Page 1: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read

Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or

and Caprtailn GFene]ral of this Fro[vincle of Thejr'als, DLoln

Angel de Martos Nauarrete, of the cauildo, magistracy and

adminCistratilon of this Villa of Sra]n FernFan3do' from the

20 of June until the fifteenth of S[elp`temlber.

Year of 1762/SA

Page 2: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


[ Cross]

Dro]n Angel de Martos y Navarrete, Lieurtena]nt Colonel

of the R[oya]l ArLrrii]es, GovF-ern]or and Caprtai]n Grene]ral

of this Prov;.rinc]e of Texas, New Philippines, its Pres`idi]os,

Conversions and Frontiers, with the military command of Panza-

cola and Coaguila, and with the ass[istanc]e of the New

Kingdom of Leon by His MajLrest]y (may.God pr[otec]t him), etc:

Inasmuch as it is necessary for the good administra-

tion of justice and the fulfill[i]'ng of the RF-oya]1 will of

Hr-is] Mfajesty] (may God pr[otec]t him), a General Visita of

this Prov[inc]e of Teja.s, which is under my administration,

is indicated in order to reveal to H[is] M[ajest]y and Super-

ior Tribunals the state of Fthe provincel, to eradicate

abuses, and to make provisions suitable for the future.

In order to perceive what has been begun and to

initiate that which may be suitable, by the present [writ] I

order all the residents living in this villa above m[en-

tion]ed villa,, from the day of this date until the fif-

teenth day of next July, the present Fday] inclusive, to come

to my court to present all titles by virtue of which lands,

Ranados maiores and menores, measures with which any

manner of goods, whether of the land or brought from out-

side, are bought or sold, weights and measures relative

to the former, or other things, so that,.'an view of them,

Page 3: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read

v5 0

I may provide that which is advantageous.

The illFustriouls cavildo, through its g[ene]ral

attorney, will present the books of the municip[al govern-

mednt and the accounts pertaining to public lands, the

fiel will examine the regulations on measures and weights

and compare them with those [weights and measures] presented.

Those who have them will also present servantts accounts

for an inspection of wages, and, incidental or dependent

upon this matter, any person that may wish to speak against

another may appear in my court and he will have justice

administered to him as he deserves under Royal protection,

without criticism or threat from any person, regardles.s of

station.. Everything mentioned shall be executed precisely

and punctually in the manner directed.

He who does not fulfill the a[foresalid within the

assigned term of twenty-five days, was to be condemned andlv

was.condemned Fto pay] one hundred pesos, to //be applied

to the work of the church, and a month in jail if he is

a noble, and [to receive] two hundred lashes and ^to take

part] in three campaigns at his own expense if he is a


In order t[ha]t ignorance may not be alleged and [in

order] to bring it to the.notice of all, I command this be

publicized in the accustomed places of this villa and to

Page 4: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


sthe troops of the presidio.

Thus I provided, commanded and signed in this Villa of

S.raJn FernFan]do on the twentieth day of the month of.June

of the year one thousand seven [hundr]ed and sixty two,

acting before myself as receptoria and as jues receLtor

with ass[istinjg witnesLrse]s for lack of no[tari]es pu[bl]ic

or.Royal, and on this present common paper because of

having no other. To all of which I certify:

Dro]n AngFe]l de Martos y Navarrete

witness: FranTcis]co Ant[oni]o Soliz

Witness: DomrLinglo Garsia

Lr C. lv in E.6-20-1762]

Page 5: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


In the Villa of S[a]n Fernando, on the twenty-first day

of s[a]id month and year, I, the aLr-forenam]ed Gov[ern]or,

in execution of that which had been ordered by me in the

e€ the preceding act, ordered the above-issued edict read

and known before gatherings of people in the accustomed

public places of this sLa]id villa and in the barracks of

the guard. In order to attest to its being well known, I

placed it as ajudicial formality and signed it before

myself with witne.Fssjes as bEefore mentiloned. To all of

which I certify:

D[ojn Angel de Martos y Navarrete

Witness: Fran[cis1co Antonio Soliz

Witness: Dom[inglo Garsia

C. lv in E.6-20-1762)

Page 6: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


In the Villa of S[ajn Fern[an]do on the a[foresa]id

day, month and year, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or and

Cap[ta.i]n Grenelral, in observance of the act promulgated

for the beginning of this GL'ene]ral Visita, should and do

command that the ill-Fustriou]s Cauilldo be required to dis-

play and make manifest the superior Royal Dispatches and

C6dulas,,and other ^regulationsJ that were conducive to the

establishm.re3nt, situat!ilng, and encouragement of this

srajid villa, in order that, in consequence of them, I

may provide what is suitable for its better settlement as

well as for the precise observance of [regulations3.

Thus I provided and signed, acting in the a[foresaid

maInner. To all of which I certify:

D[o}n Angel de Martos y Nauarrete

Witness: Fran.Fcislco Ant-roni]o Soliz

Witness: Dom[inglo Garsia

f C. lv in E.6-^0-1762T

Page 7: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read



On sfa]id day, //month and year, in the Town Houses,

with the magistracy and adminristratY]on of this s[a]id

villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id

Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read and understood ppevided.

These Emen], informed of its import and form, said they

would manifest and did manifest all the [acts]` obtained up

to the present time. This they answered and signed with me,

the a[foresa]id GovLrerndor, and the a.[forementiloned wit-

nesses. To all of which I certify:

D[o]n Ang-Fe]1 de Martos y Navarrete

Juan J[oselph Flores

Andres Ramon

Bizfenjtz Alvares Trauieso

Luis Ant[oni]o Menchaca

Fran[cis]'co Delgado

Simon de Arrocha Ocon y Trillo

Dom[ingjo Castelo

[C. lv-2 in F.6-20-1762J

Page 8: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read

Immediately I, the a[foresa]id GovrernJor, in view of

that reproduced and answered, should have commanded Lmandaual'

and did command that an inspection of accounts and pro-

cedures be made with relation to the context of each item

that I will present. Their exhibition bein.g prompt, [the

comparison] was made in the following manner. ^The accounts

and procedures were compared to]s

First, a dispatch issued by the Mo[st Excelle]nt S[en]or

Marqr,ue3z de Casafuerte, who was Viceroy of this New Spain,

dF-at]ed in Mexico on the twenty-eighth of Novremb]er of the

year one thousand seven ^hundrled and thirty, for the estab-

lishment of the villa, and the dispa[tchles following it.

They are contained on thirty-two completely written pages

and one blank cover page.

Another dispatch of the same d^a]te, ordered issued

by the sr'aJid S[enjor Ex[cellen]'cy, for those who are to

exercise the municipal offices and honors that were'be-

stowed upon the settlers, with the dispa[tch3:es which

follow it. S[a]id dispatch serves as the book of elections

for alcalde and other offices. The entirety of this is

contained on forty-seven written and three blank pag[e]s.

A Royal C6dula of HL'is] Mrajestyj, dFat]ed the

fourteent F.-.of February of the year one thousand seven

[hundr3ed and thirty-nine [sic] in Sev[ill3a, attested to


Page 9: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


2vin //S'an]ta Cruz de Tenerife on the tw'enty-seventh of March

of the year one thousand seven [hundr]ed and thirty. This

Royal dispatch is contained on two and one-half written and

four blank pages.

Another dispatch that was issrued] upon the command of

the Marq.F.uelz de Casafuerte, who was.the Mo[st Excelle].nt

Sren]or Viceroy of this New Spai^n,, for the reception of

the families, and other additional items. This dispatch,

d,rat]`ed in.Mexri]co on the twenty-eighth of NovCemb]'er of

the year one thousand seven [hundr]ed and thirty, with the

orders subsequent to it, is contained on seven completely

written and one blank page.

Another dispatch issued upon the command of the s.ra]id

Mo[st Excellejnt Sren or, d[at]ed in Mex^i]co on the twelfth

of May of the year one thousand seven Lrhundr]ed and thirty-.

three, for the distribuLti]on of water. This dispatch,

with the orders given subsequent to it, is contained on

twelve and one-half.completely written and three blank pages.

A testimonio of the dispatches issued in QuaticlAn by

the Treasury officer, DFo]n Man[ue]1 Ang[e.]1 de Villegas

Puente, on the fourteenth of Nov[emb]`er of one thousand

seven Fhundr]ed and thirty-nine. This testimonio is con-

tained on thirty-seven written pages and one cover Lrpage.]

Another testimonio, i^ssu]ed in QuaticlAn on the

Page 10: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


thirteenth of Novf emb]er of . the year one thousand seven

[hundr]ed and thirty, giving an outline of the history of

the Island families. This testimonio is contained on

twelve and one-half pages written in their entirety and

three blank [pages].

A testimonio of a sup[eri]or dispatch issued by the

Mos[t Illustrio]'us and M.o[st Excellejnt S^en]or who was.. ^

Viceroy of this New Sp[a]in, dated in Mex^i]co //on the

twenty-fourth of Jan[uar]y of the year one thousand seven

Lr-hundrjed and.trirty-six. This testimonio, with the orders

issued subsequen.tly9.consists of fifteen written pages.

Another testim.onio of the s[a]id Mos[t IllustrioJus

and MoT-st Excelle]nt SFen]or, d[at]ed in MexEi]co on the

twenty-fourth of Jan[uar]y of one thousand seven [hundr]ed

and th.irty-six,.the original of which is in the archive of

the Gov[ernme]nt. The entirety of this testirrionio is con-

tained on eight pages written in their entirety and two

blank [pages].

A dispatch of the Mo[st Fxceile]n:t::S[ei]or Viceroy of

this New Spain, Conde de Fuenclara, d[a.tled in Mex[i]co on

the thirteenth of February of the year one thousand seven

[hundr]ed and forty-four. This dispatch, with the orders

subsequent to it, consists of eleven written pages and

one blank [page].

Page 11: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


•A document that was sent by the settlers to Mex[i]co,

drat]ed the twentieth of Decie^rib]er of one thousand seven

Thundr]ed and thirty-one, c[oncernin]g'the establ[ishmejnt

[of the settlementl and other matters included in it. The

reply to this is in the margin rof the document], which

consists of three written and one blank page.

A. testimonio of a dispatch that came to] D[o]n

J[ua]'n Ant[oni]'o, the.purpose of which was the return of

horses. This testimonio, with subsequent acts, consists of

four written pages, d[at]ed in Mex[i]co on the ninth of

Jan[uarJy of the year one thousand seven [hundrded and


An account book of public la,nds of this villa in which

the yearly agreements with those who have [holdings] are

recorded, and in which [the establishment of rublic la.nds]

in sra]id cauildo is dated. The [book] is d[atled theON

first of //Jar_?uajry of the year one thousand seven [hun-

drled and tha.rty-two,

A book d[at]ed the eleventh of the month of Janruar]y

of the year one thousand seven [hundr]ed and forty-two, in

w[hicjh the decisions of the cauildo are recorded.

A dispatch of the Mo[st Excelle]nt S[en]or D[o]n J[ua]n

Fran[cisdco Gitemes de Horcasitas, Viceroy of this New

Sp[adin, issued in Mex[i]co on the twenty-ninth of February

Page 12: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


of the year one thousand seven Fhundr]ed and forty-eight,

in which sEa]id Mo^st Exeelle]nt Srei]or commanded twelve

thousand pesos be given for the works of the church. It

consists of sixteen used and two blank pages.

Two testimonios of two titles of Gov[ern]or of this

ProvEinc]e [held by] Df_o]n Justo Boneo y Mora.les, one

from his Nifajesty] and the other from Sr.en]or D[o]n P[edr]o

Ma.lo Villaviscencio.

A Rroya,]l coat of arms of His M7ajest]y [may G[o3d

pr,-Fotec]t him] D[o]n Carlos the Third, with his expZanat[i]on

of the colors of s[a]id coat of arms. This is dFat]ed in

Mexri]co on the ninth of July of one thousand seven rhun=

dr]ed and sik'ty-one.

A testimonio of a R^'oya]l dispatch in which His

Mrajesty] commands that his comments be complied with and

his Rroya]1 coat of arms be protected completely. This is

d[at]ed in Aranjues on the third of June of one thousand

seven Lrhundr]ed and sixty:

A resignation of D[o]n FranFcis]co J[ose]ph de Arocha,

who was cl[e]rk of this Prov[inc]e, from the [sic] office

of Chief Clerk, an [office] left vacant by his death.

Three bundles of public instrumFe]nts of this villa.

At this point they said there were no more pertaining

to that which has been arranged. After //they,ha.d been

Page 13: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read

inspected, all Cdocuments] were returned to their places

with the ex ception of the book of public lands.

This they signed with me, s[a]id Gov[ern]or, and the

witnesses with whom I act as 'ues recertor according to

law. To all of w-Fhic]h I certify:

D'o]n Ang[e]1 de Martos y Navarrete

J^ua]^n J[osedph Flor^els

Andres Ramon

Bisr-en]te Albares Trauieso

Luis Ant[oni]o Menchaca

Fran[cisjco Delgado

Simon Franrcisjco de Arocha

Pedro de Ocon y Trillo

DomL'ing]o Castelo

GJitness: Fran[cis]co Ant[oni]o Solis

Witness: Dom[ing]o Garsia

[C. 2-4 in E.e-20-17623

Page 14: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


In the Villa of S[a]n Fernando of the Prov^inc]e of Texas,

on the of the month of June of the year

one thousand seven [hundrled and sixty-two, I, D^o]n Ang[e]1

de Martos y Navarette, Lieu?^tenalnt Colon.Fe]l of the Rf'oya]l

Ar[mi]es, Gov[ernJor and CapF-ta.i]n G[ene}ral of this Pro-

vL'inc3e, orde[rJed the ill[ustriou]s cauildo to settle:_

the accounts of the municipal lands from the year of

[seventeen hundred] fifty-one runtil today]^, since my pre-

devicessor, D[o]n Jas[in]^to de Barrios y Jauregui, did not

settle them as he shouid have up to the day of.this dr'a]te.

LThe cabildol is also to secure thre-re hundr]ed and forty

!sic] one pesos for property and stone, to be paid to the

accounting office of said RLroya]l Houses.

Finding these `'Royal buildings] without plaster on the

outside and with rotten beams on the roof, I should have

commanded and did command that the ill[ustriou].s cauildo

have said R-roya]1 Houses repaired before they fall down,

as soon has served notice to those who owe and

collected sFa]id quantity. The book in which s[aJid accountsqv

are kept //is to be returned to its place.

Thus I provided, commanded, and signed, acting before

myself with att[estinlg witnesses for lack of a notary,

puefbl]ic or Royal. To all of which I certify:

Page 15: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


tDr-o]n Ang've]l de Martos y Nauarrete

Witness: Fran[cis]co Ant[oni]o Solis

Witness: Dom[ing]o Garzia

[C. 4-4vin E.. 6-20-17623.

Page 16: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


sThe cauildo, judiciary and administration of s[a]id villa

understood the preceding writ issued and made clear by the

S[en]or Govrerndor. In compliance with it, werof the

cabildo] said we were ready to place into execution that

which s_ra]id writ provides. In order toi assure -,Lsuch

action], we signed it in our houses of municip'al govern-

meInt on the above mentioned day, month and year.

J[ua]n J-Fose]ph Flores

,Andres Ramon

Bis[enjte Albares Trauieso

Luis Ant[oni]o Menchaca

Fran[cis]'co Delgado

Simon Fran[cis]co de Arocha

Pedro de Ocon y Trillo

Dom[ing]o Castelo

^^%Ae6e4 -ppa

[ C. 4v in E.6-20-1762J

Page 17: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


In the Villa of S-FaIn FernFan]do on sva]id day, month

and year, I, sCa]id Govrern]or, in fullfil[lme]nt of the

writ trLhalt began these [proceedings], checked the weights

and measures used in buying and selling, as is provided in

sra]'id writ, and found them in order. All In order to

have this registered, I issued and signed a writ before

myself and attfe'stin]g witnesses as heretofore s-rtat]ed.

To all of which I certify:

DFoln Ang[e]1 de Martos y Nauarrete

Witness: Fran[cis]co Antvoni]o Soliz

Witness: ^)Dom[ing]o Garzia

rC. 4v in E.6-20-17621

Page 18: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


In s[a]id Villa of S[a]n Fern[an]do on the twenty-

fifth- day of the of June of the year one thousand5

seven -Fhus2drled and sixty-two, I, by.virtue of the //that

reeelved ix the ab®ve wFIt prosecution of these acts and

aware that not one supCeriZor dispatch must be issued

because all those presented have been sufficiently obeyed,

should have commanded and did command that in order to as-

certain the size of the population of this villa, settlers

as well as newcomers, a g[ene]r[aJl review be made [of the

population] with an enumeration of the citizens who were

settlers and the newcomers. F[oJr this purpose a writ will

be promulgated on the first holiday, which will be the

twenty-seventh day of the curr•[e]'nt [month].

Thus I provided, commanded and signed with. at^test-

in]g witnesrse]s, acting before myself in the a[foresa]id

manner. To all of which I certify:

D[o]n AngLe]l

[C. 4v-5 in E.6-20-1762]'

Page 19: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


D[o1n Angel de Martos y Nauarrete, Lieu[tena.]nt

Colon[ell of the R[oya]l A.r[miJes, Gov[ern]or and Cap[tailin-

G[ene3ral of this Frov[inc]e of Tejas, New Philippines,

their Presidios, Conversions, and Frontiers, with the

military command of Panzacola and Coaguila; with the

ass[istancle of the New Kingdom of Leon by His M[ajesty]'

(may G[o3d pr[otec]t him):

Inas[mulch as I am making the G[ene]r[all Visita of

this villa and am required to inspect the arms belonging

to this said villa, those of His Maj[estJy as well as the

ones belonging to the settlers, and the powder and shot in

the R[oya3l treasury so that I may knowled[geabZly inform

the Sup[eri]or Gov[ernmelnt of His Ex.c[ellencly of the5v

//quality, quantity and state of the armament of the

neighborhood, I command all the citizens of.the previously

mentioned villa that on the twenty-ninth day of the

eurr[eInt month of June, after High Mass, all the mentioned

citizens shall gather in the plaza of the villa on horse-

back with their arms, to exhibit them. Said citizens will

do this precisely and punctually under penalty of a.six

peso Ffinel which will be taken from them irremissibly

and applied to the work of the church.

I[n order everyone may be notified and [in order

thatJ no one may allege ignorance, I should have commanded

Page 20: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


and did command that this, my writ, be made public torriorrow

to the greatest assemblage of the people after High Mass.

Irssuled in this s[a]id villa on the twenty-sixth day

of the mohth of June of the year one thousand seven [hun-

dr]ed and sixty-two. Thus I provided, commanded, and

signed, acting before myself as recertoria as a.foresaid®

In witness whereof I certify:

D[oln .AngCe3l de Martos y Navarreto

Witness: :E'ranrcisJ co Ant[oni]o Soliz

Witness: Domingo Garsia

C. 5-5v in E.6-20-1762,

Page 21: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


In s7a]id Reyal Pree=idj4e Villa of S[a]n Fernando on

the twenty-eighth day of sFa]id month and year, I, s^a]id6

Gov[ern]or, //certify that the preceding writ was read in

a loud and intelligible voice in the public plaza of this

villa yesterday. I[n orde]r to record this I issued a writ

and signed it before myself and my att[estin]'g witnesses.

To all of which I certify:

D[o]n Ang[e]l de Martos y Nauarrete

Witness: Fran[cis]co Ant[oni]o Soliz:

Witness: DomL'ing]o Garsia

^C. 5v-6 in E.6-20-1762]

Page 22: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


In s[alid Villa of S[a]n Fernando, s?alid day, month

and year, I, s-11a]id Goviern]:or and Gap[tai'n G[ene]ral, in

view of the writ read yesterday, should have commanded and

did command that the day of tomorrow, in the compLan]y of

the ill-Fustriou]s cauildo, judiciary and admin!istrati]on,

an inspection shall be made of the arms and subjects which

comprise this s!^alid villa. The latter filed passed and

we read in the folLlowi]ng manner and order:

D[o1'n Visente Albares Trauieso: musket and sword of his

own; lance, two libras of powder and two of

shot of the King; three horses of his own.

D-ro]n J[ose]ph Curbelo: sword, musket, two 1Tibra]'s of

powder and two of shot of the King; two horses

of his own.

D[oln Franrcis]co Delgado: musket, sword, and horses of his


D[oln Martin Lorenzo: musket and horses of his own;. sword,

lance, two libras of powder and two of shot

of the King.

DLo]n Antronilo R.odrigues Mederos: musket, one libra of

powder.and one of shot of the King; one

horse of his own.

D[o]n J[ose]ph Padron rsic]: musket, sword, two libras of

powder and two of shot of the'aSing; two horses

Page 23: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


Sof his own.

D[o]n Simon de Arocha: musket, lance' two and one-half

libras of powder and two of shot of the6v

//King; sword and one horse of his own.


D[o]n Ign[acio] Lorenzo: musket, sword, lance, one l[ibr]a

of powder and one of shot of the King; one

horse of his own.

D[o]'n J[ose].ph Peres Casanova: sword, two libras of powder

and one of shot of idem; musket and two horses

of his own.

Miguel Leal: musket, one-half libra of powder and one-

half [libra] of shot of.his own; sword of im

D['o].n Th:oma,s:-Trauieso: musket, sword, one lribr]a of

powder and one of shot, and two horses, all

his own. .

Dom[ing]'o Delgado, steward of the ranch of the Miss[ilon de

la Espa.da [San Francisco de la Espada.]: sword,

musket, one l[ibrla of powder, one of shot, and

two horses, all his own.

Man[ue]1 Granados: sword, one l[ibr]'a of powder and one of

shot of idem; one musket and three horses of

his own.

Jas[in]to Delgado: one libra of powder and one of shot of

idem; musket, sword, and three horses of his own.

Page 24: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


JI_7uaJn de Arocha: musket, sword, and one horse, all his own.

Julian de Arocha: musket and one horse of his own.

Basilio de Armas: musket and sword of idem; one horse

of his own.

DLI-o]n'JF-ua]n Andres Trauieso: musket and sword of idem^

two horses of his own.

P[edr]:o Leal: one 1-'ibrla of powder and one of shot of idem.

JL'ua]n Granados : musket, sword, one l[ibr]a of powder and

one of shot of idem.

Salbador Rodriguez: musket, sword, lance, two libras of

powder and two of shot of '̂ dem; one horse.of

his own.

J[ose3ph Cabera, steward of the ranch of La Mora: muskbt-,-^:.:

. sword, and one horse, all his own.

Dr.oln J[ua]n J^oselph Padron, steward in the Mission of La

Concepcion: one l[ibr]'a of powder and one of7

//shot of idem.

Marcos Cabrera, servant in sLIaJid MissL'i]`on.

Man[uell Delgado: one iribr]:-a of powder and one of shot of


Lucas Delgado, bachelor.

Amador Delgado, bachelor. I Citizens

Manuel de Arocha, bachelor.1

D-Fo]n J_rua]`n J7Losejph Flores: musket, one lribrIa of powder

Page 25: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


and one of shot, and four horses, all his own.


D-Fo];n Andres Ramon: musket, sword, one lrL-ibr]a of shot and

three horses, all his own.

D[oZn Luis.Ant[oni]o Menchaca: musket, sword, one l^ibr]a

of powder and one of shot, and four horses,

all his own.

D,Fodn F[edrjo de Ocon y Trillo: musket, sword, one l[ibr]a

of powder, one of shot, and three horses, all

his own.

Dro]n Dom[ing]o Castelo: musk6t, sword, and one horse, all

his own.

D-Fo]n Martin Flores: musket, sword, two libras of powder

and two of shot of idem.

D[oJn Alberto Lopes: musket, sword, lance, two libras of

powder and two of shot of idem.

D7,o]n J[ua]n Man'iuell Ruis: musket of his own; sword, lance,

one lLribr]a of powder and one of shot of idem;

one horsecof his own.

DLo1n Fran[cis]co Estrada: musket, sword, two libras of

powder and two of shot of idem; one horse of

his own.

DL'odn Fran[cis]co Flores: musket, sword, one l[ibr]a of

powder and one of shot of idem; two horses of

his own®

Page 26: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


D[o1'n Joaq[uiln Menchaca: musket, sword, one l[ibrja of

powder and one of shot of idem. The musket,

sword, and one horse are his own.

D[oln Phelis Minchaca: musket, sword, one 1[ibr]a of

powder, one of.shot, and two horses, all

his own.

Santiago Perez: musket, sword, and two horses, all his own;

one 1[ibr3a of powder and one of shot of dem.

J[ose3ph Ant[onijo Estrada: musket, sword, lance, two libras

of //powder and two of shot of idem; one

horse of his own.

Salvador de la Garza:: musket, sword, one l[ibr]a of powder

and one of shot of idem; one horse of his own.

J[oselph Sanches: musket and sword of idem.

J[ose]'ph Martinez: musket, sword, one l[ibr]a of powder

and one of shot of idem; one horse of his own.

Santiago de la Masa: musket, sword, lance, two libras of

powder and one of shot of idem..

Mariano Gomes: musket, sword, two libras of powder and two

of shot of idem.

Santiago NuTiez: nothing.

Bernardo J[ose3ph Barron: musket, sword, and one horse of

his own; one 1[ibr]a of powder and one of shot

of idem.

Page 27: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


Ma.rcos Menchaca: musket, one lribrla of shot,.and one

horse, all his own.

Joaq^'ui]n. de la Garza: musket, sword, one l[ibr]a of powder

and one of shot of idem; one horse of his own.

Ig^n3a.:'cio] Flores: without arms but with one horse of his


Luis Perez: musket, one l[ibrla of powder, one of shot,

and two horses, all his own.

Gregorio Quimones: musket, sword, one lribr]a of powder,

one of shot, and one horse, all his own.

Jasrin]to-Hern[ande]z: musket, sword, one l[ibr]a of powder

and one of shot of his own.

Jfua]n Ignacio Guerrero: without arms and a bachelor4

Dto]n Joaq[ui]n de Vrrutia: musket, sword.,.one l[ibr]a of

powder, one of shot, and one horse, all his own.

. Luis Saro: lance of idem.

Df-o]n Jfose]ph Ga.llardo: musket of his own; sword, one

l[ibr]a of powder and one of._shot of idem.

D[o]'n J[uadn Banul: musket, sword, one-half lL'ibr]a of

powder, one-half 'Llibra] of shot, and two

horses, all his own.

8Man[ue-1l de la //Fi,i.ente: musket of idem; sword, one-half

1[ibr]a of powder, and one-half:>ilibra3 of

shot of his own.

Page 28: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read



D[oJn Jrose]ph Ximenes: musket, sword, one lribrJa of

powder and one of shot of his own.

Geromino Flores: musket and three horses of his own; one

lribr3a of powder and one of shot of idem.

Pedro Flores: musket, sword, two libras of powder and two

of shot of idern.

Blas de Auilaz mv.sket, sword, two libras of powder and

three of shot of idem.

Visente Amador: musket, one 1[ibrja of powder and one of

shot, this of idem; the musket and one horse

are his own.

J[oselph 3'reuifio: musket and sword of idem®

Andres Garsia: musket, one 1!Lribrla of powder and one of

shot of his own.

Xauiel MusqLr-uilti: musket and sword of idem.

Migjue]'1 Guerra: musket of his own.

Andres de Sosa: Without anything.

Basilio Rozas: musket of his own; one i[ibr].'a of powder

and one of shot of idem.

Fran[cis]co de Vrrutia: musket of his own; one 1[ibr]a of

powder and one of shot of idem.

Silvestre de Soto, servant in the Missions•. without arms.

Joaq[uiln Flores,' servant.

Page 29: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read

17 6"

Fran[cis]'co Sanches, servant.

Julian Franses: musket and sword of idem.

Jru]an Ig'Fnla[cio] Martin[e]z: musket, sword, lance, two

libras of powder and two of shot of idem.

Juan Enrrique: without arms.

Miguel de la Garsa: musket, sword, one l[ibrja of powder

and one of shot of his oian.

AntEon.i];o de la Parra, bachelor.

Pedro Carlos: musket and sword of idem.

Fran[cis]^co Ant[oni]:o de Luna: without arms.

Phelipe Flores, bachelor.

Joaq[ui]n Guerra: without arms.

Ignacio Calbillo: sword of idem; one l[ibrda of powder

and one of shot of his own.8V

Jacobo //Hernandez del Rey: musket and sword eRe 1^ibp4$

e9 aEd eRe ef slaet e^ Idem of his own.


JFuadn de la Cruz del Valle: musket, sword, one l;ibr]'a of

powder and one of shot of idem.

Christobal Chirinos: musket, sword, two libras of powder

and two of shot of idem.

Matheo Thalam[ar_jtes, Cervant: one l[ibr.]a of powder and

one of shot of idem.

Fran[cis]co Ensinillas: deserted with one.l[ibr]a of powder

and one of shot of idem.

Page 30: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


Pedro Flores de Abrego, servant: musket, sword, two libras

of powder and said two of shot of idem.

Joaqrui]n de Medina: inusket, sword, two libras of powder,

two of shot, and a lance of idem.

Pedro Flores Valdes: lance of idem.

Nicolas one l^ibr]a of powder and one of shot of


Pedro Minchaca: one l-Fibr]a of powder and one of shot of


Carlos Belezs musket, sword, one l-Fibr]a of powder, one of

shot, and a lance of idem. He deserted with

all [this] and forfeited his house thereby.

Nicolas. Carabaja.l, steward of a PAiss[i]oh: one l-Fibr]a of

powder and one of shot of idem.

J[ua]n J[oselph Galban: one 1^'ibr3a of powder and one of

shot of idem.

Marcos Guerra: one lrLibrja of powder and one of shot of idein.

Matheo Rodriguez: one lLibr3a of powder of idem.

Fran-Fcis]co Montes: one 1[ibrla of powd er and one of shot

of idem.

DF-o]n Marcos Castro: musket, lance, two libras of powder

and two.of shot of idem.

Ant[oni]o Marcelino: musket of idem.9

Fran-Fcis]co Garza: musket of //idem.

Page 31: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


isThis number [of persons] has been presented with the

resultant arms. In order to record this I signed it to-

day, the thirtieth of June of ^ra]id year, with those

assristin]g me, with whom I act a.ccrordin]g to law. To

all of which I certify:

D[o]'n .Ang[e]1 de Martos y Navarrete

Witness: Fran1 cis;co AntL'oni]o Soliz

Witness: Dom[ing]o Garzia

C. 6-9 in. E.6-20-1762]

Page 32: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


SIn s[a]id Villa of S[a]"n Fern[an]do, on s[a]id day,

month and year, I, the a[foresa]id Cov[ern]or, should have

commanded and did command that the complem[ejnt of fifty

muskets, fifty swords, fifty lances, two quintales of

powder, and fifteen arrobas of shot w[hic]h, according to

His Maj[est]y's a.[ccoun]ts, should be in this villa, be

accounted for.

[The accounting] was as follows:

Thirty-three muskets were presented by the inspected

villagers and seventeen are on hand, which number completes

the fifty there should be. -

The thirty-six swords presented by said villagers and

the fourteen on hand complete the s[alid number.

Seventy-five libras of powder were presented, nine-

teen libras were used to honor our sovereig[ns], D[o]n

Fern[an]do the Sixth and D[on)a Maria Amalia de Saxonia

(may they have S[aint]ly Glory), and four arrobas ar?d.six

libras are on hand, all of w[hiclh would constitute the

referred number.

Seventy-four libras of shot were presented, seven9v

arrobas and twenty-one //libras are on hand, and thirty

libras [of leadl were consumed in making said shot because

the lead sent to me from Coaguila by D[o]n Jas[in]to de y Jauregui, gov[ern]or of that prov;[inc]e, was in

Page 33: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


sheets. I had requested that he send me.the lead. There

are three arrobas missing.

Sixteen lances were presented, twenty-nine are on

hand, and five are missing for the required number of fifty.

This lack of lances and shot I sl?all make I should

make and do make the responsibility of D[o1n J!'uajn Galban

i[n ordeIr that before my departure for my Presidio of Los

Adaes he may complete the required number.

Having nothing else to provide in this matter, I

issued and signed this act with those ass[istin]g me

with whom I act before myself. To all of which I certify:

D[oln Ang[e]l de Martos y Nauarrete

Witnesss Franrcis]co.Antroni]o Soliz

Witness: Dorri[ing]o Garsia

[C. 9-9v in E.6-20-17623

Page 34: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read



On sra]id day, month and year, in s[aJid villa, I,

s-ra]'id Gov[ern]or, in consideration of that provided in the

decree which began these Cpr-oceedingsl, examined the titles

belonging to those who possess land and ganados maior[el§

y menor[els, and found them according to and in conformity

with the law and justice.

Irn orde]r to record this, I signed it with thdse

assFistin]g me, with whom I act as recertoria. I certify


DEoln Ang[e]1 de Martos y Nauarrete

Witness: Fran[cislco Ant[oni]o Soliz

Ulitness: DomF-ing]o Garsia

Page 35: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


In sFa]id tiTilla of SFa]:n Fernando on the first day10

//of the month of July of the year one thousand seven [hun-

dr3ed and sixty-two, I, s[alid Gov[ern]or and Ga.p[tailn

G[ene]ral, in order to conclude with as much civility as

may be obtained, should have commanded 11mandaua] and did

command that a secret investigation be made of the manage-

ment and care the very illil-ustriouls cauildo, judiciary and

administration have and are exercising concerning the care

of public works, police, and gov[ernmejnt, the extirpation

of public sins, and the remainder of its responsibilities,

so that we may conclude what has been initiated, and quickly

correct what needs correcting. The proper extrajudicial

writs are to be prepared for this purpose.

Thus I provided, commanded, and signed, acting before

myself with my att'estin]'g witnesses with whom I act as

jues receo^tor. To all of which I certify:

D-roln Angre]1 de Martos y Navarrete

Witness: Fran[cis].co Ant[oni]o Soliz

Witness: Domr-ing]'o Garsia

[C. 9v-10 in E.6-20-1762]

Page 36: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read

In the Villa of San Fern[an]do on the eighth day of the

month of July of the year one thcusand seven Fhundr]ed and

sixty-two, I, s[a]id G[overn]or and Capi-tai]n Grene]ral,

observe that after having promulgated the most effective

acts fEo]r the discovery and avoidance of public miscon-

duct, not one accusation has resulted. In virtue of this

and the act w[hic]h initiated these [pr.oceed.ings], I

examined the titles of those w^h]o possess land, domes-lOv

ticated animals, houses, town plots and // possessions.

Though some [titles] were found conforming to the commands

and directions in the R[oya]l laws, while others contained

various discrepancies w[hic]h might lead to.disturbances,

they shall all be left in the quiet and peaceful pos-

se?ssi]on, or[delr and form most convenL'ie]nt. The other

land titles and possessions were examined by me,,sra]id

G[overn]or, Everything was arranged according to the

dire[ctio]ns of His Maj-Festly (may G[o]d pr[otec]t him),

without recourse to law or fees.

The founda!^tidons wfit]h power to do so are to glssist

any citizfen]s desirous of settling untilled lands or others

suffering from the loss of their prop[ert]y.

Since it is necessary to prolong my Visita in order

to better fulfill my obligat.Fio7ns and leave everything in

order, let it be known to everyone and to whoever has claims,

demands, complaints, or anything else relative and leading

Page 37: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


to the.serenity in wF-hiclh [the citizens] should exist in

the future, that they may appear before me srLo tha]t I

may assist them toward justice.

Thus I provided, commanded, and signed. I, s[a]id

G.rovern.]or, as before, certify this.

D[oln Ang[ell de Martos y Nauarrete

Witness: 'Franf,--cis]co Antroni]o Soliz

Witness: Dom[ing]o Garsia

[C 10-10v in E.6-20-17621

Page 38: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


Iri the Villa of San Fernran]do de Vejar on the ninth

day of the month of SepEtem]ber of the yea.r one thousand

seven [hundrJed and sixty-two, I, sL'a]id G[overnjor, by vir•-

tue of the command in the writ of July eighth;^: having

found in the Archive of this villa a letter from the Morst

Excellejnt S[enJor Viceroy of these Kingdoms and under-11

standing t!halt sil-alid. cauildo remitted //a, carte blanche

[firmas en blanco] to Colon[el1 D[o]n Diego Ortiz Parrilla,

have taken into consideration Lrthe possibility] t[ha]t

the letter of His Excfellenc]y could be a result of the

expressed carte blanche. I ordered that a summary be

made i[n order t];o ascertain the truth. It becomes evi-

dent from that [summary] that this cauildo had remitted

said carte blanche, as recorded in the acts c[onsist]ing

of eight original pa.gLe]s, which will be inserted in these

writs, as will also be inserted the writ posted to D-Fo]n

Viz[en]te Albar[e]s. This appears in the book of records

of the cauildo of this villa on account of the causes

and motives it comprises.

At the request of Dro]n J[ose]'ph Curbelo, the Archive

was searched. for the acts effected by Lieu[tena]nt D[o]n

Juan Galban. [These actsl put into effect the will of

D[oln Jua_Fn] Curbelo, w[hjo had been dead more than twenty

years, and whose will and ultimate bequests had not been

Page 39: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


executed by sra.]`id Trauieso, the chief executor. On the

contrary, when DFojn JFose3ph Curbelo, as son of the

before-7mentionled dec[easled, had [the will] executed, he

was obstructed by Traviezo with several questionable pre-

texts. The declared writs not having appeared in the

Archive, it.was necessary to investigate who took them out

of s[alid Archive and to issue others anew, since there isllv-

no knowledge //of the ones issued by Lieu[tena3nt Galba.n.

It has become apparent from these proceedings, w[hicjh

are recorded on fifty-eight useful pages, that lands desig-

nated as public land have been giv,en to some set[tlelrs as

sitios for ganado m-Fay]or and menor and that others [hav'e

receiv,ed] plots f-Fo]r houses, yards and orchards because

there is now no other place until water has been success-

fully.channeled from the SraIn Ant[oni]o River. ^^then

this has been donel, the same quantity of land and water

distributed to these set[tlelrs and inhabit[ant]s.will

be app ortioned as said public lands so t"ha]t, by this

method, the expansion-of this settleF-me]'nt and the groCwlth

of the political government may be obtained.

All t[hiTs must be done according to RCoyaJl comrriands.

For this reason, the completri]on of my obligation was

necessary and indispensable, some[thin]'g which slalid

Trauieso and the other Island families have always opposed9

Page 40: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read


though they do not work the two suertes of land granted

them w[h]en they came to settle. !^ThisZ, plus the issuance

of various Cother3writs by me, s-Falid G.Fovern]or, and the

investiga?ti]on concerning other original papers w[hic]h can-

not-be found in the Archive and the inability to discover

who removed them, all delayed my G^ene]ral Visita uhtil

the day of this.dCadte. All should remain in suitable12

peace and //tranquility, or[dejr and form.

In order to make this clear to the Mo[st Excelle]nt

S°ei]or Viceroy of these Kingdoms, I ordered a writ issued,

w[hicjh I signed with those assCistin]g me as ',^uez rece,ptor

for lack of puZSbl]ic and R[oya]l noLrtari]es. I certify

to alls

D[o]n Ang[e]l de Martos y Nauarrete

Witness: Franrcislco AntLoni]o Solis

Witness: Dorr,ingo Garzia

[C. lOv-12 in E.6-20-1762].

Page 41: Testimony of the Vissita made by the Sren or Grovern]or and … · 2011-05-23 · villa together and congregated with me, I, the a[foresa]id Gov[ern]or, had the preceding act read

sn the Villa of San Fernra.n]do de Vejar on the fif-

teenth day of the month of Sep-Ftem]ber of the year one

thousand seven ihundr]ed and sixty-two, I, s`^a]id

G[overn]or and. CapLtai]n G^ene]ral, by virtue of that

commanded in the preceding writ, in like manner order that,

keeping a testimonio of all writs and acts formulated by

me, everything be forwarded under separate cover (even

trhoug]h all are included because they concern s^a]id

G[ene]ra1 Visita) to the Cap[tainc]y G[ene3ral of the

Nio[st Excelle]nt S[en]or Viceroy, Gov[ern]'or and Cap-

[tai]n Gyene]ral of this New Spa"i]n.

Thus I decreed, commanded, and signed, acting as

receptoria with attL'estin]g witn[ess]es for lack of

no-Ftari]es pu.Fbl]ic and Royal, and on the present com-

mon paper for lack of stamped. To all of which I certify:

D[o]n Ang[e]1 de Martos y Nauarrette

Witness: Fran[cis]co Anti onilo Soliz

Witness: Bern[ar]do de Miranda.

[C. 12 in E.6-20-1762]

^This] agrees with the original wihic]h was sent to the

Mo[st Excelle]nt S[efio]r Viceroy on fourteen used pages.

[C. of E. - 6-20-17621

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