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The ability to listen with independent earsa)

Frederick J. Gallun,b� Christine R. Mason, and Gerald Kidd, Jr.Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, and Hearing Research Center, Boston University,635 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02215

�Received 9 February 2007; revised 30 July 2007; accepted 6 August 2007�

In three experiments, listeners identified speech processed into narrow bands and presented to theright �“target”� ear. The ability of listeners to ignore �or even use� conflicting contralateralstimulation was examined by presenting various maskers to the target ear �“ipsilateral”� andnontarget ear �“contralateral”�. Theoretically, an absence of contralateral interference would implyselectively attending to only the target ear; the presence of interference from the contralateralstimulus would imply that listeners were unable to treat the stimuli at the two ears independently;and improved performance in the presence of informative contralateral stimulation would imply thatlisteners can process the signals at both ears and keep them separate rather than combining them.Experiments showed evidence of the ability to selectively process �or respond to� only the target earin some, but not all, conditions. No evidence was found for improved performance due tocontralateral stimulation. The pattern of interference found across experiments supports aninteraction of stimulus-based factors �auditory grouping� and task-based factors �demand forprocessing resources� and suggests that listeners may not always be able to listen to the “better” eareven when it would be beneficial to do so. © 2007 Acoustical Society of America.�DOI: 10.1121/1.2780143�

PACS number�s�: 43.66.Pn, 43.66.Ba, 43.66.Dc �RLF� Pages: 2814–2825


A number of influential models of binaural processingcontain the assumption that listeners have access to both amonaural and a binaural mode of processing incoming audi-tory stimulation �e.g., Colburn and Durlach, 1978�. In a re-cent example, Breebaart et al. �2001� modeled a wide varietyof signal detection experiments by explicitly including both abinaural and a monaural processing path and allowing themodel to choose the pathway that leads to the highest signal-to-noise ratio �SNR�. While this makes conceptual sensefrom a bioengineering perspective and can explain a substan-tial amount of the data on binaural release from masking �seealso Zurek, 1993�, the evidence does not entirely support theassumption that listeners voluntarily switch between thesetwo fundamentally different modes of processing. Strongevidence in favor of the availability of a monaural listeningstrategy comes from work on selective listening �e.g., Broad-bent, 1958; Cherry, 1953; Moray, 1970; Treisman, 1964,1969; Wood and Cowan, 1995� in which listeners often showsubstantial success in reporting the stimuli presented to oneear and ignoring competing stimuli presented to the oppositeear. On the other hand, several more recent studies �e.g.,Heller and Trahiotis, 1995; Brungart and Simpson, 2002;2004; Brungart et al., 2005; Kidd et al., 2003; Gallun et al.,

a�Portions of this research were presented at the 2006 Midwinter Meeting ofthe Association for Research in Otolaryngology.

b�Current address: National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research,Portland VA Medical Center, 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Road�NCRAR�, Portland, OR 97239. Electronic mail: Frederick.Gallun@

2814 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122 �5�, November 2007 0001-4966/2007/12

2005; Shub, 2006� have presented evidence suggesting thatlisteners cannot simply choose the preferred ear and ignorethe other.

These recent examples of “contralateral interference”are also problematic because most models of binaural releasefrom masking �e.g., Zurek, 1993� suggest that interaural dif-ferences in level �ILD� result in binaural release through theaction of the “better-ear” effect, by which it is meant thatlisteners selectively attend to the ear with the better SNR. Inrealistic listening situations, this ability to choose a monauralbetter-ear listening strategy is fundamentally confoundedwith the use of perceived differences in location generatedby ILDs. Whenever the SNR differs at the two ears there isby definition an ILD in the target, the masker, or both. Mostmodels assume that it is the better SNR at one of the ears thatdrives performance. However, Gallun et al. �2005� showedthat listeners can exploit target or masker ILDs in order toimprove performance even in the absence of a better-ear ef-fect. In that study, the better-ear hypothesis was excluded bymanipulations that involved a monaural target and a fixed-level masker at the target ear. Results showed that increasingthe masker level at the nontarget ear actually led to improvedperformance. These findings suggest that at least some of theresults that have previously been attributed to better-ear lis-tening may be the result of either �1� perceived differences inlocation �or some other perceptual cue� generated by thepresence of ILDs or �2� a cancellation process similar to thatproposed by Durlach �1960, 1963� in his equalization andcancellation �EC� model of binaural unmasking.

Another example of a situation where a change in per-formance occurred with no change in the SNR at the target

ear is found in the results of Kidd et al. �2005� in which

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Page 2: The ability to listen with independent ears€¦ · stimulation was examined by presenting various maskers to the target ear “ipsilateral” and nontarget ear “contralateral”

listeners benefited from the addition of a second masker tothe nontarget ear. Targets were narrow-band speech stimuli�described in the following� presented monaurally and thefirst masker was narrow-band speech in nonoverlapping fre-quency ranges �“different-band speech” or DBS; also de-scribed in the following� presented to the target �“ipsilat-eral”� ear. When a second masker consisting of noisematched in frequency to the speech masker �“different-bandnoise” or DBN; described in the following� was presented tothe contralateral ear, performance was usually better thanwhen no contralateral masker was presented. This result pre-sents problems for a better-ear explanation because there wasa change in performance even though the stimulus at the“better” ear �the one that contained the target� had notchanged. Three distinct hypotheses were initially proposed,all of which focused on how information in nontarget fre-quency regions at the nontarget ear could have been used toimprove performance.

The first potential explanation for the Kidd et al. �2005�result is based on “cueing.” If listeners are able to process thetwo ears independently, they might be able to use the infor-mation at the nontarget ear to tell them which frequencies toignore at the target ear. This strategy, which is similar towhat Wang and Brown �2006� and Brungart et al. �2006�would call an “ideal time-frequency mask,” does not imply abinaural combination of information in the usual sense of theterm. This type of independent processing has also been re-ferred to in the past as a “contralateral cue” �e.g., Sorkin,1965; Taylor and Forbes, 1969; Koehnke and Besing, 1992�,although in that literature the task was always detection of anexact copy of the signal presented to the contralateral ear. Asthe data presented in the following show no evidence of thisstrategy, it will not be discussed further.

The next two “binaural combination” hypotheses arebased on the assumption that listeners must choose whenseparating signals to use the frequency dimension or the di-mension of spatial position �in this case, ear of presentation�.This need to choose between strategies is similar to an ex-planation given by Brungart and Simpson �2007� for whyspeech from a different-sex talker �which resulted in lessinterference than a same-sex talker when presented alone�caused more interference than a same-sex talker when pre-sented with a contralateral masker. For the stimuli presentedin Kidd et al. �2005�, the obvious strategy is to separate byfrequency, since this dimension distinguishes the target fromboth maskers, which should then result in a binaural combi-nation of the two maskers. The question to be answered iswhy such a strategy would lead to improved performanceover the case where there was only a single speech masker.The first hypothesis is that if the listener separates targetfrom masker on the basis of frequency, then the result is amonaural target composed of one collection of frequenciesand a binaural masker composed of another set of nonover-lapping frequencies. If so, then this binaural differencewould have acted as did the binaural differences in Gallun etal. �2005�, allowing listeners to perceptually segregate thetarget from the masker and/or to use an EC-type operation to

improve intelligibility of the target.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 5, November 2007

The second binaural combination hypothesis is thatwhen the frequency-aligned speech and noise maskers werecombined, it was as if they had been presented monaurallyand that the resulting combined masker was simply less in-telligible due to energetic rather than informational masking.Evidence against this second binaural combination hypoth-esis comes from the finding that performance was better inthe condition where the speech and noise maskers were inopposite ears than in a control condition in which bothmaskers were presented monaurally to the target ear. Whilereduced intelligibility may certainly play a role, the differ-ence between the masking exerted by the contralateral andmonaural combinations suggests that intelligibility cannotexplain the entire effect.

Because it is not possible to distinguish among thesevarious potential mechanisms on the basis of the data ofKidd et al. �2005� alone, the initial goal of this study was toconsider some conditions in which identifying the optimalstrategy becomes more difficult. The first experiment wascarried out as an extension of the work presented in Kidd etal. �2005� and Gallun et al. �2005�, involving the same lis-teners, the same equipment and response style, and the sametypes of stimuli. The new conditions tested contralateral pre-sentation of noise matched in frequency to the target ratherthan to the speech masker. As the first experiment primarilyprovided evidence of contralateral interference, the secondand third experiments were designed to further examinewhich aspects of the first experiment were responsible forthis interference. The overall pattern of results suggests thatthe difficulties listeners experience can be attributed to �1�task-based factors involving a general limit on the number ofsource segregation strategies that can be employed in anygiven listening situation �demand for “processing re-sources”�, and �2� stimulus-based factors involving a ten-dency for the auditory system to treat similar stimuli as ifthey were generated by a single source �“auditory group-ing”�.


A. Listeners

Seven listeners participated, six females and one male,all between the ages of 21 and 40 years and all with pure-tone thresholds within 15 dB of audiometric norms �ANSI2004� at octave frequencies from 250 to 8000 Hz. All werepaid listeners who were familiar with psychometric testingand with the type of processed sentences used. All had aminimum of three weeks experience participating 4–6 h perweek in similar tasks. Each experiment involved a subset ofthree to four of these listeners and each took approximatelyfour weeks of listening to complete.

B. Stimuli

Stimuli were sentences processed into narrow frequencybands as described in Arbogast et al. �2002�. The originalspeech was taken from the coordinate response measure cor-pus �Bolia et al., 2000� with the structure: “Ready �callsign�go to �color� �number� now,” with eight callsigns, four colors

�white, red, green, and blue� and eight numbers �1–8�. To

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restrict the frequency content, sentences were passed througha first-order high-pass Butterworth filter with a cut-off of1200 Hz to roughly equate energy across the spectrum, afterwhich 15, approximately one-third octave, fourth-order But-terworth filters evenly spaced on a logarithmic scale from215 to 4891 Hz were used to divide the sentence into 15narrow bands. Half-wave rectification and low-pass filteringat 50 Hz by a fourth-order Butterworth filter extracted theamplitude envelope within each band, reducing the speechwave forms to a set of 15 amplitude envelopes, each associ-ated with one of the bands.

Processed speech targets and maskers were generated byrandomly choosing two, four, six, or eight of the envelopes�depending on the experiment� and using them to modulate aset of pure tones with frequencies equal to the center fre-quencies of the chosen bands. Presenting the envelope-modulated tones together resulted in a sentence with re-stricted frequency content and reduced harmonic structurebut with the amplitude variations over time that had occurredin those bands in the original sentence. Examples of the fourtypes of processed speech are shown in Fig. 1. Note that onevery trial new bands were randomly chosen to compose thetarget.

The types of processed speech and noise that were usedas maskers appear in Fig. 2. In order to distinguish maskersthat shared frequency content with the target �“same band”�from those that did not �“different band”�, the letters SB andDB will be used. For example, “different-band speech”�DBS� was composed only of bands not contained in thetarget speech and “different-band speech, reversed” �DBSr�was constructed by simply playing DBS wave forms back-wards. In all three experiments, the talker, callsign, color,

FIG. 1. Examples of wave forms and magnitude spectra for two-band, four-arbitrary linear units �e.g., volts�. Sound pressure level is displayed in decibthe particular bands to be used were chosen randomly from a possible 15. S

and number used for the masker sentence were all different

2816 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 5, November 2007

from those used for the target sentence, but all of the talkerswere male. In the first experiment, the target callsign wasalways “Baron,” but in the second and third experiments thetarget callsign was randomized. To facilitate target sentenceidentification when the callsign was randomized, the callsignassociated with the target sentence was indicated before eachtrial on the display in front of the listener.

Two types of noise maskers were used. Broadband noise�BBN� maskers were generated in the frequency domain andextended from 20 to 8000 Hz. Narrow-band noise maskerswere generated by multiplying processed speech in the fre-quency domain by BBN. This resulted in noise maskers withthe same number of bands as the processed sentences butnone of the amplitude modulations necessary for interpretingthem as speech. “Same-band noise” �SBN� had the samebands as the target speech, while “different-band noise”�DBN� did not. Four-band example wave forms andmagnitude-frequency spectra for these five masker types ap-pear in Fig. 2. Note that in order to ensure that the maskerbands were the same or different from the target required anew draw of masker bands on each trial as well. A new drawof BBN was also generated on each trial. For all signals,level in dB SPL was calculated based on the duration of theentire signal.

C. Procedure

All of the stimuli were stored on a computer and playedthrough Tucker-Davis Technology �TDT System II� 16 bitdigital-to-analog converters at a rate of 50 kHz, then low-pass filtered at 7.5 kHz. For experiment one, target andmasker levels were controlled by independent programmable

, six-band, and eight-band target stimuli. Wave form amplitude is shown inlative to the maximum level for any one band for each target. On each triale text for complete details of the stimulus generation.

bandels reee th

attenuators �TDT PA4�, whereas for experiments two and

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three, relative target and masker levels were set digitally andoverall level was controlled by two independent program-mable attenuators. Listeners were seated in individualdouble-walled IAC booths. The stimuli were presentedthrough matched and calibrated TDH-50 earphones. The taskof the listener was to identify the color and number from thesentence having the callsign “Baron.” Both the color and thenumber had to be reported accurately for a listener to becorrect on each trial. Chance performance was thus about 3%�four colors by eight numbers�. Responses and after-trialfeedback were given via a handheld device with an LCDscreen and buttons corresponding to the possible colors andnumbers.


The purpose of the first experiment was to examine thedegree to which listener performance in a speech-on-speechmasking task was affected by the presence of contralaterallypresented SBN. Evidence for the influence of an independentmasker presented contralaterally came from the improve-ments found by Kidd et al. �2005� when different-bandspeech �DBS� was presented ipsilaterally and the contralat-eral masker was DBN. One hypothesis proposed for thoseimprovements was that listeners combined the DBN andDBS into a single binaural signal and made use of the bin-aural differences generated by a monaural target and a bin-aural masker. Such a hypothesis would predict that similarimprovements should occur for a contralateral SBN noisemasker because now the target would be binaural and theDBN masker would be monaural. An additional, but not mu-tually independent, hypothesis was that the DBN also re-duced the intelligibility of the DBS speech masker in the

FIG. 2. Examples of wave forms and magnitude spectra of the various maskin Fig. 1. Wave form amplitude is shown in arbitrary linear units. Sound prestarget shown in Fig. 1. See the text for complete details of the stimulus gen

results of Kidd et al. �2005�. Were this additional hypothesis

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correct, it would imply that performance should be reducedby adding SBN �rather than improved� since now the targetintelligibility would decrease. The first experiment was pri-marily designed to give an initial answer as to whether per-formance improved or declined.

A. Design

The narrow-band processing described in Sec. II wasused to generate eight-band targets and spectrally matchedeight-band SBN maskers as well as six-band DBS maskers.On each trial, the target and DBS masker were presented tothe right ear while the SBN masker was presented to the leftear. The target was presented at 60 dB SPL on all trials.Three levels of DBS were used: 50, 60, and 70 dB SPL. Sixlevels of SBN were used: 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 dB SPL anda no-noise control. Within each block of 50 trials, all maskerlevels were varied randomly from trial to trial and sorted foranalysis afterwards. Each listener participated in a minimumof 150 trials for each combination of levels in each condi-tion. Three listeners �L1, L2, and L3� participated immedi-ately after participating in the conditions described in Kidd etal. �2005� and Gallun et al. �2005�.

B. Results

Average performance for the three listeners appears inFig. 3, with error bars indicating ±1 s.d. across listeners. Thelarge error bars indicate the large differences in the perfor-mance of individual subjects that are typical in tasks involv-ing maskers that are separated from the targets in frequency�e.g., Durlach et al., 2005�. These same subjects producedsimilarly divergent levels of performance in the conditionsreported in Kidd et al. �2005� and Gallun et al. �2005�, but as

sed in the three experiments. Each is matched to the four-band target shownevel is displayed in decibels relative to the maximum level for the four-bandn.

ers usure l

with those data sets the patterns of performance were consis-

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tent across listeners. The shaded areas represent the region ofperformance obtained when no contralateral masker was pre-sented �mean ±1 s.d.�.

As can be seen in Fig. 3, the overall trend is that raisingeither DBS level �successive panels� or SBN level �succes-sive points within a panel� resulted in decreased perfor-mance. A repeated-measures analysis of variance �ANOVA�was performed on the percent correct data and DBS level�three values� and SBN level �six values, which includes noSBN masker� were entered as independent factors. The effectof DBS level was statistically significant �F�2,4�=65.85, p�0.001� as was the effect of SBN level �F�5,10�=8.95, p�0.002�. The interaction did not reach statistical signifi-cance �p=0.065�.

C. Discussion

The observed decline in performance with increasingcontralateral stimulation provides strong evidence that listen-ers were unable to simply listen to the ear with the highertarget-to-masker ratio, as essentially all binaural modelswould predict. If the matched frequency content of the targetand contralateral masker did cause an obligatory binauralcombination �“auditory grouping”�, then the resulting signalwas so degraded by the combination of speech and noise thatthe improvement due to the binaural differences between tar-get and DBS masker was offset by the reduced intelligibilityof the target.

An alternative interpretation, similar to that suggestedby Brungart and Simpson �2007� for a finding with unproc-essed speech, is that listeners were unable to allocate suffi-cient processing resources to apply both an ear-based listen-ing strategy and a frequency-based strategy simultaneouslyand were forced to choose one or the other. This implies thatif the ipsilateral different-band speech masker had not been

present, then listeners would have been able to segregate the

2818 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 5, November 2007

signals at the two ears and performance would not have suf-fered. It is this hypothesis that is tested in experiment two.

One potential contaminating factor is that of sound con-duction through and around the head. At the higher monauralstimulation levels for the contralateral masker there is thechance that the contralateral masker was in fact acting as anipsilateral masker due to “cross-hearing.” If interaural attenu-ation were only 40 dB, for example, the 50, 60, and 70 dBcontralateral same-band noise maskers would have beenequivalent to 10, 20, and 30 dB ipsilateral same-band noisemaskers. This possibility will also be investigated further inexperiment two.


Based on the results of the first experiment, it was hy-pothesized that listeners were unable to process the informa-tion at the two ears independently due to the processing de-mand of also segregating the ipsilateral target and masker byfrequency. The implication of this hypothesis is that since thelisteners chose to perform the frequency segregation, the fre-quencies that were similar at the two ears were combinedbinaurally �despite their dissimilarity in the temporal do-main� resulting in a “target,” which was actually a mixture oftarget and SBN masker. It is not difficult to see why thiswould have led to reduced performance. One possible inter-pretation of the mixed processing is that a single binauralimage was created in which the speech and the noise enve-lopes were combined, resulting in a less intelligible signal.Another interpretation is that listeners were “distracted” bythe noise, although that interpretation seems unlikely giventhe improvement in performance found by Kidd et al. �2005�when the contralateral noise bands corresponded to the ipsi-lateral speech masker bands. The present experiment is in-

FIG. 3. Average performance for threelisteners in experiment one. The listen-er’s task was to identify the color andnumber keywords contained in aneight-band processed sentence pre-sented to the right ear at a level of60 dB SPL. Two maskers were alwayspresent: an ipsilateral �right-ear�different-band sentence �DBS� maskerand a contralateral �left-ear� same-band noise �SBN� masker. The threepanels show performance as a functionof contralateral noise level for an ipsi-lateral sentence masker presented at alevel of 50, 60, or 70 dB SPL. Theshaded area in each panel indicates ±1s.d. deviation around mean perfor-mance across listeners with no con-tralateral masker present. Error bars onthe symbols show ±1 s.d. across lis-teners.

tended to determine whether the apparently obligatory com-

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bination of corresponding bands across ears depends on thepresence of an ipsilateral segregation task. While the alterna-tive explanation, that the contralateral interference effectonly depends on a high degree of similarity between thestimuli in the two ears, is possible, it seems unlikely giventhe temporal dissimilarity between the processed speech andthe same-band noise.

In order to examine this issue more carefully, the ipsi-lateral DBS masker was removed, and two manipulations ofthe target and remaining noise masker were introduced. First,the number of bands in the target was varied by presentingtwo, four, six, or eight bands of speech and, second, either along-term spectrally-matched noise �SBN� or a BBN wasused as a contralateral masker. These two manipulations ex-amined the effects of increasing both the temporal and thespectral differences between the signals at the two ears. Con-ceptually, these additional differences were regarded as in-formation suggesting that the target and contralateral maskershould be treated as independent sources. Under this frame-work, for every additional frequency band added to the targetand to the masking noise, the listener is given additionalevidence supporting the conclusion that the amplitude fluc-tuations in the target and the noise are independent. Thus, thegreatest effects of binaural combination should be seen withthe fewest numbers of bands. Similarly, since increasing thebandwidth of the noise increases the range of modulationfrequencies present in the noise �the high-frequency cut-offis equal to the bandwidth, see Ewert and Dau 2000�, thedissimilarity of the modulation spectra at the two ears shouldbe much greater for BBN than for narrow-band noise �SBN�.

In order to compare the energetic masking effects ofSBN and BBN directly, control conditions were included inwhich both maskers were presented ipsilaterally instead ofcontralaterally. These control conditions were also used toprovide data relevant to the issue �mentioned in the discus-sion of experiment one� of possible ipsilateral maskingcaused by sound conduction through and around the headfrom the contralateral masker. For this reason, lower noiselevels were used ipsilaterally than contralaterally, althoughthe average levels of the broadband and narrow-band noisewere equated as described in the following.

A. Design

The narrow-band processing described in Sec. II wasused to generate two, four, six, and eight band targets �shownin Fig. 2� and spectrally matched noise �SBN� as well asindependent BBN. On each trial, the target was presented tothe right ear at an overall level of 50 dB SPL. On each blockof 50 trials, the location �ear of presentation�, level, and fre-quency content �SBN or BBN� of the masking noise waskept constant, but the order in which the blocks was run wasmixed and the listener was not told in advance preciselywhich combination to expect. Four new listeners �L4, L5,L6, and L7� participated. None had the experience of thelisteners in experiment one, but all had experience with psy-chophysical testing and had participated in at least one otherexperiment. In the conditions in which the noise was pre-

sented to the nontarget ear �contralateral noise presentation�,

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 5, November 2007

the noise could be either BBN or SBN �with the number ofbands matched to that of the target� and the possible noiselevels were 30, 40, 50, 60, or 70 dB SPL. In the conditions inwhich the noise was presented to the target ear �“ipsilateral”noise presentation�, the noise could have the same frequencyconfigurations, but the possible noise levels were 10, 20, 30,40, and 50 dB SPL. These levels represent 20 dB of simu-lated interaural attenuation, which is an overly conservativeestimate �for these headphones, which are used in clinicalaudiometry, the conservative estimate of interaural attenua-tion commonly used is 40 dB�. Each listener completed aminimum of 150 trials for each noise level in each condition.The contralateral noise conditions were completed before theconditions in which the noise was presented to the target ear.For comparison, each listener also completed a set of trials inwhich no noise was presented �“target-alone” condition�.

B. Results

The average percent correct data are shown in Fig. 4.The shaded areas represent the region of performance ob-tained when no masker was present �mean ±1 s.d.�. The maineffect of number of bands was analyzed through a repeated-measures ANOVA performed on the proportion correct dataobtained in the target-alone condition. The effect of numberof bands was significant �F�3,9�=114.327, p�0.001� andpaired t-tests showed that performance was the same for thesix-band and eight-band targets �p=0.58� but that the two-band and four-band targets differed from each other �p�0.001� and from the six-band and eight-band targets �p�0.02 or lower in all cases�.

Because levels were different for the contralateral andipsilateral maskers, two sets of repeated-measures ANOVAswere performed. Analyses of simple main effects were per-formed on the individual condition of interest as a generalANOVA showed that there were significant interactions be-tween all the factors. The most important result can be seenby comparing performance as a function of contralateralSBN level for the two-band and eight-band targets. Whilethere is a significant reduction in performance for the two-band target �F�4,12�=32.93, p�0.001�, there is no signifi-cant reduction for the eight-band target �p=0.207�. The four-and six-band targets fall intermediate between these two ex-tremes �F�4,12�=7.94, p�0.01 and F�4,12�=3.57, p�0.04�. On the other hand, the effect of level was not sig-nificant for the contralateral BBN maskers, regardless of thenumber of bands in the targets with which they were paired.For both the BBN and SBN presented to the target ear �ipsi-laterally�, the effect of noise level was significant for all ofthe numbers of bands �p�0.01�.

Because so many of the performance values were nearceiling, a four-way repeated-measures ANOVA was per-formed on the original scores and on a transformed versionof the scores, using the Rationalized Arcsine transform�Studebaker, 1985�. In order to equate for the different noiselevels used, the noise levels were rank-ordered before beingentered into the analysis. The results mirrored those for theoriginal scores. Nonetheless, while those conditions that gen-

erated scores that were immeasurably high can certainly be

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regarded as immune to contralateral interference with thesestimuli and levels, any comparisons across such conditionsshould be regarded as specific to these parameters. For ex-ample, the fact that no BBN maskers resulted in contralateralinterference in this experiment should not be taken to meanthat BBN could not potentially exert a contralateral maskingeffect under different circumstances. Similar care should betaken in interpreting the nonsignificant differences betweensix- and eight-band stimuli.

C. Discussion

The most important finding obtained from experimenttwo is that there was an interaction between the number ofbands in the target and the amount of contralateral maskingthat is observed, but only when the long-term spectrum ofthe masker was matched to that of the target. This has impli-cations for both of the questions that motivated the secondexperiment. Foremost, this result supports the interpretationthat as the temporal similarity between target and maskerdecreases with increasing numbers of bands, the ability tosegregate target from masker increases. This can be consid-ered as support for an auditory grouping explanation of con-tralateral interference, which refers to the idea that the audi-tory system is sensitive to the amount of informationavailable indicating that the target and masker are from in-dependent sources. This interpretation is also consistent withthe absence of any effect of presenting the broadband noiseto the contralateral ear. One possible difficulty with this con-clusion is that as the number of bands increases, there is anincrease in the number of distinct spectral regions in whichboth ears are being stimulated. This similarity in spectral

information at the two ears could be an indication that the

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two ears are being stimulated by the same sound source, inwhich case more bands should lead to increased groupingacross the ears. Future work should examine the relative con-tributions of temporal and spectral similarity in conditionswhere there is ambiguity as to whether or not various signalsshould be combined or segregated. It is possible that tempo-ral similarity �or dissimilarity� is simply a more powerfulgrouping cue than spectral similarity.

In terms of the influence of the ipsilateral speech maskerin experiment one, the fact that so little contralateral maskingwas obtained with the six- and eight-band targets in the sec-ond experiment supports the interpretation that listeners aremore capable of attending to the ear with the best signal-to-noise ratio if there is only one masker present. Such an in-teraction of task demands and stimulus configurations sug-gests that in order to understand the ability of listeners toprocess sounds independently at the two ears, it is necessaryto consider carefully both the task demands and the nature ofthe stimuli being presented. For example, while BBN clearlycan be an effective masker when presented ipsilaterally �itwas just as effective as the SBN when presented to the targetear�, when presented to the nontarget ear, there was no evi-dence of contralateral masking for even the two-band target.It would be interesting to determine whether or not this resultholds in the presence of an ipsilateral masker that was spec-trotemporally dissimilar to the noise as well as dissimilar tothe target.

The data from experiment two also show that the resultsof the first experiment cannot be dismissed as an example ofcross-ear masking. There are three reasons for this. The firstis that the BBN and SBN stimuli produced indistinguishable

FIG. 4. Average keyword identifica-tion performance for four listeners inexperiment two as a function of mask-ing noise level, where maskers couldbe broadband noise �BBN; closedsymbols� or same-band noise �SBN;open symbols� and presented to thesame ear as the target �ipsilaterally;triangles� or the opposite ear �con-tralaterally; circles�. Targets were pre-sented to the right ear at a level of50 dB SPL and the four panels showaverage subject performance for two-,four-, six-, and eight-band targets. Theshaded area in each panel indicates ±1s. d. around mean performance acrosslisteners for that number of targetbands with no masker present. Errorbars on the symbols show ±1 s. d.across listeners.

masking patterns when presented to the target ear but signifi-

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cantly different patterns of masking when presented con-tralaterally. In particular, notice the difference in the slopesof the masking functions for ipsilateral and contralateral pre-sentation. This suggests that fundamentally different mecha-nisms of masking are active. The second reason is that whenpresented ipsilaterally, there is no evidence of masking atlevels below 30 dB SPL, which is the greatest conceivablelevel that even a very conservative estimate of interaural at-tenuation could provide. The third reason that acoustic cross-over is ruled out by these results is that while there is clearevidence of ipsilateral masking for the six-band and eight-band targets, there is no evidence of contralateral masking atlevels that produce contralateral masking in the two-bandand four-band stimuli. These three findings provide clear evi-dence that the contralateral masking observed in experimentsone and two was a result of specific interactions between theSBN masker and the target that were not facilitated by acous-tic crossover but by binaural processing at higher auditorycenters.

A final point regarding the results of experiment twoconcerns the difference between the masking exerted by thecontralaterally presented BBN and SBN. Since the twomaskers were equated for overall level, rather than levelwithin the target band �as is shown clearly in Fig. 2�, it ispossible to argue that the different results for the contralat-eral maskers resulted from different amounts of energywithin the target bands. This suggestion is incompatible withthe fact that �as can be seen in all panels of Fig. 4� when theBBN and SBN were presented ipsilaterally they resulted innearly identical performance �and there was substantialmasking, so ceiling effects cannot be thought to have influ-enced the data�. This suggests that the difference in effective-ness in the contralateral presentation was due not to within-channel energy but rather to spectro-temporal similarity tothe target.


In experiment two, the six- and eight-band targets suf-fered no measurable interference even when the contralateralnoise was at the same levels as for the conditions in experi-ment one where substantial interference was observed. If theability to hold the two ears separate depends on task de-mands, and specifically on the availability of cognitive pro-cessing resources, then it is possible the decreased interfer-ence resulted from the fact that there were only two tasks tobe performed concurrently �interpret the speech target andkeep the stimuli at the two ears separate� as opposed to thethree tasks that had to be performed in experiment one �in-terpret the speech, separate the ears, and keep ipsilateral tar-get and masker separate�. Note that this argument could alsobe framed in terms of allocating attention, where attention�or processing resources� must be divided among three tasksin experiment one and between two tasks in experiment two.If a single limited resource is required for both the speechrecognition and the source segregation tasks �as described inthe model of Navon and Gopher, 1979� then there should bea distinct improvement when listeners go from three tasks to


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This is similar to saying, as suggested by Brungart andSimpson �2007�, that if listeners cannot apply multiplesource-segregation strategies simultaneously, then introduc-ing a masker will reduce performance proportional to thedegree to which the second masker requires an orthogonalmethod of source segregation. By this argument, the con-tralateral interference conditions in experiment two allowedmuch improved performance over similar conditions in ex-periment one because now listeners were able to devote agreater proportion of their processing resources to segregat-ing target from masker on the basis of ear of presentation.

In order to examine why there was more contralateralinterference for the eight-band target in the first experimentthan for the six- or eight-band targets in the second experi-ment, a subset of the stimuli from experiment two were com-bined with an additional ipsilateral masker. This manipula-tion was expected to increase task complexity by requiringlisteners to perform both an ear-based segregation and afrequency-based segregation. In addition, the stimuli werechosen in a manner that would allow examination of theinteractions between the number of tasks to be performedand the spectrotemporal similarity of the target and themasker without the confounding issue of confusions betweentwo intelligible speech stimuli. Different-band speech thathad been reversed in time �DBSr, see Fig. 2� was chosen asthe ipsilateral masker and six-band speech was chosen as thetarget. DBSr resembles the DBS masker of experiment one�and thus the target� in terms of its distribution of long-termtemporal fluctuations and it matches the DBS masker exactlyin terms of long-term average spectral composition. It differsfrom DBS, however, in that it is unintelligible and as such isless likely to be confused with the target. Thus, the increasein the number of tasks is more controlled because while thelistener still must distinguish between temporal variationsthat form target words and those that do not, the additionaltask of discarding intelligible words that are not the target isremoved. This is worth considering because, indeed, over90% of all responses in every condition in experiment oneincluded at least one word that had been presented either as atarget or a masker. If the entire cause of contralateral mask-ing in experiment one was confusion between the targetwords and intelligible words from the DBS masker, then theresults should resemble those of experiment two instead, andthere should be no masking for a six-band target.

A. Design

The processed six-band speech targets from experimenttwo were presented to the right ear, always at a level of50 dB SPL. Six-band DBSr maskers were also presented tothe right ear at a level set individually for each listener suchthat performance with no contralateral stimuli was roughly85% correct identifications of color and number. The samefour listeners from experiment two participated, and theDBSr levels were fixed for the remainder of the experimentas follows: L4:35 dB; L5:50 dB; L6:30 dB; L7:50 dBSPL. Once these levels had been established from psycho-metric functions obtained in a pilot test, data collection was

started in the contralateral masking conditions. Two con-

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tralateral conditions were tested, BBN and SBN �with sixmatched bands�, each at five levels ranging from 30 to 70 dBSPL in 10 dB steps. Masker type and level was fixed for ablock of 50 trials but the order of the blocks was random-ized. All listeners completed 150 trials at each level for bothconditions.

B. Results

Average results are plotted in Fig. 5. The shaded areasrepresent the region of performance obtained when no con-tralateral masker was presented �mean ±1 s.d.�. A repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted on the data �including per-formance with no masker, resulting in six contralateralmasker levels� and the results showed that there was an in-teraction between contralateral masker type �the two panels;BBN versus SBN� and contralateral masker level �F�5,15�=8.92, p�0.001�. Consequently, analyses of the effects ofcontralateral masker level were conducted separately forBBN and SBN. For BBN, the effect of contralateral maskerlevel did not reach statistical significance �F�5,15�=0.08, p=0.994�, while for SBN, the effect of level was significant�F�5,15�=7.03, p�0.001�. In order to determine whichmasker levels were responsible for the significant effect, ananalysis was conducted examining the effect of masker typeat each contralateral masker level. The results of that analysisindicated that the only significant difference was at a maskerlevel of 70 dB �F�1,3�=20.785, p�0.02�. This statisticalresult was undoubtedly due to the wide variability in perfor-mance across listeners, as can be seen in Fig. 5.

C. Discussion

Despite the wide range of DBSr levels necessary to ob-

FIG. 5. Average keyword identification performance for four listeners inexperiment three. The target was always an eight-band processed sentencepresented to the right ear at a level of 50 dB SPL. Six-band different-bandspeech, reversed �DBSr� was also presented to the right ear �ipsilaterally� inall conditions. DBSr level was set individually for each listener in order toproduce roughly equivalent performance when no masker was present�shaded area in each panel�. The two panels represent performance as afunction of contralateral masker level. Contralateral maskers were eitherbroadband noise �BBN, left panel� or same-band noise �SBN, right panel�.The shaded area in each panel indicates ±1 s.d. around mean performanceacross listeners with no contralateral masker present. Error bars on the sym-bols show ±1 s. d. across listeners.

tain sufficiently accurate proportion correct in the baseline

2822 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 5, November 2007

task �a range of 20 dB� and the substantial variability acrosslisteners, every listener showed a distinct downward trend inperformance with increasing masker level for the SBNmasker. This third example of contralateral masking demon-strates that even with an unintelligible masker that should notbe easily mistaken for the target, the intelligibility of a mon-aurally presented six-band target is reduced by the presenceof a frequency-matched noise masker presented to the oppo-site ear but not by a broadband noise. The results of experi-ment two argue strongly against a cross-ear masking expla-nation for such an effect. Similarly, the close match betweenthe ipsilateral masking for BBN and SBN seen in experimenttwo argues against a difference in the within-band effective-ness of the two masker types. Currently, no computationalmodels of binaural processing exist that can account for thispattern of results. While there is much that seems to be undervoluntary control, these findings are quite difficult to recon-cile with the view that the auditory system always makes useof the information that has the best signal-to-noise ratio.Were that the case, the complete indifference of the system tothe stimulus at the left ear that occurred for the contralateralBBN masker would surely have been expected for the SBNmasker as well. This was not the case.

The results of experiment three are also important be-cause they support the mounting evidence that there can besubstantial contralateral interference in speech identificationeven when the contralateral masker cannot be confused withthe target. Evidence of such interference was also obtainedby Brungart and Simpson �2002� with unprocessed reversedspeech maskers. They concluded that “a listener’s ability toignore a masker in the contralateral ear is directly related tothe difficulty of the within-ear segregation task in the targetear �p. 2993�.” Their results �and those reported here� alsoagree with the conclusion reached by Brungart et al. �2005�,who suggest that speech-on-speech masking is strongly in-fluenced by “speech-like fluctuations in the spectral enve-lope” of the masker. This conclusion is supported by theanalysis in Kidd et al. �2005� that showed that processed-speech maskers with modulation spectra matched to theprocessed-speech target were more effective than same-bandnoise maskers that had shallower dips in the envelope but adissimilar modulation spectrum.


Taken together, the results of these three experimentsprovide strong evidence against any simple model of binau-ral processing in which listeners are always able to base de-cisions entirely on selecting the ear with the best signal-to-noise ratio. The most important influence on the ability tolisten with independent ears is task-based demands on pro-cessing resources. In these experiments the task-based factorwas the presence of multiple maskers that required more thanone segregation strategy to distinguish the target from themaskers. Also important are stimulus-based auditory group-ing factors, which can be thought of as the presence of in-formation suggesting that target and masker arise from inde-pendent sources. Here, it was suggested that temporal

similarity and spectral similarity are both important but that

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temporal dissimilarity can be more potent than spectral simi-larity when no additional task is required �although ceilingeffects reduced the strength of this conclusion�.

The evidence that listeners are not always capable of“turning off” an ear in order to avoid interference has impor-tant implications for the interpretation of results in whichperformance is improved by presenting different target-to-masker ratios at the two ears. In particular, it suggests thatany model that assumes that listeners always maximize per-formance by comparing the output of a binaural and a mon-aural strategy will be wrong under some listening conditions.This problem has also been noted by Shub and his colleagues�Shub and Colburn, 2004; Shub et al., 2005; Shub, 2006�.What remains to be determined is the extent to which ob-serving such nonoptimal performance depends on stimulithat represent unusual deviations from what listeners nor-mally experience in real-world environments. For one veryimportant group of listeners at least, those with cochlear im-plants, the sort of narrow-band processing and monaural pre-sentation used in these experiments are actually quite closeto what they experience. This is because the processing isbased on simulations of the signal transformations that allowthe cochlear implant to directly stimulate the auditory nervewith sound information �Shannon et al., 1995; Arbogast etal., 2002�. Consequently, these results may contain importantinformation about the sorts of interference that might occurfor listeners with two cochlear implants. Even for normalhearing listeners, the factors that were hypothesized to haveled to the use of the nonoptimal binaural listening mode arequite common. In particular, the correlation of frequencycontent across ears is going to be present for most binauralstimuli. It should also be remembered that Brungart and Sim-pson �2002, 2004�, who used unprocessed speech, reportedmore interference from speech signals than from noise.

The results of these three experiments seem to indicatethe presence of two significant factors that give rise to con-tralateral interference. The first involves the complexity ofthe listener’s task, while the second is based on the auditorysystem’s propensity to treat similar stimuli as if they weregenerated by a single source in the environment. Task com-plexity, in this context, refers to what Norman and Bobrow�1975�, Navon and Gopher �1979�, and Wickens �1984� haveall called demands on task-specific processing resources. Thesuggestion is that the human perceptual system is composedof multiple types of processing resources and that whether ornot interference is observed depends upon the degree towhich multiple tasks require access to the same resources. Inthis conceptualization, processing resources refers to every-thing from input channels or feature analyzers to system pro-cesses like retrieval of representations from short-term orlong-term memory. Certainly task complexity or multiple de-mands for processing resources is a factor that would bepresent at many levels in a real-world environment.

The second factor that seems to have influenced listenerperformance in these experiments is the spectrotemporalsimilarity between the targets and the maskers. The aspectsof similarity that were varied by the choice of stimuli in-cluded spectral similarity �in the use of on- and off-

frequency maskers and narrow-band and wideband maskers�

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 5, November 2007

and ongoing temporal envelope similarity �as affected by theuse of speech or noise envelopes for the maskers and narrow-band or wideband noise maskers�.

In experiment one, listeners were provided with aneight-band target, but a different-band ipsilateral speechmasker and a contralateral same-band noise masker werealso present. To be identified, the target still had to be seg-regated from the spectrally different bands presented ipsilat-erally and the spectrally similar bands presented contralater-ally. If the same resources were required for all three tasks,performance would have been reduced by the need to per-form all three. Even if the speech identification task requireddifferent resources, there would still have been a dual-task tobe performed with the two segregation tasks.

In experiment two, the same eight-band target was used�among others�, but without the ipsilateral different-bandspeech masker. Now the same-band noise had no effect whenpresented contralaterally. The same result was obtained withthe six-band target, but significant contralateral masking wasseen for the two- and four-band targets. In addition, therewas no contralateral masking for any of the targets in thecase of the broadband masker. This release from maskingdue to increasing numbers of bands can be explained if it isfirst assumed that the demands on processing resources werereduced by removing the ipsilateral speech masker. This al-lowed near-baseline performance to be achieved with the six-and eight-band targets. Because the number of target bandswas reduced, however, demands on resources were in-creased, as demonstrated by performance levels obtainedwith no masker present �grey bands in Fig. 4�. For the two-and four-band targets, the masking observed in the presenceof the narrow-band maskers may be evidence that listenerswere less able to achieve the segregation of the signals at thetwo ears. If some of the resources necessary to perform theear-based segregation were being used to understand thetwo- and four-band speech, then it makes sense that perfor-mance declined in the presence of the contralateral maskers.What still needs to be explained is the difference between theBBN and the SBN, with no masking whatsoever occurringfor the BBN.

While all of the stimuli were similar in their temporalonsets, which would have encouraged grouping by commononset �cf., Bregman, 1990�, it was only those maskers thatwere spectrally similar to the targets �SBN as opposed toBBN� that led to contralateral masking. If it takes processingresources to overcome the auditory system’s tendency tocombine similar stimuli into a single auditory object, itseems plausible that the decreased intelligibility of the two-band target �compare grey bands in Fig. 4� may have drawnresources from the segregation task and thus increased thedegree to which the ipsilateral and contralateral bands werecombined into a single binaural object. Consequently, listen-ers may have experienced a binaural percept as they did withthe perfectly correlated DBS maskers presented binaurally tosubjects by Gallun et al. �2005�. Because listeners had fewercues indicating that the SBN and the target were from differ-ent auditory sources than they did for BBN and the target, itis possible that a combined binaural signal was created for

the two- and four-band targets, but only for the SBN stimuli.

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The ongoing changes in envelope would have provided thestrongest source of information indicating that this binauralcombination should not occur and as this information wasincreased �by increasing the number of bands�, so theamount of contralateral masking decreased. Clearly, more re-search is required to understand the interaction between theavailability of processing resources and degree to which lis-teners erroneously combine targets and maskers into singleobjects, thus removing ongoing differences in pitch, location,and intensity between target and masker.

In experiment three, a six-band target was significantlyless intelligible in the presence of a masker with speech-likemodulations �DBSr� at the ipsilateral ear and a SBN at thecontralateral ear. This decrease in performance did not occurwith the same ipsilateral DBSr masker and BBN at the con-tralateral ear. This finding supports the idea that listener per-formance is influenced both by the processing load imposed,which explains why a six-band target suffered in experimentthree but not experiment two, and by the spectrotemporalsimilarity between target and masker, which explains whythe similar SBN hurt performance but the dissimilar BBNdid not.

As a final note, it is worth examining the question ofwhether the large individual differences seen here �and inmany other studies of informational masking� should be con-sidered as evidence that different listeners were employingdifferent strategies to solve the tasks with which they werepresented. While this is probably an appropriate descriptionof some studies �see, for example, Oxenham et al., 2003�,what characterized the use of different strategies in that casewas a difference in the pattern of results, with some listenersperforming similarly on two tasks and others performingquite differently. The listeners in these experiments, how-ever, differed only in the level of performance that theyachieved or, in the case of the third experiment, the level ofmasking noise that was needed to achieve a particular levelof performance. Thus, there is evidence that some listenerswere better at applying the segregation strategies than others,but not that the actual strategies differed among listeners. Itshould be noted, however, that these experiments were notdesigned with the goal of examining individual differences.Future work in this area would benefit from an emphasis ondesigning experiments and computational models that wouldallow differences in performance that can be obtained with asingle strategy to be clearly differentiated from the use ofdifferent strategies by different listeners.


This series of three experiments provides further supportfor the conclusion that listeners are not always able to choosea monaural better-ear listening strategy when it would behelpful to do so.

�i� In experiment one, performance decreased relative toperformance in the presence of a DBS masker pre-sented ipsilaterally when a SBN masker matched inlong-term spectrum to the target was presented con-


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�ii� In experiment two, interference from both ipsilateraland contralateral SBN maskers was observed for two-and four-band targets but only ipsilateral interferenceoccurred for six- and eight-band targets. Only ipsilat-eral interference was observed for BBN maskers, butit occurred for all numbers of target bands.

�iii� In experiment three, the presence of different-bandspeech presented ipsilaterally and reversed in time�DBSr� resulted in contralateral interference for SBNmaskers but not BBN maskers when the target had sixbands and the DBSr was presented at a level that re-sulted in a minimum amount of masking for alllisteners.

These results support the conclusion that the findings ofKidd et al. �2005� in which release from DBS masking oc-curred when a DBN masker was presented contralaterallyrepresented a true case of contralateral interference and notsimply cross-ear masking. Nor are those results entirely at-tributable to the generation of a binaural masker image, al-though creation of such an image cannot be ruled out. Theresults of experiment two, in particular, suggest that listenersmay indeed combine information across ears, especiallywhen the spectrotemporal similarity of the information at thetwo ears is high and the processing demands of the task arealso high. The results of experiment three provide additionalsupport for the importance of both task-based factors such asprocessing demands and stimulus-based auditory groupingfactors, such as spectrotemporal similarity, in determiningwhether or not contralateral interference will occur.


The first experiment evolved out of a suggestion by Vir-ginia Richards, to whom we are gratefully indebted. We alsowould like to thank Antje Ihlefeld and Douglas Brungart forcomments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. We are alsograteful for the assistance of our listeners as well as to KellyEgan and Jackie Stachel for assistance with data collection.This work was supported by the Department of Veterans Af-fairs, Veterans Health Administration, Rehabilitation Re-search and Development Service through Associate Investi-gator Award No. C4855H to Frederick Gallun at the NationalCenter for Rehabilitative Auditory Research as well asAFOSR Award No. FA9550-05-1-2005 and by Grant Nos.DC00100, DC04545, and DC04663 from NIH/NIDCD. F.G.was also supported by F32 DC006526 from NIDCD.

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