  • c o m p a n y p r o f i l e

  • c o m p a n y p r o f i l e

  • Content: About Tharwa

    Our Vision

    Our Mission

    Core Values



    Board of Directors

    Strategic Investment

    Executive Management


  • About TharwaTharwa Investment Co. is a company specializing in the field of asset management and investment services. Tharwa Investment Co. was founded in 2006 with a paid-up capital of KWD 15 million. The company was established by the synergistic efforts of a team of specialized entrepreneurs and highly experienced professionals in the investment industry. Tharwa seeks and hopes to reach a leading position in the investment sector through focusing on asset management services and offering innovative investment products that live up to its clients aspirations as well as meet their respective goals and purposes.



    Our VisionWe aim to be among the leading investment companies in the Middle East.

    Our MissionTo meet our clients needs, achieve their goals, exceed their expectations through creating innovative products and investment services.



  • Core Values Trust: We are working to earn the trust of our clients.

    Innovation: Innovate in our work to achieve our goals and the goals of our clients.

    Teamwork: We practice our work as team and share decision-making.

    Integrity: Maintain our reputation by committing to confidentiality of our work.

    Excellence: We aspire to outstanding performance in everything we do.

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  • secivreS tnemeganaM tessA)ANEM( acirfA htroN & tsaE elddiM eht ni tnemtsevnI srotsevni sreffo tnemtraped tnemtsevnI )ANEM( acirfA htroN & tsaE elddiM sawrahT gnimaet yB .stekraM latipaC tsaE elddiM rehto dna itiawuK ot ssecca evisneherpmoc yllacitametsys ot elba era ew tnemeganam nevird tluser dna esrevid ,decneirepxe na rehtegot ytiliba ruO .stneilc rof nruter ezimixam ot dna sevitcejbo ruo hsilpmocca yltnetsisnoc dna snruter tnemtsevni fo drocer cirotsih dnuos a ni tnedive si slaog tnemtsevni ruo teem ot dna lacitylana lanoisseforp ruo ot eud si siht ;ecnamrofrep stekram latipac fo sseldrager tnemtsevni elbatfiorp fo egatnavda ekat dna yfitnedi ot su elbane hcihw slliks tnemeganam.seitinutroppo


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  • Wealth ManagementThe Wealth Management at Tharwa strives to develop and manage your investment optimally. As we keep pace with the latest developments in the capital markets, while maintaining the utmost secrecy of your information. We are keen to provide investment solutions that will empower you to attain your aspirations.

    Our knowledge and experience will enable you to maintain your funds in an optimal manner. It is through our qualified team you will receive counseling and assistance. In order to help you manage your funds in way that will assure you optimal distribution and diversity of assets. Our qualified team will bring to your knowledge the risk margins of each investment.





  • Direct InvestmentThe Direct Investment Department represents one of the key investment arms of the company.As a comprehensive department with both local and international interests, the Direct Investment Department is responsible for the companys medium to long term investments across diversified sectors. The objective of such investments is to earn capital gains and create a steady flow of income for the company. Sectors which are included within the functions of the department are real estate, services and technology. With this in mind, the Direct Investment Department also offers inclusive solutions for Tharwa clients that seek to invest in what the department offers.

    In addition to this primary function of deal creation and participation, Tharwas Direct Investment Department also deals with all Specialized Funds, which flow into the company. Asset Management vehicles that provide Tharwa clients the opportunity to co-invest with Tharwa itself are found, assessed, and processed by this central department. All due diligence and investment screening for such products is under the leadership of the Direct Investment Department with the aim of achieving financial growth, strategic partnerships and generating cash flow for Tharwa and its clients.

    International InvestmentsTharwa Investment Company engages in asset management activities not only at the local level, but internationally as well.

    The International Investment Department is dedicated to all financial services that we provide our clients outside of the State of Kuwait, which include but are not restricted to equities, fixed income products, structured products and alternative investments.

    Tharwa Investment Company has a wide scope of partnerships in key global financial centers with the aim of maximizing financial gains for both Tharwa and our clients. The International Investment Department employs a dynamic method to propose asset allocation to clients, which is shaped and molded to the needs of the individual investor. By taking into consideration factors such as risk tolerance, investment time horizon, overall return objective and any particular constraints, the department provides the best solution and recommends changes, if necessary, along the way.

    With this in mind, the International Department strives to be Tharwas comprehensive key to the global financial community.

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  • Investment Banking ServicesTharwa Investment Company offers an array of products and services as the following:

    Strategic InvestmentsAt Tharwa we engage in a number of activities which fall into the category of strategic investments. Such activities include the formation of special purpose vehicles abroad, the founding and creation of subsidiary companies locally and internationally, the acquisition of assets which add value, as well as the drafting of medium and long-term strategies for achieving goals.

    Consulting ServicesTharwa Investment Company offers consultation for businesses in all stages of development. Fields in which we consult include: creation of a new business, expansion of an existing business, corporate restructuring, legal and financial analysis.

    As part of Tharwas consulting services, we organize due diligence, for both financial and legal for the client.

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  • ProductsPortfolio Management Tharwa Manages several types of investment portfolios, including conventional and Islamic in addition to GCC portfolios, the portfolios are divided to portfolios managed by Tharwa and portfolios managed by the client in addition to the custody portfolios.

    Index Performance Year

    20.04% 21.26% 2010

    -19.42% -13.44% 2011

    -0.31% 15.68% 2012

    3.51% 20.49% 2013

    Index Performance Year

    25.31% 13.56% 2010

    -17.62% -8.68% 2011

    5.61% 16.68% 2012

    3.64% 17.04% 2013

    Average Performance of Conventional Portfolios

    Average Performance of Islamic Portfolios

    Tharwa Investment Fund The fund invests in listed companies on the Kuwait, GCC and MENA Stock Exchanges, offering a weekly exit for investors.

    Tharwa Islamic Fund The fund invests in listed companies on the Kuwait, GCC and MENA Stock Exchanges that adhere to the principals of Islamic Shariah, offering a weekly exit for investors.

    Tharwa Arab Fund The fund invests in Arab states stock exchanges, while offering a monthly exit for investors.

    Tharwa World Fund The fund invests in global securities and financial products. The fund asset allocation is diversified with the advantage of monthly investor exit.

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    0102 %62.12 %40.02

    1102 %44.31- %24.91-

    2102 %86.51 %13.0-

    3102 %94.02 %15.3

    0102 %65.31 %13.52

    1102 %86.8- %26.71-

    2102 %86.61 %16.5

    3102 %40.71 %46.3

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  • Board of DirectorsMARZOUQ FAJHAN AL-MUTAIRI Chairman





    MOHAMMED SAUD AL-OSAIMISecretary of the Board of Directors

    Strategic InvestmentTIC REAL-ESTATE COMPANY Further to the companies initiative to expand its core business activities beyond Kuwait we recently established an office in Bahrain focusing on real-estate development opportunities.

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  • iwasaH-lA assI imaStnediserP evitucexE lanoisseforp fo stroffe seunitnoc fo tluser a saw taht noillim 51 DWK fo latipac pu-diap a htiw 6002 ni awrahT dehsilbatse iwasaH-lA sa llew sa egnahcxE kcotS itiawuK eht nihtiw tnemeganam tessa ni ecneirepxe taerg a sdloh eH ;tnemtsevni ni dezilaiceps nemssenisub.stekram barA eht

    nehw ,rekam tekram a sa )AIK( ytirohtuA tnemtsevnI tiawuK rof sraniD itiawuK noillim 001 deganam iwasaH-lA ,0991 dna 7891 neewteB .7991 dna 7891 neewteB ynapmoC puorG seitiruceS ta reganam oiloftrop a saw eh

    tA .rotceriD sti sa devres dna )zakraM( retneC laicnaniF tiawuK ni stnemtsevnI fluG dna lacoL fo tnemtrapeD eht dednuof-oc iwasaH-lA ni draob eht fo rebmem a sa devres osla iwasaH-lA .sraniD itiawuK noillib eno dehcaer mih yb deganam stessa latot eht ,yticapac siht tnemeganam ni eergeD srolehcaB sih deviecer iwasaH-lA ,1002 dna 0002 raey eht neewteb ynapmoC gnidloH tcejorP noitazitavirP tiawuK.setatS detinU eht morf




    | tnemeganaM evitucexE

  • seraF-lA fitalludbA delahKrotceS tnemtsevnI tnediserP eciV evitucexE gnidnuof-oc sa llew sa ,stekram barA eht dna egnahcxE kcotS itiawuK eht nihtiw ,tnemeganam tessa ni ecneirepxe taerg a sdloh seraF-lA tnemtraped eht fo daeh saw eh hcihw nihtiw ,5991 ni )CIN( ynapmoC stnemtsevnI lanoitaN eht ni tnemtrapeD stnemtsevnI lacoL eht fluG dna lacol rof htob ,sdnuf tnemtsevni cimalsI evfi deganam dna dednuof-oc osla seraF-lA .tnemeganam oiloftrop rof elbisnopser .sraniD itiawuK noillib a ot gnilatot mih rednu stessa eht htiw ,)zakraM( retneC laicnaniF tiawuK ni ,saera

    eh elihw egnahcxE kcotS itiawuK eht no snoitpo sedivorp hcihw ,tsaE elddiM eht ni dnuf snoitpo tsrfi eht dednuof-oc seraF-lA ,noitidda nI neewteb ynapmoC gnidloH tcejorP noitazitavirP tiawuK ni draob eht fo rebmem a sa devres osla seraF-lA .zakraM ta tnediserP eciV saw .ytisrevinU tiawuK morf scimonoce ni eergeD srolehcaB sih deviecer seraF-lA ,1002 dna 0002 raey eht





  • Ahmed Ezzat DerbalaExecutive Vice President Regulatory and administrative SectorAhmed Derbalah joined Tharwa Investment Company in 2007 and was last appointed as an Executive Vice President after holding several senior positions. Prior to Tharwa, Derbalah has worked for several audit firms, the most recent of which was Ernst & Young (Al Aiban, Al Osaimi & Partners) in Kuwait.

    During his experience in auditing firms, Derbalah audited several sectors before specializing in the Investments, Telecommunications and Oil & Gas sectors; Derbalah has solid exposure in the fields of Accounting, Finance and Audit.

    Upon joining Tharwa, he has used his strong experience and knowledge and established operational and programmatic supports. Additionally, through extensive operational efforts, he assisted in achieving Tharwas mission and established controls and procedures for all departments & units under his supervision.

    Derbalah holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree specializing in accounting from Ain Shams University, Cairo. He also holds a CPA Certificate from California, USA in addition to several courses and diplomas in International Financial Reporting Standards, Anti Money Laundering and Financial Programs.

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    CPA . .

  • imiasO-lA duaS demmahoMrotceS gniknaB tnemtsevnI tnediserP eciV evitucexE gnitirwrednu sa llew sa ,srotces suoirav ni stcejorp nihtiw seiduts ytilibisaef dna gnitlusnoc laicnanfi fo sdlefi eht ni dekrow imiasO-lA eht ni sdnuf tnemtsevni dna seinapmoc suoremun dednuof osla imiasO-lA .egats OPI rieht gnirud seinapmoc rof gnirutcurtser lagel dna laicnaniF tiawuK fo tnediserP eciV sa yticapac sih ni stcudorp cimalsI dna lanoitidart gnidivorp ni seinapmoc htiw dekrow dna ,noiger.oC etatsE laeR tnempoleveD fluG ni stnemtsevnI fo rotceriD eht sa devres osla eH .)zakraM( retneC

    nairyS itiawuK ni draob eht fo rebmem a sa dna ,ynapmoC etatsE laeR nawiK rof draob eht fo namriahc eht sa sevres yltnerruc imiasO-lA.ynapmoC gnidarT dna tropsnarT kcotseviL eht ni sa llew sa ynapmoC gnidloH



    imiasU-lA deasuM karraB tnemeganaM htlaeW tnediserP eciV evitucexE eht ot esor dna ,3002 ni )zakraM( retneC laicnaniF tiawuK eht denioj eh ,tnemtsevni lanoitanretni dna tnemeganam tessa ni decneirepxE oc osla eH .aisA dna eporuE ,setatS detinU eht ni soiloftrop edam-roliaT stneilc deganam eh erehw ,tnediserP eciV tnatsissA fo noitisop.sdnuF egdeH fo dnuF dna dnuF sFTE ,dnuF tnemtsevnI defiisreviD a deganam

    labolg fo rebmun a ni deniart dna ,setatS detinU eht ni ,ytisrevinU etatS dnaltroP morf scimonoce ni eergeD srolehcaB sih deviecer eH.ynamreG dna modgniK detinU eht ni seinapmoc ecnanfi

    . ) defiisreviD dnuF sFTE sdnuF(


  • iruohK-lA inaDsnoitarepO tnediserP eciV lacoL eht gnihsilbatse ni detubirtnoc iruohK-lA ,sdnuf tnemtsevni fo tnemhsilbatse dna snoitarepo fo dlefi eht ni decneirepxe lleW gnirud sdnuf tnemtsevni lacol evfi fo tnemhsilbatse eht dna 7991 ni zakraM .K.A.S ertneC laicnaniF tiawuK fo tnemtrapeD tnemtsevnI.doirep emas eht

    hguorht elor tnacfiingis a deyalp eh hcihw ni ynapmoC tnemtsevnI fluG fo tnemtrapeD tnemtsevnI lacoL eht fo rednuof-oc a eno saw eH.snoitarepo tnemtsevni mret-trohs dna gnol gninnur no ecivda gnidivorp dna tnemtrapeD snoitarepO eht gnidaeh

    tsom eht fo eno deredisnoc si iruohK-lA ,tnemeganam noitarepo tnemtsevni fo dlefi eht ni ecneirepxe evitalumucca sih ot sknahT.dlefi ralucitrap taht ni serugfi tnenimorp




    kedaS mahiSsriaffA evitartsinimdA & secruoseR namuH tnediserP eciV-ylpeed reh fo tuo - erehw ;zakraM .K.A.S ertneC laicnaniF tiawuK ta reerac reh detrats qedaS ,noitartsinimdA ssenisuB ni csB a sdloH ekatrednu ot ffats elbadimrof a mrof ot tuoba tes ehs -ynapmoc yna fo tessa tnatropmi tsom eht era secruoser namuh taht feileb detoor gnipoleved dna gnitcartta hguorht stessa eulav-hgih gniganam fo hcaorppa cigetarts a fo kcab eht no seitivitca ssenisub synapmoc eht.secruoser namuh elbaulav hcus gniniater eetnaraug taht snalp gnittes ot noitidda ni seeyolpme delliks



  • iniazuM-lA bahawludbA fitalludbA)ANEM( acirfA htroN & tsaE elddiM eht ni tnemtsevnI tnediserP eciV tnatsissA labolG ta recffio tnemtsevni na sa detrats eh nehw ,1002 ecnis stekram CCG dna lacol htob ni tnemeganam tessa fo dlefi eht ni dekroW .7002 dna 3002 neewteb )zakraM( ertneC laicnaniF tiawuK ta reganam oiloftrop emaceb iniazuM-lA ,esuoH tnemtsevnI

    sih deviecer eH ;stekram CCG dna barA ot sdrager htiw ,dlefi sih ot tnenitrep ,serutcel dna smargorp suoremun dednetta sah iniazuM-lA.setatS detinU eht ni ,eromitlaB fo ytisrevinU morf noitartsinimdA ssenisuB ni eergeD srolehcaB




    tiaquM-lA hdayeRtnemeganaM ytidiuqiL tnediserP eciV sa gnikrow detrats eH ,7002 enuJ ecnis ynapmoC tnemtsevnI awrahT ni tnemtraped yrusaert eht fo tnediserP-eciV eht sa devreS .tnatnuocca roines dna tnatnuoccA sa sraey 7 naht erom rof dekrow eh neht dna ,3891 ecnis ynapmoC liO naibarA ni krelC gnitnuoccA fo rosivrepuS tnemtrapeD eht sa dekrow dna 7002 enuJ ot 5002 rebmevoN morf ynapmoC liO fluG tiawuK eht denioj eh taht retfA.ecnaniF & noisiviD snoitarepO ni sa llew sa noitceS lortnoC ssecorP gnitnuoccA.4991 A.S.U ytisrevinU etatS sasnakrA morf noitartsinimdA cSB sih deviecer tiaquM-lA





  • Tharwa Investment Co. Arraya Tower 2 Floor 21 & 22Abdulaziz Hamad Al Saqer St SharqP.O.Box 811 Safat, 13009 KuwaitTel : 00965 22243000Fax : 00965


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