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Page 1: The Bentonite

!e Bentonite

Creativity " in Full Bloom

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Page 2: The Bentonite

J!rnal Ent"esMrs. Coats

Senior T"bute Alex Wilson and Skylar Glawson

PhotographyDorinda Chambers and Leetha Rowe

Six Word MemoirsAlex Wilson and Skylar Glawson

Sho% Sto"esMatthew Roberts and Jourdain Brooks

PoetryEmily Cox and Savannah Crisp

A%Dorinda Chambers and Leetha Rowe

Page 3: The Bentonite

J$rnal Ent%es:Planted and watered to


Anonymous musings from The Bentonite team.

Page 4: The Bentonite

    Dear Dairy,

I have never given much thought about the “perfect” day because I do not have “good” days either. I mean, I am not saying my life sucks but what is a “good” day? To some people it is just being alive, to others it is their crush asking them on a date. An even better question is what is a “perfect” day, because sometimes you may think you have had the best day ever and a few months later you would say that, that day is the best day ever. Well, I may be over thinking things a bit so this is my idea of a “perfect” day. Picture a warm sunny day, not a cloud in the sky and everything around you is green and full of life. Birds are chirping and the smell of roses are in the air. You have been spending all afternoon with the one you love, whether it be a girlfriend, boyfriend, crush, wife, husband or even just a lover. Nothing can ruin your day. Both of you have been spending your afternoon swimming in the lake behind your house or under the Weeping Willow tree, with the branches and leaves barely brushing the ground as the wind blows ever so slightly, next to the lake. You are sunbathing when their shadow lays over your face and you open your eyes to see them. They are standing there above you more gorgeous then ever, today everything is more beautiful. You notice they are holding a wicker basket and a sheet. Curious, you sit up and ask, “What is that?” They smile and lay the sheet down and then the basket and pull out your favorite foods, it is a surprise picnic. The day could not be any better. As you spend the rest of the evening talking, laughing and eating, before you know it, it is dusk and you two watch the sun set together. As it gets dark you notice even tonight is beautiful, the smell of the lake and your partner’s scent fills your nose. You couldn’t be any happier. The stars are shinning bright and the moon is full, causing a reflection on the lake. The air is clean and just a little cooler then before, but you like it that way. Little bugs like up around you, flashing and calling to their mate. You two lay under the moon and stars, cuddled together, forever lost in the love you two share for each other, not saying a word because words need not be spoken. Nothing can ruin your mood because you have now had the most perfect day.


Secretly “Perfect”

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Dear Journal,

I can’t believe that the end of my senior year is just around the corner. It feels like I just started High school yesterday it went by so quick. I’m so excited and happy that it’s almost over and That I will be a graduate and it’s kind of makes me sad to that it’s all over but I worked really hard to make it this far and graduate. Graduation is going to be one of the best days of my life and it’s going to make my parents and family so proud. But I am so ready to graduate and go to college and get my life started.


Dear Journal,

I’ve been writing stories and poems since I was about eight years old and had the passion to write ever since. For my first poem that got published “Angels that Cry” into a book, I felt really great about myself. I chose the poem because it illustrates the meaning of life, and it was very Christian, as well. When I was notified that this poem got published, I was ecstatic. It’s not everyday that your writings get published for the world to see. After I got the poem published, I continued to post more poems onto the website, I wouldn’t hear back from them for a few months. I posted what felt like my 50th poem, a poem called “Kindness is The Answer, Not Breaking Hearts,” this poem is dark and deals with some heavy emotions, with some sparks of graphic visuals that play in your head while you read it. When I found out that this poem got published, I was honestly proud of myself for writing a poem that other people will see and be able to relate to.



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Dear Diary,

Senior year is quickly coming to and end! In thirty days you will graduate from Benton High School and a chapter of you life will come to an end. On May 26th you will walk across that stage and be handed your diploma. The moment that scroll of paper is in your hand you have accomplished everything you came to high school to do. You look up into the crowd and see all the family and friends who came out to celebrate this event with you. You parents have tears streaming down their face because of how proud they are of you. Then you walk down the stairs back to your seat and wait for the rest of your classmates to get handed their diplomas. After everyone receives their diplomas the entire class stands up. The announcer says, “Benton High School Graduating Class of 2013.” Everyone takes off their caps and throw them in the air in celebration. But wait! Don’t get to ahead of yourself you still have thirty more days. You still have the to pass all three tests in government so you can get the credit for that class and pass. You are going to have to keep working hard to keep your grades up and still keep applying for scholarships. Even though you have chosen your college the more scholarships you can get the better. The money you get can help you pay for college in not be in debt for the rest of your life keep that in mind. Its crazy to think that just three and half short years ago you were a freshman scared and nervous not knowing what’s in store. But now looking back look how much you have grown as a person and all that you have accomplished. You have had some rough times but you were strong and got through them you should be proud of yourself and the person you have become. I know it scary to think that after graduation you will be out in the real world and have a whole new list of responsibilities but hey that is part of growing up. Even though we would all like to be kids forever we can’t. All of us have to grow up one day and that day is just around the corner. So live it up and makes some unforgettable memories while you still can. Make high school something to remember. Something you look back on one day and can tell your children. High school may not of been easy but all your hard work does pay off. High school gives you a taste and prepares you for what the real world has in store. Make sure to take lots of pictures cause when it’s all done that is what you will have to remember these four years by. High school changes people some for the better and other for the worst. You will lose friends you never thought you would lose and gain friends you never thought you would be friends with. You just never know what high school has in store for you until you get there and see for yourself. High school brings tons of drama but just be one of those strong people who doesn’t let that run you life. There will be first loves and tones of heartache. So be careful whom you give your heart to. Looks can be deceiving and words can always becomes lies. Also friends who you thought were true will turn out to be fake so just be careful who you trust with your secrets. High school has a lot of perks to it though. You meet and make a tone of new friends. You are also apart of a community of people who love the same things you love like sports, school pride and academics. You are all here for the same thing and it makes school a lot more bearable when you have people you can share it with. I also suggest not cheating just cause you don’t get caught the first time doesn’t mean you won’t get caught. So if I were you I wouldn’t take any chances. These four years will go by to fast so don’t take a single day for granted. What can I say as a senior in high school I have had my fair share of ups and downs but I wouldn’t take a single moment back because it has made me who I am today. High school is full of surprises so takes chances and live with the moment and never look back because it will be over before you know it.



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Dear Journal,

Nothing kills a summer day like rain and thunder. Summer is about soaking up the sun and relaxing poolside. It’s definitely not about sitting inside as precipitation leaks from the sky like water leaking from a sink. During the summer I can’t stand to be inside! I would much rather be outside swimming, walking, absorbing the fresh air than inside for a single moment. Most people say I’m crazy, enjoying the heat, but I just enjoy the fresh freedom. During the summer when I’m not playing sports like softball, basketball, or volleyball, I like spending time with friends, swimming in my pool, or even just sitting outside. This summer, not only will I be playing sports and doing the usual but also a lot more. This summer I am running a lot of 5k events. I am most excited for the color run and the mud run. The color run is where all the participants dress up in white and as you’re running by people are throwing color and splattering people with excitement. The mud run is basically a 5 mile run and obstacle course through the mud. Gross, but fun. I will also be doing a few triathlons. My first one ever is in June. I am so nervous. In this event I will swim 1500 meters, bike 24.9 miles then run 6.2 miles. This sounds deadly. I am doing two more of those one in July and one in August. This may not sound fun but I am super excited. Not as excited as I am for my vacation though. This summer I will also be taking my very first vacation ever!! I am going to California for three whole weeks. That’s a long time. I am scared, but so excited. While I’m there I’m going to see the sites, see the cities, land in LA and definitely soak up the sun at the beach! I will also go shopping and most definitely taking pictures! I can’t wait to experience the restaurants there! I hear they are good, but expensive. That is the biggest let down. I am paying for this trip with my own money. It costs a lot! Not as much as I expected though. And no matter what the price, I know this trip will be well worth my money. While I’m there, I want to meet a celebrity, swim with a dolphin, go to the beach, but more importantly bring home a beach hottie! That is a key factor. If that means leaving some clothes behind to sneak him in my suit case, then I’ll do it. Hey, I mean you have to do what you have to do. Just kidding. But I hope it’s hot boy heaven there. There is no doubt in my mind that this is going to be the best summer ever. I am finally off my leash. I feel free to explore and go wherever the wind takes me. And this sounds like the perfect paradise to me. Not only that but the best part about summer is having no school!! This means sleeping in, waking up late, going to bed late, freedom, fun, and so much more! Especially since I won’t have a job. This summer I am completely free. I am ready to get on this ride, even if I don’t get off. I am ready to experience the real meaning of life, liberty, and freedom



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Dear Diary,

Since freshman year here at Benton High School, I’ve watched my beliefs transform and grow gradually. Not all of my dreams came true, not all of my goals were met, but then again at the same time, not all of them stayed important. I didn’t become a varsity cheerleader, but I am a big contributor to the Benton newspaper. I didn’t play tennis but I still have a plethora of good friends. Not everything went according to plan and that I really liked. A good lesson learned over these last couple years is life really is like a roller coaster. You can love it and ride through it, or be pessimistic about where it takes you. It’s complete chaos and filled with fun and laughter along the way. It can be scary at times. It is full of adrenalin and anxiety. All my life I wanted to know what was over the next hill, all my life I needed a plan, and high school has diminished needing to know. One of the greatest lessons learned is I don’t always know where life will take me, I just have to make the best of what I'm given. If I could go back to talk to my freshman self, I would tell her to laugh as much as she could. I would tell her to not worry as much as she did because honestly not every little thing was as big as a deal as it was made out to be. When I was young, I was naive. I don’t know if I would change that, the learning process was what shaped me to be who I am today. Today I look back and I remember everything I wanted for myself when I was a freshman. Silly things mattered like sports and money. During my Senior year in high school, I have been living for myself. I am happy and I am enjoying the last year of my high school career. As my mom always told me, do exactly this... Love as if you’ve never loved before, Laugh as if it were the last time you could laugh, and dance as if no one were watching. Live life without regret, take chances, smile. Capture your memories, and hold on to them.  I want to remain serious but don’t over do it. If I learned anything it’s to be able to cut loose and enjoy myself. Stay healthy, happy, follow my heart, and live for me. That’s all I can ask for during the rest of my senior year. I am building a foundation for my future, and then I can start to proceed towards whatever my heart desires. Reading my letter as a freshman, makes me realize that I have ambition, strive, and in the end just want to be happy. That I have accomplished. There’s nothing more I could ask for. With that being said, I'll continue on in life, leaving a blazing trail behind.

Love Always,


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Dear Journal,

My boyfriends name is Matthew Carter, we met when I was a freshman at Benton and became friends. For the longest time we didn’t know that we lived behind each other like literally right across the alley, it blew my mind.When we actually started hanging out, we would go mudding in his go-cart, riding on his moped, and go for drives. I actually started to grow feelings for the kid. He’s very sweet, kind hearted, and puts others before himself.Then we started talking. I had the guts to ask him out first, he said that he wants to but has to think about it; he didn’t want to ruin of what we had as friends. I promised him that no matter what happens if we break up or whatever the solution is that we would always be friends. So it was a few days later, we started dating. I wasn’t until a month of going out we broke up because we didn’t get to see each other a whole lot, only on the weekends. I was crushed, I really liked him. I thought then I would never have a chance to find somebody who was that nice and good to me like Matt was.A few months later he comes by my house to talk. I missed him, wanted back in my life, I wanted to have that shot again with him. I asked him out again, nervous as I was. He said yes to me! Since that day, which was September 6, 2012 we’ve been together. No fights, no breaks, just nice loving, happy relationship. We’ve fallen in love with each other. I know I’m weird, but I ask him all the time if he’s ever going to leave me, he says no. Why? Because he’s never had a girlfriend that’s like me before. He loves me for who I am and doesn’t want me to change.This man is my rock, soul, and heart. I can see us in the future. I pray and cross my fingers that I don’t mess up and hope that it’s a forever type deal. I really love him, he knows I love him and I know he loves me. When he’s reading this, I hope he really does know how much I care about him and want him in my life forever.

Love forever,


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Senior T%bute

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    April 2, 2013

Dear Maford,

First off, I just want to say thank you. For all the years that you had to put up with me since I was three years old and putting me in school, making sure I would never fail. I know that I have an attitude problem and I have changed it. I never meant to make you made or disappointed in me for my actions. But thanks for teaching from what’s right and from what’s wrong. You may think that I don’t care about you. You’re wrong, I freaking love you. You’re a dad to me, raised me like your own, and supported me with everything I did in school. Thank you so much. If I could go back in time and change the past; I would change how when I was little until I got more mature, my attitude. It wasn’t great to be around me, but you still put up with me with it. You’ve done a fantastic job raising me for the past sixteen years. I don’t want you to ever leave, if I need more guidance in my life, I know who to go to for help and advice. I love you and thank you for being there for me and coming into my life.


Dorinda Chambers

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One Memory: Book Sho'ingLeetha Rowe

She pulls back the the two big glass doors and the smell of new books fills her nose and her face breaks into a smile. The joy of walking into a book store and knowing she will walk out with an arm full of books is the best feeling in the world to her. She has not been to a book store in awhile, last time she was here she bought about 10 books and has yet to finish all of them but she cannot help but want more books. As she passes people she smiles, she cannot help it, she is over flowing with joy. She walks to her favorite isle, Fantasy. She has been reading about vampires, mermaids, warlocks, werewolves an witches since 8th grade. She cannot get enough of it, though she does wish it was less mushy and more action, either way a book is a book and they are all good. Her hand runs across the spines of the books, she loves the way they feel. She takes her time just appreciating the books, not enough people do so. She has always kept her books in good condition, 90 percent of them look new. Only a few do not because she had made the mistake of loaning paperback books to people who bend the spine. Her hand stops on a book and picks it up to read the back. She decides not to get it and puts it back. Squatting down to see the books on a lower shelf, a book catches her eye. Tiger’s Curse, the front cover read. The front of it is a white tiger surrounded by pretty shades of blue. She reads the description and she is hooked, she looks for the second book but the store has none in stock. She walks to the checkout to get her book, she is excited. And that is what got me hooked on tiger books.

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I BelieveEmily Cox

When I was little I sat on my grandfather’s porch swing, my favorite place to be. We ate lunch together there and listened to his wind chimes. We told secrets and we laughed until our bellies hurt. We watched the birds and listened to the trains pass by... We did everything together. On that porch I made a friend, one that I love dearly. I am forever close to my grandfather. We are like the same person in two separate bodies. My mother and father always tease me that I am “ a carbon copy “ of him. Being little I looked up to him, being young he was my inspiration. My grandfather and I are best friends; I guess that’s why it was so hard to see him go.

He got very sick and the next thing I knew I was talking to a stranger. It was him, but he wasn’t the same. When I was ten years old I woke up to my mother screaming, she was frantic. Early in the year he had undergone heart surgery. He made it out of the surgery fine; it was in November that his life ended. The last months of his life he carried a heart shaped pillow, one that the hospital gives you for comfort. He would hold it tight to his chest when there was pain. When I first saw it, I silently thought to myself, “Grandpa, they gave you a new heart because yours was bad.” I would have given him mine, if that could have been possible. My grandpa isn’t here in the flesh but he lives on. He lives on in my heart. I can still feel him there. Nothing has changed on behalf of his death. He lives on in my conscience. I can talk to him and I can hear what he would tell me. He lives in my memories; I can see his smiling face, blue eyes, wrinkles and all. He lives through all of the photographs we took. He lives in my blood. He is a part of me, undeniably. One day he will live in my children, and my children’s children, and so on. He is alive in my dreams; he lives and breathes in my dreams. We are together in a collective unconscious that keeps us bonded. He lives in Heaven, looking down on me. When he was here on earth, he lived as my friend, my grandpa, and my loved one. Now that he has passed he lives as my guardian angel. I can feel his presence in the wind, the sunshine; everywhere I go I can feel him with me. His name is Jimmy Rains, he may not be here in the flesh, but he lives on. He is still here; he simply went to a different home. Like John Lennon said, “It’s like getting out of one car and into another.”

Life after death, this I believe.

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April 2, 2013

Dear Full Grown Dorinda,

Well, I’m definitely impressed with you. You’ve done everything you said you we’re going to do and never gave up on it. Well done. I bet your family is very proud of you!

Looking back on all you did over the years that you said you were never going to be able to achieve actually proved yourself wrong and that you were setting your mind on your future.

You’re now a Journalist and now have a high paying job. Very satisfied with how you put your mind on your work like you always did when you were in school. I’m very proud of you.

Your wishing how you can go back in time and be that little kid again who was coloring and having fun but now you’re an adult and have to start making sacrifices for yourself.

You’ve done very well sweetheart! I’m very glad you never gave up in school. Your parents and family have done an amazing job in keeping you on track in school and supporting you in things. Well done!


Dorinda Chambers

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I BelieveCheyenne Dover

I believe love is broken when no on wants to try anymore. I believe this because you can't be in love with someone truly when neither of you takes the time to make things work. People fall out of love all the time, but only because they didn't try to fix things when they started to drift apart. Love is already such a fragile thing. It sucks that there's so much vulnerability between two people, which leaves a lot of room for something to come along and ruin it. Once love is broken, you can't just put it back together. It's like glass. Once it's shattered, it no longer is the beautiful thing it was. It's for reasons like this why love is so pointless. You're just setting yourself up to be hurt by someone you never thought would. Sure love is fun and great in the beginning, but then it just turns into an ugly mess. I think that love should just be avoided if possible. If you don't think you can make it work, then don't start something that will end in nothing but heartbreak and sorrow. With all the tragic things that can happen with love, this is why I believe love is broken when no one wants to try anymore.

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Lesson Learned: Grades Are Impo(antLeetha Rowe

Some of you may think, “Eh, I will just catch up at the end” or “I don’t really need this class, I will be fine.”

Well, I am here to say that you should not think that way. I have learned the hard way that ALL of your grades in

ALL of your classes are important. Do not make the same mistake I did.

My freshmen year I did not care a lot about the classes I did not need. I just did what I wanted to and

whatever else I just ignored. I wish I had not done that because at the time I didn’t know but it was going to effect

my GPA. My Sophomore year I did not care at all about classes I did not need and hardly cared about the classes I

did need. I had three F’s and about two D’s and the rest border line C’s and B’s. I know suffer for this because I

cannot take my *DC World Lit class for college credit.

Do not fret though, my Junior year I had all A’s and B’s and one or two C’s. Now my Senior year, even

thought I cannot take that class for credit, I had All A’s for semester two, with a 4.1 GPA. I have learned my lesson a

little late for high school but I will be going to College and I know understand the importance of having good

grades, even for the classes that are boring or that I do not need.

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I BelieveSavannah Crisp

I believe in being yourself. I believe that you should be yourself no matter what anyone thinks of you. Because everyone in this world is different no two people are the same, everyone has their different beliefs, likes, dislikes, hobbies, style and many other things. People often get influenced by others because they try to fit in and belong somewhere and they do what others do just so they will like them. I believe that everyone should be their self and if someone doesn’t like you for you than they’re not really worth being friends with. True friends like you for who you are not for something your not. God made each and everyone of us on this earth unique and special in their own way you should not change who you are for nobody being yourself is very important. You grow to love the person you grew to be I know I did, I found me and the person that I am and I love the person that I am and I would not change being me for anyone no matter what. This I believe.

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Desc%ption of my Engl"h ClassDorinda Chambers

My English class helps me work on my writing skills to prepare myself for college and also for my career as a Journalist. I think that Mrs. Laipple is a great influence in teaching this subject because she really knows what she’s talking about and helps me with whatever I need to make sure I get it right.

Writing essays are easy, but solving a solution is hard. In my Senior English

class we’ve been writing essays all year and have to come with solutions to support our answers, claims, etc. It can be hard, but Mrs. Laipple is always there to help, I thank her so much for being such a great teacher and preparing us for college.

For me, going to college will be a step in my life that I will really have to focus on so that I can reach my goal and become a journalist. I’ve had my poems published in books and get things published to Teen Ink, but I still have trouble with my writing skills. I’m getting better, and thanks to Mrs. Laipple I’m going to do great in the future.

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25 Pieces of AdviceLeetha Rowe

1. Tell the truth, then you will not have to remember anything

2. Love whole heartedly

3. Read

4. Do what you love

5. Be yourself

6. Do not give into peer pressure

7. Do what you think is right

8. Be selfless

9. Work your hardest

10. Never give up

11. Live everyday as if it was your last

12. Winners never quit and quitters never win

13. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

14. It does not rain forever the sun will come up sometime

15. Always have that one friend you tell everything to

16. Respect is earned not given

17. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer

18. Smile, because it will annoy those who hate you

19. Practice what you preach

20. Do not let people walk all over you, you are not a doormat

21. Be true to yourself

22. Know your enemies weakness

23. You have more control over your actions then you think

24. Happiness is not one thing it is a bunch of little things

25. Have no regrets, learn for your mistakes

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-Lynsie Peterson

Shower under a waterfall.

Go see the northern lights.

Visit a different country.

Kiss on the beach at sunset.

Have a huge water balloon fight.

Go paintballing.

Marry the man of my dreams.

Have a house right next to the ocean.

Go on vacation with my best friends.

Sleep on the beach.

Go bungee jumping.

Visit the Grand Canyon

Ride in a helicopter

Learn how to surf

Travel the world.

Camp out in a tropical rainforest.

Swim with Dolphins.

Wear a beautiful wedding dress.

Spend the night at an aquarium.


Ride in a hot air balloon.

Visit time square.

Sit on top of the Hollywood sign.

Have my wedding in a tropical place.

Go on a shopping spree in New York City.

Kiss at the top of a Farris wheel.

Kiss someone at midnight on New Years.

Camp out in a tropical rainforest.

Sleep under the stars.

Dance with my dad on my wedding day.

Grow old with someone I love.

Go on a date to the zoo.

Live in my dream house.

Make a wish at the Trevi fountain in Rome.

Bucket L"tSkylar Glawson

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Dorinda Chambers

Nayra Montoya

Nayra Montoya

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Nayra Montoya

Nayra Montoya

Ronnie Knight

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Ronnie Knight

Ronnie Knight

Shyla Blackburn

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Shyla Blackburn

Jonathan Linder

Ronnie Knight

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Six Word MemoirsI’m a performer, acting and singing.

-Lynsie Peterson

Curiosity sparks everyone, why not me?

-Daniel Mosqueda-Lagunas

I will be remembered...

somehow, someway.

-Daniel Mosqueda-Lagunas

Led by example, not by words.

-Caitlin White

Without music we do not live.

-Caitlin White


-Dalton Dreier

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Sho( Sto%es

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In the world of Minecraftia a seed generates a world for a Steve, the character you play, spawns in the world of the vast unknown filled with forests, lakes, oceans, jungles, and deserts. Steve thinking to him self ‘How did I get here?’ Steve not knowing what to do in this world, he hears a noise to the left of him. When he looks that way he see a pink block creature about half his size. Steve realizes what the creature looks like “Pig!” Steve said out loud. Steve wanting to take the pig and eat it, he tries to catch it. Steve starts to reach for the pig and the pig starts to run. Steve starts to give chase to the pig. The pig clearly faster then Steve, Steve starts to think maybe I could cut it off. The pig soon realizes that he is no longer being chased he stops. The pig next to a cliff Steve sees it and slowing walks up to the pig. Steve swings his block shaped arm and hits the pig off the cliff. The pig hits the ground and dies leaving be hide two raw pork chops floating on the ground. Steve wanting the meat hops down the side of the cliff to pick up the meat. Steve holding the pork chops in his hand Steve looks up to see an overgrown jungle ahead of him. Steve walks into the overgrown jungle. The vines are climbable making the jungle easier to travel thru. Steve wondering the jungle soon takes in the idea that he is lost. Needing a shelter to live in Steve begins to punch a tree. The wood from the tree pops up in blocks of log. Steve wanting to use the wood to build a place and punches down the whole tree. The leaves start to disappear and sapling falls to the ground. The Steve uses the sapling to grow another tree by placing the sapling on the ground. A zombie pops up over to the left by about 10 meters (1 block = 1 meter). The zombie begins to start to chase the Steve. Steve begins to start to dig into the ground making a hole to live in over the night. Steve here bone hitting each other and think that they are skeletons above him. After five long minutes Steve hears a new noise, the noise of something getting hurt. The skeletons and zombies above are burning to death from the sunlight. Using this time he begins to punch trees again and a bunch of wood logs. Using the wood logs, Steve finds out that he can make wood planks. With the wood planks Steve make a house out of dirt and the wood planks. Steve has 41 pieces of wood planks and wonders what he can make with them. Steve so realizes that is starting to get dark out again and goes into his shelter and hides out in there. In the dark Steve realizes that he can make a workbench. Steve places the workbench in the corner of his shelter. Steve make sticks out of his planks and then make a wooden pickaxe out of the left over wood. In the shelter Steve begins to dig and realizes that he hit a new block stone, with the use of the new tool Steve dig into the stone. Steve gets a new type of block called cobblestone. Steve wonders if he could make he could make tools out of the cobblestone. With this new block Steve make an upgrade to his shelter and with this upgrade Steve learned how to make signs, doors, and fences. Using the signs Steve put one above his wooden doors on the outside that says “Home Sweet Home” with each word on each line. Steve went back down to his mine and starts to dig to his left making a two meters tall tunnel. Steve found an ore using his new stone pickaxe, made out of cobblestone; he begins to mine it out. Steve receives his new item called coal; mining out the rest of the coal he receives 22 pieces of coal. item is he using the TNT by setting it next to the ore and setting it off with the lever. TNT making a loud noise, that steve heard from 10 meters away. Steve now walking back over to the place where he place the TNT him picks up four pieces of iron ore. Wanting a new pickaxe he takes the ore and puts it in the crafting table. Steve soon realizes that he will need some light, using some sticks and the newly received coal he making 16 torches to light up his tunnel. Steve wanting to go deeper he starts to dig deeper going 20 meters down. Steve begins to dig straight again about 5 meters and founds a new ore. Steve about to dig out the stone to get the new item his pickaxe breaks and is left down in the mine with no pickaxe. Steve checks the items he has in body and realizes that he has sand and gunpowder with a lever. Using the items he makes one piece of TNT. Steve wanting to found out what this new item is he using the TNT by setting it next to the ore and setting it off with the lever. TNT making a loud noise, that steve heard from 10 meters away. Steve now walking back over to the place where he place the TNT him picks up four pieces of iron ore. Wanting a new pickaxe he takes the ore and puts it in the crafting table.

!e Adventures Of SteveMichael Bonham

Page 29: The Bentonite

Never SleepMatthew Ball

Prologue: Jumper

It wasn’t always like this... Life wasn’t always racing by me. Then one day I came to experience life like never before. The feeling was so exhilarating, the thrill of what I could do exhilarated me. But I guess all good things must come to an end. So thank you for the good times, and even for the bad. He stood alone on the building rooftop and looked down across the cityscape. He breathed in the cool night air. Then he sighed. “Was it really so long ago?” Then he smiled a bittersweet smile. The city was majestic in it’s many lights, signs, and sounds. Some areas filled with honking car traffic. Others,such as residential areas were darker and much more quiet. The boy was seventeen and a half years old. He was tall and slender with sand colored hair. he wore a red jacket and red pants. The red jacket had white stripes stretching across the arms the pants had identical stripes running down each pant leg. Both pieces of clothing were made of loose material. The night was a fresh peaceful spring night. The breeze that blew was low and refreshing. The sky was filled with the stars as well as clouds that lay drifting. So it was on this night the boy, almost a man, had decided to come out onto the roof. After all it was like a night so long ago when this had all began. The boy took one last look across the city. Then he put on his backpack, stepped forward, and jumped. The boy fell through the air with aimless abandon. The rush came as it always had only this time it only served as a reminder. The boy wondered if his life would come before his eyes as it had the first time. All he saw though were their faces. They were clear as day but more than any was her face. His dear friends, he couldn’t forget them, not even now. The boy pulled a photograph out of his pocket. Now he saw his friends not only with his mind, but with his eyes. “I can sleep when I’m dead eh Wit?” The boy smiled one last time. Then the boy crashed into the ground, he died on impact. Wish Track a happy twenty second for me will ya? I know you’ll miss me, and I know I’ll miss all of you. As of tonight I’m not a Dreamer anymore. As of tonight I’m a Jumper.

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Till Dea' Do Us Pa%Skylar Glawson

It was a very cold July morning when the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon. Ryan knew it was time to pack the last of his things and head towards the base. He had been dreading this moment ever since he fell head over heels for Laura just a couple months earlier. They had just moved in together and we just starting to get settle in and now it was time for him to pick up and leave. While he finished packing trying to be as quiet as possible assuming Laura was still sound asleep. Laura laid in bed watching the sun rise whenever so suddenly tears began streaming down her face. She knew this day would eventually come and now that it was here she was devastated. She couldn’t believe the one person who loved her for her was about to depart overseas to fight in the ongoing war with North Korea. Lost in thought and tears, suddenly Ryan came over to her side of the bed wiped the tears from her eyes and said, “I have a surprise for you!” Looking shock and confused she mumble, “Ok?” He dropped to his knee and pulled out the delicate but littlest black box. Her eyes open wide with disbelief and wonder. Ryan looked her straight in the eyes and whispered, “ Will you marry me?” Laura taken off guard stuttered and said, “Yes a million times yes!!” Tears were streaming down her face but this time they were tears of happiness. Ryan rose off his knee and slide the diamond ring down her delicate finger. He then look at her and kissed her ever so softly. When they finally broke away from one another. Ryan looked towards the clock resting on the nightstand and said with a deep sigh, “Its time to go.” Laura quickly got up and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and grabs Ryan’s hand and said, “Lets go.”

Laura opened the passenger door of Ryan’s beat up ford and slide in. As she sat they’re waiting for Ryan to finish loading up the truck. She couldn’t help but stare down at the beautiful diamond ring that now rested on her finger. Lost in thought she jumped a little when Ryan opened the driver side door. As he slides in and seeing the expression on her face he said, “You ok?” She replied softly, “Yes just admiring this beautiful ring that my fiancé gave me.” Ryan smiled and said, “I like the sound of that.” In that moment everything was perfect that Ryan forgot for a split second what was ahead of him. The drive to the base seemed long but short all at the same time. Laura was having mixed emotions she was the happiest she’d ever been but yet the saddest all at the same time. She couldn’t believe the love of her life would but leave her in just a few more miles. Ryan trying not to think about what was ahead and kept replays the moment when Laura accepted his proposal. Finally they pulled up to the gates of the base. They both looked towards one another and gave a small slit smile of happiness but yet sadness. Ryan parks his truck and turned off the engine. For that moment both of them sat in silence. Ryan finally turned toward her and spoke, “I wish I didn’t have to go.” Laura put her head down and replied, “Me too.” Ryan touches the bottom of Laura chin and pulled it up so they were looking into each other eyes. Tears began to slowly fall down Laura face. Ryan softly wiped them away and said softly to her, “I will return to you I promise.” “Nothing will keep us from living our life together.” Laura looked and him and gave him a quick loving peck.

Then they opened their car doors and slid out. Ryan went to the trunk to grab his bag. Laura walked up to him and grabbed his hand and they walked towards the meeting place for the military members. After Ryan got all sign in and filled out all the necessary paperwork. It was time for him to gather his things and get on the bus and leave. He turns towards Laura looks at her and says, “I love you with all my heart.” Laura looks up into his eyes and says, “I love you too.” Ryan picked her up and hugs her tight. He put her down gave her one last passionate kiss and then walked up the stairs onto the bus. Laura watch as the bus pulled away and wonder if she’d ever get to see him again.

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FamilyLeetha Rowe

What is love without hate,I guess some love must wait,But a family's love should be

there,This love they must share.No matter if you are gay or

straight,If you are tall or bald,

No matter your weight.Family should not judge,no matter their grudge,

A family's love should always be there.

!e Bloo+ed Standard Matthew Ball

Have you seen the bloodied standard? Over yonder it waves,it stands true and tall, it honors

the brave.Have you seen the bloodied standard on the hill

that is unpaved? The man who held it was a soldier who most certainly earned his pay.

Have you seen the bloodied standard majestic and red? It passed hands eight times or so it is

said.Have you seen the bloodied standard? It’s torn

flag it blows, it survived a battle full of sleet and, of snow.

Have you seen the bloodied standard the tale of which is told in this land? All of it is true, none

of it is bland.

Not A Love Poem Alex Wilson

If life is like a river it’s no wonder,With all the currents pulling at me it’s

your love that pulls me under.Every word you speak floods my heart

with pain,Because the thought of not having you

drives me insane.And my heart sings the lyrics to you in

desperation,Hoping one day that our love will meet it’s

destination.In a place where grass is greener and skies

are the bluest,When we reach this place we’ll know our

love is the truest.And this is the place where the prettiest

flower lies,It may be fake but I will love you until it

dies,So forever we will remain in this black and

white world of unknown answers,Until the color of our love is taken and

transferred.Only then will I see that waiting is worth

it, that this is worth running the race,Because in the end my reward is my future

inside your beautiful face.

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Tired Leetha Rowe

I am tired,My attempts have backfired.

I am tired of failing,I am tired of love always bailing,

I am tired of falling apart,While you smile with your black heart.

I am tired of hoping and waiting,When all this time my heart is deflating,

I am tired of the tears,Now as the night clears,My heart is newly wired.

The benefit is you are no longer in it.

This is now anew,Because I am tired of you.

What Music " Really Ab$tDorinda Chambers

Music brings joy and comfort in our livesFor a past, present, and a future

You think how much it makes you come aliveWhat holds the lyrics that you can now capture

Each lyric flows like heartbeats through your veinsThe pulse of each bass going through your mind

You listen to each note, you feel the painYour body being clogged by tight emotions

But with each passing day, we get olderMusic becomes more pleasant or vulgar

With each season becomes hot and then colderSeeing now what the future holds in store

Music is what brings out the best in meMusic can be what brings out the best glee.

Fai,Savannah Torres

Come and fight with me and let the evil spirits see that we are strong and not weak that we

fight with the Lord and not he who fills us with deceit.

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Mason Richey

Zoe Schademan

Mason Richey

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Zoe Schademan

Rylee Wilkerson

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The BentoniteBenton High SchoolEd. 1, Vol. 2, 2013

As the sun sets, there are no regrets.


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