
The Bible's Teaching Against Abortion (its black and white)! 1. The Bible teaches that human life is different from other types of life, because human beings are made in the very image of God. The image of God! This is what it means to be human! We are not just a bunch of cells randomly thrown together by some impersonal forces. Rather, we really reflect an eternal God who knew us from before we were made, and purposely called us into being. There is the key. Not only did God make us, but He values us. The Bible tells us of a God who is madly in love with us, so much so that He be- came one of us and even died for us while we were still offending Him (see Romans 5:6-8). In the face of all this, can we say that human beings are disposable, like a car that becomes more trouble than it is worth? "God doesn't make junk." If you believe the Bible, you have to believe that human life is sacred, more sacred than we have ever imagined! 2. The Bible teaches that children are a blessing. "Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3). 3. The Bible teaches that the child in the womb is truly a human child, who even has a relationship with the Lord. The phrase "conceived and bore" is used repeatedly (see Genesis 4:1,17) and the individual has the same identity before as after birth. "In sin my mother conceived me," the repentant psalmist says in Psalm 51:7. The same word is used for the child before and after birth (Brephos, that is, "infant," is used in Luke 1:41 and Luke 18:15.) God knows the preborn child. "You knit me in my mother's womb . . . nor was my frame unknown to you when I was made in secret" (Psalm 139:13,15). God also helps and calls the preborn child. "You have been my guide since I was first formed . . . from my mother's womb you are my God" (Psalm 22:10-11). "God… from my mother's womb had set me apart and called me through his grace" (St. Paul to the Galatians 1:15) 4. Scripture repeatedly condemns the killing of the innocent, This flows from everything that has been seen so far. God's own finger writes in stone the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13, Deuterono- my 5:17) and Christ reaffirms it (Matthew 19:18 - notice that He mentions this commandment first). The Book of Revelation affirms that (unrepentant) murderers cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (Revelation 22:15). 5.Life is victorious over death. This is one of Scripture's most basic themes. The victory of life is foretold in the promise that the head of the serpent, through whom death entered the world, would be crushed (see Genesis 3:15).Isaiah promised, "He will destroy death forever" (Isaiah 25:8). At the scene of the first murder, the soil "opened its mouth" to swallow Abel's blood. At the scene of the final victory of life, it is death itself that "will be swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?… Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 15:54-57). Abortion is death. Christ came to conquer death, and therefore abortion. "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10). The final outcome of the battle for life has already been decided by the Resurrection of Christ. We are not just working for victory; we are working from victory. We joyfully take a victory that has already been won, and proclaim, celebrate, and serve it until He comes again to bring it to its fullness. "There shall be no more death" (Revelation 21:4). "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20).

Immupro Customers Rank Among the Best

Holstein USA recently reported top Breed Age Average (BAA) percentage

herds. According to their website,(BAA) this value "provides a way to compare the score of an animal (and herd average to the average of the breed)", consider- ing animal age and lactation stage. In 2018, Ag Inc. customers again placed well.

Tom Kestell at Ever-Green-View LLC, Waldo WI, is number 42 in the US, and

number 11 in Wisconsin, with 111.7 BAA on a 120 herd. Ever-Green-View is al- so number one for the highest BAA with a herd of 120 cows or more. In addition, their milk production is near 46,000 lbs, 365 days herd, with an average of 3x M.E. They no doubt have the greatest combination milk production herd average and BAA percentage in the industry, and they've been using Immupro for over 15 years. Tom's current SCC is a paltry 85 with 130lbs milk/cow/day and con- sistent 4% butterfat.

Also on Immupro, Dale Christoph at Midnite-Blu Holsteins Boyd, Wisconsin

came in a 110.8 BAA on 55 cows rank 70 in the US, and Leroy Eggink at Great Heritage Holsteins in Sibley, Iowa ranked number 165 with 109.3 BAA on 54 cows. Both are long-time Immupro users.(1,124 BAA herds in this ranking) A hearty thank you to the above Immu-pro herds and many others! Keep breeding high quality cows.

Benefits of Immu-PRO

· Immu-Pro formulated 40% stronger than Dairy Vita Pak to help maximize ROI · Immune system enhancement builds your cows, heifers, and calves up daily · Helps prevent clinical and SCC mastitis in lactating and non-lactating cows · Aids in milk production, fat & protein percentages · Assists in increasing appetite, improving digestion and feed utilization · Aids in preventing heat stress · Less udder edema; improves udder quality · Helps reduce digestive upsets · Fewer respitory cases · Fewer scour outbreaks and less mortality in calves and cows · Fewer cystic ovaries and uterine infections · Greater conception rate, less repeat breeders · Earlier heat cycles · Helps reduce culling rate · Pays you back approx. 5-10 times per cow per day, for only about $0.13 per head per day (on 1/4 oz rate) · Will reduce antibiotic usage

Some current costs and effects:

· Each mastitis occurrence costs $179.00 - 403.00 (Bar et al., 2008) · Cost of each off-feed cow is approx. $100.00

· Each repeat breeding service costs about $200.00 due to more days open (not including cost of semen) · Each D.A. cow about $500.00

· Each retained placenta - $300.00

· Each uterine infection - $350.00

· Mastitis and SCC can add 21 or more open days per cow/lactation.

· Mastitis and SCC can delay ovulation time and lower conception rates.

· High individual cows over 300,000 SCC and mastitis tends to reduce cow lon- gevity.

· Mastitis & SCC cost USA dairymen approximately $2,000,000,000 annually. This is about $110.00/cow/year for every cow in the USA.


H.R. 832, the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of 2019, recognizes the importance of milk to the health and well-being of growing children. Last year, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue directed the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture to allow schools to serve 1% flavored milk in school meal programs. H.R. 832 would allow whole milk to be included as well. Ph. 202-225-3121 Don't forget to ask your friends to get involved also!

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semen sale!

Huge inventory reduction Holstein & Swiss

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Holstein Show Cows, Heifers, calves and Embryos top pedigrees


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Jason Volker

Bulls For Sale,

Emerald Acres

Breeders of "BAXTER"



Wanted Jersey Heifers

Cows to Calve in less than 60 days

Must be organic certified

Harold Weber,


Holstein & Jersey show cattle for sale, High Genomic Cattle, Cattle Boarding

High Production Herd Bulls Immu-Pro herd

For sale Herd Avg. 45.000 4% SCC 100 111.4% BAA

Also Embryos and Heifers For sale Ever-Green-view LLC. A Holstein USA herd of excellence #1 USA BAA

herd 120 cows or more. Tom Kestell 920-946-8093

Semital & Dutch Belted Bulls for sale Craig massey 918-807-0155

Registered Jerseys All ages, Get your next show

Winner here, Immu-pro herd

, Mike Rider 270-765-9675

Delta 5 Farms

Registered Holstein cows A top USA BAA herd aAa mated

Immu-pro herd Dale Christoph 1-715-306-1029

Registerd Holsteins Cows and all ages of young stock production and type. Deep pedi-

grees. Top USA BAA herd. Call Leroy Eggink 712-758-3643

IMMU-PRO herd For sale

Cheese from our own cows and processing dairy. Ripley Farms

607-591-4537 Nation Wide!

Champion show steers Taylor Lueking 725-201-0246

[email protected]

Home of Blexy Ex 962E supreme Gr, Your sourcegenrettop."Gert" fo beef ics

Champion WDE 2017

Budjon , Thomas 920-650-0320

Rock Salt & Ice melter by the pallet

Paint, bolts, parts and more

Some of the highest-ranking males and females.

An Immu-pro herd. Contact us for the best.

601-470-5021 Jeff Dobson

Note: Ads are free to Customers who have purchased products direct from AlphaGenetics Inc. in the last 180 days. Call in or send your ad info to: AlphaGenetics, Inc., P.O. Box 360, Whitewater, WI, 53190-0360 Email: [email protected] 1-800-876-2500

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