  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    Reeses reaction: Texas falls short in Big 12 Championship game

    Dallas -- The Texas Longhorns Womens basketball team embarke on an inspiring r!n thro!gh

    the Big 12 To!rnament" knocking off TC# an stifling the $ooners before falling to %o& 1 see

    Ba'lor (ona' night )*-+,& Regarless of the Championship game o!tcome" the Longhorns

    hae ass!re themseles a soli see in the %C.. To!rnament" an p!t the nation on /atch that

    espite losing eight of 10 a fe/ /eeks ago" the' can pla' /ith an'one" an are still one of the

    hottest teams in the To!rnament /hen its time to ance&

    Before /e recap the Ba'lor leto/n" lets reisit ho/ Texas ran thro!gh the n!mber t/o an

    three sees&

    Taking TCU

    nl' fo!r a's after the Longhorns celebrate $enior %ight b' torching TC#" Texas traelle

    o/n -3* to the .merican .irlines Center as the %o& + see set for a rematch against the 4orne

    5rogs& While it /asnt as ominating as the )6-,* tro!ncing Texas p!t on the 5rogs on T!esa'"

    the Longhorns aance to the Big 12 Championship semifinals for the secon consec!tie 'ear

    after o!tlasting TC# +)-+1&

    .fter trailing *-0" Texas resorte to its largest aantage---its ominance in the lo/ post" to

    regain an take a commaning 37-2, lea into the half& The Longhorns hel TC# to 2) percent

    shooting in the first half" /hile knocking o/n *2 percent of their o/n attempts& Texas also o!t-

    rebo!ne TC# 2*-1," b!t the big ifference /as points in the paint" /hich Texas /on 27-+&

  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    8 9!st think the' are iffic!lt for !s to g!ar" Coach ;aren .ston sai follo/ing the game& 8B!t

    on the flip sie of that

  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    /ins an no/ /e 9!st kno/ /hen 'o! lose" 'o!

  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    /ith that in a sense that the'

  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    reall' the ifference in o!r team right no/& .n 'o! hae Celina an ;r'stle coming off the

    bench" so o!r bench is strong&

    Bra' $aners also tallie 11 points" an /as soli from the charit' stripe along /ith Briana

    Ta'lor" combining /ith 6-10 shots mae from the free thro/ line& Rorigo an 4enerson each

    hit three-pointers in the final 10 min!tes to p!ll a/a'&

    ts been a tale of three seasons for Texas& Rising to the n!mber three team in the co!ntr' an

    entering conference !nefeate& Then" becoming ecimate b' in9!ries" losing its star pla'er

    %neka =nemkpali" an losing eight of ten" ca!sing >!estions abo!t %C.. To!rnament

    /orthiness& $eason three has been characteri?e b' the res!rgence of /inning seen of eight

    games incl!ing the first t/o oer the /eeken" an perhaps fining its grooe at 9!st the right


    8Well" the 9o!rne' has been to!gh" Ta'lor sai $!na' after the /in oer klahoma& 8B!t" /e

    oercame the aersit' that /as p!t !pon !s" an think that

  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    Ba'lor gaine leas of +-0 an 20-10" onl' to see Texas storm back to c!t the halftime eficit to

    fie at ,0-3*& .fter limiting klahoma an TC# to their lo/est shooting percentages of the

    season in the past /eek" the Bears shot *2 percent from the floor in the first half (ona'"

    incl!ing hitting 2-3 be'on the arc& Texas kept !p b' hitting ,7 percent of its shots" b!t onl'

    rille t/o six from eep& The Longhorns got 17 points from their bench" b!t also gae !p 13

    points off t!rnoers" an neer le&

    8Ba'lor /as more efficient tonight in eer' area" .ston sai after the loss (ona'& 8The' shot

    the ball reall' /ell from the perimeter" establishe themseles in the paint" an 9!st in

  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    half& think /e efinitel' 9!st neee to ans/er them an /e in

  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    mae shots& The' mae a lot of to!gh 9!mp shots" some in the first half" tho!ght o!r efense

    /as a little bit slo/ reacting& n the secon half" tho!ght /e conteste some shots an the' /ere

    to!gh" the' mae some to!gh shots&

    Daenport contin!e her inspire pla' /ith a 13-point performance" /hile (c@ee-$taffor

    ae 1*& Lang /as next in line /ith eight points& B!t it /asnt the 20 point" 11 rebo!n

    performance Texas neee like it got in the secon match !p of the season /hen it lost b' t/o at


    $elections for the %C.. To!rnament /ill be teleise (ona' at 7 p&m& on =$%&

    Sulkey Mulkey

    .fter a soli r!n to close the season" its har to call the loss against Ba'lor" /ho has r!n the Big

    12 oer the last half-ecae" a isappointment& The Longhorns look rea' for a top six or seen

    see in the %C.. To!rnament an a possible r!n& ;im (!lke' has coache Ba'lor for the past

    1* seasons" transforming the Bears into a consistent top 10 program& While shes kno/n for

    complaining to officials" an /inning" /hen she speaks" people listen& .fter the game" eer'one

    /as listening&

    The Longhorns close o!t the final t/o an a half min!tes on a 6-0 r!n as Ba'lor reste its

    starters /ith a ne/ line!p" an Texas kept its foot on the gas&

  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    8 tho!ght it /as great that s!bstit!te /ith a min!te nineteen to go beca!se learne from t/o

    of the best in the b!siness to call off the ogs" (!lke' sai& 8 learne from Leon Barmore

    former Lo!isiana Tech coachE an learne from at $!mmit former Tennessee coachE an

    gae eer'bo' an opport!nit' to pla'& $o in

  • 7/25/2019 Texas Women's Basketball Wins Big 12 Tourney


    starters /hen 'o!re tr'ing to score an pro!ce an keep !p moralit'" een if the game isnt


    .t the en of the night" its competition& .ston preaches pla' har eer' min!te an hae f!n

    oing it at Texas& $hes not going to change that" regarless of the score or the opponent" an

    thats the bottom line&

    (!lke' also took a shot at the si?e aantage Texas has a proppe herself !p een a little more&

    s!ppose 'o! can o this after /inning fie titles in an'thing" b!t (!lke' calle .stons moe

    classless& t certainl' isnt 8class' thro/ing o!t st!ff like this follo/ing a big /in" een if nets

    are c!t o/n&

    Texas likel' /ont be seeing Ba'lor in the %C.. To!rnament& B!t" /hoeer the' o see /ill not

    be looking for/ar to seeing b!rnt orange" een after losing in Dallas&

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