
roverbs 25:28 KJVR He that

hath no rule over his own spirit

is like a city that is broken down,

and without walls.

On this morning I had an appointment, so I

thought in Charlotte. I living in Statesville, NC,

which makes me about 35-40 miles from Char-

lotte were my appointment was. I got up around

5 am to get my day started. I got on the road by

6 am to head out. I have a regular place were I

stop for coffee, so when I got to it I turned off

and went in to get my Hazel Nut, with 15 splen-

dors, one stroke (caffeine shot) and one villa-

nelle creamer. Just for the record this is not a

Starbucks, or Dunking Donut. It is just a regular

old gas station.

I then got back in my car drove to the place of

my appointment only to find out that I was a

day early! At this point I felt what any normal

human being would feel, that feeling of wanting

to get frustrated! However, over the years the

Lord has allowed me to master the art of mak-

ing the best out of a bad situation. Instead of

getting mad I thought, what an awesome idea

for an article, “The 40 mile Coffee Run”.

I could have very easily gotten upset; I wasted

gas, I could have slept longer, all kinds of

thoughts! However, I have learned to make my-

self think much slower when I feel pressured to

lose it. So my thought pattern went something

like this.

1. I felt a need to call on yesterday and I


2. No one made me get up and get on the


3. Do I want this to spoil the rest of my day.

Then after this discourse of inner dialog Prov-

erbs 25:28 came to mind. I love the Message

bible’s Translation of this verse.

Proverbs 25:28 MSG A person without self-

control is like a house with its doors and win-

dows knocked out.

Not because I am a Christian, Spiritual Teacher

& pastor is it important for me to have self-

control, everyone of us needs to know how to

maintain our cool in a heated situation.

I know some people will say that getting

angry is just apart of life, but I beg to differ

with you. Daily we are going to be faced with

situations that will give us opportunities to go

to a place we call anger. Because of this mil-

lions of people are afflicted with stress re-

lated diseases. When we look at the word

disease we can really find the cure to all; it is

made up of two words, Dis - ease. Disease

simply means that a part of your body and

your mind is in a state of dis ease or not at


Ephesians 4:31 KJVR Let all bitterness,

and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and

evil speaking, be put away from you, with

all malice:

In the moment that any event occurs, it may

be just an instant but it is there, you have a

CHOICE of how you are going to respond.

You have a choice and with the power of self

-Control you can over come anger and sin



never says it is the Holy Spirit’s job to keep

you from getting angry; he is not your spiri-

tual babysitter. You need just what the bible

says SELF-CONTROL. Like natural fruit it

is grown and has to develop.

I don’t know about you, but I got tired of

having my day destroyed by situations sim-

ply due to the fact I didn't know how to con-

trol my emotions.

How Do I Gain Self-Control

The first thing you have to do is come to the

understanding that you are not your thoughts

and your thoughts are not you. I am the

thinker of thoughts and I have the power to

never allow my thoughts to control my ac-


How many times have you said or did some-

thing only to regret it afterward? That is sim-


By Sage Sage M


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ply the result of not having an understanding that you don’t have

to say and do everything that comes to your mind.

The bible says that a person without Self-Control is like a city

without walls, a house without doors. Walls, doors and windows

are all means of protection from people and outside elements. Let

me quickly say the things, people, and situations that are outside

of you are NEVER the problem, it is always your inability to keep

them from influencing your spirit.

When we lack self-control we are open to the negative influence

and attacks of situations & other peoples thoughts, ideas, and

opinions about us. One thing I had to learn is I don’t have to

allow what other people say to me to affect me. When I have my

wall of self-control, what you say about me and to me will only

hit the wall and fall to the ground.

The second, and what I believe to be the most important reason

why we need self-control is, because we are always attracting

into our reality what we feel.

Proverbs 23:7 KJVR For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:

Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

As much as religious leaders would like to make you believe that

it isn’t, the heart (mind, will & motions) is a place were emotions

and feeling. You are attracting not what you pray about, not what

you talk about, but how you feel about what your praying and

talking about. No matter what you say if you really don’t feel in

your heart, which represents the most Holy Place, that you will

receive it, you will never see it manifest in your life. The bible

says that they that come to God must believe that he is and that

he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. If you don’t

believe God will do it for you then it will not happen!

If you feel angry, that means that you are literally in a state of

mind that is attracting like situations. If your angry and upset

you are literally tuned into the anger frequency and will attract

more things to your life that will match the way you feel. This is

why you can get upset in the morning and your entire day seems

to be down hill, one thing after another. We fell to understand

that the things that are happening is not the devil or any outside

force, we are attracting them by virtue of our feelings of anger,

frustration and negativity.

“The more I’ve come to understand that the way i feel (my atti-

tude) determines what and who I will attract into my life it is

NOW mandatory that I CHOOSE to feel good/God everyday!

Regardless of what comes my way, I may can't reach the level

of joy, but I can always choose to feel better than what my

situation would dictate.” - Sage

Thirdly, we need to understand that no person on earth has the

power to make us angry. Getting angry is a choice.

We can go to a comedy show an the comic can bring us on the

stage in from of hundreds of people and make fun of us and even

curse and talk about our mama, and we will laugh with everyone

else around us. Then we go to our jobs and someone that we

know knows nothing about us can say something very minor that

we don’t like and we will practically lose our natural mind.

Every time you allow yourself to get angry you are displaying a

lack of self-control. There are no exceptions. I have mastered self

-control as it relates to anger in a major way, only comparing the

me of today to me of yesterday. I maintain this level of self con-

trol because of 3 points that I keep foremost in my mind:

1. I am not my thoughts and my thoughts are not me. I am the

thinker of thoughts and I have the power to never allow my

thoughts to control my actions.

2. I am attracting into my reality what I feel. When I feel angry

I am on the frequency of anger and can ONLY attract more

things to myself that match the way I feel.

3. No one has the power to make me angry. Anger is a choice

and I can always choose to feel better than my situation

would dictate.

I hope this will help you to get on the road to living a happier and

stress free life.

PS. Because I choice to be happy, my 40 mile Coffee run was

great. I was able to enjoy the beautiful sun as I viewed of Lake

Norman. I listen to great Jazz and teaching tapes on the way


What would my ride with anger have been like?

Sage Martin Wilson, Sr

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