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After all these years and all the people trying to initiate change in Africa some of the things are headed for the worst according to one article in the August issue of The Economist Charlie is currently reading. The corner Starbucks in the new business district is filled with the young professionals of the generation. Charlie is already halfway through his frappe. Just like any other young professional Charlie is dressed up in a dress shirt, grey his favorite color. It is midday and it seems that people have been that deprived of sleep that they seemed to do a double dose of their daily fix.

Charlie has been immersed with the article that it took the girl who was trying to get his attention a tap to the shoulder for him to notice. She was wearing shorts and a purple checkered polo shirt with a thin tiffany blue belt loosely tied at the waist.

“Is this seat occupied?” the girl asked Charlie as soon as she grabbed his eyes.

Charlie always the polite professional guy never thought twice and replied, “No,” and got back to reading.

“Mind if I join you? In a normal day I would never ask to share a table with a stranger but my legs are killing me.” she said.

Charlie not removing his eyes from the magazine replied, “I don’t mind. Please, help yourself.”

“Thanks,” she said and took the seat.

The girl has a cup of Java and she set it on the table. She has pearly white hands which was obvious when set in contrast with the cup while she was mixing whatever it is that was in that Java. She cannot take her eyes off him because in her point of view this guy is as mysterious as it gets. She tried to take off her attention off him by checking her smartphone but there is nothing to do. She is not really in the mood to burn time while playing a game. This day she is not really in the mood for anything except to relax except that she chose wrong in terms of location to do exactly that.

Charlie turned another page and took a sip of his frappe. He looked up and caught her eyes. He smiled at her. He has been trying to smile more for a long time now so that he can change his reputation of being too serious or as his friends put it, bring some warmth to his cold and calculating aura. He doesn’t believe them but he guesses humoring them from time to time won’t hurt him. She smiled back at this gesture then taking the coffee cup in front of her, she relished the aroma of the Java. She then took a long sip and said, “What you reading there?”

He never took his eyes off the page, “An article about the worsening problems in Africa.”

“Oh,” she exclaimed and peered at the cover, “The Economist, wonderful.” she added with a little tone of sarcasm.

He smiled, eyes still on the page, “You’ve got a problem with the magazine, miss?”

She was drawing circles at the mouth of the cup with her finger, “No, not really, I just don’t like Economics.”

“Why is that?” He then closed the magazine and put it at the table. He leaned back at his chair and looked at her intently.

“I just don’t like it, does everything need to have an explanation?” she said.

“Well in my work, it is important to have an explanation for everything. Sure, you will say that there isn’t.” he kindly retorted, “But the only thing I heard where that applies is when it comes to love and ghosts. As far as I know if it comes to hating something it has a deep seethed reason.”

She raised an eyebrow at him, “Well you are one smart asshole. “ She then smiled and took a sip at her cooling coffee.

He grabbed the magazine and raised it, “Pretending to be smart,” and winked at her, “and a natural asshole. But seriously, why?”

The girl laughed at this gesture. “I’m not really sold with the idea that everything you hate has to have some sort of dark past.”

Charlie took a quick drink. “Of course there is.”

“Okay then mister smarty pants, let’s hear It.” she crossed her arms and leaned back on her own chair.

He straightened up, rested his elbows on the table and cupped his hands together. “This is a tough one.”

“Oh smarty pants is having a hard time finding something to hate. Don’t tell me you are one of those people that have their lives figured out?”

“Oh well, pretty much.” He shrugged.

“I’m waiting,”

He slammed the table lightly. “Here it goes,” he whispered “I hate deep water because I nearly died drowning when I was a kid.”

“Pussy,” she laughed.

“For a little kid that was pretty traumatic.” he replied.

“That’s not hate, it is more of a — not liking something. Hating is on the verge of anger. It is a state where the sight or smell of that thing makes the animal in you go wild.”

He grabbed his frappe and took a deep drink. “Like an economist ex.”

“Yeah, like an economist ex — how in the world — the fuck dude.”

“Just so you know I’ve got Psych 101 etched in my heart. Well, it was an educated guess. And a point goes to smarty pants.” He winked at her.

“Well played,” she made a sarcastic clap and laughed.

He took a bow and said, “Thank you,”

“What’s your story smarty pants?” she leaned in and grabbed the magazine.


She was now flipping the pages, “I mean, you are one mysterious guy. You are so cold at first but you are easy to warm up to.”

“I’m happy to hear that so far you are enjoying my company.”

She smiled, “I never had a conversation like that since ever. Well there was a guy but it was a long time ago.”

“I might look like I have it all figured out but I really believe that I’m still on the process of understanding life. Aren’t we all?”

“You look so calm and collected.”

He laughed at this, “Yeah, a mask really does that to you. To be honest I’m far from being calm and collected right now. I am really freaking out.”

“So begs the question.”

“Fine, as long as I hear your side of the story after.” He reached out his hand for a shake.

She grabbed his hand and said, “Deal!”

“What interests a woman like you?” he asked.

“What haunts you up to now?” she answered.

Charlie’s warm demeanor was then clouded by his seriousness.

“My second unrequited love.”

“There was a first?” she put back the magazine where it was earlier.

He did a half smile, “Well, it is not as scary as the second one.”

“Why is that?”

“It made some deep scars in me.”

The glow in her face has been slowly drained out.

“The girl, as I refer to her when I tell this story, and I first met in a Calculus class in college.”

“What does she look?”

He shot her a quizzical stare, “Does it matter?”


“She’s cute.”

“Come on dude.”

“Can you smile for me please?”

She obliged.

He made curious faces.

“You fell for that?” He laughed. “Just imagine, a younger you.”

“You think I’m cute?”

“Don’t push it.” he smiled and checked on his phone, “As I was saying, I met her in a calculus class in college.

“But I was too scared of girls at that phase. Needless to say, I did not do anything.”

“Just that phase? How about now?” she teased.

“Ha — ha — I’ve got 99 problems, a bitch ain’t one.”

She raised an eyebrow, “So I presume you met again.”

“It took two years and a series of — I’m really not sure if I would frame it as fortunate or unfortunate — let’s just say events.”

“Ah Lemony Snicket, my childhood.” The girl sighed.

Chapter 1

“What are you reading?” a girl that clearly belonged to the upper echelon of society with a polished yet casual look asked Charlie after sitting idly for five minutes while waiting for the first class of the semester to start.

Charlie looked at her with the usual blank and professional stare that he is accustomed to when faced with situations like this. “A Series of Unfortunate Events.”

“Isn’t that a kid’s book?”

“Yeah, kind of.” He replied quickly and got back to reading.

The classroom is humid with its blackboard that looked like it has been there forever. The late students are slowly pouring in taking their places amongst the vandalized armchairs. The chatter within grew but Charlie was not disturbed by this as he is consumed on the current atrocities Count Olaf is doing to the Baudelaire kids.

“You are really the quiet kind.” the girl earlier whispered.

Charlie just nodded at this.

Minutes passed and the atmosphere has not changed. A hand emerged in front of the page that Charlie is currently reading. Charlie slowly looked up and saw a grin short of the Cheshire cat’s. A tall guy with brown hair slapped Charlie on the back to which Charlie coughed and exclaimed, “Dude!”

“You are going to love me.” The new guy said.

Charlie turned to the girl and saw her quietly giggling while the rest of the class turned and looked. He then turned to the new guy, “That’s quite an entrance and — NO — I’m not gonna love you.”

“Professor Carson opened a class.” The new guy took a seat beside Charlie, peered at the girl, and reached out his hand to her. “Josh,”

Rich girl shook his hand while Charlie was ranting, “Just give him your number already.”

Rich girl chuckled when she heard it, “Isabella—I’m sorry but I’m already taken.”

“I don’t mind stealing you away.” Josh replied.

“Josiah you heard her. You—missed—your—shot.” Charlie slapped his back at the end and turned to Isabella, “I’m sorry about this guy.”

Isabella smiled and replied, “It is okay but I don’t mind to be stolen by you.”

Charlie heard the whole sentence but chose to do a naïve version of the stone monuments of Rome.

“Wow that was really cold.” The girl commented.

Charlie had his eyebrows meet at the center. “I don’t know, any advance made towards me felt like it is something I’d rather not engage.”

“So why was this part so important?” she asked.

“Well, that explains a lot.” Josh ranted. “Dude, as I was saying. CARSON—CLASS—OPENING. You’ve been waiting for this.”

Charlie put the book in his bag and grabbed his schedule. “How does the schedule look like?”

Josh grabbed Charlie’s schedule, “You need to drop these two classes.” He pointed at a cluster under Wednesday afternoon.

“Oh crap,” Charlie whispered.

“Come on dude. I don’t want to be alone in that class.” Josh protested.

“Not really the words that we need right now. We still have a bromance that needs to be debunked.” Charlie humored.

Isabella smiled, “You guys are so sweet.”

“See the point I’m trying to make.” Charlie replied.

Josh not taking an interest on the recent exchange. “Those are not that important anyways.”

“You don’t see the dilemma, do you? If I drop those, I have to go looking for another class. And you don’t know how crappy that is. I’m tired of going around campus.”

“But Carson,” Josh reiterated.

“I’m a crappy wingman. You need to wing this one.”

Isabella peeked at Josh and whispered, “So, who is the unlucky girl?”

“I’m starting to like you more and more.” Josh replied.

Isabella tapped Charlie at the shoulder, “If you don’t mind my asking? Why is this class so special?”

“It’s the subject and the professor is one of the best.” Charlie replied.

“What is it about?” Isabella pushed.

“Contemporary Fiction Writing.”

Isabella assumed a defensive stance and slowly whispered, “Does your friend even write?”

Josh upon hearing this switched seats and whispered on the ear of the seemingly uncomfortable Isabella, “You want to go out some time?”

“Well, that escalated quickly.” Charlie chuckled and looked at his watch, “It seems like it is going to be a first day of class free break.”

“So the girl was Isabella?” the girl inquired.

Charlie smiled, “Let’s keep stuff interesting. No spoilers. My story is not complete without Isabella.”

The girl had her forehead wrinkled, “I still did not get why this scene in your life was important to the ghost that is your second love.”

Charlie signaled at the barista about something and a few seconds later the same barista brought two chocolate mousses at their table, “Thank you, Jeff.” Charlie looked at the girl and gestured, “Please, it is on me.

“Well, I was really waiting for Professor Carson to open that class. It was one of those classes that as a student you yearn to take. And it is one of the events which straddles both fortunate and unfortunate.”

The girl’s smile was something of the kind when you taught of something naughty.

“I smell dirt,” Charlie said while taking his first stab at the mousse.

“That’s between me, me, and me.” The girl replied. “So, are you a writer or something?”

“That was the hope. But as you go along you get thrown off the road. And I’m inclined to call unsportsmanlike conduct on not divulging the dirt.”

The girl let out a sigh of defeat, “Fine, but don’t judge me.” Then, she took a big slice off the mousse.

Charlie seeing it teased her, “I’m judging you now.”

“Ha—ha, if I know smarty pants. Anyways, is it so wrong for girls to want to go to class just because the instructor is unbelievably attractive?”


The girl replied in disbelief, “Sure, you have not had an inkling of what an attractive professor does to your brain.”

“If I was trying to impress you I would feign innocence.”

“What do you do for a living?” the girl casually asked while sipping at the room temperature coffee that has been sitting idly at the table. “And that was not feigning innocence, mister.”

“Oh, please.” Charlie replied coyly. “And just to make things clear, that was for both counts.”

“Now I know you watch a lot of sitcoms.”

“Everybody needs a hobby.”

Chapter 2

“Why did you let her tag along?” Josh protesting while grabbing Charlie’s sleeve.

Charlie turned to Isabella. “Look Isa, told you we are going to have fun.”

“Charlie, we don’t give names. That’s how they get attached to you and you will never let them go.”

“One minute you are flirting with me the next you want to get me out of your sight. I’m starting to like you too.” Isabella replied.

“I want to keep her, is that just so wrong?” Charlie replied.

Isabella looking forward, “Wow, feeling like a lost puppy never felt this offensive.”

“I don’t intend to add estrogen to this already crazy cocktail of hormones.”

Isabella smirked, “The way you are acting now, it seems like you’re the one that is full of estrogen.”

Josh stared her down, “Dude, I know the code. But please stop me or I will kiss her.”

Charlie smiled, put himself between Isabella and Josh, and raised his open hands to the chest, “Okay, okay. Isa, I’m sorry again. Stop provoking him. You really don’t want to be kissed by him, do you?”

“You are such a cutie.” Isabella countered. “Josiah, thank Charlie for stopping me.”

Charlie was beaming, “I’m regretting this move already.”

“So what do you do exactly when you have this much time in your hands and have nothing else to do?” Isabella inquired.

“For starters, we pick up girls.” Josh replied.

Charlie looked at Isabella and shook his head. “He tries. I watch on the sidelines while he crash and burn. That’s the fun part.”

“At least he tries.” Isabella countered.

“Dude, do you need some water? Tinkerbell just burned you bad.” Josh said.


“I’m sorry dude but Isabella was right.” The girl interjected.

Charlie’s phone rang, “Speak of the devil. Excuse me, miss.” He answered the phone, “Yes?

“No, that won’t work. It’s The Way You Look Tonight or they would not get the gig.

“I’m sorry to put you through this.

“Thanks Isa, I love you babe.”

The girl asked for another cup of Java, “So, you and Isa?” She gestured by putting both index fingers side by side.

“As I said, no spoilers.”

Chapter 3

It was midday and Charlie’s classes for the day are finally done. The Academic Circle is filled with food booths and other weird stalls. Charlie remembered that it was Student Week. He found himself in a used books stall browsing through a first print edition of The Prince. The smell of the book was sweet to him even if for some it is the definition of old in this era of the digital. It was dog eared but for Charlie it was of beauty. He was just about to grab a copy of Sophie’s World beside a complete trilogy of The Lord of the Rings when a strong fist landed on his shoulders.

“Hi, Isa.” He grimaced while rubbing his shoulders, “I did not see you there.”

Isabella’s face was that of anger. Charlie was thinking about joking if it was her time of the month but decided against it. Clearly he did something wrong but he was oblivious to the specifics.

“What did I do to — you?” he said with a combination of sheepishness and confusion.

She turned her back at him and did a double take while smiling, “Nah, I’m good now.” She started walking and then turned when she realized he was not following her, “Come on bookworm, let’s go.”

He held on to the copy of The Prince tightly and then frustratingly returned it to the shelf between Mansfield Park and The Great Gatsby. He walked towards Isa and asked, “Where to? And why did you punch me?”

“To eat and I said I’m okay now.” She replied and then whispered just enough so Charlie could hear, “You would realize how weird you are if I tell.”

“Say what now?” Charlie was trying to keep up with her extremely fast pace.

“You asshole! I was reading through your posts then lo and behold you posted a very detailed synopsis of a movie I was watching within the hour. And then you go on brag how you love spoilers? Who does that?”

“Who doesn’t?” he replied colorlessly.

“I DON’T! Normal people. God!?”

Charlie went in front of her, “Study says…”

Isabella lifted her forefinger, “Ah — ah, don’t smart ass your way out of this one. And besides I’m over it.” She walked by him and tapped her hands on his cheeks, “Is that pizza?” her eyes twinkled as she sprinted to the stall.

“Score,” she exclaimed, “Stop standing there stupid, get over here.”

Charlie let out a sigh of disbelief, “Coming,” he smiled, the rare one.

“So I’m stupid now?” he said while gesturing for one slice.

“Yes. Asshole, stupid, and other things for the rest of the day, dimwit.” She then took a small graceful bite.

“There are times I totally forget that you are like a modern princess.” Charlie noted and paid for his pizza.

The pizza guy was about to hand him his share when Isabella’s small delicate hands went for an interception, “Thank you,” she sounded like a kid, “and for you Lord of Spoilers this is I’m sorry.”

“Your change sir.” The pizza guy gave him the change for buying two pizzas instead of his one.

“I’m sorry, I think there was a mistake.” Charlie said politely.

Isabella hurriedly swallowed the bite she was previously chewing. “Nope, you are paying.” She grimaced.

Charlie kissed her on the forehead. Isabella froze and was unable to find words. Charlie turned to the pizza guy, “It shuts them up.”

The pizza guy smiled at them and asked, “How long now?”

Isabella sprang back to life doing animated gestures of disapproval, “We’re just friends.” Then she kicked Charlie on the shin.

“6 months,” Charlie joked.

Isabella’s free hand dug into Charlie’s arms while keeping a smile trying to mumble, “What are you doing?”

“I hope you guys pan out.” The pizza guy humored.

“Why do I get the feeling that you suck at telling stories?” the girl ranted as she was relishing the chocolate on her fingers.

“Seriously? I think I’m doing just fine.” Charlie replied, leaned back at the chair, and continued, “So Isabella and I…”

“God!” the girl did not let him finish his sentence, “That is just sucky storytelling dude. I want the meeting. I’m helping you salvage the narrative that you murdered with plot holes.”

“Were you even listening?” Charlie humored.

“Sorry, can’t hear you over my chocolate bliss. Who needs a man when you have chocolates? But yeah, I need the meeting story.”

“This is a novella missy. I’m not going to ruin the story by introducing undeveloped characters.”

“Ooh, can I guess what you do for a living?”


“Are you an editor?”

“Nice try Sherlock.”

Chapter 4

“Give me a name!” Isabella was crushing Charlie’s arm.

“I don’t want to.” Charlie replied.

“I know who she is.” Josh teased her.

“For the love of God can we just move on to another topic!?” Charlie exclaimed.

Isabella grabbed the melon smoothie on top of the park table and whispered, “Do I know her though?”

Sunlight was breaking through the leaves of the oak trees and the chirping of the birds filled the silence that ensued.

Charlie grunted and planted his face on the table. He grunted again and whispered gibberish.

“What was that buddy?” Josh inquired.

Charlie lifted his face, “I never got her name.” He performed a double face palm.

Isabella wrapped her arms around Charlie and shouted, “We should hire a private investigator.”

Josh snickered, “I’m telling you Tinkerbell that is not borderline creepy.”

“See, even knucklehead agrees with me.”

“Look at me.” He said while tapping the table to get her attention. He held her gaze and snickered again, “Not creepy.”

“How do you think I found out that you are taking dance lessons?” Isabella half smiled with a sense of comeuppance.

Charlie came out of his grief with a big smile on his face, “Really? Dancing?”

Isabella pulled out her iPod and played Swan Lake’s Act 8 No. I, Danse des coupes. “Remember this?”

“Oh God!” Josh was trying to take the iPod away from Isabella, “Stop playing that.”

“Plié! Plié.” Isabella chimed and then hit stop, “Sidebar, I have tampons if it is your time of the month.”

Charlie is now smashing the table as he tries to prevent losing himself to a stomach ache inducing laughter. “I — I— have a,” Charlie was trying really hard not to burst into laughter, “A question.”

Josiah clearly defeated, “What is it?”

“Did you crack your nuts? Because you’ve been all over Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker.”

Isabella turned to Charlie, “That is probably the best one that came out of you since ever. Give me the highest of fives.” They proceeded to do a crisp high five followed minutes of ballerina jokes and Josh having his dude licensed revoked.

“Wow, Isabella did that? She had him followed.” The girl inquired after reading a text message on her phone.

“She had the resources. As far as I know she has someone on retainer until now.” Charlie replied.

“When you said that Isabella was like a modern princess, you are actually saying that she’s kind of an heiress?”

“Not just kind of. She is an heiress.”

“Wait — wait — you are not talking about Isabella March, are you?”

“Eh — I guess.” Charlie shrugged. “But it was not Isabella that asked for the background check it was her parents. Isabella did not really have the opportunity to gain friends outside of her social strata until she met us so her family was worried. Unfortunately for Josh he was the first one and when Isabella found out she put an end to it. I was just about to go under the spotlight when that happened. She took the files on Josh and discovered the little gem of him dancing ballet. How do you know her?”

“Who doesn’t? She’s perfect. You are hard to miss if you are in the cover of every major magazine.”

“Funny you would say that. You still have no idea what I do for a living?”

“Not a clue. So you did not know the girl’s name? And how were you able to bag an Isabella March?”

“Since you are such a smartass yourself I was thinking you already figured it out.”

“Hey! Don’t blame me. Remind me again who the sucky storyteller is?”

“You remind me of someone from the past.”


“My second love.”

Chapter 5

“What’s your next class?” Isabella asked on their brisk walk to the Liberty Building.

“Philosophical Thoughts and Thinkers, Course 7. It is a block course.” Charlie replied.

“Oh I forgot to ask earlier, what is your concentration?”

“Economics, save the world from poverty. Something like that. All I know about you is that you are a rich kid.” Charlie joked.

“Ha — Ha. I’m a business major. Family thing.”

“See, we are getting to know each other.”

“How about Josh?”

“That kid? If you asked him this question he would say, Bachelor of Science in Women’s Studies.”

“Then my thoughts on him was not wrong after all.”

“No, please don’t think of him that way. It’s just that he wouldn’t let an exchange be voided of his humor. He was forced by his parents to take Mechanical Engineering.”

“The concentration suits him well. The muscles on that guy, he could lift the heavy things.”

“And when you ask him about that,”

Isabella interrupted him, “Can I?”

“Be my guest,”

“I was born this way.”

“Not quite. It is more on the lines of, ‘What the hell is a gym?’”

“Eh, I think I was saying the same thing.”

“Were you now?” Charlie chuckled. “So, Isabella nice meeting you again. See you in 2 days?”

“I was hoping it would be sometime sooner. I kind of like you guys.”

“Don’t you have like a fabulous circle that currently takes up your time?”

“I do. But winds change direction don’t they?”

“I always wish they do and for the better. You know what, we are going to a coffee shop tonight to hang out. I’ll text you?”

She hugged him, “Don’t you dare forget to text me.”

“I — I — wouldn’t. I promise.” He did three taps on her back.

“I’m really sorry. I don’t know what got into me.”

“It’s okay. I’m sorry too. Hugging is a skill I lack.” He smiled.

“Yeah, you and Isabella are totally together. But it was kind of weird she did have a boyfriend at that point, didn’t she? Well, maybe she’s a tease after all.”

“One thing about her is that she’s good at selling stuff but not that good at selling stuff.”

“I don’t follow. Pardon me.”

“She was indeed taken. When she said she was, it was the truth.”

“But she was fixating on you even if she has someone.”

“Beneath that strong exterior was a damaged person. She took an interest in me. I would not know until several years later that it was because I looked like the guy she loved. She kept that charade of having someone for a year since we knew her. It feels like we were jerks when we insisted to meet the guy.”

“So the guy left her?”

“The guy wouldn’t do that because they went through the worst things that could go in a relationship. They were childhood sweethearts. Their story put everyone’s story to shame albeit the sad ending.”

“Oh my god! He’s dead?”

“Sadly, yeah. This seems like super cliché but apparently he was a really far away cousin.”

“When? How? Why?”

“I thought you were interested in my story?”

“That can take a backseat. Isabella March’s back story is something you don’t read in magazines.”

“What is with girls and gossip?”

“Tread lightly mister. Women can get touchy about this.”

“I don’t have the benefit of having like girly friends but I think this one area is a common ground aside from your biology.”

“If you say you are a good story teller then you will forego the whole women gossip issue and tell an enriching back story.”

“You really want to have your very own love story put to shame?”

“What’s the fuss? They are kids and they loved each other since they were kids.”

“Imagine this season’s romantic comedy of choice.”

“Clearly, Madison Heart.”

“What? That was a year ago. Did you just come out of a coma?”

“I’m a busy person.”

“Sitting in a café with a total stranger counts as busy nowadays? Try, Kisses in a Valley.”

“We do have the concept of day off in place, don’t we? Will do.”

“Touché. Before I go on with my story, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m a software architect.”

“That’s cool.”

“I know.”

“Remember Madison Heart and in that romantic comedy you put the word ‘classic’.”

“If this is not classic then you are setting yourself up for failure.”

“In my work failure is what would define a success. This relationship worked so well for Isabella and Mason that you can’t imagine anything would derail it. They were set up to fail on multiple facets of their lives but that is what made their story so compelling and made their love story a success with an asterisk.”

“I like the asterisk touch.”

Chapter 6

The sounds of the playground are always different. There is a uniqueness to it. The inherent innocence of the laughter that drowns out the rest of the ambient noise. But one thing always changes everything. A girl crying. This is the only phase where it is adorable, childhood.

“Why do you have curly fries for a hair?” a boy mocked a girl hugging her knees while tears dropped from her chubby cheeks.

“These are not curly fries. My mom gave this to me.” the little girl sobbed.

“They are yellow and curly. I had one for lunch when we went to the burger place. But yours taste bad.”

“They are not curly fries.” The girl stood up and pounced on the boy, “THEY ARE NOT CURLY FRIES!”

They both fell on the ground while two adults came to break them up. A woman with a curly blonde hair patted the little girl’s dress to remove the dust and ran a thumb under her eyes. “We don’t hurt people Belle.”

“But he was being mean. Mama, I want a new hair.” the little girl threw her arms around the lady’s neck. The little girl looked at her intently. “Please, mama.”

The lady smiled, “Oh Belle, my sweet baby.”

The man was talking intently with the boy. He then dragged the boy towards the two girls. “Mason, do you have anything to say to Isabella?”

“What? It is not my problem that she is such a crybaby.”

The man kneeled, “Mason, this is not how we treat friends. Say you are sorry to Isabella.”

“I’m sorry.”

The lady urged the little girl, “Belle? Do you have anything to say to Mason?”

“Okay. I’m sorry for hitting you.” She hugged him. “But I’m not your girlfriend anymore.”

The man and the lady laughed at this.

“The swing is free. Let’s go.” Isabella ran while dragging a hesitant Mason.

“Your daughter is such a sweet girl, Carly.” The man said.

“Your Mason is also clever. That kid is going to break a lot of hearts.”

“It is so hard raising a kid and running a company at the same time. Mason is a tough one. He is in that stage that he is pulling pranks on me. You want to get mad but what these kids do is so cute that you end up smiling to yourself.”

“It was two years since Agatha. Don’t you think it is time to look for someone to carry this burden with you? Mason’s going to need a mother figure.”

“I don’t know.”

“Maybe, you just haven’t met her yet.”

“Maybe, I already did.” He looked at her with longing eyes.

“Jessie. Please don’t.” she turned and saw Isabella crying again. She ran at her side.

“What happened?” Carly asked Mason.

“She tripped and fell.”

“Mason, what did you do?” Jessie raised his voice.

“I did not do anything. I swear.” Mason turned to Isabella, “Sorry, I did not catch you.” He held her hand.

“It hurts. My knee.” She wrapped her arms around Mason.

Carly lifted her dress, “It’s just a little bruise. Stand up Belle you are a big girl now. Stop crying.”

“But it hurts.”

Mason kissed the injured knee, “Mama always did that to make the pain go away. Are you better?”

“No.” Isabella sobbed.

“Let me carry you to the car.” Jessie declared.

“NO!” Isabella exclaimed, “I want Mase.”

“That’s not how we act when offered help, Belle.” Carly turned to Jessie, “Sorry. She has this spoiled attitude that I’m trying to correct. Stand up.”

“NO! I want Mase!”

“It’s okay Mrs. March. I can carry her to the car.”

“I don’t know Mason. Jessie?”

“Are you sure buddy?” Jessie asked the boy.

“Yeah. I carry her all the time when we play. It is her excuse so that she can hug me.”

“No it is not. I can hug you anytime I want.” She said in between sobs.

Mason let Isabella climb on his back. Mason slowly stood up and followed the two adults that are conversing towards the car.

“You stopped crying.” Mason whispered.

“I’m not a crybaby Mase.”

“Yes you are and your hair smell like fries.”

“They are not fries Mason!”

Mason giggled.

“Hey, do you feel like eating ice cream?” Isabella asked.

He looked at her, “Yeah, vanilla.” He looked in front, “Hey dad! Can we go get ice cream?”

Jessie and Carly stopped and turned, “Sure buddy.”

“You are eating chocolate.” Isabella whispered.

“I will?”

“Yes, because I said so.” Then she rested her head on his shoulders.

“But I want vanilla.”

“No, you want chocolate because I want chocolate.”

“Vanilla,” Mason whispered in defeat to an Isabella that just fell asleep. He just kept walking because he swore that one fateful day that her wishes are his to fulfill.

“Mase, did I ever tell you I love you?”

Mason chuckled, “Seriously? You are asking me that?”

Isabella’s face turned red and punched his arm.

“Aww, I love you too. Geez.”

“Whatever, Mason Francis Green.”

“Belle, you never told me you love me. But I can always count on your physical violence to show me that you do.”

“Uh huh.” Isabella pouted, “Shut up.”

Mason rolled his eyes, “What can I do?”

“I said shut up.” Isabella squeezed his arm, “Chocolate cake, later?”

“I’m sorry and all its synonyms are finally gone in our vocabulary. God, you are a handful girl with hair that is from the bistro.”

“I love you too.”

“Young man, can you please stop enabling Isabella. She is becoming very hard to handle lately.” Carly reprimanded Mason.

“I’m really sorry Mrs. March. I’m trying but if I refuse I end up enabling a much larger thing. You know how it goes.”

“It was wrong to put some of the blame on you. This is all on her. It was cute when she was little but it is just not adorable anymore.”

“She knows what she wants. Doesn’t that count for something?”

“I guess. As long as she does not ask for the Eiffel Tower itself, I think we are okay.”

“But she did ask me to get her a star.”

“Isabella Katarina March!”

“Come on Belle, get up.” Mason hounded her while smashing at her bed.

She threw a pillow at him, “Go away!”

“I really want to watch this movie. Please, can we do something I want just once?”

“NO! Now go away!” Another pillow flew across the room.

“Your mother wants you out of the house.”

“N — O,”

He climbed on the bed and lied down. “I never get what I want.”


“Whatever you say princess.”

“Wait, get me my body pillow.”

Mason tried to get up but was interrupted by a “What are you doing?”

“Getting you your body pillow.” He replied while raising an eyebrow.

“Just scoot closer. Read the room, please.”

“I’m not a body pillow.” Mason said sternly.

Isabella pinned him down with her right arm, “Body,” and laid her head onto his chest, “Pillow.

“I can hear your heart beat. It is quite strong.” She whispered

“It is beating for you.”

“What are we? We never had the talk.”

“I’m surprised that you brought that up. Do we really need to?”

“I guess I just want to know that this is just not us being kids anymore. When you are my pseudo that thing.”

“Pseudo that thing? You mean punching bag?”

Isabella turned and buried her face on his chest.

“I killed it, didn’t I?”

Isabella’s fist landed on his stomach.

“You really need a better way to express your feelings towards me.”

She turned and look at him, “You are not even that handsome. There’s a little cuteness there but not enough to be adorable.”

“You also need to have a reality check on your standards.”

“Also, I’m smarter than you.”

He smiled, “Really? Are you sure you are not dreaming?”

“Categorically speaking you might be up in points but I control you which makes me the meaning behind your existence.”

There was a moment of silence as he cannot remove his gaze from the corner of her mouth.

“Mase what are you thinking?”

“I want to kiss the corner of your mouth. Not even dreaming of touching the rest of your lips. It looks like everything that is beautiful and should be adored is focused on that one point. Everything that is you is there in this moment.”

She kissed him on his lips and then jumped out of the bed, “Movies?”

“I never get what I want. I will wait for you downstairs.” He sighed. “You are such a moment killer.”


“Belle we need to talk.”

Her gaze fell on the back of his head, “I’m sorry. Did I just hear you say that we need to talk about something?”

“Yeah, it is kind of important. I ask you to please open your mind and hopefully understand what I am going to say.”

“Did I fell through a wormhole? What’s going on Mase?” she said as her face tensed up.

“You know my dad forced me to apply to a boarding school and I got in.”

Isabella smiled and hugged him, “That’s great. I’m really proud of you. You got me worried for a second there.”

“So, my dad found out and he is forcing me to go.”

“I don’t see what the big fuss is all about. It’s like you are being tortured.”

“Because I am. I’m leaving in two weeks and it is in London.”

“Wait, I thought —I’m sorry—London? You never said anything about it being abroad. When you said you applied to Westminster School I thought it was a fancy local boarding school. I — I can’t have this conversation right now Mase.”

“Belle, please.”

“We’re in this together, right? When you decided to go, was I there? Because my head is getting all fussy with all of this stuff. London? I never hated a city this much. I never detested a human being this much. You are leaving me?”

“You would never understand.”

“I’m sorry, am I really that dense to you? I would never understand. How could I? YOU LEFT ME OUT OF IT!”

“I’m pursuing my dream.”

“Your dad is forcing you to go and now it is your dream? You are a terrible liar Francis.”

“Would you please just listen to me?”

“The truth I can understand but a lie? I don’t want to see you ever again!”

“Isabella,” Mason tried to grab her hand but she turned away.

“I think you should go, now. Just leave me alone.”

“That does not sound like a classic love story at all.” The girl said while crossing her arms.

“I did not say that is all there is it to it.” Charlie pushed back.

“Better not be. I had a pretty disappointing week. I would hate being caught off guard today be a total bummer.”

“This caught you off guard?”

“Yeah,” she smiled.

“But you do know that I have a girlfriend?”

“Don’t mind stealing one from Isabella March.”

Charlie chuckled at this. “I never knew you were a flirt.”

“Silly, you don’t know me.”

“Let me rephrase that. So, you are a flirt?”

“Geez mister. How can you say that to a lady?” she said sarcastically.

“Did I offend your sensibilities madam?”

“And this is the part where the woman tears the man’s clothes.”

“I like the way how you think. Though that told me that you are into erotica.”

“No I’m not. I read literature.”

“Oh yeah, right. Literature.” He winked at her.

“Are we done now? By the way, I found some of the details of the story a little bit sketchy. It sounded a little bit like it was taken from this year’s random chick flick.”

“That is what I said when I first heard it from her. But she swears to whatever higher power she was worshipping that it did happen.”

“The sweet bedroom conversation?”


“The cute childhood romance?”

“She says it is as vivid as the day that it happened.”

“I just have a hard time believing that those kind of things happen in real life.”

“I was once in that side of the fence but one friend told me about how he met one of his exes.”


“They bumped into each other at a fast food restaurant. His meal fell to the floor and while he was trying to pick up the mess, they locked eyes.”

“No, that did not happen. Nope. Nope. Nooope.”

“Hey, romantic fiction needs a real life inspiration.”

“The lies they tell you this day.” She grunted. “I’ve had my fair share of heartaches and heartbreaks. I guess it is fair for me to be disillusioned by the whole concept of romance.”

“Who hurt you?”

“It does not concern you, unknown stranger from the coffee place.”

“Did I do something, fellow unknown stranger for the coffee place? Did I touch a nerve or something?”

“I’m sorry if I’m raining on your parade. It is just that after everything that happened to me until now I already have hard time finding that magic that comes from love.”

“Interesting, ‘magic that comes from love’. So that magic, how do you view it? Is it a cause or an effect?”

“Well now that I am thinking about it. Hmmm.” She was looking up and tapping her forefinger at her chin, “It is a cause.”

“Why is that?”

“I don’t know, isn’t it that that certain magic fuels the whole singularity event of two people falling for each other.”

“And here you say you are disillusioned with romance? Get your principles straight. That is like something really romantic, ‘magic is a fuel for love’.” He laughed at this.

“No, not romantic. Just a statement of a fact.”

“You need to get out of that trench that you use to shield yourself from getting hurt.”

“I’m in a trench? Just because you have your entire life figured out does not mean you are better off than everybody else and is free to pass judgment on them.”

“Hey, slow down. That is not what I meant with that. Come on, you clearly are reeling from some very deep wounds. It is just a human observation.”

She did not try to argue the point.

“Hey, listen. This is the part where context on your part will give me a better understanding of who you are as a person.”

“Your story is not finished yet.”

“So, mine or Isabella’s?”

“Let’s settle the whole Isabella conundrum. I think it is better if we figure out the demons that drove Isabella into the arms of someone like you.”

“Hey, I’m right here.” Charlie protested.

“Exactly,” she smiled.

“Isabella, honey, let me in.” Carly March was knocking at the door as hard as a gentle soul like hers could.

“Go away mom!” Isabella screamed enough that it scared the birds perched on her windowsill.

“Locking yourself up will not solve anything. Talk to me, please?”

“Nobody will understand. Especially you.”

“I will try my hardest to understand baby. Please, it is hard seeing you like this. You’ve missed meals. I’m worried about you sweetheart.”

“I don’t want to eat.

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