Page 1: The Benefits of Oil Pulling - Karyn Calabrese...KARYN’S 1717 N. Ashland Chicago, IL 60622 312.255.1590 The Benefits of Oil Pulling Oil Pulling is a practice that dates back to the

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The Benefits of Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling is a practice that dates back to the Ayurveda 5,000-10,000 years ago and is considered

to be the oldest form of health care in the world. The knowledge of Ayurveda spread out from India and

influenced the ancient Chinese system, Unani medicine, and medicine practiced by Hippocrates in Greece.

Oil Pulling is an easy process that only takes 15-20 minutes a day, by which healing organisms in

certain oils actually attach and pull toxins from your bloodstream ridding you of the harm that causes most

of our medical problems today. The simplicity of this healing system in which oil is swirled backwards

and forwards in the mouth is due to the stimulating effect that it has on the body's eliminatory system.

Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and

more complex tissues such as internal organs simultaneously. This occurs because the beneficial microflora

throughout the body are provided with a healthy continuum. Oil pulling can help alleviate ailments like

migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterio thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as

leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis,

heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women’s hormonal disorders are completely eliminated from

the organism.

Oil Pulling is a general detoxifier and tends to help a wide range of issues. Coconut oil is great for

oil pulling because of the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and antimicrobial,

antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.


Take 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil and place in mouth. Swish back and forth around mouth until

coconut oil is a liquid. Continue for 20 minutes. Mucus will gather in the coconut oil. DO NOT

swallow the oil. After 20 minutes, spit out liquid. If you cannot hold the coconut oil in your mouth

for 20 minutes, swish around mouth as long as possible. Spit out and repeat until 20 minutes has

been achieved. Feel free to rinse or brush teeth following oil pulling.

Page 2: The Benefits of Oil Pulling - Karyn Calabrese...KARYN’S 1717 N. Ashland Chicago, IL 60622 312.255.1590 The Benefits of Oil Pulling Oil Pulling is a practice that dates back to the

KARYN’S 1717 N. Ashland Chicago, IL 60622 312.255.1590


The Ultimate In High Energy Nourishment

Energy soup contains every nutrient that your body needs, in a balanced form. It enables your body to

cleanse and rebuild itself. It is easy to digest, which is so vital for those suffering from digestive

problems and allergies. Each ingredient is a complete food containing the highest levels for nutrition.

Let us take a look at the nutritional value and quality of the ingredients in Energy Soup.

Rejuvelac- Rejuvelac contains all the nutrition of sprouted wheat: vitamins B and E, more

vitamin C than orange juice, valuable friendly bacteria and enzymes for digestion. Rejuvelac

prevents energy soup from oxidizing and enables you to keep the nourishing, high energy soup

fresh through the entire day.

Dulse- any seaweed can be used, but dulse is preferable because it is one of the most nutritious

seaweeds and has a pleasant taste. Seaweeds such as kelp and dulse contain all of the sixty-five

trace elements and minerals that have been identified, as well as some vitamins, and are a great

source of organic iodine. Using seaweeds insures that the trace elements and minerals will be

ingested in a balanced form.

Greens- Healthy, organic greens are the most important ingredient in energy soup. The protein

structure in greens resembles the protein structure of humans much more closely than that of

meat protein. The chlorophyll in greens has the energy and vitality of the sun, from where it

comes. Greens, such as watercress, turnip greens, spinach, endive, escarole and dandelion

greens are just a few of the products that are excellent for use, although sunflower and

buckwheat greens are the most nutritious of all. It is desirable, when possible, to grow one’s

own greens indoors.

o Buckwheat Lettuce- these greens are an excellent source of chlorophyll, vitamin A and

C, calcium and lecithin. Buckwheat lecithin helps keep the body clean of artery-clogging

cholesterol. It is a fat solvent which means it can be very effective as a way of removing

cholesterol from hardened arteries. Buckwheat sprouts also contain natural phosphorus.

o Sunflower Greens- these greens are the same ones that eventually grow into large

sunflower plants. They contain chlorophyll, protein, B complex vitamins, vitamin E,

calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Their nutritional value is great.

Sprouts- Sprouts are loaded with enzymes which make them a high energy food. They also

contain high amounts of fiber. In the sprouting process, the nutritional elements in sprouts are

pre-digested, making them a particularly valuable nutrient. Some of the most desirable sprouts

are mung beans, lentils and whole green peas.

Page 3: The Benefits of Oil Pulling - Karyn Calabrese...KARYN’S 1717 N. Ashland Chicago, IL 60622 312.255.1590 The Benefits of Oil Pulling Oil Pulling is a practice that dates back to the

KARYN’S 1717 N. Ashland Chicago, IL 60622 312.255.1590

Karyn’s Energy Soup

(1) Into a blender put 1 to 2 cups of REJUVELAC & a handful of dulse

(2) Pulse the blender

(3) Add 2 peeled & cored YELLOW APPLES

(4) Pulse the blender

(5) Add a handful of SPINACH

(6) Pulse the blender

(7) Add a handful each of SUNFLOWER & BUCKWHEAT GREENS

(8) Pulse the blender

(9) Add an AVOCADO

(10)Pulse the blender

Enjoy! Energy soup contains every nutrient that the body needs in a balanced, easy to digest form. It

cleanses and rebuilds the body.

WARNING: like yeast, the energy soup mixture expands. It will burst off the lid of a plastic container if

it is kept for long. For safety, store in a glass jar.

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A Primer on Cleansing the Colon Excerpt from an article by Edward L. Carr, ND, HMD


Washing deteriorating waste from the intestines is the quickest way known to begin detoxification

and is the first stop to natural health. Elimination and assimilation are two basic needs for natural health. If

the elimination organs are not functioning perfectly, the body soon becomes choked and assimilation

cannot take place properly. In most people this loss of function is a slow process in which various toxins

build up over a period of years to produce arthritis, ulcers, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks,

strokes, etc. Other patients only experience headaches or a sluggish tired feeling, which can be warning

signals of a breakdown to come.

Before the advent of refined flours, sugars, chocolate confections, pasteurized milk and cheese, oily

and greasy foods, noodles, cookies, cakes, etc., and now coupled with sedentary living, elimination did not

used to be the problem that it is today. A normal colon is found today in very few people. Instead most

people today feeding on devitalized foods have colons replete with abnormal pockets, bulges, twists and

crooks which harbor impacted, clay-like waste deposits adhering to the colon walls, which often serve as

homes for various parasites and harmful bacteria. Through this putrefying mass, food waste from recent

meals forces itself periodically, perhaps daily or perhaps more or less often. Thus in a manner of speaking,

one may be constipated even while having bowel movements.

People were designed to have a complete evacuation of the lower bowl from one to three times

daily after meals. A complete evacuation is not to be confused with small partial eliminations which most

experience, nor can the partial give the same feeling of freedom, energy, and vital well-being. Evacuation

while sitting on the toilet is as natural as eating while standing on one’s head. People were designed to

evacuate in a natural squatting position with their weight on their feet. This is the natural way of promoting

the peristaltic action necessary for complete evacuation. Any other way impedes natural functioning. In

many countries, toilets are constructed to encourage natural functioning.


The greatest immediate colon detoxifier known is colon irrigation or colonics. Second to that is the

enema which can be taken at home. Most of the objections to colon irrigation and enemas are from those

who have had little or no experience with these gentle natural detoxifiers. Some say that the colon

irrigation washes out intestinal flora, valuable nutrients and is habit forming. The truth is that the washing

out of putrefication in the large intestine, which is the only part reached in any colon irrigation, increases

the good intestinal flora, which can only exist in a clean environment that has been washed free of

putrefication and its accompanying harmful bacteria. That is why the intestines of a newborn baby

immediately begin to grow good intestinal flora. Each time one’s colon is cleansed, a better environment

for the natural flora is created and the flora can immediately begin to multiply in their natural medium.

The intestines are muscles with nerves which normally trigger peristaltic contraction when the colon is full.

Putrefication makes the colon become insensitive, stagnant and weak. But each time one fills the intestines

with water, these muscles and nerves contract with new life. Thus the more enema and colon irrigations,

the stronger and livelier the intestines will become. They are dependent on both exercise and cleanliness;

therefore, colon irrigation along with a raw food diet is the most natural way to correct any unnatural

conditions in the colon.

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Sometimes client will feel nauseated and have some cramping during the intestinal wash.

This is a certain indication that toxins are being stirred up and that much more cleansing is needed

to complete the task. The intestinal wash can lower a high fever in minutes, much quicker than the

most powerful antibiotic, and is effective even in children and small babies. Most headaches are

rooted in intestinal putrefication and often respond in minutes to a good intestinal wash.

Most patients are surprised at the fantastic results from the intestinal wash program they did

not believe they really needed. Improved digestion, increased mental power and sense of well-being

and more vibrant health are only a few of the benefits. We have seen patients with extreme

depression and pessimism transformed into cheerful optimists after the putrefying waste was

removed from their colons. It is an experience available to everyone!

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Why Colon Hydrotherapy?

Valentina Plebaniak, a colon therapist, tells us that an increasing number of people in the health

field recognize the importance of a healthy colon, if a person is to maintain the best possible health. Dr.

Robert Wood, Dr. V.E. Irons, Dr. Norman Walker, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Edgar Cayce and others, who are

experts in their fields, have stressed this point for quite some time.

How do our colons get into the undesirable state we often find them in? There are a number of


Insufficient intake of fluids

Eating too fast and not chewing foods properly

Consumption of foods such as cakes, pies, doughnuts, white bread and other products made of

white flour and refined sugar. Soft drinks are particularly bad because of the combination of

sweeteners and acids. Milk and milk products can cause problems, especially cheese because of its

binding effect

Lack of exercise

Improper food combining which leads to digestive problems which, in turn, causes faulty

elimination. Also over consumption of foods which contain little fiber

Factors such as worry, stress, hatred, anger, anxiety, fear, loss of job, personal injury, death in

family, divorce, separation, etc.

Use of certain drugs which slow down bowel action

Some warning signs that a colon is probably in poor condition are:

A tired sluggish feeling and a lack of energy

Headaches and nervous irritability

Abdominal discomfort, cramping and constipation

Excessive gas, bad breath and offensive body odors

Frequent illnesses such as colds, flu, sore throats, tonsil inflammations, etc.

Poor appetite

High blood pressure

Parasitic infestations and worms

Sallow looking skin and skin eruptions

Back pains, varicose veins and tired legs

If a colon is allowed to remain in a toxic state for an extended length of time, more serious

problems are likely to develop. Cancer, arthritis, poor eyesight, prostate trouble, respiratory disorders,

thyroid deficiency, colitis, Crohn’s disease, heart disease, spastic colon and numerous other afflictions can

often be traced to a clogged and impacted colon.

If you suspect your colon to be in a less than healthy condition, it would be to your advantage to make an

appointment with a colon therapist. Numerous people who have colon hydrotherapy can testify to the

benefits derived by it. The amount you spend now may just correct a condition before it becomes more

serious and much more costly.

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Why is Colon Care Necessary for Well Being?

Good health is as much a question of how we eliminate wastes as of how we nourish our bodies.

The lifestyle presented at the Ann Wigmore Foundation is not a cure or remedy for any specific disease,

rather it is a lifestyle of total rejuvenation of the body and mind- a thorough housecleaning of the body,

ridding it of the wastes, foreign matter, mucous and toxins accumulated since childhood, while

simultaneously providing them most optimal nourishment. By the combining of good health habits with a

new way of eating, i.e., eating only uncooked, organically grown food, containing high enzyme, easy-to-

digest nourishment, this lifestyle assists Nature in the most effective way. Once the proper nourishment has

been provided and thus deficiencies have been corrected, then there is no longer an intake of toxins to drain

the body of energy. All the environmental pollutants from air, water, and food, which have been locked in

the cells, are released. Some toxins such as uric acid, produced by the consumption of meat, and those

toxins resulting from the intake of drugs, have been stored in the body for decades.

This lifestyle is fashioned to promote total health, and such health cannot be experienced without complete

colon care. This involves the taking of enemas as they are needed. The self-healing of the body has been

misunderstood. Rather than trying to suppress the symptoms of poor elimination, we need to give the body

a means for the self-healing that is inherent with a clean, properly functioning colon.

The two main causes of disease are deficiency and toxemia. The body can overcome disease through a

process of elimination and nourishment. The colon is the body’s major organ for elimination. Its poor

functioning may be related to headaches, undue weariness, lethargy, fatigue, sluggishness of negative

moods- all symptoms of the beginning of a toxic condition of the blood. These symptoms can be Nature’s

calls for attention when waste matter is not being processed or expelled on schedule. By cleansing the

colon, we remove the causes of these toxic conditions and prevent their cumulative effect on our bodies

and minds.

An unhealthy colon and poor digestion go hand in hand. The digested food must contain nutrients and

enzymes for proper health. That is why living food is so necessary to replace any missing elements. The

process of digestion is accomplished with the help of an extensive colony of friendly bacteria that thrive

with the healthy colon. As the food passes through, these bacteria “feed” upon the food, creating valuable

chemical products in the process (vitamin K and B vitamins, including B12). When these bacteria have

been modified or destroyed due to antibiotic drugs, poor food combining, or old wastes putrefying in the

colon, the results can be sluggishness, fatigue or disease.

When one is not eliminating properly, deposits of fecal matter build up along the wall of the colon or in the

pockets of the colon. That is why even a mild case of constipation can become a serious problem. In

addition, fecal deposits can irritate the nerve endings in your colon, leading to a spastic or inflamed colon.

These conditions can interfere even more with nutrient absorption and also with proper bowel function.

Digestive problems and allergies are responsible for constipation, and digestive problems actually are the

cause of allergies. Ineffective digestion is the ultimate source of all degenerative diseases such as heart

conditions, cancer, and AIDS.

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For these reasons one’s first consideration should be for easy-to-digest nourishment and health practices

such as enemas, implants, and colonics which lead to the effective elimination of built up toxic waste in the


Without a program of internal colon cleansing, the damage to the body multiplies, and goes beyond

affecting the digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Feces that remain in the system begin decaying,

releasing toxins and poisonous gases that seep out into one’s blood and begin to poison one’s organs and

tissues. The bloodstream itself becomes polluted, which prevents it from removing the cells’ wastes. Thus

one’s whole system is poisoned by toxins.

The old concept that constipation was a cause of lumps, cysts and malignancy has been revived in recent

medical research (for a reference to breast tumors, see Petrakis and Kin, Lancet 2:1203, 11/28/81). Women

having two or fewer bowel movements a week show a four-fold greater risk of breast tumors than those

have more than one bowel movements a day. Researchers theorize that the reason for the difference may be

that chemical substances in the colon enter the blood stream and are taken up in the body. The faster the

contents of the colon are evacuated, the less time there is for the transformation of substances to become

toxic or carcinogenic.

People who have diarrhea sometimes claim that they are not constipated because their bowels move several

times a day. But the cause of their diarrhea is generally due to the presence of irritation of the colon to a

rapid, powerful emptying of whatever can be forced out. When this irritating substance is glued to the walls

of the colon, it may not be expelled and the result if chronic diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea responds

remarkably well to an effective colon cleansing program.

Some of the common practices which promote constipation are:

Eating cooked, refined, over-processed foods

Poor food combining

Eating when tense, or too fast

Failing to think of food as nourishment

Regularly neglecting to heed the need evacuate after meals

Insufficient exercise

Sitting on the toiled in an unnatural position

Use of drugs (antihistamines, tranquilizers, etc.)

Us e of laxatives or cathartics

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Preparation of Fenugreek Seed Liquid

1. Start with 1 cup of seeds (and work up to 2 cups) in a 32 or 64 oz jar.

2. Soak the seeds in water, overnight, at room temperature, until water becomes golden.

3. Seeds can be used 2 or 3 times, as long as the water becomes golden.

4. Save accumulated liquid in a separate jar.

5. Refrigerate seeds and water. Seeds will sprout and can be eaten.

Enema Technique

1. Preparation of catheter:

--cut holes off clear tubing, at an angel

--push narrower end of clear tubing firmly into wider red tubing

2. Attach clear hose firmly to bucket.

3. Make sure the hose clip is positioned to close off the hose.

4. Add to the bucket 1 to 2 cups of the fenugreek seed liquid; fill up the rest of the bucket with

warm water, so that the resulting temperature is about 98.6 degrees.

5. In order to get air out of the tubing, loosen the hose clip to release a small amount of the


6. Put towels down on the floor in order to lie near the toilet. It is also possible to lie on a bed

or wherever is most comfortable.

7. The bucket should be suspended 2 to 3 feet above the rectum.

8. Lubricate the end of the tube with castor oil (never petroleum jelly).

9. Lying down on your left side, insert only the tip of the tube, and release 1/3 of the liquid in

the bucket, holding it for as long as you can before letting go of it in the toilet. Gently

massage the abdomen up the left side. Rub castor oil over abdomen and cover it with a

warm heating pad when not massaging.

10. Repeat the process lying on your back this time. Gently massage the abdomen from left to

right above the belly button.

11. Repeat the process, again lying on your right side, this time. Gently massage the abdomen

down the right side. This part of the enema should take from 20 to 30 minutes.

12. After removing the catheter, massage the colon in the opposite direction from that above,

that is, up the right side, from right to left across the abdomen and down the left side.


1. If cramping occurs, check the temperature of the water. It should be about body temperature,

not too hot, and not too cold. The water should be introduced into the colon slowly so that the

colon does not expand too fast.

2. If you feel considerable discomfort, remove the catheter and expel the liquid. Try again to

complete the enema. After doing several enemas there may be substantial fecal material

removed, which would then allow you to take a whole bucket at a time.

3. It is best to expel the liquid with your feet raised 1 to 2 feet off the ground. You can use a stool

or a specially made foot rest for this purpose. It straightens out the colon for better elimination.

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1. Use 4 oz of liquid chlorophyll or wheatgrass liquid; water can be added, but preferably not.

2. Repeat the procedure for an enema, inserting all of the red tube and releasing all of the


3. There may be bends in your colon that require pulling the tube back, then going forward,

again, gently.

4. If possible, tilt pelvis up, to aid the chlorophyll in reaching deeply into the colon.


1. Bucket and tubing

2. Fenugreek seed liquid (seeds soaked in water for 2 days at room temperature)

3. Warm water

4. Castor oil, Vegelatum or K- Y Jelly (never petroleum jelly which is carcinogenic)

5. Towels

6. Heating pad

7. Wheatgrass or Chlorophyll

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The enema, and colonic irrigation, cleanse is using the mechanical effect of moving water by repeatedly

introducing and expelling water, and by using massage, fecal impaction and toxic concentrations offeces

are softened, dissolved, diluted, and removed from the colon.

Colon cleansing is the key to colon health. Thus, for far-reaching health benefits for the entire body,

one should never neglect the colon. The lymph system of vessels carries waste materials away from the

body cells. For the lymph system to drain freely, it is necessary to first have a clean colon.

As soon as the colon is cleansed enough to relieve back pressure on the lymph system, mucous is often

seen in the stool. People have often reported seeing a relationship between this process and the

improvement of chronic physical problems, and problems such as rheumatoid diseases, asthma, hay fever,

allergies, cystitis, eczema and other kin diseases, as well.

The diaphragm also plays its part. It is a "lymphatic pump." Movement and exercise is important.

While exercising and inhaling deep breaths of fresh air, the lymph rebounding on a trampoline.


There are both advantages and disadvantages to the practice of drinking chlorophyll every day.

The major benefit of drinking wheatgrass is that your body will start to cleanse itself of its toxins and

debris. This may happen in a very powerful way, if too much of the green drink is taken.

The main disadvantage to the practice is that if one's colon is quite toxic, the speeded up

detoxification will cause the individual to feel fatigued for a few days. It may be best to place more

emphasis on living food and easy-to-digest nourishment, than on too much wheatgrass. However, if it

appears that drinking wheatgrass juice would be appropriate, it is best to take it early in the morning, on an

empty stomach, or when very hungry. It works even better to chew the wheat grass and discard the pulp.

The best program is to rely on living food, high enzyme, easy-to-digest nourishment for the basic

cleansing, and then to supplement the living foods lifestyle by taking wheatgrass implants. It is always best

to take at least two enemas before taking an implant, to insure that the colon has been cleansed of all

superficial debris. Otherwise, when retaining the implant, the presence of chlorophyll in the colon may

cause the debris in the colon to be reabsorbed into the blood stream. However, if the

wheatgrass is taken only in small amounts, there may be no need to worry about this problem, and the

wheatgrass may not need to be immediately expelled. A small amount would be two or three ounces of

wheatgrass, but larger amounts may be taken for nourishment as well as cleansing. First however, the colon

must be cleaned our well with enemas, prior to the implant, and the implant should then be retained as long

as possible.

It is possible that one may need multiple implants. It is best to take a second implant within an hour after

the first. In that case, the colon has not yet been filled up with debris again, and one can therefore take

another implant successfully. One can take a second implant even sooner than half an hour after the first,

and it is best to take it within three or four hours or the colon will no longer be clean from the first implant,

and another set of enemas will be necessary for good results. Implants are often used for nourishing the

body. After one has cleansed the colon, they provide as much nourishment and vitality as if one had

received a blood transfusion. All the nourishment the body needs can be obtained through colon


It is necessary to experiment with different techniques and schedules until one discovers what is

best for each circumstance. In the same way, only personal trial and errors can be used to create the unique

and appropriate adjustment needed for a living foods lifestyle.

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Cancer Causing Laxatives The Danger of Danthron

Danthron, the active ingredient in some of the biggest selling laxatives in this country, has been

found to cause cancer in animals, and a British company has decided to take its product, DORBANEX,

which contains danthron, off the market. It is especially troubling that one of the cites where the cancer

appears to occur is in the colon, or large intestine. The other kind of cancer apparently caused by danthron

is of the liver. In the United States, according to 1985 drug industry marketing data, there were more than

three million packages of danthron containing laxatives sold, including over the counter and prescription

products in tablet, capsule and liquid form.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is said to be looking into the cancer causing properties

of dantrhon, but, in the mean time, one should protect one’s self by avoiding the purchase or use of this

drug. It is likely that it will be taken off the market, here, as it was in Britain.

Danthron is in the category of stimulant laxatives, a group of drugs that has been strongly

recommended not to use for other reasons, as well. The leading brand name products with the cancer

causing ingredient are MODANE, DOXIDAN and DORBANTYL. Any of these products that might be in

the medicine cabinet should be removed and thrown away, or taken to the pharmacist for a refund.

The Treatment of Constipation

A Definition of Constipation

1. A decrease from a person’s normal number of bowel movements

2. Bowel movements occurring less than twice a week

3. Difficulty in passing hard stools

Treatment of Simple Constipation Without Drugs

Eat a high fiber diet

Drink 6 to 8 cups of liquids per day (no soda, alcohol, coffee or black tea)

Exercise regularly

Avoid Laxative drugs

Avoid or adjust constipation medication

Work towards developing a regular pattern of bowel movements

Do not use any over the counter drugs

When to Seek Help From a Health Care Professional

When constipation does not respond to a simple non-drug self treatment plan within a week

When constipation is of a sudden and unexplained origin

When constipation is accompanied by considerable pain or great difficulty in passing stools

When you notice evidence of rectal bleeding including blood in the stool or black, tar-like stools

When constipation is accompanied by abdominal pain or swelling, fever, nausea or unexplained

weight loss

When you notice a change in the thickness of stools or they become pencil thin

When constipation is of long standing duration, particularly if it has been treated with stimulant


When you have hemorrhoids

If you have anorectic disorders

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Examples of Over the Counter Laxatives Not To Be Used

The following products contain ingredients which it is advised are not suitable for use in self medication

although an FDA panel found them safe and effective. The National Institution of Aging Information

Clearinghouse, for example urges older people to “avoid taking laxatives if at all possible.”

Carter’s Little Liver Pills





Ex-Lax Extra Gentle


Eleft Enema

Glycerin Suppositories


Nature’s Remedy



Phillips Milk of Magnesium



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Wheatgrass, grown from wheat berries, is harvested after just seven days of growth. Due to its

fibrous nature, which is indigestible to humans, wheatgrass must be liquefied through the use of a juicer

before it can be consumed. It is recommended that wheatgrass juice be taken only in small amounts,

preferably not to exceed four ounces per day. Over consumption of wheatgrass juice can cause nausea or

upset stomach because of the strong cleansing effects of the juice.

Use of wheatgrass is said to help cleanse the blood, organs, and gastrointestinal tract, and it is also

recommended as a way to stimulate metabolism and bodily enzyme systems. It is said also to stimulate and

normalize the thyroid, which may be helpful in reducing obesity and improving digestion. Fortunately for

these with allergies to wheat, Dr. Ann Wigmore, who is an internationally acclaimed expert on living foods

and the originator of a wheatgrass program, reports that wheatgrass has nothing to do with wheat or wheat


As a nutritional supplement, wheatgrass contains almost the same amount of vitamin C as citrus

fruits. It is high in vitamin A as dark green lettuce or carrots, and it is, additionally, as good source of the B

vitamins. It also contains vitamin E. The mineral content of wheatgrass includes calcium, iron, sodium,

potassium, magnesium and a variety of trace minerals, such as selenium and zinc. It contains as much can

be found in wheatgrass, including such essential ones as lysine, leucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine,

threonine, valine and isoleucine.

It is wheatgrass’ chlorophyll that is perhaps its most valuable asset. Chlorophyll, the plant’s green

pigment that is often referred to as the ‘blood of plants’’, has been shown in studies to have a cleansing,

detoxifying and healing effect on the body.

Much of the scientific research on chlorophyll has been done in Japan. Their research has shown

that chlorophyll provides some protection from carcinogens. This protection comes from chlorophyll’s

ability to strengthen cells, detoxify the liver and bloodstream and chemically neutralize pollutants. U.S

scientists have also published results from studies. Dr. Arthur Robinson, the director of the Oregon Institute

of Science and Medicine, performed a research project on wheatgrass at the Linus Pauling Institute, which

showed that the wheatgrass and other live foods decreased the incidence University of Texas reported, in

Nutrition and Cancer, that wheatgrass juice had an antimutagenic effect, and that it showed an anti-

neoplastic ability. In another study, performed at the Arthur Testing Laboratory by Dr. Thelma Arthur, the

consumption of wheatgrass juice was shown to detoxify the blood and strengthen the immune system.

While wheatgrass consumers claim that this green food can bring improvements in health, provide

more energy and even aid in weight loss, more studies to come will help in the understanding of exactly

how wheatgrass works.

The use of wheatgrass as a supplement to the diet is highly recommended. It is a must if one does

not obtain fresh food directly from a garden. Food loses much value if it is not eaten immediately after

harvesting. Wheatgrass, taken every day, closes, the gap left by eating food that is less than freshly

harvested, by supplying the missing nutrients.

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If you really hate E3Alive, read the following letter from the owners of

VISIONS (the E3Alive company)


I want to pass this information to you because it is very significant. Please take

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To your health,

With love

Tamera and Michael

The health benefits of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) have been

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AFA contains inique molecules that modulate various aspects of human health

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natural innate phenomenon of healing, regeneration and repair in the human


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