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C++ I/O System

Page 2: The C++ IO System Basics

I/O System Basics

• supports two complete I/O systems:

– I/O system inherited from C

– object-oriented I/O system defined by C++

• console I/O and disk I/O, are actually just different perspectives on the same mechanism.

• I/O library is supported by the header <iostream>.

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Need for new I/O system

• C's I/O system knows nothing about objects.

• C++ I/O system operates on user-defined objects.

• The C I/O is supported by C++ only for compatibility.

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C++ Streams

• the C++ I/O system operates through streams.

• A stream is a logical device that either produces or consumes information.

• A stream is linked to a physical device.

• All streams behave in the same way.– (i.e) same function that writes to a file to write to the printer

or to the screen

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The C++ Stream Classes

• In <iostream> complicated set of class hierarchies , that supports I/O Operations are defined .

• The I/O classes begin with a system of template classes.

• C++ creates two specializations of the I/O template classes:– one for 8-bit characters and another for wide


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• There are two different template class hierarchies.

• basic_streambuf -> supports basic, low-level input and output operations

• Used widely in advanced I/O programming.

• basic_ios -> Commonly used , it provides formatting, error checking, and status information related to stream I/O.

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basic_istream basic_ostream basic_iostream

(input) (output) (input/output)

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Template Character Wide-Character

Class basedClassbasedClass

basic_streambuf streambuf wstreambufbasic_ios ios wiosbasic_istream istream wistreambasic_ostream ostream wostreambasic_iostream iostream wiostreambasic_fstream fstream wfstreambasic_ifstream ifstream wifstreambasic_ofstream ofstream wofstream

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C++'s Predefined Streams

Stream Meaning Default Devicecin Standard input Keyboardcout Standard output Screencerr Standard error output Screenclog Buffered version of cerr Screen

• four built-in streams are automatically opened, when execution begins

• Streams cin, cout, and cerr correspond to C's stdin, stdout, and stderr.

• By default they communicate with the console

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Formatted I/O

• To format the display to the user.

• There are two different ways,– directly access members of the ios class– special functions called manipulators can be


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Formatting Using the ios Members

• For each stream there are set of format flags that control the way information is formatted.

• ios class declares a bitmask enumeration called fmtflags – it contains the values.

adjustfield basefield boolalpha dec

fixed floatfield hex internal

left oct right scientific

showbase showpoint showpos skipws

unitbuf uppercase

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• Skipws -> leading white-space characters are discarded

• Left -> output is left justified (output is right justified by default)

• Oct -> output to be displayed in octal.(default decimal)

• Showbase-> the base of numeric values

• Uppercase-> characters are displayed in uppercase

• Scientific-> floating-point numeric values are displayed using scientific notation.

• Fixed-> floating-point values are displayed using normal notation.

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• The oct, dec, and hex => basefield.

• The left, right, and internal => adjustfield.

• The scientific and fixed fields => floatfield.

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Setting the Format Flags

• setf() function, member of ios is used to set the flags.

fmtflags setf(fmtflags flags);

• General format:– stream.setf( ios::showpos );

Any predefined stream an enumerated constant defined by the ios class

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){

cout.setf(ios::showpoint);cout.setf(ios::showpos);cout << 100.0; // displays +100.0return 0;


// You can OR together two or more flags,cout.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::showpos);

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Clearing Format Flags

• unsetf function member of ios is used to clear the flags

• Prototype:void unsetf(fmtflags flags);

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){

cout.setf(ios::uppercase | ios::scientific);cout << 100.12; // displays 1.0012E+02cout.unsetf(ios::uppercase); // clear uppercasecout << " \n" << 100.12; // displays 1.0012e+02return 0;


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An Overloaded Form of setf( )

• Prototype:fmtflags setf(fmtflags flags1, fmtflags flags2);

• only the flags specified by flags2 are affected

• first cleared and then set according to the flags specified by flags1.

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#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main( )


cout.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::showpos, ios::showpoint);

cout << 100.0; // displays 100.0, not +100.0

return 0;


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


cout.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);

cout << 100; // this displays 64

return 0;


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#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){

cout.setf(ios::showpos, ios::hex); // error, showpos not setcout << 100 << '\n'; // displays 100, not +100cout.setf(ios::showpos, ios::showpos); // this is correctcout << 100; // now displays +100return 0;


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Examining the Formatting Flags

• Prototype:fmtflags flags( );

• Used to know the current format settings.

• Flags cannot be altered.

• Is a member function of base class ios

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;void showflags() ;int main(){// show default condition of format flagsshowflags();cout.setf(ios::right | ios::showpoint |

ios::fixed);showflags();return 0;}// This function displays the status of the

format flags.void showflags(){ios::fmtflags f;long i;f = (long) cout.flags(); // get flag settings

// check each flagfor(i=0x4000; i; i = i >> 1)if(i & f) cout << "1 ";else cout << "0 ";cout << " \n";}


0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

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Setting All Flags

#include <iostream>using namespace std;void showflags();int main(){

// show default condition of format flagsshowflags();// showpos, showbase, oct, right are on, others offlong f = ios::showpos | ios::showbase | ios::oct | ios::right;cout.flags(f); // set all flagsshowflags();return 0;


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Using width( ), precision( ), and fill( )

• Prototype:streamsize width(streamsize w);streamsize precision(streamsize p);

char fill(char ch);

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){cout.precision(4) ;cout.width(10);cout << 10.12345 << "\n"; // displays 10.12cout.fill('*');cout.width(10);cout << 10.12345 << "\n"; // displays *****10.12

// field width applies to strings, toocout.width(10);cout << "Hi!" << "\n"; // displays *******Hi!cout.width(10);cout.setf(ios::left); // left justifycout << 10.12345; // displays 10.12*****return 0;}



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Using Manipulators to Format I/O

• I/O manipulators parallel member functions of the ios class.

• To access manipulators you should include <iomanip>

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Some manipulators

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//program using manipulators

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()


cout << hex << 100 << endl;

cout << setfill('?') << setw(10) <<2343.0;

return 0;


Output :



//program using flags

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()


cout.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);

cout << 100 << "\n"; // 100 in hex



cout << 2343.0;

return 0;


Advantage of manipulators : more compact code to be written

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• the setiosflags() manipulator can also be used.

#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;int main(){

cout << setiosflags(ios::showpos);cout << setiosflags(ios::showbase);cout << 123 << " " << hex << 123;return 0;


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Overloading << and >>

• These operators can be overloaded to perform I/O operations.

• << output operator => insertion operator (inserters)

• >> input operator => extraction operator (extractors)

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• Skeleton :ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream,

class_type obj){

// body of inserterreturn stream;

}• ostream => output stream.• 1st parameter =>reference to ostream .• 2nd parameter => reference to an object• This function should return stream

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class phonebook {


char name[80];

int areacode;

int prefix;

int num;

phonebook(char *n, int a, int p, int nm)


strcpy(name, n);

areacode = a;

prefix = p;

num = nm;



// Display name and phone number

ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, phonebook o)


stream << << " ";

stream << "(" << o.areacode << ") ";

stream << o.prefix << "-" << o.num << "\n";

return stream; // must return stream


inserter function for objects of type phonebook

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#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;class phonebook {public:char name[80];int areacode;int prefix;int num;phonebook(char *n, int a, int p, int nm){strcpy(name, n);areacode = a;prefix = p;num = nm;} };// Display name and phone number.ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, phonebook o){stream << << " ";stream << "(" << o.areacode << ") ";stream << o.prefix << "-" << o.num << "\n";return stream; // must return stream}

int main(){phonebook a("Ted", 111, 555, 1234);phonebook b("Alice", 312, 555, 5768);phonebook c("Tom", 212, 555, 9991);cout << a << b << c;return 0;}

Output:Ted (111) 555-1234Alice (312) 555-5768Tom (212) 555-9991

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• Inserter is not a member function (to invoke a member the object should be on the left side)

• when you overload inserters, the left operand is a stream and the right operand is an object of the class

• Inserters are not member functions, hence to access the private data, they can be made as friends of the class.

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#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;class phonebook {char name[80]; // now privateint areacode;int prefix;int num;public:phonebook(char *n, int a, int p, int nm){strcpy(name, n);areacode = a;prefix = p;num = nm;}friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, phonebook o);};

// Display name and phone number.ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, phonebook o){stream << << " ";stream << "(" << o.areacode << ") ";stream << o.prefix << "-" << o.num << "\n";return stream; // must return stream}

int main(){phonebook a("Ted", 111, 555, 1234);phonebook b("Alice", 312, 555, 5768);phonebook c("Tom", 212, 555, 9991);cout << a << b << c;return 0;}

} keep the streams as general as possible

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• Skeleton:istream &operator>>(istream &stream, class_type &obj)


// body of extractor

return stream;


• istream => input stream.• 1st parameter =>reference to istream.• 2nd parameter => reference to an object

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Extractor for phonebook class:

istream &operator>>(istream &stream, phonebook &o){

cout << "Enter name: ";stream >>;cout << "Enter area code: ";stream >> o.areacode;cout << "Enter prefix: ";stream >> o.prefix;cout << "Enter number: ";stream >> o.num;cout << "\n";return stream;


/* Cout is used when the program interacts with console else these can be removed */

It can be made safe by defining it like,

If ( stream == cin ) cout << "Enter name: ";

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