Download - Thank you Mr Ingham

Page 1: Thank you Mr Ingham
Page 2: Thank you Mr Ingham

“We would like to dedicate this book to everyone and everything that resourced this extraordinary man. In one story in this book you can read his answer to that very question: what supports you? ‘Family, Meditation and Manchester United’ being his instant reply.

So to his wife Sue, his children Matt, Lily and Aidanand their loved ones, Sean and Sam, his belovedgrand-children, Esme and Charlie, to his mum and his siblings (and with a mischievous smile) to Meditation andManchester United – we dedicate this book. It has been the container for an outpouring of love and appreciation.”

from all of us

Page 3: Thank you Mr Ingham

I first met Terry 30 years ago when he was my form tutor, and wood working teacher during my early years of secondary school.

As a quiet 11 year old boy both scared and overwhelmed by the new big school environment I found Terry’s deep compassion, understanding, humour, and sense of calm and tolerance he cultivated within his form room, an Island of peace amongst the rough waters of an all male environment.

I vividly remember how on the days we finished our school day with Terry he would stop the lesson 5-10 minutes early, and encourage all of the class to sit down, close their eyes, relax, and focus on their deep breathing. This left an indelible mark on my consciousness, which even now as an adult I return to when feeling overwhelmed.

I was filled with great joy when our paths quite unexpectedly crossed again, and I found myself again sharing Terry’s company with my colleague Wayne when commissioned by Terry, and Fionnuala to work on the new ecl website design and additional ecl branding.

Terry helped to stimulate, inform and shape my own and my peer’s creative adventures, and I have never forgotten his kindness, and the personal/teacher relationship, and now 30 years later I feel nothing but a huge feeling of admiration for both Terry and ecl’s work.

It was privilege to have met and been taught by Terry, and to also have had the opportunity to work with him in later life.

I wish you peace Terry.

Thank you Mr. Ingham.


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“Such a magnificent extraordinary man! I will miss him so very much. Oh Fin, we have to make this all work. I too cant find words, apart from the most natural, I loved him to bits, he will always be an absolute inspiration to me and to so, so many. Sadness through and through, such a beautiful man, such a loss.”

Sharon Grayecl Trustee

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“Approaching retirement from a lifetime as a teacher and headteacher, I thought I knew pretty well all there was to know about children, their lives, their learning, their families and their potential. showed me, and many others, a new way. You changed the lives of the children, teachers and assistants we worked with on ecl but you changed my life too, not only as a teacher but also as a daughter, wife, mother and grandmother. You were inspirational, spiritual, funny, challenging, caring....and sometimes an absolute bugger to work with! Your words often come back to me. The world is a little less bright without your light. ”

Val Culff

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After more than twelve years of working closely with Terry it's hard to know how to even begin to do justice to this man. Fora dozen years he was a rock, a perfect complement to me, good at everything I didn't do so well. From the first day he came to an Orders of Love in Organisations day that Ty Francis and I invited him to, he was hooked by the process and I was hooked by his enthusiasm and confidence, and that never flagged.

I've rarely met anyone with such a dedicated energy to learn, to enjoy, to dream visions, to push and take risks, to reach out, to charm and bully, but always in the service of this deep and wise systemic approach, not ever in the service of his own ego- or mine. He loved the somatic wisdom of the approach, and he was brilliant at entering states of representation and being able to report them with phenomenological precision. His ambition and vision - not for himself but for the reach of our work - was vast. He not only immersed himself in the philosophy and practice but for all these years he sat beside me, capturing my fleeting sentences and insisting on finding a way to codify this complex philosophy and methodology, making sure that learners had the very best chances to master constellations and incorporate and integrate them into their practices.

Over the years, our strongest connection was in building Colpi - the community of learning and practice of innovation. Altogether we ran eleven or twelve Colpi groups and Terry nurtured hundreds of those students into a genuine community, wonderful men and women who all came to love him and love the healing impact and clarity of the work, both personally and organisationally. He and Jane James built the Dissolving Barriers to Learning days within ecl, where I constellated difficult issues for many troubled young people, helping to change their lives in new directions. Whatever new ideas he learned he often immediately designed and extended for practical use - relentlessly. Change and innovation - and incredibly hard work - seemed to be wired into him. He never competed with me but he took his critically important place beside me so that together we were far more than the sum of our parts. By the time I left nowhere he had become a fine constellator in his own right. I once watched him do a paper constellation exercise we used to call The Four Me's’, looking at how enduring patterns in the various systems we belonged to echoed one another and related to our sense of self. I noticed that he had positioned himself as the support, the back up for everyone in every system. A kind of Atlas position. But what supports YOU? I asked him. Family, Meditation, and Manchester United was his instant reply. His own answer delighted him. It was obvious that his long standing meditation practice had carved out a deep and spacious centre, so that he was rarely caught up in exhausting inner dilemmas, and he could refresh himself in a few minutes when it would have taken most of us a weekend lying on a beach.

Whereas I had much energy to attend to the past by sharpening the present, Terry's present focus was always on the future. Once Colpi began to feel too familiar he supported me to design a completely new version - the Insight Programme. eclnever stopped developing and changing. The CreAte model of coaching morphed and developed over the years into a tremendously innovative programme. Terry and the far horizon were always solidly joined.

Terry and I widened each other's worlds. We had enormous fun being creative together. He got to know my family and welcomed me into his. His down to earth northern intelligence steadied while it sparkled. He leaves a world forever changed by his visionary energy and optimism.

During his nearly two years of having cancer, he did not withdraw energetically. Nobody could want to live more passionately than he did but he also faced his illness with the same kind of steadiness and openness with which he faced everything. He spoke with increasing love and appreciation of the support and loving care that Sue and his family provided, asetting where his upbeat energy did not always have to rule. The last time I met him (before he became very ill indeed) he laughingly told me he was having a brief but enjoyable retirement - a bit early but nevertheless freeing. I never witnessed him feeling sorry for himself, and his kindness and interest in the lives of others and the development of his projects remained unchanged.

Judith Hemming

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“19 September. I went to visit Terry at Dorothy House. I am so glad that I did.

I have been in many groups, circles and discussions with Terry since I met him in 2003. ColPI, CreAte coaching and constellations. I have been very fortunate to have travelled alongside the inception of ecl from its earliest days when Terry was working with Judith Hemming and Jane James.

I knew this was my time for saying goodbye. But something magical happened.

Even though Terry was tired, in a lot of pain and discomfort his vitality was strong, sharp, clear and so present. We had a wonderful conversation where quite spontaneously he shared with me his take on what he termed ‘the dna of ecl’. It was as if The Field responded, joined in and opened. It felt like sacred space. Terry shared with me the key intellectual streams that flow into ecl for him; some books to read I hadn’t come across; some ways of thinking about interconnections and cross overs. Throughout his illness I had been taking Angel Cards for him and my sense was that they were all in the room with us. Clarity, Peace, Openness, Abundance, Synthesis and many more. It was a remarkable hour, full of joy and love. I am so thankful to Fionnuala for being there, capturing something of the essence of the conversation in notes and photos.

Terry, I have so much to say thank you for. My heart goes out to Sue and your lovely family in this great loss. We are all going to miss you so much but your legacy is so great that somehow I sense that probably wasn’t quite the last conversation.”

Jane Reed ecl Associate UK

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Terry a kind, gentle and most of all fun human being…..with a great smile…..

Terry and I have travelled the ecl road for over four years now. I have the fondest and warmest memories of Terry from the first time we met, on Skype with Jane James to all the various meetings and trainings thereafter.

When I look at Terry I am left with a beautiful warm feeling in my heart of a man who was always filled with joy and love for children and a continual search for deeper meaning for all human kind. His ability to access the hearts of others is incredible. Terry I will always hold a place in my heart for you with great love and affection.

With love and gratitude for ever…..

Janet Goldblattecl Hub Director South Africa

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“Just to let you know a gentle rain started yesterday afternoon in Windhoek; this morning there is quite some thunder and a bit more rain. It’s very unusual and very special for us to have rain at this time of year and to me it’s quite symbolic of Terry’s life and what he meant to us in Namibia. Amazing how quickly Terry crawled into our hearts. I wish him a safe journey from this life into the next. ‘HambaKahle’, travel well, is the Zulu greeting of farewell, it always touches my heart. Both Bob and I will miss you Terry, especially the lively, Skype sessions, how I enjoyed the BreathingSpaceand playfully creative time they offered”

Rowena (& Bob) Mouldecl Hub Director Namibia

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Terry had an extraordinarily creative spirit and with it he has made a difference to children and education. He was indefatigably energetic, positive, enthusiastic and connecting - we are all testament to that. I will miss him hugely - he was inspirational, encouraging and funny.

Jane James

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I get to wear your hat…just saying that breaks my heart

You have insisted, cajoled, waited patiently, demandedthat I wear it. You stood fornothing less than that I ‘stand in my magic’

I will wear your hat. I will do my best to carry the visionfor ecl out into the world.

With great love

Fionnualaecl Chief Executive

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Where do you start when you have travelled 10 yearsin such a wonderful creative and inspirational journey.

Terry thank you for being there through the laughter & fun, challenges & frustration and allowing me tostep-in to my creative journey listening and believing.

Being part of shared conversations and food with youand your family, thank you.

I will miss those great exploring conversations never knowing what we would create, post-its everywhere!

I will do my very best to keep co-creating with othersto build ecl.

With always much love

Chrisecl Hub Director United Kingdom

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Terry - You 'saw me' and 'valued me'. You are my friend with the warm hug that can be held, forever. You listened to my thought’s, feelings and inspirations, and gave them shape. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of ecl, all those years ago. You have given me a precious gift that I couldn't be without. A life long journey, 'permission', to explore magical and creative ideas, to help people and children with the most important things in life. Well being, creativity and learning. What could be better and what a priviledge. Terry, my friend that was always energetic, audacious, mindful, prolific , brave and above all, has a heart full of love.

Caroline Dixon ecl catalyst UK

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Well sir! Time for words of love and truth... You know you kind of bullied me into coming on to CoLPI 2012... And how grateful does that make me. So for that, and your faith in me Terry, for your cheeky, knowing smiles, your lightness and wisdom, your pointed humour, your constant, constant generosity, love and challenge I feel deeply grateful. You gave me an instant community when I arrived in London and I've felt blessed by our connection ever since. In this dying you've done so much living and we've all benefited from that. Talking recently about the importance of transitions I'll hold you deep within my heart as you go through this maybe most important one. And there you'll stay. Deep within my heart. And woven into the heart of our developing OSI! I love you very much and I'll miss you co-creator, teacher and friend. Thank you for you... Love, light and laughter, always.

Orlaecl Catalyst United Kingdom

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For me this picture is a symbol of a lot of Terry’s qualities. And our relationship. I experience Terry as a carrier of a lot of projects, processes and people. His creative source seemed to be endless. His ability of giving flowed towards so many people. Always in service of the bigger system. ecl was - beside Sue, the children and grandchildren - so strongly connected to his heart. Working with him on bringing eclinto the world brought inspiration, connectedness, shared challenges/frustration and friendship.His humor made the most challenging situations bright.

'a friend is someone who knows the song of your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words’, donna robert’s

Terry has and will have a huge place in my heart, as a dear friend.

With love and great respect.

Ellie van der Est

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“no words..”

Libby Lee

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“You could always rely on Terry! Many's the meeting I've been in with him which was starting to meander, become tetchy or even occasionally interminable(!) but he would always find a way to bring us back! He did it with his incisive wit, his sharp intellect &, sometimes, his eye for the main chance! Nothing seemed to get to Terry and diminish his infectious "joie de vivre", but also nothing would divert him from "the way of nowhere", for which he was a most powerful and persuasive advocate. Terry could "mix it" (I think he would have liked this phrase!) with powerful intellectuals but he also had the ability to reach out to ordinary folk but whoever he was interacting with, he sought to bring clarity and insight where there existed muddle and obfuscation. He also brought profound hope of a way forward and a future released from the problems of the present. I saw this on an individual level in "dissolving barriers to learning" workshops, at an institutional level in his work at Ralph Allen but also at a national level when we darkened the doors of the Department for Education together (and I was mighty glad that I had him by my side!). To have impacted on so many people in the way that Terry did is a rare and wonderful talent.

You can still rely on Terry! I will think of him when I follow the fortunes of Manchester United FC; I will think of him when I am stuck in meetings that have lost their way; I will think of him when a way forward is needed and I realise that it is me that has to try to make a contribution to make this happen. He may not be in the room, but he will be there in my "mind's eye", wearing black of course!, giving me the courage to do it.”

John Chantry

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“Being Terry's little friend has of course been no little honour. I don't know if he ever knew the profound and life changing effect that his presence at Ralph Allen had on my life. The introduction to constellations and systemic approach has shaped both my working and personal life. Personally it has enabled me to pass what seemed impassable and obtain what seems inobtainable. My core was moved. As a professional, my leadership continues to be influenced by these early experiences and every time that I loose my way I always return to these principles for comfort and strength.

Terry was also instrumental to our amazing trips to Findhorn. Fireside tales abound about our adventures and encounters. I beam from within to think of all the delight, nourishment and confuddlement that was given to us there. Meeting Lucy and Dorota, Lorenz and Joan. This time with Libby, Chris, Jane, Meg and Molly was so precious and so defining.

For these movements Terry was the most powerfulof dominoes, making change possible.

I will always remember you with deep gratitude and fondness, dressed in black, with a wry sense of humour and beaming smile.

Your little friend Claire x

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Terry – you have helped me grow in so many ways. I will treasure the wisdom, support and belief you have given me. I feel honoured to have worked with you, to have developed ‘ Innovating Futures’ and to have learnt so much in the process of delivering the IF programme. You have been an inspiration to me and I think Rudyard Kipling’s poem IF describes you through my eyes and I will continue to learn and develop thanks to all that you have shared and taught me. With very much love, respect, admiration and hugs.

Sonya Chowdhury

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“I attach a photo of myself at a client workshop in New York. The design of the workshop was done mainly by Terry, and it was his inspiration that made it succeed.”

Robert Rowland Smith

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“I'd secretly been hoping that Terry would be so stubborn and magical that he'd somehow pull through. I will never forget how much you have given to me. It was a great gift to be a student on COLPI and an immense honour to teach alongside you on it. The learning and the inspirationand the opportunities that you have given me are things for which I will always be grateful and will always remember you”.

Caroline Ward

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“I remember him and his warmth so well. Now you have to step forward without him, but with his ideas, his spirit and full of thanks, that you and we all met him. Greetings, from heart.”

Marianne Franke-Gricksch

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“An ordinary man walked through the door,He displayed a down-to-earth manner,He possessed out-of-this-world ideas...

He sat in a chair keen to share an approach to care,He pointed in the direction of a creative adventure,We stood up, metaphorically, and followed him...

He led, then dropped behind, allowing us to guide...We drew on his experiences then drew shapes of them,We played with words then made words work.

We listened, learned and looked at the world differently,He laughed, teased, inspired, shared, changed us.An extraordinary man walked out the door.”

We'll miss him.

Wayne Lindsay

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I had the privilege of facilitating an ecl workshop in Johannesburg and I want to share the feedback from the participants of the work that Terry devoted everything to. I am deeply honored to be a part of this life changing ecl foundation and having learnt directly from Terry.

Rasada Goldblatt ecl catalyst South Africa

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“Thank you Terry foryour presence…

You will always be in my heart.”

Fabian Hiroseecl catalyst UK

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“ Terry, I remember most the hands we made together on our first meeting - two co-creative souls going deep to the unknown to find a spark. The short time we knew each other was indeed a gift.I am honoured by the times we spent together; going deep, reaching new creations, receiving healing, and more, and am touched by the trust you placed in me and my work - I am connected both to you and to Sue, so my bridging of life and death, male and female, healed and healee, continues. This is my work in the transitions of life, just as your work was your life so this is mine. There are no boundaries when work and life are both so heartfelt. And I dedicate my program 'Learning from Loss' to you. We are all learning from this loss, especially Sue, who has my love and care for this new path she is now on without Terry.

Thank you, for all you have done - may your soul be able to reflect and be at peace as you know that both in family and in work, you made an indelible mark on life.

with all love and grace xx’

Anna Jacobs ecl catalyst UK

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I am remembering Terry with such love and gratitude... I met him on a nowhere project in 2004 and began to work for Terry in the nowhere foundation in 2005. He was an amazing boss - big-hearted, passionate, insightful, energetic and most of all, ever able to see the seeds of potential in people, ideas and projects. What creative fire and playfulness he brought to the co-creative process! His supportive stance and positive regard allowed me to undo years of perfectionism and 'achiever conditioning', so I could relax more into myself and let innovation happen. Over time, it has allowed me to experiment freely and integrate systemic practice into my teaching of the Tree of Life.

I feel privileged to have contributed to the development of constellations work and to have participated in ecl, amongst many other projects. I loved the CoLPIexperience and the Advanced Circles! Terry and Judith complemented one another so well, each bringing a magic that was utterly their own. I owe so much to Terry and to many others who gathered in the foundation - Jane James, Ed Rowland, Gaye Donaldson & others - from whom I have received innumerable gifts. I met so many amazing colleagues and friends too.

Now I only have to close my eyes to feel the embodied sensation of being a part of this UK lineage and to feel the solid support and love of a cherished colleague, mentor and friend... "Dearest Terry, I am here because of all the good you brought into my working life".

Grateful eternally. Thinking of Sue and the familywith love.

Alison Wooding

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“Il a allumé avecbienveillance des lanternes sur monchemin de vie. Merci Terry pour ces accordsvibratoires, tu serastoujours dans monCœur.”

Séverine Gamsonre-Thouvenot

(He lighted lanterns with great kindness on my life path. Thank you Terry for the Harmonic Vibrations, I will always carry you in my heart)

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“I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude when I think about Terry.

He was my mentor, friend, co-creative colleague and my teacher.

It is impossible to express the profound influence he has had on me as individual and my approach to the work, but perhaps the most significant lesson I have learned from him can be expressed in a quote by Nelson Mandela, "There is no passion to be found in playing small and settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living".

Terry was a very special soul that left an indelible impression on all that knew him and where fortunate enough to cross his path.

In Hebrew the word “Shalom” means “hello”, “peace” and “farewell”. It was an honour to meet Terry, I learned the importance of being “still” and finding an inner place of peace from him and my heart is now heavy at having to say farewell.

Terry, I carry you in my heart and will honour you in the work that I do and in perpetuating your legacy.”

Dani Afriat

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“I have been holding Terry in my heart. When I think of Terry, I see a heartfelt, wide-open and warm smile; he smiles with his whole being. Terry taught me how to trust in the magic of play and he believes in me. For that, I am eternally grateful”

Adele Marianetti-Lim

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“I met Terry 10 years ago at Waterloo, and from the very first moment we became collaboratorsand friends. He also became my mentor. Together we worked on many creative endeavours. These colour samples were captured this summer on the island of Amorgos on a day I was holding him in my thoughts, knowing that we would have enjoyed playing with nuances that captured that present moment. This instant was sky-land-sea — elements that we both loved. I will miss him dearly... and am ever grateful for having shared many precious moments with such an inspiring man. I hold him in my heart, always.”

Anette Lundebye

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“Dearest Terry, a true original, you reminded me of what we can see if we open our eyes.

You are in heart as a mentor, coachand friend.”

Patrick Weir

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“Terry, your smile lit up the world and touched my heart and I will be forever grateful for your unconditional support and enthusiasm for me and my work in the world. You helped me touch my brilliance. Forever in my heart.”

Deborah Rowland

“ Terry was a beautiful breath of fresh air for me. His unique 'Terry-ness' always lifted me to raise my sights and become the best I could be. His smileand our shared laughter were always close by when we met, alongside his deep seated kindness, respect and generosity. I will hold this man of love in my heart.”

Marjie Beach

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For Terry, a master in travelling in hope, for always in my heart & in my system as a man of love and support!

“It is better to travel with hope in one's heart than to arrive in safety. . . . We should celebrate today's failure because it is a clear sign that our voyage of discovery is not yet over. The day the experiment succeeds is the day the experiment ends. And I inevitably find that the sadness of ending outweighs the celebration of success.”

Jacqueline Kelly, The Evolution of Calpurina Tate

Hi Jürg

How are you? Great to be in touch - and brilliant that you are coming to the learning circle. You'll be in some very good company in a small but very experienced group. I hope you enjoy it to the full but unfortunately I won't be there. I am not that mobile and actually I think it would interfere with the formation of the group.

As for me, It has been a very tough past couple of months as the chemotherapy treatment comes to its finale! Knocked me pretty flat. Not bounced back yet but feeling better with every day now. Not sure what it all means in term of how long I have got on this earth or what my quality of life will be like over the next few months but I am travelling in hope.

Let's keep in touch as best we can.

For now all good wishes , Terry

Jürg Thölke

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“Dear Terry and Fi,

From a distance in spirit I am with you, but close you are in my heart.

I learned from you stepping in the unknown can be frightening and takes courage.

By doing it I did find beautiful aspects of life and peace and quietness in me.

I wish you the courage to step into peace and quietness…”

With love,

Gerbert Sipman

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“Terry pops up very often. In my lessons I see him popping up in video of the Kanamoriconference. He is present in my heart.

I am aware of the connection with Terry and my thoughts are also with the family especially with Sue and with the grandchildren Terry is so crazy of “

Henk Boer

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“Herewith I’m sending you the work that I made when I reflecton the power and creativity of Terry. I painted it in response tothe story of Jacob’s strugglewith the angel, Genesis 32: 25-32. The story appeals to me because it is so magical andmythical and at the same time is a beginning and an end. I chose this work because the colours and the energy of the struggle remind me of my best and most vibrant memories of Terry!”

Marius Kingma

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“I was impressed by your inspiring presentations with beautiful pictures like below and your wonderful and wise words. Thank you a lot for this. When I think of you, I think of a positive, warm, humoristic and wise man! Warm memories….I will always remember you. I wish you and all the ones who loves you, a lot of strength and power.”

Bernadet Tijnagel-Schoenaker

Evocative talk Terry Ingham

‘The larger the island

of knowledge, the longer

the shoreline of wonder…‘Ralph W. Sockman

Discovering the shoreline of


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“Terry, from meeting you on Bath Railway Station and being gently and skilfully brow-beaten into joining COLPI - the beginning of a hugely significant part of my professional life - I’ve always been grateful for what I’ve received from you, and looked forward to our connections. They’ve always been lively, stimulating, teasing and fun. You have created important programmesand connections for people, time and again, and been a vital support to the work Judith has done. I seem continually to bump into people who - if they know anything about Systemic Constellations - ‘know Terry’. Thank you for all you’ve given, and I hope you can take the pleasure and satisfaction you so richly deserve in reflecting on what you are leaving in the lives of others - me included. I don’t know how they say ‘bless you’ in Manchester, but whatever it is, it’s what I mean.”

David Presswell

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“At your core you have strength, dignity, passion for life and a guiding light that shines through and from you. Your support for Colpi was without ego and in loving service and this really held us on our deep exploration. I remember our last time together over lunch in the local cafe (about a year ago) and your openness and vulnerability, love of each day and presence inspired me (I was a bit in the doldrum). Wherever you are on your journey, travel well Terry. Sending you love and blessings.”

Stephen Moss

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“I am truly sorry to hear this – his contribution to the work will be felt for many years in the future. My prayers to his family, especially his immediate family.”

Raymond Nettman, Researcher catalyst ecl South Africa

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“I prayed for Terry yesterday and will continue today on the holiest day of our year as Jews.”

Sharon Kalinko eclcatalyst South Africa

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“It is only fitting that I learned of Terry's passing when co facilitating an ecl workshop for teachers in a school in South Africa. For me to be a part of and included in this transformative process for education and children is a real honour and Terry has taught me to parent and facilitate from the inside out. Terry also taught me how to eat a raisin in England and I will never look or eat a raisin the same way again.

A passionate man with an enveloping heart that will leave his mark on our children, teachers and parents worldwide. Thank you Captain!”

Yael Geffen-Fine ecl catalystSouth Africa

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“We are praying!”

Chileza Nkabinde ecl catalyst South Africa

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“I am taking Terry's note to us of having the CONFIDENCE to just walk into a school and say ‘this is what I can do for you’. I am remembering Terry's inspiring smile and his courage. I made a special note of this, as it's not often that our paths cross with a positive spirit such as his. May his spirit rain on all children and their guardians all over the world.”

Kayseree Moodley ecl catalyst Atlanta

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“We only met briefly but I have experienced your passion and love for eclat every turn in my connection with ecl. Thank you for leaving such an amazing legacy behind. Travel well friend.”

Sandi Hager ecl Associate South Africa

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“Dear Terry,

Thank you for being an inspirationand for introducing me to the wonderful ecl community. Through my journeys both with work and thought, our many conversations have sparked thinking and reflection. Many ideas are waiting to be born after our meeting at the conference and each of them will carry a piece of you to go forward and inspire others. See you in the next life Terry, love and peace always.”

Monita Sen(and Jane, it's because of her that we met!)

(This picture is Jane and I at the TreviFountain in Rome, picture us throwing in a golden coin for you!)

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“Dearest Terry - you have been such an important rock in our COLPI group -the constant that can be relied on, the constant that always has a warm smile, and a hug when you need it. The constant that has such an abundance of joy and a love for life - thank you for everything you have given -and most of all - thank you for being you...with love, (and a big hug from Bert -see photo- a pretty constant feature in our conversations on Colpi!!)”

Tess Cope

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“Dearest Terry,

I breathe with gratitude when I think of your initiative and organization in making CoLPIhappen. Thank you for that! It was such a gift to me. I am forever grateful to have participated in the last CoLPI with the original team :) Your smile, your warmth and your passion for bringing constellations into organisations and leadership development have inspired me. I am now spreading the word and continuing the work :) Here is a picture of me and my constellation daughter Aluma. Having represented death I know that she is warm and welcoming and I know that you will be lovingly received. I wish you all the best in your next transition. I will carry you in my heart.”

Noomi Melchior Natan

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“Dearest Terry,

That look of mischief in your eyesYour radiant smileYour irrepressible “Can do” and “Will do” attitudeYour hugely generous heartFull of funImmediacy, contactfulness, sensitivityA powerhouse of creativity I am deeply grateful that Imet youThank you, thank you deeplyGo well”

Marigold Farmer

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“Dear Terry,

I am sending you a ray of light.I have always felt a connection on a deeper level with you and I am filled with appreciation for the way you were holding me in the beginning of my constellation journey. I have just finished another program run by Caroline, and I finally understand her language without any problem. Next weekend I am the host for a workshop here in Copenhagen, where we, Elisabeth an actress from Berlin, Caroline and me, are going to explore where constellation meets scriptwriting and acting. This is all thanks to you. Sending you endless love and light through time and space.”

Vibeke Hastrup

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“The photo that I sent you, that is what I wish Terry from my heart energy.”

Alina Dijkshoorn ecl catalyst The Netherlands

“Shining eyes in a body that was about to have run its course. Even then, there was power and playfulness, knowing he'd contributed his share and enjoying having shared it with people he loved and happy to see it being carried on by them.”

Thijs van den Berg ecl catalyst The Netherlands

“Terry was indeed an exceptional man and has left a lasting impression on me (even though I only met him once) - when I met him at the Insight course, far from being a man who was "dying" - he struck me being so full of life and radiance - his mere presence was truly inspirational.”

Mumta Ito

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“Terry was such a kind, considerate, funny, happy guy who always had time to speak to everyone, we all looked forward to seeing him and it was a pleasure to look after Terry and his group whenever they stayed here.”

Liz Laidler

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“Terry showed up at the office wearing a black shirt… and black pants… no one had ever showed up wearing a black shirt before at the office. It was a bit like being visited by a rock star. But still with a normal hair cut. Did this guys have tattoos or not if he were to roll up his shirt sleeves?

No one knew… and no one really cared because it was obvious that he was a rock star. A rock star within his genre of contribution to the world. He had the charisma and presence to knock your socks off. He had the creativity of any virtuoso, like a grown up prodigy without the quirks. He had the perfect pitch for conversation and dialogue. He had the smileand the warmth of heart to make both the girls and the boys lean against the barricades and holler out in appreciation.

Keep wearing that black shirt Terry. You rock!

Love you and miss you always.”

Bjorn Atterstam

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“Dear Terry,

I was so deeply touched by your words on the phone about me joining the In-sight programme. It was a turning point for me to feel alive when it has not been so for some time. You had captured the essence of my soul and held it. Your energy will live on in the programme you have created for all of us. I was so looking forward to working with you; although that was not to be, your presence was felt throughout the course. I will hold on to those moments of meeting you in person when you had so courageously made the journey to visit us. You will always be an inspirating presence to push on with my life.

There is a profound sadness that you have moved on for all the people that have not crossed paths with you as the world would be a better place. No doubt you would be sorely missed by the people who have known you. You have given so much of yourself in your creativity and spirit, your selflessness, love and dedication will always live on. My deepest sympathy for your family and my heart goes out to them.”

Philip Ma

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“Terry is a lamp illuminating other peoples' lives so they can fulfil on their natural potential.

He is my role model.With gratitude.”

Ania Lichota

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“I have such a fondness and deep respect for you Terry and recall my very first conversation with you to get on the COLPI course just a couple of weeks before it started. I remember being struck by how engaging you was and your energy. I recall laughing a lot on that call as well as understanding more about constellation as I came away. You have an ability to connect with people and humor that is so infectious. I came away from that call with a strong sense of your passion for constellations and it convinced me to take the plunge even though I had not ever been in a constellation before. You let me know that I was in my right place. And indeed you was right then and continues to be. I am soooooo grateful to you for this gift. And getting to know you even more during 2012 only reinforced those first impressions. Thank you.”

Shirley McAlpine

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“Terry leaves a lasting impression with me. He had a kind and generous heart, an energetic spirit, a wonderful sense of humor and an indomitable passionand commitment to ecl and the educational possibilities it promises.”

Susan Pogue

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“No words, just feelings deep and sadno feelings without being sharedno sharing without what he hadto bring to us in what he said'I'll never leave you sad behindit is my soul I leave in kindmove on with what it had to giveit wants to share... move on to livefor what we all feel love can yieldwhen ...where it sources... we can shield...'

No words... just feelings...”

Frits Hermans

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“You are so words...just sadness...stillness...and a whole lot of warmth trying to somehow reach you and everyone else so close to him....”

Josephine Verhoef

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“He is in a light filled flower flowing towards the Divine. I held in in my hands and then surrendered it. There was such a peaceful feeling.”

Linda Baker

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“I’ve known Terry for a very short time in the scheme of

things, less than a year, but in that time I have grown to know him as a friend, a collaborator, an agent for change, a caring, provocative, inspiring, and courageousman. In conversations, on skype (with the video variously on or off, the connection variously clear or stumbling), we have managed to have wonderful meetings of the mind, sinking into a great sense of “I know exactly where you are coming from!” or pushed into a sense of “yes, and!” He has made me feel welcome in the world and journey of ecl and made me feel empowered to take my work forward with it. He has made me feel unsettled in my approach and assumptions in the best possible ways, and made me feel so hopeful in the capacity of ecl to make great work, and great change in the world. We once talked of the divide between academia and practice; we talked of the divide as an ocean, and we likened ecl to a raft on that ocean. I like that. My words today revolve around my connection with Terry in relation to ecl, because that is what it has been. But he, above anyone else I know, is inseparable from his work. It is neither personal nor professional – it is just engagement with living. And there you go. He will always inspire in his full, dynamic, engagement with living.”

Mia Perry ecl Research Director

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