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A great Call and Prophetic Live Giving Channel Ministry’s Lifted up,

receiving of a new fresh and greater anointing and much more!

This and much more in this News Letter:

 It started as I received a Personal invitation on one of the Networks where they have invited 

me to come to in 2008. Apostle Addie Robinson contacted me. Now this was nothing special

 for me as many man and woman of God contacted me the last few years, but this time there

was an inclination in the Spirit which I felt almost immediately. And it was as if I heard my

Father say: “This is for you John; I have prepared this for you.” Let me share with you in this

 News Letter the start of one of my first and surely not my last Adventure in a walk with God. 

At 5:55pm on July 25, 2009, Apostle Addie Robinson said… Mighty Man of God!!! Hallelujah!!!

Praise the Lord!!! Glory to God!!! Man of God - you really caused my baby in my belly to kick with

this word...Please send me the books to: P.O. Box 1026, Wingate, North Carolina 28174. I have got

to keep in touch with you ALL this is a divine connection - truly this is the Lord's doing!!!

At 10:26pm on July 28, 2009, Apostle Addie Robinson said… I greet you, Man of God in the name of Jesus!!!

I hope it is well with you. I received your information and it is what is going on in the nations right now! We

must get that word out there. We cannot be afraid. The Lord has no pleasure in a draw-back spirit. It is time for

us to draw to the call of Almighty God!!! We must blow the trumpet and let the people know for the Lord is

speaking in this hour! Even the information that you have, you cannot hold it back. It is time for the water to

rain out of the fountain of your mouth and the belly of your soul and speak the things that is getting ready to

come upon the earth and the nations. We are living in the "end of ages". We must declare His a dying

world. That all that hears us may come to the marvelous light! Them that have been confused, that they will turn

back to their true love, which is the Lord God!!! Yes, Man of God, I want the information. I've got some moreinformation that I am going to send you that the Lord has given me also. You must come next must

show up for the Lord has given you something that must be shared with the people!!! It is a mandate!!! It is not

by chance that we are coming together but it is a divine appointment by Almighty God!

 I was shocked, but positively and I started to pray for this Contact. Could it really be that I 

was called to be on such a level Gods voice to the Nations? I knew that I was called to serve

the Nations with the word of God. Should it start here, at this appointment? Was this Gods

will? It didn’t let me go anymore and I felt the Spirit of God pushing and pulling me to go

there! So I started to pray that if this would really be Gods will that He would make it happen.

The next Comment came and another one and another on the Black preaching Network:

At 11:14pm on August 19, 2009, Apostle Addie Robinson said… Praise the Lord My Brother in

the Lord!!! I hope you are doing fine. I was thinking about you this week and even on last week you

were in my spirit...I want you to know that I am praying for you and I hope that you are still on the

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we didn’t give up. At the 20e of October her help, Prophetess Juanita was finely able to

contact me through Yahoo in my Messenger:

 apostlea.robinson: Praise the Lord Prophet John!!!  Johannes John Yes amen that was a long run. God Bless

 you man of God! This is Prophetess Juanita on behalf of Apostle Addie Robinson.  Johannes John: Hello, I am

very happy to hear from you! apostlea.robinson: She needs to know if you are still available to come in April for 

the "God's Voice to the Nations" Johannes John: Available yes, but it is for me financially not able to come, but 

available I am. I have time and I am free to come. apostlea.robinson: what is the price that you need in order to

travel here?  Johannes John: Well I have to check a flight and the price for it. And I will try to pay it partly

myself also. But I will let you know how much it is. But when I come I am full and completely free and at her 

disposal. I am really surprised now, but it is good... It is important.

 apostlea.robinson: Wonderful!!! We are so excited to hear from you. We have tried for several months, now

since we spoke with you last time to contact you??? I can't wait to let Apostle Robinson know that I was able to

communicate with you tonight.  Johannes John: Yeah cool and have a look at my New Website.

 apostlea.robinson: We have so much information that you sent us ...we are excited for you to come in person and 

share with the other saints this powerful information! Johannes John: Thanks and I will be so honored to serve

and to give and to hand over what our God has handed over to me. It will be a great time.  apostlea.robinson: I 

will go there (at your website) in just a little while tonight to see this...  Johannes John: I am gone prepare

myself now for the trip and we will have a good time. Tomorrow I will let you know how much I need to be able

to come over to be there. apostlea.robinson: Amen!!! This is so wonderful! We love you Prophet John!!!

 Johannes John: Thanks I feel it and it feels good ... We will have a very FUNDAMENTAL time ... We have to

get something from the Ground what is a Nation wide Fundament. I can not explain it but I think some things

will gone melt together... I knew that God would send me to the USA already for a very long time ...many years

actually. But I didn’t want to. So He tricked me and He gave me two spiritual daughters in Florida. Now I can’t 

wait to meet the teens in the USA to help and to support them in their relationship with God. I am just as exited 

as you both are  apostlea.robinson  Amen...Praise God! Apostle Robinson has just joined us now!  Johannes

 John: Cool. She will love it. Say Hello to her. I missed her. It was so still for a very long time.

 apostlea.robinson: Will you be traveling alone or will there be someone coming with you? Did you tell your 

spiritual daughters in Florida about your trip to Wingate, NC?  Johannes John: Not yet but I will. I hope that 

they will be able to come maybe I can meet them and no I will come alone.

 apostlea.robinson: Yes, she says to you that she has missed you too...but sometimes it is the process and the

 procedures that God will use just to get us across to where He is connecting us to. Johannes John: Yeah it is as

 I felt it a kind of spiritual birthing. I have something from God, of which I know will jump over to others, as

 prophetically was told to me, the Fire , the zeal and the Passion for God will jump over to many and many will

be ignited with that FIRE that God has given me .. I am just hearing that God will surprise us. So I come alone

and I gone prepare my self. Tell me what day shall I arrive? And this will be my first flight ... it’s a kind of 

baptizing ...  apostlea.robinson: Amen! The service starts on  April 16th and continues  to April 17th. Apostle

 Robinson wanted you to share on Saturday, April 17th. It would be good to arrive by April 16, 2010.

 Johannes John: Ok. I will gone see what time I will be able to arrive. I will go and check that all. In a few days

 I will give you than all the Info ..  apostlea.robinson: we understand that you are in Germany? I don't know

about the airway restrictions that you all are experiencing right now...but some of our other ministry affiliates in Liberia, West Africa and such are not able to freely communicate outside of their areas right now due to the

situation in Haiti??? Johannes John: Yeah well I do not believe that there are any restrictions for me. I checked 

it a few months ago and to travel from Germany to the USA is no problem. I do not even need a Visa or 

something like that. But I will inform myself thoroughly and I will let you know. This is really exiting as this is

my first flight in an Airplane. I always wanted this. Traveling around the World as a little child it was one of my

dreams. Well my dream starts to come true.  Johannes John: Yes the Kingdom Of God is much closer as many

think that is and we see the Manifestation of Gods Kingdom in this earth on a way we can now not even

imagine... I am so uplifted in my Spirit and so full of joy. There are some things I have in my heart: Like giving

 Apostle Robinson the full rights to print all what God has given me, but actually there are no real Copy rights on

my Books .. But still... I have a feeling that it is Gods desire that somehow things melt together. And this all for 

the benefit of Gods Kingdom and a Kingdom Servant structure.  apostlea.robinson: Amen! It Is So!!! Everything

that is going on right now, man of God is for such a time as this! I believe what you said just now. It is

amazing...the spirit of the Holy One. Although we are thousands of miles apart from one another, but...the samespirit indwells in each of us to discuss the same message from heart to heart by the power of the living God!!!

Totally Awesome! Johannes John: Yes... it is. It is something very extra ordinary that I talk with you about things

we both have in our Spirits... Having the same spirit and attitude, passion and fire for the things of Gods

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Kingdom! Yeah I am coming and I know our Father will prepare the way. And than we will meet each other!

 And I haven’t been under Christians for a very long time this is most exiting. Yesterday this night I was on the

Website Of North Carolina. I have read so much about the area about the people who live there. About the black 

 people about the Baptist church the early Quakers. I have read so much and I was praying. It was like a craving

in my heart: God can it be? Will you bring me there; will you allow me to serve there? And I just couldn’t stop

reading until I was very tired and pleased that I found and was able to read so much Info about North Carolina

and the triangle. And now I know that the black people in that area, that God will gone move on a very strongway He will shake but He will Ignite a Fire which will sweep far beyond North Carolina. I believe God will gone

bring things together, which people would never ever have thought would be able to live and to be together! God 

will break WALLS down to bring a new structure. I speak just as I hear. apostlea.robinson: Amen! Man of God,

this is a truth saying! As excited as you are to come, we are even more excited to receive you I am amazed at the

spiritual revelation that you have been given by the Father! Amen! I am glad that you have ears to hear and a

mouth blessed to speak what the Lord says! Hallelujah! Johannes John: Amen. Praise to God. and I will speak 

what I hear no matter what man think but I guess you have seen and you read it that I only speak what I hear no

matter if they like it or not ... apostlea.robinson: Amen!!!

 Johannes John: Wooow this a very good moment... it is in the midst of the night here... and I didn’t understand 

why I could not go to bed... but now I know... We had to be linked together this night, getting on the Spirit. Let 

me tell you what time it is here...4.24 in the morning. apostlea.robinson: Wow! It is 10:25 p.m. here!  Johannes

 John: I feel honored and it is encourages me very much. I have my children already prepared for the April Month. They will just be so... surprised although I told them. Juanita, let us talk another time more about what 

is on Gods heart. I will be here and you will almost always be able to reach me here as I have my Pc online.

 Almost 24 hours a day. I have to see to get some sleep, some rest Give my love and my greetings to Apostle

 Robinson, and thanks for spending so much time with me. It was very, very good. I have no words for it how

much it does to me: Okay I have the Information, when I order the ticket now ... I would arrive at Thursday 15 of 

 April so around 16.00 at Charlotte Douglas Airport. The cost would be 465,13 Euro... That is the cheapest flight 

 I could find... There is a train which brings me directly to the Airport here in Düsseldorf .. or maybe a friend will

bring me.. Anyway.. I wait upon your reply. Love and hugs. John.

At 8:58pm on October 23, 2009, Apostle Addie Robinson said… God Bless you Prophet John:

I have received your attempted phones calls but every time I answer, the telephone just cuts off???I don't know if it is a bad connection or what??? I have a card on my phone and I am going to get back with you

 just as soon as possible, just hold on, I have not forgotten about you man of God! I am going to give you a call

very soon - we must stay connected! Be blessed!!!

 As the time of the year shifted, it became February 2010. And still I had no finances to pay

the trip to North Carolina. Than I received at the 7 of March an Email from Apostle Addie


7e of March 2010 –

God Bless you Prophet John! Greeting you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of the

heavens and the earth! May heaven shine upon you forevermore as you keep your mind stayed onHim who created the heavens and the earth and created you from the dust of the ground; Your Lord and Savior! I

am so excited about what’s getting ready to take place in the hour of coming together and sharing in the spirit of 

truth and righteousness of our heavenly Father through Christ Jesus. I can't wait until you get in this country. I

want you to let the Lord speak through you whatever He wants to say. I want you to let the Lord use you in every

area of your life and I want you to speak every prophetic word that He gives you for His people and use every

gift that He has given you for His people. Be not afraid of their faces and be not dismayed...but do and say what

God says whether it’s good or whether its bad, preach teach, and prophesy and lay hands because it is needed in

this hour! From His true Apostles and Prophets men and women of God. You are not coming by chance, you are

coming by the spirit and I believe that everything is going to be taken care of coming and going. Praise the Lord

Prophet. My spirit is very excited because of the truth of God, our heavenly Father. Amen. Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord! Come and share with the people. Praise the Lord John! Okay, I need to know when you will be

arriving so that we will have your motel waiting on you. You will be sharing with the people on that Saturday,

April 17, 2010 starting at 10a.m. until lunch and if you have more we will come back from 1pm until 3pm. andyou will end your session at 3pm. Okay, John, God bless you and LOVE you man of God. Get back with me ;-)

Apostle Addie Robinson

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 I had to reply and it was clear that she has seen things which I had not yet seen but there was

 faith which I needed for the trip to North Carolina. So this is what I wrote back in faith an in

the trust I had in my Father and His will. There were no finances yet and there had to happen

some kind of a financial miracle to make it come to pass.

7e of March 2010 – 

 I will be there on the 16 of April, at Charlotte Church Airport and so God wills at: 16.00 in the

 afternoon. It can be that my fiancé will be travelling with me but at this moment I do not know that yet.

 I will come. I have to come I know that and I am just as exited as you are.. I am coming from my Patmos to share

what God has given me for the Nations.  If you want me too arrive one day earlier, just let me know. I will book 

the flight at the end of this month. The finances will be there ... even when I had to sacrifice what is needed. I will

come. Because I have too, my Father is sending me. And I am eager to share the FIRE which is burning within

me as I know that it will jump over to many. I am hearing that I have to go and to come and to SERVE. It is like

a burning fire within me.

 I love you all  , and I will give myself and all what I have and am to all who will be there so that they will know

GODS WILL for this hour and this moment and for the times to come. I will share visions and dreams and all

what my Father will give me to speak or to teach. I completely trust and rely upon my Father. I plan to go back home at Sunday but it could just as well be on a Monday. I would love it to be there in the Sunday meeting, just 

 for worshiping God, as I miss the Sunday meetings of worship and praising time with my Christian Family

members. Just let me know what day would be the best to bring me back, Sunday or Monday?

 LOVE - LOVE - LOVE and lots of love ... John

8e of March 2010 –

 Addie my friend, Co Warrior for the Kingdom of our God and all the man and woman of God with

 you: I will come alone, well not really I come with an army of heavenly angels, with my Jesus, the

 Holy Spirit and my Father. But, Yes I will get on the plain at the 16 and I will speak and teach

about SPIRITUAL INCEST and all the other things I mentioned. It is a part out of the Last Book I have

written.. This is the root problem of all the Christian denominations and the Name names gatherings,

organisations and alike.

Than suddenly there was one day later a financial advantage for the down payment of the

electric bill for the month of March. The Electric work told me that I didn’t need to pay this

month, and that I was far due in time ahead with paying my electric bills. For the month of 

 April there were only 70 Euros I needed to pay which I also paid at the start of the Month of 

 March. This would mean that I had a financial extra of almost 300 Euros at the end of March.

So I only needed to bleed for another 160 Euro.

 9e of March 2010 –

Oh my dear friend, It is like a birthing and a travailing here and the finances have already been set 

apart (in my mind I was sacrificing all my income) to pay the ticket for the flight. I am so thankful that 

 I know that you are praying and interceding on my behave and I feel so strong the protection and the hand of my

Father over my heart soul and live. I have spend some time praying over the Agenda, about what my Father 

allows me to speak about the things I have to speak about. The first Session will be a Session of a short 

 Introduction of whom I am and where I come from. But I do not want to spend much time about that. At most 20

 Minutes. In this will I shortly say something about the birth of Prophetic Live Giving Channel Ministry’s, which

was at March 22, 2008; than I will say something about the Assignment of the Books. And I will jump than right 

into the vision and the revelation of the 4 Angels and the coming Judgment over the Nations.

Until 12 I will share than after that I very hot Prophetic teaching about SPIRITUAL INCEST! And will end it at 

12 and end the rest of it if needed in the second Session.

 From 13.00 till - 15.00

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 In this session I have planned  (So my Father allows me) to: Share about the revelation of the coming Tidal

wave! The revelation of the Old lady who died and brought birth to a Kingly Baby! Words of My Father about 

 New Structures and Judgment and Transitions of movement of Rulerschip and Governing!

 Hopefully the time will be enough. In between I will do as my Father and the Spirit of God prompts me to do.

You know how it is? We have to prepare ourselves but so very often it comes totally different.. But I am sure the

 Major things addressed here will be Served to the hearers. And so God wills I will lay on hands. There isa birthing within me of placing the Fire and the Passion over to others. I do not know exactly how it will take

 place but, I expect great things. I am coming here from my Patmos and I am very exited to Serve and to give and 

to stir up, to warn and to do all what I have to do. I will ad the Promotion material for Prophetess Juanita LOVE 

YOU ALL OVER THERE. Thanks for so many prayers. God gave me favour in some bills so that I have the

amount of money right on time and the end of this month. We are moving in faith and not by what we see. I love

 you all so very much. Kiss and hugs, John

 By this time I had already been on the Internet seeking for where I could make a reservation

 for the coming flight. But as the finances would not be there any sooner as at the end of 

 March, I had to wait! As I checked the different details, I looked at my Pass and it was still

valid for 3 months. But as I phoned the Airfield in Düsseldorf asking for some Info about the

 procedure they told me that for to travel into the USA I had to have a pass which was at least valid for 6 months. So my next Email was at the same day:

 Addie I have just heard over the Phone from the Airfield here that my Pas ID, has to be at least still

6 months valid else they will send me back at the USA border or they will not even let me on board!

 And it are only 3 months that my pas is valid. So I have to apply my pas ID Anew and I ask you al

 please to pray very hard because I could not get any sooner a date at the Dutch embassy as on the 8 of 

 April, which is far to late as it takes at least one week till 2 weeks before the pass is ready. I will apply it with

urgency and I will order the flight at the moment that the finances are there which is as the end of the month I 

 just act on Faith! I feel terrible but I know this has to be birthed. I will try to get a date which is sooner every

day, maybe somebody annulets a date in this month. I hope so ... God never comes to late… but... this

is really getting at my nerves... Love you all, John

The same day an hour later:

Oh my God Addie is God not good. I have just for a minute ago looked again in the Online dating system of the

General Consul of the Dutch office and YES, one place has become free at the 22 of March. Oh this is just great,

now I feel much better having much more time to apply my Pas ID. With an apply of urgency it must be of no

 problem anymore. Hallelujah! That was a very quick answer of my prayer ... Woow

 Keep on praying for me ... The whole organisation stuff is getting me more at my nerves as standing before a

crowed of people preaching teaching and prophesying Gods word and will... I will be so released when I am of 

in the plane and when I am on my way ... nothing can stop me, not finances and not the organisational stuff...

PRAY. PRAY ... and pray for me. I can use it. Love and blessings John

This month, the March month passed over and I had applied my new pass in Düsseldorf.

Only this costs me 60 euros. And from the little money I still had I was barely able to pay the

amount of money for my new pass. My fiancé Petra was also praying with me and she would 

be a great support in the days to come. At the 30e of March I wrote the following Email:

 Hello my dear Addie and Juanita,

Today I will buy the ticket and I will land in NC as planned. Until now everything go’s as planned and 

on a Friday I will get my New Pass. .. Everything works out fine.

 Love you all over there - John

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 As on that day the money came on my account I had as always a long and good conversation

with my honey Petra. I was in doubt if I should go on Friday or on a Thursday? As my Petra

said to me that I should already go on a Thursday, I heard God speak to me: Listen to her 

advice. So I did and reserved the flight already on a Thursday. Later on I would be able to see

how really this was of God. So I wrote Addie and Juanita the following email as a

conformation that I am coming and that the final decision had taken place. But as I made thereservation I read in the email from Delta Airlines that I had to apply at the US embassy an

allowance to be able to come in the USA to be able to cross the border. I was already getting

nervous because I needed my pass to apply! And this I would not have any earlier as on the

second of April. This was the email and its lines:

 Addie I have to go to ESTA Website for allowance to travel in to the USA. This can be done 72 hours before the

 flight. So pray with me that they will allow me to travel and that the customs will let me pass through without any



 Love you all, Prophet John


This is the Travel Plan.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DepartureDelta Air Lines, DL 25, Economy Abflug Donnerstag, 15. April 2010, 09:20 Uhr, Düsseldorf [DUS] Ankunft Donnerstag, 15. April 2010, 13:15 Uhr, Atlanta, William B.Hartsfield [ATL]

Delta Air Lines, DL 7147, Economy Abflug Donnerstag, 15. April 2010, 14:45 Uhr, Atlanta, William B.Hartsfield [ATL] Ankunft Donnerstag, 15. April 2010, 16:00 Uhr, Charlotte, Douglas [CLT]

Return Delta Air Lines, DL 5258, Economy Abflug Sonntag, 18. April 2010, 12:49 Uhr, Charlotte, Douglas [CLT] Ankunft Sonntag, 18. April 2010, 14:09 Uhr, Atlanta, William B.Hartsfield [ATL]

Delta Air Lines, DL 24, Economy Abflug Sonntag, 18. April 2010, 16:30 Uhr, Atlanta, William B.Hartsfield [ATL] Ankunft Montag, 19. April 2010, 07:25 Uhr, Düsseldorf [DUS]


This was really giving me the creeps and I got nervous. At the last moment would it than not 

be Gods will? But a conversation with Petra always helped me to get a clear mind and to stay focused on my target. She spoke to me a simple line but so powerful: She said: TRUST FOR

TRUST! As my Father trusted me to speak his counsel, I had to trust Him to bring me there.

 Now listen very carefully at what happened from this day till the 9 of April, a few days before

the lift of, I wrote Addie this Letter:

 9e of April - UNTIL NOW:

Wednesday night the 7, I was in a spiritual warfare time of travailing and birthing and also of a lot of 

weeping and other things. The Spirit of God was so heavy upon me and I had to pray in tongues and 

this on a way I have not yet ever done and in an other tongue as I normally speak.. It was very heavy and I wasaware of danger and many other things and also of NC. I have seen visions of black people and after an hour or 

some more time I finally could go back to bed and did I feel a release in my spirit. BUT!!! The Spirit of god told 

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me that these times would come back and this more often and that I have to be more alert when He calls me for 

warfare and such things.

 For three days ago I lost my papers, my pass and even my last money for to live for the rest of the month. I 

 NEVER LOOSE THINGS, NOT EVEN MY KEYS. So my sons found this very peculiar and could not believe that 

 I had lost in the city on my bike all the papers and the rest of our finances to live from... It was just right on that 

day that I had received my new pass for the trip to NC... I was so down and shocked after that this happened.. But after a few hours I came to myself and started to fight and to battle. I phoned the Dutch Embassy and 

explained the situation. Yes they would make an exception (normally waiting time of 1 month) and I could come

directly the next day, (last Wednesday) to the Dutch embassy. I asked if I had to pay it again. Yes I had to pay

again 60 euros. But I had no financial means any more because all my money was lost and it cost 60 Euro ... But 

 I told them that I would come tomorrow. Having hung on the Phone I started again to pray and to fight. I phoned 

my fiancé and she said, just Trust daddy God, again she said: Trust for trust.

 After that, I had the idea to look at my account if maybe still there were some finances on my account - which

normally not had been the case because I knew what Bills had to go of and it had to be 0... But there was still 20

 Euro left ... A few hours later I withdrew them from my account. Than my second son Joel, came from his work 

and I asked him to help me out. I was lucky and he was willing to give me 30 Euros from the 50 Euro he still had 

left over for the rest of the month. So 10 still missing... Well some time later in that day my eldest came back 

home in the afternoon and I requested him to help me out with 10 euros. Normally he would have made a great  fuss about it... but this time... no... He told me okay dad, and 30 minutes later he laid it on my desk. That 

afternoon I had 60 Euros... to pay for the pass, but I had no money for the train and buss and my free ticket for 

 Buss and railway was stolen also... So I went at that same day late in the afternoon to the police Station to get a

document that it was stolen and with this I travelled the next morning from Geldern to Düsseldorf by Railway

and bus... (35 Miles) without having seen any control officer! So God was really with me... That was on a


 Having come to the Embassy... they already knew who I was as this was the story of the day... getting handed 

out a pass and loosing it at the same day ... And this was so crucial because of the trip to NC. Well I had to pay a

little bit more as 60 Euros but that was no problem and they would make it ready with speed... so that Monday or 

Tuesday my pass would be ready... This is really getting to my nerves... but I am relaxed COOL and FIGHT this

through with my daddy and the Spirit of God and Jesus ... Thursday Morning I have to be on the Airplane ... So

 you see... quite a battle .. but I want to thank you for all the time you spent in warfare and prayers for me ... I know that without that I have so many brothers and sisters backing me up in prayer support ... well I am so

thankful ... Thanks my dear friend. Love and Blessings, John

 It was really getting close and as I went out of the Embassy for the second time it was only a

 few days away from the day that I had scheduled to get on my plain. I phoned on a Monday to

the embassy and they told me that I could come on Tuesday to get my pas. This was really

giving me the creeps. Only 2 days before the flight! I had already packed everything and I can

tell you that I was nervous. It was my very first flight and it was all new to me. It was my first 

 preaching, my first coming out and I would stand before the very first time of my live before a

crowd of people speaking and prophesying the Word and counsel from my Father God. But I 

had always very good conversations with my fiancé Petra and we prayed a lot together and she told me time on time again: Trust daddy that He will do what is needed as He trust you to

serve Him. For the very first time in 2 months I would not be able to hear Petra her voice as I 

was used to every day at least twice a day.

 I had to go through this Adventure all by myself, only

daddy, Jesus, the Spirit of God and me. The 13e I got 

my pass and I hold it tight in my hands, praising God 

as I traveled back home by train; took my handy and 

 phoned my honey, telling her: I got it! We were so

happy and we only needed to take the last hurdle, to fill out the application to be able to cross

the border of the USA! I jumped behind the Pc, filled it in and not even 2 Minutes later I had the allowance to cross the border.

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Time to leave home 

Thursday morning, shortly past 5 I was at the railway station. At 6 I was in Düsseldorf Main

Station, took another train to the Airfield and at 6.30 I entered the big hallway. Left my last 

text to my honey and handed out my pass at the check in of Delta Airlines. Finely it was my

turn, much too early and nervous. I handed out my pass and the man behind the counter filled 

out some papers! Than he asked me for the exact address of my stay! I was startled, I didn’t 

know. The only thing I knew was the City and the Airport and the Name of the Church, but not 

the exact address. I had to go out of the line and could come back when I new the exact 

address. I was shocked and my first thoughts were: Not again God, you wanted to have me in

 North Carolina, so help me!

 I went out of the line and thought at my handy, but no money was left on it and I could not 

reach anyone. I stood there all alone and talked with daddy. Help me God, what now? Than

at the left side of me there was an older man, one of the Delta officers. He looked at me with a

worried face and asked me what the problem was? I explained him my problem and than helooked me in the face with piercing eyes as if he seeks for something. Than suddenly he says

to me: “Main Street 116.” Give the officer at the desk this address, than it will be all okay.

For a moment I stood there and was astonished. They will not check the address, he told me.

 Do it like this but do not tell them that I said you to do so. So I went back in the row, gave

them the address the man told me and YES! I got my boarding tickets. As I went to go to the

stairways and to the Gateway I looked back to find the older man but I couldn’t see him

anymore. How thankful I was that daddy had helped me out, sending me this man.

 I had a seat at the window and all the tenses melted away as the Airplane started to roll and 

lifted up from the ground. It was sensational, genius, cool. The pressure at the lift of was like

sitting in a rollercoaster. It was great! I was of heading to my first adventures walk with God overseas, serving Him as an Apostolic Prophet representing my Father and His Kingdom in

the USA as a Messenger coming all the way from Germany.


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