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First and foremost, I dedicate this book to ALL PATRIOTS of THE UNITED STATES OF

AMERICA and the man I consider the Greatest Patriot of All Time - President Donald J.

Trump. I am also one such Patriot and this entire work is to acknowledge that there are

those of us living in this incredible land, with a deep understanding and appreciation of

the ideals our nation is built upon and stand now on the final hour to defend the Republic

from the likes of Evil Satanists trying to putrefy our land, our people and our values with

their polluted stench, blackened hearts and tiny worthless little reptilian brains...

To all of you who represent that evil group - it won't work out well for you. But I digress.

And here's an apology I issued the other day to the various Reptile Associations, who

aptly pointed out that it was an insult, and a real putdown, for Good Established Reptiles

to be lumped into a categorical comparison with Evil Satanists, when being talked about

in any public format. To all great living beings having any reptile ancestry, but not being

involved with the Evil Satanists, in their effort to destroy the Republic in America, please

accept our humble apology.

Future comparisons will move our slimy opponents into their rightful place among things

like Botulism for example - a disease of weakness, blurred vision, fatigue and trouble

speaking containing toxins that can lead to death.

Moving on again to wonderful and fantastic things...

Thirty-one words which affirm the values and freedom that the American flag represents

are recited while facing the flag, hand over heart, as the pledge of our loyalty to the USA.

I dedicate this book to our Pledge and all those who honor it, but NOT THOSE WHO

KNEEL or BEND or YIELD to ANYONE TRYING to DENY US that beautiful profound faith

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in what is represented. Now say this out loud to help me increase our collective positive

energy -

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands,

one Nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.

Next, I also dedicate this book to my Production Team, the greatest ever to take up such

a cause and the most amazing creative beings ever assembled to deliver the most ad-

vanced forms of Pleiadean Evolutionary Universal Truth Wisdom and Higher Intelligence

to a planet in the final battle of the conflict between Good and Evil.

Finally, to you, President Donald John Trump for your extreme courage, amazing cele-

bration of life and incredible commitment to save the world from evil and from our own

complacency, general laziness and failure to evolve past the technology phase of Earth

during the current million-year evolution.

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From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Mr. President for understanding and accepting

what's truly at stake and being willing to grind and trudge and suffer through the mali-

ciousness and pure unadulterated evil of a select group of one of the worst levels of

satanic reptilian beings ever assembled in the universe.

In my relative role, parallel in many ways to your own journey Sir, it has sometimes dis-

turbed me greatly that you have again and again been forced through a gauntlet of literal

escaped mental patients that have required you to perform within a never-ending loop of

far-out exercises, under conditions that no one else would have lasted through for more

than a couple of days without blowing their brains out. I say this with plenty of experience

to draw off of. Most people that know me and what I do, say they would last no more than

a day or two in my relative shoes.

But let me digress yet again for another minute or two. Who am I to even tell this story?

Well, for starters I have had 13 near-death experiences over the course of my 62 1/2 years

of life and if the readers of this work want to get a better handle on why that's relevant,

they could start with the works of PMH Atwater who has written most of the definitive

books on children who’ve had near-death experiences. I’ve had nine of those near-death

experiences before I was 20 and come to learn that no matter how violent, reckless or

derelict my life was for the first 49 years, which was in Chicago, and then later the northern

suburbs, over and over again, nearly every time that it looked like I would cross over into

the next World, a voice would appear and say things that amounted to "you're not done

with your work on Earth, so stop coming here and quit looking around". It became a very

interesting personal joke that I tested several times. But that's a story for another time and


What PMH Atwater talks about is the tremendous heightened sensitivity that dramatically

increases in children when they have a near-death experience. My first was a hemor-

rhaged tonsillectomy at age 5, where the cauterization, at that time in 1963, occurred in

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an emergency procedure that involved some serious suffocation. This brings me to a key

point that you will appreciate throughout this book, President Trump, as will most of Amer-

ica because it's through that experience where you and I both fit together in the time-

space continuum that drives many who know me well to tell me over and over again that

I remind them of you, or that you remind them of me.

Throughout this book, which I have been compelled to write for a long time, it has been

crystal clear to me that the entire purpose of my existence here on Earth in this lifetime

has led me to an inventory of my own actions to be one of the loudest, if not the most

vocal in support of The Great American Dream. Beyond that, you Mr. President get my

top vote for sainthood in every way on that subject thanks to your brilliant MAGA Cam-


Let's face it - 98% of people around the world really care about The Great American

Dream, and now Make America Great Again. So, when those who love literature complete

my telling of your story from my vantage point, anyone who disagrees with anything I have

said at the outset, will have proven only to themselves and the world that they are just

plain wrong based on nothing more than hard core facts and total enlightenment.

I say this not because I'm an arrogant blowhard, although some might think I am, but only

because the proof I will offer is based on Universal Truth and it comes from the totally

evolved universe and the ancient wisdom of Pleiades, the star field nearest to Earth. All

of this information is indisputable, undeniable and non-debatable and throughout my life

I have tapped this resource as my primary knowledge upon which I operate. All of this

information will support your pure goodness Mr. President and when the reader has read

this book and watched and listened to the Incredible Health Meditation from the Formula

4 Protocol I received after my 12th Near Death Experience, they will understand and

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receive it fully at the cellular level down to the smallest atomic particle, which will allow

them to enjoy life fully and have their cynicism replaced with true celebration.

Simultaneously, I will supply endless hardcore facts collected in evidence, and held in my

enormous inventory, secured by other Patriots around the world, that prove your detrac-

tors are either Evil Satanists, or simply weak souls who have been put under their control.

There are many reasons that the readers by the end of this work will be abundantly clear

on what's really happening in the world and why, as well as how those orchestrating all

the trouble will be eliminating themself in short order, paving the way for a rapid and

highly evolved new society that is simple, highly effective and without 98% of what's

wrong in the world with 1% trying to control, poison and kill the majority as fast as they

can. To all of the people of the Majority - don't buy it. It's the biggest Scamdemic in the

recorded history of the planet Earth and all of you good people who understand that you

hold all the power to replace them and the fear they try to fool you with in exchange for

a beautiful life experience that is sure to come after the world moves on to the new para-

digm of peace, harmony, love and celebration.

It's incredibly clear, as to why I have been put in this role, which by the way I take quite

happily. I have never been the norm, and I hope all of the readers take very seriously the

idea that if somebody, in this case me, determined before their first birthday that they

were keenly aware of how poorly run everything was and how totally unevolved the peo-

ple here were, then you could begin to understand why I had no interest in staying in this

lifetime on this often-brutal planet unless I could fulfill my destiny and help defeat a bunch

of pathetic bullies for the greater good of the majority.

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While under the type of immense pressure and absurd conditions that it has taken you,

President Trump, to deal with the type of insanity being faced over and over again and to

set the rest of us up to make this planet come together the right way, once and for all,

proves what a blessing you truly are to the majority.

Now, there's a mega lot more to be said that most people don't know much of the whole

amazing, spectacular and wonderful truth about you, or the massive intestinal fortitude

you required so far to get to the main inflection point in this journey of Epic Proportions.

No matter who learns your real story here, they will be blown away by the pure essence

and goodness of having everything they think they know about you turned into a totally

different reality and it won't matter if they are more like me, your self-proclaimed, most

devoted all-time fan and outspoken supporter, all the way down to even those afflicted

with the fake disease invented so people can hate you with derangement syndrome.

Everyone reading this is in store for an incredible journey, because I'm going to share with

them things that, for the most part, they couldn't possibly know prior to this book. It's going

to change everything they've ever thought they knew about you President Trump and this

will earn you a much higher level of love and respect and prove that you are real and full

of warmth, love, compassion, commitment, loyalty, fun, courage and celebration.

I wrote this book so that history will know and tell the complete and true story of how you

saved America, and the world for that matter, when no one else would or could. You are

very blessed to have come here in this lifetime with all of the right stuff that embodies

everything a person should be to be a living being on Earth during the current million-

year evolution.

And while maybe it is true that nobody is perfect, I will confidently demonstrate here only

with facts that given what you have dealt with, nearly every decision you made is about

as close to being as perfect as possible, when considering how imperfect this world has

been and the level of unprecedented diabolical attacks you’ve had to experience to make

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it this far into the eye of the storm just so you could bait a bunch of absurd fools into their

own demise. More on that later.

Finally, so many of your own fans, like to add the disclaimer that they don't agree with

everything you President Trump ever said on Twitter. But this book will make sure that no

millennial child or cancel-culture crazy person, or who knows, out there is going to judge

you for anything you’ve said online or offline.

So, let me say what my position has been throughout, so that it's established right here in

this dedication, and then you, the reader, are going to hear it over and over and over until

you either embrace it, or you can't stand it anymore and you have to leave. And if you do,

I'll help you leave. My position is that I don't think anything about President Trump is not

perfect. I don't think that anything that he's doing could be improved, other than my own

role, which is to help clarify and clear up some of the misconceptions that people are

walking around with about him and then continue to issue the Open Challenge where we

settle this matter like Men in an Octagon. It features me against any one detractor who is

working on a Coup against our sitting President Trump, but where that challenger is a part

of the attempted Communist takeover of America. As I have repeatedly offered, the de-

tractor, can bring 9 hired goons. After they sign my release, agreeing that I am not re-

sponsible for beating them within a few inches of their worthless lives.

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Let me take a minute and challenge you. I ask you to decide what the United States of

America represents to you, and what you represent to it. I've spent the past four decades,

in business, as a Serial Entrepreneur, building new ideas and bringing them to market,

while advocating for The Great American Dream, which I truly believe is what everyone

that's ever come to America, or will in the future, can agree upon as the most important

ideal we all share. This ideal, includes the pursuit of Capitalism, using our freedom and

creativity to build ideas into prosperity for our independence, and in support of our fami-

lies and communities with the hope of a better more abundant future for as many people

as we can positively influence.

I think you're going to find out that this is all of our collective Moments of Truth. I did a

show in November (2020) under one of my commercial brands, called I'm For The Dream.

The following excerpts are taken from the transcript of that episode which was called "The

Moment of Truth," where I explain where we are at and where everything is all going for

We The People, and the world at large.

This is your High-Level Overview of We The People 101 for Beginners. I did that particular

show, however, to explain what is neither seen, nor understood, even by the new brand

of upstart media on the Internet. Every media person today with a microphone or a zoom

call app is simply stuck in the latest news cycle, believing they report on the most im-

portant information to the recently subscribed YouTubers who hinges on the every word

of their new found Gurus, or use these Dopamine Rushes to battle the Algorithm Bots

appearing in each rush of live comments, and loving heart likes, to spew an assortment

of pre-programmed A.I. responses that boast virtually blank profiles with literally no en-

gagement but that doesn’t matter to these fans because every response from the web is

pathetically and quite painfully automated to agree with your current feelings.

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Everything you listen to is considered great if it agrees with your view of things, but the

Dopamine surge has the attention span I call "The Nano-second Gnat." It tells you you’re

right and makes your brain chemically happy for a few minutes, and it is based on over

100 years of research that says if it agrees with you, then you are smart and good and on

the right track. The problem is, it is called Machine Learning today and it is exactly what

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple and nearly all social media is based upon. The

end game is to automate the masses globally with easily controllable foggy mind syn-

drome and then float everyone into total control, until it is time to float the 98% majority

of Earth like driftwood on a quiet polluted man-made pond to our extermination.

Communism, or Fascism, is not the point. The United States of America is already roughly

75% taken over by Globalists, whose financial partners are China, Russia, Iran and so on

and we already operate in large part under communist rule but that is just their tool to

have us operating in fear and chaos around the clock.

If you consider yourself a true patriot citizen who will rise up to fight and take back your

sovereignty and our hijacked American Dream because you believe that President Trump

is the last man standing and only viable solution to preserving the Republic, Freedom and

all that has been defended, then you are certainly on the right track. However in doing

so, you are more consciously evolving, and intensely wanting to do whatever you can to

help him succeed. Throughout this work, I will tell you exactly what you have to do but be

clear that by being more conscious, you are keenly aware in every single minute of your

waking hours, how mixed up and negative everything looks to you all day long.

That leaves you with only one solution, to just that element of the problem, which is to

spend most of your day away from the noise, away from the latest negative news cycle,

away from the absolute preprogrammed brainwashing of the device that you feel you

must keep super glued to your hand, or you will miss whatever passion is coming out of

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it by the well-meaning new chest pounders, many of whom are friends of ours, not only

stuck in the same loop but spewing their so-called brilliant interpretation of each days

news cycle, convinced that they have the secret sauce, and rant to you as they build their

voice, their brand, their message and worst of all, their version of how to decode today’s

negative news cycle. First, it is actually destroying you, no matter where you fit in the loop.

Second, it keeps you in a device that is interfering with every aspect of your mental, emo-

tional, physical, physiological, biological, anatomical, cellular and atomic particle health

and what is so insidious about it is, almost nobody gets it or sees it or hears it.

These emerging show hosts you listen to that are not part of the mainstream propaganda

machine spewing only lies all day, are in their own unique way just as clueless. More

importantly, they have no solutions at all except to charge you up and lead you to more

frustration. Meanwhile, here is the Bad map we put together they are currently use to

control you.

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They have 27 more maps just like it that have other things that will keep you in their

control loop. The new media you follow is just feeding you those topics each day and

claiming to know what it means, or that they are feeding it to you first. When I talk to these

patriot clowns, they always say things like thanks so much for tuning in and sharing. My

favorite one I always hear is, “I just got an offer from iHeart Radio.” Funny, they don’t even

know that is China owned and controlled like all popular brand media.

But again, most conspicuously, no one has a solution. I received the solutions and I am

now handing them out under the name Formula 4 Protocol.

Here’s some hard proof of how nearly everyone is being controlled 24 x 7. The Globalists

have succeeded in gaining complete Dominion over 75% of American Citizens by –

• keeping you encapsulated deep within your own fear

• building you a new set of truths that aren’t yours and guide you to your demise

• keeping you paralyzed and able to be controlled on command by your device

• making you forget your old model of living using fake education to erase history

• creating a new view of the world with a tiny number of staged events that look big

• using you in any way they feel like to help them commit evil without resistance

• ending your life at their will whenever they are good and ready which will be soon

How does that sound? I’ve reverse engineered 134 of the mobile app algorithms, and

provided this to Patriots around the world, and while everyone can see its validity is 100%

accurate, getting these voices to shake off the addiction of this fast-moving aggressive

technology, garners all of the enthusiasm of watching paint dry, while listening to nails on

a chalkboard.

One amazing beta test that we all know too well, which clearly emphasizes the point here,

was the first COVID lockdown early 2020 where people became Sheeple, and simply put

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on their masks, complied for the most part without a hitch, and now are at home, waiting

for permission, when it is safe to come out again.

I must say that after literally thousands of totally censored broadcasts by real medical

professionals, passionately explaining just how terrible and completely wrong, the infor-

mation being provided is by those lunatic fringe leftists claiming to be based on science,

when it has no relationship to any science or any legitimate medical professionals. But

the correct information is only from those being censored so fully that I rarely speak to

anyone who has heard that COVID is less dangerous so far than most Flu each year going

back 92 years and while I was writing this passage on today’s book release date 12-10-

20, I got a Notification that read “CDC ordered me to destroy my files that included listing

143,860 false positives, (or no actual test taken) as COVID positive diagnosis” to add

to last week statistics in the U.S. - I was also told if I didn’t, I might accidently die soon.

Please share this with only your most trusted peeps and pray for me that I don’t get

caught. I can no longer look the other way. This defies everything I have ever believed

about our country, my values and honesty.

I have received several of these types of messages every day going back several months.

I share all of them. It drives me bat-shit crazy that people are driving down the road and

walking around outside all over the place with their masks on when they’re not even near

anyone. This is very bad for their health and translates fully into being at the lowest level

of consciousness in the herd population.

There are endless examples I provide later in this work but let me just jump for a minute

to the Election. History will show that here in this work and going all the way back two

years to several of my shows, I never wavered, for one minute, that President Trump WILL

OFFICIALLY BE DECLARED the winner of the election in 2020. This is because I received

all of his many brilliant plans to flush out all the bad actors, and end their global reign of

terror, and I even received some useful plans ahead of time that he didn’t know he would

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eventually receive when it would be needed to shift the paradigm a few degrees as nec-

essary to pull everything together magically always just in the nick of time, to ensure that

Good wins over Evil at the end of this final conflict.

Here’s a few more relevant excerpts from the “I’m For The Dream” episode so that you

have the high level overview you will need as a Patriot on the final leg of your journey so

you can make a difference that you must make. It’s like this – President Donald J Trump

is performing the miracles he is ordained to perform. He will lead us all to success at the

highest level of Winning! But I assure you, he needs us all to step up in a well-organized

manner moving towards him truly as WE THE PEOPLE. He has been frustratingly and im-

patiently waiting for all Patriots to organize in a helpful manner beyond giving him encour-

agement and holding rallies, he needs us to mirror his efforts with real action, which I will

provide with absolute clarity, and I am now leading everyone who gets it, while our Pres-

ident continues in his starring role as the Messiah of the People, having to work chroni-

cally like a Chief Cook & Bottle Washer, (for those of you who understand the old-school


Within this book, I will show you the way, including the plan I received on my 12th near

death experience, which includes solutions to 186 primary problems on earth, and equally

important - a show I will soon co-host with a well-known celebrity host for those who want

to take back American Pride and our Freedom & Faith (whether religious or spiritual).

Now back to the show I did on I’m For The Dream called The Moment of Truth. I led off

with a bit of an attention getter -

"The popcorn you are eating has been pissed in. Did that get your attention... I think so.

Okay, so get out your giant cup of Wake-The-Fuck-Up-Coffee and start drinking it." Now,

I'm here to talk to you about the state of things with our President. As far as anything goes,

anything you can document, the media does not call a president elect, for an election,

during an election of the voters. The media in this case is 99% fake and consumed with

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the idea that they're in control of you, and that whatever they tell you, is the gospel.

They're not wrong if everyone continues to play along." STOP PLAYING ALONG.

But I digress again. On Planet Earth in 2020, when we should be rapidly evolving, most

are devolving. On Pleiades, the nearest star field to Earth, there is a name for this condi-

tion - The Mind Right Effect. This is a human problem causing phenomenon that a human

person would rather be right, than get it right, even when taking such a stance is detri-

mental to that person’s very own individual outcome.

Back to the high-level overview. For the past 20 years, we have constantly heard that the

two parties never agree on anything, so getting good programs passed is supposedly

next to impossible, and yet we are simultaneously told that the budget deficits are huge,

and we won't balance them any time soon and that future generations will never recover,

but this is not even a government spending issue. It's criminal theft. And since that is the

case, we shouldn't have any taxes, or be creating any deficits and we need the IRS to be

shut down because they serve no useful purpose except the systematic theft from citizens

by hardened criminals across the board who have all paid to be corruptly elected and

who are looting and pillaging us completely as a way of life. Only our President and a

small group of his trusted people are not stealing everything. They are fighting for us to

take everyone down and establish a real Republic and a real Great American Dream.

President Trump recently ended the Estate Tax or Death Tax. Where do you suppose that

money had been going forever? By the time you die, with a meaningful estate, you already

have paid 90% in taxes roughly against the assets that will go to your heirs. Then if you

leave it to your heirs, they have had to prepay historically another 25% on average in

advanced taxes to inherit it but for what? And who does that go to and how was the

money used by our government? Nobody seems to know where this money goes. To

summarize the high-level issues between good and evil in the USA, these questions must

be resolved because the Globalists have been using issues like that for the lifetime of our

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country and in recent times to steal every last penny from the small business and mid-

dleclass taxpayers. It amounts to at least 700 Trillion that I have identified and as far as

President Trump and I am concerned, it all has to be taken back and given to We The

People. So this requires that we know about it, and that we actually join the fight to de-

mand that the President use his Executive Powers to take them all down and confiscate

their assets. That’s, in large part, what the fight is really all about. There are so many ex-

amples about how the middle class who have done almost all of the heavy lifting in this

country, so the wealth, which is this group’s birthright, should be in their accounts but it


For the past 7 years, I have been building lawsuits against Google and have become the

global repository of their crimes now having received massive evidence including during

Obama, that most of our government personnel have been leading the way in fake wars,

in murders, in Satanic worship, and supporting a pedophile ring, raping, torturing, dis-

membering and killing around 8 million mostly undocumented orphan children and babies

each year domestically and globally, sponsoring terrorism around the world and signifi-

cantly against our own country and people both here and abroad, the total neglect of our

own people and cities, and the brainwashing of people, while replacing our history with

complete lies taught at schools around the country like Critical Race Theory and other

similar assorted insane baseless communist propaganda. The idea is to make you forget

your values and hate our country or be threatened for disagreeing.

In contrast, the stolen money from entirely fraudulent taxation for centuries, is money in

the so-called annual budget that is sent overseas for all the actions we are supposedly

doing with aid and wars, and pure insanity before it is split up and redistributed among

our entirely corrupt men and women congressional leaders of both parties working to-

gether in complete conspiracy 365 days a year.

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I lived in Chicago for 49 years before spending the past 13 in California. It’s relevant be-

cause as a bi-partisan campaigner, my only agenda, while in the Midwest was The Great

American Dream and U.S. Small Business.

One day in 2000, I was told by a democrat friend that Hillary Clinton wanted to use my

home at that time, to host a meeting and she was going to promote certain candidates

now that her husband was done with his second term. She came for lunch to talk and to

get to know me. I had the nicest home in the area at the time, and she was telling me she

wanted to have a bunch of fundraising events, and blah, blah, blah. We got into a little bit

of an interesting dialogue. When I told her I was always bi-partisan and why it served the

Great American Dream and Small Business for all Americans, she seemed to become

quite comfortable and speak very openly about her political philosophy of the voters. She

said, “the people that vote against my liberal base in the conservative movement,” and

she paused. “I can tell you because you're kind of an independent, but I think of the con-

servative movement as totally deplorable.” It was clear to me that she was formulating

what would soon after becoming her deplorables reference and related speeches. She

seemed giddy about it. What she said next really told me the level of evil she was full of.

She said, “as far as my own voters, the Democratic voters and she grinned like a cat that

ate a Canary, they are the dumbest fucks that ever lived. You can tell them anything you

want. And they will believe it no matter how stupid it is. In fact, I tell them some of the

stupidest things that are completely ignorant to test and measure their level of ignorance

and stupidity. And I do it all the time.”

So thankfully, Latinos, Hispanics, black America, African Americans, and people that are

leveling up now during the Scamdemic are becoming wise that Democrats were the party

of Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacists, the party of slavery, in essence the

party of everything you don't want.

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I don't know why as country you would think we're ever going to tolerate that the First

Amendment is a right to terrorize people with verbal abuse, and attacking views. Presi-

dent Trump was elected by a landslide, before he was cheated in the middle of the night.

Millions of votes around the country were changed. I predicted many months before the

election that all 50 states would go red before they were adjusted with trickery and fraud

using the Scamdemic and 100% fraudulent software.

Those of you that know me, know me as the top advocate in the United States of America,

for small business, and for entrepreneurship and The Great American Dream, essentially.

I've been more outspoken, I've gone to Congress and lobbied new laws, I've got them

changed to significant things that on paper, looked great, and would have fixed all kinds

of major problems, but then weren't executed, because I come to find out over the last

20 of my 40 years in business and in politics, that essentially the entire political system

has been stolen by a bunch of criminals.

Okay. And those criminals start really with the Clintons and Obama, and it goes way back,

but the Bushes are part of the same club as well. We have all kinds of crimes against

humanity by these people, as well as George Soros and Oprah Winfrey, somebody I know

back from my Chicago days. Bill Gates and the big tech companies that really have com-

mandeered our lives, with monopolies, anti-competitive behavior, destroying any chance

in hell of being in a business or competing with The Great American Dream, and let's face

it, that's the main reason we're all here. Our families came here, our ancestors, our rela-

tives, came here with a dream, with an ideal and the ideal that we thought we had. And

last year, we come to find out really, we don't have any dream, or a republic and one guy

is trying to save it. He is President Donald J. Trump.

In this moment of truth, you have the chance to step up and see what your American

values actually mean to you if anything, and whether you're going to do anything about

it. Most Famous people throughout history that ever-observed bad deeds said it wasn't

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so much the person doing the bad deeds that were so bad. It was the people that stood

by and did nothing and watched it happen. So that's the critical part of this. This book is

quite specifically called "Thank you President Trump for Saving America".

I've been building The Great American Dream with the people and for the people, and

I've seen it just be destroyed and taken away by our criminals in Government in the past

20 years. I see these criminals. I've named them. I've called them out. I've called out our

judicial system and our politicians and big-tech and the media. I've called out pretty much

everybody. We need to understand that President Trump walked into that and based just

on the facts, he is the first ever Man of the People. Anyone who can't see that is simply

blind or brainwashed. So, I'm gonna burst that bubble, but more importantly, I will show

you what's actually going on and what you need to do, if you want to have your own

survival, if you care about your family, your friends, your communities, and your freedom

that you thought you had, and you found out that it's really kind of a fragile thing.

I campaigned for Ronald Reagan, my first campaign in 1979. I was 21 years old. And he

said, when he came through town to our group, "You know, you're always only one elec-

tion away from the total loss of your freedom." So, heed those words, and heed the words

of our president, because he is a really brilliant person who's working extremely hard for

the people, essentially. President Trump is a true patriot with incredible courage. But he

needs us to now come with all the courage we can muster and show we support him and

take action as needed and as I will continue to outline to mirror his actions in any way we


Here is the high level. The USA has been totally infiltrated by Communist China rotten

actors among many others. I've been talking about it for more than two years. How did

they get control of everything? M O N E Y. It's that simple. It always has been easy to get

criminals to organize and figure out how to get all the power and all the money by

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terrorizing the masses and pitting them against each other with concocted stories and

fake tiny events broadcast to look like major events and to infect you with fear and paral-


I'm for America. And for you, the citizens and We the People. I'm for me and my family and

my friends, and the community and our country and our ideals. That's what I stand for.

That's what I've lobbied for. That's what I've gone on my own dime for a billion dollars of

commerce in a 40-year career that's made a lot of people plenty of money, except now

it's harder than ever to do anything, because the bad actors have got everybody tied

down. You might want to ask yourself, why all the big box stores stayed open, while all

the little stores, generations of business got killed. I'm going to tell you why. Antifa, Black

Lives Matter, and the Cabal were just some of the people funding pallets on bricks and

Molotov cocktails, and, you know, laser pens to blind cops... a lot of disgusting things, and

you know, commit crimes and murders, they've all been tracked, they're all going to get

justice, some have already.

Okay, now let's take it a step further. The big box stores were funding a lot of this looting

and pillaging in cities to wipe out all the little competitors once and for all. Isn’t that amaz-

ing? They did us a favor in some ways. If you lost a business or you got locked down, you

had two great things that happened. Here is the short version - you have had time to level

up by being on your own and really thinking about what does this all mean. What is the

value of our freedom? What is the value of our ideals here in America? I'm canceling the

word Democracy because it stems from the word demon. I like the word Republic. I like

the word Patriot. I like the words Great American Dream. I like the words American values.

That's what I stand for. That's what I'm working on. That's what I'm supporting. And that's

what I’m protecting. I’ve protected it for my whole 40-year career. My job's been a lot

more about taking down bullies like Google, and these big tech companies and maybe

you saw the recent issues to break those companies up. I had a lot to do with many of the

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things that's causing them a lot of grief. I'm gonna keep doing it until they're all basically

garbage, which is what they are anyway. But you have to be aware of how they affect

your life.

One more big issue here to touch on is election fraud. There are now so many issues of

fraud it is literally the biggest scam in history. You are being told by most of the media,

that President Trump has lost and there is no way he can win no matter what.

Actually, right here I will again say the only thing I have ever said, which is, he already

won 100% with 410 Electoral Votes and over 110 million popular votes with 50 states com-

pletely red before being cheated illegally on every front imaginable. What will get worked

out, is that he will not leave that office until he is declared the winner, serves his other 4-

year term and tears down and removes the thousands of bad actors involved in stealing

our elections for a long time and not just in this Presidential Race. This just came in as a

result of the seizure people heard about a couple weeks ago. The CIA Black Hat's (bad

guys) server that was obtained in a raid by the U.S. Army in Frankfurt, Germany recently

shows that President Trump had won 410 electoral votes on election night. That's a "land-

slide victory" by anyone's estimation.

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And when I talk to people here in the USA who should have at least some basic idea as

to what is going on, they mostly don't have a clue. But I will say in the rest of the world,

we have enough distance and space from this garbage. They mostly are supportive of us

and our ideals in our country and our president. In fact, most countries say if it's not Pres-

ident Trump, they won't deal with anybody in the future. And they certainly don't think

they'll deal with Biden, the only point of them having Biden is they can take advantage of

him. Of course, he's not the president anyway, and never will be.

The amount of evidence I have received on these lunatics is enough to put them all away

for many lifetimes. They have been contaminating the environment, to create a com-

pletely baseless global warming and climate change argument to try to get young people

to become voters who are lunatics and terrorize their parents and anyone who will listen.

It has no real science. It took thousands of years since the Ice Age ended and the polar

ice cap began melting. It can easily take many thousands of more years before it's done

and there is really no way to establish the timing of it but the odds of predicting it is next

to impossible.

The commonly emphasized other events display polar bears and thousands of other spe-

cies of animals becoming extinct every year. That is even less relevant because the law

of natural selection, and survival of the fittest is a reality of Nature and Science, for good-

ness sake. There's no basis for climate change except to create more weaponized young

voters ignorant enough to jump on that absurd bandwagon. "If we keep using cars, the

ice caps will melt, and we'll all drown!" This is a myth, just as false as fearing the Sun will

die as a result of using solar power.

After his Bio-Weapons business called The Gates Foundation, Bill Gates biggest invest-

ment is in Monsanto, who has helped the Globalists blatantly and criminally poison our

air, earth, water and food supply for the last half century, doing an evil level of pre-medi-

tated weakening of the human immune system. The Formula 4 Protocol I received after

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my 12th near death experience is rapidly fixing human health for all those who avail them-

selves to it.

Despite what you may have been told, it has NOT been proven that human-caused global

warming is occurring, and in fact there is ENDLESS REAL SCIENCE to totally disprove any

claims to the contrary. The best explanation for the evidence is that whatever global

warming trend exists is mostly the result of natural influences like variations in the climate

system and variations in solar radiation. The suggestions that human activities will cause

significant changes in global temperature and sea level in the next century are flawed

predictions and cannot be confirmed whatsoever by observations being made. The solu-

tions to this apparently non-existent problem proposed by environmentalists would not

have a significant effect on climate, but they would cause a tremendous amount of human

suffering. Based on what we know now, in the next 100 years a rise in sea level of 0.1

meters (4 inches) would not be surprising; those predicting changes of 0.5-2 meters (1.5-

7 feet) are using flawed models. If all the icecaps in the world were to melt, sea level would

rise about 60-75 meters (200-250 feet). This could not result from modern human activi-

ties, and from any realistic cause would take thousands of years to occur.

The rest of what is being promoted by the escaped mental patient leftists, is being man-

made to look like a response from nature but it is created from chem-trails, essentially

blocking the Sun with Sprayed Exhaust Poison from planes that can stimulate hurricanes,

and separately for example from the endless lighting of fires by arsonists still referred to

by thousands of paid hack scientists calling it the effect of climate change. Beware of the

totally fake Poynter Institute among hundreds of other fake organizations involved in the

Communist China attempt to take over the world by first destroying our Republic.

President Trump knows about all of these things, and he is actually the greatest environ-

mental, peace time, world Leader, with a remarkable understanding of future tech, but he

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has to be somewhat cautious what he can and can’t say for the negative effect that each

such action could have on people’s overall safety and on his mostly corrupt and totally

compromised political leaders from both parties. I, on the other hand, will take my rightful

place in the campaign, and bring an army with me of courageous patriots and shore things

up for this brilliant President to give him the last piece he needs to build the new evolved

Utopia that eliminates the bad actors for generations well into the future.

Are you ready to join me in this underway movement to take back our Republic, and build

the completely new and tremendously improved United States based on the original ideal

but with the beautiful vision and proactive leadership of President Trump?

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I wrote this book because it needed to be written. It needed to have the true behind-the-

scenes-story to document the historical record and no one was telling it for all sorts of

strange reasons. One reason is the obvious media takeover worldwide by globalists, who,

in their last effort to stop the man, President Donald J. Trump, from his birthright, from his

commitment to take them all down, have pulled out all the stops. But within that, the real

story has not actually been told. Here's a transcript of excerpts from a Larry King interview

some 30 years ago, from our President, Donald J. Trump. He says some very interesting

things that are highly relevant and prophetic to today.

Think about what he says here. He says, this is just wrong. This is just bad. This is just

1987, September, a month and a half before Black Monday. I, your Author here, was in-

volved in that 1987 Market Crash. It was the worst meltdown in the stock market since the

Great Depression. And since there was no digital system, well, let's just say I had friends

in the brokerage business that literally jumped out a window and took their own lives.

When they realized all the losses, they had incurred for themselves and their clients, it

was a lifetime of effort, and gains, wiped out overnight.

For perspective, the following day, the underwriter I was under contract with to do a 3-

million-dollar IPO of a 15-million-dollar valuation, appeared as the cover story of Barron's

Business Review. Alan Ableson, the Editor-in-Chief, wrote the piece about my underwriter.

It was titled - Creative Securities Fred Mazeo makes money the old-fashioned way. He

Breaks Legs for a Living. My underwriter as it turned out was the funnel for New York

Mobster’s money laundering operations. Getting out of the deal was my second of three

run-ins with the Mafia. We squared off and I won. Mazeo informed me I couldn’t get out

of the underwriting until and unless his bosses agreed to it, which there was no chance

they would. I let him know he and his people would be gone soon and that would be the

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solution. The next day he released me from the underwriting contract but within a few

years, Mazeo and several of his bosses were gone. His Son Sal, my key liaison for the

deal, was found in bed with a Columbia Neck Tie (throat cut open – tongue pulled

through.) Somehow, I’ve always received, who will stay in this lifetime and who will go


But here's what our President was talking about at that time on Larry King Live. And re-

member, he was just a tycoon developer, and not a politician. He was talking about Ku-

wait. And he was talking about what was going to be happening in the transition of Ronald

Reagan, to the new one-term George Bush Presidency. And he's talking about things like,

why are we spending all this money while all these countries are laughing at us? We're

the laughingstock. Why are we having wars there? They're in everywhere for oil energy.

Why are we guarding ships that are taking oil to Japan? And helping Japan and not get-

ting a nickel for it, while our people suffer from bad oil prices while we can't get our cars

filled up with gas without sitting in long lines? And why are we taking care of these coun-

tries and their technologies and not getting paid for it? Why are we engaged in these wars

when our own people are homeless, impoverished and struggling and don't have jobs?

Why are we taking all these billions and billions of dollars in the 80s in 1987, September

and handing it to other countries? That's wrong.

Now, why is that so prominently important for me writing this book? He didn't say anything

that every one of us haven't already said, if we understand the basic economics that have

been looked at by a hell of a lot of people. We've had all this disparity in our country,

we've had all this difficulty, we've had all these people struggling and hating each other

with racism, and things that could have been worked out, you know, 100 years earlier, but

they weren't because when you keep the people pitted against each other with media

lies and education based propaganda, it's very easy to have everyone in chaos all the

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time and struggling and fighting with each other and not seeing that everything is being

stolen from us, while that's going on.

So, Larry King was asking Donald Trump, "why did you put that ad out?" The ad is a full

page in the Wall Street Journal saying our government's choices are bad and we need to

do something about it. I mean who spends nearly 100 thousand dollars to raise questions?

The guy must care a lot about this country.

Larry wants to know if it is a political overture ad. "Are you gonna run for President Don-

ald? How about Mayor of New York? It sure looks political Donald".

And it's the same thing he had been asked by many people for a long time since 1982. As

far back as I go, he had the same exact story. And it goes on forever until he decides to

run in 2015. And guess what, there's nothing unique about it. Every American relates to

it. Every American wants the same answers to the same exact questions. And so why then

do people call him abrasive for calling it like it is?

Now, I'm the kind of person, who just like the President, for many years has been asking

the same questions, been fighting the same battles, been sticking up for small business,

been going to Congress and lobbying for law changes for small business. And I've been

successful, getting lots of laws changed, or parts of laws changed, and whole areas of

government and new congressional orders took place, they occurred because of my

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efforts, or in part because of my efforts. And I'm not bragging about it, I'm just telling it like

it is. As I said, in one of my testimonies I said - "I'm here today to represent the interests

of 21 million small business professionals who can't be here, because today's a workday,

for them every day is a workday, they represent most of the taxable revenue to the Treas-

ury, most of the innovation in the world, and most of the new jobs year over year, yet they

have terrible treatment by our government, no access to capital, bad health insurance for

their people", and endless abuse, not by Deep State, but by Deep Capture.

For example, Wall Street players such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan as well as other

lower echelon actors, own the Securities and Exchange Commission. So, when I got a law

passed to prevent counterfeiting, of small business microcap stock shares, that are pri-

marily invested in by the middle class, it was all being stolen, over and over and over by

counterfeiting of shares. I have explained it on many of my shows, but I won't try to explain

that here. Later on in this book, I will explain it and the President understands it, and he's

going to help us take back 100 trillion dollars stolen just from that sector. It wasn't until six

months ago, the net result of my almost 40 years of small business experience creating

over a billion in commerce that I come to get the hard evidence finally, as to where the

counterfeit shares were held at the Depository Trust Company. So now I know exactly

what I knew before except I have physical proof. I now have it in my possession, as does

many other patriots, and individuals in the capital markets who aim to take it all back.

And we find out that Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and UBS are at the forefront of $100

trillion of theft over the last four decades just on that scam. But more importantly, in the

last 10 or 15 years, they've also put out an instrument that is completely fake and gener-

ated another hundred trillion dollars for it, selling in essence, a piece of paper backed by

nothing at all whatsoever. Just complete fake paper garbage. Yes, of course, if nobody's

governing them and they own the regulatory process that oversees all this, it's pretty easy

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to see why they become above the law and think that they can do whatever the hell they

want. And they have. So, we're taking all that back.

Back to President Donald J. Trump. This is an incredibly fine man. I met him in the 90s.

He's a beautiful person, I say it over and over and over. I say that he is a beautiful, won-

derful person, a loving being, somebody that you would relate to if you knew him. If you

say negative things about him, I guarantee if you saw him in face-to-face, you wouldn't

say one negative thing to the man. So, don't be a piss-ant coward and say crap about the

guy when you wouldn't say it to his face, because I guarantee when you saw him at nearly

6’4, he’s just a very ominous person, but a very beautiful, nice, wonderful, warm human

being like you've never met. Trump Derangement Syndrome has really angered me, but

not in the conventional way that you might think.

I come by my anger as a form of rites of passage, as a form of being purely Pleiadean or

alien in mindset and most likely in spirit and ancestry. And coming here was really a joke

because no one from such an evolved culture believes that humans have any meaningful

chance to develop into a purely loving, positive, living being without first destroying each

other and everything during the technology phase we are in here at present. To me, I shift

back and forth between faith and apathy while using any thing I see to confirm that it's

possible to take Universal Truth and cause living beings on Earth at the current time to

overcome their technology and their lies that they have been ingrained with and live an

evolved life of goodness, and of just being a good person, healthy, happy, prosperous,

and purposeful. The cancel-culture, and angry left mob is equivalent to a group of es-

caped mental patients and when you meet them, it's rather apparent in a blink that these

inmates, are running the asylum, because we let them.

And to that end, my whole life, my 13 near death experiences, with the first 11 being before

I was 20, resulted in a three-day coma, with all of this and my lower back discs

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disintegrated after being thrown down a flight of stairs in a fight with three linemen from

a football team at a party.

That's yet another story for later, but through that, I got to a point where I was so reckless,

and so part of the Chicago violence that I thought it was natural and normal, and I never

acted angry, although my instructor was very, very brutal. He used to beat me, and I used

to have welts all over my body. And I thought that was normal. When I was 12 and a half,

I said, why do you do it? He said, Do what? I said, Why do you abuse us? He said, in a

thick Korean accent, Greg, I do not abuse you. I make you tough when I'm done. No one

will ever be able to hurt you. Well, that was very prophetic and profound, and over the

course of years, learning to rise up physically against bullies until it also became some-

thing in business, on every level, of course, fighting against globalists and becoming the

world's repository the last seven years for the crimes by big tech and by Google against

humanity and by being a monopoly and violating the Sherman act, among others, includ-

ing Page, Brin and now Sundar Pichai, being a leader in the sexual slavery of children as

well as the key controller of information in the destruction of our Republic and the leading

censorship proliferator of Communism and Fascism for China, Russia, Iran and so on.

President Donald J. Trump is ordained for this job, whether or not he knew that he was

going to be ordained for it. What I can tell you is that I met the man in the 90s at a vitamin

conference where he was endorsing the product, and I happened upon the room at the

Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where I wandered in and saw him standing off to the side. Seem-

ingly people were not going to talk to him because they were intimidated, or that it was

polite to stand back and wait for him to go up on stage and talk. I marched right up to him.

I was going by that route, that Grand Ballroom. I wasn't there for this. I was there to meet

some investors in the bar there at the restaurant.

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And on my way there, I heard all the noise and walked in and there was Donald J. Trump,

not president, not politician, just businessman Donald J. Trump. I marched up to him, gave

my card, and shook his hand. He was incredibly warm and gracious. It was noteworthy

how genuine and endearing he was and honest to a fault. We talked for about 10 minutes.

He wanted to know what I thought of the product. I said, Well, I know a lot about health

but I'm not here for this. But I'll look at your brochure, which I did. And I gave some com-

mentary. I told him what I liked and what I didn't. He was genuinely interested. He had

follow-up questions. Then I looked up and there was a line forming. The people I guess

figured out that it was okay to go talk to him and they had formed a line. I said, looks like

your fans are ready to say hello, and he looked up surprised. I was amazed at how sur-

prised he was. That's a sign of great humility, and it can be measured as follows - I have

met and done all sorts of projects with well-known people over the years and I always

look to see if those folks are focused on their self-importance or their value or the value

of their time over others. He could have just as easily brushed me aside, but instead he

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just turned to me and said, "Well, let me ask you another question about this product line

since you seem quite knowledgeable about health products.

And he continued with the dialogue. It's as if the other people weren't even there. He

didn't know me, and he didn't have any obligation. I'm just telling you what kind of a man

I experienced. And I knew then this was a beautiful person. And I heard many other stories

later about him. And I come to find out we have a parallel universe for so many other

things, where we're so similar, that It's uncanny, and I will explain many revelations about

that throughout this work. Having said that, I was very impressed, and I never lost how

impressed I was. So, when I saw that he was running for President, it was amazing how

he went from the most beloved man who literally never had a negative thing I know said

about him, to how there's all these nutjobs coming out and saying and distorting the neg-

ative things that he may have said, or that could easily be manipulated, He shared his

experience as a playboy for example.

The reality for most people is that it doesn't matter; in those years the man was a playboy

sponsoring beauty pageants. He’s commenting on these beautiful women being en-

thralled by him. He was marveling at them and how he would ask them if he could touch

them in intimate ways, and they were accommodating. For the record, that is not compa-

rable to the violent crimes of rape and assault to which it was compared after he became

the President. It was just another thing used by loony toon leftists as political weaponiza-

tion to cover up their own chronic disgusting evil attacks of rape, terror and ritual murder

against millions of children and babies each year around the world.

Also being an Alpha Male myself, and a Playboy mentality in my younger years, is just the

nature of one small aspect of the personality that I had in common with Donald Trump at

that time.

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At the same time, he is also a very loyal to family kind of person heavily established by

the speeches given of most of his Children and the First Lady. And you know, for those

that have a negative thing about him, I offer this challenge to you. Why don't you show

me how perfect you are before you criticize the man? That's first, because we're going to

find out when we look at every background of every person that ever criticized him, that

none of you are perfect, and most of you, who stand against him, are either purely evil, or

you are just a tool for communism and the tear down of all that is good in this world in


Ultimately, I will offer any detractors your own proof against yourself. Let me give you a

few examples just to show you what to look forward to. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama,

Rahm Emanuel, Joe Biden, Bob Woodward, George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet,

Oprah, Lebron James, Tom Hanks, Robert DeNiro and on and on. I met most the bad

actors during my 49 years in Chicago. I know all of their secrets and can and will help the

army of patriots who hold my inventory of damning evidence against them which is now

well under way in global distribution.

In his younger years, when I was a practicing derelict, Donald Trump bordered on being

a goody two shoes by comparison. His effort to meet women through holding a beauty

pageant is a strategy for a playboy to meet pretty women. Good for him. More power to

him. That's what he liked. And that's what he did. And there's nothing wrong with it.

Nobody ever faulted him for it until he became the president and then all of a sudden it

was the curse of the worst evil, which it's not. It's actually a normal human thing that he

went through. Having some pictures of Jeffrey Epstein, everybody in New York took pic-

tures with Jeffrey Epstein. The difference is, that President Trump is not a pedophile, and

the people he's going after, which are abundant in our Pentagon, and in our military and

our former administration, and in the leftist party lunatics Satanists who are pedophiles.

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They run a pedophile ring, and I have massive proof recently put into global distribution.

Another call out, among many more to come, is to Bob Woodward.

Bob, we know you are a total hack and fake who wrote a stupid book, that are a bunch of

lies. Yes, Bob, I called you out. You never responded. You're a fake hack, your book, the

fact that the President thought you were a credible journalist who was given the story to

write because you were a hack, because you could be easily manipulated. Oh, really?

You're Robert Redford, another whack job, pedophile, lunatic loser is now making blan-

ket, robotic statements for the left wanting to help us become a communist fascist country.

And I challenge him as well. But Woodward he had a sort of deep throat, think about it.

Somebody that is going to swallow the male member and whatever output it gives in the

way of, you know, bodily fluids is a bunch of stupid nonsense. What does that have to do

with giving out confidential information that's taking in bad information, and doing por-

nography with it, and that it was just a made-up thing to see how far people could buy

into stupid. And the whole storyline is not the true story about what happened at all.

Woodward was a nobody and a nothing that did nothing. And he wrote this book. And

the fact that the President actually thought it might be credible, was just fool’s play be-

cause Woodward wasn't credible ever. He is another counterfeit project of the current

brand of Escaped Mental Patients. And he was nothing but a hack then and nothing but

a hack now, and a paid assassin to come in and write a hit job on the President. So yeah,

I called you out Woodward.

So, let's talk a little bit about my call out. I have over 200 call outs on over 300 hours of

shows that I've been doing for over two years where I've been censored on every major

social media platform over and over and over again and had to keep recycling myself to

do it and learn a few tricks along the way to really get them back. And of course, I'm at

the forefront of the antitrust case against Google and big tech and Sundar Pichai was

about to be facing more and more criminal prosecutions and the difference between what

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they do and what I do is I’m a relentless, service-with-a-smile, intestinal fortitude, pit-bull

German shepherd breed of dog. You know, an endless intestinal fortitude guy who will

fight my adversaries and bullies that they have to be taken down by shining a light on

truth and then giving them open challenges. I will fight them to the end of whatever it is,

so that they have a huge problem. I'm taking down the SEC, I'm taking down the IRS, and

I'm taking down the FDA, the CDC and the entire deep capture globalists.

The President is helping. Everything he's doing is good for people. 99% of people not 1%.

The 1% wants you to be dead. That's it. Okay, you'll learn it in this book. That's all they

want. I say it because I have the proof, hard proof that you don't see ever. And you will

see it here and you'll know where to get it and look for it, if that's what you want to do.

The Globalists have stolen all of the world's wealth and their business is to commit crimes

against humanity. President Donald J. Trump has waged battle against all of them. I am

just here to help like crazy until the beasts are all beheaded and all of their stolen assets

are given to the people.

But I’m also bringing solutions to problems. I'm bringing the solution to health, happiness,

prosperity, and purpose, all of which I received throughout my 13 near-death experiences.

So, you know, the story needs to be told correctly. Nobody's done it yet. This book tells it

correctly. Not because it's me saying it. I'm not boasting, I'm just telling you the facts. I use

universal truth, and I use what the bad actors say, to convict them and incriminate them.

And here's my open challenge that I've done over 200 times in all my shows the last two

and a half to three years. You can look it up anywhere you want, but you'll see it in a lot

of my video work. I call out people by name and that totally 100% corrupt judiciary and

pay-to-play court system, the corrupt SEC, the corrupt FDA, the corrupt IRS, the corrupt

Congress, and all of the corrupt everything in this country that the President's tearing

down, which is most all of it. He put in play that every day of his presidency, at least one

government regulation has to be removed and he has held to that, from what I know.

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You're going to see the executive orders over 195. I'm sure on day one he walked into

this enormous mess and knew he wouldn't get anything done working through normal

congressional channels.

Don't you wonder when I say I have located where the stolen $700 trillion went and that

it sounds completely ridiculous? But it's not ridiculous. It's a real number that I've located

and there's probably a whole heck of a lot more for 40 years of money that's been stolen.

I recently heard from the founder of OpenTheBooks, who has located a lot more by au-

diting the books and records of most of the state’s leading to many more discoveries of

theft by everyone in our political system.

The President had asked in the 80s you know, why are we overseas spending billions on

wars when our own people need our help? Forever, these are some of the things that

citizens want to know. And meanwhile, we're being told that our kids have their future

leveraged in the debts of college and all this nonsense. That's just insanity. That’s all going

to be zeroed out with this president in the second term after he takes care of the criminals,

and their crimes.

And that includes the media and all these other people that have been in cahoots, they

all will get their punishment. My challenge is this. You can get a town hall and I will bring

parades of safes full of crimes against humanity and all kinds of terrible things that all

these bad actors from big tech to globalists have done. And you know who they are. I talk

about them all by name – George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Hillary Clinton, Bill

Clinton, Oprah Winfrey – the list just goes on and on and on. And they build a million

people around the world that are helping them enforce their crimes or hide from their

crimes and lie about their crimes. And they have endless algorithms to hide all that as well

and blame it on everyone else. And I've reverse engineered all of it. And you'll learn about

it in this book, one after another, you'll know everything that ever happened, and how it

happened. And then, you will be unstoppable.

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Once you know you'll be empowered. But my open challenge for those that don't want to

town hall or don't want to be paraded into the new courts, because we have to build new

courts because the judges that were there, were all completely corrupt working in a pay

to play system for these rich people. I name all these bad actors in Congress and govern-

ment agencies, and I tell what their crimes are.

Finally, I provide the Open Challenge. You can meet me in an octagon, since I have a

martial arts background. You sign a release, and you can bring nine other goons, you and

nine goons – that's 10 people – against me. I don't need to sign your release, but all ten

of you will need to sign my release, because I'm not responsible for what happens and

I'm gonna beat you all into tomorrow until there's very little left of you, if anything, and

then you'll see how that goes. I'm giving you options so I can have some fun with it and

unleash my stress on you.

But I'll be giving you a service with a smile. Over the years, I offered the challenge when-

ever I was threatened. Three factions of Mafia and three more of major gangs over the

years confronted me at just the right time in just the perfect way. I love advising them that

even though they were quite tough and would certainly be able to hurt me, I was always

friendly and transparent when I let them know that they would all be gone soon. That

always provoked a curious response along the lines of “Well, how little man will we be

gone?” I would simply tell them “well you won't be breathing, and you probably won't

wake up again, or you'll just disappear.” They would always ask how that was going to

happen, to which I would explain that when you are no longer breathing it is just based

on science and I truly enjoyed suggesting that they just look it up because they could

really learn something interesting in the process. Anyway, they are all gone now…

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