
The Bull Moose Campaign of The Democrats 1912 William Jennings Bryan announced his support of Dr. Woodrow Wilson Wilson was a governor of NJ Didnt allow political bosses to push him around Attacked trusts & passed liberal measures President of Princeton University Ran on the platform of New Freedom Favored small enterprise, break up all trusts, & shunned social welfare programs The Bull Moose Campaign of The Progressives Jane Adams put Teddys name on ballot at the Progressive Convention. TRs platform: New Nationalism Inspired by The Promise of Better Life by Herbert Croly Government should control bad trusts. Also campaigned for female suffrage, different welfare programs - minimum wage and socialistic social insurance. He was shot in the chest in Milwaukee The Bull Moose Campaign of The Republicans William Howard Taft Taft Criticized Roosevelt saying that electing him again would result in a reign of terror. Taft became very conservative offering a counter to two progressives Asked for recall of federal judges and judicial decisions on constitutional issues He spent a lot of time golfing Woodrow Wilson: A Minority President With Republicans split electoral votes 435 to Wilson 88 to Teddy Roosevelt 8 to Taft Together Roosevelt and Taft got over 1.35 million popular votes Wilson only got 41% of popular vote Eugene V. Debbs got 900,000 pop. Vote TR participation cost Republicans election Taft went onto become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 1921. 1912 Election Results1912 Election Results Woodrow WilsonWoodrow Wilson Born in VA and grew up in GA and Carolinas. 2 nd Democratic president since Sympathizer with the South, a fine orator, morally appealing man, and extremely intelligent Very cold personality and extremely stubborn. Wilsons Triple wall of privilege Tariffs Underwood Tariff 1913 Substantially reduced import fees Enacted graduated come tax Banks Looked bad after Panic of 1907 Investigation into banking Senator Aldrich- 3 rd Bank of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board Trusts Federal Trade Commission Act 1914 Clayton Anti-Trust Act 1914 Other Progressivism policies and Reform Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916 Made credit to famers at low interest rates La Follette Seamens Act of 1915 Good treatment of American sailors Workingmens Compensation Act of 1916 Assistance for civil-service employees during periods of instability 1916 Adamson Act 8 hour work day with overtime pay Wilsons Directions in Foreign Policy Did not pursue aggressive foreign policy Stopped dollar diplomacy Repealed Panama Canal Tolls Act of 1912 Let American shippers not pay tolls Jones Act 1916 territorial status to Philippines 1917 U.S. bought the Virgin Islands from Denmark Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico Mexico - exploited by U.S. investors for decades Oil, RR, and mines. Mexican people tremendously poor In 1913 revolted and murdered president Installed full-blooded Indian Gen. Victoriano Huerta Rebels were violent and threatened lives of Americans in Mexico. Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico Wilson would not get involved. We had a massive immigration of Mexicans to America. Wilson also refused to recognize Huerta Wilson did let munitions flow to Huertas rivals Venustiano Carranza & Francisco Pancho Villa Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico 1914 party of U.S. sailors arrested in Tampico, MX. Wilson threatens force Orders nay to take over Vera Cruz Argentina, Brazil, and Chile helped mediated Huerta fell from power Succeeded by Carranza (who resented Wilson). Pancho VillaPancho Villa Bandit/ freedom fighter Murdered 16 Americans January 1916 Gen. John J. Pershing Sent to capture Villa January 1917 U.S. withdrew troops The shot heard round the world. Thunder Across The SeaThunder Across The Sea 1914 Serbian nationalist killed Austro-Hungry Heir Franz Ferdinand Austria declares war on Serbia Russia declares war on Austria-Hungry & Germany Germany Declares war on Russia & France Germany invades neutral Belgium This pulls Britain into war, which begins WWI Quick World History Review Who were the central powers? Germany and Austria- Hungary, and later Turkey and Bulgaria Who were the Allies? France, Britain, and Russia And later Japan and Italy. Neutrality In AmericaNeutrality In America Wilson declares neutrality for U.S. U.S. was mostly Anti-German Kaiser Wilhelm II = perfect autocrat to hate Attack on Belgium = ruthless. German & Austro-Hungarian agents resorted to violence in factories and ports. America Earns Blood Money As WWI begins America is in recession Americans tried to trade with Central Powers J.P. Morgan helped finance Allies This pulls U.S. out of recession Germany uses submarine warfare Wilson said they would be held to Strict accountability. Lusitania sunk by German U-boat Killed 1,198 and 128 were Americans Reaction Americans wanted punishment Wilson kept U.S. out of war by notes w/ Germany Germans skunk Arabic in Aug 2 Americans die Germany agrees not to sink unarmed ships w/o warning Breaks this with Sussex Sussex pledge- agree not to sink passenger ships or merchant vessels w/o warning If U.S. could get the British to stop blockade Election of 1916Election of 1916 Republicans name Charles Evans Hughes Charles Evasive Hughes Democrats Woodrow Wilson Slogan he kept us out of the war Results: Wilson electoral 277 Hughes electoral 254 Election 1916 ResultsElection 1916 Results

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