Page 1: Textual analysis of my video


Page 2: Textual analysis of my video

The music video uses a mixture of narrative and performance. The narrative is based around the feelings and flashbacks of the artist. The boy is upset over the loss of the girl and keeps having flashbacks to when they use to be together and happy. The ending suggests that there was no resolve, the boy is still upset but he has to simply just move on with his life because there is nothing else he can do. The song is passionate and the narrative relates to the lyrics of the song that in turn the audience can relate to through the loss of a loved one. This song was actually written about the death of the lead singers grandmas best friend and how life can change suddenly, but you just have to carry on. The meaning behind the song and the narrative in the video are very similar. The performance elements of the video are intertwined in the narrative to allow the audience to empathise with the artist and feel his pain in singing about what is happening in the narrative.

Page 3: Textual analysis of my video

The cinematography at the beginning of video when my actor is getting in to the car is hand held, by the actor himself. I chose to use hand held to represent his shaky feelings and allow the audience to experience and gain a feeling of the characters emotional state after he lost someone he loved dearly, this is something a lot of the audience can relate too.

I decided to capture the car driving out of the dark garage to show that yes, the character in my video has been to a dark place and feels lost and alone because he has lost the love of his life, however represents that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, he is trying to escape his feelings and he has to carry on with his life without her.

Page 4: Textual analysis of my video

Flashbacks are used in the video to show the audience the happy memories of when the boy and girl were together and about to get married however something tragic happened (the girl dies) and now he is all alone and upset looking back on the happy times.

To show the flashbacks there is the use of effects such as mixed de-saturation, allowing the audience to distinguish what is the past (flashbacks) and what is present day.

I have used flashbacks in my video adding a desaturation effect to shows the audience that this is not the present and is in fact the flashback. My video uses a mixture of narrative and performance as you see my artist singing the song but you also see the flashbacks of when he was happy and him getting in his car and driving away to escape his feelings of loneliness.

My main character, the artist then shows his emotions throughout the video as he goes back to the places where he was happy, remembering his engagement to the girl. My video only shows some performance from the artist as I feel the narrative is more important in showing the meaning of the song for people to relate too.

Page 5: Textual analysis of my video

The use of the clip overlap shows the audience that the character is in the present day, is remembering what happened at that place and reminiscing about how happy he was. This allows the audience to see what happened and what he is remembering.

At some points in the video the clip overlay and fast paced editing as well as the sped up clips relates to the lyrics of thoughts spinning around his head. This gives the audience a sense of unrest and chaos in my artists head because he doesn’t know what to do or think now that he has lost the person he loved, something that a lot of people from the audience can relate too after the loss of a loved one.

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In regards to mise-en-scene one of my chosen locations is the Hull marina on the river Humber. This location was chosen specifically as it is a beautiful setting where he proposed to his girlfriend. Yet further down the river at the bridge, a lot of suicides have occurred, suggesting to the audience that the river Humber is a place of loss and hopelessness ad as the character is upset after losing someone he loved, he may also want to take his own life. However the character decided to get in his car and drive away, like he's driving himself away from the bad and upsetting thoughts so he can make amends and get his life together even though something terrible has happened.

Page 7: Textual analysis of my video

I have used the bottle of beer smashing in the video to suggest that the artists hopes and dreams for the future have been smashed after losing the love of his life and that his head and heart are broken. The beer itself suggests that he is upset as stereotypically a lot of people turn to alcohol after something bad has happened.

close up of my artists hand turning they key in the car, this was to represent the turning of a new chapter in his life or to initiate flashbacks, like going back in time, both of which I have in my video

In the video there is a close up shot of the actor opening the car door symbolising that he was trying to his feelings of being lost and alone and move on with his life rather than dwelling in pity and sadness, embrace the difficulties he has faced.

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