  • 1. By: Spencer Bryant
  • 2. Fort Sumter, in Charleston, SouthCarolina, was a peaceful Union fort, thatwas attacked by the Confederate army inApril 1861. The battle lasted two days.
  • 3. The Confederates had an advantage over theUnion, because the Union was on an island andhad limited supplies. This was the first attack bythe seceding States on the Union.
  • 4. The Confederate forces bombarded the fort fortwo days. There were no casualties during thebattle. The only death occurred during theevacuation after the battle, when a Union cannon,firing a salute, blew up killing the artillerist.
  • 5. The Union Army surrendered Fort Sumter tothe Confederates. This event began the CivilWar. Even Though the Union ultimately wonthe Civil War, the Confederacy won this battle.

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