  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


    - Next door (no driving necessary!) to classes & campus events

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    Why would you ever want to move off campus?

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    Find your perfect place to live!Spring Housing Guide

    Special Section: Housing Tuesday, February 2, 2016The Daily Tar Heel   1

  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


    Special Section: Housing GuideTuesday, February 2, 2016 The Daily Tar Heel2












































    VISUAL EDITORPHOTODAILYTARHEEL.COM919-968-1252 • 601 Jones Ferry Rd. • Carrboro







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    DISPLAY ADVERTISING:Peyton Burgess, Ashley Cirone, Jill Euchner

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  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


    Special Section: Housing GuideTuesday, February 2, 2016 The Daily Tar Heel4

  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


     Things you’ll forget when you move off campusBy Maddie Flager

    Senior Writer

    Moving off campus is won-derful.

    You have your own space,you don’t have to live in fearof random room checks any-more and as beautiful as UNCis, there’s something veryfreeing about getting out ofclass and going home at theend of the day — and not to adorm a few steps away.

    However, with all thoseexciting things comes a shop-ping list full of items takenfor granted when living in adorm (R.I.P. school-providedtoilet paper).

    Here are a few easily for-gotten items to add to yourfall shopping list.

    Paper towels andtoilet paper:

    Paper towels are one ofthose annoying necessities.

    No longer can you walk to thebathroom and snag a handfulwhen something spills. Protip: Buy them in bulk.

    No one ever wants to buythem, but they will get used.Last semester, I bought a24-pack, and it lasted rightup until finals.

    And don’t forget toiletpaper, either. If you lived ina dorm where toilet paperwas provided for you, you willforget that it’s an essential.Stock up.

    Garbage bags:

    Harris Teeter bags only goso far. Invest in garbage bagsand a bin to avoid havingto throw tiny trash bags outtwice a day.

    Shower curtain:

    Who thinks of buying ashower curtain?! Reminisceabout first-year move-inweekend memories, and head

    to Target to pick one up.

    Pots and pans:

    No one I knew actuallycooked in a dorm, and mostpeople forego meal plans aftermoving off campus.

    So it’s time to buy at leastone pot, pan and bakingsheet.

    Cooking supplies:

    Salt, pepper, condiments— trust me, you’ll wantthem sooner or later. Also, abottle opener and can open-er are essential.

    Tool kit:

    You can nail things in yourwall, yay! Don’t forget a ham-mer.

    Cleaning supplies:

    Probably the worst part ofmoving off campus is having

    to clean your own bathroom,maybe for the first time ever.(Thanks, Mom.)

    You’re going to want toiletbowl cleaner, shower cleanerspray and disinfecting wipes.


    Students turn to Carrboro for housingBy Brooke Fisher

    Staff Writer

    Off-campus housing mayseem like a luxury, but itdoesn’t have to come at aluxury price tag.

    Carrboro, Chapel Hill’sneighbor to the west, draws instudents from all parts of theUNC community.

    “(Students) are indis-pensable to the character of

    Carrboro,” said Damon Seils, amember of the Carrboro Boardof Aldermen. “Our studentpopulation in Carrboro is a lit-tle different as there is a greaterrepresentation of graduate andprofessional students.”

    Both undergraduate andgraduate students flock toCarrboro for low rent andparking. Sophomore TroySimpson cited cheap rent andparking as top reasons forpicking Carrboro.

    “I found very, very cheaprent and quite a large house,”Simpson said. “There’s areduction in housing cost.It’s basically cutting housing

    costs in half.” Simpson alsosaid the park and ride busesare reliable for commuting toand from campus.

    “I decided to live inCarrboro for a bunch of rea-sons,” said nursing studentEmma McFarlane in anemail. “Mostly because it wasa lot cheaper than living inChapel Hill. Also, parking is alot easier.”

    However, senior Emma Gutt

    said that price wasn’t whatinfluenced her, but location.

    “I live right next to thefarmers market,” Gutt said.

    With students renting andliving in Carrboro, the hous-ing market changes. Seils saidstudents do have an interest-ing impact on the market.

    “Although our studentpopulation is not growing,the preferences for differentkinds of housing is startingto change different parts oftown,” Seils said.

     Though students do affectthe housing market, Carrborois committed to affordablehousing, said Nate Broman-

    Fulks, assistant to the townmanager, in an email. Thisincludes affordable housingfor those who live below 60percent of the area medianincome level and combattinggentrification.

    Carrboro is a partner inthe Northside NeighborhoodInitiative. The initiative aimsto create a family-friendly,multi-generational com-munity in the neighborhood

    north of Franklin Street whilealso balancing the needs oflong-term residents, new resi-dents, homeowners, rentersand students.

    But Carrboro also offersstudents more than justaffordable housing: Carrborooffers students a home awayfrom home.

    “(You) have a sense of sepa-ration of work and home in away,” Simpson said. “It ’s niceto be quiet and away fromcampus and not crammed intoa smaller accommodation.”

    [email protected]

    Special Section: Housing Guide Tuesday, February 2, 2016The Daily Tar Heel   5

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  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


    Pros and cons of living alone in collegeBy Megan Mallonee

    Staff Writer

    Confession: I’ve never livedon campus at UNC. I transferredhere and went straight to an

    apartment. Sometimes I feellike I missed out on something,but it’s worth it to avoid shar-ing my most sacred space.

     The Daily Tar Heel wanted tobreak down the pros and consof living alone. Whether youget a one -bedroom apartmentor score a single dorm some-where on campus, there are alot of great things about finallyachieving pure solitude — andalso a lot of things that feel likesolitary confinement. Here’swhat to expect:


    I love the people I share myapartment with — but I love

    having my own room just as

    much. The pros of living with-out a roommate are not dif-ficult to list.

    1. The most importantaspect of living alone

    is sleeping in my queenbed.

    It’s near impossible to fit twoof those in a living space. I fellout of my twin bed three timesas a first-year, and my room-mate probably thought it wasfunny.

    2. Living alone meansno one can judge yourstreaming choices.

    Rather than followingthe hype and checking out“Making a Murderer,” I’m onseason three of “Keeping UpWith the K ardashians,” and I

    love it.

    3. Without a roommate,you are free to continuetelling people you don’tsnore.

    I know I snore because I had

    to do a sleep study when mymom became concerned I waschoking to death each night.

    For the rest of us, at leastthere is no roommate there tosay, “You kept me up all nightsnoring.” Me? I’ve never snored.

    4. Decorating is all up toyou!

    No more lying aboutwhether you like those paisley,monogrammed pillows orthose little brown signs thatsay something about dancingin the storm.

    5. Two words: Snooze.


    How many times can youdelay your alarm each morningwhen it isn’t disturbing any-one? The limit does not exist.


    Believe it or not, though,living without a roommate hasstruggles. The cons are justmore manageable.

    1. There is only one clos-et of options.

     This does not go ove r wellon the nights I literally haveabsolutely nothing to wear.Luckily, I share my apartmentwith three girls who happilyraid my closet and let me raidtheirs.

    2. Sometimes it getslonely.

    I am the type of person

    that likes to share every singlethought that runs through myhead.

    Not having a soundingboard the bed over is a strug-gle.

     This ends with a lot of callsto my mom. She likely wishes Istill had a roommate.

    3. When it comes tocleaning, no one isthere to keep youaccountable.

    During exam week, thistranslates to my floor no longerexisting. During regular schoolhours, this means I have tochoose to clean.

    4. Along that sameline, there is no oneelse to take credit for astrange smell, heap of

    laundry or socks on thefloor.

     That’s all you, girl. Embraceit.

    5. Living alone is a tem-porary joy, as I know Iwill likely have a room-mate again at somepoint in my life.

    Maybe it will be the yearafter graduation; maybe it willbe when I get married. Kidding,I’m definitely not sharing aroom with my husband.

    [email protected]

    Special Section: Housing GuideTuesday, February 2, 2016 The Daily Tar Heel6

  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


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    Special Section: Housing Guide Tuesday, February 2, 2016The Daily Tar Heel   7

  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide



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    Special Section: Housing GuideTuesday, February 2, 2016 The Daily Tar Heel8

  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


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    News Tuesday, February 2, 2016The Daily Tar Heel   9

  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


    Fish bring companionship to dorms

    By Trevor LenzmeierStaff Writer

     The transition to collegefrom high school can be adifficult step, as incomingfirst-years must learn tocope with a rigorous courseload, increased freedoms andresponsibilities and a depar-ture from family life at home.

    While many students liv-ing on campus might bemoanthe absence of their calicocats and chocolate Labs dur-ing the school year in ChapelHill, others have sidesteppedthe issue by inviting finnedfriends into their dorms.

    Sophomore Emily Meggs,

    who currently lives in GrimesResidence Hall, said shedecided with her roommateto raise a group of guppiesin their dorm room lastSeptember. Though only

    Pepa remains, Meggs said sheenjoys the soothing presenceher fish have provided.

    “They’re very easy totake care of. It’s nice when-ever you’re stressed out withschool to look over and kindof secretly envy the fish,”Meggs said.

    “We decided it would besomething almost therapeuticthat would also add a little bitof life to our room.”

    Meggs, like many otherfish owners on campus, keepspets at home and decided toopt for a less care-intensivepet while at UNC. Other thanpreapproved ser vice animals,fish are the only pets allowed


    Kirsten Sharpe, a residential advisor in Hinton James, keeps a

    rose petal betta fish named Kevin on her dresser in a tank.

    in residence halls as mandat-ed by UNC housing policies.

    Rick Bradley, associ-ate director of housing andresidential education, said thepolicy is based on practical-

    ity and an interest in keepingthe dorms in suitable livingconditions for students whomight have health restrictionsregarding domestic animals.

    “Certainly just mainte-nance in terms of whereanimals would go to use thebathroom would be one keyelement of the rule on a col-lege campus,” Bradley said.

    “Particularly allergy issuesfor students that would comebehind other students thathad pets in the facility wouldbe the biggest challenge.”

     Though housing does notrecord any data on the amountof fish on campus, Bradleysaid the number of aquariums

    stored in dorms seems to havedecreased over the past coupleof decades. With no change inthe policy, Bradley could onlyguess that waning popularityof pet fish was the reason. Still,

    many continue to find comfortin aquatic friends.Sophomore Kirsten

    Sharpe, who is a residentadviser in Hinton JamesResidence Hall, keeps a rosepetal betta fish named Kevinon her dresser in a tank shehas dubbed “The Pentagon.”She said Kevin frequents theHoJo front desk and oftenmakes trips to the rooms of“aunts” and “uncles” whenSharpe leaves town. ThoughKevin might not be able tobark or purr, Sharpe said he isfull of personality and life.

    “He is super cute andfriendly. Every time I comehome from class, I’ll stop by

    and say ‘Hi Kevin, how wasyour day?’ And he alwaysswims up next to the glassand flutters his little fins byme,” Sharpe said.

    “He’s very personable;

    sometimes he just likes toswim around and do little fishsomersaults.”


    Fish are the onlynon-service dog petsallowed on campus.

    Special Section: Housing GuideTuesday, February 2, 2016 The Daily Tar Heel10

    By Jordan MarenoStaff Writer

    Growing up, the bestway to impress our friendswas to invite them over andstun them with our fabulousmovie-themed bedrooms.My own bedroom, in all ofits tiny glory, went througha Blue’s Clues stage followedby a Harry Potter stage. And

    few differences distinguishour rooms in college from ourroom at home:

    1: Items kept in storage

    At home, storage space isfilled with items that you areembarrassed to have on dis-play: That life-size cardboardcutout of Harry Styles or thatframed pictures of you andyour middle school friendswith song quotes pasted overtop in neon font.

    In college, we store away bythe lame Snowpocalypse items:Clothing and extra food. Itmight be boring and lacking inpersonality — but only because

    you’re low on space.

    2: Wall hangings

     The walls of your dormhave nothing on your child-hood bedroom’s. Those haverelics: Layers of paint choicesyou went through, tick markstracking your height and anindent from when you squab-bled with your siblings.

    At school, your walls comestony, cold and lifeless. A

    blank space.

    3: On-shelf display items

     Trophies from all of yourchildhood activities — soccermedals, dance trophies, spell-ing bee ribbons — sit on dis-play in your room at home, col-lecting dust. In a dorm room,your shelves have pictures ofyour family and old friendsalong with a few books.

    Maybe our dorm roomsneed a little bit of the lifethat our prepubescent selvescreated in our childhoodbedrooms. Next time you’rehome, consider bringingsome of those old posters.

    [email protected]

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  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


    Housing Guide Tuesday, February 2, 2016The Daily Tar Heel   11

    WHAT’S YOUR LIVING STYLE?Deciding where to live can be a painful process filled with pro/con lists and night terrors. Use our quiz to bypass the anxiety and tedious

    research, and find out where you truly belong.

    Written by Zack Green

    Mostly As: On campus -Convenience is key fora busy body like you.The support and easeof living on campus is

    your best fit!

    Mostly Bs: Apartment- You’re independent

    but like beingconnected socially. Anapartment will cater

    best to you!

    Mostly Cs: House- You’re in controland know how to

    fend for yourself. Apersonalized home is just what you need!

    Mostly Ds: UL - Fun andlife outside of school

    scare you. You’ll surely find

    refuge in theUndergraduate Library.

    1. How do you feel about

    sharing a bedroom?A) I don’t mind at all!B) They’re tolerable but I

    could live without them.C) No thank you.D) I don’t believe in

    owning property. Ashumans, we shareeverything.

    2. How much of a “gym rat”are you?

    A) My friends say Ipractically live at the gym.

    B) I hit the gym a coupletimes a week.

    C) I like to make theoccasional appearance.

    D) I don’t know where agym is located.

    3. Personally, how importantis living in a large and

    connected community?A) The resources and

    social connection are great!

    B) It can be nice to havesometimes.C) Definitely not a top

    concern for me.D) I can connect with

    whoever I want on theinternet.

    4. How are your cookingskills?

    A) Does cereal count as ameal?

    B) Eating out and takeoutare essential to my survival.

    C) I can cook well enough.D) I live off vending


    5. What are your punctualitytendencies?

    A) Nothing is worse thanbeing late for something.

    B) I’m usually a little late

    for things.C) Some days I’m early,

    others I’m on time and

    most days I’m late. And I’mOK with that.D) Timeliness is next to


    6. Which statement bestdescribes your financialmanagement skills?

    A) I’m aware of how muchI spend, but my parentshandle most of it.

    B) Due dates and I do not

    get along very well.C) I have my finances

    together … I think.D) I’ve never had a late

    book fee at a library. Ever.

    7. Do you like to entertainpeople?

    A) I’d rather not have alot of people in my livingspace.

    B) Hosting the occasionalsmall get-together can be


    C) I throw the best partiesand events.D) IMO: Music should

    only be played throughheadphones.

    8. How do you feel aboutchores?

    A) I prefer minimalresponsibility when itcomes to cleaning.

    B) I’ll do it, but I’ll whine

    about it for an hour first.C) Cleaning can be tedious

    but also therapeutic.D) I refuse to lift a finger.

    9. Would you like to have acat/dog during college?

    A) Nah, I can’t make thatcommitment right now.

    B) I might be interested.C) Just filed the adoption

    papers!D) Pets are too loud.

  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide



    Being a transfer student isweird. At a relatively youngage, you are placed in a roomwith a random stranger, andbased on the UNC HousingPortal’s super in-depth profile,you’re supposed to be bestfriends.

     The profile features person-alized questions tailored foryou to meet your BFFL, like“How often do you smoke ciga-rettes?” and “How would yourate your level of cleanliness?”

    But don’t worry — theperson you’re going to bematched with has no friends or

    idea what they’re doing either!As a transfer student, I’verealized things are inevitablyharder and more awkward.

    Here are some tips abouthow to be both a good room-mate and a good transferstudent.

    1. Make sure you applyfor on-campus housingby the given deadline.

    If you’re like me, you’drather gargle on broken glassbefore waking up at a single-digit hour, like 9 a.m. But, you’llthank yourself.

    Ryan SchocketAssistant Arts & EntertainmentEditor and transfer student.

    [email protected]

    2. Be a good roommate.

    Don’t be that roommate

    who’s always in the room. It’sannoying. Don’t be that room-mate who goes to bed at 8 p.m.Don’t be the roommate youwould hate to have.

    3. Ask your roommateabout his or her petpeeves.

     This is a perfect segue intotalking about yours. Once yourroommate finishes talking,you can hit them with a list ofthings they better not do. Thatincludes leaving your dirtylaundry on my bed — shoutout to the roommate I hadwhen I was a first-year.

    4. ASK. ASK. ASK.

    I would rather give you avital organ than share my lastbatch of pizza rolls.

     Taking food without ask-ing is a mortal sin that manypeople don’t think twice aboutcommitting.

    If you want something ofmine, ask, so I can tell you no.

    5. When parents visit,clean up.

    Put away the gravity bongyou made out of our kitchen

    garbage can and all otheraccompanying drug parapher-nalia.

    6. Don’t be a slob.

    When ants and centipedesare feeling at home in yourdorm or apartment, there is aproblem.

    7. Don’t be an uptightneat freak.

    Pick your battles, and learnhow to suck it up once in awhile.

    8. Apply for the RR per-mit early.

    Although the RR lot islocated in east bumble, it’snice to be able to have a car oncampus.

    9. Get involved, and takeadvantage of everythingUNC has to offer.

    It’s the best way to makefriends. I originally thoughtthe second I walked on cam-pus, people would want to bemy friend.

     They don’t.Also, go to basketball

    games. Go to meetings.Befriend people you normallywouldn’t talk to.

    10. Don’t bring a millionstrangers into our dormor apartment.

    Whether you’re a drug deal-er or really promiscuous, trynot to make our room the denfor all sketchy behavior.

    The Ten Commandments of being a transfer student living on campus at UNC

    Surviving housing as a transfer

    Special Section: Housing GuideTuesday, February 2, 2016 The Daily Tar Heel12

    Dealing with landlords the right wayBy Dottie Blyth

    Online Production Assistant

    It was the best of times,it was the worst of times …Landlords.

     They remind you aboutoverdue rent, tell you if amaintenance worker willbe in your apartment whileyou’re away and will ask if

    you’re interested in buyingGirl Scout cookies.

    But who are they really,and why haven’t I seen minesince move-in day?

     The world may never truly

    know what they’re up to, butin this case, the “no news isgood news” mantra applies —the less you see of them, thebetter.

    Here are a few pointers onhow to handle these mysteri-ous beings:


     The worst thing you canpossibly do to tick off a land-lord (and roommates) is toforget to pay rent on time.

    You’ll learn how to write acheck if you haven’t already,and while part of you mightbe sobbing about all the Ms.Mongs you could be buyingwith rent money anotherpart will make you feelaccomplished and respon-sible. You are an adult; you

    are paying bills!

    Maintenance issues

    Let them know. Thisincludes the toilet that’s been

    having plumbing issues sincemid-October. Oops.


    If there’s a fee with yourfurry friend, don’t try tobypass it. Your landlord willfind out one way or another,and it won’t be a fun time foreither of you.

    Also, if your landlord tellsyou you’re allowed to have

    pets, don’t impulse buy a ham-ster. I learned this the hardway, and there’s no going back.


    Like with every relation-ship, communication is thekey to success. If they send youperiodic emails, at least skimover them. And as always, donot “reply all” to your entireapartment complex.

    Your Rights

    Sure, you might be livingon their property, but you alsohave rights. Read over your

    lease and know them. (Andbefore you sign, considerheading to Carolina StudentLegal Services in the StudentUnion to have someone readover your agreement.)

    When living off campus,being on good terms withyour landlord should be apriority no matter how frus-trating you think they mightbe. At the end of the day, theyare people just like you who just so happens to hold yourfate in their hands like a tinylittle bird.

    [email protected]

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  • 8/20/2019 The 2016 Housing Guide


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