
-The bird and the tree--El pájaro y el árboll pájaro y el árbol--

(cuento popular saharaui) (cuento popular saharaui) Traducido y adaptado por la maestra de inglés EvaTraducido y adaptado por la maestra de inglés Eva

One day at school the teacher talked about the desert animals: foxes, lizards... Then, she asked the classroom to draw a bird on a tree in just two minutes.

She became very serious and told them that they should finish the task on time if they did not want to see her angry.

Two minutes later, the teacher slapped and ordered the whole class to show their slates in order to see that they had already finished the task. All of them drew a tree with a bird on its branches except Fátima...

The teacher stood up and asked her:

Why haven’t you drawn the bird too? I can only see the tree and I said a tree and a bird...

Fátima answered:

I have drawn it but when you slapped it was so frightened that flew.

But before leaving, it told me that it was going to the house next to the sea that my grandparents had to leave when they came here fleeing from war.

It says that there are really beautiful trees there, not like this, which is just a drawing. It also told me that it will be waiting for me until I could go back to our true home.

¡See you soon! Bye¡See you soon! Bye

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