Page 1: The Alabama Journal of Government Finance · August 25, 2016—Purchasing/Accounts Payable November 3, 2016—Billing/Accounts Receivable All classes to be held at the University

Government F inance Off icers Associa tion of A labama


Members on the Move: Kathleen D. Baxter


CGAT Summer Conference and Recent Graduates


Upcoming Events


Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes


Annual Meeting Minutes


Board of Directors and Officers


Committee Chairpersons


$$ MONEY TALK $$ The Alabama Journal of Government Finance

Volume XVI Issue II Summer 2016

Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like

it. -Russell Baker

It’s hot! That’s all I can say about summer right now. The heat of summer

doesn’t slow things down, though. The challenges we face as government finance pro-

fessionals continue to grow and become more complicated, regardless of the time of

year. The theme, Sharing Solutions & Strategies, of the Government Finance Officers

Association (GFOA) conference, held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in May drives that

point home. The only way that we can deal with the ever increasing government fi-

nance issues is to learn from our peers. Sharing knowledge and best practices, as well

as enhancing our technical and managerial skills are paramount in succeeding in to-

day’s government environment. As evidenced in GFOA’s agenda for this year’s confer-

ence, it’s not all about the debits and credits of accounting. The issues we tackle go

well beyond accounting. Financial planning and forecasting, information technology,

economics, pension and treasury management, to name a few, are all topics that we

must understand. And when you throw a little politics into that mix, isn’t that fun?

GFOA never disappoints in understanding the topics that we need each year. If you

haven’t had an opportunity to experience their annual conference, I encourage you to

add that to your to-do list. I am certain that you will find it beneficial, both personally

and professionally.

Speaking of great conferences, don’t forget our Sum-

mer Conference is right around the corner! This great oppor-

tunity for education and professional development will be

held August 17 – 19 at the Hampton Inn & Suites in Orange

Beach. Sarita Tapscott, GFOAA’s 2nd Vice President, is chair

of the conference committee and has a great lineup of topics

and speakers. It’s not too late to register, so please visit for more infor-

mation. Oh, and did I mention that IT’S AT THE BEACH?!

As I have done in past newsletters, I would like to promote another great educa-

tional opportunity offered by GFOAA. The Certified Government Accounting Technician

(CGAT) program offers courses that improve the professional, administrative, and fiscal

skills of participants in the areas of General Ledger, Fund Accounting, Purchasing/

Accounts Payable, Payroll, Billing/Accounts Receivable, and Budgeting.

Continued on Page 2

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FROM T HE PR ES I DE N T . . . C O N T I N U E D F R O M P A G E 1 .

Over the next few months, I will be working with other board members to resurrect an ad-hoc committee

that is tasked with managing this program. This committee, which consists of a selection of program graduates,

GFOAA board members, and GFOAA officers, will manage this program by coordinating each of the five classes,

promoting the program, and organizing a CGAT conference that allows graduates of the program to earn continu-

ing education credit. I will be reaching out soon to fill these committee positions. If serving the organization in

this capacity is something that you are interested in, please email me at [email protected]. In addition

to this committee, I will be seeking instructors to fill vacancies, as necessary. If you are interested in sharing your

knowledge of any of the five class topics mentioned above, please let me know.

The next CGAT class, Purchasing/Accounts Payable will be held on Thursday, August 25 at the University

of Alabama – Bryant Conference Center in Tuscaloosa. This class is designed to familiarize participants with

techniques used to purchase goods and services necessary for government operations and pay the vendors as-

sociated with those purchases. Penny Smith, Finance Director of the City of Auburn, will be teaching the class.

More information about this class can be found on our website,

Save the date! The 33rd Annual Conference will be held in the Birmingham/Hoover area. The conference

is scheduled for February 22-24, 2017 and will be held at the newly transformed Hyatt Regency Birmingham –

The Wynfrey Hotel. Conference and hotel registration information should be available in the fall. Travis Hulsey, a

long-time GFOAA member is chairing the conference committee. I am excited to see what the committee has in

store for the agenda. Please check our website for updates on the conference.

In closing, I would ask that you continue to provide feedback on the organization and its activities. I take

every opportunity I have to mention the benefits of being a member of GFOAA. The networking alone is worth the

amount I pay for membership. The relationships, both personal and professional, that I have developed over

time with other members is invaluable. Those benefits can be enhanced and improved by your suggestions. No

idea or suggestion is too small, and all feedback will be considered when planning for the future. Please feel free

to contact me by email ([email protected]) or by phone (334-501-7233) and share your thoughts. En-

joy the remainder of your summer and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Allison D. Edge

(334) 501-7233

[email protected]

“A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.”

- James Dent

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Kathleen D. Baxter, GFOAA Director, was appointed as Deputy State Comp-

troller for the State of Alabama in July 2016. Previously, she worked as the Admin-

istrative Director of the State of Alabama Accounting Resource System (STAARS).

She still continues to support the STAARS project as well as carrying out the du-

ties of the Deputy State Comptroller.

Having worked for the State of Alabama for 26 years, Kathleen began her State career at the

State Military Department in 1990 and transferred to the Finance Department in 1993 to continue the

upgrade and support of the then new Financial Resource Management System (FRMS). After the com-

pletion of that project, she transferred to the State Comptroller’s Office where she served in several ca-

pacities, the last of which was Accounting Director/Chief Financial Officer. In 2013, she began working

on the Medicaid Agency’s Accounting System. After going live with the Medicaid Accounting System,

she took on the job of Administrative Director for the upgrade to the new statewide Accounting, Procure-

ment, Budgeting, and HR system, now known as STAARS.

Kathleen is also an accounting instructor with Auburn University Montgomery (AUM) and very

involved with AUM’s State Initiative Program that provides educational opportunities in Accounting for

the State’s workforce. Before working for the state, Kathleen worked in the accounting field for Health

Services, Inc., Prattville Hospital, Bank of Prattville, and as a bookkeeper for the family business, Durbin

Auto Parts, Inc.

Kathleen is a Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM), Certified Public Manager (CPM)

and is a graduate of Prattville High School, Trenholm Technical College (AAS - Culinary Arts), Auburn Uni-

versity Montgomery (BSBA - Accounting and MBA - Governmental Accounting) and Auburn University

(PhD – Public Administration and Public Policy). She is truly a proponent of lifelong learning.

Kathleen and her husband, Darrin, have been married for 27 years and live in Prattville. They

have two sons and a daughter-in-law, Taylor and Rachel Baxter, and Hunter Baxter.


Success usually comes to those who are too busy to

be looking for it."

-Henry David Thoreau

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GFOAA partnered with Auburn University Montgomery College of Business School of Accountancy

to present the Certified Government Accounting Technician (CGAT) Conference. The conference was

held July 11, 2016 at the Taylor Center located on Auburn University Montgomery’s campus. There

were twenty attendees, all of them CGAT program graduates.

Four presentations were given at the daylong conference. Dr. Keren Deal, AUM professor and

GFOAA board member, gave an update on government pensions. The Alabama Ethics Commission Ex-

ecutive Director, Tom Albritton, held a question and answer session on Ethics in Alabama. Two repre-

sentatives from the Alabama Department of Revenue (ALDOR) spoke. Arleen Alexander, Government

Relations Manager for ALDOR, discussed Atlas Alabama, which is a website designed to help guide new

businesses through the business startup process in Alabama. Lee Ann Rouse, Local Tax Liaison with

ALDOR, gave an overview of the department. The conference closed with Alana Barranco of Summa

Source Organizational Consulting discussing The Productivity Formula. She showed attendees how Mi-

crosoft Outlook can help users work smarter, not harder, by effectively handling pressing concerns, stor-

ing information for future reference, and making better use of the calendar, tasks, and folder functions.

Geneva Allen, Janice Alvis, LaTisha Battle, Deborah BoBo, Kenshatta Brooks, Amy Brunson, Mary Jackson, Susan Allison Lee, Michael Rinker, Kellye Campbell, Rebecca Colburn, Kelly Homan, Debra Langston, Natasha Neese,

and Amanda Williams.


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GFOAA Quarterly Board Meeting

August 17, 2016

Hampton Inn and Suites

25518 Perdido Beach Blvd.

Orange Beach, AL

10:00 AM

GFOAA Summer Conference

August 17-19, 2016

Hampton Inn and Suites

25518 Perdido Beach Blvd.

Orange Beach, AL

Click Here for More Information

CGAT Certified Government Accounting Technician

August 25, 2016—Purchasing/Accounts Payable

November 3, 2016—Billing/Accounts Receivable

All classes to be held at the University of Alabama

Bryant Conference Center

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Registration fee $150.00

(Includes Lunch)

For additional information, click here.

Don’t miss the Summer

Conference in Orange Beach!

August 17—19, 2016

Hampton Inn and Suites

Governmental Accounting

and Auditing Forum (GAAF)

November 30—December 1, 2016

Birmingham Marriott

3590 Grandview Parkway

Birmingham, AL

GFOAA Quarterly Board Meeting

November 30, 2016

Birmingham Marriott

3590 Grandview Parkway

Birmingham, AL

Page 6: The Alabama Journal of Government Finance · August 25, 2016—Purchasing/Accounts Payable November 3, 2016—Billing/Accounts Receivable All classes to be held at the University

The Quarterly Board of Directors meeting was held Feb-

ruary 3, 2016 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Tusca-

loosa, Alabama. President Allison Edge called the meet-

ing to order at 10:04 a.m. Minutes of the December

2015 board meeting held in Birmingham, Alabama were

reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report—Melissa Woods presented financial

information for the organization. She reported member-

ship dues appear low because the transfer has not

been made for the dues collected as part of the confer-

ence registration fee. She suggested we amend the new

budget to account for credit card fees. The Treasurer’s

report, except for the proposed budget, was approved

There was discussion over the approvals required to

move funds between the savings and checking ac-

counts. Melinda Lopez made a motion to maintain

$25,000 in the checking account, allowing for the trans-

fer of funds from checking to savings without board ap-

proval, and restricting funds being transferred from sav-

ings without board approval. The board approved. There

was discussion over having the credit union require two

signatures to transfer funds from savings to checking.

Melissa Woods agreed to investigate this option.

Melissa Woods presented the proposed budget and it

was approved.

Scholarships, Awards, and Service-Melinda Lopez sug-

gested a change from the current requirement of three

recommendations, with one being a dean, to two recom-

mendations with one being a dean or professor. The

board approved. She reported there would be no recipi-

ents presented at the annual meeting this year due to

the schedule change. There was no report on awards.

Ms. Lopez also suggested that the person assigned the

task of notifying Past Presidents also notify Emeritus


Certification Board and CGAT – Sarah Williams reported

she had three CGFO holders fail to respond. She has

given them until Friday to renew before revoking their

certifications. There are currently 25 certified CGFOs.

Charles Clack proposed we consider focusing on CGFM

for our members desiring certification.

.Public Information – Charles Clack stated in the current

newsletter that he reported the need for CGAT instruc-

tors, the opportunity for Becker training courses, and

asked the board to let him know of anything they would

like included in the newsletter. Keren Deal stated she

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Q UA R T E R L Y B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S M E E T I N G T U S C A L O O S A , A L A B A M A F E B R UA R Y 3 , 2 0 1 6

would do something on demographics, and maybe high-

light new members.

Membership – Keren Deal reported that STAR Chapter

shows we have 301 active members and Jamie Moyers’

records show 588. Ms. Deal says she will reconcile the

two databases. Sarah Williams stated there is a non-

member database in STAR Chapter as well, which may

help in reconciling the two. Ms. Deal discussed the vari-

ous costs and benefits of GFOAA having booths at other

organizations conferences. She proposed budgeting

$3,000 for marketing the organization. There was discus-

sion on how much should be budgeted for marketing,

and what could be decreased to allow for the new budget

line. There were conflicting opinions on pulling from re-

serves to fund marketing efforts. Also, Melinda Lopez

introduced the idea of reviving our strategic planning

efforts in the future.

Annual 2016 Conference – Derek Reeves reported the

conference having 90 attendees, four guests, and thirty

sponsoring participants.

Summer 2016 Conference -Sarita Tapscott reported

things are going well, with only a couple of speaker slots

to fill. She has arranged for speakers to cover the GASB

update, as well as records retention.

Annual 2017 Conference—Melinda Lopez announced

that Travis Hulsey will chair the 2017 Annual Conference

in Birmingham, February 22 – 24. Keren Deal made a

motion to approve the contract with the Wynfrey Hotel,

Melissa Woods seconded, and it carried unanimously.

New Business - Cyber Board Room - The topic of looking

into the feasibility of purchasing Cyber Board Room soft-

ware was discussed. Sarah Williams has contacted them

to discuss. Melinda Lopez explained there are website

companies that handle electronic meetings and storing

documents. The average cost is $1,200 annually.

Contract Renewal – The Executive Committee met on

January 22 to review and revise contracts. This consisted

of the website contract with Ashley Gallagher White,

newsletter contract with Charles Clack, the CGAT con-

tract, and the Carr, Riggs, and Ingram engagement letter.

The board approved the contracts. There will be an elec-

tronic vote at a later date to approve the contract for the

Administrative Assistant after the proposed changes are

discussed with Ms. Moyers.

Continued on Page 7.

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Contnued form Page 6…

Directors and Officers 2016 -2017—Because of the reluctance of current officers to move into the role of President,

some of the current officers agreed to remain in their positions and share duties to lessen the burden. Melissa Woods

will move up to Secretary, and Karly Standridge will move to Treasurer.

Emeritus Status Request – Melinda Lopez made a motion to grant emeritus status to Tracy Croom. It carried unani-


The meeting was adjourned at 12:03 p.m.

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Q UA R T E R L Y B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S M E E T I N G T U S C A L O O S A , A L A B A M A F E B R UA R Y 3 , 2 0 1 6

G F OA A A N N UA L B U S I N E S S M E E T I N G T U S C A L O O S A , A L A B A M A F E B R UA R Y 4 , 2 0 1 6

President Allison Edge called the meeting to order at

12:41 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the annual busi-

ness meeting. She recognized the conference sponsors,

the Conference Committee, and the current officers and

directors. Minutes from the February 26, 2015 annual

business meeting were presented and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Melinda Lopez presented the latest financial report (as of

January 31) and the proposed budget for 2016-2017.

As of January 31, 2016 there was a combined bank bal-

ance in excess of $165,000. She went over the pro-

posed budget approved by the board the previous day.

Nominations for 2016-2017 Officers and Directors

President Edge explained that because some officers

prefer not to continue up the rotation, that some of the

officers would retain their current roles. She presented

the slate of officers and directors for 2016-2017 and

they were approved.

Recognition of Outgoing Officers and Directors

Allison Edge recognized and thanked the outgoing direc-

tors and officers, Relya Mallory, Mandi Jones, Donna

Cooper, and Kelly Brendle.

Recognition of Past Presidents

President Edge recognized past presidents in attendance:

Gene Stabler, Mike Wright, Sarah Williams, Steve Boone,

Roger Rendleman, Penny Smith, Clara Myers, Charles

Clack, Mac Underwood, Rob Terry, Travis Hulsey, Tracy

Croom, Melinda Lopez, and Derek Reeves.

Announcement of Upcoming Events

Allison Edge announced the upcoming CGAT Classes and

Summer Conference, the GFOA National Conference, May

22 -25, 2016 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and the GAAF in

Birmingham in December 2016.

Sarita Tapscott gave an update on the Summer Conference

to be held in Orange Beach, August 17 -19, 2016.

Travis Hulsey announced next year’s Annual Conference to

be held in Birmingham, February 22 – 24, 2017.


President Edge adjourned the meeting at 12:57 p.m.

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Allison D. Edge

Office: 334-501-7233

[email protected]

First Vice President:

Keren Deal

Office: 334-244-3971

[email protected]

Second Vice President:

Sarita Tapscott

Office: 256-426-6663

[email protected]


Kathy James

Office: 354-501-7234

[email protected]


Melissa Woods

Office: 205-739-7132

[email protected]

Page 8

BOAR D O F D IR E C TO R S A N D OFF IC ER S A P R I L 1 , 2 0 1 5 — M A R C H 3 1 , 2 0 1 6

Associate Director

Mike Diehl

Office: 850-466-4053

[email protected]

Immediate Past President

Melinda James Lopez

Office: 205-444-7612

[email protected]

Administrative Assistant

Jamie Moyers

Office: 334-312-2770

[email protected]

Public Information Officer

Charles Clack


[email protected]


Elizabeth Howell

Office: 251-574-8399

[email protected]

Barbi Lee

Office: 334-242-2997

[email protected]

Kathleen Baxter

Office: 334-242-4857

[email protected]

Kelly Brendle

Office: 334-242-6379

[email protected]

Cathy C. Hoekenschnieder

Office: 256-427-5087

[email protected]

Erika K. Sprouse

[email protected]

GFOAA Office Administration

Please notify Jamie Moyers to change your address, or other pertinent information,

at the following address:

P. O. Box 240574

Montgomery, AL 36124-0574

Phone: 334–312-2770 or

Email: [email protected]

Page 9: The Alabama Journal of Government Finance · August 25, 2016—Purchasing/Accounts Payable November 3, 2016—Billing/Accounts Receivable All classes to be held at the University

$$ money talk $$

Certification Board

Sarah Williams, CGFO

Office: 334-954-3907

[email protected]


Allison D. Edge

Office: 334-501-7233

[email protected]

Government Relations

Charla Doucet

Office: 334-242-7305

[email protected]


Keren Deal

Office: 334-244-3971

[email protected]

Scholarships & Service

Melinda James Lopez

Office: 205-444-7612

[email protected]

Page 9



Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall promote and encourage membership in GFOAA and is responsible for the annual

membership directory.

Government Relations Committee

The Government Relations Committee shall monitor and report on legislative action affecting governmental finance

and promote intergovernmental cooperation.

Education Committee

The Education Committee shall establish, organize and promote educational programs within the membership.

Scholarship, Awards and Service Committee

The Scholarship, Awards and Service Committee is responsible for the administration of the scholarship and awards

program. The committee is also responsible for implementing and monitoring service projects as assigned.

Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for preparing the long-range plans to meet the organization’s goals

and objectives. The committee is also responsible for communicating the plan to each committee. The committee

will serve as the monitoring entity for the committee projects associated with the strategic plan.

Page 10: The Alabama Journal of Government Finance · August 25, 2016—Purchasing/Accounts Payable November 3, 2016—Billing/Accounts Receivable All classes to be held at the University

P. O. Box 240574

Montgomery, AL


Govern ment Finance Off icers

Associat ion o f Alabama

$$ MONEY TALK $$ The Alabama Journal of Government Finance

Editor: Charles W. Clack

57 Blue Pine Lane

Wetumpka, Alabama 36093

Mission Statement

The mission of the Government Finance Officers Association of Alabama is to provide a professional associa-tion for government finance personnel dedi-cated to enabling its members to provide quality professional service to their con-stituents with the high-est level of integrity.

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