Page 1: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Th e B u i l d i n g B l o c k s f o r I n c r e a s e d G ran t s S u c c e s s !

T h e B u i l d i n g B l o c k s f o r I n c r e a s e d G ran t s S u c c e s s !

“So please tell us about…”

“What brings you to today’s grant writing workshop?”

“So please tell us about…”

“What brings you to today’s grant writing workshop?”

“What type of organization do you represent?”

Page 2: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


“So please tell us about…”

“What brings you to today’s grant writing workshop?”

“What type of organization do you represent?”

“How much grant writing experience do you have?”

“So please tell us about…”

“What brings you to today’s grant writing workshop?”

“What type of organization do you represent?”

“How much grant writing experience do you have?”

“What is your role in your organization?”  

“So please tell us about…”

“What brings you to today’s grant writing workshop?”

“What type of organization do you represent?”

“How much grant writing experience do you have?”

“What is your role in your organization?”  

“Who are the grant writers in your organization?” 

Page 3: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


“So please tell us about…”

“What brings you to today’s grant writing workshop?”

“What type of organization do you represent?”

“How much grant writing experience do you have?”

“What is your role in your organization?”  

“Who are the grant writers in your organization?”

“How does the grant writing process work in your organization?” 

“So please tell us about…”

“What brings you to today’s grant writing workshop?”

“What type of organization do you represent?”

“How much grant writing experience do you have?”

“What is your role in your organization?”  

“Who are the grant writers in your organization?”

“How does the grant writing process work in your organization?” 

“What is the most frustrating part about grant writing?”

Might ‘more’ also be important?

Page 4: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Researcher Behavior that Leads to                      Success in Obtaining Grant Funding:

A Model for Success (1)

Dr. Sharon Stewart Cole, Ph.D.Nevada Cancer Institute 




Page 5: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18




Page 6: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


“Oh No!…More WORK!” “Oh No!…More WORK!”

Increased SKILLS

Team Member Benefits:

Some personal benefits to consider…

I n c r e a s e d S K I L L S

Increased SKILLS

Team Member Benefits: I n c r e a s e d S K I L L SMor e PROMO T IONS

Some personal benefits to consider…

Page 7: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Increased SKILLS

Team Member Benefits: I n c r e a s e d S K I L L SMor e PROMO T IONS


Some personal benefits to consider…

Increased SKILLS

Team Member Benefits: I n c r e a s e d S K I L L SMor e PROMO T IONS


Some personal benefits to consider…

I n c r e a s e d GR ANT FU NDI NG

Some organization benefits to consider…

Page 8: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


I n c r e a s e d GR ANT FU NDI NGMor e E FFE CT I V E EMPL O YEES

Some organization benefits to consider…

I n c r e a s e d GR ANT FU NDI NGMor e E FFE CT I V E EMPL O YEES

Mor e E f fec t i v e PROGRAMS

Some organization benefits to consider…

I n c r e a s e d GR ANT FU NDI NG

Some organization benefits to consider…


Happ ie r C l i en t s & F unders

Mor e E f fec t i v e PROGRAMS

Page 9: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

Page 10: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Job Description Past ISFD Participants

Project Coordinator BFunding Prospector DLiterature Researcher DProgram Expert BPrincipal Writer ABudget Developer DWord Processor CTeam Expeditor C

Average Grade (Total)  C

Job Description Past ISFD Participants MLA Participants 

Project Coordinator B ?Funding Prospector D ?Literature Researcher D ?Program Expert B ?Principal Writer A ?Budget Developer D ?Word Processor C ?Team Expeditor C ?

Average Grade (Total)  C ?

Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

Page 11: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

B ui l d basic grant writing skills of team

Principal Writer

Strategies &Activities 

Goals &Objectives

Project Budgets

Project Evaluations


Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

B ui l d basic grant writing skills of team


Conceptual Development


Ac quire practical experience in grant writing Principal


Strategies &Activities 

Goals &Objectives


Project Evaluations

Project Budgets

Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

B ui l d basic grant writing skills of team


Ac quire practical experience in grant writing

Develo p advanced grant writing skills of team

Project Evaluations


Principal Writer

Strategies &Activities 

Goals &Objectives

Strategic Writing    

Repurposing Proposals    

Strategic  Prospecting 


Letter Proposals  


Project Evaluations

Project Budgets

Page 12: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

B ui l d basic grant writing skills of team


Ac quire practical experience in grant writing

Develo p advanced grant writing skills of team

Project Evaluations


Principal Writer

Strategies &Activities 

Goals &Objectives

Project Budgets


Project Evaluations

Strategic Writing    

Repurposing Proposals    

Strategic  Prospecting 


Letter Proposals  

Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

B ui l d basic grant writing skills of team


Ac quire practical experience in grant writing

Develo p advanced grant writing skills of team

Project Evaluations


Principal Writer

Strategies &Activities 

Goals &Objectives

Project Budgets


Project Evaluations

Strategic Writing    

Repurposing Proposals    

Strategic  Prospecting 


Letter Proposals  

Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

B ui l d basic grant writing skills of team


Ac quire practical experience in grant writing

Develo p advanced grant writing skills of team

Project Evaluations


Principal Writer

Strategies &Activities 

Goals &Objectives

Project Budgets


Project Evaluations

Strategic Writing    

Repurposing Proposals    

Strategic  Prospecting 


Letter Proposals  

Page 13: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

B ui l d basic grant writing skills of team


Ac quire practical experience in grant writing

Develo p advanced grant writing skills of team

Project Evaluations


Principal Writer

Strategies &Activities 

Goals &Objectives

Project Budgets


Project Evaluations

Strategic Writing    

Repurposing Proposals    

Strategic  Prospecting 


Letter Proposals  

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team How to bui ld a Winning Grant Writing Team

S e l e c t team members from different backgrounds

I dentify team members with different expertise

B ui l d basic grant writing skills of team


Ac quire practical experience in grant writing

Develo p advanced grant writing skills of team

Project Evaluations


Principal Writer

Strategies &Activities 

Goals &Objectives

Project Budgets


Project Evaluations

Strategic Writing    

Repurposing Proposals    

Strategic  Prospecting 


Letter Proposals  

“ P u t t i n g i t a l l t o g e t h e r … ”

Page 14: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

Principal Writer

“ P u t t i n g i t a l l t o g e t h e r … ”

Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

Principal Writer

“ P u t t i n g i t a l l t o g e t h e r … ”

Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

Principal Writer

“ P u t t i n g i t a l l t o g e t h e r … ”


Page 15: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

Principal Writer

“ P u t t i n g i t a l l t o g e t h e r … ”



Project Coordinator

Funding Prospector

Literature Researcher

Program Expert

Principal Writer

Budget Developer

Word Processor

Project Expediter

Principal Writer

“ P u t t i n g i t a l l t o g e t h e r … ”



Grants $uccess!Grants $uccess!

For more information about team-based grant writing, or for a free consultation, please contact:

E d w a r d W o l l m a n n , M a n a g i n g P a r t n e r , M i c h i g a n G r a n t s F u n d i n g , I n c .

T e l : 7 3 4 - 7 3 2 - 6 2 3 9 E - m a i l : e d w a r d @ m i c h i g a n g r a n t s f u n d i n g . c o mE - m a i l : e d w a r d w o l l m a n n @ g m a i l . c o m

Page 16: The Building Blocks for Increased Grants Success Grants for Michi… · Strategic Writing Repurposing ... How to build a Winning Grant Writing TeaHow to build a Winning Grant Writing

MLA 2018 Conference October 18


Edward Wollmann, Managing Partner, Michigan Grants Funding, Inc.

Tel: 734‐732‐[email protected]

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