>L $eek# "or earan e to trave to

    pi k up the boy #J.

    %e trave to Ethiopia to pi k up our kid #J!

    P a g e | 5

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    Our prayer re4ue#t at thi# time i# that od $i #ho$ u# ear y $hat he

    $ant# "or u#. %e have had in mind t$in# "rom the beginning. The pa##ion

    i# gro$ing #tronger0 e#pe ia y "or Mark0 to have t$o boy#. Pray "or u#0

    Ameri a %or d0 and the appropriate po$er# in Ethiopia to mat h u# $ith

    t$o boy# i" that'# $hat od $ant# "or u#. A #o pray "or the aregiver# that

    they $ou d have energy and the mind o" 3hri#t to #ee to every hi d'#

    need# $hi e they $ait "or their "orever "ami y.

    93e Waiting ist

    Octo>er 12, 2010

    Ethiopia ha# a :rainy #ea#on: bet$een Augu#t and O tober. 9uring thi#

    time0 mo#t a tivity #hut# do$n0 a# the road# be ome dangerou# "or trave .

    For the pa#t "e$ $eek#0 I have been eager y $at hing our agen y'#7-OFFI3IA $aiting i#t "or any #ign o" a tivity. Fina y0 a#t $eek about 1=

    ourt date# $ere given or on8rmed0 and #evera re"erra # $ere given out.

    %hen $e #ent our do##ier to Ethiopia in )eptember0 $e $ere number 2

    on the :$aiting i#t:0 and no$ $e have a ready moved up to 2 ! O" our#e0

    there i# #ti a ong $ay to go0 but it'# #o oo to #ee movement!

    In the meantime0 I've been reading #ome great book#. One parti u ar y

    important book "or "ami ie# adopting "rom Ethiopia i# There i# -o Me

    P a g e | 6

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    %ithout ,ou by Me i##a Faye reen. It i# $onder"u y $ritten0 and it

    ba an e# hi#tory $ith per#ona #torie# about Ethiopian orphan# and

    aregiver#. A great book on the theo ogy o" adoption i# Adopted "or i"e0

    by +u##e Moore. It revea # od'# heart "or u# and #ho$# ho$ adoption i#

    part o" od'# de#ign "or mankind. I am no$ reading +adi a by 9avid P att0

    $hi h ha# nothing to do $ith adoption0 but ironi a y ha# E*E+,THI- to

    do $ith adoption at the #ame time. It# about Ameri an 3hri#tian# "uti e

    pur#uit o" the Ameri an 9ream0 and the +EA i"e that i# "ound in

    abandoning everything "or the #ake o" the go#pe D not the go#pe a# it

    app ie# to me0 but the true go#pe o" @e#u# 3hri#t0 our )avior. It'# about

    iving "or the g ory o" od and making Him kno$n throughout the $or d.

    And $hat it o#t# to do that. I think 9avid P att i# rea y on to #omething

    $ith thi#'# de8nite y #omething I $i be thinking about "or a $hi e.

    My ne/t read# $i be...

    The 3onne ted 3hi d by Karen Purvi# a$e#ome hi d deve opment

    #pe ia i#t "rom T37J0


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    3a#ta$ay Kid by +.

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    On the other hand0 I ove $him#i a 0 modern ook# #u h a# thi# ?ebra>

    modern ookB

    Or maybe thi# orienta >modern ookB

    P a g e |

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    Even thi# "un0 o or"u $him#i a ookB

    I'm not #o "ond o" the boyi#h theme #ty ed bedding0 un e## it'# #ubt eB

    P a g e |

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  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


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    et me kno$ $hat your "avorite ook i# in the omment #e tion!THA-K)

    FO+ THE HE P!


    i vote "or the green $ith the giraCe0 or the re#toration hard$are $ith

    maybe #omething itt e to brighten it up. #oooo ute! > %i iam and

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 2

    "orget that $ork# and a t# o" "aith are p ea#ing to od $hi e $e are here

    and hi# #pe i8 ommand $a# to O and MAKE di# ip e#. ,ou are iving it0

    3im! Proud o" you! > Abbey

    I'm praying "or you guy#! O*E reading your b og! My team read +adi a

    together thi# #ummer be"ore eaving "or Ethiopia and I oved itD it' hange

    your i"e! BJE/ ited to 8nd out $hat ute itt e u ky baby you guy# get! >


  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | ;

    atta hment parenting and adopted hi dren and get a $ho e i#t o" arti e#.

    BJ > )heri

    I'm #o e/ ited that Xane i# getting o#er to being home BJmy advi e "or

    the nur#ery i# to pi k #omething that i#n't too bu#y. I ove

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 5

    together $ith a bun h o" gir # $ho ove @e#u#0 ove gir time0 and ove

    adoption! I'm per"e t y ontent to #ign up "or the#e kind# o" thing# by

    my#e "0 and u#ua y I'm #urpri#ed and thri ed to meet up $ith peop e I

    kno$ at the event. )igning up "or thi# event0 ho$ever0 $a# an even better


    )evera gir # on the Ameri a %or d ,ahoo roup thre$ around idea# o"

    going0 #o I kne$ there $ou d be a "e$ "ami iar "a e# a# the 8r#t day o"

    regi#tration ame and $ent. %hen I $ent to #ign up there $ere on y "our

    #pot# e"t be au#e #o many $omen ommitted to go! Kri#ty0 my A%AA

    -O A buddy0 a ed and $e determined to go together. In a matter o"

    three day#0 @amie "rom to>"a e "or the 8r#t time!

    A remarkab e thing i# a"ter earning about a o" the $onder"u Ameri a

    %or d gir # going0 I got on Fa ebook and "ound Mary

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


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    o" a itt e gir "rom Ethiopia thi# #ummer. A though I "ee ike I kno$ her0 I

    have never met Mary #hirt#...i )O u#t pur ha#ed theone "or the retreat! BJ

    %e have +EAT "riend# in +u#ton $ho u#t #$it hed "rom +a$anda to

    Ethiopia be au#e o" a the ra?ine## going on in +a$anda. It ha# been

    ra?y "or them. Here i# their b oghttpBSS$$$. ark"ami yadopt#.b og#pot. omS

    I gaver Erin your# a# $e ! Hope everything i# going great!


    O6# MO69 $9#!Octo>er 2 , 2010

    Today mark# O-E MO-TH that $e have been $aiting "or Xane. %e have

    been to d to e/pe t a ;> month $ait "or a re"erra "or a baby boy.

    P a g e | 6

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    On the :uno( ia $ait i#t: that peop e in our agen y keep up $ith0 $e

    have moved up to number 22!! )o in one month $e've moved up

    #pot#! ,EA! Thing# are moving!

    A big prayer re4ue#t right no$ "or our agen y i# "or peop e $ho have

    re"erra # to get ourt date#. The ourt# $ere o#ed through Augu#t and

    )eptember0 #o there i# a itt e ba k up $ith the ourt pro e##. P ea#e pray

    that many "ami ie# $i be # hedu ed "or ourt0 #o the pro e## doe#n't keep

    ba king up.

    Thank# "or praying "or Xane and "or u# a# $e $ait "or him to ome home!


    )o e/ iting0 "riend! Amanda

    P a g e | L

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  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


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    a#t $eekend I had Fa

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


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    Third y0 beauti"u $eather a o$ed "or a "un neighborhood ookout on my

    parent'# drive$ay Friday night and )unday night $hi e tri k>or>treater# ran

    by #ear hing "or andy. It $a# in redib y entertaining to #ee the o#tume#

    and hi dren # utt ing by $ith #ugar>high#.

    )aturday $a# idea 0 a# $e got to eat at our "avorite 3o ege )tation

    re#taurant#0 Koppe 4ue! %e got to #hop "or Aggie parapherna ia0 and got our 8r#t item# o"

    othing "or our itt e boy #J...TERA) AQM t>#hirt#!

    Our #eat# $ere at the ;6 yard ine0 8r#t de k. %e eyed 9avid +obin#on

    u#t be o$ $here $e #at0 $at hed eorge

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | =

    %e headed up to )an Antonio a"ter the game to #tay $ith aura and

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    It made me think. I $ant to go ike that. %ondering ho$ mu h onger I

    have to :do thi#: be au#e I an't $ait to #ee Him. I $ant to be readyD #o

    mu h #o that every moment I ong more to #ee Hi# "a e. %hat a $ay to

    go. There i# -O better $ay to go0 and the #ad rea ity i# that #o many $i

    #uCer great y at the hand# o" death. A# i" death i#n't "ear"u enough0 many

    $i #pend eternity in angui#h at $hat might have been i" they had on y

    tru#ted @e#u#. Thi# i# the on y #adne## $e "ee a# renna pa##e# on...the

    #adne## "or oved one# $ho may not be ready...It hurt# to eave behind

    oved one# you may not ever #ee again be au#e they have re e ted 3hri#t.

    P a g e | 1

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    I #a$ thi# angui#h in her "a e thi# $eekend0 and it pained a o" u#.

    %ith a o" the "un0 beauty0 and omp ete de ight I "e t thi# $eekend0 there

    i# no p ea#ure that e ip#e# the truth o" our need "or a )avior. Every good

    thing in our ive# ome# "rom Him and He a one i# $orthy o" prai#e. %hat

    $i happen $hen $e die& %e a $i a kno$ edge that @e#u# i# ord0 but

    "or #ome o" u# it $i be too ate. %hat #hou d $e do then& Ange a

    I "e t the #ame $ay $hen $e vi#ited renna the $eekend be"ore. %hat a

    g oriou# $itne## #he i#! I am #o g ad you made it to #ee her! Mi he eP a g e | 2

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    "epetition6o/em>er 1D, 2010

    I am e/treme y turned>oC by redundan y0 and I annoy my#e " $hen I think

    that I may be #aying the #ame thing over and over. Maybe that'# be au#e

    I #pend mo#t o" my day repeating my#e ". I tea h the #ame e##on three

    time# in one day. %ithin that e##on I may give the #ame dire tion# t$o or

    three time#0 and $ithin that dire tion0 I may repeat a key phra#e t$i e

    more "or added empha#i#. Obviou# y0 I'm e/perien ed in redundant0

    monotonou# verbiage. The dea i#0 a# mu h a# I hate to repeat my#e "0 it

    rea y boi # do$n to a #ub on# iou# "ee ing I have that nobody rea y $ant#

    to kno$ a I have to #ay and I have A OT to #ay u#ua y!J. I "ee ike i" I

    $rite one more b og entry about ho$ $e're $aiting...#ti ...peop e might


    And the truth i#0 there i# ab#o ute y nothing happening on our end o" the

    adoption right no$ be#ide# %AITI- . My "avorite.J

    )o "or tho#e o" you patient enough to read a# I drone on and on thank#0

    mom!J...I #ti $onder $hat Xane ook# ike...I #ti $onder i" he ha# a t$in

    P a g e | ;

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    that $e $i adopt too...I #ti think about hi# mom and $onder ho$ #he'#

    doing. I $onder $ho hi# dad i# and i" he i# an up#tanding man. I $onder

    $hat region o" Ethiopia he'# "rom and $hat it ook# ike. I $onder i" I $i

    #ee it one day and maybe even meet hi# birth "ami y. I think about $hat I

    might #ay to them. I dream o" hi# ur y o k# re#ting #o"t y upon hi#

    #mooth #kin. I think o" hi# heek# and ho$ I $i $ant to ki## 'em and

    pre## them to my "a e every minute. And hi# #$eet hand# that $i gent y

    re#t in mine. Mo#t o" a 0 though0 I think o" hi# eye# and the #tory they

    might te . Hi# #ou $i pour out through tho#e eye#0 and I $onder

    #o de#perate y about them. %hat o or $i they be and $hat #hape $i

    they take& %hat $i they onvey to me about hi# time $ith hi# birth

    "ami y0 hi# trip to the orphanage0 hi# under#tanding that they are not

    oming ba k0 and hi# adventure to a tran#ition home $here he $i be

    given to Mark and I0 hi# ne$ "ami y.

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    My heart hurt# over thi# and yearn# "or od'# intervention. )atan $i

    poun e at the opportunity to #peak ie# o" abandonment and un$orthine##

    to any hi d renJ $ho $i i#ten. I" he an onvin e u# o" our a k o" va ue

    to od0 he an render our ive# omp ete y ineCe tive0 unprodu tive0 and

    omp ete y $orth e## to the Kingdom o" od. He $reak# havo in the

    $or d'# hi dren everyday0 and I am de#perate "or od to pre#erve the

    heart o" my hi d. I pray he $i kno$0 even no$0 hi# od in #u h an

    intimate $ay0 that he "ee # Hi# pre#en e $ith him every moment. I pray

    he ta k# about Him $hen he get# up in the morning and $hen he ie do$n

    at night0 and that he kno$# Him a# Father a# $e a# I kno$ my o$n

    earth y "ather. %hi e $e are a$ay "rom him0 He $i be hi# 9addy0 and oh0

    ho$ I $ant him to kno$ Hi# "a e0 Hi# tou h0 Hi# $ord#. I pray "or od to

    #ho$ Him#e "..."or od to $hi#per in hi# ear the truth about $ho he i# in

    3hri#tB oved0 a epted0 re# ued.

    -o matter ho$ mu h I tire o" ta king0 I never gro$ $eary over praying "or

    my Xane'# re ation#hip $ith @e#u#0 hi# under#tanding o" od'# ove0 and hi#

    on8den e a# a hi d o" the )avior. %hi e Eng i#h grammar0 te#t

    dire tion#0 and ru e# gro$ mundane0 #ome thing# are ear y $orth


    P a g e | 6

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    I pray a #o "or your pre iou# boy #J. )oon my dear0 #oon you $i ho d

    himSthem in your arm# and $i kno$ that o ha# kept them #a"e a# they

    $aited "or Mommy 3imbrey and 9addy Mark. I pray too. Mi he e

    We're 93an)?.l6o/em>er 21, 2010

    Thi# $eekend began the day# o" Thank#giving break "or the

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    year. It'# a b e##ing to be ab e to re a/0 #hop0 and #ee "riend# and "ami y

    be"ore the ra?ine## o" the 3hri#tma# #ea#on begin#.

    %e are parti u ar y b e##ed thi# Thank#giving to have attended a :"ami y

    reunion: o" #ort# in 3o ege )tation. Mark $a# adopted by a )tudent

    Adoption Mini#try "ami y in o ege through Fir#t

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e |

    Mark and I #poke "or a ong time a"ter our $onder"u vi#it $ith the -e #on#

    about "aith0 "ami y0 "e o$#hip0 and the importan e o" mentor# in the ive#

    o" our hi dren. Mark #aid at one point during the vi#it0 :%e kno$ $e $on't

    a $ay# be the be#t parent# and that our hi dren probab y $on't i#ten to


  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


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    i# not run a one...

    I am thank"u "or the body o" 3hri#t0 "or the "ami y $e have that e/ eed#

    boundarie# p a ed by man. I pray our hi dren $i kno$ the kind o" ove

    that od ha# #ho$n u# through peop e ike the -e #on#.

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    P a g e | 1==

    Hey y'a !

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    9e ember 16th > +andy 9u k my dadJ $a# born

    9e ember 1 th > My parent# $ere married

    9e ember 22nd > )herma 9u k my momJ $a# born

    9e ember 25th... month# o" $aiting "or Xane!

    9e ember 26th > @e#u# $a# born!

    It ha# been a $onder"u month! Mark and I have en oyed the 3hri#tma##ea#on in -e$ Or ean#! From dining at +e#taurant Augu#t to aro ing in

    @a k#on )4uare0 -e$ Or ean# i# a great p a e to be during the Ho iday#.

    The be#t thing about 3hri#tma# thi# year ha# been imagining itt e Xane$ith u# at thi# time ne/t year. %e think about $hat our "ami y tradition#

    P a g e | 1=1

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    $i be0 ho$ he $i ove 3hri#tma# ight#0 opening hi# 8r#t 3hri#tma# gi"t...It'# magi a to #ee 3hri#tma# through the eye# o" a hi d. %e have beenon the $aiting i#t $ith A%AA "or ; month#. They have given u# a 5>Lmonth $indo$ to re eive a re"erra a mat h $ith our hi dJ0 #o $e're

    a mo#t there! A"ter re ieveing our re"erra $e $i get a ourt date $ithinL> $eek# and an emba##y date L> $eek# a"ter that. In tota 0 $e'reooking at about 6> month# more unti baby Xane i# home!

    Wit3 t3at said (e 3a/e se/eral prayer re=.ests:

    1. Pray "or "ami ie# to be eared on the 8r#t try by the Ethiopian ourt#.Our agen y'# ourt date# are ba ked up0 and #ome are no$ getting them"or Mar h. Thi# i# #tre##"u be au#e it $i pro ong our getting a ourt date

    and getting Xane home.2. Pray "or emba##y earan e "or "ami ie# $ho $ant to bring their hi drenhome a# #oon a# po##ib e.;. Pray that od $ou d #peed up paper$ork oming "romvi age#0 orphanage#0 et . to A%AA0 ourt0 emba##y0 $homever!5. Pray "or re"erra # to be given out to "ami ie#! %e have been parti u ar ydi# ouraged the a#t month a# very "e$ re"erra # "or baby boy# have goneout. %e are #tagnant on the $ait i#t0 and it an be daunting at time#.

    Thank you #o mu h "or your prayer#!

    Thi# morning I read )ark : : 95698And He #at do$n0 a ed the t$e ve0 and #aid to them0 GI" anyone de#ire#to be 8r#t0 he #ha be a#t o" a and #ervant o" a . D Then He took a itt e

    hi d and #et him in the mid#t o" them. And $hen He had taken him in Hi#arm#0 He #aid to them0 G%hoever re eive# one o" the#e itt e hi dren inMy name re eive# MeD and $hoever re eive# Me0 re eive# not Me but Him$ho #ent Me.

    3hi dren have a #pe ia p a e in od'# heart and He i# pa##ionate aboutthem in Hi# $ord. It remind# me o" $hat 3hri#tma# i# a about... od'#)on0 Emmanue 0 #ent "rom Heaven a# my payment "or my #in#. He didn'tdie at the hand# o" man0 He ame "or that very purpo#e kno$ing y and?ea ou# y to vindi ate me be"ore od.

    P a g e | 1=2

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    I kno$ that Emmanue i# $ith u# and $ith Xane. Hi# timing i# per"e t0 andHi# ove "or u# i# abundant.

    Merry 3hri#tma#!

    W3y Are We Adopting +rom #t3iopia 5an.ary 21, 2011

    Today $e earned that $e are Z1 "or a #ing e boy and Z16 "or

    t$in#S#ib ing#. %e are # o$ y getting o#er to the day that $e $i #ee the

    "a e #J o" our hi d renJ! P ea#e pray "or u# to have patien e that on y od

    an give a# $e eager y anti ipate the day he theyJ $i be our#!

    %e o"ten get the 4ue#tion0 :%hy Ethiopia&: There are #o many rea#on# to

    adopt "rom ountrie# a over the $or d0 in uding the 7nited )tate#. %e

    are pa##ionate about the prote tion and re# ue o" hi dren a over the

    g obe0 but $hat ed u# to Ethiopia i# the hope o" a better "uture "or the

    ountry0 and at the #ame time the har#h rea itie# o" it# urrent #ituation.

    In a re ent video I $at hed0 I $a# reminded that

    ; o" the popu ation ive# on e## than N1.26 a day.

    On y 6= o" the popu ation attend or ha# attended K>; primary

    # hoo #.P a g e | 1=;

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 1=5

    There i# one phy#i ian "or every ;60 === peop e.

    5L o" the 6 mi ion peop e in Ethiopia are hi dren.

    O" the 5= mi ion hi dren0 L mi ion are orphan#.

    12;S1=== hi dren in Ethiopia never make it to their 8"th birthday.

    Ethiopia'# annua hea th budget i# N15= mi ion. 3are "or orphan# in

    Ethiopia re4uire# up to N116 mi ion a month! Thi# i# an in u#ti e that

    re4uire# our attention and "ervent a tion.

    3hi dren are a b e##ing0 and our od $i #ee to it that they are prote ted.

    :,ou #ha not mi#treat the $ido$ or the "ather e## hi d. I" you do

    mi#treat them0 and they ry out to me0 I $i #ure y hear their ry and my

    $rath $i burn...: E/odu# 22B22>25

    %e $ant to oin od in $hat He i# a ready doing in the $or d to are "or

    tho#e in need. Hi# heart i# "or the orphan0 and i" $e bear Hi# -ame0 our

    heart# #hou d re e t Hi#.

    Thi# i# #o mu h more than Mark and I having our 8r#t hi d renJ. The ive#

    P a g e | 1=5

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 1=6

    o" mi ion# are at #take0 and our od i# u#ing Hi# peop e to be the :hand#

    and "eet: o" 3hri#t. Our goa i# Hi# g ory iving in u# and through u# to

    dra$ a peop e to Hi# Kingdom.

    Thi# i# $hy $e are adopting "rom Ethiopia.


    yay! #o e/ iting[ ant $ait ti XaneS t$in#& get here!!!!! > +a he

    E*E+, #ing e day bring# you o#er to your #on or hi dren! May you #ee

    hi#Stheir "a e #J )OO-! > 9ebb

    the 12;S1=== #tat parti u ary hit# me tonight. $o$. thank# "or #haring.

    mu h ove to you and your "uture hi d renJ. > itt e amb

    )i/ mi ion orphan# i# a ot o" orphan# in Ethiopia. 9o they have

    orphanage# to are "or a o" tho#e hi dren& 9o you kno$ mu h about the

    ondition# o" the orphanage#& >

  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 1=L

    Mont3s 9oday! 5an.ary 2 ,2011


  • 7/26/2019 Testimonials of Cancer Patients


    P a g e | 1=

    %e 0 I an't #ay ab#o ute y nothing. %e #ti go to $ork every day0 $e go

    to hur h on )unday#0 $e #ing in the prai#e team0 $e have dinner $ith

    "riend#0 $e do date>night...#o I gue## $e're not omp ete y ido .

    %aiting on anything i# not my #trong #uit to #ay the ea#t. @u#t a#k Mark.

    In #ome $ay#0 that'# good0 ike I don't pro ra#tinate in mo#t thing#. I run

    around doing everything a# it ome# up0 #o I don't have to have #omething

    #itting on a i#t "or ater. It drive# me nut# to put oC ta#k#! et'# get it

    done no$! Ho$ever0 not $aiting patient y "or other# make# my heart beat

    "a#ter0 it make# my eye# #ear h around the room ike a unati 0 and it

    make# my eg# #hake $ith anti ipation. I $ant to ump in there and :he p:

    peop e 8ni#h their #torie#0 dra$ a on u#ion about a #ituation0 or # ream0

    : et to the point!: 3 ear y0 t

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