Page 1: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant






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Page 2: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant

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Page 3: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant


Official Puhlic:.ttion of

THE TEXAS SOCIETY OF ARCHrtECTS The THas Regional Orgeniution of The American lnsiitute of Architec:h Don Edward Legge, A.I.A., Editor John G. Flowers, Jr., Meneging Editor

327 Perry-Br ooh Building, Ausiin, T HH

Published monthlr br tlM Teus Society of ;,. A111tia. Subscrlptloa price, SOc por Y••• , In •dY•nc• . Copyrighted 1'51 br the T.S A., •nd till• reg istretion ec,pl"ed for with th• U. S. P.tent Office ,

Edltorlel contributions, correspondence, end ed­.. rtisiaq Invited by tl,e Editor. Due to the nature of Ille publlutlon, editoriel contributions c .. not be purclMlsed. Publlsher gives permiulon for re, prod•ctioe of •II or p.,t of editorial meterlel herein, end requesh publlcetloa credit be 9i .. n THE TEXAS ARCHITECT, ud eutho, of meterla l when lndluted , Publications whicll i,ormally ~Y for editorial ffWllorl•I ere reqHlfed to give con , 1ide••tloa to the author of reproduced by,lined fHlure meterlal.

Appearence of names ud pictvru of product, and services In either editorlel copy o, ed•erti1-1..., does not constitute en .. donement of same by either the THes Society of Archltech or the Amerlun lnstltvte of Architects .

TEXAS ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION 327 Perry • Brooks Building, Austin, Teu1


Llewellyn W . P;tts , F.A.I.A. BHumont .. Regional Director

Arthur Fehr, F.A.I.A., Ausiin President George F. Pierce, Jr., F.A.I.A.,

Houston President Elect George F. Herrell, F.A.I.A.,

Dallas . Vice President Robert E. Hucler, Amarillo Vice President E. Devis Wilcox, Tyler Vice President Victor G. Probst, A111tin Secretery-TrH1urer Herold E. Calhoun, F.A.1.A.,

Houstoro Pest President John G. Flowers, Jr. ,

Austin E.recuti-,e Director Reginald lloberh, F.A.I.A.

Su Antonio President, Teu1 Architectural Foundation


Woodlief F. Brown AbUene Chapter Theo ll . Holleman Bruos Chapter George M. Page Central TeH1 Chapter W,lliem S. Whittet Coastal Bend Chapter Robert J . Perry Dallas Chepter Muton 0. Bynum El Peso Chapter Joseph J. Petterson Fort Worth Chapter Mace Tungate Houston Chapter Zeb Rike Lower llio Grenda Valley Chapter John S. Stuart Lubbock Chapter J, G . Dixon, Jr . North T eaes Chepter 0. L. Hazelwood NorthHst THes Chapter Hervey V. Marmon. Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter

CO\'£R The elegant scale and fine detail of this dooru·ay bt'gin ones visit to thi.s unique residence so friendly u·ith the tradition of the Southwest. The Saf­ford residence, a Texas Archilect 1962 Award of Merit, uas designed by P. M. Bolton Associates. Photograph by F Wilbur Seiders.



Round Table Talk

Hoh<'rt E. Huch•r. 1-\.1 A .• \ ice Pr("<iclent "8)":

.\m J\rchilccl \\Orth hi-. cnh ha-. a great ,leal lo offtr hi-. communit). and he can rete1H· mmh from hi" communil) in return, but m•\er in adrnnce. The same comment applil--; lo Chaplt rs. \\ hethl'r in­dh idunll), or collecliH·I), the burden of the i111tin­th e re,t, upon our O\\ 11 ,.Jiouldt•rs, hut tlJP hurd<'n i" a light Ont'. The di.,pla) of our tallllts j,. mo,t often madr lo "prrifie incli\ idunl, nt '-pee ific time<; for "-pccifie purpoS<·s, \\hich mean that appnlio­tion of Archilt'<'I.., and Archilcclure 8" a general thinµ i-, lo,, in eommu. Our prohkm i ... lo "-peed up the proc ""·

Opportunitir-; a hound in our "Home To" n-.," nml ii is up lo ll" to se1zr tht m "hen thn t·xi I, or lr} lo c reatt' tht'm "hc•n nn e ,ory. Tlw Chaple r i-. n good '-larling point. Ho\\ alioul n panel di cu, ion program \\ itl1 the Ma} or, chool uperinlendrnt, Prr idt'nl of tlw ( hamher of Commt•rct• and 1\1 ,,._. pnpt•r hl1tur n Gut>«t-.? Tht' suhjt cl rnuld hr 'Thr. Architt'rl and His Communit) ." Tht'-,e prople loH lo "J>l'Dk, tl1t'ir pr("<t11c1• ,, ill hoo t atlendanre, tllt'ir n·mork "ill J!iH· cluc-s to opporhrnilit"5, nncl our \\ ith tht m ma} prt <;t•nl icl,•a, for thl'ir u c. 1-\c n hod),!

(,roup or Clrnplt r ProJt ct ma} lw ht'lpful, hut tl1e} mu~I he hartdl"d ,~ ith tart. ~1·arl} 1 \ c•n to" n ha" n do\\1110\Hl ana. a ( ounl} Fair 0 rouncl,. or ,;omrthing --imilar that ll('('d" ma~ler planning and imprU\emrnt. A Chapter clc..:ign proj1•c1. or ( hap· lrr---portwrecl Competition ma\ lit of grt al h<'rwfit, hoth lo tht· Commun ii\ all(! thr ( haph r. 111<' n·a~on for handlinf? thi-. I) pe of ProjC'Ct \\ 1th care, of course', are mart), Lut thl' prirt,ipal clangt'r is that fn e "ork i rarr.h npprccialeti. and tnn l1•nd to mi..,understancling. 1111' r<·\,orcl~ of a proper!) held proj('('I, hov.t \ t'r, arr i,11 akulalilc.

Tht> general idt'o is that ,,c liH·, and makr. our lh­ings, al l1ome. Thr morr positiH· effort \\t' Pxprnd al homt', lht> more "c might ht' npprt·t intcd, hut \\e'll ne\t>r krtO\\ until v.e tr}!


Page 4: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant







Page 5: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant

In 1hr r<'rrntly judged National School Fallout Slwher Oe,ign Competition rondu<'l<'d hy lh<' Amrri<'an fn..,lilul<' or Arrhitrc·t.; for tlw Offic<' or Ci"il 01•f1·1M', a lt'Ulll or Tt·,arr-. WOii 1hr fir-.t plac·t• award for llt-gion 5, whid1 in<'llHlt·d Tt•,a,, \Tew ,11',i co, Okla­homa, A rkan,a,, Loui,iano and 1hr Panama Canal Zorw. Orw ohjt•rl of 1h1• 1·omp1•1ilion \\Os 10 senr tlw nationa l intt•n•-.t h} t'nt'ouraginp; tlw c•rt•otion of .. twhPr ch·~ign whirh would ron· 'l'r\ I' mnlt'ri al .. , rnanpown and monq ; c-rt·olr fol10111 protN·lion i11 the ma,imum art·u of tlw -.d100I; and pro­duc·t· -.1 rurl u rt•, of l"'l l1t·I ir oppt•ol.

Tlw 1lt•-..ign of an t•lrnwnlo r) sc-1100I irworpornling fal10111 --lwll1•r ,,a._ "l'·

lt•1•tt•cl for !111• C'Olllfll'lilion ht'C'OIM' of lht· ,rhool, man} d1orat'1t-ri-.1ic .. "hil'h an• oppropriall' lo follo11l pro11•1·1ion n•q11i11•m1•n1-..: l.ornlion, lilt' 1rai1wd ,tnfT. fl'1·1lirrg 1111d -.nnilOr} forilitir".

Tlw program for 1111• 1·omp1•1i1iorr de-1nil1·cl 1111' l'rilnin rt·t·omm1·1Hlt·d for proh ·<"liorr and tlw sin• of tlw -..1ud1·nl l,O(h to Ill' i11·1·ommodn11•1I. TIii' d1•sign prnl,lt·m "11-. clt•firwcl in l,rond ll'fm" and n·quin·d thnl tilt' ,ft-.iµn -..hould fulh 1111•1•1 nil funrlionnl, 1•1·orromi1· and 1• 1lw1ic· n·q11in•m1 nh or a fll'rma111•n1 t•drwnliorrnl fcwility, }l'I, irworporah • --lwhN '-pan• nppropriatt- for llwir in­l1•111lt•d 1•m1•rg1•nry u,1•.

Tlw 1·ompl'lition \\!I'- q11ulifi1•d undt•r IIW (•otf1• of arc-f1il('('l\lrol l'OlllJH'li(ion~ of 1lw Anwri, ·nn l n,1i1111t• of l\rd1i1t•r1-. and \\O'- npproH·d I,> tlw l, ... 1i1111t• for pnrli<"ipnlion t,, ii ... nwmlwr, and I,} 1111• \nlional SOI i1•1y or J>roft .. , .. ional Errµirwt•r,-.

Tlw juq 1·011,i,11•d of A rd1i1t•1·1s, t•ngi­n1·c•r, and 1•,!twalor .. in-.uring 1h01 all a,p1•1·1, of tlw prol!'ram w1•n• full} mt·I. TIii' "irrrri11µ tl1•,i1tn" irwl11cl1•d a "id, • ,niil'I) or .. 0l111ion, and t·onlrihutl'd muC'h lo ull1•\ iu11• 1111• r1•nr thul tlw pro · \ i,ion of '-lll'h1•r 'f>01'P ill ,1'11001, lllll"I lll'l'l'"a ril} lt•1Hf 10 tilt' t'rt'Ulion of rt '· '-lri1·liH· and 11nd1• ... irahlt· 11111lc-r~ro11nd 1·ln,,room... l\.laJl}' clt•,.i!(n, prO\ itlt•d nulurnl lil!'hl ,1•111ila1io11 1•,1•11 in tlw .. 1w1tc-r an•a .. h} mt•ans or tlw ,killfu l lM' or prol('t'li\l' haffi1·--. In l'Oln(' de­.. igm, IIH· -..lwht•r ,parr i, '-O suhtly in­t·orpora11•d into tlw t•duc·ntional fa. t'ilil} as to ht• diffirult to idt•ntify.

Tlw rt"'uh-. dt'nrly n•pn•st•nt an im­portant ronlrihution hy tlw d1·-.i~n proft•,,ions Iowa rd !ht· ad\.nn1·1·m1•n1 of dual purpo'-t' dc•,ign in sd1ook


t•IUI• ••IA -·•• Tit -~·· M


Page 6: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant

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Page 7: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant

The jury stated "the results shou ld ha, •e a positive impact upon attitudes toward shelte r space. Much original thought is represented in these de­i,igns, and there are many ingenious solutions. A greater und erstanding of the concept of a fallout shelter , and what it is should result from this com­petition, for here is e\'idence that it need not he a masshe enclosed box."

The Texas team which took Region S's liri,t place was composed of Rober t F. Coffee, a recent graduate of the Uni­,ersity of Texas School of A rchitec­ture, Kelly R. McAdams, A(A, and Rodney Lud,\ ig, Engineer.

The jur) commented of the winning design:

"This is one of the most exciting and imaginative !:-Chemes submitt ed in the competition. Four highly de,el oped


' teaching unit s', loca ted at the corners

of the building, !-urround an open cen­

tral multipurpose area and the service

area". A very simple, well organized school plant is thus created, with ex­

citing vil-tas and spare relationships.

The creation of the protected area is,

howe, er, of e\'en greater interest. Here

is a completely open shelter area, with

a clearstory ahove. The shieldin g re­

quired is ohtained through the ca reful

placement of heavy masonry piers, sections of ,·eiling high wall and low

,-creen wallf, and l,y depressing the

floor of an o,erhang at the clearstory.

This is truly an ingenious concept

which totally eliminates any 'closed­

in' feding, and at the same time pro­

, ides excellent school and she lter fa. rilities.

The location of masonry piers and in­tegral wall shidds has been well gtud ­ied to provide protection against ground direct and skyshine contribu­tions. The depre;-sed floor in the multi­purpos<' ar<'a pro, ides further inhen•nt protection from the ground direct con­tribution by placing thr orC'upants he­low the path of clirrrt radiation from the ground. The com·rpte roof over the multipurpo~e room hM an overhang which protrcts against the skyshine

contribution. atural ventilation, con­

trolled hy operable loU\ers, further en­

hant·es the ust• of tht· i-helter i-pace

during emergency condi tions.

The shielding of the secondary shel­

ter t·ould he imprO\Pd and the kitchen

madr an integral part of the sheltt•r by

-ome additional study of the baffies

and roof systems."


Page 8: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant

TEXAS ARCHITECTURE 1962 honored for distinguished design

s A F F 0 R · D

R E s D E N C E

H 0 u s T 0 N



Page 9: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant


u•••• • oo• ,., ..

• .-. ~, tUUt

Iii L.J .. ,i ~ . • • •


The problem prei-ented to the archi­tect was the design of a one story "Town House" \\ ithin the limits of a forty-five foot wid<' urban site. The site was on<' of sixte<'n such sites in a modern "Town llou~r" group. Tlil· house had to be in rhararl<'r with the conc·<'pl of ti](' O\ ' (•rall project and y<'l he distinguishahh• from the immediall' surrounding housl'S. The client, a widow, <l<'f'i r<'d areas for interior and <''\LNior l'llt<'rlaining, as wdl as a formal Sl'lling for her fin<' old family furnitur<'. The house had to he light and ai1} and haH· a minimum of e'\­terior C'\pOsure.


Page 10: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant


B1 < au,-1· of 1l1•s1g11 n•-.tri, tionc:. irn­

po NI Ii) 1111· proj1·1 t 1•0111 cpl. the 111·

cloor-outdoor rt lntao11~hip 111 "llt<I h)

thr diu11 hnd to orr ur "ithin thr

hoi1 I' its( If. 'I Ill' hoU'lt• \\ll~ dt -iig1lt'd

oro11111I II r111trnl pntio 1111d n·11r rourl.

1 he I nlr), In i11,:. di11i11i:: room, n111I

•11ll1 n, urro1111d n l11rgt• c·rntrnl pnlio.

I hi patio , rH 11 11 ro111rollt•d

pla111t ,I "flll< t\ i111rod111 <''- 1 \tcrwr

1 It m!'nl to intnior '-pnces, 1111d group"

ill n1c·11 around th,• floor lo I l'iling

gluz, 11 patio, into 011(' l11r~1· fomml

t•nlt rlni11,i11, nrt·n.

Tl11· O\\IH'r' ht<lroorn uit<• nncl till'

ndjncrnl gue~t room uitt· lul\e l,nth

nnd dn i11g 11rcn • 1111d fnl'r n lu•11uti­

full) pla111ed n•ur C'Ou1I. Tiu· hutl1•1\

pnntr), kit!'hr11, nnd 11mitl'1< room, n1e

groupt•d togl'llier forming n utilil)

nn• 1 ndJncrnl to 1h1• n.1r 1111ry.


Page 11: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant

photogrophs : F. Wilbur Seiders


Th I xlcrior of the hou,t' i<- hrick

\t'nt r ,, ith a minimum of floor lo

culi11 ,dndo,, ... lo ai11 :i f,cling of

PIP an t and to pt'rmil maximum

fen1"-'rat1on into tht court ancl patio, a

c Piling ht>i~ht of lrn frt't \\a-. utilizt d. 4.n e1 htttn inch "J>3lt' l1cl\\trn c-t>il­

rng and roof framing prO\ idt<I tl1t·

nt t - n art>a for nwdinnic-al in<-tal­

lation,. and in--ulation matnial. "hilt'

II rr zzo rnmh111rcl "1th dark oak

parqull lloonna j ... 11,-('d in tl1r lh inl,!

an a. \\ ood and \ Ill\ I tilt· :irt> nhcr­nalt h ut1lizrcl a, lht> n maining floor­



Page 12: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant





Rex Mills Boone

Ronald Glen Bradshaw

Raymond Anson Lawson

Paul Clayton Wharton

Jesse Wade Driver, Jr.

Clemy Thomas Clements I I I

Larry Fred Walls

Jack Bolan Cox

Gilbert Gana ...

Daniel A. Cerna

Arthur A. Virnelson

Doyle Edwin Stephens

Jimmie Lee Bridges

Richard A. Neugebauer

Lawrence Dale White

James Verlin Whalin, Jr.

Robert A. Wright

Thomas Lamar McKittrick

Ronald Ivan Luther

Duane Eugene Landry

William Jo-.eph Martin

Everett Eugene Dockstader

Jack Stanley Crier

E C T s









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Page 13: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant

NEW CRS ASSOCIATES The archite<'tural firm of Caudill Rowlett & Scott,

located in Houston's Dow Center. elected two Asi:ociates to the firm at their annual Directors mC('ting last week. Elected were Ale,ander Brailas, 8722 Ferris and Boh H. Reed. 7107 Sharpcre,-t.

Brailas, graduate of the School of Architecture at Texas A & M and As....,ociate member of the American ln:-titute of Architect-.. ha,;; been with the firm:- for four years, and now head.., the _ pecifications ection.

A Te,a;, A & ~1 graduate in Architecture and Landscape i\ rchitecture. Rc·ed joined Caudill Rowlett 8. Scott two years ago a-. the firm·, landscape architect and climate analy-.t. Hl' is a mrrnher of the American ocirty of Landscape Architect;;,

Caudill Ro,dett 8. .coll with a total staff of 102 includ· ing right partner ... and 2:3 A-.,-ociates al .. o ha:- offices locat­ed in Oklahoma City and Stamford, Conneeticut. The firm i .. currentl} inrnhl'd in th<' de:-ign of the Har\'ard l niH·r,-it) Gracluatt' School of Education and arrhitec­ture at Dukr l niH•r,-ity. '\orth Carolina. P resent pro­jt•cb in Hou-..Lon are thr Je--~e H. Jones Hall for the Per­forming Arts. the Ill'\\ downtown office building of the Ben Franklin a, ings & Loan Association, two new jun­ior-senior high schools for the Houston Independent

chooJ Di-.trict and Spring Woods H igh School in Spring Branch.



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every setting D Cooling columns erupt from placid pools in this Kim fountain framing the elegant entry at El Dorado Country Club in Palm Desert, California

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AUGUST 1963 13

Page 14: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant


A HANDSOME COXCRETE DRIVEWAY add, dislindire ,tyling lo any I~. Tuluru, pal/un, and color, can be chosen lo harm~ niu wilh home duign,, land1caping and the neighborhood.

SCREE:-/ WALL OF CO',CRETE \IASONRY. Lacy pallern i, created from 1ttlion1 of ,tandard block. Plantu, lo patios, concrete can be bolh high-1/yle and practical.

Fresh ideas from the Horizon Homes Program ...

modern concrete stimulates new and var i,ed designs

This prize-winning home from the Horizon Homes Program features a prestressed concrete roof, with an open skylight. centered abo,·e an interior courtyard.


Page 15: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant

A CO'iCRt:Ti-: MASONRY Flllt-:PI.ACJ-: ran ~ 1/ranwl,ral/y 8/>N"­

larull,r or quittly C'Onurral1rt Tltt 11111/t raril'ly uf 11tw rmmmry 1ltapt1 a11d ,iu, providt1 c-u,tum ,tyhny lo 11,it tttry type of ltoml'.

Concrete, today, has new excitement for homes. Architects are proving this with the ideas rrcated for the an nual I forizon 1 lomes Program, sponsored by the nat ion's c·onrrete industries.

From dramatic structural innovations to intri­guing decorative effects, c·onc·ret<' offers end ll'ss pos­sibilities for making home owning more satisfying and less work. Almost any shapr, pattrrn. c-olor or textur e is readily aC'hicvrcl with c·o11c·r<'tc.

\1ore and more, the Hrsatility of modt•rn con-


A ORAfEPUL FOUNTAIN <if rolorfuf ro11rrelt ,lteff, mid, a loud, of tfl'{J<lllrt lo <t 1x1lio roml'r. C1111rrrle lx11i111 art easily prerast willi i11ltyrt1f color a11d a 1't1riely of lulurt1.

crele is winning apprec·iation from arch itects sec-king to express fresh conc·epts in home design. Plan t-0 cnt<'r the 1963 I lorizon I lonH·s Program whid1 offers r<'<'Ognition for imaginative drsig11s with 11ational and r<'gional imards. ContaC't the distriC't oflic·<' of the Portland Cement Association in your area for complclc details.

Portland Cement Association 110 East Eighth St., Austin 1, Texas

A rwl,01111/ <1rg1,r11wl1m1 lo imprort flll/l ulmd lltt tun <if ro11uelt




Page 16: Texas Architect Magazine...Jr., Sen Antonio Chapter Mike Meben• SouthHrl Teres Chapter John S. Ward, Jr. Tens Panhandle Chapter Welter L. Norris Welf Te1es Chapter CO\'£R The elegant

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